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breathenbounce · 7 months ago
Throughout my life, I haven't made the best decisions. I went left instead of right when I should have stayed right and vice versa. I have hit when I should pass. I chose violence when things didn't go my way like a bratty little boy. I tried to bully when people made mistakes, and I couldn't take criticism to save my life. I felt like there was never a choice for me. I had to be this angry, disgruntled, young man and I was raised to believe that was the way it had to go. For years I believed that lie, felt sorry for myself when I caused all the havoc and chaos. Now I know better.
We tell ourselves stories to make ourselves feel better. Whether justifying terrible things we did to people, giving up on something we were working on, or procrastinating on something we need to take care, it's more comfortable to do so. We want to feel that feeling that we don't need to change. And beside do you know how much work we would have to do to change? Man forget that noise. However, I made the decision to get better, and it has been hard, hard work.
Every time I thought I was doing better, I was quickly slapped with the realization that I had more to learn. I had more layers of the onion I had to peel, and yes, they made me cry. I had a therapist who told me I needed to shed the asshole skin. I was nowhere near where I needed to be. And the thing was, when people challenged me on it, I would get really upset defensive and you guessed it, angry. I think I wanted the world to see what I was feeling and although many people said they saw changes; it wasn't everyone and deep down in my gut I knew there was still more layers to remove.
I would find myself on Facebook crying about my life and how unfair it was. One of the biggest lessons I have learned, and it's a stinger, is you are responsible for everything that happens to you. You make decisions, take risks, roll the dice if you will, and the outcome always is different. Sometimes favorable, sometimes not. However, I need to know I am the one who holds the keys. I drive the car as much as I can within reason. I blamed other people for their reactions to me, when in reality I pushed really hard. Yes, I have borderline, and that is something we do. However, that does not give me an excuse to be a shitbird.
One of the things I really have learned and honed in on is its always a good idea to think about how things affect other people. Then you ask yourself, would I like someone to do that to me. See I really didn't have the respect for myself that I should have. I would talk badly about myself, feel hopeless and depressed, and I took that out on people constantly. Even when I knew I was wrong and trying to grow. It really hurts to see what your experience has been, and how some people don't have the same experience you had.
Since my trip to Arizona, I have learned a lot about energy. How to attract good energy and how to do things differently. I faced many of my demons head on and did some amazing work. This summer I was forced to confront a lot of the stories I told myself finding out that many of them were bullshit. So, I had to do what any good yogi would do, I had to let that shit go man.
Once I did, things opened up. I realize I do have a say in what happens. I am practicing the art of response versus reaction. Noticing how I feel when I get triggered and remember it is I who assigns a trigger meaning. No one else. I am in full responsibility of what I say or do. I own all of it. The good, the bad, the ugly; all of it. I have finally come to terms with this.
The yin-yang is the merging of light and darkness. There is not one without the other, We can pride ourselves on that we do nothing wrong, but we are perfect. However, we are good if we continuously hold space for ourselves for self-love and forgiveness. Understanding practice makes progress, not perfection. Live life one breath, one moment at a time and feel everything and cherish it. And feel grateful for all of it.
And that my friends, is true happiness.
Love and namaste
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gamingamigos · 8 months ago
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repuddle · 8 months ago
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Faceit Premium Mission July 2024: Asiimov Assault - Overview
This month's (July) Faceit Premium mission for CS2 players is the 'Asiimov Assault'. Players can win an M4A4 | Asiimov Field-Tested after completing all challenges.
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cebozcom · 11 months ago
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Darmowy Wallhack w CS2 od Valve? To Nie Żart! | www.ceboz.com
Darmowy wbudowany wallhack w CS2 od Valve? To nie żart!
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monriatitans · 1 year ago
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Thursday, February 1, 2024
“You can’t undo what you’ve already done, but you can face up to it.” – Frank Coleridge, Silent Hill: Downpour
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gangmember69 · 1 year ago
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lagcats csgo cevo stats
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fishglides · 1 year ago
I am #Fishglides😎,this is my #stream, I suggest you support and #subscribe 😊I wish everyone a good mood😇. Бесконечные какатули
FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ► Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/fishglides ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fishglides ► ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/fishglides ► Тик Ток: https://www.tiktok.com/@fishglides ► Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/fishglides.official/
Не помешает. ► Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/fishglides ► Donate: https://streamelements.com/fishglides/tip ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0gZ2T2Q5pdSlrHDVaGXJg/join
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jlscreativecreations · 2 years ago
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Photographer- LaShonda Searcy Model- @pretty.ting2 #jlscreativecreations #🖤LSS #creativecreations #FortWorth #Texas #fortworthphotooftheday #photooftheday #fortworthphotography #facetime #Faceit #FortWorthphotographer #fortworthphoto #instaphotogrpher #photoshoot #People #Beautiful #ThePortraitProject #Portrait #PortraitLovers #Portraitfolk #PortraitPerfect #portraitfeed #InstaGood #texasphotographer #instaphotogrphylover #blue #profile #lssphotography (at DFW) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMMuGKTDZFF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evosbrave · 2 years ago
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Dia 7 de abril, o nosso compromisso é na ESL CSGO 5on5 Community Cup South America.
