#Exemplary Drafts Reports
zarya-zaryanitsa · 2 years
Stalinist attitudes towards homosexuality and the events surroudning criminalization of homosexuality in Soviet Union in 1934 - excerpts from professor Dan Healey’s book „Russian homophobia from Stalin to Sochi”
In the same chapter I analyze the Soviet return to a ban on “sodomy” in 1933-34. It was a Stalinist measure, proposed by the security police and backed with relish by Stalin and his Politburo. Stalin personally edited the new penal article. This was the moment when the Soviet state adopted a modern anti-homosexual politics, the birth of modern Russian political homophobia. (…)
On September 15, 1933, deputy chief of the OGPU (secret police) Genrikh Yagoda proposed to Stalin that a law against “pederasty” was needed urgently. Stalin and Yagoda used the crude term pederastiia to discuss male homosexuality; but government lawyers revived the tsarist term muzhelozhstvo (sodomy) for the published law that was eventually adopted in March 1934. Yagoda reported that in August-September 1933, OGPU raids had been conducted on circles of “pederasts” in Moscow and Leningrad, and other cities of the Soviet Union. Yagoda wrote that these men were guilty of spying; they had also “politically demoralized various social layers of young men, including young workers, and even attempted to penetrate the army and navy.” From a recent collection of FSB archive documents of political cases against young Communists, it is clear that during the early 1930s, the secret police were obsessed with detecting counterrevolutionary moods among young people. Stalin forwarded Yagoda’s letter to Politburo member Lazar Kaganovich, noting that “these scoundrels must receive exemplary punishment” and directing a law against “pederasty” should be adopted. In the months that followed, Yagoda the secret policeman steered its passage through the various legislative drafts. (…)
When in mid-September 1933 Yagoda wrote to Stalin, recommending the adoption of a formal law against sodomy, he apparently cited a figure of 130 arrests of “pederasts” for the operations in “Moscow and Leningrad.” According to Ivanov, the archives of the St. Petersburg FSB reveal that during August-September 1933, 175 men were arrested on grounds of homosexual relations in Leningrad alone. The raids on “pederasts” continued and probably expanded to the principal “regime” cities, including Kharkov and Kiev. It appears that somewhere inside the central secret police machinery, an order originated in late July or early August 1933 to begin arrests of “pederasts” known to the authorities on their card-indexes either as “anti-social” or “declassed” elements, or as a security threat with international dimensions. (…)
In the 1993 release of correspondence between Yagoda and Stalin leading to the sodomy ban, one other significant document was published from the same file in the Presidential Archive. It is a sixteen-page letter to Stalin, from a homosexual British Communist, Harry O. Whyte (1907-60), an ex­ patriate journalist living in Moscow who loved a man who was a Soviet citizen. His Soviet lover was arrested sometime during late 1933 or early 1934. The release of the Whyte letter said little about its provenance and the author. It was typical of the 1993 publication that this document also appeared without commentary, but was labeled “Humor from the Special Collections” by archivists or editors who failed to show any historical empathy or intellectual curiosity.
Whyte, who worked for the English-language Moscow Daily News, wrote to Stalin, in May 1934, asking him to justify the new law. The journalist boldly explained why it violated the principles of both Marxism and the Soviet revolution. He argued that persecution of the law-abiding homosexual was typical of capitalist regimes and fascist ones: Nazi Germany’s “racial purity” drive was just the most extreme example of the push in both systems for “labor reserves and cannon fodder.” “Constitutional homosexuals, as an insignificant portion of the population . . . cannot present a threat to the birth rate in a socialist state.” Their position was analogous to that of other unjustly persecuted groups: “women, colored races, national minorities” and the best traditions of socialism showed tolerance of the relatively insignificant number of naturally occurring homosexuals in the population. He asked Stalin, “Can a homosexual be considered a person fit to become a member of the Communist Party?” In a revealing reaction, Stalin scrawled across the letter, “An idiot and a degenerate. To the archives.” Whyte got a blunt answer to his question: he was expelled from the Communist Party; he hastily left the Soviet Union for England in 1935. (…)
The dictator turned to his cultural spokesman Maxim Gorky, to explain the law’s rationale for Soviet and European readers. Gorky wrote an article that appeared in Izvestiia and Pravda on May 23, 1934, and later in a German-language socialist newspaper in Switzerland, in which he compared healthy Soviet youth to the degenerate youth of Nazi Germany. “Destroy the homosexuals - and fascism will disappear” he concluded, propounding the genocide of a social group on the grounds of sexuality. Later in 1936, People’s Commissar of Justice Nikolai V. Krylenko gave a speech to the central Soviet legislature in which he explained that the law was necessary because homosexuals were not healthy workers but “a declassed rabble, or the scum of society, or remnants of the exploiting classes.”
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
palette, the kiss, graffiti
Thank you for the asks, this is so long but I had fun 😅
Palette: list four of your character's primary skills, then share at least two ways these skills might blend or overlap
Do my characters have skills? This is news, I always think of them as sad little useless babies. Let’s see, Renathal certainly has a lot of accomplishments, but nearly all of them are functionally useless, gentleman’s hobbies. He is an accomplished swordsman (although he does learn duelling and actually fighting for your life are two very different things), he’s an exemplary host and very good at planning an event although he did tire of that many eons ago and usually delegates that sort of thing now, and he’s also quite good at (and similarly bored of) the running of an estate. And I suppose his fourth skill would be his ability to see dark humour in everything and not take things too seriously (usually. That is a skill put to the test many times in recent events).
Graffiti: Have you ever had to research something that felt illicit or illegal for a fic? What was it?
You just cannot imagine how little research I do 🤣 I hate even having to look up place and people names to make sure I have them spelled right. I can’t think of anything illicit or illegal or even vaguely embarassing I’ve ever had to look up.
The Kiss: share your favorite kiss scene from this work. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
Well the first kiss is not for a few chapters but I do have that in decent draft because of course I have, it’s my favorite part. And their first kiss in this story is not on the lips because I’m definitely more sexually motivated than romantic 😂
Renathal did not even try to stop himself. He brushed her hair across one shoulder, leaving the other wholly bare and exposed to the cold, unmoving air. His long, sharp fingernails danced delicately across the smooth skin, and he drank in her gasp like the anima wine in which he had refused to indulge. Her back arched, he could feel it against him, and what little inhibitions he had left evaporated. Bending without thought, anticipating without regret, Renathal let his lips find the pulse beating wildly beneath Elisewin’s mortal flesh. There was no reason to deny himself the pleasure any longer. The Countess assumed this was happening. She would report it to Denathrius who would take Elisewin away. He had failed the test. The least he could do was enjoy himself before the end.
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head-post · 2 months
Russian troops to cut off Donbas highway crucial for Ukraine, Zelensky ready to negotiate territorial integrity
Ukrainian media reported Russian troops advancing in eastern Ukraine, while President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a readiness to discuss borders as part of “achieving peace.”
Russian forces advanced near Vuhledar, in the area of the Solonenka gully towards the highway through which Ukrainian troops receive supplies in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. A Russian assault unit reportedly entered the southern outskirts of the town. According to Ukrainian media, active fighting is also taking place near the village of Novomykhailivka to the east of Kostiantynivka.
For two years, the Russians have been incapable of capturing Vuhledar, a key strategic city for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in Donbas (the common name for the Luhansk and Donetsk regions). Now Russian forces decided to bypass the city, focusing on more non-obvious objectives.
