#Eye smilers in full bloom
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125/638 One Suga a day while he is away
71 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 3 years
Ch. 5: A Companion’s Guide
Current Masterlist // Previous Story // Renata’s Masterlist
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 11th Doctor x OFC
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​ @natalie-the-whovian​
[If you would like to be added to this specific OC’s taglist, let me know!]
Chapter summary: The time travelers have to figure out who's behind the creature snatching people up while working with Liz 10 and in the end, Gabby has to urge Amy to look past the Time Lords’ anger to see what they’re truly all about.
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The entire group had fallen into the chute and were thrown out only to land in a splash somewhere full of oddly colored liquid. The Doctor jumped back on his feet soon as he got his bearings, though he noted the flooring underneath was a bit odd. He flashed the sonic around to see where exactly the chute had brought them to.
"High-speed air cannon. Lousy way to travel!"
Renata thrashed the water before getting up. "You have got to stop throwing us down things when you've no idea where they lead!" She made a show by splashing some water to the side.
Despite knowing she was properly upset, the Doctor found it much too funny to be serious. She was covered in whatever liquid they'd landed in - he suspected a food refuse judging by the smell - and so all of her hair was sticking to her face. Her dress was pressed against her body again, something he'd begun to accept would be his downfall one day. She was trying to be angry but she kept scrunching her face and yelling about the horrible stench around them. Her kicking the food refuse was just a plus!
Yup. Completely, adorably, funny.
"Doctor, where are we?" Gabby was close to gagging with the odor around them.
"600 feet down, 20 miles laterally - puts us at the heart of the ship. I'd say... Lancashire. What's this, then - a cave? Can't be a cave. Looks like a cave!"
"WHO CARES WHAT IT IS! GET US OUT!" Renata shivered excessively. She might just throw up there and then.
Amy was still on her knees beside them. She kept touching the ground. "It's a rubbish dump, and it's minging!"
"Yes, but only food refuse!" the Doctor Doctor confirmed, not that it would make it better. "Organic, coming through feeder tubes from all over the ship."
"You are so dead," Renata threw him a murderous glare he chose to ignore.
"The floor's all squidgy, like a water bed," Amy pointed out. She'd been trying to figure out how best to describe what she felt and that was as close as it would get.
"But feeding what, though?" the Doctor asked while he took another read off the sonic.
"It's sort of rubbery, feel it. Wet and slimy!"
"Uh, Amy, let's not keep touching that," Gabby helped the woman stand up. "You never know what it could actually be."
And a moment later, the Doctor heard a distant moaning. He froze, letting his eyes dart to the dark 'walls' of the so-called cave. "Er...it's not a floor, it's a…" he put his screwdriver away and prepared the best way to explain his discovery. "So…"
Renata narrowed her eyes on him. With all her thrashing, she missed the moaning. The Doctor was grateful for it because now he had a few minutes to come up with a way that wouldn't get him killed.
"What is it?" she demanded a dangerously low tone.
"The next word is kind of a scary word." And it was a pretty scary moment for him right now. He moved closer to her, taking her sticky hands into his. "Take a moment. Get yourself in a calm place. Go 'omm'. Everybody! Omm!"
Gabby and Amy had no idea what he was doing but they would go along with it and see where it led. "Omm!" they collectively said.
"...it's a tongue," the Doctor had swallowed very hard, almost making it so that Renata couldn't understand him. Almost.
Her dark eyebrows arched up as her eyes widened. "A...tongue?"
"Aha...a great big tongue!" He couldn't help the excitement that crossed his face for a moment. It was a tongue! They were standing on an actual tongue! When could that ever happen!?
It was that same excitement that drove Renata mad. "I'm gonna kill you!" she pushed him away. "I hope you've enjoyed your small time in that incarnation because it's about to end!" She actually lunged on him, knocking them both to the ground. Her hands may have curled around his neck but she got a taste of the food refuse from their splash and nearly gagged on the side.
The Doctor was stunned that Renata had actually lunged on him, but he was close to laughing too. This new incarnation of hers was truly going to be an adventure. Perhaps it was a sign that things were going to change for the better now.
"Renata!" Gabby burst into laughter. Amy perhaps would've laughed if she wasn't still stuck on the fact they were inside a mouth.
Renata still narrowed her eyes on the Doctor under her. "You are so lucky there's witnesses!"
"I'm going to love you even more after this," he said before laughing. A blush bloomed across Renata's face, even more so when she realized their position.
Make a fool out of yourself why don't you? She quickly got off him and tried pulling her hair off her face. "How do we get out of here?" She reached for her pocket and took out her own sonic.
"What, you have one too?" Amy blinked at the golden-white sonic in Renata's hand. It even made the same sound as the Doctor's.
Renata gave a dismissive nod while she took a look at the readings. "This place is huge! Doctor, of all the places…"
"It's gorgeous!" the man exclaimed. She rolled her eyes in response. "Blimey! if this is just the mouth, I'd love to see the stomach." Of course soon as he heard the grunts in the back he regretted his words. "Though not right now."
"Doctor, how do we get out?" Gabby called to him. She would like if he didn't keep saying words that could get him killed by the mouth or Renata.
"OK, it's being fed through surgically implanted feeder tubes, so the normal entrance is…" the Doctor made a turn towards the white set of teeth properly shut. "...closed for business."
"We can try, though!" Amy said determinedly. She left Gabby's side only to take two steps and hear another grunt. "Or...not…"
"Oh, great, it's started," Renata lowered her sonic to her side.
Amy swallowed hard. Whatever was starting was her fault. "What has?"
"Swallow reflex." The Doctor said just before they were thrown back into the refuse. Renata yelled as soon as her entire body was covered in the refuse again. In a quick second the Doctor used the sonic on the walls to get another process started, one that he was sure Renata would thoroughly scream at him for.
"What are you doing?" Amy sat upright, too afraid to stand until somebody else did too.
"I'm vibrating the chemo-receptors!"
"The eject button!"
"How does a mouth have an eject button?"
As expected, Renata loudly screamed. "I really hate you! I hate this entire place and this entire ship!"
Gabby was about to ask for another explanation when they heard the creature growling and a wave of vile coming towards them. Oh, she might scream too.
The Doctor helped Renata stand up but she looked so close to murdering him he almost thought of letting her go. He winced at himself for that thought. "Sorry Renée. Only way out."
She would've indeed yelled at him had it not been for the terribly huge wave coming for them. "O-o-oh no…" Her hands suddenly clung to him.
"Right, then, this isn't going to be big on dignity," he tweaked his bowtie, not that it would matter in a couple minutes. "Geronimo!" He wrapped his arms around Renata's body to shield her from as much bile as he could.
Gabby and Amy tried cowarding behind one another, ushering the other one ahead before they would force each other to switch places. In the end, they all screamed as the bile collected them in its way.
When Gabby and Amy came to, everything was a bit distorted. They could see each other a few inches away but things were blurry. They could hear warbled voices in the background, going fast. It took a few minutes for them to realize they were lying on a hard, cold metal ground and that the voices they heard were actually Renata and the Doctor going back and forth in some conversation...or argument. Gabby wasn't sure.
"You really had to bring us there, huh? I always thought there was a wire in your head that's plugged into some box with the words 'act stupid' on the front!" Renata was watching the Doctor sonic the metal door that wouldn't open for them.
He looked over her shoulder at her, his expression a cross between wanting to laugh or be properly annoyed. "A box…?" The laughing was winning.
She huffed and folded her arms. "Being clean is something I love. I adore it. You know what I don't like? Being covered in sick! I was just thrown up like...like…" she groaned when no comparison came to mind. "It's just so terrible that I can't come up with the right word!"
