#Everyone is scared of the green-eye kid ninja training in the park
hpdabbles · 5 years
Magical Ramen
Naruto Uzumaki, after a long and successful life as the Child of Prophecy, died. It was not in the battled field nor was it in the office of the Hokage (a dream he did not get to see come true) but rather he died in his room holding onto Kurama’s soft fur as the beast slept.
In the morning, everyone in the Leaf village (and the rest of the Ninja Villages) would wake to learn their hero had gone peacefully in his sleep. There was no murder. There was no self-sacrifice. Just a natural death caused by years of abusing his chakra points to push past their limits.
It was a common death for ninjas, but usually, after they lived through their careers and retirement was well underway. Naruto had just been one of those few with large amounts of chakra and he had not been shy with throwing this around in battles. It caught up to him faster than regular ninjas, but he and everyone who knew him were well aware of these risks.
Naruto as the Child of Prophecy accepted this long ago, willing to risk it all. After all, that came with the job description of ninjas anyway. 
It was Kurama, once the most feared demon of the village, that told the world of Naruto’s passing, waking to his one and only true friend cold to the touch. It was a good way to go in all honesty, a way ninja liked to go.
Naruto Uzumaki was buried.
He was honored.
He was mourned  
And then he woke up.
“What should we name him James?”
“How about...Harry?”
“Harry Potter...yes it sounds perfect. Welcome to the world my little Harry.”
(Naruto hated the name. Why did they name him Harry? It’s a name you give to a dog, not a child! No one, of course, paid the fussing new-born any mind so he was stuck with it.)
For the most part. Naruto slept, soul and mind attempting to adjust the new body which was tiny and fragile. It was like trying to get oil and water to mix. Sometimes it almost felt like it was working, but the two parts refused to become one.
Somedays, his sixteen-year-old mind was able to clear up and make sense of what was around him, others he floated about in a dream-like daze, baby brain not yet ready to processes things such as noise or lights.
Luckily he was able to retrain some things with the combined effort of an infant’s limited reach and the formal training he had on Chakra sensing. Thank the gods for the fact Naruto has always been rather gifted in this area because it made it possible to throw his charka around him like a mini sonar and map out what his senses lacked. 
Though it was not the clear detailed location of possible threats miles away, it did give him a few feet of space he could grasp about his new life. 
Naruto could pick out his mother, the lady with the bright red hair and chakra that felt like sunflower fields with hints of chemicals. She spoke to him the most but his ears did not understand any of her words past the fact he like the vibration of her voice.
His new father, the man with wild hair who’s chakra that felt like a forest and smokey metals. He also oddly enough reminded Naruto of the Nara Deers. 
 He was secretly Naruto’s favorite.
 The Leaf native in him adores the sense of forest that rested in the man’s soul.  He feels the withdraws of the large trees and greenery since his new family lived somewhere...stoney and it made him restless.
A Leaf Ninja out of the trees for too long soon turn into a twitchy ninja. It just didn’t feel right. Naruto often allows his body to wail until his father place him against his chest just so he could pretend he was hoping the tree branches and hear the wooshing of the leaves beside the thump-thump of the man’s heartbeat.   
Another thing Naruto was able to pick up on where three males that often visited them. 
There was the man with long wavy hair who’s chakra reminded the ninja of Kakashi, just a bit. There was so much dog in this man but there was also the stillness of a midnight sky, calming and peaceful all rolled into one.
He is also very playful sort of man, which again reminded him of Kakashi.  
The part that was Harry- a few months baby- loved it when the Dog-man blew raspberries into his belly, giggling in delight. The part that was Naruto - the sixteen-year-old- recoil away each time, horrified to become aware only to find a man blowing with his lips on his stomach. 
The second man was also of long hair but while dog-man’s locks felt soft and silky this one was dry and rough. His chakra put Naruto on edge, feeling like a dark tunnel but also like alluring open grass hill. This type of chakra is contradicting in a way that indicated a flickering loyalty. Maybe that’s why he felt like a rat?
The last man, however, always held and kept Naurot’s attention the most. His hair didn’t keep his baby hands as pre-occupied as the others, rather it was the scars his chubby fingers like to trace.  The man felt like a forest-hidden waterfall, something lovely if given the time to find and explore. 
But above all, the man felt like he does- or em did?- he felt like a jinchuuriki. There were undertones of a wolf but the raving beast inside Scar-man reminded Naruto of his early years with Kurama, and nearly every other jinchuuriki minus Killer B he ever met since. 
They shared a kinship even if the other man had no idea he was holding a ex-jinchuuriki when he picked up little Harry 
Naruto, when in control of an infant’s body, tried to get Scar-Man to smile, if only for a little. He forced his lips to form his infamous unbending grin, made sure to babble sounds at the man as cutely as he could and always give him a hug. 
His new father was hoping in a jealous fit alongside Dog-Man when Naruto was finally able to string together the sounds “’Emus!” as his first word a year and a half later when Scar-Man return one day feeling like he had just battled the Tail Beast within him.
Maybe the tail beast tried to forcefully take control of him? Kurama hadn’t done that since they form the pact of friendship at the start of the war but Naruto knew all too well what it felt like when fox attempt to highjack his body. 
Scar-man may have won the battle but he and his tail beast (which number of tails did he hold, Naruto often wondered) obviously weren’t on friendship terms just yet. 