The troops also entered Toretsk, initiating battles within the city. Offensive operations continue in the strategically important Pokrovsk area after the Russians seized the village of Prohres and the town of Ocheretyne.
Back in early July, Le Monde, citing a spokesman for the Khortytsia operational group, reported about the advance of the Russian forces and the gradual retreat of Ukrainian soldiers in Donbas.
Military experts note that the Russian Air Force strikes on Ukrainian stockpiles and airfields contributed to the success of the offensive.
According to Ukrainian media, Russians struck Kharkiv’s airbase and destroyed an ammunition depot in the village of Bohuslavka. The strike was carried out after several days of tracking the actions of Ukrainian troops.
The Su-34 fighter-bomber hit the targets with Kh-35 guided missiles, completely destroying the ATSR-33S air traffic control radar and severely damaging the Skala-M camouflaged radar station.
Tensions are rising
Meanwhile, pressure is mounting within Ukraine. A resident of Khmelnytskyi, a city in western Ukraine, won a court case against the Territorial Recruitment Centre (TRC). The military enlistment office was obliged to grant the man a mobilisation deferment.
According Ukrainian media, the army wanted to draft the plaintiff to serve in the AFU despite the fact that he has a father with a disability. The court found the actions of the TRC unlawful, considering the documents on the right to deferment legal.
Earlier, several mobilised persons escaped from a TRC van when the driver stopped to refuel.
In Odesa, the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) reported the detention of six people suspected of setting fire to the vehicles of TRC employees and AFU soldiers. According to the SSU, the detained Odesa residents face between 18 and 24 years in prison. It is alleged that they tried to burn more than 15 vehicles over the course of two weeks.
“Working undercover as a courier delivery service, they drove around the city on their own scooters, identifying parking addresses for Defence Force vehicles. (…) They worked mostly in pairs, one setting the fire and the other filming it.”
Meanwhile, the commander of the Anti-Tank Battalion of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, Oleh Romanov, stated that he had given permission to shoot those who set fire to military vehicles at the rear.
I give verbal permission to my fighters to shoot those creatures on the spot, such traitors must be eliminated on the spot, relying on wartime. (…) Such things must be exemplary.
Against the backdrop of total mobilisation, arson attacks on vehicles of TRC employees spread across the country. Due to the mass burning of cars belonging to military commissions and AFU soldiers, many owners of similar brands of vehicles began to attach the inscription “Not TRC” to their cars.
Talks on territorial integrity of Ukraine
The situation escalated so much that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the authorities would start “detailed discussions with relevant countries on issues of territorial integrity.” He added that Ukraine would develop a “peace action plan” by the end of November.
Zelensky gave an exclusive interview to Japanese broadcaster NHK, talking about the prospects for ending the war, his relationship with former US President Donald Trump and his hopes for Japan’s continued support.
“Japan is a representative of the Group of Seven and has provided us with economic, humanitarian and technical support. They came to our aid so quickly. It was the first non-NATO country to sign a security cooperation deal with Ukraine.”
Earlier, the president said that he would agree to talks with Russia when Ukraine reached its internationally recognised borders.
So we emphasise once again: Ukraine will be ready for one or another format of diplomacy when we have our borders. Our real borders according to the international law.
When talking about “real borders,” Zelensky apparently meant not only the territories lost during the war, but also Crimea, which came under Russian control in 2014. However, in September 2022, he signed a decree banning talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government, according to Reuters.
Amid growing pressure on the frontline and domestic turmoil, the Ukrainian authorities are talking about peace negotiations more and more frequently. On 23 July, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said during a visit to China that Ukraine was ready to negotiate, but Russia considered the statement as an attempt to provide a “respite” from the hostilities.
Read more HERE
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ramrodd · 9 months
Why We Know the New Testament Gospels Were Written Early
Your cold case method is being crippled by the critical historic method of the dialectical Marxism inherent in the Pot Modern Historical Deconstruction that replaced the critical literary method of the Historical Gestalt of Hegel's dialectical synthesis in 1968 by the SDS takeover of Columbia University. Your dad would remember this which occured during the same period of political action  begun by the Tet Offensive in February 1968 and topped off by the Chicago Police Riots at the Democratic  Convention,  The left wing anti0war campus radicals and draft dodgers force the academic culture of adopt  Post Modern Historical Deconstruction as part of the roll out of the Political Correctness  Liberal Fascism that persists to this day, off=set by the Nazification of the right wing element on campus as part of the MAGA Conservative Solidarity with Trump and the January 6 committee to dismantle the administrative state and replace it with Elon Muck's  business model,
Your methods are exemplary, We used exactly the same method in Vietnam to adjust artillery It employs the double-loop learning the epistemology of Gestalt Theory makes possible in cognitive dynamics, The first cognitive loop is the ability to his the target, the ADJUST phase of the feedback relationship. You test a theory and it doesn't connection to the Figure of the homocide in your mind. You keep missing until you hit something and the rest is history,
The figure of the Homicide is set against The Field of the crime scene, which includes many dimensions of possibilities that may not be material but tangible in the circumstances. Motive, for instance, The usefulness of the dialectical materialism of your method is that the evidence is morally inert, This is pure phenology the evidence is Dinga-en-sich, the thing in itself, Hume's theory of perception leads directly to your method of inquiry,, the ADJUT phase of the double loop Feedback cognitive mechanism. Once missing during the ADJUST phase causes a hit,, the :SHIFT" phase kicks and  to being missing at another target/Figure.
The Triple Loop Feedback of Process Theology and cognitive science asks the question, what if it's the right method but the wrong target?  
Based on the critical historic method of the campus radicals and draft dodgers of the 60, James Tabor's  theory of the assembly of the Gospels constructively describes the basis of the Pro-Life heresy of the Total Depravity Gospel, His theory is that Paul's Thessalonians is the first written record of Jesus in history and everything from that. In Acts, that occurs around 51 CE by the Roman Standard Time of Luke's bisected narrative, Luke and Acts. Beginning with Cornelius, Acts is anchored existentially by 4  or ficve historically available Romans,, like Pi in mathematics  Your command of Acts is essential to the Triple Loop.
First of all, Papias is not a reliable point of departure in regards to anything about John Mark or the Gospel of Mark and Gospel of John, For some reason, he is out of the distribution associated with the Epistle of Hebrews John Mark is integral to the  research behind the Roman Christian Centurion manifesto it represents.
Tertullian g, on the other hand, gives you his testimony as a skilled lawyer in the actual first written record of the term "Christian" being conveyed from Pilate to Tiberius in the intelligence report Pilate wrote and sent to Tiberius under the Roman Military Signals priority of "euangelion", which meant "Tidings of Joy: Emperor's Eyes Immediately
An edited version of the original euangelion is recorded in Mark 15:1 _ 16>8.
Cornelius is the author of The Gospel of Mark, Textual scholars like Bart Ehrman are fucking bean counters when it comes to the elegance of the literature of the Bible.
Follow me down this Rabbit Hole. I promise you it will glorify your profession and your confession of faith like the last time  Santa brought joy to your children Start with Pilate's euangelion and the fact that Cornelius was in the room with Pilate during the interrogation and is the source for the details in all 4 accounts  Shift your point of departure for the ccreation of the Gospels from 51 CE to 33 CE, the year of Jesus's crucifixion according to the astronomy.