"Ren?" Gabby called, alerting the pair she and Amy had woken up.
Renata turned around to help the girls stand up. "Don't worry. There's nothing broken, there's no sign of concussion and yes, unfortunately we're all covered in sick."
"And where are we?" Amy asked once she realized they were in a narrow room with, unsurprisingly, two Smilers.
"Overspill pipe, at a guess." Renata glanced back to see if the Doctor was anywhere closer to opening that door. He wasn't.
Amy crinkled her nose at the stench that seemed to be stuck on her. "Oh, God, it stinks!"
"Yeah, that's not the pipe," the Doctor paused scanning to shoot her an apologetic smile.
"Ugh! Doctor!" Gabby kept her arms away from her body. "This is by far the most disgusting thing that's happened to us!"
"Can we get out?" Amy wanted nothing more than to see a shower.
"One door, one door switch, one condition," Renata sourly said as she made her way up to the Smilers. She tilted her head at the smiling clown face. "It wants us to forget everything we saw. The audacity."
"Forget that we were inside the mouth of a creature? Honestly tempting," Gabby admitted after smelling a strand of her hair.
"Don't say that Gabbs," the Doctor gave up on the door for the moment. "There's a creature living in the heart of this ship and I'd like to know what it's doing there."
The Smilers knew the question was directed at it and, as a response, they turned around to show their angry faces.
"No, that's not going to work on us, so come on," the Doctor made a motion with his fingers for it to give the answer. "Big old beast below decks, and everyone who protests gets shoved down its throat. That how it works?"
Once again, the Smilers turned their faces, revealing an even angrier faces than the last.
Renata was exasperated with the Smilers by this point. "Would you just answer!?" She slammed her hands against the walls of their booths, at the same time expelling golden butterflies. With widened eyes, she backed away. "Oops…" she stared at her palms much like Gabby had earlier. "How does that work exactly?"
"At a first glance, seems like its connected to your current distressed state," the Doctor said, reaching for her closest hand. He examined it as much as he could with the naked eye, but there seemed to be no excess and it didn't seem to harm Renata like it had in her last incarnation.
"I got mad at the door that wouldn't open!" Gabby exclaimed, absolutely believing the Doctor's theory. "It must be when we're mad!"
"But not always, right?" asked Amy who had remembered the butterfly trick Renata showed her when the Doctor was examining the crack in her bedroom wall.
Renata seemed to read her thoughts and nodded with a smile. "Yes! But-" she dropped her smile as her eyes landed on the Smilers again, "-right now I'm beyond angry! I'm covered in sick because of a creature that's no doubt being tortured in the middle of this ship and some stupid clowns are holding back on us! So you better-" she threatened the booth with a pointed, glowing finger, "-start answering before you become Vortex dust!"
The booths opened up to let the two Smilers come out.
The Doctor quickly pulled Renata back, prompting Gabby and Amy to do the same. "May I just say, good response but terrible outcome?" he told Renata who agreed with a quick nod of her.
"Okay, what do we do now!?" Amy urgently asked them as the Smilers approached them. They were looking as terrified as she was and she took that as a bad sign.
Suddenly, the red cloaked woman had the door opened behind them and shot at the Smilers. They were momentarily stunned.
The Doctor whirled around, happy as ever. "Look who it is!? You look a lot better without your mask!"
The woman was showing her smiling face at them. Her eyes flickered past Renata to the humans. "You must be Gabby and Amy. Liz. Liz 10."
Neither girl could understand when this woman became their friend but would gladly take it!
"Bit late, aren't you?" Renata smirked at the woman.
"A thank you is in order!" the woman laughed. "Right. You know Mandy, yeah?" she moved slightly to let the others see the girl behind in the hallway. "She's very brave."
"How did you find us?" the Doctor asked her after realizing there was no the woman had been casually around the area.
"Stuck my gizmo on you!" the woman chucked a small device at him. "Been listening in."
"Let me see!" Renata took the device from the Doctor to study. "Oh this is great! It could come in handy to keep an eye on him!"
"HEY!" the Doctor was utterly offended. It didn't help that the others, including little Mandy, started laughing. "Seriously!?"
"Sorry, sorry," Renata apologized but she was still struggling to stop laughing. She held the device back to him, not even noticing when he swiped it from her hand with irritation.
"Anyways, you want to tell us what's a creature doing in the middle of the ship?" the Doctor looked directly at the cloaked-woman. "Oh, my bad, you also voted to forget."
The woman took the sarcastic jab calmly. She shrugged her shoulders and refuted the statement. "Never forgot, never voted. Not technically a British subject."
"Then who and what are you, and how do you know us?"
The woman tilted her head at him, giving him a smile asking him if he really needed to ask her that. "You're a bit hard to miss, love. Mysterious stranger, MO consistent with higher alien intelligence, hair of an idiot…"
"Oh, another insult? Seriously!" the Doctor was reaching his limit with all these sarcastic jabs. Why was it always him!?
Renata felt guilty for taking her own jabs. She always did them and poor Doctor always had to take it. It was their dynamic, sure, but sometimes she needed to reel it back. She reached up to move some of his wet strands of hair off his forehead. She felt his body stiffen but soon relaxed under her touch.
"Sorry my dear. You do have the hair of an idiot but I love it," she said with a soft smile.
Well, that made everything better for the Doctor. He wouldn't mind if he stroked his hair all day. Actually, he might ask her if she could do that later. With any luck, she would say yes and they could have one calm day together.
When Renata was sure their little disagreement was resolved, she drew her hand away - an action the Doctor almost pouted at - and turned her attention back to the woman. "So, you were explaining how you know him?"
"Both of you, actually," the woman said. "Did I not make that clear?"
"Right, except that doesn't make sense. We haven't met you."
"No, I've been brought up on the stories. My whole family was." The woman noticed the Smilers beginning to twitch behind them. "They're repairing." The group looked back to see the Smilers and quickly took a few steps away. "Doesn't take them long. Let's move." She took the lead down the hallway and continued explaining herself to the pair. "The Doctor. Old drinking buddy of Henry XII. Tea and scones with Liz II. Vicky was a bit on the fence about you, wasn't she?"
"What did you do, Doctor?" Gabby threw the man a curious glance.
The Doctor preferred not to explain considering it really was his fault. "Torchwood," he left it at that and hoped she and Renata would get the jist.
"Knighted and exiled you on the same day!" the woman laughed. The Doctor scowled at her back. So much for keeping it a secret!
"That sounds like you alright," Renata mumbled to him as she rubbed his arm comfortingly.
"And how could I forget Marchioness Renata? Good friends with Anne of Cleves, bit rocky with dear old Henry VII - I'd be too, don't worry - but nobody more rocky than Liz I, huh? Goes for you too Doctor!"
"I haven't even met her! Doctor, what did you do!?" Renata glared at the man in question.
"How do you know I did something!?"
"Because it had to be! Notice how she didn't say drinking buddies of Henry VII, right?"
"Well, but…but you were the reason we couldn't go back to any Henry VII era!"
"Hey that was both of us!" Renata snapped loudly and jabbed her finger into his chest.
Gabby couldn't help snicker at the reminder of that precise trip. Amy heard the laugh and raised an eyebrow at Gabby, asking her what she knew.
"Long story short..." Gabby pulled Amy a bit closer to speak quietly without being heard. Of course with Renata and the Doctor arguing, she didn't have to try so hard. "We met Anne of Cleves and her then-husband, Henry VII, who wanted Renata as his wife. The Doctor got jealous, made a whole thing about it and we had to run for it in the end."
