#F: Productivity
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kalpeavaris · 2 months ago
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the scientists really put a bunch of bisexual old women in one place and expected them not to be gay huh
aka pt2 of me refusing to putting clothes on Nori (and Yeva)
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corey-wh0re · 2 months ago
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If we wanna survive...we have to make it until dawn. Until Dawn (2025) | written by Blair Butler & Gary Dauberman & directed by David F. Sandberg
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soapcan18 · 4 months ago
Losing my mind over the idea of Max in Nerdy Prudes Must Die being gender swapped/played by a female actress so Grace’s fantasies become doubly horrible in her mind (sex + homosexuality) AHHH IT SCRATCHES SUCH A SPECIFIC PART OF MY BRAIN I NEEED TO SEE IT
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dragons-hoard-of-fandoms · 2 years ago
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I will never stop being a white-hot dumpster fire of NUzi trash and you’re just gonna have to learn to accept that.
Really wish I'd posted this before Episode 6, tho. I think you can guess why.
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buffetlicious · 12 days ago
Recommended by her colleague, sis bought limited edition Magnolia Banana Low Fat Flavoured Milk (946ml) from NTUC. Combines the tasty goodness of low fat milk with the fun flavour of Banana! Free Minions Tote Bag with the purchase of 2 x 946ml cartons of the milk. There are six designs to choose from while stocks last.
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Selected images from Magnolia and Giant Singapore.
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rambrandt-the-painter · 5 months ago
Check out my pins, stickers, and prints!
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its all on my Ko-Fi shop
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bambeptin · 11 months ago
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studentbyday · 3 months ago
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a day in recovery 🤒
~a brief morning~
the day begins with bed rotting, which serendipitously leads to this ted talk, which reminds me it's okay to not be okay, and i get up. i will take a nap this afternoon.
it's almost noon.
breakfast, brush teeth, brain fog, laundry. by the time the clothes are in the washer, my body feels like lead.
let me just write down the due dates for this semester, and then i'll shower, and then sleep.
a filled calendar and a 2h documentary (for the cancer course 🤓) later, i had a very late lunch and finished the laundry. i forgot how tired i was after writing the due dates...i never know if it's a good thing, the compulsive urge to check off a school-related task. but i've gotten better at choosing tasks that are suitable for my energy levels. the excitement of the documentary woke me up.
now, for the shower. i'm not so sure when i'll have that nap.
~an evening cut short~
made myself eat dinner at a sane time to fix my sleep schedule. and then i went to bed ridiculously early.
also @zzzzzestforlife tagged me to do this quiz. thanks zesty! twas a cool quiz (ghibli meets monet with a dash of unsettling *shudder*)
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tagging @chemblrish @study-with-aura @winryrockbellwannabe @academicfever @ohyespotatous if you wanna :)
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spanishyumejoshi · 4 months ago
I watched the inside out series and.... Omg xeni is so f/o material
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silusvesuius · 4 months ago
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i finally have this and i couldn't be happier
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<33 <3 <3 <3 <33333333333333<3
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showing him some of my art
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kalpeavaris · 2 months ago
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[ the morning without her ]
[ Peace came upon me And it leaves me weak So sleep, silent angel Go to sleep ]
"the air that i breathe" -the hollies
staring at my Nori x Yeva one-shot that's currently still in the drafting stage, staring intently because this artwork's based off of it :']] I love these two old women man...
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inkwell-selfships · 3 months ago
being normal about him rn (I'm not!)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 27 days ago
Power Play (Imprisoning War)
Zelda couldn’t really get a moment’s peace, and it was starting to drive her a little insane today.
With the war over, she’d developed new daily habits and schedules. Some rituals from the war bled over, such as her morning meeting with her council, gathering information on the events around Hyrule. During the war, she’d spend the next few hours discussing matters with the war council, but as that was no longer an issue, she spent the remainder of her morning allowing her people to have an audience with her. The nobles typically were there as well, watching and waiting for opportunities, and they would swarm her by midday. Her court would gobble up the rest of her time, and by evening she was exhausted.
