twotales · 11 months
John "I'm fine."
Oh yes, yes you are.
Fucked up. Insecure. Neurotic. and Emotional.
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snzuu · 1 year
I just watched spider verse 2 yesterday.. masterpiece bro
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legendarykoalapolice · 2 months
You’ve seen a ghost like all
The colors left my eyes
I’m just fucked to, insecure
Neurotic, emotional
0 notes
dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
F.I.N.E || MV1
Pairing: Max Verstappen x teacher!reader Summary: When your student gets injured and you can’t get hold of her parents you try call an old contact number hoping he can help. Warnings: slight angst, fluff WC: 3.4K
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Max frowned at the unfamiliar number calling him. If it wasn’t for the fact it was a local number he would have ignored it but since few people had his personal number he decided to answer it. Immediately he was hit with the sound of high pitch cries and a soothing voice softly singing a lullaby that eased the knot of anxiety that had formed in an instant. 
“Hello, is this Max?” you asked when you realised the dual tone had stopped and the call had been answered. You shifted the child carefully on your lap and grabbed the old enrolment form to see the name again. “Max Verstappen?”
“Maxy?” the girl in your arms echoed with confusion.
“Yes, who is this?”
“Miss Y/L/N, I’m one of Penelope’s teachers. There’s been an incident and I found your number under her emergency contact list.”
“Oh no, sorry, there must be a mistake. You should call her mother or father. I’m not, we’re not, um, I shouldn’t be on that list anymore.”
You cringed as another piercing cry deafened your ear and you rubbed the little girl's back. “It hurts,” she whimpered.
“I know, sweetheart, someone will be here to get you shortly,” you replied softly and you hoped it was the truth. “Look, Max, I’ve tried every other contact number and no one is answering. Is there any way you could come down here? At least until I can get in touch with someone else.”
Max pinched the bridge of his nose but when he heard P’s shuddering cry he knew he had to go. “Okay, I’ll be there shortly.”
Max didn’t care if he got a parking ticket, he took the loading space right outside the preschool building. He likely would have gotten a speeding ticket too in his rush to cross the city but thankfully there weren’t any police in his path. 
Penelope wriggled in your arms as she spotted the stranger walking into the classroom. His eyes immediately found her and he crossed the space to where you sat holding her.
“Hey, P,” he greeted with a smile and knelt down at your height. “What’s happened, bug?”
Her little eyes welled up again as she lifted her bandaged wrist. “I fell off the playground.”
“I don’t think anything is broken but I would suggest having her doctor check to be sure.”
“I don’t know who her doctor is. I don’t even know what I’m doing here.”
“You’re contact details were-”
“Those must have been from when she started. Her mother and I haven’t been together for a while.”
“Oh, I see. I’m sorry to put this on you. I swear I tried every other phone number we have.”
Max nodded and his sigh sounded exhausted as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I just need to make a call. I’ll be back in a minute, bug.”
Max walked along the room, looking over the children’s artwork as he pressed his phone to his ear and waited. Eventually the call went to voicemail and his spine straightened tensely. “Kel, I’ve picked up P from daycare and I’m taking her to the hospital. Call me when you get this.”
You could see the man was stressed when he returned and his short hair pointed in all directions from the hand he kept nervously running through it. It was cute.
“Daniil is in Italy this week for work,” Max said as he returned to your side and picked up Penelope’s Prada backpack before opening his arms. “I’ll keep trying to get a hold of Kelly. Come on, bug.”
Lunchtime was coming to an end and children were starting to file back into the room, a few of the older ones stopping at staring wide eyed at Max. He was tall but not that tall or formidable to draw such a reaction but your question was answered when one of the boys ran to his picture on the wall. Timothée unpinned the drawing of a race car and ran up to Max, holding it out with a pencil.
“Sir, can you please sign this?”
Max looked used to the attention and took the pen with a polite, “Sure.” He stared at the picture for the moment after signing it and chuckled. “Is the RB20?”
Timothée nodded eagerly. “It’s my favourite.”
“Mine too,” he said as handed the picture back and smiled as it was crushed happily to the boy's chest. Max then carefully picked up Penelope, slowly so she wasn’t jostled, and his arms brushed yours. 
“If you need anything you have my number,” you reminded as the weight was lifted from your lap. “Children can be a little overwhelming if you’re not used to it.”
Max smiled fondly at Penelope and shook his head. “This isn’t new. I still have her room set up.”
“You do?” Penelope asked hopefully and Max turned his head as he cursed to himself. “Are we going to live with you again?”
“No, no, sorry, P,” he said softly. “I just haven’t had time to redecorate.”
“Oh.” You both winced at the defeated tone and you knew the fresh tears had nothing to do with her arm this time but you were saved by the bell as it spurred Max to toss the bag over his shoulder and look to the door.
“I hope you feel better soon, Penelope.”
“Thank you, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thank you,” Max echoed with a nod before departing.
All afternoon you were distracted with thoughts of the two of them until the final bell rang and you grabbed your phone. You had sporadically tried to contact Daniil and Kelly again but the calls went straight to voicemail every time and you found no returned calls.
Y/N: How is Penelope? Max: She is happy watching The Little Mermaid. She has a sprained wrist and the nurse complemented the bandaging so you should be proud. Y/N: And how are you? Max: I’m fine.
Max swore as the pot of water boiled over and he hissed as he grabbed the handle to find it was just as hot. He dropped his phone reaching for the teatowel and then P started calling out from the living room complaining that the movie was boring - the same movie she watched a thousand times and she had specifically asked for.
Y/N: My mentor used to tell me that stood for: freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional. Are you sure you are fine?
After turning the stove down to a simmer and wiping up the mess of water that had splashed across his floor he went and changed the movie to what would hopefully last longer than ten minutes before she changed her mind. Taking another attempt at making dinner, he grabbed a bag of pasta from his pantry and poured its entirety into the pot.
Max: I’m thinking I am definitely neurotic and possibly starting to freak out. Y/N: I couldn’t have that on my conscience. My offer still stands if you need some help. Max: You don’t have anyone you need to get home to? Y/N: My cat prefers his own company unless he’s hungry and he’s already been fed today so no. Max: I don’t want you to go out of your way. Y/N: I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t willing to follow through. Let me help. Please?
Max smiled at his phone before sending his address and looking around to see how tidy the place was. His jacket was tossed on the table instead of being hung up and Penelope’s bag was spilled across the entryway floor, not the first impression he wanted to make.
You entered the port address into your phone and locked the classroom behind you, feeling a little unsteady at the thought of seeing Max again. Penelope was a sweet child and she seemed comfortable with Max but you hadn’t really ever heard her talk about him before. You told yourself the only reason you were going there was to check on your student's wellbeing, but a small part of you wanted to see Max again.
You wondered if maybe he hadn’t heard your knock on the door or that you had the wrong apartment and you rapped your knuckles on it again before he called out. There was a crash and then a groan close to the door before it swung open and Max balanced on one leg.
“Uh, is everything okay?” you asked as he clutched his foot.
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he rushed before he caught the teasing curl of your brow and he froze before a smile grew on his lips. “Right, freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional.”
“You’re a quick learner.” You stepped inside at his invitation and he closed the door behind you while you rushed towards the burning smell in the kitchen. “Oh, wow.”
