#Extinction A.D.
gavischneider · 2 months
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slrmagazine · 3 months
EXTINCTION A.D. Drop New Single Feat. Matthew Kiichi Heafy and Announce New Album
EXTINCTION A.D. Drop New Single Feat. Matthew Kiichi Heafy and Announce New Album. #extinctionad @ExtinctionAD
Extinction A.D., the relentless purveyors of ferocious hardcore tinged thrash metal, have announced today that they will unleash their fourth studio album titled ‘To The Detested,’ on August 16th via Unique Leader Records. Alongside today’s announcement comes the debut of their latest single and accompanying music video, “Impervious (Unrepentant),” featuring guest vocals by Matthew Kiichi…
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gbhbl · 3 months
Single Slam: Future Palace, Extinction A.D., Wicked Envy, Fate’s Hollow, Massive Wagons, Calva Louise, Werewolves, Bad Neighbour, Allt, Oceans of Slumber, Between Owls, Deadscape, Summoning the Lich, Alterjoy, Powerwolf, Iress, Casket Robbery, Vanitas, The Salt Pale Collective, …has no tongues, Defences, Bones UK, Kurokuma, Unto Others, Graphic Nature, and Zeal & Ardor!
Today’s single slam features Future Palace, Extinction A.D., Wicked Envy, Fate’s Hollow, Massive Wagons, Calva Louise, Werewolves, Bad Neighbour, Allt, Oceans of Slumber, Between Owls, Deadscape, Summoning the Lich, Alterjoy, Powerwolf, Iress, Casket Robbery, Vanitas, The Salt Pale Collective, …has no tongues, Defences, Bones UK, Kurokuma, Unto Others, Graphic Nature, and Zeal & Ardor.
Today’s single slam features Future Palace, Extinction A.D., Wicked Envy, Fate’s Hollow, Massive Wagons, Calva Louise, Werewolves, Bad Neighbour, Allt, Oceans of Slumber, Between Owls, Deadscape, Summoning the Lich, Alterjoy, Powerwolf, Iress, Casket Robbery, Vanitas, The Salt Pale Collective, …has no tongues, Defences, Bones UK, Kurokuma, Unto Others, Graphic Nature, and Zeal & Ardor. You can…
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deadly-nightshade · 11 months
EXTINCTION A.D., Live, FULL SET, 11/4/2023, Bowery Electric
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2,000-year-old seeds were discovered in 1963 inside an ancient jar in Israel. They were planted in 2005 and a tree that had been extinct for over 1800 years sprouted.
Methuselah (tree) sprouted back in 2005, when agriculture expert Solowey germinated his antique seed. It had been pulled from the remains of Masada, an ancient fortification perched on a rock plateau in southern Israel.
For a while, the Judean date palm was the sole representative of his kind: Methuselah’s variety was reportedly wiped out around 500 A.D.
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vampirewalterskinner · 10 months
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Incoming Episode Propaganda 🤭💖
Note, these are episodes that heavily involve the OT3, not the only episodes with their little moments 🥰 I particularly recommend S8E15!!!
S2E25 Anasazi
S3E1 The Blessing Way
S3E16 Apocrypha
S3E21 Avatar
S4E16 Unrequited
S4E21 Zero Sum
S5E1 Redux Part 1
S5E2 Redux Part 2
S5E18 The Pine Bluff Variant
S6E9 S.R. 819
S6E21 Field Trip
S7E1 The Sixth Extinction (with a dash of S7E2)
S7E18 Brand X
S7E19 Hollywood A.D.
S8E1 Within
S8E2 Without
S8E14 This Is Not Happening
S8E15 Deadalive (my favorite!!!!!)
S9E19 The Truth Part 1
S9E20 The Truth Part 2
S11E6 Kitten
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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The Gold Bust of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius at The Getty
The golden bust of Emperor Marcus Aurelius from Avenches, western Switzerland, is going on display at the Getty. It is the largest known bust of an emperor made of a precious metal and one of only a handful of gold busts to escape being melted down. This Marcus Aurelius bust is so rare and so valuable that is usually kept in a bank vault. The Roman Museum of Avenches keeps a copy on display instead. It has only been exhibited a dozen times, and never before in the United States.