Her pregnancy had not helped matters.
Mornings were spent trying not to throw up while she received news of her kingdom. She’d nearly grown hysterical when someone from House Laruson had tried to talk to her. She’d already snapped at Impa earlier for no apparent reason.
She didn’t even know who she was anymore. Her body didn’t feel like her own. She’d only just barely started to show signs of the life she was growing, and it was both magical and terrifying.
She wondered if this was how her mother felt. Probably not. Her mother had hardly been queen for more than a few months, and she’d married into the royal family, so it wasn’t the same. But she wondered if her pregnancy had felt like this.
Would Zelda die too from giving birth? Would she bleed as her mother had?
And now that she could no longer hide her pregnancy from the world, she felt even more vulnerable and terrified.
She hated feeling this scared. She hated having to find somewhere to hide every few hours so she could cry. She hadn’t even had the chance to do that today, simply faking a cough or a sneeze to hide her face long enough to wipe the tears away. A member of House Serenne had kindly offered that perhaps she should take time off until she was capable of fulfilling her duties again, had kindly said his house would happily take up the slack.
As if they needed any more excuse to claim more power.
When Zelda rounded the corner, frazzled and angry and dizzy as she was, she nearly ran into Impa yet again.
She burst into tears.
Her closest advisor stared at her a moment, blinking, eyes wide, and Zelda wanted to just lock herself in a closet. Lady Impa pulled out a handkerchief, handing it gently to the queen, who buried her face in it.
“Your Majesty, let’s go outside,” the Sheikah chief advised.
Zelda listened, sniffling and trying to get herself together as she was guided outdoors. She wasn’t entirely sure where Impa was taking her, but they seemed to walk for quite some time. Her world was spinning, and she stumbled a little on the last few steps, feet slipping out of her sandals. It was blessedly cool out, as the days had grown stiflingly hot from summer, making the castle nearly unbearable sometimes in the throne room. She had almost foregone wearing the tan fabric that draped over her light blue sleeveless dress. She was surprised the skin paint on her arms hadn’t started to drip away with her sweat. But out here, the breeze blew gently, a cool relief, and her desperate, quiet sobs turned to hiccups.
When they finally stopped, Zelda wiped her face with the handkerchief and looked up. They were in one of the more secluded gardens of the castle, an area that she had sometimes visited with her father in the rare moments they’d actually spent time in the same space before the war. It had been one of his favorite spots. A small fountain sat in the center of the space, which was sequestered from the rest of the gardens by a gate, and flower bushes of all sorts lined the area in a circular pattern, making it an enclosed nesting place for fuzzy buzzing insects and all kinds of birds. The sound of trickling water filled her mind, filtering out the words of everyone clawing for her attention and power all day, and birdsong filled the air. The sky was pink and gold, a last sigh of light from the sun, dying embers fading beyond the castle walls as night came to take over and bring an end to her miserable day.
Zelda found the stone bench where her father used to sit, and she started crying again.
Impa put a hand on her shoulder, and Zelda immediately turned to her, burying her face in the woman’s neck. Impa’s hand slid to her back, the other carefully cupping the back of her head, and she just held her as the eighteen-year-old queen finally just let down her barriers and wept uncontrollably.
She wished she could talk to her father. He had never really been one to give her advice on anything, but he had always listened… at least before the war.
Maybe she was just being stupid. She just wanted to keep being held and cry until she didn’t have the energy to move.
But she couldn’t sit still that long. She was queen, and if she didn’t step up, someone else would. Someone who was undeserving, someone who craved power and control, someone she couldn’t afford to let anywhere near her people or her kingdom. Zelda had to keep everything and everyone in line.
It was just getting harder to do, and she felt lonelier every day.
At least she had Impa.
She wished she had Link too. She hadn’t seen him for over a week, at a dinner celebrating the completion of one of the restoration projects. It was a smaller one, but Zelda had thought it worth celebrating any victory they could have. Link had barely spoken, but he’d kept a careful eye on her the entire night; at the time, he was one of a select few who knew she was pregnant.