His charka screamed so much pain, weariness, and self-loathe, of course, Naruto was going to make him smile at any cost. He was just plain lucky that ‘Emus turn out to be the man’s name. But Naruto has always been lucky.
His mother’s and father’s disappointment of not being his first word was soon resolved, a few days later when Naruto allowed the words “Mama! Papa!” to cross his lips. He has no idea of this proper child age advancing but he hardly cared. Just hearing the please squeals of his mother, and the deep laughter of his father was enough. 
To Naruto Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki would always be his parents despite not knowing them in life, (his father being reanimated for those few weeks non-standing) but now James Potter and Lily Potter were also his parents because he is now Harry Potter as well.  
 They were everything he dreamed as a child parents would be. He loves them to death, both as Harry and as Naruto. He was glad they got to hear him say, mama and papa, got to see their faces and know their warmth before that fateful day.
“Lily take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off!”
“Not Harry! Please...have mercy...have mercy!”
Naruto was orphaned once more and he never heard from Dog-man, ‘Emus or Rat-man again.
 Instead, he was given away to a home that meant to break him. But he survived the Leaf Villagers sneers and glares for all of twelve years unaware of what brought on such hate he could survive his new relatives' hatred just as well.
No matter how hard the Dursleys tried the wide smile never fell from Harry Potter’s face, nor did his cheerful loudness ever quite. Harry didn’t believe in giving up or failing. He had no time to cry over his misfortunate. 
He trained, cleaned and studied building his body and his charka back to the condition of a genin through sweat, blood, and tears. He needed to get stronger, get better.
He had a dream and he would see it through. There was no Ninja Villages in this new life, no Hokage hat he could reach for so what was his new dream you may ask? 
It is to find ‘Emus, Dog-man, and Rat-man.  They were out there somewhere, and Harry will bring them home if it’s the last thing he did. You better believe it.
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@ninja-go-to-therapy , I guess I will take this opportunity to torture Koshiro for hurting the cinnamon rolls
//tw: violence, attempted kidnapping, death, murder, koshiro//
Based on devistated because it’s extra angsty that way!
So you know how anger makes powers go out of control? Yeah, angering a demigod was a baaaaaaad idea,,,
(this also includes some hc I have for Lloyd powers)
Lloyd loved going out to the park.
It had a beautiful little lake, with pretty fish swimming around, flowers bloomed everywhere and the birds would sing beautifully!
It was simply… peaceful.
The only problem is that it left him alone with his thoughts. And the only things that he’s been thinking about for the last couple years were depressing. His friends, no, his brothers, they were gone.
No, they weren’t gone! They couldn’t have been. He won’t loose hope! He’s going to find them. He promised himself that he would find Cole and that he would find Kai and everything is going to be okay. Everything will be back to normal and they will be happy. They will be a happy family again. He won’t break that promise.
Who was he kidding?
At this point Lloyd was sure that he was just repeating a lie, over and over again, just to comfort himself.
Ninja never quit, he won’t give up on them, because they wouldn't give up on him. He won't give up, even if he wishes that he could. He wishes he would just accept it and move on with his life already, but he can't. Ninja don't leave friends behind.
This isn’t why he came here. He snuck out because he wanted to get away from all these thoughts… clearly it wasn’t working.
He decided that going on a walk might help. It doesn’t hurt to try. Nothing really hurt anymore, he just feels numb.
He was right, walking did beat sitting on a bench feeling sorry for himself.
He'd only been walking for a few minutes before he heard a voice behind him.
“Excuse me!”
Lloyd turned around to see a tall young man approaching him.
“I’m sorry to bother you but, are you the green ninja?”
Oh great, another fan. Lloyd didn’t really like being in the spotlight or interacting with strangers in general. Nonetheless, the man seems excited to meet him. He’s used to fans, they ask a couple questions, ask for a selfie and an autograph and are gone as fast as they showed up. Besides, he didn’t want to be rude.
“The one and only! How may I help you?”
“I’m just such a big fan! I’ve been admiring you for quite some time now!”
Lloyd decided to keep walking with the man following next to him. He has been sitting around enough. Besides, the man didn't seem to mind walking with him.
Something about this guy did seem fishy, but he was probably just paranoid. He has been quite paranoid since-
“Oh I’m so glad to finally meet you! You ninja are so amazing! I must have a lot of luck! First Black, then Red and soon Green!”
Oh, he met Cole and Kai before. Well, there goes any chance Lloyd will have a break from thinking about them. He should try to ignore the comment. It was rude of the man to say it, since everyone already knows they disappeared, but he shouldn't ruin the man's day with a rude attitude.
But the way the man worded it is quite strange. “soon green"? What's that supposed to mean? Perhaps he’s collecting autographs or photos with the team? Yeah, that’s probably it, some fans do that. But this man is just giving Lloyd such a weird feeling. Something is off. He should ask him to clear it up
“Oh, you’ve met them before?”
“Yeah, a couple years ago!”
“Did you get pictures, autographs?”
“Well, I have gotten many pictures over time!”
Over time? What does he mean by that? Is Lloyd overthinking this? Perhaps if he causally asked about it without it sounding too obvious?
“That’s nice! Making a collection?”
“Well, yes. I already have Black and Red, and I will soon have Green!”
“Um? You're collecting photos of ud? Would you like a picture with me? I can sign it for yo-"
“Oh, I don’t think you understand, I'm not here for photos. I mean can't have any photos of you looking like that. I have to make you look pretty for me first!"