Amy hid her laugh behind her mouth and turned her head at the Time Lords. They were still going at it strongly.
"I didn't do anything!" the Doctor was shouting.
"Don't lie to me! Martha also told me this Queen was particularly upset with you! And now she hates me too!?"
"I didn't!" the Doctor insisted but Renata wouldn't listen. Gabby and Amy both shared equally confused but curious glances with each other.
"Good story to come, I hope," Gabby snickered with the ginger.
It wasn't until the woman introduced herself as Liz 10 - Elizabeth X - that the Time Lords stopped arguing.
"And down!" Liz shot at the pair of Smilers behind them. "I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule." She led them into another corridor that would bring them to the base of a vator shaft. "There's a high-speed Vator through there."
The Doctor noticed two tentacles sticking out of a caged area, much like the one Gabby and Amy saw earlier. "There's these things. Any ideas?"
"Oh, we saw one of those up top," Gabby said as soon as she saw the caged area. "Right, Amy?"
"Yeah!" the ginger nodded. "There was a hole in the road, like it had burst through, like a root."
"It's all one creature," Renata said and shuddered. "The same one we were inside minutes ago, but now it's reaching out. It must be growing through the mechanisms of the entire ship."
Liz eyed the cage with newfound horror. "What? Like an infestation?"
"Someone's helping it. Feeding it…" the Doctor tried getting nearer to it but Renata yanked him back.
"Feeding my subjects to it," Liz muttered and stormed off. "Come on. We've got to keep moving." Mandy followed in a hurry and just as Amy and Gabby were going to do the same, they noticed the Time Lords staring at the tentacles with odd expressions.
"Guys?" Gabby called to them while Amy gestured that they needed to be following Liz.
"We should have never come here," the Doctor resolved with a sigh. The creature banged against the bars keeping it inside. He should have just ran those exams on Renata and maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't have caught sight of this ship.
Amy remembered the video she left for herself, warning her to get off the ship. Could it be related to the creature? And if so, why was it so urgent!?
~ 0 ~
Liz's bedroom was covered with a maze of glasses of water. It was a certain challenge getting around it but Liz was a master as she swiftly crossed the room to reach her bed. Sometime later would see the travelers cleaned up from showers, though Renata swore she would take a proper, long bath when they went home.
"What are these glasses for?" Gabby asked in a slight frustration after nearly knocking one over.
"To remind me every single day that my government is up to something, and it's my duty to find out what," Liz said in what sounded like a recital.
"Lovely mask," Renata eyed the porcelain mask sitting at the foot of the woman's bed. She knew the Doctor had already taken a quick study of it while she was in the shower, but she wanted to see it with her own eyes. "Guess you would need it if you're a queen going undercover to investigate her own kingdom."
Liz was dead serious as she watched Renata turn her mask over. "Secrets are being kept from me. I don't have a choice. Ten years I've been at this - my entire reign - and you've achieved more in one afternoon."
"That's him alright," Renata said without even gazing up from the mask. The Doctor stopped pacing behind her, his amused expression asking her how she knew that line had been directed at him. She glanced at him with a wink.
"So Liz, how old were you when you came to the throne?" he asked afterwards.
"40. Why?"
Amy's mouth nearly dropped when she heard that. She turned away from the mirror after putting her hair up. "What, you're 50 now? No way!"
"Don't let physical appearances fool you," Gabby said before throwing a thumb at Renata and the Doctor. "Ask them how old they are."
"Ask and it's the last thing you'll do," Renata calmly said while she studied the mask, though under her calm words there was a clear warning.
Amy chuckled and went to sit on the chaise with Mandy.
"Yeah, they slowed my body clock. Keeps me looking like the stamps," Liz added for humor.
"Do you always wear this in public?" Renata waved the mask at Liz. The woman nodded her head.
"Undercover's not easy when you're me. The autographs, the bunting."
Renata had on a strained smile before she glanced at the Doctor. He already knew.
"Air-balanced porcelain. Stays on by itself, cos it's perfectly sculpted to your face," he said quietly. Liz missed the knowing looks the pair were sharing.
"Yeah. So what?"
Renata met the woman's gaze a few seconds later with her strained smile stronger than ever. "Oh, Liz. So everything."
If they had been about to share what they knew worth Liz, they never got the chance. Four hooded men burst into the room, startling Liz out of her bed.
"What are you doing? How dare you come in here?" she rushed up to them in outrage.
"Ma'am, you have expressed interest in the interior workings of Starship UK. You will come with us now," one of the men dutifully announced.
"Why would I do that?"
The man's head then spun to show the face of an angry Smiler.
"Mm, that's why!" Gabby exclaimed in horror.
Liz was appalled as she stumbled away from the men. "How can they be Smilers?"
"Half Smiler, half human," the Doctor said, rather disgusted.
Liz didn't seem to share the same sentiment. She was beyond furious and anyone who was responsible would feel it. "Whatever you creatures are, I am still your queen. On whose authority is this done?"
"The highest authority, Ma'am," the Smiler, to his credit, did obediently answer.
"I am the highest authority!"
And that should be your first clue, Renata almost rolled her eyes. The human was too angry to even notice it.
The Smiler agreed with Liz, yet another clue that the woman missed, and announced that he would led her and the rest to the Tower of London. They were brought to a large stone room full of machinery. Only a few feet inside, Amy and Gabby noticed more of the creature's body was sticking out of grates.
"Where the hell are we?" Gabby wearily looked at the Time Lords.
"The lowest point of Starship UK," the Doctor said, giving the room a little spin. "The dungeon."
"Hawthorne!" Liz barked a gray-haired man who'd approached the group. "So this is where you hid yourself away. I think you've got some explaining to do."
"Excuse me," Renata called with a similar authoritative tone. "Why are there children down here?" Her question made Amy and Gabby realize there was a line of children doing hard labor around the room. "It seems hardly safe for them. Where are their parents?"
"Protesters and citizens of limited value are fed to the beast," Hawthorne replied with the most casual tone, easily enraging Renata in a second. "For some reason, it won't eat the children. You're the first adults it's spared. You're very lucky."
"You tried feeding children to the creature!? How dare you!?" She looked ready to lunge on him and it didn't seem like the Doctor would try to stop her.
The only reason he wouldn't join her was because his eyes had gone to the type of equipment around the room. One Time Lord for each problem.
"And you agreed to this!" Renata turned on Liz, startling the woman with the sudden change of direction her rage took.
"I did not!"
Renata's loud scoff made everyone around her flinch. "Yes, you did!"
Gabby pulled Renata back a few steps. "How could she? She's investigating her own kingdom, remember?"
"I remember, but she doesn't! This isn't even a dungeon room, it's a bloody torture chamber!"
"Ren, what are you talking about?" Gabby happened to look in Amy's way and saw the finger's mild fear. If she was in Amy's place, Gabby would agree the sight of angry Time Lady was fear-worthy. "Doctor?" she called to the man for some help.
"She's right," the Doctor agreed, speaking in a low tone.
Gabby recognized that immediately even if was in a new incarnation's voice. Oh great, they're both angry.
"Torture chamber of the Tower of London, except it's not a torture chamber, for this lot," the Doctor sourly went on as he strolled by the equipment. "I suppose it just depends on your angle." He came for Liz and, despite the woman's reluctance, he led her to an open well which was reply just a view into the engine.
Liz peered over the railing to see something huge and it was moving. "What's that?"
"It's your engine," Renata muttered, ignoring Gabby's please beside her to explain why she was so upset.
"Well, like I say, depends on the angle. It's either the exposed pain center of big fella's brain, being tortured relentlessly…" the Doctor trailed off.
