#Everytime I'm like ''i don't actually care that much I shouldn't be so negative'' I remember that Gege treats disabled characters like shit
trans-leek-cookie · 6 days
so kusakabe and higuruma Megumi and fucking MEI MEI can survive but Mechamaru Nanako Mimiko and Mai had 2 die. Alright.
#JJK spoilers#Everytime I'm like ''i don't actually care that much I shouldn't be so negative'' I remember that Gege treats disabled characters like shit#And also fucking fumbled some of the characters with the MOST POTENTIAL (THE FUCKING NANAKO MIMIKO AND MAKI MAI PARALLELS)#Anyway I'm killing us allllllllll ❤️#Also I feel like the idea of ''strength'' is never really actually. Fully criticized like maybe I'll have clearer thoughts later but it's#Very much ''dont look down on the weak bc they might be strong'' instead of ''dont look down on the weak bc. They're human beings.''#And that just annoys me personally. Like Suguru is Wrong but the narrative doesn't actually Prove Him Wrong y'know. In the story#He's mostly wrong bc he's the antagonist not bc he's created a whole fucked up worldview as a deeply traumatized teen and then#Created a structure that was abusive not only to the ppl he didnt value but also the ppl he did and NEITHER GROUP IS GIVEN SUFFICIENT FOCUS#AAAAAAAAAGHHHH. <- guy who's interested in cults and cult abuse and wants to see fiction that actually reflects#How cult survivors are affected by said abuse and also recover. Can you tell I'm not over Nanako and Mimiko's deaths because they were#REALLY FUCKING INTERESTING CHARACTERS. CAN YOU. CAN YOU. CAN Y#Somehow everything I write Abt JJK ends up being about how I wish I could enter the story and crucify Geto. I hate that motherfucker#(he's was my first favorite character in the series and even tho he's been rightfully usurped he's genuine fascinating both in general and#Also specifically bc his character touches on some of my preexisting interests and also I feel like no one else understands him.#And when I say that I mean no one else wants to beat him to death with bricks and rocks and blunt weapons for the right reasons like I do)
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aesopsbaby · 3 years
Sup, hope u doin well. Could I get 500 special? The kins are : Kris (deltarune), max (camp camp), Larry (Sally face), karkat (homestuck), shinso (mha), Edgar (bungo stray dogs), suna (haikyu), Norton (idv), venti (genshin impact) and husk (hazbin hotel). I am intp, tran boi who is unfortunately also bisexual. Thx and have great day
500 followers Special:Calling people out for their kins >:))
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You've always felt that you're not good enough. That you'll always be the "second choice".
You blame yourself,for everything. Even if it isn't your fault entirely,you still shoulder all the responsibilities.
You shouldn't have to feel the need to blame yourself for any minor mistakes.
You always lose to that one person and it makes you so helpless,you constantly berate yourself over it and you are just filled with self-hatred.
No one ever told you that it's okay. No one ever told you they care for you. Or you've just never heard it much.
Why do you feel the need to take the blame? Could it be your form of coping? In order for others to not feel hurt,you take the blame. You get hurt for them. And that's alright for you because as long as others are happy,then you're fine.
But in reality,you aren't. You've bottled up all your emotions and every now and then,all those emotions just comes pouring out and you start to fall apart. But even then,no one ever showed you any care nor affection. So you grew up thinking you never deserved it.
Therefore,because of that,everytime you are showed affection,you get shocked and tense because you just don't know how to react to it.
Rest. Take a break,you deserve it <3
What's your sleep schedule like-?
You gives amazing advice to others but you are never able to use those advice for yourself.
You have such a negative image of yourself,you see yourself so differently from others and you overall just hate yourself. But really,you just hate the image you created,not you.
Who hurt you-
Anger issues ✅
You just want to get better at handling your emotions,you despise how you act.
Trust me,you're doing well and I'm proud of you ♡
You've never had someone tell you they believe in you nor that they are proud of you. If someone tells you something like that,you'll never be able to believe it because they are just "lying".
Trust issues as well 📈📈📈 You push people away because you just can't wrap your mind around the fact that someone actually is willing to care for you and stay with you. You can't believe that someone would actually love you for you.
