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evolveon - a non-xenic umbrella term connected to accepting one’s insecurities, embracing pain, being the best at what you do no matter the obstacle, the end of an era, empowerment, healing, hope, letting go of regrets, love, making up for lost time, not conforming to society’s standards, overcoming hardships, personal growth, rejuvenation, rising up to face all of your troubles, & success.
based on the album “Evolve” by Imagine Dragons.
evon/evoline/evolinity; evolveon gender quality!
transevon/transevoline/transevolveon; transitioning into evolveon and/or evolinity!
evoic; evolveon gender alignment!
minorian (gamma ursae minorids); a galactian alignment term; a gender for non-binary individuals who are evolveon and/or evolveon-aligned!
aean; older evolveon individual!
epoch; evolveon individual!
era; younger evolveon individual!
EVOIN; evolveon in nature!
millefolian (achillea millefolium); evolveon loving evolveon; evoLevo!
terms/flags by us. tagging @radiomogai & @dimensen.
#♣️#evolveon#evoline#transevoline#transevolveon#evoicminorian#aean#epoch#era#EVOIN#millefolian#mogai#qai#🃏#eye tw
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werewolf and tolkienesque forenames encoded with inglosh
Adorë Adosh Aduromë Aduruth Afthurl Afthôr Alfgend Alfges Alfhor Alfon Alfonzol Algroën Aliguldë Allear Almun Alvil Alweong Alwong Amind Andeláf Aulór Auruduc Barug Beadur Beaglór Beahúr Beghâd Begulf Beldwulf Bereder Beretor Beron Berulf Bilin Bilingan Bilmu Biloe Bilone Bilph Bilur Bilykeon Birdwon Birehol Birodar Birok Biron Biroun Birth Biryer Biuwalmë Biuwiy Bliodaol Brevrol Briglúk Briroun Broedol Brolkhek Brulë Bulch Buldelf Buleneok Bulfu Bullero Bumoin Burmeoun Burnol Buruth Buthor Caengang Carto Celetone Celfu Celwulf Cendon Chelapu Cildemun Cilmu Ciloun Cilsiff Ciuwalm Colmë Cundaf Círdold Diler Dilibret Dindol Dinilur Diórond Doldë Dolenist Dosourl Drigulf Duhir Dwulf Dáonbar Déuthur Eagle Eaglór Edecor Edelon Edoso Edulf Edulph Edurulur Edurun Eduruph Edûneoun Egdaf Egentil Elcwon Eldendon Elesh Elibur Eloundor Elvid Elvilen Embalf Embar Embrith Emburon Emdís Emlomor Emlomu Emlomë Emoili Emondirn Emong Emwulph Enaol Endulf Endulomu Endurmug Enthôr Erdol Erdurus Eregulf Ereldend Erendulf Ereni Erevodur Erevur Ergulfen Erkindon Ermer Eroiliol Eromë Eroune Ervigun Erwindar Estrid Etelar Evoin Ezegak Ezegulf Fellenne Feuax Filing Filmu Findos Findulf Firettun Firkind Fomrus Fondo Fongbur Foniluax Fonomor Fonyelor Fonyë Fonzol Frentes Freph Frialfu Frigur Frindroë Frith Frithun Froil Fround Fëene Gaken Gelthe Gemoni Gemor Genduc Gentol Gervon Girith Girustu Glapin Gledor Glelfu Gloen Gloun Glóongul Glúvell Goldosor Gomolgir Gondon Gonithu Greteren Groil Gronrom Groun Groën Gulphas Gulphon Gundol Guneróg Gungulg Gurlomë Gustë Gwelle Gweoth Gwonil Hedûn Hegulf Hekes Helcwon Heldë Helen Helesse Helgruth Helwone Hemor Henurn Higom Hilphang Hilyë Hindol Hirith Hogen Hyeldell Hámeahúr Hámual Hámun Hámurn Húroin Húrom Ildol Ilduc Iledûn Ilfronin Iliges Ilimbron Ilomin Ilrud Ilsiff Iluap Ilubil Ilvigulf Imbrinwë Imini Immeag Indos Iodaoni Iofaolen Iromur Irúth Istor Iuwind Iärid Kíloun Kúvol Laglete Lagluu Laolkhîm Lapilud Lapir Lapirvo Larace Larth Lecoroë Libur Liglór Linulf Loedur Lomru Lomun Lonil Luthun Luthur Luwyn Lykelder Lúthor Mechedug Mecolg Mecor Meder Megak Megulfu Mehedos Mehog Mehol Meinwë Meldbir Melmu Melph Menbroun Mendor Menerth Meondur Meong Meowin Mereff Meres Merthôr Merundol Merunt Mevurok Milinwë Mindog Míroil Míroë Míroën Nalrus Nandul Nelapu Nenem Neohor Nerehon Nereni Nidend Noilmur Nákhîm Nákhôr Nárol Nóloe Nólom Nómindos Oduroun Ombur Omlomë Omreveou Ongen Ongur Onzol Orhendol Oroun Oshur Oveon Oveoth Ovrolmu Pelap Peldë Peledol Pelen Pelgiles Pelotë Pilmehor Piram Rankeoc Recce Redûn Reghâl Rehenwë Rehor Remrund Remûl Renarol Rendol Rendrith Renwë Retilce Rialfi Ridolor Rigurun Ruddyn Rudwulf Rórith Rúmoth Rúthilm Scelmë Scelor Scend Scerm Seaglúk Sedecor Seilig Sekuc Selede Serwin Shealf Shele Shelgene Shelm Smerehor Soldor Solon Solzôr Soroun Sount Stuntun Talfeuap Taulf Taulph Taurudu Telden Temrun Tencen Tenceren Tenhid Tening Terdeotë Tereph Tetes Thilapu Thiround Thmurber Thold Thrud Théur Théuth Théuwfes Tilimol Tosol Túroën Uhirgurn Unthráon Urulfhor Usterd Ustor Vakes Velmun Ventu Veotë Veroë Vodar Voilf Vánes Vánete Walfwon Wulfwon Ylvil Yávodao Éudili Éudulon Éudur Éumalë Éumbar Éurun Éutwuu Íroun Óonyell
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Entre design et art contemporain qui est Evans Mbugua?
Le portrait se perd dans les méandres des motifs, pour ne faire qu’un avec l’oeuvre. Et le motif s’organise en constellation pour devenir un portrait. Il recouvre une toile de fond ultra graphique et colorée, de visages, de corps, de personnalités, de figures… Comme un jeu inspirant aux frontières des disciplines, les oeuvres d’Evans Mbugua sont des fenêtres ouvertes sur un artifice haut en…
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