#Exterreri x Rachel
the-annoying-moth · 1 year
So..uhmm I never wanted to do this bcuz...I felt...guilty but seeing this shit is fucking stressing me so let's start with this shit:
Let's start at the beginning like in 2019 more or less with a moth of about 12 or 13 years old at most but many knew me simply as sushi (somewhat random, my nickname was for my kitten but I changed it to my self insert moth girl )
At that time I had abandoned my old acc bcuz a girl certainly harassed me to answer her and to support her emotionally but she in itself degraded my problems, so I had decided to escape like the good coward that I am and I remembered that Jaja existed sooo I talked to her to tell her that sushi girl was me or just mysdered/mysde and we continued with our ships normaly(sfg! Nash x Classic!Frans and huhhh I think Rachel x Exterreri)
But despite the fact that everything was normal, something happened because Jaja began to talk to me a little about Zaiko, telling me to be careful when approaching them because they could hurt me and well, I blindly believed her, making me also fear and hate them for some reason.(Zaikoperdonameesqueestabachikitaypendejaigualnoeramiintención;;;;)
Although it seemed strange to me about Zaiko because I had not found any type of evidence that harmed Zaiko and in itself it was only Jaja answering ask type "She made me feel very bad with her actions..."(I'm using the old Zaiko's pronnouns acording to the year)and again I just keep listening only to Jaja because she was my friend in that time and I admired her art because for me was really pretty and comfy to see
Well, time passed all right I guess? There weren't many problems regarding our shipps until one day I drew a drawing of exterreri x rachel saying that their relationship reminded me of SasuSaku due to the fact that Exterreri left for too long and then came back and then Haha he spoke to me privately saying He did not like this comparison at all, asking me to perhaps delete the post or hc, I agreed and deleted the hc without too many problems, but a few months later the chaos began
I started to devolping a shipp with Zaiko and that ship was Seth x Cherry,Jaja she found out about this and she warned me again to stay away from Zaiko because they were a bad person and double-faced but I didn't noticed that honestly bcuz Zaiko was a very comprensive person and very very very kind and patient towards me and some mutuals in that time
And everything went down when I created my oc and shippchild of pf!frisk x killer! Sans,Artemisa Jaja inmediately talked to me starting the conversation with "I thought you didn't like that ship" and I told her that I was neutral regarding the ship and created Artemisa for fun too so that she could also interact with other fanchilds of the same ship or other ships as well. After I explained to her, she began with "You don't know how hurtful you are, I thought we were friends!" I felt horribly bad because I didn't want to make her feel that way with my fanchild and I was a bit scared to be honest so I told Zaiko that problem
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And I tried to resolve the problem with a serious dialogue to her and we broke our ships at Jaja's request I honestly was very sad I just loved the shipchilds that we make like Alexander(Sfg!nash xFrans) or Said(ExterrerixRachel),and she also requested me to delete the posts of said ships and childs (which she did not do because we made more than anything a deal)so we stopped talking and being less close than before and by that timeI started to talk to @yueart about our ships which at that time I think they were (AlexanderxViolet,BinariøxBermellon and TristánxZenka).
And among so much talk I brought up the problem with Jaja, realizing that I was not the only one affected by his actions because Yue also went through the same thing
So I had an idea, to make a reboot for Frans to see what he thought Haha, what did I get as an answer? well in the comments she sent me a "our ship is still canon right :)?" I was like "you're goddam kidding me right?!" But internally,and I said yes
But one day I just got tired of all that shit and well,tell her all the truth of the matter and blocked her inmediately
Voy a ser muy sincera con esto,este tema me estreso mucho e incluso mi ex pareja sabe del tema pues a él le pedia consejos de que hacer,recuerda que si tu pasaste la misma situación con esta mujer no estás solo! Me tienes a mi y a muchas personas más,debes mantenerte lo más firme y valiente que puedas ante sus estúpidos juegos,manipulaciones y llantitos. Espero que estés donde estés sepas que tienes apoyo tanto en este testimonio y muchos más
No te sientas mal si ella te hizo creer que la dañaste,literalmente tiene una mentalidad de una niña de 11 u 13 años
Para Jaja:
Honestamente...no me arrepiento haber dicho lo que dije en ese tiempo,me hiciste sentir tan mal con tus palabras,para mi eras una amiga más pero al final me di cuenta de algo,no conozcas a tus ídolos espero que estés donde estés seas conciente de tus acciones o el daño que le hiciste a personas. Sayonara~
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I don't want to bother but I was curious, how Exterreri or Sfg would have reacted! Nash when they found out that their respective girlfriends were pregnant? (Although I don't know if the Exterreri x Rachel is still canon but I still wanted to ask X'D)
Of course Exterreri and Rachel is canon >:0
Sfg!Nash: overprotective, worry but also very excited. Making sure she is fine and comfortable, and does everything to make sure she doesnt do too much effort. (Even if being pregnant is not a handicap XD)
Exterreri: he will be so much more calm than Sfg!Nash XD of course he will give her all the confort and support she need and more. He will be really happy they will be parents even if he will be a little worry for the child since his soul and body get corrupted by Nightmare, he hopes Rachel and the baby are fine
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the-annoying-moth · 2 years
I want to know more about Said, if you don't mind 😔
Claro n n)
🤡Said Magne🤡
🤡Totalmente un don comedias,le encanta hacer bromas pesadas a todo mundo,incluso a su novio
🤡Le gusta el té verde con aroma frutal,eso lo relaja
🤡Aunque sea bromista igual es muy serio,llegas a hacerle algo a sus padres y estarás jodidamente muerto
🤡Tiene entre 10-13 años y mide 1m54 cm
🤡Le gusta el anime,aunque no lo admitirá a menos que lo lleven a la tumba
🤡Un chico con talento en el teatro,es muy bueno en ello
🤡Quiere un herman@ menor
🤡Él era originalmente una niña,aparte era la hija de Sans,se iba a llamar Sahara
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🤡Su diseño actual está inspirado en el de Camilo Madrigal
🤡Se parece mucho a su abuela materna,Hiroko,tiene su mismo cabello,ojos y sentido del gusto
🤡Puede parecer debil,no te dejes engañar,es un zorro astuto y sabe como persuadir y manipular 👀
🤡Se lleva bien con su prima Pallete y con Sirah también
🤡No es sumiso como su madre,es todo lo contrario
🤡Le hubiese gustado conocer a su abuela
🤡El le dice a su padre que le enseñe a ser tan genial como él y que le enseñe a pelear como él
🤡Le gustan los gatos
🤡Nadie sabe como conoció a Expresso
🤡Es omnisexual
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the-annoying-moth · 2 years
Said want a brother a sister or both ? :D I want to draw him a sibling
He always wanted brothers or sisters,he loves babys for some reason :P
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the-annoying-moth · 2 years
4A - Rachel x Exterreri ? :D
Here is! Sorry for being late , ,)
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