Gifted kid burnt out,huh? :(( You're enough,stop thinking otherwise.
Constantly in a state of "I'm about to lose my shit right now."
You grew up way too fast and always feel the need to be mature. You never let yourself rest.
Ah yes. Mother Mother,free therapy.
You constantly put on a chill or happy facade,in order to push everyone and their worries away so no one has to be "bothered by you". You don't feel sad anymore,but rather tired and dull. You don't feel anything.
You don't even know who you really are anymore. You've put up with those front for so long that everything doesn't feel real.
You just wish everything could go back to the way you loved. You hold onto the little bit of the past you missed so much that it hurts.
You also seem like someone who would love The Front Bottoms music,,,
I would have recommend Mccafferty's music but,,,we all know what happened,,,<\3
You don't feel special,and you don't think you'll ever do.
I'm here if you need me and I hope you know that so many people believe in you ♡ You can achieve your goals and even if you can't,we're all still so very proud of you.
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backslashdelta · 3 years
just for the record I have never not wanted to hear you talk about the things you enjoy. also I've been thinking lately about tumblr as a platform and how, while i love the loyalty to the chronological feed, it does mean that things can get lost in the shuffle - if I post something when other people happen to not be online, it won't get attention even if people totally would have liked it/interacted with it if they saw it. so that's just to say that you shouldn't feel weird about reblogging your own things - that's something that I've been thinking I should do more often, and that creators in general should feel free to do! even if I've already seen a post of yours, I will probably be more than happy to see it again.
Thanks! This is a really sweet message, and I appreciate it very much 🥰
Like logically I know that some people want to hear the things I have to say and see the things I need to show, and I've never posted anything that hasn't been shown at least a little bit of love, so I even have evidence to back it up.
But also the fact of the matter is that there are people who don't want to hear me – or anyone else, for that matter – talk about certain things. And that's not actually a problem! That's totally fine! There are things that I don't really care to hear other people talking about, either. That's why we can filter tags, and use that as a way to keep following people and ignore the things they post about that we either dislike or are otherwise just indifferent about.
And like obviously I'm not suggesting that's a bad thing, I enthusiastically encourage people to filter whatever they want and curate their online space, and I do that as well. It's just that I also know for a fact that there are people who follow me and I follow them who don't want to see me talk about that certain ship, or that particular character, who don't want to see my art or gifsets or read my fanfic or whatever.
I literally cannot stress enough that this isn't a bad thing. The point of fandom is to be able to engage with the things that interest you, and ignore the things that don't. But I've personally felt, since a young age, that the things I liked weren't interesting to other people, and so I should keep them to myself. Tumblr has helped with that mindset, but my initial reaction to knowing someone wants to specifically avoid something I like, especially if they're a friend, is to feel like I should keep it to myself in general, even though I know other people do enjoy it. I think it's partly a result of how conflict-averse I am. It's not even a conflict, but I just don't want to ruffle any feathers or annoy anyone and have to come anywhere close to a conflict, so it's easier to just shut up about it.
I don't know. There are places that I've wanted to share certain things, but I don't because I talk myself out of it thinking that nobody will care. And part of that is true, they won't; there's no point in me sharing a fic I wrote for ship X when everybody in the group likes ship Y and is either indifferent to or straight up dislikes ship X. But sometimes I wonder if those decisions are because it's just not the best place for it, or if I'm doing it from a place of fear and insecurity.
Ultimately, it's not a huge deal. I'm psycho-analyzing myself right now I guess, but I'm not that upset about this, and ultimately I do end up sharing my work and my thoughts and people do engage positively with the things I put out into the world and I've rarely gotten negative interactions, so I'd call that a win.
But I'll also probably continue to feel a little weird everytime I promote myself in some way. And I'll continue to warn people that they might not want to read my writing for xyz reason because I think there will always be at least a little part of me that has that thought in the back of my head that something that is self-indulgent to me must not be interesting to anyone else.
I still appreciate knowing you feel this way, though. And I'm sure you're not the only person who does, and Tumblr as a whole really is a huge help in trying to combat that mindset, so I appreciate everyone here who engages with me in this fandom space in any way. I appreciate you all, and this has just been me talking what may or may be a lot of nonsense but I'm just feeling weirdly... pensive? philosophical? melancholy? tonight.