“What’s wrong, Zelda?” Lady Impa asked softly.
Zelda hiccuped, realizing she really had just sobbed on the poor woman with no context whatsoever. It almost made her laugh, but embarrassment won out.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, pulling away, feeling like a disaster. “I—it’s nothing.”
Honestly, she would have been better off saying nothing than such a pathetic excuse for a lie. She was fairly certain her unborn child could have done a better job of trying to brush off the issue.
To her credit, Lady Impa knew better than to push, giving Zelda a moment to take a breath. She didn’t feel comfortable confiding everything in the woman, despite how completely trustworthy she was – Zelda had never truly confided in anyone. She’d gotten close with Impa and Link, but ever since the wedding she’d steadily felt a growing sting of betrayal towards Link. It just… didn’t sit right with her, the way he refused to step up and do his duty.
Well, he had stepped up in some ways. He’d helped her create this child, after all. But she’d had to order him and drag him to everything and anything else. She was growing tired of it and hadn’t bothered tracking him down in the last week.
She was beginning to wonder if he even cared.
But she couldn’t say such things to Impa. As much as she wanted to, she knew Lady Impa also loved Link. Perhaps she could offer insight on the matter, but…
But Zelda didn’t want to get into it. She just wanted it to be resolved. Sighing, she simply said, “I have a lot on my mind, and this pregnancy… well, I don’t really have any frame of reference for it. I don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t, and it’s… scaring me a little.”
At least she was being honest about that. And the Sheikah chief smiled a little, offering, “I can have one of the midwives of Kakariko come speak with you, if you like.”
Honestly… she would like that. She wasn’t sure if it would make her more anxious or less, but at least it would offer her information. She hated being in the dark like this, out of control and blind. She nodded, feeling a little better. “Yes, thank you. I… I would like that.”
With that, the queen rose, feeling a little more like herself, tears drying in the breeze. She had one more matter to attend to today, and then she would go to her bedchamber and rest. Lady Impa gave her one last reassuring smile before saying she would speak to her people on the matter this evening.
As Zelda walked the halls alone, the last vestiges of dusk spilled into one of the training courtyards, glimmering on blades as they clashed.
Link panted as he looked down at his opponent. His dulled training blade had made quick work of the man, chipping at his armor and knocking him to the cobblestone. The soldier huffed as the others cheered for the king consort.
One of the few Sheikah in the area, Simek, approached. “That should be enough for the day, Your Majesty. I believe you defeated all of the contenders.”
Link felt like he’d hardly done as much, but the ache in his bad leg indicated he might actually need to take a break; it hardly ever bothered him unless he overexerted himself. Sighing, he sheathed the training sword, backing away as the soldier dusted himself off and stood.
He’d been sparring since noon. He supposed that made it a good day. At least he’d managed to get outside.
He wondered how long he could sustain a life like this, where his primary benchmark that it had been a success was that he’d managed to get out of bed. He shook his head, disgusted with himself, and walked indoors, mood souring.
Maybe a bath would help him feel a little better. Or he should probably check on Zelda; despite avoiding her immediately after their marriage, he’d tried to ensure she was safe once he’d found out about the baby. He swore he’d heard the servants speaking of the queen’s pregnancy. Was it finally showing?
He wasn’t… he wasn’t sure he wanted to see her, then. Anxiety filled his stomach, making him nauseous. He shook his head, though, trying to push beyond it. He was being more than pathetic, he was being downright childish.
He didn’t understand why it was getting harder every day to just function, why he was feeling steadily more trapped as the reality of his situation truly settled in, and he hated it.
Sighing, he rubbed dirt and sweat off his forehead and wandered the halls aimlessly. He wasn’t entirely sure which direction he was going, and he paused, trying to reorient himself.
Something nagged him all of a sudden, as if he were forgetting to do a task, or had misplaced something. He looked around and stared when he caught notice of it.
The hallway was empty.
“Your Majesty?”