“Fucksake,” Max grumbled as he grabbed a wet tea towel before reaching for the tray of garlic bread in the oven. “Ouch, shit!”
“You said a naughty word,” Penelope called out from the next room like it was something that she regularly commented on. “That's another 20.”
Max sighed heavily as he looked at a jar on the bench that was already filled with cash. “Shit.”
“I heard that.”
“Shouldn’t you be watching your movie?”
You giggled at the amusing conversation before turning the tap to cold and taking Max’s hand. “Wet towels and hot trays make steam.”
He watched you guide his hand under the water and flinched as it hit the burn mark on his palm. “I don’t usually cook, if you couldn’t tell.”
“The life of a bachelor. Keep your hand there.” You moved with ease around his kitchen trying to save what was left of dinner but paused at a huge pot of pasta that had swelled up and pushed the lid half off. “Are you expecting a dozen other people?”
Max shrugged innocently. “I didn’t know how much to put in.”
“Well the good news is the top half is edible,” you stated after finding a colander and draining the pasta until only a thick layer remained stuck to the bottom of the pot. “Do you have any sauce?”
“What were you going to have with it?”
“Garlic bread.” You both looked at the charred sticks still smoking on the baking tray.
“Do you mind?” you asked as you pointed to his fridge and the cupboards around the kitchen.
“No, please. Go ahead.”
You checked the fridge first and you were pleasantly surprised to find it well stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables. “Do you live off salads or does all this go to waste?”
“Neither, my nutritionist comes by twice a week and he prepares the meals.”
For a moment you had forgotten his profession. You had googled his name after Timothée couldn’t stop talking about meeting the ‘Max Verstappen’. “That must be intense, and restricting. Does your social life suffer?”
“It’s not so bad. I still get to go out for dinner and have a few drinks when I want.” He started to pull his hand out from under the water but you tutted and caught his wrist, holding it back beneath the cold stream.
“Keep still,” you warned with a voice you saved for children who weren’t listening. “It needs 20 minutes under there.”
“You want me to stand here for twenty minutes?”
“No, science wants you to stay there for twenty minutes.”
“Are you a teacher or a nurse?” he asked with a playful roll of his eyes.
“Depends if it's halloween.”
His loud laugh made you smile and you eased your grip on his hand one finger at a time to see if he would stay where he was. He did. “I’ll behave, Miss Y/L/N.”
“You can call me Y//N.”
“I kind of like calling you Miss Y/L/N.”
You checked to see if he was serious but thankfully there was a teasing smile on his face before you returned to the fridge to gather some ingredients.
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By some small miracle dinner can’t have been too bad since everyone cleaned their plates of the pasta, though you thought they were likely being polite since you could still taste the hint of smoke from the bottom of the pan. Penelope had spent most of the meal asking Max if he remembered what they used to do when she lived there, how they used to go travelling and shopping. You got to see first hand how much patience the man had as he answered each question despite how it made him uncomfortable.
“You miss her,” you commented after she had gone back to the tv. Max started to collect the dishes with you and sighed as he placed them in the sink. 
“It was a big change when they moved out,” he spoke quietly and you stepped closer so you could hear better. “She kept asking if she did something wrong.”
“That must have been hard for you.” His eyes widened and you wondered what shocked him, but you had a feeling it was the fact someone showed concern for him. Even though you didn’t know the details of the break up, it was clear he had and still did care for Penelope and you felt sorry for him. “Can I hug you? I’m a hugger and I feel like you could really do with one.”
“You want to hug me?”
You tried to shrug it off casually. “If you want to. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Everyone needs a hug sometime.”
“I do,” he said quickly, very quickly, before he cleared his throat. “I mean, I-I wouldn’t mind a hug.”
You smiled at his tentativeness and stepped into his personal space, slipping your hands into the narrow openings between his limp arms and his body to curl around his waist. It took a moment for him to respond before his own arms embraced the comfort and curled around your back too.
“You smell really good, Max,” you complimented as you rested your head on his chest and caught the scent of his cologne.
“Thank you,” he chuckled, the amusement relaxing him even more until his entire body curved into yours. “I think you have playdough in your hair.”
You hummed in agreement. “Highly likely. You wouldn’t believe the places I find that stuff at the end of the day, glitter too.”
His bold laugh made you smile and you didn’t care it was at your own expense, you were just happy to know it was because of you. Unfortunately you didn’t have the chance to hear it again as his phone rang from the countertop and you saw Kelly’s name light up the screen.
“I should let you get that,” you said as you stepped back, instantly missing the warmth and his scent. “I’ll go keep Penelope company.”
Max waited for you to leave the kitchen before he accepted the call, his calm state evaporating in an instant. “What the hell, Kelly? Where have you been?”
“My phone was on flight mode, I was on a plane. Is P okay?”
“Her wrist is sprained but she’s alright now.” Max pinched the bridge of his nose and reminded himself to breathe. “Why would you leave her alone?”
“She wasn’t alone. Maria was meant to pick her up after school and I should have been home in time for dinner but my flight was delayed.”
“Who is Maria?”
“Her nanny.”
Max had to suppress the groan at the news. He knew Daniil hated the idea of a nanny and he had offered to have more custody so that P would be raised by her parents and not a stranger, but Kelly had vetoed that idea.
“Do you want to go out for dinner? I owe you.”
“No, we’ve already eaten.”
“Some other time then.”
Max made a non-committal sound, his eyes darting to the living room where he watched Penelope explain the movie to you. You were so attentive and patient, asking questions that had Penelope thinking deeper and using such a simple interaction as a learning opportunity. He could see why you suited being a teacher.
“Maybe,” he lied, “just let me know when you’re almost here and I’ll bring P out to you, I don’t want to confuse her any more.”
“Right, of course,” Kelly sighed. “I’ll see you soon, Max.”
Max made the most of the time he had left with P, abandoning the dishes so he could sit on the other side of her and watch the movie about a chef rat. She had cozied into his side with a yawn and nudged his arm until he eventually draped it over her shoulder. It was completely innocent but you couldn’t help noticing the heat of his hand touching your arm, the warmth spreading like wildfire.
The fire was doused when his phone vibrated and the moment to leave had come.
While he grabbed Penelope’s backpack, you grabbed your handbag and prepared your own goodbyes. It was silly to feel sad the evening had come to an end but you knew that you would likely never see Max again. You weren’t famous and he didn’t have children, your paths weren’t meant to cross.
“Have a good weekend, Penelope,” you said as you knelt down and gave her a hug. “I’ll see you bright and early on Monday.”
“Bye, Miss Y/L/N.”
You rose to your feet wondering where you stood with Max until he opened his arms. “Anytime you need a hug, you have my number,” you offered as you stepped into his embrace, no matter how unlikely that prospect was.
“Or if I’m feeling fine?”
You giggled and nodded against his chest. “Especially if you’re feeling fine.”
The walk to the elevator was slow, as if no one wanted the strange evening to end, but there was no stopping time as it began making its way down from the penthouse to the ground floor. The doors opened and you instantly spotted Kelly in the reception area, her elegant and effortless beauty reminding you that you still had playdough in your hair.
With one last look at the man beside you, you gave him a small smile and stepped away. “Goodbye, Max.”
He didn’t respond as you headed to the valet area but he pulled his phone out of his pocket and yours vibrated a moment later.
Max: Are you okay?
Y/N: I’m fine.