"Or it's the gas pedal, the accelerator - Starship UK's go-faster button."
"I don't understand…"
The Doctor was getting frustrated with the lack of brains around him. The answer was right in front of Liz and she wasn't getting it! "The spaceship that could never fly, no vibration on deck. This creature - this poor, trapped, terrified creature. It's not infesting you, it's not invading - it's what you have instead of an engine. And this place down here is where you hurt it, where you torture it, day after day, just to keep it moving."
As if to help prove his point, an intermittent electrical beam shot down into the well, directly hitting the creature's exposed brain. Liz was stunned and she dared not look over the tails again.
"Tell you what," the Doctor hastily made his way up to another well to lift its grate. "Normally, it's above the range of human hearing. This is the sound none of you wanted to hear." He used the sonic on an extension that had come undone in the grate. A loud, piercing sound filled the air until the Doctor stopped it.
Gabby felt tears come to her face when she realized that the sound was like a cry, a cry of the creature. "It's being tortured nonstop?" Renata nodded at her and finally Gabby realized why the two were so angry.
Amy hadn't yet reached that level and she was suddenly wondering if she wanted to.
"Who did this?" Liz demanded to know from the workers. She was furious, just like Renata and the Doctor.
"We act on instructions from the highest authority," Hawthorne said, but Liz still didn't understand.
"I am the highest authority!" she snapped. "The creature will be released, now." But even with all her anger, nobody moved from their spot. "I said now! Is anyone listening to me?"
The Doctor slowly returned to her side and took out her mask from his pockets. "Liz. Your mask. Look at it. It's old. At least 200 years old, I'd say."
Liz could not understand what was so damn important about that mask. She recalled how long Renata had kept it under her eye. "Yeah, it's an antique, so?"
"Yeah, an antique made by craftsmen over 200 years ago and perfectly sculpted to your face. They slowed your body clock, all right, but you're not 50. Nearer 300. And it's been a long old reign."
Liz almost laughed at the absurdity. "Nah, it's ten years. I've been on this throne ten years."
"It's been the same ten years," Renata clarified as she started heading for a small table set not too far from where they entered.
The Doctor led Liz by the hand and since the woman was utterly confused, she let it happen. "The same ten years over and over again, always leading you... here."
Liz swallowed rough when she saw a screen with a two buttons in front of it, reading "forget" and "abdicate". She turned a hard glance on Hawthorne. "What have you done?"
"Well it wasn't him," Renata corrected. "He's only following your orders."
Hawthorne nodded in agreement. "We work for you, Ma'am. The Winders, the Smilers, all of us." He reached over to the turn on the screen and as soon as it came to life, a recording of Liz herself appeared. It was what brought Liz to sit down and truly listen.
"If you are watching this...If I am watching this, then I have found my way to the Tower Of London. The creature you are looking at is called a Star Whale. Once, there were millions of them. They lived in the depths of space and, according to legend, guided the early space travelers through the asteroid belts. This one, as far as we are aware, is the last of its kind. 'And what we have done to it 'breaks my heart. The Earth was burning. Our sun had turned on us, and every other nation had fled to the skies. Our children screamed as the skies grew hotter. And then it came, like a miracle. The last of the star whales. We trapped it, we built our ship around it, and we rode on its back to safety. If you wish our voyage to continue, then you must press the "forget" button. Be again the heart of this nation, untainted. If not, press the other button. Your reign will end, the Star Whale will be released, and our ship will disintegrate. I hope I keep the strength to make the right decision."
Amy felt sick to her stomach. "I voted for this?" She asked the Doctor and Renata despite already knowing the answer. Their grim faces just confirmed what she already knew. "Why would I do that?"
"Because you knew if we stayed here, we'd be faced with an impossible choice," the Doctor muttered with a growing sense of anger at the woman. "Humanity or the alien. You took it upon yourself to save us from that. And that was wrong." He turned completely to her and once Amy saw his face she backed a step. "You don't ever decide what we need to know."
Gabby sent Renata a look asking her to step in, but Renata did not move. She was just as upset but her method of expressing anger had always been to seal it away. Gabby really dreaded the idea of that trait following Renata into her new incarnation. Seeing that Renata wasn't going to help, Gabby moved to stand between the Doctor and Amy.
"Hey! She doesn't even remember doing it!"
Having Gabby in front of him didn't make his anger any less. "But she did it. That's what counts!"
"I'm... I'm sorry," Amy said, at a loss for other words.
"Oh, I don't care," he turned away, storming towards the equipment. "When I'm done here, you're going home."
Amy gasped. "Why!?"
"Doctor, that's being unfair!" Gabby called but he didn't stop for either of them.
"I made one mistake!" Amy argued as she moved to stand beside Gabby. She appreciated the girl's help but she didn't need anyone to fight her own battles. "One mistake that I don't even remember doing it!"
There was no telling if the Doctor was truly examining the equipment he would need for his new plan or if he was just distracting himself from looking at either girl. "Yeah. I know. You're only human."
Gabby's eyes widened. That one might have just hurt her heart. "Is that supposed to be an insult?" the Doctor said nothing more so Gabby turned expectantly at Renata.
The Time Lady had watched the entire argument unfold with no clear expression of which side she was leaning to. "We get it, we do, but Amy you shouldn't have chosen to forget on our behalf. You don't get to make that choice for us."
"I'm sorry," Amy insisted, hoping that at least Renata would be able to know she was being honest. All Renata did was nod though.
"What are you doing?" Liz asked the Doctor, taking a few steps towards the man but stopping when she got a better look at his darkened expression.
"The worst thing I'll ever do. I'm going to pass a massive electrical charge through the Star Whale's brain. Should knock out all its higher functions, leave it a vegetable. The ship will still fly, but the whale won't feel it."
"But that'll be like killing it!" Amy exclaimed. She didn't remember pressing any buttons but she knew, she knew for sure, that she had pushed the 'forget' button to spare them pain. She only failed to think about the creature.
The Doctor's hands slammed down on the machinery and glared up at the group. "Look, three options. One: I let the Star Whale continue in unendurable agony for hundreds more years. Two: I kill everyone on this ship. Three: I murder a beautiful, innocent creature as painlessly as I can. And then I find a new name, cos I won't be the Doctor any more!"
"But there must be something we can do, some other way," Liz said but that was the Doctor's patience had finally snapped from the thread it'd been hanging on.
"Nobody talk to me!" he roared, startling everyone into silence. "Nobody human has anything to say to me today!" After that, nobody tried to stop him anymore.
All except for one person.
'I think you may have hurt Gabriella's feelings back there…'
Nobody would notice the one second the Doctor momentarily stopped working. This was the first time Renata had spoken telepathically to him since he regenerated.
'You're that upset my dear that you've unintentionally lowered your mental shields,' Renata came up to stand on the other side of the equipment he worked on. 'Never really talked about connecting telepathically but since your door is open, I'm going to step in for a moment.'
'Are you not upset?' the Doctor raised his gaze to meet Renata's eyes.
'Oh no I am very upset. Amy did something terrible but...she did it with good intentions. I can relate to that. I'm sure you can too.'
The Doctor wouldn't give in so easily despite the kind face he had in front of him. 'They have been torturing this kind creature for centuries, Renata. How am I supposed to react!? Not everyone has your ability to bottle things in!' As soon as he thought - or said - those words, the Doctor closed his eyes with regret. His hands stopped working over the controls and drew back. 'I'm sorry. I didn't...I shouldn't have-'
Renata smiled lightly at his guilty self. 'No, no, that's completely fair. I did that a lot. But just to be clear, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be upset. I'm only saying, from personal experience, that you shouldn't push people away. When they do things like these, with good intentions, it's best to go back and see things from their perspective. I know it's hard, especially because of the circumstances but it does help.'