Startled, Link turned around hastily, feeling on edge. A guard watched him, and then said, “Your Majesty, Queen Zelda requests your presence in the throne room.”
Off balance, Link nodded, moving to follow the guard towards the center of the castle.
It was nighttime. Why was Zelda in the throne room? Was she okay?
This hallway was empty.
No castle hallway was empty. One to two guards always flanked an entrance to each corridor, the number varying based on the location. Link had spent hours of time doing such assignments for years as a castle guard.
Link froze.
The guard turned. “Your Majesty? Is everything all right?”
“Where are the guards?” Link asked, voice heavy.
The soldier blinked, eyes darting around the area. “The… guards, sire? I’m right here.”
“Why does the queen want me?” Link continued, taking a calculated step towards the Hylian.
“I’m not sure, Your Majesty,” the guard answered, facing him more fully. He had stiffened his posture.
He was gearing up for a fight.
Link crouched quickly, reaching for the knife he hid in his boot. He moved fast enough to catch the man off guard, but the soldier still drew his blade as Link darted toward him. The knife dug in easily between plates of armor, making the man gasp and fall to the ground.
Adrenaline rushed through him like ice, and then he burst into motion.
Zelda. I have to get to her.
He knew where she definitely wasn’t – the guard wouldn’t have been trying to guide him to her if he wanted her dead. The throne room was either an ambush or a ruse, but no matter what, Zelda wasn’t there.
How many people were involved in this? Where were the guards who were supposed to be there?
Link tore down the hallway to find the usual regimen of soldiers in the halls once more, and his panic downgraded a hair, long enough for him to realize this couldn’t be across the entire castle. He demanded, “Where’s the queen?”
The soldiers jumped, caught off guard, and one reported, “I believe she’s going to her quarters, sire—”
That was all Link needed. He rushed ahead.
Meanwhile, Zelda had finally sat heavily on the chair in front of her vanity, slowly wiping away skin paint as she tried to unwind for the day. One of her servants approached, but she dismissed her with a wave and request, just wanting to be alone.
The maid didn’t leave.
Across the castle, Impa received a report that two Hylian guards had been found dead, tucked away in a closet. Simek reported in that he’d been trying to find Link and instead found another guard down with Link’s knife in his abdomen. The guard himself had pulled the blade out when Simek had demanded to know what was going on, bleeding to death quickly.
Which meant it was an assassin.
The Sheikah were placed on high alert, and Impa immediately ordered for the king and queen to be found.
It was easy to find the king, at least, as he shoved his way through anyone in his path, but impossible to keep up with him.
As for the queen, Zelda slowly turned to the maid, directly saying, “I told you to leave.”
The maid didn’t speak, drawing closer as she reached into her sleeve, and Zelda felt her heart jump into her throat. She rose quickly, toppling over the chair she’d been sitting on, warm magic at her fingers as she cast a familiar barrier between herself and the attacker, who had brandished a blade in the time it had taken her to cast the spell. It was sloppily formed, and without the extra help of the Triforce of Wisdom to boost its power, it might not even last long.
This attacker was not Ganondorf, though. She did not wield a Triforce piece, nor have enough magic to destroy the castle. In fact, she looked surprised that Zelda had used any magic at all.
Nevertheless, she started to slash at the barrier, not interested in using Zelda as bait like Ganondorf had months ago. Instead, she wore on the magic’s defenses, and Zelda gasped as the barrier shattered.
The voice was distant but distinct, and it might as well have been a deliverance right then and there with the relief the queen felt. “Link! Link, I’m in my room, come q—”
Zelda screamed as her attacker brought her blade (was that a scimitar?!) down on her, but the door burst open, and Link had a guardian sword tearing into the woman’s chest before she could finish the blow. Zelda looked away, horrified, still seeing the glow of the Sheikah weapon in her peripheral vision until Link retracted it. The imposter fell to the floor with a loud thud.
Her husband was at her side in an instant, hands on her shoulders, red eyes searching her from head to toe. “Are you hurt?”
