#Everyone should experience the joy of having irl fandom friends
passerinesoncaffeine · 7 months
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@not-freyja I have dragged one of my irl friends into the LU fandom so I have someone to actually scream at every time this fic updates. Half of our interactions now revolve around this fic and it literally makes my entire day every time we just get to ramble about it.
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tarkenee · 3 years
bitches really treat living breathing bisexuals in m/f relationships like we're bad lgbt representation in a tv show or something and not... real people just living our lives lol. it's so stupid, like mind your own business. and i feel so bad for any bisexuals who are friends with those people, imagine if you were happy with your partner and wanted to share that joy with a friend and the first thing they say is "ew stop trying to make me care about your heterosexual relationship >:/ " as if that's not an extremely rude thing to do??
yeah absolutely n it's so infuriating n honesty insulting. like at this point it's not even an exaggeration that i feel like some ppl view bi ppl as just "representation" n treat bi ppl (at least those that r online) as fictional ppl
like i'm genuinely convinced that at least some of that "lgbt ppl don't have to care abt ~straight~ relationships" is just the remnants of like 2016 tumblr where ppl would make lengthy posts abt how they don't have to care abt the canon m/f pairings n instead ship one of the ppl w the same gender bc that rep is so scarce n ppl saw this n applied it to real life..
n i'm not saying that fandom tumblr is the main reason for that ofc biphobia exists off-line too but it's just such an onlie brainrot hot take like if u interact w ppl irl they will care abt u n ur relationships if they're just generally decent ppl. however those who've based their entire identity & sense of lgbt activism on fighting for like. idk clexa & johnlock online r now viewing real life lgbt ppl as representation & the way they express their identity & attraction is a performance instead of recognizing that lgbt exist for themselves n these r literally just their lives i hope these ppl never befriend an irl bisexual
maybe it sounds ridiculous but i truly do feel like the way ppl comment on those tiktoks or other posts r similar to how they talk abt a tv show or a book.. like bisexuals rly r just characters that everyone else in the community has to relate to or else they're useless
that's why i rly hate the way "lgbt experiences" center around relationships. ofc those r a huge part of it n very important but i think it's much more meaningful to look at these experiences identity-first like the individual as a person n not just as a part of a couple? bc the overwhelming emphasis on "gay relationships" as the defining lgbt experience not only implies that bisexuals still have just one foot in the community but also completely erases straight trans ppl whose relationships we should ✨care abt✨ just as much other relationships. like it's literally just ppl loving each other how does that have anything to do w how much some random person cares idgi
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
so i was thinking of starting a blog dedicated to a certain fandom BUT 1) i am new and 2)idk anything. you're the only blog i'm quite familiar with and so i was wondering how do i go about doing this? it's not the arcana btw
Blogging on tumblr is easy-peasy, there's a reason I've been on here since 2007. Make a side blog, pick a url that relates to your fandom, dress it up, and start posting—boost content you like, tag things appropriately, and never repost without consent from the creator (reblogs are your friend! And they boost engagement much more than likes!). But that's just the technical part. There's no wrong way to run a blog, as long as you're not being an asshole or stealing people's content. I started this blog as a place to dump my hyperfixation content—I never had any intention of gaining followers or making my own content. I just started screaming into the void, and the void screamed back.
I think the most important thing is that you have to be doing it for your own enjoyment, not for anyone else's. If you can imagine running this blog for a long time and never gaining a single follower, and still would be able to have fun with it, that's the best headspace to be in. Your blog is like a public diary, it's the place you splash your thoughts, and the motivation should be just that. If you're looking for fame or validation or a solid following, it won't be much fun. People generally regard people who ask/plead for followers/engagement as being annoying and disingenuous, but more importantly if your happiness online hinges on others approval, you'll find yourself struggling to keep up with making content that you don't enjoy just to keep the spotlight on you.
The flip side of the coin is this: the key to engagement is genuinely enjoying what you do. When people see a happy person, they flock to them! An example of this is how everyone I know irl knows me as one supremely hilarious bitch—which is totally justified, because I genuinely think I'm the funniest person who has ever lived or ever will, I always have, I crack myself tf up constantly! I don't say things to make people laugh, I say things to make myself laugh, and my joy invites others to laugh with me. That's all you can do, that's all a blog is—an invitation. A way of saying, "Here's my world, you're welcome to step inside, if you like." I run this blog because I like it, I say things I like, I post things I like, I promote things I like, I share my joy, and that invites others to join in, too. It has also allowed me to welcome people who are similar to me and enjoy the things I enjoy; I have made some AMAZING friends through this, people who I can no longer imagine my life without.