Before Lloyd got the chance to ask him what that was supposed to mean, he felt a powerful grip around his neck. He tried to scream, but a rag was placed over his mouth and nose. It smelled funny, Lloyd knew too well that this would knock him out in a couple minutes. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t get the man off of him.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s okay Green, it’s okay!” his voice trying to soothe him sounded disgusting “don’t be scared, I will take such good care of you!”
Take care of him? What does that even mean? And was he culling him while trying to knock him out?
“You'll be such a wonderful pet!”
“Oh you don’t have to struggle! You’ll just get tired pet! Don’t worry, I’ll train you to be calmer and obeying. Just like I trained Black and Red!”
He- he did what?
He took them. He’s the one.
Lloyd didn’t even acknowledge his kidnapper's words anymore. He zoned out.
He took them.
All he felt was rage. He didn’t hear the attempt to calm him, he didn’t hear the confusion, nor the sudden scream of pain.
No, but he did feel the cold darkness surrounding him. A shadowy fog coming out of his body. He felt pain in his entire body, he felt it changing, but he didn’t care. This man took away his brothers.
Koshiro didn’t worry when Green turned pale, he was about to pass out so it was normal!
But he did start to worry when his skin darkened, and he could swear Green’s eyes were red. He couldn’t get a good look because he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the arm he was holding Green with.
The pain made him let go. It made his vision blur and he collapsed. It was agonizing. Green would definitely get a stern punishment for this!
He was just about to get back up and yell at Green for daring to hurt his new master, but when he looked up-
The- the thing starting down at him wasn’t human. No. It was huge, with glowing red eyes, black scales, grey horns, huge jaws, standing on two big feet (claws? Talons? He wasn’t sure what to call them) with four arms- no two more claws and two wings.
It was- it was some kind of monster. Like a demonic dragon.
Lloyd wasn’t even sure what was going on. The man was now tiny, everything was, and he was frozen in terror. Good.
“Where are they!? Where are my brothers!? What did you do to them!?”
Silence. Everything was dark and silent.
“Where and Cole and Kai? Where. Are. They? Answer me!?”
The creature's voice was familiar. Green? It sounded like him, but- more demonic. How did this happen?
“I- I won’t say! You- you will try to, to take them from- from me! They’re mine! My pets! They- they- you won’t take them!”
The man was clearly not going to give an honest answer.
Well, it looks like Lloyd is just going to have to persuade him.
He raised his head and spread his wings. The darkness that surrounded him started to spread out around the two of them. Everything it touched- the grass, trees, flowers- withered away and perished. It slowly spread, careful not to touch the man. No- Lloyd won’t give him such an easy way out.
Soon the cloud surrounded them and it was pitch black, except for the red eyes and a tiny purple light shining from Lloyd’s chest. The light that slowly spread across his body. Across his chest, down his belly and back, all the way down his tail, up his wings, and slowly building it’s way up his neck towards his mouth.
It was a surge of destruction, fuelled by rage, a ticking bomb waiting to explode. He could feel the power building up, getting stronger.
All he had to do was open his mouth and he would be gone. It was so simple, yet he couldn’t get himself to do it. Not yet.
Koshiro was frozen in horror as the creature started to glow, inching closer to him. He knew this beast wouldn’t hesitate to end him.
If it did-
His pets would be left alone! Without their master! No, he couldn’t let that happen! He had to tell this beast where they were. Yes, he would end up in jail, but he could break out and rescue his pets the first chance he gets!
“They’re in my basement!”
The beast paused, now standing still, the light no longer growing.
“It’s- it’s a small house in the- in the Blackwood forest.”
The light from the creature started to fade out.
“It’s a two story wooden house on the north side of the village. The village is a few miles east from here! You can’t miss it!”
The light faded out completely, the only visible thing were the monsters glowing red eyes. It let out a horrifying chuckle.
“Thank you. But you didn’t really think you would get out of this so easily, did you?”
Before Koshiro realized what the creature meant by that, shadowy tentacles grabbed him and a purple light flashed and quickly found it’s way from the chest, up the neck and out of the beasts jaw.
He wasn’t sure what was worse, the cold from the tentacles or the heat of the destructive flame. The only thing he really cared about was what would happen to his precious pets now that he was gone.
Hope you enjoyed reading my shitty 2-3 AM sleep deprived fic because inspiration hits at the worst times!
Yes, Lloyd can transform into a demonic dragon. Koshi is gone. Lloyd managed to track down his house with the help of the scent of Koshiro's remains. They found and rescued Cole and Kai and lived happily ever after.
(Or, you know, happily for a few weeks before Ninjago got attacked again)
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memories-are-mine · 5 years
We Survived the Crisis, Babe
As always, Comment to get on the Taglist!! 
Read the rest on ao3
Chapter 6 - Lex
Lex knew what she needed to do. It was a simple step by step. Get out of this stockroom, find Mr. Houston, get him to help her find Hannah and Ethan, get out of the mall. Boom. California. 
How she was going to do all of those things, Lex had no idea. She had no idea how she was even going to get out of the stockroom. Linda and her psycho cult were still there, weren’t they? 
Were they? Lex didn’t hear any of the clamor and she had heard earlier. That should have made her feel better, it instead made her uneasy. If the cult was here, then she could keep tabs on them, knowing for sure that they were still just worshipping Linda and not hunting down anybody’s sister or sort-of-boyfriend. 