Zelda shook her head, breathless and terrified, and she reached for him, holding him and trembling. He reciprocated the hug tightly, but she could feel his head turning as he continued to watch their surroundings.
“Are there more?” She asked, voice shaking.
Footsteps approached, and Link released her in an instant, positioning her behind him protectively as he drew his sword once more, but only Sheikah entered the room, followed swiftly by Lady Impa.
“There’s a fake guard,” Link immediately said. “Down in—”
“Simek found him,” Lady Impa confirmed, nodding. “But he killed himself before we could interrogate him.”
“Are they Gerudo?” One of the Sheikah asked, glancing at the attacker’s weapon.
“What?” Link hissed, looking at the floor. He kicked the attacker’s body, shoving her on to her back with his boot, and looked her over. “She doesn’t look remotely Gerudo. Whoever planned this, they were going to leave this sword here to frame them.”
“Don’t be so hasty to come to conclusions—” Simek tried to say, but Link snapped, cutting him off.
“This wasn’t the Gerudo, they aren’t this sloppy. Do you not recall their assault to steal the Triforce? When they plan a mission, it’s far more organized than this.”
Zelda didn’t know what was happening. She just wanted it to be over. Her hand rested over her abdomen, heart racing.
Link’s face was flushed, red eyes murderous as he looked around the room and focused on the attacker once more. She hadn’t seen him this worked up or focused since they’d fought Ganondorf. But his gaze softened when he looked at her once more, though only to an extent. Rage turned to analysis, examining her again, tinged with worry, before he turned to Lady Impa. “Gather the bodies. I’ll meet you in the council room. We need to figure out who did this. Simek, take five men and guard her.”
“No,” Zelda said suddenly, trying to take control of what had happened. “I—I’ll go with you. We can figure this out together.”
Link watched her a moment, face stony, but he didn’t argue. Nodding, he motioned for her to stay close to him. She obliged, her mind and heart racing.
How had—what had—how did they even get into the castle—
She tried to center herself, tried to look at this as a puzzle instead of a terrifying attempt on her life, on her baby’s life.
Goddesses. The baby.
“They’re doing this because I’m pregnant,” she whispered shakily, hands going to her child protectively.
“News hasn’t traveled that quickly, has it?” Simek asked.
“Not fast enough to leave Castle Town, I don’t think,” Lady Impa muttered. “There could be many reasons for this attack.”
Link and Zelda exchanged a look as the Sheikah elders deliberated the matter. Understanding settled between them, the same kind that they used to share during the war.
The nobles.
It was a bold accusation to make, and one that would need very hard evidence. Zelda wasn’t sure they would even be able to get such evidence from two dead bodies and no other leads. The issue became more apparent as they discussed possibilities in the council room. Every single noble house had an alibi, based on the information Lady Impa could gather.
Simek was convinced it was Gerudo spies who had managed to get the information to their chief. Link shot the idea down every time. Zelda herself knew it was possible, but not very likely. After all, though she did not know Hemisi very well, there were a few things she could glean that immediately shut down any argument about it being a Gerudo attack.
Most notably, Hemisi was a woman of action. She would do this herself rather than send someone. If she were to use an assassin, though, she would have warned the attackers about Zelda’s magic, and most especially about Link’s fighting prowess.
These attackers had managed to infiltrate the castle and set themselves up in the perfect places, but they hadn’t been prepared enough. They had underestimated Zelda’s ability to defend herself, and they had assumed Link would just go along with the guard’s ploy blindly.
This reeked of the nobility’s folly and arrogance. Zelda could tell just from the assumptions made behind the maneuvers. Link could tell from the sloppiness of the assault.
Despite both monarchs pointing this out, though, Lady Impa made a statement they couldn’t counter.
“No one will ever believe such accusations without adequate proof, not just deductions. If you arrest a noble, assuming you could figure out which one staged it, it would look like tyranny.”