Max: Me too. Emotional, you?
Y/N: Insecure.
Max: Want a hug?
You stopped and turned to see Max hand Penelope’s bag over before struggling to separate the girl from where she clung to his leg. She didn’t know, couldn’t see how it was hurting Max, but you could. So you waited, and when the mother and daughter had departed you stepped into the elevator with the subdued man, slipping your hand into his.
The elevator rose quickly and you watched Max’s throat bounce with the deep swallow he made before he choked out a broken, “Fuck.”
“I feel like I should remind you about the swear jar,” you teased as you bumped your shoulder gently against his arm. “But I’ll let you off this once because I have a soft spot for you.”
He looked down at you from the corner of his eye and you saw some of the sadness fading from them. “Does that make me the teacher's pet?”
You gasped dramatically and clutched your chest with your free hand. “I could never bestow such high praise after just one day.”
“What are your plans tomorrow then?” he asked with a smirk as the doors opened and he pulled his house key out of his pocket.
“I don’t have any.”
“Lovely, now are you going to answer my question?” He stepped inside the apartment and opened his arms. “Did you want a hug?”
Your smile chased away more of the shadows in his eyes and the last of it was erased when you stepped into his arms with an eager nod. “I will never say no to a hug.”
His chest bounced with a laugh and you felt him rest his cheek on your head with a contented sigh. “That is very good to know.”
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
Just Pretend-ten
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: I don't think you guys understand how broken this gif made us. Fuck, creating it killed me! Also, during the hotel scene, listen to snuff by slipknot. It's on the playlist! Some eggs from other songs on the playlist throughout the chapter as well! Enjoy my loves!
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here
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My heart raced as Jolly and I met each other in the dimly lit hotel hallway, sleep still heavy in our eyes and bones. When he called me a few minutes ago, I rushed out of bed where I was crashing in Matt’s room and knew that it could have been about one thing.
“What happened?” I asked.
Jolly ran a hand over his exhausted face. “I don’t know. I haven’t walked inside yet and I’m afraid of what I’m going to see.”
“Y/N. He kicked me out earlier tonight because she was coming by,” I said, remembering suddenly.
“Shit,” Jolly cursed before nodding behind me towards Folio. “No matter what we walk into, we don’t judge him. Whatever happened fucked him up enough that he needs to write a song at three in the morning.”
Folio agreed. “How bad is he?”
I shrugged. “I guess we’ll see.”
Jolly turned towards the door and knocked gently.
The voice that called back was not Noah; this voice sounded broken, and distant, with the single word that was uttered.
“It’s me,” Jolly spoke through the door.
Realizing that Noah was most likely not in a state to answer the door, I handed Jolly my room key and we all sucked in a breath when the light on the lock turned green; us walking into the room one at a time. There was music playing, soft beats echoing off the wall, and I hoped no one would complain to the front desk about the noise.
My bed was still as I left it but Noah’s bed was disheveled with a pair of underwear that clearly weren’t his and a small piece of what I expected was a condom wrapper. Noah’s original clothes from earlier that evening were on the floor at the edge of the bed.
Noah was on the floor leaning against the wall with a bottle of Hennessy in hand, more than half gone, and his hair was in a disarray of braids.
“Noah,” Jolly said quietly while bending down in front of him.
He waved a hand in front of his face as his head bobbed slowly. “I’m good, man. I just wanted to get this beat down. It’s in my head.”
“She wouldn’t stay, would she?” I questioned while motioning towards the bed.
“Didn’t need to. Jus’ friends. ‘S’all it’s come to. She didn’t need to and I don’t really fucking care. I don’t. No sweat off ma back,” he finished the rest of the bottle before letting it slip from his fingers. “I’m fine. F.I.N.E.”
The three of us shared a painful wince as he spelled out the word two more times.
As if whoever was watching over us from above, just then that specific song by Too Close To Touch came blasting through the small portable speaker Noah always brought with.
“See?” Noah pointed to the air around him. “Even fucking Keaton is telling you guys I’m fine.”
But then, he slammed his head against the wall behind him as his bottom lip trembled, his chest caving in at hearing his best friend's voice play throughout the room. Noah was only rubbing more salt in his wounds and fuck, they burned.
“Why the fuck aren’t you here, man?” he choked out. “You knew her better than us. What did I do? Why’d she leave?”
Keaton’s name felt like ice in our hearts and I knew it was a stabbing pain through Noah’s chest.
“Whatever,” Noah grumbled, wiping angrily at his face. “Her decision; bad decision. Fuck her. I need to write.”
“Noah, come on, don’t say shit you’re gonna regret,” Folio spoke. “You can’t write when you’re drunk. You know that.”
“M’not. She jus’ my good friend. I fucking knew I wasn’t enough for her.”
He was far gone, not even realizing that Folio and I stood behind Jolly, our own somber expressions weighing heavily on our faces.
Finally, his eyes opened and when he saw all three of us, Noah groaned.
“Oh, great ya called them?” He pointed towards us. “I don wanna hear I told you so, erm stubborn. Yadayadsa.”
His words slurred together, stumbling over his tongue.
Folio peered around the room, counting the empty bottles. “I’m counting two.”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Apparently he’s been sitting here awhile.”
“You know I can’t stay; you deserve better than me,” Noah chuckled, imitating Y/N’s voice.
Jolly peered over his shoulder at us and his lips were pulled in a tight line, all of us thinking the same thing.
“Noah” I sighed with my hands on my hips.
His head snapped up, eyes red with tears so close to falling but they wouldn’t. Noah was always in control of his emotions; he refused to cry in front of us.
“She told me what I felt, she told me what I wanted and what I didn’t. Didn’t give me a fucking say about anything before she walked the fuck out. Left. Gone,” he rambled on.
“She’s going through-,” Folio started.
“Fuck that,” Noah seethed with clenched fists in his lap. “I don’-don’t care right now, in this moment. She fucking stole my heart and took it with ‘er. Jus’ friends.”
The last two words sounded bitter on his tongue, like acid.
While we let him wallow in the pain, I motioned for Jolly and Folio to walk to the other side of the room, out of earshot from Noah.
“Should we ask Malcom or Chase what the fuck happened?” Jolly asked.
“Do you think she told them?” Folio wondered.
I shrugged while crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t doubt that. She likes him, we know she does. It’s clear.”
“Then why did she leave?” Jolly questioned, his own pain for Noah making his jaw clench. “What the fuck happened to make her leave?”
I gazed over to Noah, my heart falling into my stomach at the broken sight of my brother. “He jumped. He jumped but Y/N wasn’t there yet.”
The three of us made a quick plan of action before Jolly and Folio went to help Noah up off the floor, his limp body dragging on the floor.
“Noah let’s get into bed,” Folio suggested.
“No. I need to finish this beat, and these fuckin’ lyrics in my head,” he pushed himself away from them, standing on two shaky feet but standing. He smacked his forehead over and over.
Jolly nodded. “We will, but first you need to get some sleep.”
He glared at the bed in front of him, a mess of the decision they made together.
“…the pillow.. she was on that one,” Noah pointed. “It smells like that fucking perfume, I don-wanna inhale that shit right now.”
There was so much venom in his voice when he spoke about Y/N and there was a part of me that hoped this wouldn’t last long. He had every right to be upset with her; he gave her his heart, and she walked away.
