#Executive dysfuction is Not Fun
TWs: mentions of broken bones, implied pet whump, implied/mentioned child abuse(?). Have a thing. It's exactly 669 words :3. Bit of a POV switch too!
@cupcakes-and-pain @maracujatangerine
“So, how was Ghost’s first training session? He’s a fun little guy to mess with, right?” Doctor Everly pestered, tapping away at his tablet.
“Stubborn, stupid, and got way too anxious after one shock. Little guy’s far too scared of pain to be a good guard dog, but with the Boss requiring isolation he can’t be recon or attack either. I’ll keep workin’ towards guard, but if he doesn’t get better soon then I’ll have to come up with something else.” Seren replied, filling in the file for the new trainee.
“Hm. Maybe you can turn him into a lapdog? Or a punching bag, you don’t need his obedience for that. If it were up to me though, I’d use him as a lapdog, with how talkative and cute he is.”
“Well, he wouldn’t be talking. Boss doesn’t want him speaking at all, basically. Other than that, he would be an amazing lapdog. If he takes to training nicely, then I might use him as an example. Once he stops overreacting, of course.”
“By the way, what’s the schedule look like? Is it any different than the usuals? Since he was a hero brat, and all.” Doctor Everly commented, trading the tablet for the medical file on Ghost.
“A little bit. We’re goin’ to continue working on ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’, for the next couple sessions. Once he has that down, we’ll move to ‘place’ and ‘down’. Oh, after he obeys ‘come’ well enough, I’ll need to get him used to responding to Arlo. Ghost just didn’t fit right, and Arlo seems like a ditzy name, doesn’t it? It fits nicely on him. Then, once we have the basics down, I’ll move some workout gear into his room and get him started on a routine. The anxiety might be from lack of enrichment, I think. It wouldn’t hurt to get him moving, but I’ll also need to update his feedin’ schedule, then… On that note, does he have any allergies?” 
“Yes, he does. Deathly allergic to mangoes and pineapples, and a slight cat allergy, but that one’s not too bad. While we’re looking at his medical file, I would like to mention that he’s broken his left ankle a good four times-”
“Four? Just on the left ankle?” Seren interrupted, wide-eyed.
“Yep, they had to bring in one of the rescue heroes, Stitch, to fix it so he could keep walking. Honestly, that kid should really be thankful for Detective Gunner and his connections. He also broke both hands, right wrist, and dislocated his left shoulder. It.. Jesus, all of that came from the same incident. Apparently it all came from the foster family he was placed with, but nothing on here tells me why they did that, or how exactly it happened. No wonder he’s so flighty.” Doctor Everly let out a low whistle, and flipped to another page.
“...That does explain the anxiety, at the very least. Is there lasting damage that I need to look out for?”
“Hm, let me see… Nah, you’re good. Apparently they got the same rescue hero to fix him up again, and her power works well enough that physical therapy isn’t required. I don’t see any other injuries on here.”
“Thank fuck. I’ll keep his workouts light, just to be safe once we get there, but other than that I don’t believe I need to change the schedule much. Do you still have those light sedatives on hand? I need some in case he starts gettin’ too anxious.”
“Yes, I do. I’ll have Christen drop some off at your office, enough for a month. If I need to up the dosage or give you more you’ll let me know?”
“Of course. I should get back to Arlo, now. He hasn’t eaten anything in a while, so I’m sure he’ll be excited for dinner. Thanks, Everly.” Seren called over her shoulder, loosely holding the file in one hand and waving with the other. Doctor Everly hummed and went back to his tablet.
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cvptainbucky · 2 years
adhd is so fun like. i just spent the entire afternoon moping about having tickets for thor and wanting to see the movie but not wanting to go (peak executive dysfuction) and then 30 minutes before it starts my brain just said na we're going so not only did i stress myself with choice paralysis for hours i also had to run and panic about not getting there on time
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bvcketfvcker · 3 years
For the Behind the Scenes writing asks; 7, 10 and 16 💕💕
hOLY SHIT sorry this took forever bc I couldn't find the post 😭😭😭
but thanks so much for these ask, darlin 🥺💖💕
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
actually writing lmaooo I have so many ideas and the URGE to write but the execution is ouFFFF executive dysfuction say whatttt
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
Dialog is prolly my favourite thing to write- I love acting and improv so it's a fun way to get that outta my system when I can't get a change to do the others/ its good practice. Idk I feel also as an anxious person I always rehearse potential dialogue/ situations in my head all the time, so it just flows naturally lmfao
16. What is your most underrated fic?
uhhhh that's a good question- I feel like maybe some of my old stuff but it doesn't apply to the SW fandom so idk. uHHH I think my Rex x reader fic "A Round for the Troops" didn't get a lot of love when I first posted it on here just as a link to my ao3. But I think I'm gonna post it again just like in a text post format on here and also add it to my masterlist so
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Do you have any backstory/childhood HCs for the 74th trio? (they're my obsessino anadfjlkajs most of my questions are about them sorry XD)
you’re so valid, I totally associate them with you 
so I don’t know a whole lot about their canon lore and backstory so if I say something dumb or contradictory keep that in mind this is just my headcanons based off what I know about them
-Chisa did spy work a lot, being a housekeeper means you get into high security homes and can rifle around through their things and overhear their conversations, it’s why Munakata asked her to look into the stuff going on at Hope’s Peak, because she already has experience 
-I feel like her housekeeper talent came a lot from seeing people who had lost control of their lives and homes from depression, executive dysfuction, grief, poverty/overwork, and such, and her wanting to help them. She just seems like a helper. I feel like she just started cleaning up for a few neighbors and it took off from there. 