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liquid-geodes · 3 years
Read at your own risk
Vent post, feel free to ignore. Pretty much just a summary of yesterday and how it's left me feeling today. Nothing you guys really care about but I guess I just also feel like I owe an explanation for why I'm so.. off these next few weeks. I don't mean to be too much of a buzzkill, or be too clingy, or too annoying trying to keep people around but it's just, a lot right now and I know that doesn't make it okay but I'm just-
There's a lot going on and it feels like I have absolutely no one to talk to who will actually get it because they're part of the situation and will also take the time to just listen
Like obviously I have mutuals who have listened already or even just asked if everything was okay, but it's just different when I know that nobody else in the world is going to know just how bad I'm hurting because they just aren't me
I honestly appreciated you two that were there and just listened, and I appreciate you who just asked if I was okay and reminded me that you were here for me
So yeah, the situation itself is pretty bad. But for some reason, the entire time I was sitting there I was just.. so numb to it? Like, I didn't have any feelings towards what was happening or anything even though this is maybe one of the most serious times in my life where I should just be incomprehensible and feeling everything about the situation.
But none of my negative feelings are about the situation, y'know the thing that matters like a LOT.
And I know that what I'm feeling isn't fear or something like that, because that part already came to pass last night, and even then I was afraid for all the wrong reasons.
But now I'm just filled with insurmountable guilt, I guess? Because things have already been strained between my parents for a long time, not to mention just how my mom has been lately mentally and physically. But the fact that it's yet another fight and, even though I'm technically not involved in the situation, I'm still a major reason people are mad at each other. And it's all because I was dragged into the situation and am having to face consequences for something I shouldn't.
And I guess my guilt really just ties back to the way I've always blamed their fighting on me: it's genuinely my fault they're even still together. Mom tried to leave him before when I was young, and yeah that fucked me up, I wanted to be back home where I had friends and both my parents and I wasn't just somewhere completely unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Understandably I was miserable, and that's the whole reason mom even decided to come back anyway, IM the reason she came back and stayed where she was unhappy. Like, that isn't a new thought for me. I have felt this way every single time there's been a fight, every single time mom's been upset and hurt by his words, every single day I think about how I fucked up my mom's chance at being happy. Pretty fucked up a third grader can even put things together like that huh?
But that's just how it's been ever since we came back. Now Everytime there's a fight or something goes wrong it just always leads back to "well this wouldn't be happening if you weren't here" and I think the worst part is that it's true... A lot of this WOULDNT be happening if I just, never existed...
So imagine how fucked up I have to be feeling inside now that, at 20 years old, the only thing I've heard recently is "if it weren't for you I would have killed myself a long time ago" so now I'm the only thing keeping my parent alive?? I'm now singlehandedly responsibly for the life of my own mother while simultaneously being the exact starting point and cause of why she's so unhappy and has been treated like shit and wants to die in the first place.
And I want to clarify: neither of my parents have EVER blamed me for being the cause of everything. But I'm not stupid. I know that if I had just shut up back then about not being happy and just not make my mom feel guilty for leaving everything would be FINE. I logically can not think of any other reason for things to have gone the way they did except for because of me.
And isn't that just a really fucked you thing to have to hear almost every single day?? How much stress that has to put on me because if I say the wrong thing or disagree with her in any capacity she might react like I don't love her and decide "hey you were the only reason I haven't killed myself, and now you're treating me like everyone else, guess I will proceed to kill myself and it's your fault now because hey, like I've said multiple times before, YOU are the only reason I put up with everything and even bother trying to live! Good luck living with yourself!"
I shouldn't have to be afraid to leave my mom home alone while she's upset because I have to go to work and can't be home to keep an eye on her. Like how absolutely FUCKED is it that every second of every day I'm having to fucking plan for what to do in case she fucking does it??