“Alright, then let’s get you some sleep in mine,” I said.
He licked his lips, an unreadable look flashing in bloodshot eyes. “I still fucking taste her. It’s a poison that I should have fucking avoided.”
“Can’t help you with that, brother,” Folio tried to joke.
No one laughed
“No. I need to finish this-,” Noah stumbled over to his suitcase to snatch a piece of paper and pen, something he always kept on him.
I stepped in front of him to hold him steady, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. It was as if it was trying to break free to chase after Y/N; just for her to stomp on it again.
No, I shook my head, you can’t let your own anger deter you from trying to fix Noah. You can be angry about the situation but not her. It’s no one's fault.
“You don’t like to write when you’re not home,” I tried to take the pen and paper away from him.
“I don’ care nicKLas.” He pushed past me to fall onto his bed, ass first on the pillow. “I have to, right now.”
Sensing the sudden thick tension, not knowing what the next thing would be that would set him off, Jolly gave a slow nod toward Noah.
“Alright. Let it go, man. Let us hear it.”
Even though they weren’t written down, Noah still burned his gaze into the empty page in front of him. Through the slurred words, the ache that poured out of him brought chills to my bones.
“How quick it gets lonely here at the top. Her skin feels unholy but I’m still drawn. The morals I’m holding, you know they’re gone.”
Fuck, that was good.
Noah’s eyes snapped over to us. “Why aren’t you helping me get down this beat?”
I held my arms out to the empty room. “We don’t have our stuff here Noah, this isn’t usually how we do this.”
“Fuck,” he ran a shaky hand over his chin. “Ok well then here! Voice clip it.”
While he tossed his phone to Jolly, who barely caught it in time, I gave Folio a look of luck before slipping out of the room, almost running into Matt who stood at the open doorway.
“Who the fuck is blasting Snuff by Slipknot at four in the morning?” He asked with fury.
No doubt someone called the front desk and complained who in turn complained to Matt.
“Woah, what the fuck is going on right now?” Matt took a tentative step into the room, eyeing the situation.
“Didn’t you hear, fucker?” Noah whipped his head towards us so fast, that the braids smacked around his face. “She ran away, she’s the fuckin same.”
He hiccuped a sob. “Angels lie to keep control.”
“Fuck's sake,” Jolly pinched his nose with a sigh.
I gave Matt’s shoulder a squeeze. “Just keep an eye on Noah, he’s not in a good place right now.”
“Fuck, don’t tell me-,” he stuffed his hands into the pocket of his sweater.
“Just- let me handle it man,” I slipped past him out of the room and quick steps took me to the elevator.
I bounced on the soles of my feet as I repeatedly pushed the down floor button and cursed when the doors finally opened. Blackness took over as I let the images of Noah sitting there broken carry me to the room, hand pounding on the door.
Time be damned. I couldn't care less if she was asleep right now. How could she be asleep while my best friend, my brother, was fucking dying on the inside?
Not again. I refused to let him sink for another.
“Nick?” Chase squinted with the sudden light blasting in from the hallway. “Everything alright?”
“Where is she?”
He continued to stare at me with narrowed eyes. “Who? Y/N?”
“Yes,” I nodded. “Is she here?”
I tried to peer past him but only saw someone with auburn curls walk behind Chase, leaving a gentle hand on his back. “What’s going on?”
“Nick’s looking for Y/N,” Chase informed Malcolm.
He stared at me confused. “Last I heard she was going to hang out with Noah. Did something happen?”
“What the fuck do you think?” I snapped but then let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be an asshole but she left. Noah’s a fucking wreck. It seemed like they had a great time- so what’s the deal? I thought she cared for him. Why, why would she hurt my friend?”
I was the middle child, great at negotiating, great at being the middle man. The one who would try to settle things. I was on Noah’s side with this one, she’s my friend, but he’s my brother. Even I didn’t see this coming. I tried to remain neutral when I asked them and tried not to look annoyed.
“Dude- she does, she cares for him a lot,” Malcolm spoke while tying up his curls. “Noah makes her so happy. We haven’t seen her glow like that in years, I just- I don’t know. We don’t know why she would leave. Unless…”
Chase quickly pushed Malcolm back into the room slightly. “Dude, no. That’s not our business to tell. She has to be the one to decide.”
“What?!” I asked.
They knew something, and I needed to know; right now.
“That’s her business, not ours,” Chase said, rubbing his head.
“What?,” I scoffed. “Is she fucking dying or something? Is she okay?”
“No, no, she’s fine. All I’ll say is she does things in her life that can require extra attention. But like I said, that’s not for us to discuss, even with you man, sorry,” he pauses and says again. “Is he- is Noah alright?”
“Honestly? No. He isn’t, he’s drunk and writing right now. He’s gonna feel like hell when we have to leave for the airport in a few hours.”
Malcolm sighed. “I’m sorry dude. When Y/N comes back, we’re going to have to have a long talk. We know she cares for your friend, Nick. Her heart is in the right place- we just don’t know where the hell her mind is. We’ll figure it out.”
I nod and smile slightly, in agreement. My eyes want to convey a lot more. Y/N’s a good person, but she broke my friend's heart tonight. This is why I was so hesitant about this relationship with him and Y/N. I warned Noah not to jump yet, but he did.
All I could do right now until she came back was nod a quick thanks to them and hope that Y/N would confide in them. I wanted to fix my friend's broken soul so often, and so often I tried and succeeded. I wasn’t sure I could with this one- I needed to let them go through this on their own. But I’ll be damned if I let my friend suffer.
“Alright well, let me know what you find out, please.”
“Absolutely, anytime man. We’ll talk,” Chase reassured with a nod, Malcolm bumping fists with mine.
When I made it back to Noah’s room, I noticed the guys huddled around Noah’s slumped body in the bed, clutching the pillow Y/N laid on close to his chest, snoring loudly, and another empty bottle of Hennessy next to him.
“Shit,” I breathed. “Another one?”
Matt sighed defeated. “We tried, man. But his strength when he’s drunk and angry is something not to mess with. You know that.”
I nodded because I knew that. All too well.
“He only fell asleep about five minutes ago. I don’t know how we’re going to get him up in two hours so we can make our flights,” Folio wondered.
“We’ll figure it out,” I assured them. “Did he finish writing?”
“Yeah,” Matt slowly went towards the end of the bed, gently pulling the book from under Noah’s arm; pen falling from his hands.
“What does it say?” My brows raised as I took the paper in my hands; my brothers' broken words staring back at me.
Bitter ends to the nights. I’m along for the ride. Out of breath, out of time. Everything has a price. You can be all I got, what’s the difference? Hennessy and a lot of bad decisions. All I know, all I know is bad, bad decisions.
“Gotta admit, it’s fucking good,” Jolly said while he read the lyrics over my shoulder.
I bit my lip. “Yeah.”
Folio yawned loudly while stretching, exhausted body falling onto my bed. “Get ready boys because once we’re home, we won’t have a moment of peace. We’re writing a new record.”
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You could cut the tension with a knife in this boarding gate right now.
The sun barely broke through the thick glass of the windows as Bad Omens and Hollow Souls sat on other ends of the gate, waiting for our flights to be called. With tired but intent eyes, I watched Noah as he kept his eyes cast down to his hands, fingers intertwining with each other as he picked away the black nail polish. It was as though it was his subconscious way of chipping pieces of Y/N away, the way he washed his hands in the restroom earlier, scrubbing her off him.