If the cult wasn’t here, then where were they? 
Shit. Shit. Fuck Shit.
Lex needed to get out of this stockroom and get to Ethan and Hannah. In desperation, she looked to the window. She could smash it, and get outside to the loading lot. This was where all the trucks on this side of the mall unloaded their shit. There was a door, not ten feet from here that led into the Famous Footwear next door. She could get out, and get right back in without being spotted.  That was a half-decent plan. But if the cultists were there and they heard her… 
She couldn’t break it. But maybe it was already open? 
Lex crept to the window as quietly as she could, not daring to breathe, and ventured a look outside. In the first instance of something going right all day, the coast was clear. The cult must not have considered someone going out this way, and so hadn’t bothered to block it off. 
Lex tried the window, and almost jumped up and down for joy when it began to slide. The window got stuck in a couple of places and required some effort, and a bit more noise than Lex would have liked, but damn if it wasn’t opening. 
Finally, Lex created a big enough gap for her to crawl out. She had to be absolutely silent. Even if Linda had sent all of her goonies out to search for Hannah, she wouldn’t have been stupid enough to send everyone. She’d have guards. Fortunately, she’d had some practice with this, thanks to Mom. She stuck her new pistol in her belt, and swung one leg out of the window, then ducked her head through next, twisting to catch the window with her left hand. It was sort of an awkward position, but it worked. Then, she swung out her other leg, shut the window, and behold, Lex the ninja was out. 
Lex the Ninja had a nice ring to it. Maybe she’d ask Ethan to incorporate it into one of the bedtime stories he took great pride in making up for Hannah. 
If he’s alive, the cynical part of Lex thought. And if Hannah’s alive. 
Lex tried to shake the thought off. If she got too caught up in thinking about what might have happened to Ethan and Hannah, she’d lose it. Then she’d have no chance of finding them or getting out of this mall alive. She had to stay focused on her mission. 
With another glance around to double-check that the coast was clear, Lex started to dart towards the shoe store loading entrance. 
It was locked. 
Damn it. This plan had been working too well for something not to go wrong. 
She could sneak back into the stockroom? Try another store? 
Sneaking back into the stockroom left her with absolutely nowhere to go, so that was out. Lex also didn’t have time to run up and down the length of the mall checking doors when Ethan and Hannah’s lives were at stake. 
Then, Lex heard a noise. The sound of heavy footsteps on the pavement. Someone muttering to himself. 
This was bad. Really bad. If any one of Linda’s cultists found her, it was game over. They wouldn’t let her escape twice. 
Lex scrambled back towards the Toy Zone stockroom window and pushed it open. She started to swing back through the window when the figure came around the corner, and made a beeline for Mr. Houston’s car. 
Holy shit. It was Mr. Houston. 
He had his back to her. He looked a lot worse than he had that morning. His hair was a mess, and he was sporting some nice bruises, probably from the riots in Toy Zone. But he was alive, and looked in reasonable shape to maybe help Lex fight Linda. Lex was really lucking out today. 
She was about to say something, to let him know he was there, when Mr. Houston lifted his arm, and Lex saw what he was carrying. In a death grip, underneath his arm, Mr. Houston had a Wiggly. 
Lex’s hand went to the gun at her belt. She really didn’t want to hurt Mr. Houston. Maybe she should just let him leave with Wiggly, but she couldn’t do that. Mr. Houston had a kid. If she let him bring that thing home what would happen? 
And maybe, if Lex tried. She could save a few more people than just Hannah and Ethan. She was Lex Foster. She was a fuckin fighter. 
She made her choice. 
“Mr. Houston!” She said, climbing back out the window and taking the gun off her belt. 
“Leave me alone!” Mr. Houston snapped. 
“Turn around.” Lex kept the gun steadily trained on him. She wouldn’t use it unless she had to, but it was a comfort to have it nonetheless. 
Mr. Houston turned. His eyes were unfocused and glowing green. He looked first at Lex, then at the gun. 
“What,” Mr. Houston said, in the voice he used when he was asking her how her day at school was going, or reassuring her that she could turn in her shop projects a day late. It was understanding and kind. But Lex didn’t lower the gun. “You gonna shoot me, Lex? Or can I just go home?”
Lex didn’t move. 
“I’ve had a shitty day,” Mr. Houston said angrily. His entire tone and demeanor changed. The facade Wiggly made him put on apparently didn’t last long. “So I’d appreciate it if you got the goddamn gun out of my face!” 
“Please, Mr. Houston,” Lex said. She didn’t think she’d ever said please to Mr. Houston in her life, but if Wiggly could put facades up then so could she. “I need your help. Ethan needs your help. But I need you to put down that doll.” 
Mr. Houston started at that, as if trying to remember something. She knew Mr. Houston liked Ethan. While Lex was passable in shop, Ethan was stellar. It was the only class he actually enjoyed, and the only class he’d ever tried in. Mr. Houston noticed, and it was clear to everyone that Ethan, and Lex, who he started liking by association, were his favorite students. Sometimes, Lex would find Ethan in Mr. Houston’s room after school, chatting about mechanical physics or car models or whatever. Anyway, Lex knew that Mr. Houston had a soft spot for Ethan Green. 