I'm physically incapable of giving a shit what happens to me anymore. Yeah I still get scared and afraid of however my dad will react because hey we can all agree it's big scary when someone loses their temper and screams at you. But that's it! Those situations have resolutions! They end and you finally don't have to dread waiting for it to happen anymore because it just happened! It's all this other stuff that I have no fucking idea if or when it'll even happen! And it's really fucked up! How could parents make their children feel this way! How can they acknowledge that what they're doing isn't good for you and still do it anyway!
IDK everything just has me feeling sick to my stomach, and my body wants to just cry... But my brain hasn't let me cry for me in a very long time... I don't get to be sad over my own issues, because hey you brought this on yourself by being the reason this dysfunctional marriage is still together
But youre allowed to cry over others and how the situation is affecting them, because while you don't really get to care about yourself or your own feelings anymore, you actually care a LOT about the people around you and THEIR feelings
I never knew it was possible to care so much yet be so numb at the same time....
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mytwistedhome · 4 years
Pomefiore and Ignihyde when they find out you have Anorexia
Trigger warning to anyone who suffers with an eating disorder!!
I decided to write these headcanons because I've been having a really tough two weeks, and thinking of the twst boys makes me happy...
I hope this can maybe bring comfort to someone else, or at least provide some bit of entertainment. My intention is not to cause harm or trigger anyone. That is the last thing I want.
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Other dorms will be coming as well! I already started working on all of them, but I just haven’t finished them. They will most likely be posted the next time I have a bad day //
One more quick thing: I will be posting requests this week! I’ve already broken several promises that I made in regards to the time I’d post, and I feel horribly guilty. I’m sorry for the wait. I know I shouldn’t tell you to expect something on a certain day and then delay it for weeks. I should be honest about my efficiency, and I am sorry.
I'm also sorry for not responding to message (this applies to all my blogs...) I see them, but then forget about them, and then cower away because I feel like I'm already too late. I hope this little apology is enough to suffice... I'll apologize properly to every person when I find the courage. I know I shouldn't be doing this to people who've been kind to me just because I feel unwell. Please know that I am very sorry, and I'm trying to be more responsible and less careless to those around me.
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Vil Shoenheit
So that's why your skin is so dry and you have bags under your eyes
He scolds you at first. He believes that you’re starving to get a good figure, and he tries to inform you that doing so is unhealthy and that being malnourished actually makes a person quite ugly.
As if you haven’t already heard all this before
You try to tell him that you’re not doing this to look good. At least, not anymore. Sure, it started out as a way to lose weight, but it soon became an obsession much more meaningful than beauty or weight-loss.
He doesn’t understand. Why would you deliberately hurt yourself like that? Especially when you’re aware of all these negative outcomes?
Nevertheless, he is still very worried about you
He wouldn't normally concern himself with such a personal problem, but he would feel so guilty if he just stood back and watched you whither away
So, he does, indeed, go out of his way to try and help you
He finds a psychology book about eating disorders in the library, and he reads it in its entirety
He is... quite disturbed. He never imagined that you could be suffering so badly.
He's smart enough to realize that he, himself, can't do anything to make you better
He encourages you to seek professional help, and he even searches for phone numbers you can call and therapists/counselors close by of whom you can see
You are really touched by his efforts to find help, and you promise him that you will see one of the counselors he recommended
But... several weeks go by, and you haven't done anything
Vil grows furious. Don’t you want help!?
He takes your lack of seeking help rather personally... He went out of his way to provide with the things he felt that you really needed. Don’t you appreciate that? Don’t you care about yourself? What more do you want him to do?
You try to tell him that you don’t want him to do anything, that you’ll find help when you’re ready--
Vil isn’t buying that
What does “ready” mean, anyways? When you’re already in the grave?
He’s a bit harsh on you... He points out the patches of dry skin along your neck and chest, the way the hairs of your arms always stand on end from goosebumps, the metallic taste in your mouth...
Are you happy with those things? Do you really want to live this way?
You try and try to explain to him that it’s hard to get help and go back to eating normally
It spirals into an argument...
Vil is done with this. He did what he could and got you the resources you need to begin recovery. Once you decide to get help, he will be there for you. He will be there whenever you reach out for support, comfort, or care. But, until then, don’t talk to him about it. Don’t complain about your misery until you have sought proper help. It’s your fault at this point, isn’t it?