His nails were surely, going to bleed if he kept picking at them, I wanted to intervene, say stop that. I needed him to process his feelings. I so badly wanted to scream in this airport, wake the fuck up, to them both. But I kept my reservations.
And just like him, Y/N looked rough. It was clear neither of them, or well any of us got any sleep last night.
Where the fuck did they go so wrong together?
Noah had been a fan of hers ever since that night on my pull-out couch but the first time they met each other almost 2 months ago, their eyes were bright with a vibrant gaze. Almost like searchlights attempting to find something. The lights found it, but they were almost too intense, almost like bystanders. Through all the confusion, I knew deep within me it wouldn’t be long until the searchlights were searching again, just a matter of when.
We weren’t allowed to see what was being found. We should have looked away, and avoided the crash. But to see them now, those same eyes swollen, discolored and raw red, the blood vessels wanting to leave their faces made it harder to look away.
Noah ran a hand through his hair, now out of the braids and cascading around his shoulder, and let his eyes graze over towards Y/N, who was resting her head against Chase's shoulder. It was brief, the look of agony in them, but he looked away before she could catch him.
The airline called out for Vegas first; Chase and Y/N’s flight. Then our flight back home to LA was called out seconds later.
Those two sets of eyes, continue to gaze and plead and beg until their shoulders are tapped, Jolly to Noah and Chase to Y/N. As he stood, Noah adjusted the bag on his shoulder and waved his fingers in a peace sign toward the three members of Hollow Souls. This wasn’t how we wanted our new friendships and tour to end.
He wants to be in her life. He still does, otherwise, he wouldn’t have done that. I thought to myself as I noticed Y/N gave her one peace sign to all of us.
She’s sorry, she wants him in her life and regrets it.
I could fucking see it. This was going to be a long ride with these two.
As we all stood with our carry-on bags, ready to walk towards our gate, I gave Chase a knowing nod who immediately pulled out his phone, avoiding the eyes of Y/N, to send me a message.
I’ll tell you everything
Noah slept the entire flight, not speaking a word or even opening his eyes. Now, as we pulled up to the house he said with Jolly, Orie, Michael, and Jesse, Noah still had yet to say one word. Folio offered to stay with but we knew he had someone to meet back home in Virginia so we told him we had it from here.
“You sure?” Folio asked before we boarded the plane.
I nodded. “Yeah, go back to Virgina. Tell her we said hey.”
I, on the other hand, was a different story.
“I’m not going home right now,” I told Noah as I set my bags down in their living room. They had little extra space, but I didn’t care. I’d sleep on the couch as long as I was near my brother. “I won’t leave you in this state, Noah.”
“Nick, I’m a grown man. I’ll be alright,” he sighed while popping open the bottle of aspirin, and swallowing two pills dry.
For the hangover.
“I know you are,” I nodded. “Just let me be there for you, okay?”
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If it wasn’t terrible enough that not only did my fucking love life shut down, but the world had to as well?
Two months. It’s been almost two months since the tour ended and this pandemic took over the world, forcing us to stay stuck inside. While the rest of the guys went stir-crazy after the first few weeks, I spent the solace writing, drinking, and trying to forget about her.
The latter lasted only a few minutes once we returned home; her scent being stained into my skin, her touch engraved deep into my bones it made it hard to get out of bed. I see her in all my mirrors. Her reflection was haunting me relentlessly like a ghost.
Hennessy and Jack have become my friends in the last few weeks at home. I knew the guys were worried; I didn’t need them to worry. I was fine.
Y/N and I are friends.
Right, then how come you haven’t texted her in weeks?
Because she’s been busy with the move, I retorted back to my own thoughts.
Malcolm texted our Hollow Omens group chat to let us know that Y/N was settling in nicely in their new apartment in Los Angeles. We can come by anytime for a housewarming party but immediately I ignored that. Wouldn’t it be fucking awkward?
Trey wasn’t home when she and Chase showed up to pack her things so they could leave without incident.
Even with her cat Salem.
Chase sent a few pictures of the cat in the group chat, long black fur lying on his chest. I never responded, simply liking the messages before setting my phone on silent the rest of the night. I noticed that Y/N rarely ever responded in the chat as well, only when Chase or Malcolm would ask her something but she would only reply with emojis or a short ‘ok.’
The pandemic was only getting started and I could feel the suffocation kick in. I felt alone; utterly alone. I put all my heart into this one woman, a woman I yearned for, for a long time.
The loud ringing of the doorbell pulled me from my melancholy thoughts and I sighed, almost forgetting I ordered food an hour ago. I was in such a trance I hadn’t realized the noise of the loud bell eased me out of my rocking back and forth on the couch.
I didn’t even notice I did that.
I took a massive swig of my jack and clenched my teeth as it burned all the way down my throat, heart racing a mile a minute.
Calm down, calm down.
Time slowed, or passed by in a blaze? I wasn’t sure the longer I sat in the somewhat dark living room, open but untouched food container on the table in front of me as the chicken scratch of my handwriting teased back at me.
Why’s this always gotta happen to me? I should have known. I never fail to never learn from mistakes, still throwing stones. Blood signed, we made it a pact. Yours dried out; you took it back.
The alcohol was like battery acid as I took another large swing of Jack but it wasn’t kicking in strong enough. I kept swinging until the burn covered up my pain.
Harper’s soft whines from her perch next to me on the couch pulled at my heartstrings so knowing Orie wasn’t here, I fed her a few pieces of my cold dinner.
The front door opened, voices carrying from the entryway into the living room and my heart hammered with the panic of them seeing me like this. I hid the bottle under the pillow and tossed the small bag into the garbage from my food.
“Shit, Noah. Why are you sitting in the dark?” Jolly asked while turning on the lamp next to the sofa I was sitting on.
“Hi,” My voice was soft because now with the bright lights, the room was spinning.
“You working on another song?” He eyed the bottle that stuck out from behind the pillow, irritation in his eyes.
They matched my own.
I chewed roughly on my bottom lip. “Yes, man, what do you think?”
“Don’t be hostile, go eat and let me look over it,” Jolly motioned to my food while he reached for the pad of paper.
“You can’t just tell me what to do,” I snapped while reaching for it before he could.
“Noah, you gotta eat so you don’t get hungover. Let me look at the song,” he took the pad of paper and walked over to the other side of the room. Once he fell into the chair in the corner of the room, Jolly nodded up at me. “Fucking eat, Noah”
I sighed and grabbed my food to chew slowly, “Okay Dad”
Jesse stalked into the living room a few moments later while stuffing his phone into his pocket. “Nick said there might be news of the ban lifting completely by the end of the month. Which means we can get a change of scenery. Might be good for us.”
Holy Hades, this is one of those times I wished I lived alone.
Shortly after getting back home, the pandemic started and Nick ended up getting stuck with us in LA. He didn’t mind, more time for us to hang and chill, but now that procedures were lifting slowly at a time, he took the first opportunity to fly back to Virginia to get things settled there.
“Hey,” Jesse sat on the arm of Jolly’s chair. “Is this another song?”
Even though my head was throbbing with the ongoing hangover, I leaned back into the couch while nodding and Harper now rested her whole body in my lap. “It’s the third one.”
“Oh? Nice! Let me see” He began flipping through the pages.