The bust was discovered in 1939 in an excavation of a temple at Avenches’ ancient predecessor, Aventicum. Aventicum was the capital of the Helvetii and was incorporated into the Roman Empire under Augustus in 15 B.C. It was granted colony status by Vespasian in 71/2 A.D. which spurred a major urban redevelopment of the city. A large temple complex inspired by Vespasian’s Templum Pacis in Rome and dedicated to the local gods of the Helvetii and the cult of the emperor was built during this time.
Found in a sewer crossing underneath the main courtyard of the temple complex, the golden bust is 13 inches high and weighs 3.5 lbs, the equivalent of 220 gold aurei from Marcus Aurelius’ time (r. 161-180 AD). It is made from a single sheet of gold that was cold-worked in a repoussé technique. The goldsmith hammered the back of the sheet to create the features of the emperor in three dimensions — a thick head of hair, neat beard, intense eyes. Fine details were incised on to the exterior surface after the repoussé was complete. He wears a lorica plumata, a cuirass decorated with rows of feathers, around a central gorgoneion.
Only about 15 imperial portraits in precious metals and only six of them in gold made it through the gauntlet of being melted for their weight in antiquity. Hollow, portable and requiring a support to stand, this type of portrait was created to be an imago, an effigy of the emperor meant to embody his sacred authority in processions and in temples dedicated to the imperial cult. Marcus Aurelius wrote in a letter in 162/3 A.D. to the curator of the temple at Ephesos that portraits of past emperors should never be altered to look like other emperors (a common practice with marble portraits) or melted down.
“There must be no re-working of the material into likenesses of us. For as we are not in other respects solicitous of honours for ourselves, much less should we permit those of others to be transferred to us. As many of the statues as are in good preservation should be kept under their original names, but with respect to those that are too battered to be identified, perhaps their titles can be recovered from inscriptions on their bases or from records that may exist in the possession of the Council, so that our progenitors may rather receive a renewal of their honour than its extinction through the melting down of their images.”
The bust will be on display at the Getty Villa in Los Angeles from May 31st of this year through January 29th, 2024.
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gay-noodle-clan · 4 months
Don’t know if anyone’s interested, but I want to introduce my DR self.
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This is Andi Grei Ruenhaert, fourth born child of Talsen Ruenhaert, king of Lelyra, and Shasta Indarain, queen of Lelyra and High Priestess of the Goddess of Fate.
- Andi’s pronouns are She / They.
- Andi is half kienrif, a species I created. Kienrif are shapeshifters that can only turn into one animal: tiger, lion, wolf, coyote, bear, hyena, leopard, jaguar, elk. Tigers are mostly extinct, but as the art shows, there is a tiger behind her. This is her other form.
- Andi is 6’9, due to being half kienrif through her father’s side, a species known for their height. She is actually unusually small for the species, due to her being only half. Her tiger form is also rather small, only the size of the average wolf.
- Andi is a quarter Wood Elf and a quarter Hummingbird Fae through her mother’s side, giving her an unusually long lifespan, pointed ears, and a rather quick but graceful step.
- Andi was born September 19, 1374 A.D. In most of my DRs, it is the year 1397 A.D., making Andi 23 years old.
- Andi lives in Miðrfold, but was born in the realm Tasmuidal. For reference, our reality / realm is Heltensrike. Miðrfold is another reality / realm that is connected to Heltensrike, and to Tasmuidal, and translates to the Middle Realm. Tasmuidal is the “final” realm / reality, and is considered unholy or dead lands.
- Tasmuidal has 2 countries, Auluiria and Lelyra. Andi is from Lelyra, a place that snows year-round. They rely heavily on trade for food and supplies, and often eat the northern Leopard Seal selkies so that they can avoid trade a bit more and not have to keep an eye out for hungry selkies stealing children.
- Andi is very soft spoken and sweet, but is able to stand up for herself when necessary. She is very well-liked, though, and is rumoured to be the next Sylvati, something akin to the magical leader of the realm.
- It varies who her romantic partner is, depending entirely on what DR I am in.
- The way Andi ends up in DRs is that she touches an auyura, or a magical fae’s gate, and it takes her to an unknown, uncharted place, the DR. For reference, she touches the gate, and ends up in My Hero Academia.
- Andi has plant-related magic due to being a quarter Wood Elf, and has the ability to understand animals if she learns their language. This is usually a common tongue amongst animals of an area—rabbits, bobcats, and squirrels would all speak the same rough common tongue in a northern pine forest where they live together, that an elf could learn. But the bobcats of different regions could understand each other through their own first language, but the elf would have to learn that language separately, because it is a different language from the pine forest’s common tongue… there’s a lot of different languages to learn. Most elves specialise in certain species or areas. Andi chooses to specialise in smaller woodland mammals. Whereas her grandmother, Svea, understands dragons, because she’s learned that language. It took Svea a couple hundred years, though.