Rook Hunt
He had noticed that you were very quickly losing a lot of weight
He was concerned, but he never imagined that the problem could be something so serious
You're actually surprised with just how much he's concerned. You thought that if there was anyone to romanticize such a disease, it would be him
But he seems to know more than you thought about such disorders
He begs you to get professional help, and he is quite a bit more pushy and earnest than Vil is...
You try to explain to him that no doctor or therapist could ever help unless you were READY and WANTED to be helped
Well, he doesn't understand why you don't want help
He's pushing and pushing you... begging you to seek a professional
You get so frustrated that you turn and leave. He just doesn't understand!
And now Rook is even more distressed. How will he ever get through to you? How can he ever help you?
Now, every time he sees you, he looks at you with such sorrow
He sadly remarks upon how your beauty is fading... and how he fears that your life may be fading as well
Your heart aches to hear such sincere worry... Your chest feels tighter than it normally does as you crumble with guilt
You promise yourself you'll get better... Just so you won't have to see Rook with a horribly sad expression whenever he passes you
You start eating more in front of him to ease his worry, which does work a little bit
You add about 400 more calories to your usual intake--enough so that your "recovery" becomes visible through the way you bounce with energy
But you stay up late at night, running laps and doing situps to burn off some of that intake
And you keep losing weight
In fact, it's worse now because your body is aching from the unfamiliar intake and exercise...
Well, at least you look better
At least you have Rook fooled
Or so you think. It'll only be a matter of weeks before he catches onto your schemes and grows so distressed once again
He tries to sit you down and have a talk with you... He just really wants you to get help
Epel Felmier
Poor Epel finds out after he witnesses you collapsing in the middle of the hallway when no one else is around
He panics and rushes to your side, trying to see what is wrong and how he can help you
You blacked out for several seconds, which is why you collapsed, but even though you have your vision back, everything is still very cloudy and you are too weak to stand up
This makes Epel panic even more
You try to calm him down, despite your weakness
"it's okay, Epel...! Just get me something to eat. Please, I need something to eat. Hurry!"
He is a bit confused, but he does what you say, and he rushes off to find you some food
While he is gone, you try to stand, but to no avail. Your stomach aches with hunger and you are cold all over. Your body just feels so miserable
He rushes back to you with an apple and places his hands on your shoulders in concern as you quickly eat it down
That apple... It's the best thing you've ever tasted, but it's gone too quickly, and your mouth waters for more as the last bites slide down your throat
Although it was small, it still gives your body such a blissful burst of energy. All your senses are ignited now that you have finally eaten something after such a long fast, and your head is hurting far less
You stand up and smile at Epel, thanking him graciously before turning to leave
Uuuhhhhh.... What was that?
You suddenly collapse on the ground and then are all better after eating a simple apple?
No way is Epel going to let you go just like that. He holds you back, demanding an explanation, for it surely seems you know quite a bit about this bizarre thing that just happened
You try to tell him it's nothing, just a strange thing that happened this one time
Well, then, how did you know how to fix it by eating something?
You quickly lie and tell him you get dizzy sometimes and fall due to low blood sugar
Well, now your story is inconsistent
He presses you for the truth, growing rather angry
His harsh tone begins to scare you, and you tell him... You tell him that, sometimes, you go days without eating, and it of course causes you to grow so weary that you faint
You watch as all the frustration quickly rushes away from Epel's face, leaving his eyes wide and mouth hanging open in shock
"That... That's really unhealthy..."
Oh, great. Not this speech again
But, it actually isn't a lecture about how this is such a "dangerous diet"
Instead, Epel pours out all his concern with a sad look upon his face
He knows that he can't do much, but he assures you that you can come to him if ever things become too tough to handle
You're touched by his offer, and you thank him for his understanding
But, now, everytime he's around, he watches you with care to see if you're doing alright and to make sure you don't fall over again
You hadn't expected him to worry this much...
If Epel ever thinks that things are getting out of hand, he will likely go behind your back to someone who can help for your sake
Idia Shroud
He really wishes that he hadn't found out because now he can't stop worrying
This is the kind of thing that would just be easier to ignore and shut away from his mind
But how could he possibly ignore something as serious as this?