Normally, I’d jump and take the book from his hands, but right now this room was in spirals. I was sick to my knees. All I wanted to do was call her, and have her tell me it’ll be fine. But I wasn’t ready to talk to her yet, and she wasn’t ready to talk to me either.
Malcolm texted me the other day, outside of the Hollow Omens group chat to tell me that Y/N wasn’t doing okay and she missed me. She wanted to talk to me and wanted us over one night when the bans were lifted. But if that was the truth, then how come the last text I had on my phone from her was right before she came to my hotel room that night?
Her unholy skin tasted like the forbidden fruit, all the morals we held that night gone. No gods, no religion. Just our bad decisions. Memories of the way she looked while on top of me burned into my brain and I couldn’t forget the way she felt coming undone.
It paralyzed me so much so that I left Malcolm on read for two days.
Thanks man, glad it worked out. Be in touch.
Snapping out of my drunken thoughts, I noticed Jesse was still reading the pages, not giving a damn I’m leaving my heart out on the table in front of him, bleeding all over while he was reading it.
“Bad Decisions. Nice,” Jesse nodded before flipping back to the new song I was working on. “Nowhere to go? Angsty. I like it.”
I shrugged and stopped mid-chew. “Yeah, I know. It’s what I do, Jesse.”
Arrogant? No, it was smart; I had to channel this shit somewhere. I knew this, no matter what, I’ll always write a fucking song. I wanted to panic, and I did, but the liquor was doing its job.
Jolly went to grab the guitar while Jesse moved to the couch, Harper now lying in his lap.
As I reached for the bottle of Jack this time, Jolly hastily ripped it from my hands and to exhausted to fight, I let him.
“No. Let’s add a chorus to Nowhere To Go, yeah?”
“Sure, yeah, I got something in mind.” I took the notebook back to jot some more words down.
After a few moments, I read the entire thing a few times, making sure it was perfect before I gave it to him.
“Start with this?” He asked.
I nodded then soon, my thoughts became words into the air.
“Hear me out, I’m sorry, but I’m a little less than sold. I’ve been around, heard all the stories you said you never told. You’re used to speaking in tongues to feel like you’re in control. Now you’ve got nowhere to run, now you’ve got nowhere to go. Tell me what’s mine and tell me what’s yours. Why I never got a say, never got a choice? Tell me what’s mine and tell me what’s yours. Why I never got a say, never got a choice?”
“Fuck, that sounds amazing, Noah. Let’s finish this.” Jolly mused,
That night, we finished Bad Decisions and Nowhere to Go.
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Noah began smoking weed again, on top of all the alcohol he’d been consuming the last few weeks, he was on a downward spiral. It was only in small doses but that’s how the drinking started; he took up this faux savior persona.
“I can save myself,” he’d say after one of us would bring up how worried we were about him.
It was a load of shit. Any of us could tell you that.
This was the first time I’d seen him since the tour ended, all those months ago, but time away did nothing to help his mental state. Noah was breaking, piece by piece, and now that the ban lifted, we could visit again. Hence Nick and I were hanging out in their living room, a soft beat of music playing on the speakers.
Noah came bounding down the stairs, smelling of whiskey and weed, eyes glassy, rosy, and filled with rage. His hands were full of ink as he’d been writing nonstop, with everlasting consistency.
As he cascaded, his stomps were harsh, and if he realized it, Noah didn’t give a shit. When he reached into the kitchen and slammed the cupboard door wide open, he grabbed a bag of pita chips with tight force, breaking a few chips no doubt.
“Why are these almost gone? I just fucking bought them?” He snapped with a smart-ass attitude.
All of us eyed each other wearily, unsure how or even if we should respond but it was Orie who muttered under his breath. “We had some with the hummus we bought earlier. Chill the fuck out, Noah. It’s not that deep.”
Noah tossed the bag onto the counter. “It is that deep when it's something of mine. Fucking ass if you want it. Why is it so hard for people to communicate?”
Michael, who usually was the quiet, almost forgotten one, finally snapped. “We’re being patient with you. But we’re not your fucking punching bag.”
Jolly’s head snapped over to Michael from his spot on the floor in front of the couch with wide eyes full of heat, I was sure vanilla ice cream would melt. Jolly was the one who let all of us know to take it easy on Noah; it was a hard time in his life, and the last thing he needed was one of us fighting with him.
Noah hadn’t spoken to Y/N in weeks and we could physically see the imaginary soul ties that bound them together withering away, even though they were within miles of each other now that she lived here. Miles apart but still couldn’t gain the fucking courage to grow up and speak to each other.
Michael sighed his apology while running a hand over his face. “We’re here for you, man. We’re being patient. But you can’t keep going on like this.”
“You’re drowning right now and the painful to watch, you haven’t been this bad in years. Let us help you,” Nick spoke with a shaky breath.
Out of all of us, it hurt him the most to see Noah like this because he’d seen it before; only this time it was worse.
“You can’t help me, nothing to help me with. I’m fine,” Noah shrugged before reaching for another beer.
“You’re in denial and it’s ridiculous,” I said, tired of seeing and hearing the same bullshit. “Noah, I think you should see someone.”
“A shrink? Seriously?” He snorted.
“I think it can help you, besides the way music does,” I offered.
“I don’t need you to help me, I just want the racing to stop. The racing in my mind going miles a minute,” He slammed a finger to the side of his head repeatedly. “We have so much shit to do, and I can’t see anything but what happened right now. It’s a fuckin loop in my brain. Everything just keeps glitching.”
Noah then paced the length of the kitchen, red sweater pulled tightly against his chest and hood over his eyes.
“I’m- I’m sorry man, I’m sorry I just- fuck” he spat, a tear fell out of his eye but was quick to wipe it away.
Vulnerability be damned
“We’re your friends, we love you. We were stuck in this fucking house together for months. We can’t go anywhere and you don’t want us to worry? Well, too fucking bad because we do,” Orie explained with a tense-looking Harper in his lap.
She didn’t like the sudden noise but didn’t want to leave her dad.
Noah’s glossy eyes took in all our faces one by one, lingering a few seconds longer than the last.
“I just need time, I don’t know how to handle this, it’s- it’s weird for me. I’m uncomfortable. I don’t think I’ve fallen this hard, this fast,” he admitted while swallowing the lump in his throat.
That much was true. He’s had exes, one-night stands; hell, he’s been in love before- but I’ve never seen it develop this way. We’ve never seen him fall from such a high altitude this quickly. His guards are usually pointed like sharp knives, but it was so easy for him to dull them down for her.
I only hoped Y/N knew that. This was a big deal. I watched my friend crumble and crack like glass.
Time would only tell when they would repair the damage done here. I only hoped it would soon because we hated to see him bruise so easily. He’s right on the edge I fear, one more thing, one more thing and he’ll fall completely into a darkness we wouldn’t be able to pull him from.
“All I do is drink to numb the pain because all the good days we had together got taken away when my head turned on. I keep asking myself ‘why am I not good enough for her?’ How the fuck can I be good enough for her when I don’t even know what good enough is?”
None of us had an answer for him; the only one that did, he was purposely ignoring.
With a lone tear falling from his eyes, Noah wiped it away with the back of his hand, sniffles echoing in the kitchen.
“It’s so hard to watch myself win when a loser's all I've been.”