- Andi knows 13 different languages: “Not too many. Icelandic, Germanic, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Faroese, Estonian, Norwegian, Greek, Portuguese, Ukrainian, a bit of French, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese, Korean, Doric, and Elvish. It is embarrassingly little, unfortunately.” She has the life goal of learning as many languages as possible. Although she refuses to learn English, mostly out of spite for having found the language too difficult when she was younger.
- Andi is incredibly intelligent, but is usually in her own world. Good luck getting her to respond when she’s daydreaming.
And that’s my DR self! Yes I made her special, because it’s my DR, so why not? Andi is my DR self in all of my DRs (30+), except for 3.
There’s more about her, too, if anyone is ever interested. I don’t refer to myself as Andi because in this reality, that isn’t who I am. I’m Andi in another reality, and prefer to stay Noodlers in this reality.
However, please feel free to ask me about her if I missed anything!
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proudhamarsing · 7 months
[P.S Sunyata is the sanskrit (buddhist sanskrit word) for the void state/I am state! ❤️]
1. Sunyata (Emptiness) is the profound meaning of the Mahayana Teaching.
Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Buddha was able to realise "emptiness" (s. sunyata). By doing so he freed himself from unsatisfactoriness (s. dukkha). From the standpoint of enlightenment, sunyata is the reality of all worldly existences (s. dharma). It is the realisation of Bodhi — Prajna. From the standpoint of liberation, sunyata is the skilful means that disentangle oneself from defilement and unsatisfactoriness. The realisation of sunyata leads one to no attachment and clinging. It is the skilful means towards enlightenment and also the fruit of enlightenment.
There are two ways for us to understand this concept of sunyata in the Mahayana context. One way is to try to understand the explanation about its true nature. The other way is the realisation through practice. What we are going to discuss now is about its true nature.
Mahayana teachings have always considered that the understanding of sunyata is an attainment which is extremely difficult and extraordinarily profound.
For example, in the Prajna Sutra it says "That which is profound, has sunyata and non-attachment as its significance. No form nor deeds, no rising nor falling, are its implications."
Again in the Dvadasanikaya Sastra (composed by Nagarjuna, translated to Chinese by Kumarajiva A.D. 408) it says: "The greatest wisdom is the so-called sunyata."
This sunyata, no creation, calmness and extinction (s. nirvana) is of a profound significance in the Mahayana teachings. Why do we see it as the most profound teaching? This is because there is no worldly knowledge, be it general studies, science or philosophy, that can lead to the attainment of the state of sunyata. The only path to its realisation is via the supreme wisdom of an impassionate and discriminating mind. It is beyond the common worldly understanding.
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bracketsoffear · 3 months
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Galápagos (Kurt Vonnegut) "The story begins one million years in the past: 1986 A.D. Mary Hepburn and her husband Roy were supposed to attend the maiden voyage of the wildly publicized Bahía de Darwin, a cruise ship ("The Nature Cruise of the Century!") that takes tourists and sightseers to the famous Galápagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. Unfortunately, Roy dies from a brain tumor shortly before the cruise. So it goes.
Mary, grief stricken, takes the flight to Ecuador to honor the commitment she made with her husband. Also attending the cruise are American con artist James Wait, Japanese inventor Zenji Hiroguchi and his pregnant wife Hisako, American financier Andrew Macintosh and his blind daughter Selena, and an oddball assortment of other characters. Unfortunately for the passengers, the captain crashes the boat on the island after a storm and strands them there without much hope for rescue.
Rescue won't be coming because the end of the world is already gathering steam: a series of events including a worldwide financial crisis, a disease which renders all humans on the planet (except the shipwrecked survivors) infertile, and a looming nuclear war. This group of mismatched tourists suddenly become the last fertile members of humanity, and thus the progenitors of a whole new and totally different human race.
This novel is Vonnegut's take on Darwin's theory of evolution, human nature, and other topics. The novel makes mention of the problems associated with "the oversized human brain," which Vonnegut argues as the source for a lot of humanity's problems — humans lie, cheat, and fight one another because their advanced brains give them the capacity to do so — and the descendants of the Bahía da Darwin survivors lose this evolution, which the narrator sees as a good thing. They also turn semi-aquatic, with flippers for arms."