In this regards, ask yourself this: why did Tacitus hate Christians beginning when he was 8 years old and going to garden parties where Christian  torches provided the lighting: it was a very chi0chi thing to do The Jesus Followers didn't know they were Christians' until the Rome Fire in 64 CE. Op sit: Tertullian,
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cdraustralia · 1 year
CDR Writing Services in Oman for Engineers Australia Skill Assessment
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If your dream is to get an engineering job in other than your home country, you will be required to lodge a CDR application to Engineers Australia. A CDR is an engineering document that displays your engineering competence, and knowledge, in the nominated occupation. A CDR is a gateway through which you can immigrate to Australia. However, it is not easy to get approval from Engineers Australia for your skilled immigration. Engineers Australia is a professional body in Australia that assesses the reports of candidates to select the best and eligible candidates for immigration. 
If you are from Oman and want EA's approval on your very first attempt, you can avail of CDR Writing Services in Oman for Engineers Australia.
We at CDRAustralia.Org are one of the most trusted CDR service providers in Oman. We have assisted many candidates in their CDR report preparation and all of them have easily immigrated to Australia. We are known for delivering top-notch services in Oman. Engineering candidates in Oman choose our services over others as they find our services impressive, useful, hassle-free, and affordable. 
How Do You Need To Demonstrate Your Competencies In Your CDR Report?
A CDR Report is a lengthy piece of writing that comprises three main elements such as a CPD, three career episodes, and a summary statement. When it comes to writing a CDR, many engineering candidates feel difficulties due to complexities and lack of knowledge. If you also struggle to prepare your CDR, you can simply avail yourself of CDR Writers Australia's assistance. They recommend you demonstrate your competencies in the following ways:
Career episodes are accounts of your engineering qualifications and work experiences. So, you need to write it based on distinct aspects of your engineering activities. 
You need to demonstrate your role and achievements, not your teamwork.
You must write your CDR in your own words and in the English language. 
Your career episodes should demonstrate your knowledge and skills, engineering application ability, and personal and professional attributes. 
You do not add an extra amount of technical details to your CDR. 
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iiprd77 · 5 years
Patent Prosecution in India: First Examination Report
According to Section 12 of the Patents Act, 1970, when a request for examination has been made in respect of an application for a patent in the prescribed manner under section 11B, the application and specification with other documents related thereto shall be referred at the earliest by the Controller to an examiner for making a report, wherein the examiner makes a report after carrying out detailed Patent Prosecution in India with respect to following matters:
a) whether the application and the specification with other documents relating thereto are in accordance with the requirements of the Patents Act, 1970 and rules made there under
b) whether there is any lawful ground of objection to the grant of patent under the Patents Act, 1970
c) the result of investigations under Section 13
 The Controller considers the report of the examiner generally within one month from the date of the receipt and is sent to the applicant in the form of a report, called as First Examination Report (FER). The Controller may raise following objections, if any, for a patent application in a FER:
a) Lack of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability
b) Subject matter relating to a category, which falls within the purview of Sections 3 and 4
c) Non-fulfillment of any other requirement under the Act
The applicant is required to comply with all the requirements imposed upon him by the Patents act, 1970 as communicated through FER or subsequent communication, in the form of a written response within six months from the date of issuance of FER. If the applicant fails to respond to the FER within given time, the application is deemed to have been abandoned under Section 21(1) and a notice and/or a letter is sent to applicant for the same. However, applicant may re-file the documents after six months from the date of issuance of FER, and the Controller may decide to proceed with the case based on evidences made available to him for such delay.
If the applicant contests any of the objections of the Controller communicated to along with his observations as to whether or not the specification is to be amended, an opportunity of being heard is given, if requested by the applicant. After hearing the applicant, the Controller may specify or permit such amendment as he thinks fit and grant the patent. The Controller may refuse to grant the patent unless the amendments so specified are made or any other requirements of the Act and Rules are not complied with.
No refusal of patent is done without giving an opportunity of being heard under Section 14. An order refusing an application under Section 15 shall be a legal notice order that is appealable before the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB).
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eraserdude6226 · 2 years
From Fox News - Supreme Court chief justice directs marshal to investigate leak, calls out 'egregious breach of ... trust'
Supreme Court chief justice directs marshal to investigate leak, calls out 'egregious breach of ... trust'
Yeah right - in his own words:
"Court employees have an exemplary and important tradition of respecting the confidentiality of the judicial process and upholding the trust of the Court. This was a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the Court and the community of public servants who work here."
Hey Justice Roberts, how about if you take all those "employees" that have such "exemplary and important tradition of respecting the confidentiality of the judicial process and upholding the trust of the Court" for a month long retreat at Gitmo and run an investigation to sweat the mole out and then prosecute them to the fullest extent possible to include a permanent disbarment!! I would take the whole staff and and use every single tool available (polygraphs, interrogations, hell I'd even use waterboarding if it would get me an answer) and if the court is not willing to do that, then maybe they should be calling for the release of Snowden and Assange!!!
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reidio-silence · 3 years
The city got its first taste of servile rebellion in 1712—less than a year after the municipal slave market opened for business. One night in early April, two dozen slaves who, Governor Hunter reported, “had resolved to revenge themselves, for some hard usage, they apprehended to have received from their masters,” gathered in an orchard of Mr. Crook, “in the middle of the town.” According to John Sharpe, the Anglican chaplain, the majority were unchristianized Kormantines and Pawpaws from the Akan-Asante society of the Gold Coast—probably imported within the previous year or two (so much for the assumption that newcomers from Africa were more docile). They had pledged themselves to secrecy “by Sucking ye blood of each Others hands” and attempted to make themselves invulnerable by rubbing their clothes with a powder supplied by one Peter the Doctor, “a free negroe who pretends Sorcery.” Arming themselves from a secret cache of stolen muskets, swords, knives, and hatchets, the conspirators set fire to a nearby building and ambushed residents who rushed to put out the flames. Nine whites were shot or slashed to death before Governor Hunter raised the garrison and marched against them, but the rebels “made their retreat into the woods, by the favour of the night.” The next day, Hunter sealed off “the most proper places on the Island to prevent their escape,” then dispatched militia to “drive the island.” Hunted down, six of the conspirators cut their own throats (one man killing his wife and himself) rather than be captured. Seventy others were arrested and brought back for trial before a special court convened by the governor. Twenty-three were convicted of murder, two others of attempted murder. Twenty were hanged outright. Three were burned to death—among them Tom, a bondsman of Nicholas Roosevelt, who was condemned to roast over a slow fire “in Torment for Eight or ten hours & Continue burning in the said fire untill he be dead and Consumed to Ashes.” Another, named Robin, was sentenced “to be hung up in chains alive and so to continue without any sustainance untill he be dead.” Still another, named Clause, was “broke alive upon a wheel.” Spread-eagled and fastened face upward on a wheel, he was laid flat on the ground in front of City Hall. A Dutch sailor (who said he’d seen the thing done in Rotterdam and knew how to go about it) then took a crowbar and over a period of many hours smashed the bones in Clause’s body, one by one, stopping now and again for refreshment at Jan Peterson’s Broad Street tavern. Clause finally expired at two o’clock the next morning, having suffered, as had the others, what Hunter assured the Lords of Trade were “the most exemplary punishments that could be possibly thought of.”