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I lay in my bed, neon glows emanating from behind my bed soaking the walls, as I stared up at the ceiling. My mind was racing so face in pace with my heart and I tried so hard to just breathe; fucking breathe to ease it. This pain was like a burning coal I was walking but within a second, all the pain was gone. I couldn’t take it anymore, the drinking, smoking, and not eating affected my health. I was skin on bones at this point.
Keaton's voice rang in my ears. “You’re a shell, Noah. Holding in these shattered nerves. A skeleton that's lost its skin and desperately wants back in.”
Tattooed hands covered my face as I blew a shaky breath into them.
“I need a sign from you, man. Give me something to know I haven’t messed it up yet,” I cried.
A second later, my phone buzzed from the spot on my bed, and through cloudy tears, I sucked in a breath when I saw Chase’s name appear with a new text.
Chase: Hey man, I haven’t heard from you the last few days, I wanted to check in with you. I know this may seem out of nowhere, but we’re worried about you and just hope you’re doing alright.
I stared up at the ceiling again, my heart relaxing its frenzied beat for a moment. “Thank you.”
Hey, all good. Sorry for the late reply. Appreciate it, doing just fine.
Chase: that’s great, but I’ve been hearing other things, so I don’t buy that. Look, again, this isn’t my place but I know Y/N hurt you that night. I can’t sit here and apologize on her behalf, but, I can at least tell you this: she isn’t doing well either; and as someone with two fucking eyes; I can see how much you mean to each other. Some birdies have been telling me you’re drinking yourself into a coma and acting a fool. I apologize for the harshness, but let me ask you this, do you think Y/N wants another Trey? You’re fucking better than that, aren’t you? Do you want to end up as another deadbeat musician with nothing to show for it but a bottle? No, I don’t know you that well but I can see you’re not that guy.
Do yourself a favor and do fucking better. Because she deserves better and so do you. So y’all can sort this soap opera shit out. Talk to you soon, I fucking hope. ✌️
With my phone clattering to the floor, the message left on read, I continued to lie in my bed; the pillow suffocating my mouth and nose.
“I’m not Trey. I’m fucking better than him,” I sat up quickly in bed, my hangover still raging inside my head.
Music is all I have, it’s all lived for-that was until I met her.
With the small get-together happening downstairs still, I ran to the bathroom across the hall to throw up any contents of lingering alcohol and pita chips. I washed my face and brushed my hair out, for the first time in weeks looking somewhat presentable.
“Get it together, you fucking dick.” I pointed a firm finger at my reflection in the mirror, thankful I didn’t see the ghost of Y/N staring back at me. “Do it for the band, do it for your music. Do it for her.”
To some, my shaky words might not have a strong belief but they did to me. It left me with the belief that miracles, no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable, are real and can occur without regard to the natural order of things. Keaton’s sign proved that.
“Just come back to me,” I whispered with trembling lips.
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i-wish-this-was-me · 11 months
Favorite fic part. 2
3. Carlos Sains:
Something celebratory (+LN) (Smut)
Just relax (+CL) (smut)
Isn't it funny? (smut)
Rulebreaker (smut)
Sweaty summer (smut)
Kinks and random (smut)
Embarrassment (smut)
Face sitting (smut)
Keep going (smut)
Twisted (smut)
Love 'em (smut)!
A game of red Part.1; Part.2; Part.3 (+CL) (smut, fluff at the very end)
Don't leave me professor (smut, fluff at end)
Him sleeping on your boobs (smutish)
Whispers (fluff)
Good night babe (fluff)
Soup is a good start (fluff)
Perfect for my love (fluff)
Naps and cuddles (fluff)
Move the blanket (fluff)
5. Max Verstappen:
I can do it better (Smut)
You know (smut)
Never too much (smut)
Something mean (smut)
Heat (+DR) (smut)
Too stressed (+OP) (smut)
Sad sucking (smut)
Mean, dom Max (smut)
Head (smut)
Thigh riding (smut)
Podium finishers (+CL, LN) (smut)
What happens in vegas (+CL) (smut) (love this)
First time squirtig (smut)
Riding him (smut)
Virgin reader (smut)
Keeping count (smut)!
Not shaved (sweet smut)
Pass me the salt (suggestive)
Sneaking around with Horner's daughter (suggestive)
Him wearing Horner!readr's purity ring (fluff)
Babygirl (fluff)
I'd run and hide with you (fluff)
F.I.N.E (fluff)
Soft boi (fluff)
Cookies (fluff)
Premium air? (fluff)
What happens in Vegas (fluff?)
Die hard romantic (fluff)
Someday it will be ok (platonic) (fluff)
Matching bracelets (fluff)
Touch her & you die (fluff)
A voice to fear (fluff)
Naps and cuddles (fluff)
Aristocat (fluff)
Human blanket (fluff)
Be safe (fluff)
Rookies, Rivals, Race wins & Rough crashes (fluff)
Herbal tea (fluff)!
Valid (fluff)
Matching (fluff)
Need a hug? (fluff)
Jealous trouble (fluff)
135 notes · View notes
Aerosmith F.I.N.E. Live capital centre Landover, Maryland. December 17Th...
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Hailey Van Lith as your girlfriend headcannons (Part 2)
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She liked you all along
When you thought she had went out with someone else you were devastated you’d hope it wasn’t true but you were too afraid to ask her
So one day at this song by Avril Lavigne called nobody’s fool was playing in the schools hallway at random
You just walked passed her hoping she wouldn’t notice you but she did
“(Y/n) wait!” She said to you. You kept walking and ignoring her
“(Y/n)! Hailey said. “(Y/n)! (Y/n)!”
You were irritated and you turned around. “What Hailey? What do you want?!” You said as you were annoyed
Hailey just looked at you. And the way you yelled it got mostly everyone’s attention as they looked at you and Hailey. She couldn’t say what she wanted to. “Nothing. Me and Jalen we uh..We are gonna go to the ice cream place afterwards. Wanna go with us?” She asked you.
”No. I’m fine”. You said
“Fine?” Hailey asked
“Yes! F.I.N.E fine! Why did you invite anyway? I’m just gonna be a third wheel so you and Jalen can swap spit and swallow each other's tongues”. You said. And you walked away.
”(Y/n) wait”. Said Hailey.
And you turned around. And you looked at her. “I asked you out because that’s where he works. And because I wanna take you out. Ask you out on a date”. She said.
And now you felt bad. “Oh. So you’re not fuck buddies or boyfriend and girlfriend with Jalen?” You asked.
”What? No”. Said Hailey.
”I thought you were together. I’m sorry I yelled”. You said.
Hailey hugged you. “And he has a girl he likes named Paige. And…I wanted to ask you out so I found the best and most fresh ice cream place in town. And that’s where Jalen works so we will get a student discount. I’m sorry if you thought otherwise that me and him are together”. She said
And you hugged her back. “I’ll go on a date with you”. You said to her
She smiled. “Hehe okay! But I want you to be with me as my girlfriend. If you accept”. She said.
You smiled. “I will. I accept”. You said.
“Yaaayyy!!!” Hailey yelled and everyone cheered.