The Doctor smiled to himself, almost shaking his head. He always wondered how she could be so wise, even when they were younger. She always had the right words to ease something that could seem so impossible. 'I love you, you know. I'm glad I have you around...in this way.'
Renata reached over the equipment to grab his hand. 'Me too. And know that whatever you do, whatever you decide...I'm here.'
The Doctor swallowed hard as his eyes roamed over the equipment. The choice had already been made. He just needed to get through it.
~ 0 ~
Gabby and Amy sat on the ground together against the wall. They could do nothing to stop what was going to happen to the creature. All they could do was simply wait for it. Amy, however, felt like she was waiting for more than Gabby...because she was.
"I messed it up," she said quietly, bringing her hands up to her temples. "I messed it all up…"
Gabby could feel Amy's genuine guilt and put a comforting hand on the ginger's arm. "It was an honest mistake. Don't worry, you're not going home."
Amy scoffed quietly. "Oh please, you heard the man."
"You don't know him like I do. I mean...I don't know him like Renata does but I know him enough to know that he says a lot of things when he's angry. He's heartbroken."
Amy wasn't convinced. She had felt the Doctor's rage with one simple glare and she was not interested in being on the receiving end again. "If I make mistakes like that, maybe I shouldn't be around."
"We make mistakes, trust me. I did too," Gabby shrugged. Her eyes flickered to Renata who had drifted away from the Doctor to stop more children coming in from working.
Amy dropped her hands to her lap and questionably looked at Gabby. "You did?"
"Yeah, on my very first trip just like you. I pissed off Renata when I overstepped about something I heard about her. It was about her past and Renata is a very reclusive woman. I made the wrong choice by asking her, pestering her, until she snapped and threatened to drop me back on Earth."
Amy's eyes widened as she quickly glanced at Renata. The Time Lady was clearing off some soot of a child's face, trying her best to make the boy smile. She even bopped his nose with a glowing golden finger to enchant the boy. Amy couldn't see Renata acting the same as the Doctor when she was angry. Hell, she couldn't even picture Renata getting angry.
"She can get angry," Gabby said as if she read Amy's mind. Amy looked away from Renata with a light smile. "The Doctor's right, Amy, we're only human but that's not an insult. It does hurt a bit when he says it angrily," she sighed. "He's actually very fascinated with our kind. We're that good." She bumped shoulders with Amy, eliciting a smile from the ginger. "But you have to understand that even though they look young...the Doctor and Renata are actually very old. They've seen so many things that sometimes they snap. And our job as companions is to help them come back from it. We can't make them come back but we can try our best."
"So what can we do right now?" Amy helplessly asked as she cast another look at the Doctor. He was fervently working and had been for time now which meant the creature would be dying soon.
"I don't know. We better start thinking."
Amy blew a raspberry at their hopeless situation. "Great."
"Just look at the butterflies," Renata's voice carried over to the girls' spot.
Amy craned her head in time to see a few of the children 'awwwing' at a few golden butterflies fluttering in the air. A light smile spread across Amy's face as she recalled the same trick being used on her all those years ago. It had truly made her feel much less afraid of the crack. Renata gave the allusion of what a mother was.
Mandy had joined the group without neither Amy nor Gabby noticing when, but Amy did spot one of the creature's tentacles creeping out of a grate towards Mandy. Amy panicked and scrambled to get up but just as she straightened up, the tentacle only tapped Mandy's shoulder and then allowed the girl to pet it.
"Amy?" Gabby gently called to her but Amy was thinking suddenly.
"It won't eat the children…"
"The children screamed, then it came. It's the last of its kind."
Amy watched Mandy and a few other children pet the tentacle and it almost looked like the creature was trying to play with them.
"No, it's okay," Renata was soothing one of the younger children crying at the tentacle. "It won't hurt you. I'm here."
"There were, but there aren't...just us now."
Amy's eyes flickered to the Doctor after watching Renata conjure up a few more butterflies for the scared child. There was no doubt in her mind he would be trying to pull off some crazy stunt to make the scared child laugh too.
"Doctor says he never interferes in the affairs of other peoples or planets but then he does when there's children crying?"
"Oh, if there's a child crying he'd stop everything."
Amy then looked down at Gabby who was still trying to decide if Amy was alright. She'd stopped calling Amy's name but she was keeping a close eye on the ginger. Something was going on inside her head.
And indeed there was.
Amy felt like slapping herself for being so clueless! The Doctor was right, she had to have kept her eyes open! She should've noticed everything! "Doctor, stop!" she yelled and rushed towards Liz. Everyone, including the Doctor and Renata, stopped to see her taking Liz's hand and racing for the voting buttons.
The Doctor was quick to panic once he realized what Amy wanted to do. "Amy, no!" he went after them but he didn't make it in time. Amy had brought Liz's hand down on the 'abdicate' button. "AMY!"
The creature bellowed underneath them, rocking the entire ship.
The Doctor nearly fell back if he hadn't caught onto pillar. Renata's arms flailed trying to keep the children around her from falling back.
"AMY!" she yelled as upset as the Doctor.
Gabby had managed not to smack face-first to the ground, but she wasn't the same as the Time Lords. "No, let her! She's figured it out!" She had no doubt that Amy realized something none of them had. She would never put them all in danger like this. She didn't seem the type.
Amy laughed as if agreeing with Gabby. The ship slowly stopped shaking and actually returned to normal...with a few differences.
"We've increased speed," Hawthorne was stunned as he looked over their readings.
"Yeah, well, you've stopped torturing the pilot! Gotta help!" Amy dramatically flapped her hands around the room.
"It's still here? I don't understand," Liz moved over to Hawthorne's side to see the readings herself.
"The Star Whale didn't come like a miracle all those years ago. It volunteered!" Amy began to explain, growing more excited by the second. "You didn't have to trap it or torture it - that was all just you. It came because it couldn't stand to watch your children cry. What if you were really old, and really kind and alone? Your whole race was dead, no future. What couldn't you do then?" Amy started making her way towards the Doctor, her smile softening as she took in his guilty face for not realizing it before. "If you were that old, and that kind, and the very last of your kind...you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry." And just to really make her point, she purposely nodded at Renata who was surrounded by the children.
"Oh, she's good," Gabby smiled proudly at Amy.
~ 0 ~
Once everything was settled on the ship, Renata and the Doctor found it easy to slip away from the crowd. They'd wandered to the observation deck where they found such a beautiful sight of a starry space.
"It's funny how times change," Renata's soft voice broke their mutual silent wacth. "Last time I saw stars...we were fighting the Master. And we were hiding in a Vinvocci ship. Oh, and the world was ending." She let silence pass between them again when it truly donned on her where they were a short while ago, and what they were doing. "That was two days ago."
The Doctor said nothing at first as he reached for Renata's hand. "Two days ago seems like a very long time ago."
Renata side-glanced him with a small smile across her lips. "Doesn't it? Now we're here," she squeezed her hand around his and faced the stars again. "Looking at some stars, on a ship with a creature driving it…"
"Flying it, technically," the Doctor couldn't help make the correction but instead of getting annoyed, Renata chuckled.
"Flying it," she amended.
The Doctor gripped her hand again, licking his lips nervously as he turned to her and gently using their interlocked hands to turn her as well. "Renée, I don't know why I forgot about it but...would you consider connecting telepathically?" Renata's eyebrows slowly raised, her expression giving him the impression she would refuse. "I-I know we did it temporarily twice but this time, if you'd like, we-we could...officially do it. I would understand if you think it's too early, but...if I may give my opinion?"