“Don’t try to trick me with thoughts of the damned kid,” Mr. Houston growled. “Why would I give Wiggly to you, when you just want him for yourself! Thought you were better than that, Lex.” 
“No, I don’t,” Lex said, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice. “Ethan really does need our help, Hannah too, and I don’t know who else to turn to!” 
“Well, too bad, Lex,” Mr. Houston shouted, so loudly that Lex almost wanted to hit him with the gun to shut him up. “Because I’m leavin’ and taking this doll to my son!” 
“He doesn’t want it!” Lex shouted. Maybe if she said it loud enough, it would get through Mr. Houston’s head. “Think about it, did Tim ever say he wanted a Tickle-Me-Wiggly?” 
She hoped to God she was right. 
Mr, Houston looked confused, like for the first time, he was pondering if his son really had asked for a Wiggly, as he’d been so certain Tim had that morning. 
“He, he must have…” Mr. Houston said hesitantly. “Yeah, we were trying to win one at… at Pizza Pete’s! No, wait… He said he wanted one this morning. Oh, whatever, I know he wants one!” 
“Lemme tell you what I know.” Lex changed tactics. If Ethan wasn’t going to work, then Tim had to. “I know your wife died, and you’re trying real hard to make up for it. But that is something you want, not your son.” Mr. Houston looked up at her, looking as if he was seeing her for the first time. “You think Wiggly can fix this hole, but it is a trick. And if you bring that doll back to your house, he is going to get hurt. I know it. And I think you do, too. But I think you’re scared, because if Wiggly isn’t the answer, then what is?” 
Mr. Houston looked at Lex, then back at the doll for a long time. He seemed to be seriously considering what she had to say. 
Please, please, Lex prayed. To Webby. To General MacNamara. To anyone that might be listening. Just let this work. 
Finally, after a million years of the two of them, standing in silence, Lex looking at Mr. Houston, and Mr. Houston looking at the doll, Mr. Houston spoke again.
“You’re not really that cute, are you?” He said softly. “In fact, you’re real fucking ugly!” 
Mr. Houston threw the doll on the ground and stepped on it, and Lex couldn’t help letting out a happy whoop. 
“Thank god!” She said happily. “Now, we just gotta get back into the mall, and we can find Hannah and Ethan, and get the fuck outta here! All of us!” 
“Lex,” Mr. Houston said. He suddenly looked incredibly sad. “There is something that I need to tell you. It’s about Ethan.” 
Mr. Houston could have punched her in the face, and it would have hurt less. Lex knew what he was going to say before the words came out of his mouth. 
“Ethan is dead.” 
“No, no,” Lex’s lower lip began to tremble. She felt like she was holding the weight of the entire mall on her shoulders. “No, no, he can’t be…He isn’t.” 
“I found him outside the Cineplex, Lex,” Mr. Houston went on, seeming like he was trying to hold back tears. “He had been attacked. Think he stayed behind to protect your sister… There... There was nothing we could do. Becky and I, we stayed with him, though. He thought Becky was you, told her that he’d get you to California…then you wouldn’t have to cry so much anymore… I damn near started crying myself.”  
Lex broke down, then, and just started sobbing there in the mall parking lot. She, like Ethan, never really cried unless they were alone. Ethan would wrap her in his embrace that smelled like leather and cigarettes, and stroke her hair and whisper things about California until she stopped crying. Ethan who was now dead somewhere outside the Cineplex. God, she just wanted Ethan. 
But now Mr. Houston came up and put his arm around her, and Lex didn’t push him away like she would have literally anyone else. She needed this right now. 
“I’m sorry, Lex,” Mr. Houston said softly. Now tears really were pricking his eyes. “I’m gonna miss him, too. He was a good kid.” 
“He would have been so pissed if you called him kid.” Lex almost smiled through her tears. 
“Yeah, he would have,” Mr. Houston replied with the same half-smile. Then it faded, as he pulled Lex up and wiped the tears off his face. “But those assholes, they took Becky and Hannah. And… And someone else.” Mr. Houston seemed to be struggling to remember. “He was there, with us. In the food court. I thought I recognized him… but, now… Wiggly must’ve fucked with my head.” 
“Whoever it is, we’ll help him,” Lex said firmly. She wiped her own tears away. She was on her feet now, both planted on the ground. The grief and shock over hearing about Ethan was still brewing in Lex’s heart, but she tried to channel it. Use it to make her angry. If she couldn’t save Ethan, she wouldn’t let his death be in vain. She would save her sister. “Linda Monroe is going to FUCKING pay!”
Taglist:   @hurricanehellion, @asshole-gay-797, @ethngreen, @just-a-side-kick, @theirishhufflepuff, @somegeekychic, @curse-brekker, @unusual-ly, @softotacoo, @believeinasmilinggodtoday,  @scorpiotrash468
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Season 1: Next Gen Ninja Episode 3: Trained and Get Trained (Part 1)
As they walked up to the community center, a Fire Dragon could be seen in the parking lot, seemingly close to fading away. Besides, it was an old friend, or rival depending on his mood, of Ace's. The Hotshot, or if he's being annoying, Hothead, himself, Kai. As well as two kids arguing near him as he scrolled through his phone. Oddly enough, he was wearing sunglasses despite the cloudy day, then again, knowing him, it could just be to look cool.
"I'm telling you, I couldn't totally defeat anyone who challenges me!" the taller of the children boasted.