In the wake of the trials the Common Council ordered that no slave could travel about the city after dark without a lantern. (Elias Neau, the SPG catechist, was widely blamed for sowing discontent among the city’s slaves; the new lantern law was in part an attempt to cut attendance at his school, which held classes only at night.) The Assembly drafted a tough new slave code. Among other things, the law made manumission almost prohibitively expensive for masters and stipulated that no freed slave could henceforth own a house or land in the colony. But this merely codified the status quo. By the early eighteenth century very few free blacks remained on Manhattan; most of them lived on the fringes of the city on land granted them or their forebears by the Dutch West India Company.
The real legacy of the 1712 uprising was a new era of routinized brutality and official cynicism toward slaves. Crowds of townsfolk often gathered now to watch slaves hanged or burned to death for one offense or another. A slave girl named Rose was arrested “foar Damning the White Peoples Throats and Yours too (Speaking to a White Woman) and divers other Vile Expressions against the White People”; the magistrates gave her nine lashes at the whipping post, had her tied to a cart and dragged around town, gave her thirty-nine more lashes for good measure “on the Naked Back,” and then transported her to another colony. And when John van Zandt horsewhipped his slave to death in 1735 for being on the streets at night, an all-white coroner’s jury found that the “Correction given by the Master was not the Cause of his Death, but that it was by the Visitation of God.”
— Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace, Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 (1998)
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hrvistas2020 · 4 years
The CEO hits the road!
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Lakmé is a cosmetics brand based in India which is owned by HUL. It ranked at number 1 among the cosmetics brands in India. Lakmé started as a 100% subsidiary of Tata Oil Mills (Tomco). Mr Pushkaraj Shenai is the CEO, Lakmé Lever, the beauty services business of Unilever which operates over 235 salons in over 65 cities in India. He has over 20 years of experience in strategy, operations, marketing and sales across consumer goods, retail and real estate.
Case in Hand:
Mr. Pushkaraj had decided to put up an exclusive Lakmé store in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India in 2018. Over the 2 years, he constantly looked on the sales reports and revenue and the overall performance of the store. With constant communication through online platforms , he controlled the employees performance and per day sales reports which was communicated by the store manager and officials.
One day, he realized there is a discrepancy between employee performance and sales reports. Even though employees’ performance was reported exemplary, the sales was falling and increasing customer complaints about the sales representatives. The matter had to be investigated.
One fine day, he decided to look into the matter. He went to Ahmedabad to the store in the disguise of a customer. He entered to the store with his wife. When he entered, no one seemed to notice first. And even after noticing, no one seemed to care to attend to him. When he approached one of the sales representatives, he seemed very lazy in showing them the products. He observed the entire environment of the store was very sloppy and no one attended to the customers as is necessary.  
Mr Pushkaraj immediately understood the situation and called for the store manager and the Human Resource and  . All the employees were shocked. The CEO is angry and demands an explanation.
Task at Hand:
You are the Human Resource Manager of the store. You are required to:
  Provide an appropriate justification for the behavior of the employees.
 Develop strategies to solve the problem and improve employee     motivation levels.
 Draft a grievance redressal system.
 Come up with a new performance appraisal system
Prepare a report not exceeding 15 pages
Prepare a PPT presentation summarizing the report, not exceeding 10 slides.
Submission guidelines:
Mail your tasks to: [email protected]
Submission Deadline: 12:30 A.M, 5th November 2020
 PS:  ‘Customer is King’
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babymilkaction · 4 years
US Objects to ‘Equitable Access’ language in EU-led draft Resolution on Covid-19
WHO Member States Agree On Draft Resolution For COVID-19 Response – Overriding US Objections to ‘Equitable Access’
Elaine Ruth Fletcher, 14 May 2020
World Health Organization member states reached initial agreement today on a European Union-led draft resolution on global COVID-19 response to the upcoming World Health Assembly – overriding US objections to language that referred to “universal, timely and equitable access” to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.
The draft resolution to be submitted to the upcoming World Health Assembly Monday, May 18, would help pave the way for coordinated planning by the global health community to ensure wide and equitable access by people worldwide to COVID-19 medicines and vaccines, according the  draft obtained by Health Policy Watch.
Read more: https://healthpolicy-watch.org/who-member-states-agree-on-draft-resolution-for-covid-19-response-overriding-us-objections-to-equitable-access/
As of Sunday 17th May the draft Resolution had over 100 co-sponsors
  Here is the statement that the United States delegate delivered today, 18th May
United States of America WHA73
PlenaryStatement As delivered by Alex M. Azar, II.  U.S.SecretaryOf Health and Human Services
Director-General Tedros, fellow ministers, COVID-19 has tragically taken hundreds of thousands of lives, impacted millions of people, and done deepdamage to the world economy. We must be frank about one of the primary reasons this outbreak spun out of control: There was a failure by this organizationto obtain the information that the world needed, and that failure cost many lives.
The United States welcomes the assistance provided by our friends during this crisis, and we have been proud to allocate over $9 billion that will benefit the global COVID-19response, including more than half a billion dollars in planned investments by my ministry to support more than 40 of the most at-risk countries. The United States launched the world’s first human vaccine trial and reported the first positive results from a therapeutic clinical trial. These successes and the transparent way in which we share them will benefit the whole world.
WHO’s operations must be transparent too, and we support an independent review of every aspect of WHO’s response to the pandemic.We all must come together to ensure that WHO fulfills its key mandate, and that member states comply with the International Health Regulations.
In an apparent attempt to conceal this outbreak, at least one member state made a mockery of their transparency obligations, with tremendous costs for the entire world.
We saw that WHO failed at its core mission of information sharing and transparency when member states do not act in good faith. This cannot ever happen again. The status quo is intolerable. WHO must change, and it must become far more transparent and far more accountable
It is also critical that Taiwan participate as an observer at the WHA, to bring the helpful perspective regarding their effective and exemplary response.WHO barred Taiwan from participation in 2016 just a few months after Taiwan’s free and fair elections. The health of 23 million Taiwanese people should never be sacrificed to send a political message.
Although we are all focused on the immediate response, we need a more effective WHO right now to help win this fight and demonstrate to our citizens that we are working to prevent such catastrophes in the future.The United States sends our best wishes and open offer of cooperation to each of you in our shared efforts to defeat this pandemic and protect the health of each nation around the world
United States of America WHA73PlenaryStatementAs delivered byAlex M. Azar, IIU.S.SecretaryOf Health and Human ServicesDirector-General Tedros, fellow ministers, COVID-19 has tragically taken hundreds of thousands of lives, impacted millions of people, and done deepdamage to the world economy. We must be frank about one of the primary reasons this outbreak spun out of control: There was afailureby this organizationto obtainthe informationthat the world needed, and thatfailure cost many lives.The United States welcomesthe assistance provided by our friendsduring this crisis, and we have been proud to allocateover $9 billionthat will benefittheglobal COVID-19response, including more than half a billiondollarsin planned investmentsby my ministry to support more than 40 of the most at-risk countries.The United Stateslaunchedthe world’s first human vaccine trial and reportedthe first positive results from atherapeuticclinical trial. These successes and the transparent way in which we share them will benefit the whole world.WHO’s operations must be transparent too, and we support an independent review of every aspect of WHO’s response to the pandemic.We all mustcome together to ensure thatWHO fulfills its key mandate,and that member states comply withthe InternationalHealth Regulations. In an apparent attemptto conceal this outbreak, at least one member state made a mockery of theirtransparencyobligations,with tremendous costs for the entire world. We saw that WHO failedat its core mission of information sharing and transparency when member states do notact in good faith. This cannot ever happen again. The status quo is intolerable. WHO must change, and itmust become far more transparentandfar more accountable It isalsocritical thatTaiwan participate as an observerat the WHA, to bringthehelpful perspective regarding their effective and exemplary response.WHO barred Taiwan from participation in 2016 just a few months afterTaiwan’sfree and fair elections. Thehealth of 23 million Taiwanese people should never be sacrificed to send a political message.Although we are all focused on the immediate response, we need a more effective WHO right now to help win this fight anddemonstrate to our citizens that we are workingto prevent such catastrophes in the future.The United States sends our best wishes and open offerof cooperationto each of you in our shared efforts to defeat this pandemic and protect the health of each nation around the world.