Renata chuckled. "When don't you?"
He agreed with a sideways tilt. "Right. We've only just started a relationship but the truth is we've known each other far longer. What happened between us...it's been a long story. I've known you for my entire life even if I've only seen you in three of my incarnations. Most of my thoughts you know anyways, but I'd like it if you could see every part of me. Who knows, maybe if you see what really goes through my head you might realize I'm no good. But at least you'll have known who I really am."
"I know you," Renata said matter-of-factly. She slipped her hand out of his to bring it up to his cheek. "I've always known who you are. Of course I know I don't know all of your thoughts, or every you, but I know you. I know who you are." She stepped closer to him, leaving barely any space between them. "I would love to finally connect our minds. Who knows, you might see the real me…"
"I know you," the Doctor clarified just like she had. "My Gala."
Renata let out a small gasp at his brief Gallifreyan use. The last time she heard him say her true name in their language was centuries ago, too many centuries ago. "My Theta." The Gallifreyan just tumbled out but before the Doctor could fully process it, she'd pulled him to her for a kiss.
Their minds slowly opened to one another, inciting a slow, passionate kiss that they hadn't really shared yet. Memories from each other flooded their minds, ones that they knew - that they were both a part of - and others that were new. No secrets would be left uncovered because that was a thing of the past, something they promised each other going forwards.
By the time Gabby and Amy realized they were missing their drivers, Renata and the Doctor were already waiting for them by the TARDIS.
Amy nervously carried Liz's porcelain mask in her hands and held it out for the pair to take. "From Her Majesty. She says there will be no more secrets on Starship UK."
"My type of monarchy," Renata gingerly took the mask into her hands. "And leadership in general."
Amy smiled but anyone could tell she was bursting with questions about her stay.
"Amy, you could have killed everyone on this ship," the Doctor was the one to break the terse silence.
"You could have killed a Star Whale," she countered.
"And you saved it. I know, I know."
Renata curled her arm around the Doctor's arm and smiled at Any that kind, warm smile she'd gotten as a child. It was the one that told Amy things would be okay. "We're sorry. We may have rudely snapped. That happens sometimes."
At this familiar words, Amy glanced at Gabby and shared a knowing smile together.
"Why do I feel like we're missing something?" the Doctor asked Renata as he watched the two humans.
"Because you always do."
"Don't worry, Doctor," Gabby put an arm around Amy's shoulders. "I've just been giving Amy some insight into the life in the TARDIS."
"You would," Renata gave her companion a proud smile.
"I wanted to be like Donna when I first came aboard," Gabby admitted and for a moment she, Renata and the Doctor dedicated a moment of silence to their missing friend, Donna Noble. She would forever leave a scar in their hearts.
"Thanks Gabby," Amy genuinely thanked her new friend because otherwise she may not have made it this first trip.
"Gabbs, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings," the Doctor said once he remembered the terrible look in Gabby's eyes after making his human remark.
Gabby shook her head with a chuckle as she came to give him a hug. "I like to think that I know you enough for these types of situations!"
"Still," he dropped a kiss to her head. "You're family. We don't fight."
Renata barely controlled the urge to scoff when she thought about her family. "We should go. I think we could all use nice baths."
"Mhm!" Gabby pulled away from the Doctor. "I've got some nice bath bombs, Amy! Bet you've never seen a bath bomb that shoots images into the air!"
"What?" Amy's eyes widened, making the others laugh.
"I bet you'll like the one with stars! My favorite is the butterfly one!" Gabby motioned to be followed in as she hurried into the TARDIS.
"Don't forget we need to run tests on you!" Renata called after the girl but it didn't seem like Gabby had heard.
Amy chuckled. "Do you always act like a Mum?"
Renata blinked at her and for a moment it looked like she would be saying something but instead she looked at the Doctor. "Why do they all say that?"
Now the Doctor laughed. "You really haven't figured it out?"
She rolled her eyes. "Oh forget it." She turned around and disappeared into the TARDIS.
"Come along, Pond! Big day tomorrow!" the Doctor nodded at the TARDIS and missed Amy's wide eyed expression.
"Sorry, what?"
"It's always a big day tomorrow. We've got a time machine. I skip the little ones."
Amy found her breath once she realized he wasn't talking about her wedding. Her wedding. She shook her head and followed the Doctor inside. Renata and Gabby had no doubt disappeared into the corridors which gave Amy a motivation to ask, "You know what I said about getting back for tomorrow morning...have you ever run away from something because you were scared, or not ready, or just...just because you could?"
"Once...a long time ago," the Doctor came straight to the console. He started the TARDIS up and brought them into the Vortex.
"What happened?"
He turned with a smile. "Hello!"
Amy laughed. "Is that how Renata left too? Because I really can't picture that, you know."
The Doctor's smile faltered but it returned just as quick when he remembered how it was that she came aboard the TARDIS. That might make a good story for Amy. "Actually, I kidnapped Renata, stole her right off 1969."
Amy's eyes bugged out but there was a clear doubt on her face, only further confirmed by her scoff. "No way!"
"Yeah, I did! Nicked her off the ground and threw her over my shoulder!"
"Please, don't sound so regretful," Renata appeared by the corridor threshold, arms crossed and with a mock glare on the culprit. "I should've had the Shadow Proclamation on you when I had the chance!"
The Doctor just smirked proudly as he gave a little spin.
It was then that Amy realized he had not been kidding. "Wait, this actually happened!?"
"Oh yeah!" the Doctor said, once again spinning as he made a round on the console.
"Seriously, at least try to look a little sorry!" Renata walked up the glass steps to the console.
"Why would I be?" the Doctor stopped to smirk at her.
Renata mock-glared again and shook her head. "Amy, go on. Gabriella found the bath bombs." Amy nodded and hurried towards the corridor. "Not even going to apologize then?" she continued with the Doctor, but judging by his proud smile the answer was a no.
"I used to want to but now I changed my mind!"
"You're evil!"
Amy laughed. "Okay, that's seriously funny!" And kind of romantic. She wouldn't mind if the same thing happened to her.
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ichigo-daifuku · 5 years
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❅ Ieyasu meets a little boy. ❅
Hello! It's almost time for our sly tanuki/poison smiler/surly archer’s birthday! To celebrate this special occasion, I will be posting (short) oneshots centered on Ieyasu from January 25 – January 31.
Here is the first one... Enjoy! (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*
Word Count: ~2k | AO3 Link
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It was springtime when Ieyasu met him.
The little boy sat under a cherry tree in full bloom. His face was buried in his knees as he clutched a bow in one hand and a stem of an arrow in another. The quiver rested beside him, discarded on the grass. In the distance, ten standard target circles stood in a row, each one still new though a few scratches marred the surface from a round or two of shooting. 
Curious, Ieyasu walked towards the little boy. There was no one around but the two of them. The sky was clear, and the little boy’s blond curls shone in the sunlight; a few strands stuck on his forehead and neck due to slight sweat from the physical activity. As Ieyasu moved closer, the faint sound of the little boy’s sobs became more audible, the tremble of his narrow shoulders more visible. The silver bells tied around the trunk of the cherry tree tinkled a familiar melody with the gentle breeze. A few steps away from his hunched form, Ieyasu stopped. The little boy, who felt his presence, stilled, lifting his head in confusion and meeting Ieyasu’s gaze. Although red-rimmed, the little boy had the brightest eyes, glazed with tears, and Ieyasu took a step away, taken aback.