"Wow Spike," the slightly smaller kid smirked, "Your ego is almost as big as our Dad's."
Kai sighed, "Amber, I'm way too tired for this. Your mom is at work and I only had time to train during the night when she came home, so I REALLY would appreciate it if you and Spike behaved."
The redhead snorted, "As if Spike could EVER do something right."
"Like you do any better," the brown haired child huffed back.
Kai just sighed, mumbling to himself, "Why must the Golden Dragon curse me so?.."
Knowing that the arguing would make Lucas nervous, Ace hastily lead her son inside.
"Ace?" Zane spoke up, "May you watch Robert? I must inform Kai that he requires an adequate amount of rest, as he appears to be in an unstable condition. Additionally, I'd highly recommend not having him pass out in the parking lot."
She nodded and smiled. “Come on Robert!”
As they walked in, it seemed they were the last to arrive (not counting Kai and his kids) as the room was full of children chatting and laughing. And one kid who was running around and.. zapping people?
The said kid seemed to be a brown-haired boy in a blue jacket. This one seemed to have Lucas' attention, most likely in fear. As the boy saw them come in, he ran over to Robert first, "Whoa, a tiny Nindroid, cool! I'm Zack! ZAP!" With that he shocked Robert, who promptly rebooted after the unexpected shock.
"AWWW!! THEY'RE PLAYING!" came the excited voice of Lloyd's best friend, and perhaps Ace's best wingman of the group when it came to getting together with Lloyd, Jay. As always, he had his phone's camera out, taking a picture of what was going on around him.
"Speaking of Nindroids," Cole, the most supportive one of the original ninja team arguably, spoke up as he walked over, just finishing off a bag of chocolate muffins, "Where's Zane? I see Robert's here so he has to be nearby right?"
“He’s sortin’ Kai out," she chuckled, gesturing to the door, as to say he was just outside, along with Kai.
"What did he do this time?" Nya sighed, as she knew very well how much of a hassle her brother was sometimes. At times, it was almost as if being difficult was a talent for Kai. Not that she knew what happened wasn't entirely Kai's fault.
“Nothing, Zane is just advisin’ him on his lack of sleep."
"Stuck with the kids again?" Cole guessed, "You know how much Skylor works and how little time that leaves him to himself. You know, there are days I'm surprised by how functional he is."
She simply nodded in response, “Yup, that about sums it up."
"Well, wanna help me set up somewhere for him to nap?" Nya smiled, "I rather give him a break from them. He's probably been through enough already."
Before the girl could reply, the ever helpful Luna decided to pipe up, “I’LL HELP!”
Nya laughed a bit in response, "Well, come on. I assume your dad is busy doing something anyway. Seeing as he has us out here. There might be a lounge or something around we could use."
“Ok!” She beamed, following Nya, excited to help.
Lucas stayed quiet, usually when his dad was up to something, it was implied to be crazy. He just hoped he'd survive.. whatever it was. Well, maybe 'survive' was a bit harsh, but it sure felt like survival.
Luckily his thoughts were broken by Zane carrying Kai on his shoulder, Kai being half-asleep. Kai's kids, Spike and Amber having followed, arguing over whether a three-armed skeleton or a snake in armor would win in a fight.
"The snake would totally win!" the older of the two pitched, "It's a lot smarter than a skeleton!"
"Yeah, but skeletons can put themselves together again!" Amber retorted.
Lucas, holding his mother a bit tighter, he looked across at the other kids.
His mother gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, knowing he didn’t fare well with crowds. Especially crowds so peculiar. His school days had never prepared him for a boy trying to zap everyone, and a girl punching the ground.
“Jewel, stop,” Cole chuckled, “You’re gonna hurt yourself!”
“But I wanna do a ground pound!" the girl pouted.
"I'm sure you'll get it in time, Jewel," another girl spoke up, who seemed to be wearing a lot of light blue, her hair was even died that color!
"Thanks Lilly," the child with the long dark brown hair and blond highlights smiled.
"Please," Spike huffed, "I can already set things on fire. So clearly I'm the best one HERE."
"Woooow," Amber rolled her eyes, "Look at you, the fancy pants who can barely use one element. Get real, I can mimic any power that's present here!"
“Power hoarder!” Spike retorted.
"Tryhard!" Amber rebutted.
That's when a cloud of smoke filled the room. "Smokebomb!" and of course, Lloyd finally shows up out of nowhere in the most dramatic entrance possible, "And that's how to make an entrance! Just, you know, don't say 'smokebomb' in an actual mission."
Lucas just sighed, having dealt with this before and headed to where Luna went to make sure she was alright. He didn't want the other kids to be too much for her after all! However, Luna was thriving! She loved making new friends! 'Of course she's fine,' Lucas thought, 'She's a lot more like Dad then me… I still don't know why the Golden Dragon didn't choose her to be the next Green Ninja, she's everything I'm not.."
"Alright, seeing as everyone is here, we can start going over a few things before we head into a different room," Lloyd began, interrupting Lucas' thoughts, "First, let's start by getting to know each other, after all, if you kids are going to be ninja, then you need to be a team. Because that team will be your family, you'll fight together, laugh together, cry together, and most of all, you'll have each other's backs. So, to get things moving, one by one you'll say your name, something about yourself and what you hope to achieve as a ninja."
