madexinxheaven · 3 years
@whoxyouxhate​ said: 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? @ the mains
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“I always figured it would happen eventually.”
Caitlyn’s affections to the idea of motherhood are born first from her family life; Being an only child to two VERY loving parents. And second from the mess that had become of the slums. From saving Vi and taking her in as her partner in the L.G.D to the lab experiments and kids saved INADVERTANTLY when she was just tryna rescue her parents... Caitlyn has and always will have a soft spot for kids. I mean, how could she NOT with memories of her mom rocking her on the way from Victoria? With memories of her dad teaching her how to shoot? With memories of them getting her very first RIFLE at eighteen? How could she NOT want to do that herself? For her own kids? Of course, nowadays, Jayce has disillusioned her to the idea. But maybe if she’d ever be able to find a love that DIDN’T burn out...
“Maybe there’s still time...”
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“Me? Kids? I... Can’t say I’ve really thought about it...?” 
Honestly, she still felt like a big kid herself. Exusiai’s outlook on LOVE & LIFE was still very bubbly and immature, founded on hypermania and sociopathy. Sure, she was CARING & OPTIMISTIC ENOUGH, and would likely be good in the role of a caregiver. But... But could she actually be a FULL-TIME MOM? Honestly, she wouldn’t even know where to start. The idea made her feel SUFFOCATED. Fears that she’d grow BORED or FRUSTRATED or that she’d inevitably come upon a bridge she didn’t know how to CROSS. Oh, God, what if her kid needed ADVICE? What would she do then? Heart palpitations were going crazy at this point. God, there were no VACATIONS in motherhood. And no adventure either. And WAAAAAY too much responsibility. 
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready to think about that kinda thing...”
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“W-Wait... You... Isn’t it a little too EARLY to be talking about KIDS?”
Makoto was still very much a kid herself. A fact her elder sibling seemed so determined to DRILL into her head. Freshly graduated and still in training for her DREAM JOB. Not to mention looking after her own big sister and being essentially still dependent on the older woman for stability and shelter. Yeah, Makoto really did NOT have enough years in her yet to open her mind to the possibility of being a mother. But maybe in time she could. Maybe she could pass down her Buchimaru collection? That’d be kinda cute, huh? But now was SO NOT THE TIME to think of that kinda thing. first she had to finish her training and actually prove to Sae Niijima that Makoto COULD make a career out of being an Inspector for the Lungmen Guard Department. Then and only then could she worry about everything else. Like...
“Whether I have kids or not, I won’t end up like my father...”
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“Kids? What kinda crazy fuck would find the balls to ask that?”
Swire was, in every sense of the word, a SPOILED BRAT. She also just so happened to be one of Lungmen’s proudest patriots. And, despite all appearances, the girl took her role as Superintendent VERY seriously. At least, as seriously as one could with friends like Hoshiguma, Yushia, and CH’EN HUI-CHIEH. The girl had all the money in the world and no time to spend it. Not to mention all the bad run-ins she’d had with every single parents in this Godforsaken city. Lin was kinda cool, tho. But that HARDLY counted. Honestly, Swire just didn’t wanna end up like her Granddaddy. Didn’t wanna end up TERRORIZING her kids. Raising yet another generation of herself, Ch’en, Talulah and Yuhsia. Hadn’t they themselves been through enough? Wasn’t it about time those kinda tragedies came to an end? Way Swire saw it, if she could stay kids with the people around her? (As kiddy as they had done, at least.) Then that in and of itself would be a HAPPY ENDING.
“Yeahhh, look, here’s the thing: Adults suck. And I’m not about to be the villain in another kid’s story.”
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“There are two necessities in this world. Good parents. And people to protect them.”
What a foolish question. What a foolish question, born of IGNORANCE and DISPARITY. Honestly, it was such a perfect exhibition of how MISALIGNED their realities were. Their outlooks on the world, cold and grey as it had always been. Talulah had been daughter to MANY a father. And yet, all of them, without fail, had fallen short of protecting her. And of the few who hadn’t abused her? Well, they themselves had no one to protect THEM from abuse. Such was life. The world had been allowed to turn for far too long without change. The corrupt held a MONOPOLY on FATE. And the poor pawns were crushed beneath them. Talulah had seen this countless times with her own two eyes to a point where she could no longer tell the DIFFERENCE. Perhaps, at one point, she had indeed wanted children. Perhaps, that girl in the photo, smiling as she clung to the shoulders of her EMOTIONALLY-ERRANT SISTER... Perhaps SHE could’ve been a mother. Perhaps she WANTED TO BE. But that girl was DEAD. And while Talulah’s name remained. She now knew, deep down, just what role she had to play in this terrible, GODFORSAKEN, world...
“...Some people are meant to have kids... But I’m not one of them...”
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“Hah! Holy shit, you’re stupid. What kinda fucking question is that?”
Still despite all outward appearances, the question seemed to DISTURB something deep inside W’s chest. One that could very well have kept her up at night. For as long as memory held, she’d been holding STEADFAST to this story that she couldn’t even remember her own BIRTHDAY. Whether or not that was true was NO ONE’s BUSINESS except her own. But it did perhaps hold the first clue of what drove W forward as a person; Seemingly rushing toward the future with a CACKLING LAUGH, CRACKLING DYNAMITE, and a tendency to DESTROY rather than to CREATE, W definitely seemed to have far more to her than she’d ever let anyone know. And as for where children and normalcy fit into that story? Reality was... They really COULDN’T. Even if she wanted them. Even if she wanted love. Which she’d swear up and down ‘til it killed her that she DIDN’T, there was still a matter of fact that... She WAS a criminal. She WAS a terrorist. She WAS a MURDERER. And yet she was still so far away from her goals she couldn’t even BEGIN to think emotionally. 
“Have you even met me? I don’t think you’ve met. You can call me W. Now, please, fuck off.”
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“Kids...? Hm. That’d be nice, huh?”
A novel idea and gentle question, if asked with a little TOO MUCH optimism. Yuhsia used to be like that at one point. So it wasn’t like she could hold it against the other. But the simple fact was... Yuhsia may just have been the furthest away from having kids than ANY of the above. And that was ESPECIALLY IRONIC considering she’d already had names picked out for her and Ch’en’s babies. Okay, that wasn’t ENTIRELY true. Look, she was a kid back then, okay? She had a stupid. Childish. Crush. Like, come on, people back then wanted to be SPACE ELVES and HEROES and CAT BURGLARS. None of ‘em actually meant it... Right? The name’s were Ryoko and Kuma, by the way. Which weren’t terrible creative, considering they literally stemmed from “Dragon” and “Mouse” respectively. (What? They were PRETTY!!) But those days were long past. Yuhsia was a GROWN UP NOW. She’d let go of those SILLY notions and that STUPID crush. And those sad reminders of what USED TO BE. (Used to?) And long come to terms with the fact that... Well...
“But let’s be honest here. If I have kids at this point. It’ll just be so father doesn’t run out of heirs...”
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