The little boy stood, his legs shaking at the sudden movement. The tears he shed stained his hakama in connected circles that were a few shades darker than the fabric. His pale yellow kimono was tucked in neatly, but the tie of his haori was uneven and loose, almost undone. Wide-eyed and puffy-cheeked, the little boy was still very young; perhaps, too young to be left alone in a place like this, Ieyasu couldn’t help but think. He was probably a few centimeters taller compared to a few months ago. No one noticed that progress except the little boy himself, but Ieyasu knew. After all, he had also been a little boy once upon a time.
“Why are you here? No one is supposed to be here.” The little boy wiped his tears with the sleeve of his haori, unconcerned that he has an actual weapon in his hand. His gaze once again landed on Ieyasu, and he proceeded to eye him with caution.
“And you?” Ieyasu, who regained his composure, asked, his voice quiet but firm, “Why are you here if no one is supposed to be here?”
“I’m… I’m no one.”
“What’s with all the crying, then?”
“I am visiting here and—no, I… I have to… I have to shoot all these arrows straight to the bull’s-eye.” The little boy sniffed in an attempt to stifle his tears but failed. He looked away and wiped his cheeks again as though doing so would prevent Ieyasu from witnessing him crying. “Like I did the other day.”
“Hmm… Did you now.”
The underlying meaning behind those words stirred vexation from the little boy, and he turned to Ieyasu with an angry pout. “It’s true, okay? I really did it last time, but today, I am having a bad day.”
Ieyasu smiled with his eyes, and to a stranger, it looked like he just heard the funniest joke in history and was about to laugh at any given moment. “Having a bad day… What kind of reason is that?”
The little boy ignored him, proceeded to position the arrow he held on the bowstring, and within a few seconds, released it. Although it was able to hit the rightmost target, the arrow struck the wood far from the red center. He clenched his fist at the sight of another failure. 
“Ugh… I just can’t seem to…” the little boy complained to himself in a whisper. On impulse and out of frustration, he pulled another arrow from the quiver and took another shot. He missed the center again.
“You just keep going at it, huh,” Ieyasu mocked as the little boy sent another arrow towards the target.
Without paying him as much of a glance, the little boy continued to load his fourth arrow. “I told you. I have to do it perfectly like I did the other day…” he paused, his voice dropping into a whisper, “or else someone will get angry.”
Ieyasu fell silent.
The little boy was more than willing to continue his archery practice without Ieyasu’s comments. There was a sense of urgency in the little boy’s every movement, and Ieyasu recognized it all too well: fear and panic. At the rate the little boy went, it didn’t take long for his quiver to grow empty. Some of the arrows hit quite close, but none of them had hit the center. Upset, the little boy stomped towards the targets and retrieved each arrow—carefully, Ieyasu noted, impressed. It seemed he knew how to do that, at least. It was only proper for anyone who desired to make the bow and arrow their allies.
“Your form is unstable, and you are too distracted by your emotions. That’s why you keep messing up,” Ieyasu stated. “You have to be calm and patient.”
With the targets cleared of the wayward arrows, the quiver in the little boy’s arm was full once again. Frustration flared inside him and made him clench his fist. He spun around with a glare, huffed towards Ieyasu’s direction, and moved to hand over the sheath of bow and arrows to him. “You do it, then, if you’re so good.” 
“What? Why should I?” Ieyasu crossed his arms and considered whether the child was tricking him into shooting the arrows in his place.
“I’ll remove them after you show me your skill,” the little boy promised like he was able to read Ieyasu’s mind.
It took Ieyasu by surprise, but at the same time, it didn’t; the little boy was smart.
At the silence that spread between the two of them, the little boy prodded, “Well, well, well… So, you are backing down from the challenge and accepting defeat?”
The nerve of this brat, Ieyasu thought. The little boy was far too clever for his age. In truth, it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, and for that, he decided he would indulge the child’s request. He outstretched his hand and gestured towards the bow. "Give me that.”
The little boy grinned in triumph and obliged which earned him an icy glare from Ieyasu. 
“Stand here and hold this thing.” Ieyasu pointed to his side, referring to the quiver too small to be slung on his shoulders. At the questioning gaze the little boy gave him, Ieyasu clicked his tongue. “Just do it.”
The little boy did as he was told, making the arrows accessible for Ieyasu. He nodded in realization. “Oh, I see...”
Even though they were smaller than what his arms and body were now used to, a bow was still a bow, and an arrow was still an arrow; they would always be Ieyasu’s first choice of weapons. He assessed the shooting range and concluded that their distance and size were meant for someone the little boy’s stature. Ieyasu lowered himself on one knee and positioned the bow. The perfect posture came as second nature to him as he nocked his first arrow. The bowstring was tighter than his preference, and the arrow was too short and stiff, but he knew what he needed to do in this situation. He glanced at the little boy and said, “Watch.”
The wind was in its ideal condition, and Ieyasu wasted no time in sending the arrow flying across the field. In a matter of seconds, it hit the target with a firm thud right at the center. The little boy gasped. It was a clean, perfect shot. But before the little boy could even catch up to what happened, another arrow had gone straight to the bull’s-eye of the second target. And another one...
Ieyasu fired the rest of the arrows one by one and hit the center every single time.
“Wow!” His initial animosity gone, the little boy’s mouth fell agape, his eyes shining with complete admiration for the man whose name he didn’t even know. It wasn’t the first time he had seen someone else equipped with a bow and an arrow, but this man… he possessed the mastery of it. The little boy continued to stare at him in awe.
Pink blooms drifted in the air, and silver bells tinkled once again as a strong gust of wind blew across the area. Ieyasu was pleased with the weather’s best possible timing; it didn’t interfere with his archery. He stood, not even a single drop of sweat on his brow, and dusted off his hakama, facing the little boy. “Done.” 
“You’re… good,” the little boy admitted. His shoulders slumped in sadness for he knew he couldn’t accomplish the same thing the man did today, and because of that, he would get into trouble. The extent of it, he didn’t know, but he was sure he would get into trouble. With the empty quiver in his hands, he turned around to retrieve the arrows, the memory of the effortless talent and skill he witnessed a few moments ago replaying in his mind, and he wondered if he would ever be as good one day if he practiced hard enough.
Ieyasu placed his palm on the little boy’s shoulder to stop him from walking away. His hand; calloused from surviving many battles, emerging victorious in them, and achieving what was considered to be the divine; felt strangely large as he touched this child’s shoulder—so strange and familiar that he was overcome with nostalgia. The little boy turned around and looked up to him expectantly with the thought Ieyasu was going to hand him the bow. However, Ieyasu knelt once again instead, his deep brown eyes meeting another set of the same color; one he would always recognize. “Don’t remove them... You are having a bad day, right?”
The little boy, at a loss for words, could only nod.
“Let him see it. You shot every single arrow, and you hit the bull’s-eye ten times. Like you did the other day.”
The fear and panic the little boy felt slowly dissipated as the words sunk in, and he was driven on the verge of tears for the second time that day. His voice trembled as he asked, “But why…? Why are you doing this? Do you want something from me?” 
“No.” Ieyasu shook his head. He placed the bow on the grass and proceeded to tie the ribbon of the little boy’s haori, making sure the knot was not too loose it would come undone easily but not too tight the little boy would have a difficult time undoing it later. Once he was finished, he picked up the bow again, his thumb brushing along the crest embedded on the wood. The weapon was light in his grasp, but he was sure it must be heavy for the little boy. This child has a long way to go, but he would go far; Ieyasu believed so. “But you have to eat well and be healthy… so… you won’t have a bad day again. Understood?”