Link bit his lip, cheeks flushing in frustration. Zelda felt similarly, but she understood the politics of the matter far better. Still, she could at least say, “An attack is an attack, though. We will increase security so they do not get a chance to try again. Lady Impa, I trust you can be discreet and watch them?”
“Absolutely,” she confirmed, eyes hard. “I will call back the Sheikah from the field. Your security is a priority.”
Zelda swallowed, not quite sure she wanted all the forces she’d sent out to return, but far too scared for her child’s safety to argue. Was this the true purpose, she wondered? Stalling reinforcing Hyrule’s crippled military?
What was there to gain from such folly? The nobles were far more paranoid about the Gerudo than Zelda was.
It was far more likely they simply thought the assassination attempt would actually succeed. Zelda shuddered thinking about it.
“We’ll dispose of the bodies,” Simek finally said as the meeting was coming to an end.
“No,” Link ordered, standing. “I will handle the bodies.”
Before Zelda could question the matter, he turned to her. “Get some rest. Lady Impa will guard you.”
For a moment, Zelda didn’t know what to do. Link was hardly ever this decisive and calculated, certainly not in the months since their marriage. She felt hope glimmer in her heart, a faith restored in him that had been fracturing. She nodded. “Okay.”
As the queen was escorted back to her quarters, which had been tidied up in her absence, Link fumed, marching towards the place where the bodies were being held.
He knew the nobles were power hungry and selfish. He knew that. But to think they would make an attempt on the queen’s life, on her unborn child and heir. Of course they would try now, when they thought she was most vulnerable, when Link was quiet and sticking to the shadows, barely able to get out of bed, hardly noticed by the public.
After giving up his freedom to save Hyrule, there were still enemies who would dare try to harm others. And they were Hylians.
He wasn’t sure if he hated them as much as Ganondorf, or if he would need more time to nurture such a disdain.
Do you actually hate him, though?
Link jerked his head in a violent attempt to shake the thought. Of course he did. And it didn’t matter anymore, anyway.
What mattered was sending a message. The queen’s hands were tied, but Link’s were not.
In the morning, the queen’s court slowly trickled its way into the throne room. Daylight spilled in through the large windows, shining on armor, illuminating symbols of Hyrule’s history and royal family. People squinted as the sun stung their eyes, startling them awake.
Daylight reflected on a puddle on the floor, dull, dull red and drying. Sunlight didn’t hurt the blank eyes that stared into nothing.
Nobles gasped as they saw the two bodies on the floor in front of the stairs that led to the throne. An uneasy chatter rang around the room as the crowd instinctively backed away before their gaze moved upward.
Link sat on the throne, sword propped in front of him. It’s blade sank into the carpet as his left hand lazily rested overtop the hilt, red eyes tearing into everyone who looked at him. The evidence of the nobility’s crimes remained motionless at his feet.
He didn’t have to say anything. Nor did they. Everyone had already heard the news of an attempt on the queen’s life. Everyone knew what this meant. The room grew dead silent.
After he’d looked over every single face, Link slowly rose, and he motioned to the guards to take the bodies away. Shortly after, the herald pronounced Zelda’s arrival, and Link walked down the stairs as she entered the throne room, unaware of what had just happened. Link offered her a hand to help her up the stairs, a purposeful gesture that he knew everyone was noting, and then knelt when she sat at the throne.
Then he left the room, left the queen to her own battlefield, and went to bed, anger slowly extinguishing as his point had been made.
There was never another attempt like that again.
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lainalit · 1 year ago
Every women over the age of 20 in this fandom who still calls Tamlin "Tampon" peaked in High school💀
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gael-garcia · 1 year ago
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CASSANDRO (2023, Roger Ross Williams) Production Design: JC Molina, Cinematography: Matias Penachino
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Heyooo! I spent the last year creating an incredibly self indulgent Ronadora Pinup calendar!
❤💜Pre0rder here!! ❤💜
I'm putting them up for preorder from today (12/06/23) to 12/16/23! Orders are to United States only, for now. This is my first time selling, so plz be kind ;w;
(And shoutout to @biscuitgeekery for the awesome product photos!)
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