He keeps telling himself that this isn't supposed to be his issue
But... It is his issue, isn't it? If you ended up dying and he knew all along about your suffering yet did nothing to help, than that would mean that he aided in your death, right?
He's really starting to panic. He doesn't what you dead. Not at all
But... What is he supposed to do???
He calms himself down and tries to think
Perhaps if he built you a mechanical body that didn't need food this whole thing would seize to be a problem...
No, bad idea
Well, that will be his last resort if nothing else works...
He messages you and tries to plead with you to please just eat and take care of yourself...
You message back, explaining to him that it really isn't that simple
He decides to ask why you're doing this, and he tries to show through his words how much he really cares
You feel comfortable enough in telling him some of the reasons why you think you started, and why it's now so hard to stop and all you want is to continue with it...
Idia is happy that you were able to open up to him this much, but what is he really supposed to do with this information? He's no therapist...
Well, being vulnerable with you emotions and talking about the problem is at least one step in the right direction, isn't it?
Idia continues to try to be a source of comfort for you, while also encouraging you to seek proper help
Ortho Shroud
Oh, no... He can’t help you with this, can he?
Why can’t he help you? Why won’t you get better?
Surely nii-san programmed him with something that could help you...
Why aren’t you better?
Why are you doing this to yourself!?
Ortho is a mess... so distressed. He can’t understand--he doesn’t have the capacity to understand such a disorder, and he is so frustrated that nothing he does is helping!
And he does everything
He exhausts himself trying to “fix your mind”
His eyes are wide, yellow irises shaking with misery
Knowing that you are willingly hurting yourself actually traumatizes him...
He can't wrap his head around such an awful mental illness. To him, it looks as though you're really trying to harm, hurt, and even kill yourself by your own accord
Something must be wrong with your brain, but he just doesn't know what!
The poor child is so upset. He's panicked and worried sick
And now you feel even worse
Sorry for ending on such a horrible note... I was originally going to have all the dorms, so Diasomnia would’ve come and saved the day, but I just didn’t finish them.
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Not to get personal, but why have I been made to feel like a complete asshole whenever my little brother is being a brat and I yell at him for it?
I'm not allowed to "parent" him, because I'm not the parent, but I'm an adult and my parents are usually asleep or at work, so I have to be in charge, but discipline is not something I should be in charge of because I have no gauge for what's too much and what's too little. That gauge is messed up, I get too soft and sentimental and let things go that shouldn't be, because the time before my mom said I was too tough on him and should take it down a notch. So me and my slightly older younger brother (he's 16) often hear the phrase, "You're not the parent, you don't need to yell at him and make the rules like that"- but I'm expected to love him in a more motherly way. Now, I'm not a very affectionate person, I struggle with that kind of thing a whole lot (my brother's think I don't have a heart because I don't show affection to people nearly at all), and trying to love my brother in a motherly way makes me uncomfortable, as I'm not his mother, and I don't want him to think of me as one. I want him to see me as his older sibling, not his parent. I try to show affection with him, by giving hugs, but I can't do it often, because I get uncomfortable quickly, and I try to affirm him with words but it always sounds like I'm lying because of my robotic tone, due to trying to be honest when I'm afraid of the reaction, or how he'll perceive it.
The highlights of our interactions always seem to be the negative ones though, and I wish I knew how to change that and actually let him know I care even if I seem aloof. I'm worried that he'll turn out with trauma or some other thing that will impair his ability to live life joyfully because of me. I wish I didnt have to feel like crying everytime I have to yell in order to get him to listen to me because he ignores me otherwise, even if it's the tiniest thing. I feel like that sounds like an argument an abusive parent would make, but the difference is I've actually tried being kind and talking to him in a more caring manner, and I've been on his side, but he calls me stupid, and disrespects me, but then turns around and randomly hugs me, or yells at my 16yo brother for making me cry or insulting me, and tells me he feels safer with me there. I don't understand what is happening.
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myvelouri · 6 years
Where's the sweet tender care, the promises...