“Yes, Milord.” The little boy grinned, warm tears of joy streaming down those puffy cheeks of his for a change. He didn’t mind. He was so relieved, so happy, and it was all thanks to the man in front of him. Hope bloomed in his heart, and he was glad he met this stranger on what he thought would be the unluckiest day of his life. At that moment, he found that it was quite the opposite. “When I grow up, I want to be like you.”
A genuine smile graced upon Ieyasu’s lips, and with his free hand, he ruffled the little boy’s hair. “You will be.”
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I really enjoy "dreamlike" stories, so this one is my favorite concept out of the seven I have planned out.
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6 days until Ieyasu's birthday! ♡◝(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)◜♡
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Golden Days | Ieyasu's Birthday Countdown — Masterlist
Ichigo Daifuku's Full Masterlist
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meltiverse · 5 years
03-E Mel’s Profile
Remember that “same as 00” is referring to the Mel from the “Prime Universe”
Universe: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Note: Can you tell I’m in a RotTMNT mood right now? Anyways, while they share a few traits with the Mel from 03-D, this Mel is still different enough to get their own profile.
General infos
Full Name: Melinda Delacroix
Nickname: Mel (by everyone), Flower Witch (by Donnie, Leo, Raph and Mikey), Babe, Kitten, Sweet Pea, Doll (by Vinny Jones a.k.a. Repo Mantis (that’s my headcanon name for him until his real name is revealed))
Nationality: French
Languages: French, English and Latin
Birthday: Unknown. Being a witch, this Mel lived for many years and eventually forgot their birthday and their exact age. They look like they’re in their late-20s
Sex: Female
Gender: Genderqueer, they do not feel the need to elaborate more than that.
Pronouns: They/them, she/her
Sexual/romantic orientation: Queer, again, they do not feel the need to elaborate more than that
Physical Appearance
Height: Same as 00
Weight: Same as 00
Body shape: Same as 00
Skin: Similar to 00, but this Mel doesn’t have a scar on their throat and their earlobes are still pierced. They also have a paw-print tattoo on the left side of their chest, above the breast and a tattoo of a thorny vine blooming into small colorful flowers around their right bicep.
Hair: Same as 00
Eyes: Same as 00
Clothing style: Glasses, rectangular, dark green half-frames. Most of the time, they go for comfortable clothes, but will go for robes and witch’s hat from time to time, when they don’t have to hide the fact that they are a witch. They tend to favor all shades of green and purple and well as black and white.
Qualities: Polite, caring with animals, good sense of humor, smart, quick thinker, open-minded, sweet.
Defaults: Rather shy at first, tendency to overwork themselves, bottle up emotions, a bit of a Stepford smiler.
Abilities: Thanks to their sweet demeanor, they tend to befriend people rather easily. Various magic powers but specialize in green magic, a.k.a. the ability to control plants and make them grow, including plants with magical properties. However, Mel can’t create plants from nothing, and as such will always carry a bag containing a bowl with lid filled with soil and many small bags of seeds, in case they need them and there isn’t any where they go. Also, most animals tend to like and trust Mel.
Hobbies: Reading fantasy books and books about nature (plants, animals, etc). Watching TV. Shows about science and nature. Listening to music. Volunteering at rescue shelters and TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) programs. Spending quality time with their lover.
Favorite colors: Green and purple
Favorite animals: All of them, they can’t choose a favorite!
Fears: Outliving everyone they care about.
Status: In a relationship with Vinny Jones, a.k.a. Repo Mantis
Current living place: New York.
Family: Their parents still live in France; Mel go visit them regularly thanks to something that will be talked about in “Transportation”
Friends: Mel get along rather well with Todd Capybara and sometime volunteer at his puppy rescue or bring him new puppies if they find abandoned ones. Mel is even the one who provided Todd with the lemon tree that grow the lemons used for the “special lemonade”
Pets: Their familiar is a fruit bat named “Vesper” who often bring rare seeds for Mel to grow.
Transportation: One of the biggest achievement Mel managed to make is to cross-breed magic flowers to create a breed that can transport Mel from one specimen to the other in seconds. However, those flowers are extremely difficult to grow. Only 2 specimens, one in Mel’s greenhouse and one in their parent’s garden in France exist so far. Beside that, Mel tend to walk or use a bicycle.
Home: Mel own a small house near a botanical garden, with a land just big enough that they can have their own small greenhouse to grow all kind of plants.
Education: Mel was taught in the art of magic by their parents. Mel also went to various schools learning all the regular stuff and eventually studied to get a master’s degree in botany.
Work: Beside the volunteering at rescue shelters and TNR programs, Mel work part-time at the botanical garden near their house.
Medical history: Nothing of note.
Marking moments: Moved to New York a few years after the TMNT were created. Met and befriended Todd not too long after he was mutated. Some time after Shredder was revived, Mel met Repo Mantis while volunteering for a TNR program, befriended him and they eventually started dating.
Anything else?: Being a witch, Mel is aware of the existence of Yokais and cryptids. Even though they are usually difficult to anger, they will be filled with righteous fury if they see animals being abused or plants being vandalized.
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viridariumumbris · 7 years
Adeline, Alfred Lord Tennyson
First printed in 1830.
1 Mystery of mysteries, Faintly smiling Adeline, Scarce of earth nor all divine, Nor unhappy, nor at rest, But beyond expression fair With thy floating flaxen hair; Thy rose-lips and full blue eyes Take the heart from out my breast. Wherefore those dim looks of thine, Shadowy, dreaming Adeline? 2 Whence that aery bloom of thine, Like a lily which the sun Looks thro' in his sad decline, And a rose-bush leans upon, Thou that faintly smilest still, As a Naïad in a well, Looking at the set of day, Or a phantom two hours old Of a maiden passed away, Ere the placid lips be cold? Wherefore those faint smiles of thine, Spiritual Adeline? 3 What hope or fear or joy is thine? Who talketh with thee, Adeline? For sure thou art not all alone: Do beating hearts of salient springs Keep measure with thine own? Hast thou heard the butterflies What they say betwixt their wings? Or in stillest evenings With what voice the violet woos To his heart the silver dews? Or when little airs arise, How the merry bluebell rings  1 To the mosses underneath? Hast thou look'd upon the breath Of the lilies at sunrise? Wherefore that faint smile of thine, Shadowy, dreaming Adeline? 4 Some honey-converse feeds thy mind, Some spirit of a crimson rose In love with thee forgets to close His curtains, wasting odorous sighs All night long on darkness blind. What aileth thee? whom waitest thou With thy soften'd, shadow'd brow, And those dew-lit eyes of thine,  2 Thou faint smiler, Adeline? 5 Lovest thou the doleful wind When thou gazest at the skies? Doth the low-tongued Orient  3 Wander from the side of  4  the morn, Dripping with Sabsean spice On thy pillow, lowly bent With melodious airs lovelorn, Breathing Light against thy face, While his locks a-dropping  5  twined Round thy neck in subtle ring Make a carcanet of rays,  6 And ye talk together still, In the language wherewith Spring Letters cowslips on the hill? Hence that look and smile of thine, Spiritual Adeline.
Footnote 1:  This conceit seems to have been borrowed from Shelley,
Sensitive Plant
, i.: ­
And the hyacinth, purple and white and blue, Which flung from its bells a sweet peal anew Of music.
return to footnote mark
Footnote 2:  
Ode to Pity
, "and
eyes of dewy light
Footnote 3:  What "the low-tongued Orient" may mean I cannot explain.
Footnote 4:  1830 and all editions till 1853. O'.
Footnote 5:  1863. A-drooping.
Footnote 6:  A carcanet is a necklace, diminutive from old French "Carcan". Cf.
Comedy of Errors
, in., i, "To see the making of her 'Carcanet".
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