Your first kiss with Hailey was certainly one you always loved and wanted to have
She’d kiss you so much you thought your lips would disappear into hers
She loves to fight for you
And to be your protector
And when you go for a bike ride she says if anything to call her or text her
She is a cuddle bug. A cuddle master
She loves to cuddle you all hours every minute of the day
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leeminhoswrld · 9 months
Please help me
"What's wrong?" WHAT'S WRONG, YOU ASK. Hyunjin has a new peircing and I hav 0 FUCKING IDEA if it's real. Also Bubble just shut down WHAT THE FUCK. WHY. WHY. I had Bubble 3 times. 3 LUCKY, GOOD OL TIMES. HOW THE HELL WILL SKZ CONTACT US NOW??? YOUTUBES COMMENT SECTION? NO. Also hoes be posting skz without their permission. Stupid as hell fuck y'all. ALSO PPL ON TWITTER SAID THAT SEUNGMIN LOOKS WAYY BETTER IRL AND THE CAMERA DOESNT ACTUALLY GET A SHOT OF HIS REAL BEAUTY. HE. MUST. BE. ONE. F.I.N.E. MF TO LOOK ETHREAL ON CAMERA BUT LOOK BETTER IRL. I WANNA SEE. Istg if Stray Kids disband before being able to go to one of their god damn concerts I'll disband from life. Whoopsie daisy, I'm crazy asf. Oh well! Love you lots, XOXO.
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stardestroyerss · 1 month
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edutainer2022 · 1 year
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So that's like Scott's customized version of FAB - F.I.N.E.
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classyladysworld · 4 months
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Definition of F.I.N.E. :
F. Fucked Up
I. Insecure
N. Neurotic
E. Emotional
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Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: M for themes
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: CC-5052 | Bly & CC-2224 | Cody & CC-1010 | Fox & CC-6454 | Ponds & CT-7567 | Rex & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-4477 | Thire, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-5869 | Stone, CC-1010 | Fox & Clone Commander Thorn, CC-1010 | Fox & Original Clone Trooper Character(s)
Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-4477 | Thire, CC-5869 | Stone, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-6454 | Ponds, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-5052 | Bly, CT-7567 | Rex, Coruscant Guard - Character
Additional Tags: Coruscant Guard Bingo, Depression, mentioned rape/non-con, Sleep Deprivation, Sadness, bad things happen to the Guard, CC-1010 | Fox Needs A Hug, He gets several but he's still not alright, Coruscant Guard Troopers as Family (Star Wars), Angst, I think this classifies as, Hurt/Comfort, but it's a small amount of comfort, still there tho, Chatting & Messaging, just small sections of it
Series: Part 1 of Coruscant Guard Bingo Card
My fill for the "Depression" space on my Coruscant Guard Bingo Card! -- Yeah I'm fine If "F" is for feeling overwhelmed And "I" is for "I'm not alright" Yeah I'm fine If "N" is for not being able to sleep "E" for every night Yeah I'm fine --Fine by Kyle Hume Commander Fox is F.I.N.E.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
Formula One - One Shots
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Charles Leclerc Leap of Faith || CL16 - fluffy blurb Too Good Prequel || CL16 -angst/fluff Going Public || CL16 - fluffy blurb A Little Longer || CL16 - fluff/smut request Pick Ups || CL16 - blurb Expensive Affection || CL16 - request Licence to Thrill || CL16 - request All That Matters || CL16 - hurt/comfort Undercover || CL16 - angst/hurt/comfort Fallen || Bonus || CL16 - supernatural au Your Safe Place || CL16 - hurt/comfort A Step Too Far || CL16 - hurt/comfort Mistakes || CL16 - angst/smut Little Lion Man || MV1 & CL16 - Mafia!AU What a Mess || CL16 - smut Used to be Young || CL16 - hurt/comfort The Bucket List || CL16 - hurt/comfort Harmony || CL16 - fluff Grounded || LN4 & CL16 - fluff Ghost Whisperer || CL16 - hurt/comfort Life Lessons || CL16 - smut For the love of god(dess) || CL16 - fluff/angst
Max Verstappen Too Good || MV1 - angsty blurb Tangled Up In You || MV1 - fluffy request Story Time || LN4 & MV1 - fluffy blurb Schrödinger's Cat || MV1 - blurb Little Lion Man || MV1 & CL16 - Mafia!AU F.I.N.E || MV1 - fluff The Real Prize || MV1 - smut
Lando Norris Sod’s Law || LN4 - blurb Say Please || sub!Lando - smut request The Exception || LN4 - blurb Story Time || LN4 & MV1 - fluffy blurb Dead Man Walking || Part Two || LN4 - angst/smut The Fine Line || LN4 - smut request Best Friends Share Everything || LN4 & CS55 - fluff Meet the Parents || LN4 - blurb We've Got Tonight || LN4 - angst/fluff Setting Him Free || Meant To Be || Yours, Always || LN4 - angst/happy ending Pretty Necklace || sub!Lando - smut Pity Fuck || Part Two || LN4 - smut Grounded || LN4 & CL16 - fluff Belle Mort || LN4 - smut You Came, You Called || LN4 - angst/fluff Life is like a Box of Chocolates || LandOscar - smut Boy Toys || CarLando - smut Angel || LN4 - fluff
Carlos Sainz Jr Afterglow || CS55 - smut request Addicted || CS55 - blurb Chilly Chilli || CS55 - blurb Best Friends Share Everything || LN4 & CS55 - fluff Red Flags || CS55 - smut Boy Toys || CarLando - smut The Uphill Battle || CS55 - angst/smut
Misc. Romantic at Heart || DR3 - fluff Declaration of Independence || LS2 - hurt/comfort Bee Stings and Butterfly Kisses || SV5 - fluff Privacy || PG10 - angst blurb End of the Road || LH44 - angst/fluff Under the Mistletoe || OP81 - fluff Life is like a Box of Chocolates || LandOscar - smut It Started With A…|| CarLandOscar - angst/fluff
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i-wish-this-was-me · 7 months
Favorite fics (Max)
5. Max Verstappen:
I can do it better (Smut)
You know (smut)
Never too much (smut)
Something mean (smut)
Heat (+DR) (smut)
Too stressed (+OP) (smut)
Sad sucking (smut)
Mean, dom Max (smut)
Head (smut)
Thigh riding (smut)
Podium finishers (+CL, LN) (smut)
What happens in vegas (+CL) (smut) (love this)
First time squirtig (smut)
Riding him (smut)
Virgin reader (smut)
Keeping count (smut)!
Meant to stay open (smut)!
Eye contact (+CL) (smut)
Keep going (+CL) (smut)
Not shaved (sweet smut)
Pass me the salt (suggestive)
Sneaking around with Horner's daughter (suggestive)
Him wearing Horner!readr's purity ring (fluff)
Babygirl (fluff)
I'd run and hide with you (fluff)
F.I.N.E (fluff)
Soft boi (fluff)
Cookies (fluff)
Premium air? (fluff)
What happens in Vegas (fluff?)
Die hard romantic (fluff)
Someday it will be ok (platonic) (fluff)
Matching bracelets (fluff)
Touch her & you die (fluff)
A voice to fear (fluff)
Naps and cuddles (fluff)
Aristocat (fluff)
Human blanket (fluff)
Be safe (fluff)
Rookies, Rivals, Race wins & Rough crashes (fluff)
Herbal tea (fluff)!
Valid (fluff)
Matching (fluff)
Need a hug? (fluff)
Jealous trouble (fluff)
A little protective (fluff)
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F.I.N.E. · Aerosmith
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