The Southern Reach Trilogy (Jeff VanderMeer) "The Southern Reach is a secret United States government agency responsible for investigating and hiding the existence of Area X, a remote region of swamps and coastline which was one day surrounded by an invisible and nearly impenetrable barrier. Strange phenomena have been occurring in Area X ever since it formed, and the Southern Reach has been sending in team after team in an attempt to find out what was responsible for the Area's creation—and if it poses a danger to the outside world.
Expedition members are warned to avoid contamination by Area X as it's not know what happened to those who did not return; though frustratingly for the teams, that's a very broad directive given how there's any number of ways Area X can contaminate them. Though most became part of Area X by turning into animals, some turned into grotesque monsters that are neither animal nor human. It is strongly hinted at that the… thing behind it all is merely trying to recreate its long lost homeworld, despite that homeworld being dead and its mission obsolete.
To quote the movie adaptation: "It wasn't destroying. It was changing everything. It was making something new." To quote the wiki about the Extinction: "It is the fear of catastrophic change" and "the extinction of humanity and its replacement by something else.""
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gavischneider · 3 months
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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Todays fossil is a replica Voay tooth. Also known as the horned crocodile, the voay is an extinct genus of crocodilian which lived throughout swamps, rivers, wetlands, and coast regions of Madagascar until as recently as 50 A.D. It is on this massive island that the voay lineage became isolated and split off from crocodiles back in the Oligocene some 25 million years ago. Reaching upwards of 16ft (5m) in length and 500lbs (226kg) in weight the voay is the largest predator known to have roamed Madagascar since the extinction of the non avian dinosaurs and would have feed upon Fish, Birds, Amphibians, Fruit, Mammals, Invertebrates, and Other Reptiles. It sported a sorter and broader skull than most modern crocodiles with a distinctive pair of boney head crest. It also had much more robust, strongly built legs indicating that the voay likely spent almost as much time on land as it did the water. Admittedly inaccurate Toy made by creatology.
Art Belongs to the following creators:
Sobek1926: https://www.deviantart.com/sobek1926/art/Voay-robustus-the-horned-crocodile-of-Madagascar-936382947
Unenlagia90: https://www.deviantart.com/unenlagia90/art/Voay-robustus-918530868
Nixdraws: https://nixillustration.com/science-illustration/2019/voay/
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gbhbl · 1 year
Single Slam: Tribe of Ghosts, Normandie, Kath & the Kicks, Second Cities, Sugar Spine, Vermont, The Black Hounds, Blanket, Void of Vision, Nervosa, Everlyne, Solars, Psython, Nasty, Doro, Extinction A.D, and Waterlines!
This week’s single slam features Tribe of Ghosts, Normandie, Kath & the Kicks, Second Cities, Sugar Spine, Vermont, The Black Hounds, Blanket, Void of Vision, Nervosa, Everlyne, Solars, Psython, Nasty, Doro, Extinction A.D, and Waterlines.
This week’s single slam features Tribe of Ghosts, Normandie, Kath & the Kicks, Second Cities, Sugar Spine, Vermont, The Black Hounds, Blanket, Void of Vision, Nervosa, Everlyne, Solars, Psython, Nasty, Doro, Extinction A.D, and Waterlines. You can read our thoughts about the latest singles from these bands below. Tribe of Ghosts – Hive Brighton’s industrial/post metal band Tribe Of Ghost have…
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Hi. What do you think? Look what i found. Sixth Extinction 2: Amor Fati: MULDER: Yeah, including why you live in a bigger house than I do. (DD was a writer)
MULDER: Why is your house
so much nicer than mine? (DD ad-libbed)
Conclusion: David remembers almost everything and uses it in his work. I have a feeling this episode is also a dream.
WHAT A GREAT CATCH! Wow, never noticed that!
If I were to throw my hat in the ring, I think he remembers what he had a vested interest in, i.e. writing Amor Fati (and all its core ideas/themes) or trying to establish his character's backstory and fears (fear of fire.) And because he was invested in a lot of Mulder, DD then remembers a vast amount of information (his dialogue in both The Unnatural and Hollywood A.D. highlight just how much of the tiny details he latched onto.)
He loved (loves) story and always wanted to do more with the show (before becoming frustrated and leaving); and it's a shame we didn't get more episodes or direct influence.