US Objects to ‘Equitable Access’ language in EU-led draft Resolution on Covid-19 was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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The BLM's Burning Man environmental impact statement is terrible, calls for drug searches, dumpsters, and a 19,000,000lb concrete wall
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The Burning Man event is seeking a renewal of its 10-year permit to use the federally owned Black Rock Desert site managed by the Bureau of Land Management; the BLM has responded with a bizarre, overreaching Environmental Impact Statement that ignores the lavishly documented record of Burning Man's excellent safety and stewardship record.
For example, the new Environmental Impact Statement calls for Burning Man to hire an outside security force to replace its all-volunteer, community-based Black Rock Rangers, and to have these rent-a-cops search all belongings of all attendees: 80,000 people in 30,000 cars, in a high-wind, low-visibility environment where, in addition to the threat to privacy there is also a massive risk of huge amounts of personal belongings being whipped away by the wind and blown all over the desert.
The EIS also ignores Burning Man's status as the world's largest, best-managed "leave no trace" event, where every piece of waste down to individual sequins and metal shavings are picked up and packed out by attendees. Instead, the BLM wants Burning Man to install several football-fields' worth of dumpsters at the event's exit, with parking for 30,000 vehicles to pull up to them. In addition to eroding the norm of stewardship and waste-management that is intrinsic to the festival, this would also deprive the nearby Pyramid Lake Paiute dump sites of the millions they take in from burners who pay to have their waste legally disposed of.
The EIS also calls for the creation of a 19,000,000 lb concrete jersey barrier to encircle the site, replacing the trash fence (a wildlife-friendly fence that catches blown waste) and the perimeter patrols (which are hugely effective at catching people sneaking into the event). The concrete barrier would do untold habitat damage and cause scarring on the playa, as well as disrupting wildlife.
There's lots more -- including a mandate for the festival to conduct anti-drug surveillance of attendees, volunteers and staff, which is simply out of scope of the National Environmental Policy Act.
The Burning Man Organization has published an extensive backgrounder on the EIS's deficiencies and a guide to submitting comments to the public docket.
Here's my comment, submitted yesterday:
To whom it may concern:
I am a Burning Man attendee who has attended every year since 2011, and I'm part of the Liminal Labs theme camp, which celebrated its 20th consecutive year this year. I am a research fellow at the MIT Media Lab and a Visiting Professor of Practice of Library Science at the University of North Carolina, as well as a Visiting Professor of Computer Science at the UK's Open University. I am also a New York Times bestselling novelist whose 2013 book, "Homeland," features extensive action at the Burning Man festival.
I object to several of the recommendations in the Draft EIS, for reasons set out below:
* Mitigation NAT-2
Burning Man is the world's largest and most successful Leave No Trace event. Our camp -- and every other attendee, almost without exception -- packs out *all* its waste. Every year finishes with a multi-hour scouring of our site with rakes and garbage picking tools to ensure that not so much as a single metal shaving or zip-tie remains on site. We take extensive measures -- tasking someone to travel to a paid dumpsite in a designated rental vehicle, then taking that vehicle to a car wash to make it presentable for return -- to ensure that our waste is properly disposed of.
For the few bad actors who practice illegal dumping after the event, Black Rock City’s Highway Cleanup Team conducts exhaustive trash sweeps of not only of Routes 447, 446 and 34 (as required by existing permits), and also RT 445 and Jungo Road (which are not required, but whose cleanup is undertaken in the spirit of good citizenship). Our camp makes use of paid dumpsites on Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal lands, infusing much-needed cash into one of America's poorest counties. Dumpsters would end this practice.
Moreover the BLM's draft EIS does not contemplate the environmental impact of maintaining the dumpsters and providing space to service 30,000 vehicles to use them.
The factual record -- which is publicly documented in a detailed annual report from the Burning Man Organization -- does not support the need for this requirement. As an expert agency, the BLM is not permitted by law to make policy without evidentiary support.
* Mitigation PHS-1
Every year Black Rock City is one of the lowest-crime jurisdiction in all of the state of Nevada. There is no evidence to support the need for separate, private security forces onsite. Indeed, the Black Rock Rangers -- a experienced, community-based, all-volunteer force -- are among the most commendable and exemplary aspects of the city's management. Several of my campmates are volunteer Rangers, and I have seen firsthand how seriously they take these duties and how well they perform them.
The environmental impact of gate-searches is significant: unpacking and repacking full cars in a high-wind, unsheltered, dust-storm environment will produce an unquantifiable -- but substantial -- amount of inadvertent litter, and expose people not suspected of any crime to substantial damage to their personal property, to say nothing of the privacy dimensions of these searches, which will force attendees to expose sensitive medical equipment, personal journals, literary and religious artifacts, and other private, sensitive and constitutionally protected materials to third parties.
Without evidence of crimes or risks that justify these high financial, privacy, personal, and environmental costs represented by this measure, this recommendation should be dead on arrival.
* Mitigation PHS-3
There is no evidence to support the need for jersey barriers, which will blight the land, impose a massive carbon footprint on the event, pose unquantifiable environmental risks, and burden the festival with unjustifiable and substantial financial costs. The existing trash fence, combined with Black Rock Ranger patrols and other longstanding measures have a very long track record of keeping trash in and unpaid attendees out.
Without any evidence, the BLM should not ask the festival to spend $3m to install 19,000,000 lbs of concrete barriers in a sensitive desert habitat.
* Mitigation PHS-6
Again, there is no evidence that existing ambulance and EMS services are insufficient to handle the existing rate of injury at the festival -- and ample evidence that existing measures are sufficient (per capita mortality and morbidity from all causes at Black Rock City are among the lowest in all of Nevada). I am certified in first aid and wilderness first aid and on two occasions I have used my training to help injured people at Burning Man, tending them while waiting for trained EMTs to arrive; in both cases, EMTs arrived in under 15 minutes.
* Mitigation AQ-1
With the exception of wind-storms, the only dust I have seen at the festival that was present at sufficient concentrations to pose a health and safety risk was kicked up by law enforcement vehicles operated by local LEOs and BLM officers, who routinely flout BRC's 5m/h speed limit. If BLM is concerned about Black Rock City's air quality, they should train their officers to obey the law.
* Monitoring Measure PHS-1
The National Environmental Policy Act cannot be lawfully stretched to cover surveillance of this sort. It is grossly improper for BLM to request it.