It was at this point Lucas realized something. Watt wasn't on his shoulder, he could be anywhere! The thought of Watt being scared somewhere made Lucas run off to look for him. "Watt?!" he called, "Where did you go?!"
“I’LL START, I’LL START!!” Luna yelled excitedly, running back in with Nya, “I’m Luna, I like making friends and as a ninja I wanna help as many people as possible!”
"Well, I'm Lilly," the girl wearing suspenders spoke up, "I like reading books and wanna see places no one has ever been!"
"I'm Zack, ZAP!" the excited child exclaimed, "I like zapping and wanna do it better! ZAP!"
"Hi, I'm Jewel-" the girl spoke up before a noise was heard. Just like everyone else, Jewel had turned to the noise. Oddly enough, it seemed to be in the general direction where Kai was resting.
"Everyone stay calm," Lloyd told the kids, "For all we know it was a bird hitting a window. Ace, can you go check it out? You probably know best where it came from."
The short adult nodded and walked towards the source of the noise to investigate. Yet, before she could enter the room Kai was in, the door was locked. From the inside. Kai might have done it, however. She'd have to ask but he was terribly tired and needed sleep.
So instead, she simply turned around. “It’s locked..”
"Well I don't remember locking it," Nya sighed, "But knowing Kai, he may have gotten up and done it to be uninterrupted by the kids."
“Could someone call ‘im just ta check?” she replied, just to be sure.
"Sure," Lloyd pulled out his phone to call Kai, yet after a few minutes, sighed, "No answer. Unless you count his voicemail. Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't change it."
"He may have had his phone on silent," Zane pointed out, "It may be best to try and wake him up, at least momentarily."
"Uh, guys?" Jay spoke up, "Where's Cole? I mean he probably went to get more to eat but, heh heh, it's been a while since he was heard."
“Maybe he went to the bathroom?” Jewel looked at them in slight worry that her father had just disappeared.
"Maybe," Lloyd mumbled, before taking a headcount of the kids, now having a face of panic, "Ace, where's Lucas?.."
This caused the brunette to let her eyes widen before obtaining the same panic-stricken expression as Lloyd, “A-ah dunno!”
"Jay, stay here and watch the kids," Lloyd instructed, "Zane, Nya, you two check outside for anything. Ace and I will check inside the building, in case it's a false alarm."
This caused the children to look around in panic as their parents ran off. They weren't trained yet and something may have already happened!
"Hey, come on, heh heh," Jay tried to calm them, "I'm sure everything will work out. How about we tell some stories to take our minds off it? Heh heh.." As much as he tried to hide it, he was panicking as well.
“But what if something bad happened?!” Amber looked at him in disbelief that he could deny anything, “I can defend myself just fine, but these morons can’t! There could be something coming to get us right now!”
"That's why Lloyd had me stay here, ok?" Jay replied, "I'm just trying not to cause a panic! Because I'm panicking already and we don't need more people panicking!"
"Also, I can totally beat you," Spike huffed, "I actually have a useful power AND use it."
“Puh-lease!” Amber looked at her brother,crossing her arms, ”I have my choice of any of the powers in this room!”
"Then copy mine and we'll see who the better fighter is, once and for all!" Spike challenged, ready to go.
"Come on you two, there's no need for this.. heh.." Jay steeped in, breaking them up.
"You think your brother is ok?" Jewel turned to Luna, worried, "I know he isn't much of a people person, but I don't want him hurt."
“I hope...I’m sure he��s fine..” despite her positive words, there was fear in her voice, “I mean, he already ran off once, and Mommy found him and said he was fine.”
"Wait, he ran off?" Jewel asked, "I mean, why would he do that? It's not like nobody cares for him."
“Well...he kinda..hurt me..w-with his powers...a-and he thought he was a monster, and ran off so he wouldn't hurt me again..”
"Oh," Jewel muttered, "Well, he didn't mean to, right?.. Sometimes accidents happen."
"Is anyone there?" a child's voice rang out, one that none of the other kids heard before, "Please, help me!"
Jay looked to the sound then the kids, "Stay here, I'll be back, ok?" With that, he ran off.
"Perfect," Spike smirked, "I can finally show you who's better, Amber!"
“Was that your brother??” Lilly looked at Luna, having heard nothing from him when he was here, she didn't know what he sounded like.
Luna shook her head in reply, also unfamiliar with the voice.
"Perhaps someone was left here by accident?" the Nindroid in the room finally spoke up, "Community centers are open to the public, after all."
“Well, my dad’ll figure it out,” Lilly smiled, trying to calm everyone down, especially Zack, who was not hugging her arm.
It was about 15 minutes later, with no sign of the adults, when Lucas returned, holding a small dragon in his arms. "Watt, you really scared me," he mumbled, "Especially with you running around and growling like that. What got into you?.."
“LUCAS!!” The small master of sound gasped in relief and ran to hug her brother, “YOU’RE OK!! Where were you?!”
"Watch out, you might squeeze Watt," Lucas responded, "I really don't wanna have to find him again. He practically ran around growling and almost blasting everything."
The said dragon was squirming around, whining, 'Tight! Tight!'
“Sorry!" Luna yelped as she let go, realising she may be hurting them. “But what was wrong?” she tilted her head, looking at Watt.
'Bad smells,' he growled again, 'Something was here. Something bad.' Lucas just blinked, not understanding a bit of it, then looked to Luna for a translation.