Be true to yourself. Curate your experience, and share your joy. Have fun with it. Be KIND, be compassionate, be open-minded. Practice internet safety and prioritize your privacy. Remember you are beholden to no one. And by God choose a good theme, beloved!
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kahunakubalik · 6 years
hello. ummm. i want to have a little rant.
basically i just wanted to express some of my feelings. i've been part of this fandom for a while now (almost 3 years), i've been on and off a lot because at some points, there were moments when it was just too much for me. now i know what you think "why do you keep coming back when it's too much for you?" well, i just simply love sharing the joy of this sport with people and unfortunately i can't do that irl, because i simply just don't have those people around me.
first things first, i want to talk about a pressure. a pressure that i just need to like and adore every single jumper. now don't confuse like and respect. i respect every single jumper that has ever competed in wc, coc, fisc, etc... because they are all far more successful then i'll ever be. but as everyone else, i'm a human being. and for some reason, some of the jumpers are just "not my type". i have nothing against them, i don't know them (personally) and i don't hate them, but i just don't feel the way i feel about some other jumpers/athletes. and this comes to another thing and that's never would i ever talk about any jumper/athlete in a bad way only because they are doing better than some of my favourites. in my opinion that's just disgraceful and it's wrong. and at the end of the day, they (jumpers) can take it. they are able to admit that one is better/in better shape than he is and so should you.
second thing is more of my personal problem. i feel really weird about shipping. and it's not the fact that it's male and male kind of a thing. it's more of a fact that, those are real people. they are regular people just like you and me. and i don't really care that they might not ever see this (altho vojtěch štursa does have a tumblr and he knows about some of the stuff that has been written). i think my biggest issue is that some people, no matter what you tell them, they are still going to tell you that lellinger/kraftböck/literally any other ship are together because you know it or because it is obvious. no matter how close you are to ski jumping, a fan, a journalist, a person who helps out during competitions. unless you are an immediate friend of theirs or a relative or they say it themselves, you will never know, what relationships the jumpers have. not only with other jumpers but also with ordinary people. i'm a strong believer that all of the jumpers respect each other. i also believe there are some beautiful and strong friendships within the sport. but i really feel wrong about suggesting a romantic/sexual relationship between two people you technically don't know.
last thing i wanna say is that, people often say that we should be more positive and that we should stop bringing drama and negativity. so i'm saying it now. this post is not about drama nor negativity. it's about expressing my feelings after bottling them for almost 3 years.
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Last night I was lucky enough to go to Dan and Phil’s Interactive Introverts show in Vancouver. Having watched their videos for 9 years it was a pretty surreal experience to be in the same room as them. But honestly I think my favourite part was getting to be in the same room with 3000 other people that understood every inside joke, every obscure reference, and every bit of banter. Being a part of an online fandom we rarely get to experience the joy of what we love all together. The crazy thing is I almost didn’t go! When tickets came out I was hesitant because I knew none of my IRL friends would understand the show. I pondered the idea of going alone and after a bit of encouragement from my SKAM fandom friends I decided to go for it. Well to my surprise in the end it really didn’t feel like I was there alone. I was there with 3000 other kindred spirits all experiencing an amazing night together. As a lot of you know one of the themes of the show was “Give the audience what they want” which Dan and Phil definitely did (no spoilers for those who haven’t seen it) but they also talked about how we should all make sure we’re doing what we love and not letting other people pressure or influence us. For example Phil’s hair dilemma this past year or Dan letting go of danisnotonfire. So I guess what I’m getting to is please don’t miss out on opportunities like this because of what you imagine others will think or your own shyness or anxiety. I’ve had the joy of seeing Dan and Phil this year as well as Tarjei and Henrik from Skam and all these moments were so special. I also have a ticket to Troye Sivan’s concert in Nov which I’ll be rocking out “alone”. Get out there and live YOUR life. And know that although you may not have met everyone, or anyone, at events like this you’re all bonded on a deeper level through the experiences you’ve had together off and online. Lots of love, Mo.
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