Concluding remarks:
The BLM's Draft EIS reads like a farcical wish-list concocted in an evidentiary vacuum. Burning Man is a superb steward of public lands, a model for how other events should conduct themselves. Administrative agencies are not permitted to act without evidence. The festival's organizers and volunteers have painstakingly compiled and published detailed, longitudinal studies of the festival's *actual* environmental impact. This Draft EIS seemingly considers none of that factual record.
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korcounterprop · 6 years
Western Academia’s War Against Korea, Part 3: Stanford University Celebrates Washington Post Reporter Anna Fifield
I posted this picture before in my article “On the Supposed Lack of Diversity in DPRK Media,” but I want to post it again to provide a context in which to begin to examine Stanford University’s bestowing the 2018 Shorenstein Journalism Award upon the Washington Post’s Beijing bureau chief, Anna Fifield.
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In the above tweet, Fifield is attacking DPRK media over its supposed lack of diversity. Perusing Fifield’s Twitter history for references to DPRK “state media,” one may only conclude that Fifield is contemptuous of the single-hearted unity displayed by the citizen-controlled media of a socialist state. The system that Fifield favors is one in which media clerks dutifully perform a public-relations role on behalf of imperialists. Ironically, although Fifield disparages “state media,” she is an enthusiastic participant in the creation of a US state media, which one can see by examining Fifield’s extensive record of promoting anti-DPRK propaganda outlets funded by millions of CIA dollars.
The National Endowment for Democracy
The “millions of CIA dollars” to which I refer above specifically come from a US government-funded agency known as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and it is important to understand the role of NED before one looks at Fifield’s reporting in more detail. One may be tempted to point out that NED and the CIA are not one in the same, but as William Blum says in his book Rogue State, “In effect, the CIA has been laundering money through NED.”
NED was founded in 1983 to rebrand CIA covert activities after a spate of bad press. As then-NED President Carl Gershman said in 1986: “It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the C.I.A. We saw that in the 60’s, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that’s why [NED] was created.”
NED claims to be a "private, nonprofit foundation" with a “nongovernmental character," but as Blum writes: "NGO is the wrong category. NED is a GO." This statement is borne out by NED’s annual report for fiscal-year 2016, in which NED received $179,694,372 from the US government. It received only $1,645,559 from nongovernment sources during the same period.
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Blum describes NED’s activities and the anti-socialist motivation behind them:
In a multitude of ways, NED meddles in the internal affairs of numerous foreign countries by supplying funds, technical know-how, training, educational materials, computers, faxes, copiers, automobiles, and so on, to selected political groups, civic organizations, labor unions, dissident movements, student groups, book publishers, newspapers, other media, etc. NED typically refers to the media it supports as “independent” despite the fact that these media are on the US payroll.
NED programs generally impart the basic philosophy that working people and other citizens are best served under a system of free enterprise, class cooperation, collective bargaining, minimal government intervention in the economy, and opposition to socialism in any shape or form. A free-market economy is equated with democracy, reform, and growth; and the merits of foreign investment in their economy are emphasized.
Even NED’s founders admit that NED is the spawn of the CIA. Per Blum, "Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED, was quite candid when he said in 1991: 'A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.'"
Anna Fifield Pays the Dividend on NED’s $5.4 Million Investment
Anna Fifield’s “journalism” for the Washington Post has promoted anti-DPRK propaganda organizations that have received a total of at least $5.4 million from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2014. Of course, Fifield almost never discloses NED's financial ties to these groups.
Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights
In August 2014, Fifield promoted Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, which has received at least $1,155,000 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2014. The Citizens' Alliance-NED relationship began in 2014 if not before.
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The Daily NK
The absurd level of support that Fifield has shown for anti-DPRK disinformation outlet The Daily NK is impossible to quantify. The Daily NK has received at least $1,185,000 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2014.
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Unification Media Group
The parent company of Fifield-promoted The Daily NK is Unification Media Group, which has received $2,120,000 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2014.
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HanVoice Support Association
In November 2017, Fifield promoted an affiliate of HanVoice Support Association, which has received at least $38,319 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2017. The HanVoice-NED relationship began in 2017 if not before.
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North Korea Strategy Center
In September 2016, Fifield promoted North Korea Strategy Center, which has received at least $130,000 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2014. The North Korea Strategy Center-NED relationship began in 2014 if not before.
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Transitional Justice Working Group
In July 2017, Fifield promoted Transitional Justice Working Group, which has received at least $398,781 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2015. The Transitional Justice Working Group-NED relationship began in 2015 if not before.
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Unity Bridge of Woorion, AKA Woorion
In August 2018, Fifield promoted Unity Bridge of Woorion, AKA Woorion, which has received at least $30,000 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2017. The Woorion-NED relationship began in 2017 if not before.
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Now Action and Unity for Human Rights
In January 2018, Fifield promoted Now Action and Unity for Human Rights, which has received at least $383,000 from the National Endowment for Democracy since 2014. The Now Action-NED relationship began in 2014 if not before.
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Stanford University’s celebration of Anna Fifield is exemplary as a nexus of anti-DPRK propaganda, academia, and intelligence agencies. Stanford has taken at least $2 million from RoK’s National Intelligence Service. Fifield’s reporting at the Washington Post has promoted anti-DPRK organizations that have taken at least $5.4 million from the US government. In the relationship between Stanford and Fifield, we can see how empire’s disinformation producers work to boost and legitimize each other, and we can get some sense of the price that empire assigns to its disinformation campaigns. We can also see that Fifield’s attacks on DPRK state media are meant to obscure the role that she and so many other Western media clerks play in the construction of USA’s own state media.
Western Academia’s War Against Korea, Part 1: Introduction, Stanford University, Gi-wook Shin
Western Academia’s War Against Korea, Part 2: Stanford University Attempts to Erase the Revolution from DPRK
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shyness1452 · 2 years
Corporate Lawyer Singapore - 3 Keys to hiring the right one
A few agreements that we have seen are drafted by money managers and not lawyers. In such agreements, in the event that they are not plainly drafted then they might be struck somewhere around the court as unenforceable. You have known about back of the napkin arrangements right. While those are the stuff of legends in Silicon Valley, to have an enforceable agreement against the organization and your fellow benefactor, you ought to constantly draw in a lawyer to draft the legally binding terms. The explanation is straightforward, the language of regulation is distinction for instance from the language of coding and judges who are legitimate prepared understood agreements. So on the off chance that you need an enforceable agreement track down a decent Corporate lawyer Singapore to check out at such agreements for you. Under the customary regulation there is a necessity for the two sides to contribute something to an arrangement if not the agreement might be interpreted as a gift and not enforceable under agreement regulation. The common lawful adage is that thought should be available yet not satisfactory. This actually intends that in any exchange, the court should track down adequate thought or, more than likely the agreement will be struck down as unenforceable. Corporate lawyer Singapore is a republic with a parliamentary arrangement of Government. Singapore was previously a British settlement and her general set of laws is gotten from the customary regulation as evolved in SIngapore. This is a seriously regular principle that everybody knows about. You attempted to present a report to a counterparty to finish an exchange and out of nowhere your PC hangs or the web in your piece of the nation is down. The inquiry is who is obligated for such misfortune? The counterparty may attempt to go to court and contend that the regulation of disappointment which says that in the event that an outside mediating occasion happens the agreement can't be performed. This present circumstance happens frequently. For instance, you go to a pet shop and need to purchase a little pup and thought you were requesting doggy A. The shop composes Puppy B on the installment receipt with an alternate cost (and you didn't check) and kept on advising the retailer that you were to get doggy An and the store representative concurs that little dog A was requested. A couple of days after the fact conveys pup B to you. Under this present circumstance, this is an exemplary shared botch and the court might have the ability to end the agreement.