“Something was here..?” Luna asked out loud, for the benefit of everyone else.
Lilly kept trying to comfort Zack as he held on tighter to her, "What was it?.."
"Ok, is no one going to mention that he somehow has a BABY DRAGON?!" Amber interrupted before anyone else could speak.
"I think we're more concerned with what happened with our parents, Amber," Jewel sighed.
"Eh, our dad can take care of himself," Spike huffed.
Lucas just had a look of worry on his face as he looked to Luna. He was scared, he had an idea what, or rather who, could be behind this, but without proof, well… it was just an idea. "Luna," he spoke up, "We should search for clues on what came here."
“Well..” the girl looked at the adorable, yet panic-stricken dragon, “What does it smell like?”
'Don't know,' he whined, for the dragon had to smell something like that.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," Lilly spoke up, "But if something bad happened, shouldn't we just call the cops or something? I mean we should probably leave, right?"
“But what if it’s nothing?? We could be fined for wasting police time!” Jewel replied.
"A bunch of ninja don't disappear for no reason, Jewel," Lilly countered.
"Plus, what will the cops do?" Spike added, "File a missing persons report? They could be dead by then!"
At this, Zack whimpered, not liking the idea of his parents being dead. Personally, he wanted out of there himself, but was too afraid to say anything.
Lucas turned to Luna, he wanted to search the area, however he never signed up for leading them. Expected to, sure. But willing to? Not really.
“Well.. alright. “ Luna nodded, her organisational skills coming in handy, “Everyone form a single file line, and we’ll race-walk to the nearest store so we can at least get to semi-safety." The line was mainly so no one got stuck from all trying to cram through the door at the same time. Comical as it may sound, it would be a dangerous mistake to make right now.
The other kids looked at each other, nodding. That is, except Amber and Spike. As they were too busy arguing who would be in front of the other. Neither of them wanting to concede to the other sibling, as in their heads, it was a way of determining their greatness. For everyone else, it just slowed things down.
Luna grumbled in annoyance, guiding everyone who would listen into a line.
It was only when everyone else was in line that they begrudgingly did the same. The argument was likely saved for a later date. With that, they finally started to head out of the building. The closest shop nearby happened to be a clothing store, but at this point, anything was better than where they were.
And with a calm disposition, despite how much she was shaking on the inside, Luna lead them into said store, and ran up to the front desk.
“E-excuse me! O-our parents have all gone missing!” She knew that with Jay missing, the others surely would be too. And that was what was causing her to stutter.
The woman behind the counter gasped, "Oh my! Are you all alright?! What happened?! Do you want me to call the cops for you?!"
It was Amber this time who faced the woman, "Look, I need to call my mom, I have no idea if she is gone like my dad. So if you have a phone, that would be appreciated. Preferably many as my mom gets busy."
“Do you know her phone number?” The woman tilted her head, not able to figure out if Amber was at the age where one would be able to remember such things.
"Of course, I mean she does run the largest noodle chain restaurant in Ninjago," Amber eyerolled, "She practically lives at work." She then turned to Spike, "You get over here. I need as much help as possible calling her."
“Of course you need help. You can’t do anything without me!” he huffed triumphantly.
“And the rest of you,” the lady turned to the children. “You don’t know your parents’ numbers?”
Lucas looked to Luna, he knew their dad didn't like giving out his phone number. Usually because he'd get called constantly by fans if they knew it. As for their mom, well, he didn't know if her ringer was even on as she was sensitive to sound. If they'd even answer is yet another problem.
In response, the brunette shook her head.
The woman nodded, "Well, I can show the two of you that does know their parents' numbers the phone. If no one answers I can call the cops. I'm sure they'll find them." With that, she took Spike and Amber to the backroom.
Watt whined and Lucas picked him up, "It'll be ok Watt. We'll figure out what happened. Let's just hope their mom is ok. That way we can rest before anything happens."
It was about a half hour before a car stopped outside the shop. In came the mother of Spike and Amber, Skylor. She didn't seem to be targeted by whatever was after Kai, luckily. She sighed in relief to see that all the kids were intact. "Alright, all of you, get in the car," she instructed, "I don't know where you're parents are, but you'll be safe with me until this is all over. Spike, Amber, you two are to treat them like guests until they get back to their homes."
To which, the two groaned in annoyance. They had to be nice?!
"Do you two want to be grounded?" Skylor glared as the other kids headed into the car, "Now get in the car, I'm not leaving you two here to argue."
The two huffed, begrudgingly shifting into the car.
Skylor soon got in the car and looked at all the kids and dragon behind her, "Is everyone ready to go? I'm not about to make any hospital trips."
They all nervously nodded, naturally being quite anxious and worried about their parents. What could be strong enough to take them down?! Were they ok?! What if they were next?!
As Skylor started the car and drove off, Lucas looked out the window, Watt on his lap. To many, this didn't mean much, but to Luna, she knew something was on his mind. Because if he was acting normal, he'd be on his laptop by now, practicing his coding.
Making sure she sat next to him for his sake, Luna lightly patted him and muttered to a level where only he — and maybe whoever was sat on the other side of her — would hear, “Are you alright, Lucas..?”
"I need to go back," he muttered, "I think I know who did this. But I need proof as well as an idea where all our parents are."
"Isn't that dangerous?" Jewel asked, having indeed heard the conversation and also kept her voice down.
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