So, tldr: yes. XDDDDD
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deathsbestgirl · 8 months
favorite episodes
categorized & in chronological order — with repeats (under the cut because it's long)
season one
the jersey devil
fallen angel
beyond the sea
miracle man
erlenmeyer flask
season two
little green men/the host
sleepless/duane barry/ascension/3/one breath
red museum
excelsis dei
fresh bones
colony/end game
our town
season three
the blessing way
clyde bruckman's final repose
war of the coprophages/syzygy
piper maru/apocrypha
talitha cumi
season four
the field where i died
paper hearts
never again/leonard betts/memento mori
tempus fugit/max
small potatoes
zero sum
season five
christmas carol/emily
kill switch
bad blood
patient x/the red and the black
mind's eye
all souls
pine bluff variant
folie a deux
the end
x files: fight they future
season six
the beginning
triangle/dreamlands/how the ghosts stole christmas
the rain king
s.r. 819
two fathers/one son
agua mala/monday/arcadia
the unnatural
three of a kind
field trip
season seven
sixth extinction/amor fati
the goldberg variation
sein und zeit/closure
x cops
en ami/chimera/all things
hollywood a.d.
fight club
je souhaite
season eight
via negativa
the gift
per manum
this is not happening/deadalive
season nine
trust no1
scary monsters
jump the shark
sunshine days
the truth (part 1&2)
x files: i want to believe
season ten
my struggle
home again
mulder and scully meet the weremonster
my struggle ii
season eleven
my struggle iii
plus one
the lost art of forehead sweat
my struggle iv
little green men
colony/end game
anasazi/the blessing way/paperclip
tempus fugit/max
the end/the beginning
patient x/the red and the black
two fathers/one son
this is not happening/deadalive
monster of the week
the jersey devil
clyde bruckman's final repose
kill switch
three of a kind
x cops
mulder and scully meet the weremonster
the lost art of forehead sweat
beyond the sea
never again
christmas carol/emily
all souls
en ami
all things
paper hearts
sein und zeit/closure
mind's eye
the gift
per manum
the truth
mulder and scully
war of the coprophages/syzygy
bad blood
how the ghosts stole christmas
the unnatural
field trip
hollywood a.d.
fight club
je souhaite
plus one
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wisdomfish · 11 months
Non-Christian sources confirm the validity of New Testament
The Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-100), is the first non-Christian author to mention Jesus. In the Antiquities, Josephus writes:
There was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day (Antiquities 18:3:3).
Tacitus (A.D. 56-120), the Roman historian confirms that the crucifixion of Jesus actually took place. Writing in his Annals, he records:
 Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind.
Pliny the Younger (A.D. 62-113), Roman governor in Asia Minor, established that early Christians worshiped Jesus as a god:
They (Christians) were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food, but of an ordinary and innocent kind (Epistles 10.96).
Suetonius (120 AD) was a Roman historian and court official.  When recounting the history of the emperor Claudius some years before him, he said,
“Because the Jews at Rome caused constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus [Christ], he [Claudius] expelled them from the city [Rome]” (Life of Claudius, 25:4).
Lucian, born (c. AD 125 – 180), the pagan author Samosata, while ridiculing Christians, accepted that Jesus actually existed:
The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day—the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account. … You see, these misguided creatures start with the general conviction that they are immortal for all time, which explains their contempt of death and voluntary self-devotion which are so common among them; and then it was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws. All this they take quite on faith, with the result that they despise all worldly goods alike, regarding them merely as common property. (Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinus)
Celsus (2nd century), the Greek philosopher, while arguing against Christianity, also accepted that Jesus existed:
O light and truth! He distinctly declares, with his own voice, as ye yourselves have recorded, that there will come to you even others, employing miracles of a similar kind, who are wicked men, and sorcerers; and Satan. So that Jesus himself does not deny that these works at least are not at all divine, but are the acts of wicked men; and being compelled by the force of truth, he at the same time not only laid open the doings of others, but convicted himself of the same acts. Is it not, then, a miserable inference, to conclude from the same works that the one is God and the other sorcerers? Why ought the others, because of these acts, to be accounted wicked rather than this man, seeing they have him as their witness against himself? For he has himself acknowledged that these are not the works of a divine nature, but the inventions of certain deceivers, and of thoroughly wicked men.
~ Samples, Kenneth Richard. ‘Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions
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