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edamba · 2 years
To start anything, people always wonder where to start, so it's also a question of "Where to start a research work for a degree to PhD".
How to start?
We are dividing the roadmap into several components to understand it properly.
The framework of a road map to accomplishing the PhD research work addresses the research process and several research options in steps in the research process and research designs. This model allows novice PhD researchers to discover where they are in the process and compare research designs, methods, analysis, and interpretation options. The aim is that using a research roadmap would help students make better research project selections and ease some of the uncertainty. This road map also helps PhD students approach their dissertation assignments more confidently.
The first step of a PhD Research Roadmap is to lay out the process for the research project. The method includes tasks as mentioned below: · Topic selection · Purpose Statement · Research Question · Literature Search · Research Methodology/Design · Data Collection Tools · Research Proposal · Collection & Analysis and Reporting
It is also important to note that while the sequence ―looks linear in the model, in actual practice, there is a great deal of iterative or recursive effort, circling back to refine and revise earlier steps.
A sound research strategy developed early in the study is essential to success. It will help organise the entire research effort and, more importantly, provide a blueprint or roadmap by which a PhD researcher can conduct the analysis. Think of this activity as a pre-proposal effort that researchers can use throughout the proposal's development.
Selecting a topic that the researcher desires to analyse and assess is the beginning of the research effort. The topic must be sufficiently narrowed to be adequately quantified and studied. An exemplary process step is to review professional journals and articles, previous research initiatives, formal reports, and doctoral dissertations to begin the research effort. Read our blog "PhD Topic Selection: An Important Activity for PhD" for detailed insight.
PhD students should use the purpose statement to generate the primary research questions. The questions should also aid in narrowing and focusing the investigation. The purpose statement should also have the outcomes or results the researcher reasonably expects from the analysis. Once the purpose is determined, the researcher can develop the research questions and select the appropriate research design, data collection, and analysis.
The research questions should also aid in narrowing and focusing the investigation. What will be studied/investigated must be stated in the research questions. For instance: · What does the researcher want to discover? · What would be the most efficient way to achieve this?
A good approach for developing a solid research question is to begin with a general topic and then narrow the topic down to a specific question.
Another method for organising research data is to create an annotated bibliography. Most academic organisations require this deliverable as part of the initial research process. The annotated bibliography will depict that the PhD researcher has read and understood the materials gathered. It also identifies critical research issues directly supporting the study topic, such as research designs, methodology, samples, and findings.
The study proposal summary should be written in the same manner as a formal contract. The proposal outline will go over the entire study process, including data gathering, analysis, and final report drafting. The proposal will, at the very least, comprise the following key topic sections: · Topic · Problem Statement · Review of the Literature, · Purpose · Research Question or Hypothesis, Definitions of Terms · Assumptions and Limitations · Methods and Procedures · Results and Conclusions · Ethical Considerations · Timeline and Major Milestones · List of references
Each section must offer comprehensive facts rather than conjecture. This is when having an outstanding overall research approach and plan might come in handy. Read our blog " HOW TO WRITE A SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH PROPOSAL" for more insights.
The sample procedures, data collecting, and data analysis are all included in the methodology portion of the study report. The data gathering procedure differs depending on the research design.
Diverse study designs necessitate different procedures for selecting participants, materials, and data collecting sites.
The research report is as vital as the rest of the research process. The final report may be a peer-reviewed publication, a dissertation, an assessment report, or another formal publication. A research report is used to effectively communicate the findings of a systematic inquiry to the public. A study report would allow you to identify information gaps for additional investigation.
For performing research projects, students and researchers require standards and processes. Recommendations are intended to encourage action or solutions to the problems you researched in your research report. Based on the findings of your investigation, your suggestions identify solutions and steps that researchers should adopt.
Research can be a daunting experience if the appropriate planning is not executed upfront. Understanding the entire research process and the steps necessary to produce a solid research effort is critical. Hopefully, this provided a roadmap of the research process, standard designs, and activities throughout the process.
To learn more about the PhD community, contact EDAMBA, an international non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and enabling interaction among Doctoral Programs in Management and Business Administration.
Please follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube.
Blog Source: https://edamba.eu/phd-assistance-a-roadmap-to-accomplish-the-phd
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masterofd1saster · 2 years
CJ court watch 3may22
By now you've probably heard that an SCt insider leaked a draft copy of the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health. [Docket linked.]
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The draft sure looks like a majority opinion written by J. Alito.
SCt promptly published a press release:
For Immediate ReleaseFor Further Information Contact:May 3, 2022Patricia McCabe (202) 479-3211
Yesterday, a news organization published a copy of a draft opinion in a pending case. Justices circulate draft opinions internally as a routine and essential part of the Court’s confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., provided the following statement:
To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. The work of the Court will not be affected in any way.
We at the Court are blessed to have a workforce – permanent employees and law clerks alike – intensely loyal to the institution and dedicated to the rule of law. Court employees have an exemplary and important tradition of respecting the confidentiality of the judicial process and upholding the trust of the Court. This was a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the Court and the community of public servants who work here.
I have directed the Marshal of the Court to launch an investigation into the source of the leak.
Bari Weiss notes
Institutionally. I know several people who have clerked for the Court. And because I am, like every journalist, utterly and shamelessly nosy, I have pressed all of them to share their personal anecdotes about the mysterious men and women in black robes. Sure, they’d share fun details about pick-up basketball, or the famously warm relationship between Scalia and RBG. Maybe, years after the fact, they’d tell a highly curated, well-rehearsed story. But the idea of breathing a word about the actual workings of the court, about a decision that had not yet been made public—that would have appalled every single one of these people, liberal and conservative alike. ***
To my mind, though, the question of what this leak means for the institution of the Supreme Court is the most profound one. That is because it captures, in a single act, what I believe is the most important story of our moment: the story of how American institutions became a casualty in the culture war. The story of how no institution is immune. Not our universities, not our medical schools, not legacy media, not technology behemoths, not the federal bureaucracy. Not even the highest court in the land.
The Supreme Court was always the most cloistered governmental institution in America—the one where wisdom and precedent and reverence for our great constitutional tradition outweighed everything else. If there was something sacred that remained, this was it. Yes, there have been leaks from the Court before. But as Politico pointed out, last night’s leak was historic, and not in a good way: “No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending.” 
I called up one of the smartest professors I know at one of the top law schools in the country, and he echoed that: “To my knowledge, it’s never happened before in the modern history of the court. It is the most serious possible breach.”
Serious, severe, shocking, he said. But in the end, not surprising. Why not? Here’s how he put it: “To me, the leak is not surprising because many of the people we’ve been graduating from schools like Yale are the kind of people who would do such a thing.” 
What did he mean by that? “They think that everything is violence. And so everything is permitted.”
He went on: “I’m sure this person sees themselves as a whistleblower. What they don’t understand is that, by leaking this, they violate the trust that is necessary to maintain the institution.”