-I feel like Munakata grew up rich and with expectations thrust upon him
-it wouldn’t surprise me if Sakakura grew up in a more rough and tumble life but also it wouldn’t surprise me if he grew up with some privilege. His readiness to solve all problems with his fists implies he either had to fight to survive or he never had any consequences for poor behavior.
-I feel like they were noticeably inseparable in high school. Everyone knew those 3 were best friends. I also feel like as Sakakura realized his feelings for Munakata he started to get a bit more angry, gruff, reactionary. I think he tried to cover by pretending like he had a crush on Chisa but she saw through that... maybe something like.... they end up alone with each other and she slyly refers to them as rivals in love and when he gets all blushy and protesting she just smiles and reassures him that all that matters is they both love him and each other and she doesn’t care about the deep details she just wants the three of them to always be together
-I do feel like Chisa teases him a lot about his crush though. Lot’s of that “I’m not losing him to you >:(” stuff just because she thinks it’s fun to tease
-Munakata was either A. absolutely blind to Sakakura’s feelings or B. he knew and only paid attention to those feelings when he needed something. He’s not a flawless guy, and he uses Chisa and Sakakura as his backup a lot which leads me to my next headcanon
-Munakata sometimes forgets to treat those two as his friends/partners because they’ve been so reliable all this time and followed his leadership with so much loyalty that he just sees them as an extension of his actions and goals. If he gets too comfortable telling them what to do and not noticing their feelings then one of them (usually Chisa) gives him a stern talking to
I feel like the way they all met had to be like... if not just meeting when they all ended up in the same class at Hope’s Peak, then probably some fun situation with them as young kids like...
Sakakura gets into trouble for getting into a fight and Chisa and Munakata get him out of trouble using their people skills and inherent authority figure vibes. 
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diabeticgirl4 · 7 years
it's 1am and should go to bed but I can't cause I still haven't washed my face/brushed my teeth but I can't do that yet bcause I'm low and should probably have a juice first but that would require me to get out of bed to do that and my body's not willing to move rn and anyways my brain is being trash rn
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Meme for Fic Writers.... 18, 19, 21, 24, 28.
18: Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
For minifics, sometimes I wing it entirely and sometimes I take a small amount of plot notes. For larger WIPs I absolutely have to plot things out or take notes on my ideas because otherwise I’m guaranteed to lose them–but for me, that’s pretty exclusively in the form of a document. Notepad on my laptop before it died, now the text app on this chromebook or in googledocs. I’ve never moved beyond that for my fic…trying to introduce a higher level of organization just stresses my executive dysfuction out more than if I don’t! I’m better off with my own somewhat flexible system.
19: Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
I do, and always have, but not in that ‘I’m reliant on it’ way. Every once in a while I get an idea for something that is so far outside my own life experience/understanding that seizes me with certainty, and I’ve always thought those come from a muse. But most of my writing comes from my own stubborn need to say what I want to say, despite obstacles and ennui. And when I go through patches of not having any writing energy, I tend to think of it as that–as just needing a break to store words back up, not because my muse has abandoned me or anything.
21: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
SO. MANY. So many I am certain it would drive most other people crazy. I draft, then I tend to re-read whatever I’ve already written before I add to it, correcting as I go…then once I have a finished draft I revise a couple of times in a big way and then basically keep rereading the thing until I stop finding errors or stuff I want to fix. With minifics and short prompts it’s less obsessive, but I’ve never posted anything without re-reading it multiple times. Probably at least 4.
24: Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
Not that I know of. FF.net deleted the first fic I ever posted, back in the day, when they took down songfic en masse…I’ve never taken any of my own down.
28: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Alright, I’ve recced a lot of authors on my blog in my main fandoms so this is going to be a little repetitive, but there’s a difference for me between stories I love and authors whose stuff I’ll read, no matter the subject. I don’t actually have many of those, so here’s three. 
First up, @actuallylukedanes, who builds worlds like nobody’s business and whose ability to write quickly and decisively is something I will never stop being amazed by and in awe of. I like seeing what you’ll do with the characters, even when they’re not from my fandoms, because when you write them I care what happens them anyway.
Next, @karalovesallthegirls, who is just a ridiculously good author, one of those ones whose stories can make one character a mime or turn Supergirl into The Good Place and I’m totally pulled along with whatever whims she’s chasing because it’s so well-done and fun to read.
Finally, @fandammit, who sometimes pulls thoughts right out of my head and puts them in fanfic, who delights me whenever she falls into a fandom I love because that means there might be fic and if she’s writing it, I know it’s gonna be quality. 
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Rant 2
tbh even ppl who aren't neurotypical can have issues understanding that,,,,, you,,,,, cannot,,,,, just,,,,, power,,,,, through,,,,, it
i sincerely doubt that my dad's 'powering through' his executive dysfuction actually worked as well as he claims. in fact, i sincerely doubt it was meant for anything but a 'get up and do your schoolwork' kind of thing.
is it even possible to 'power through' it? i'm not sure. i've anxiety-snapped once after my dad started talking abt how my SOLs impact my future and then proceeded to force me to do math at nine o' clock. i want to add that math often gives me panic attacks if i'm forced to do it when i'm exhausted or even if i'm pressured into doing it quickly.
i remember the first time i had a panic attack. it was in a crowded school bus with my friend, thinking i was having a heart attack or just,,,, dying spontaneously. fun.
so no. i don't think i can 'just do it', thanks. i'm not bloody nike.
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autistic-nightlight · 7 years
: )
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