I feel so betrayed, like I was with a traitor
I can't think of all the good memories without thinking it was all actually fake, actually tainted
The way you'd reach out your hand for mine... Even just five days ago, before everything suddenly drastically changed and you hated me... You'd soon already reach out your hand in the same way to another man? After everything we've been through?
Wow I can't believe it
I was hurt too. I put up with hurt too. A lot of it. A lot you don't know. I can't believe it that you'd choose me being gone over a new resolve to see each other again
I'm gutted. I've been used. I think of all the times I brought you food from downstairs up to my room for you. Now I feel violated... I did a lot of little things and big things for you.
I trusted you
I think you not having feelings for me within a week is abnormal and I don't think it's neurotypical.
I'm so gutted
I've been looked over
All the times I stopped and talked to you and comforted you for hours cause you were upset and angry... All the times I held you, all the times you wanted to turn the fan off even though I was hot and I sacrificed my comfort for you otherwise you'd become so moody and mean, everytime we were together and kissed, talked, hugged, shared... It wasn't worth anything to you, you still hate me and couldnt make a promise like you did when you truly wanted me and loved me
All the time during Montrose and how I drove you to class every day, how you'd come with me and we'd go everywhere together, we'd walk so much. I tried to find your special pen. I'm shaking. How I'd come pop up at work while you worked there and I missed you and loved you and then you'd pop in to see me work too. I got that job to be able to work with you, a terrible job I got just to be able to be with you. I sacrificed a lot. And I loved you.
I feel like absolutely nothing
I can't believe I was so easy to get over, a week?
I feel like I'm treated like a terrible wife beating, abusive, shitty husband that doesn't deserve anything... Actually women don't get over those guys as fast as within a week either
I'm so low to you
Nothing precious to me was precious to you. My time with you, it wasn't precious. You came into my life, I let you in. I spoiled you as much as I could until I couldn't. I was your favorite. So I thought. Everything seems like lies now.
I don't know if you know what love is after all this. Because I don't feel it now that I know it was so easy for you to push me away... You did all the things you always angrily accused me of... Like everything...
I didn't realize I was with someone who didn't like me
I had a hard time dealing with you and your day to day anger, upset, mood... But since you loved me I tried my best...
You'll never actually know how much I did or went through for you. You don't know what it's like to date you. I always put up with you to the point you were glad I never gave up on you and got tired and left. Yet you did that to me
Everything you didn't want me to do to you you did to me
Everything that we went through hurt me as it hurt you. I wasn't numb to it. I always listened but couldn't always do the things you asked cause I just wasn't able or comfortable.
I could go on. But I feel so betrayed. My best friend let me go forever... Wow I'll never be able to comprehend that. I don't think I can ever trust or show someone the extreme care I showed you
You say you'd come to my funeral. You shouldn't.
I can't believe you were okay to drop me and not hear from me ever again after all the talk about you saying it's such a big serious thing to you if I wasn't in your life. Yet you chose to not have me in your life given the option just because you didn't feel like it.
I'll never get it
I'll never be the same
I'm so fucked up
I don't know how you're fine
I don't know how you're okay
I can't believe you can let go someone you were with for so long just like that
I must be a terrible person to you
You're a terrible person to me now. You've ruined all the memories I have of you. Everything is torture. Everything I can't understand.
All lies
All of them
So many of them
Spurt? What spurt
I'm a shell of who I was
I'll never cope
I don't know anything
I still love you. I still miss you. I still would have your back. I was honest with you at all times. You were my lover and my best friend. You joked about what our kids would look like or do... You wanted to be my wife.
I was going to marry you
I'm aging faster than ever now from this stress
I still am not over you, and yet you've already left me
I don't know how you severed the bond. I can't imagine how, I don't know how you're the same girl that was crying for me and saying she wasn't over me... I stayed with you, I wasn't with anyone else when you told me not to be. I tried to talk to you as much as I could. I can't believe you're that same girl... When I see you now that part of you is gone. You don't look at me the same. All cause I briefly blocked you and you just instantly started to think of every negative thing between us... You won't think of the good. You purposely won't think of anything. You'll forget me if you don't think of me.
I can't believe it
I thought you'd fight for me forever
I thought we'd become nurses together
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