O jogos ocorrerão a partir das 20:00 BRT.
O torneio é formato eliminatório, e inicia e encerra no mesmo dia.
Uma iniciativa e realização de ESL FACEIT GROUP.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 3 months ago
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I love this clown team
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crimewave420 · 6 months ago
Gun to your head, if you could only play one competitive game forever from here on out, you going with Melee or CS?
probably melee since i actually compete in that, i love cs but i dont like play on a team or at a high level at all LOL
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gamingamigos · 8 days ago
ESL FACEIT Group Moves Operations to Ohio Following Layoffs in Burbank
ESL FACEIT Group is closing its Burbank, California studio and moving operations to Columbus, Ohio, affecting 20 to 30 employees in the process. While initial reports suggested widespread layoffs, ESL has clarified to The Esports Advocate that only a small number of employees will be let go, with most being offered opportunities to relocate or work remotely. The announcement follows closely on…
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repuddle · 10 months ago
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Faceit Premium Mission May 2024: Quick Draw - Overview
This month's (May) Faceit Premium mission for CS2 players is the 'Quick Draw'. Players can win an AWP | Graphite Factory-New after completing all challenges.
Click on the Source below to view the article:
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stopfunkinwmyheart · 7 months ago
Like is this really the world that we live in today. I’m expecting too much of people by thinking I’ll just play a game with no cheating. Nobody just plays games anymore?
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geekpopnews · 1 year ago
Snapdragon Pro Series traz grande evento presencial para o Brasil
Snapgragon Pro Series anuncia sua estreia presencial no Brasil: as finais do Garena Free Fire Mobile Challeng. #GarenaFreeFira #SnapgragonProSeries #SamsungGalaxy
A maior liga de jogos mobile, o Snapgragon Pro Series Powered by Samsung Galaxy, anuncia sua estreia presencial no Brasil: as finais do Garena Free Fire Mobile Challenge. Nos dias 24 a 25 de fevereiro, a Alfra Estúdios, em São Paulo, será palco de uma batalha épica entre 12 times de toda América Latina, que competirão por uma premiação total de US$35 mil. Foto: ESL FACEIT Snapgragon Pro…
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colakernet · 1 year ago
Faceit Steam Hesabi Degistirme
Faceit üzerinde Steam hesabını değiştirmek, oyun hesaplarınızı güncellemeniz veya başka bir Steam hesabına bağlamanız gerektiğinde oldukça yaygın bir ihtiyaçtır. İşte Faceit üzerinde Steam hesabını değiştirmek için adım adım bir rehber:
1. Faceit Hesabınıza Giriş Yapın:
Tarayıcınızı açın ve Faceit web sitesine gidin.
Hesabınıza giriş yapın. Eğer Faceit hesabınız yoksa, bir tane oluşturun.
2. Profilinize Gidin:
Ana sayfada, sağ üst köşede yer alan profil simgesine tıklayarak profilinize gidin.
3. Bağlı Hesaplar Sekmesine Geçin:
Profil sayfanızda, "Bağlı Hesaplar" veya benzeri bir sekmeye geçin. Bu genellikle profil bilgilerinizin altında yer alır.
4. Steam Hesabını Kaldırın:
"Bağlı Hesaplar" bölümünde, şu anda bağlı olan Steam hesabınızı bulun.
Steam hesabınızın üzerine gelerek genellikle bir çıkarma veya silme simgesine tıklayarak bu Steam hesabını Faceit hesabınızdan kaldırın.
5. Yeni Steam Hesabını Ekleyin:
Steam hesabınızı kaldırdıktan sonra, "Yeni Hesap Ekle" veya benzeri bir seçenekle yeni Steam hesabınızı Faceit hesabınıza ekleyin.
Yeni Steam hesabınıza giriş yapmak için Steam kimlik bilgilerinizi girmeniz istenebilir.
6. Onay ve Güncelleme:
Yeni Steam hesabınızı ekledikten sonra, değişiklikleri onaylayın veya güncelleyin. Bu genellikle bir "Kaydet" veya "Onayla" düğmesi ile yapılır.
7. Doğrulama Adımlarını Takip Edin:
Faceit, hesap değişikliklerini güvenlik nedenleriyle doğrulayabilir. İşlemi tamamlamak için gerekirse e-posta doğrulama veya diğer güvenlik adımlarını takip edin.
8. Kontrol Edin:
Hesap değişikliklerinizi kontrol edin ve yeni Steam hesabınızın başarıyla bağlandığından emin olun. Profil sayfanızda veya bağlı hesaplar bölümünde bu bilgileri görebilirsiniz.
Daha detaylı bilgi almak için https://www.colaker.net/oyun/faceit-steam-hesabi-degistirme/ adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Not: Steam hesap değişikliği sırasında dikkat edilmesi gereken bazı güvenlik önlemleri bulunabilir. Hesap değişikliği sırasında kullanıcı kimliğinizi doğrulamak ve hesap güvenliğini sağlamak amacıyla Faceit tarafından talep edilen bilgileri sağlamak önemlidir.
Bu adımları takip ederek, Faceit hesabınızdaki Steam hesabını değiştirebilir ve güncelleyebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: https://www.colaker.net/oyun/
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