Perhaps some of you feel that the institution had already been betrayed. That the Court, long before this leak or this explosive decision, had already been diminished. Maybe the refusal to consider Merrick Garland put you over the edge. Or maybe it was the revelations about Clarence Thomas’s wife and January 6th. Or maybe it was the Kavanaugh hearings. How he was grilled. Or that he was nominated. Or maybe it was earlier: Bush v. Gore or Anita Hill or Robert Bork. no
This feels different than all of that. Why? Because all of those other instances were moments of outrage bookended by long periods of sobriety and seriousness. They were the exceptions that proved the rule. Now, everything seems to have been turned upside down, and the outrage, the uncontrollable or unslakable partisan fury, seems to have overtaken everything. Our sense of history, our respect for the institution, for norms, for even more basic human things: like trust, devotion, privacy, integrity. Jonathan Turley put it this way late last night: “There appears no ethical rule or institutional interest that can withstand this age of rage.”
To the jaded and hardened who have already crossed over into this new age—an age in which power and winning are the only tests of virtue, and the old ideas, like civility and respect, now seem twee—the leak might seem normal or even necessary. But it is nothing more than the most recent salvo in our race to the bottom.
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Why These Costly Bobbleheadwater Massages Are Price Every Penny!
Our anatomical bodies have a significant volume to see pleasure through our senses: style, sight, sound, smell, and touch. Heightening the senses to the stage of lovely joy is a playful art. Massage is really a means where we are able to quickly interact with the region of eroticism, and wherever we are able to relax and explore each other intimately.
Touch is reported to be the meals for our souls and is really a tactile knowledge that's critical for wellness, happiness and over all well-being. A large part of our brains are made around to this physical division and it is the primary feeling we develop. Apparently enough, touch is the very first feeling an embryo activities in the uterus because it shots their finger or thumb across their skin. For a new baby, touch is the very first position of contact using its mom and the entire world at large.
We build balanced self-esteem and gratitude for our personal figures through being handled in a loving way and we build these attitudes early inside our lives. Insurance firms these balanced attitudes towards ourselves, we can cause happy and fulfilling sexual relationships.
The yearning to be handled stays with us, specially as adults and promiscuity is often a seek out being handled in a nurturing way. Unfortuitously, the pleasuring of one another through loving touch and massage is greatly forgotten and our bodies simple sense's ignored.
In american lifestyle, aural sounds and intense aesthetic sex take control, and the more dulled the delicate levels of sensual receptivity become. It's sad that particularly touch of the body for pleasure is fairly condemned and governed by lifestyle, faith, culture and government. Actually within sexual associations, exploration of the senses through the language of touch is censored by prevailing attitudes held by equally associates and sex usually becomes strictly a genital knowledge with climax and ejaculation being the primary goal in mind.
By learning the language of touch through the artwork and abilities of massage we are able to uncover the wonders of full body sensuality and set the whole body alight with lovely pleasure. Our body's senses, particularly our skin reactions, bond our outer facts together to your inner activities - i.e. what we feel. Touch, epidermis and our emotions are quite literally inseparable from each other, and to have our skin handled and caressed in a sexual, sore and nurturing way brings a further stage to be from what it means to be human.
The Shots of Delicate Massage
Make the mood of massage intense by keepin constantly your stokes streaming and soft. Utilize the smooth of the hands to slither and fall, and caress your lover's body. Actually during sensual massage you can use more stimulating massage methods like rubbing provided that you blend the shots harmoniously together.
Play between your activities and let your activities to mix in to one another as of you had been enjoying a symphony in your lover's body. Do remember to let your stokes be liquid, never jerky, and generally take your shots about or outwards of the body as opposed to abruptly ending in mid-flow.
Delicate Shots
Begin your sensual massage with a place of your lover's body applying smoother shots which will relax your partner physically in addition to psychologically. This can also warm up and grow their body's soft tissue.
Delicate Massage incorporates different swing methods which will relieve and arouse your lover. The lover swing may be used around their body and can vary greatly in size and strength with respect to the particular impact that you are wishing to achieve. Small lover shots applied with some way of measuring pressure which are moving up the body may grow tissue and discharge muscle stress in addition to boost body circulation. Applying smoother, greater lover shots gives an even more euphoric effect. Flowing lover shots must fall progressively and at a straight pressure around your skin utilising the full floor of the fingers and they should be effectively soft to form and melt to the contours of the body. When enlarging your shots to encompass greater aspects of the body.
Circle Shots
Circle shots are exemplary for extending and soothing the soft tissue of the body. You need to use them on the front, right back and factors of your lover's body. In the movement of the circle swing, only your left hand makes a whole circle, although your correct hand only makes a half-circle. Use these groups to swing around your lover's epidermis in regular and streaming movements.
That is wherever the hands skate around your lover's body. This swing may spread apart and protect aspects of the body such as the feet and the rear at once, then fall together therefore it is like there are many fingers lovingly stroking your lover. This strategy is guaranteed to have your lover surrendering him/herself to the all-encompassing sounds of your touch. By varying the pressure of the hands by being harder because they spread apart and lighter because they glide together will make your lover putty in your hands. Expand shots are great for taking a feeling of period and expansion. They relieve stress as you grow the muscles outwards.
The racking touch is amazing to utilize following a rub collection to stimulate your lover's nerve endings which are close to the skin's surface. This brings about a sense of stress discharge from the body. Slightly claw-shape the hands and use the patches of your fingers to rake around your skin in short and overlapping movements. One hand uses another in a steady downhill motion. Rake from the most effective of a leg or body area to the bottom.
This is the lightest of variations and moves down the body in exactly the same manner whilst the raking touch. It is particularly sensual and may deliver thrilling shivers through your lover's entire body.
How to Make for Offering a Delicate Massage
Allow time far from everyday distractions for equally you and your lover. Devote yourselves absolutely together during this specific time together. Turn off the telephone, position a do not bother sign up the doorway if you should, and develop a sexual room when you begin. Delicate, sensual light such as for instance candles are great for the occasion and so is very music enjoying in the background.
Ensure that the room in that you simply are providing your lover the sensual massage is draft free and warm. And have your aromatic massage fat and different needs are shut at hand.
Always make certain that you and your lover will be relaxed through the massage. You are able to place yourselves on the bed or on a mattress on the floor with lots of plump cushions.
Applying the Oil
Work with a small fat to be able to lubricate your lover's epidermis, providing your shots a intense feel to them. You are able to ready your own fat blend before hand or get an all prepared prepared massage oil. Try to find oils which are of good quality and are substance free.
Serve a small volume of massage fat in to a bowl with a tea light below it to help keep it warm and quickly accessible. Drop your fingers to the fat bowl and then lightly wipe the hands together before spreading it onto your lover's skin. Apply adequate fat allowing a smooth glide of your hands ADULT MASSAGE PARLOUR.
Delicate Massage As a Moderate of Love
Through the providing and getting of sensual massage, you and your lover may learn just how to explore and show loving touch that'll enable you equally to enter mental and physical barriers of the body and brain to bring you in to deeper association between touch, epidermis and feelings.
Once we invite our lover to feel the magnificent quality of the silken structure and the warm and susceptible emotions which are evoked from the intimate contact of sensual massage we provide in to being a nearly transcendental quality to the act of loving one another that's an orgasmic energy all of their own. Properly practiced, you are able to start to see sensual massage as an extension of sex and your lover as a forehead to be worshiped.
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