#Every Assassin Stands By A Code || Night Raid Too Has Their Own They Abide (PSA)
demonwield · 2 years
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     I’ve made my decision: Akame’s Blog is over. 
          Thank you all for your kind words.
     From today forward, I will be working on my multi-muse, which will be PRIVATE and HIGHLY selective in who I follow and talk to. As such, RPS are put on hold as far as tumblr. Discord is an option for mutuals, but otherwise? That’s all from Me. So this is goodbye for now. I’ll check in, and message / chat with those who want to in IM’s or Discord, but otherwise? 
          This blog is now dead.
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demonwield · 2 years
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     I want to always note: I AM NEVER AGAINST  DEVISING GROUP VERSES. I like to make VERSES special for people, so t hey can have their own private story WITH AKAME, but that does not mean I do not like GROUP verses. But some people might not know what I mean by this. After all, I rarely see them nowadays?
     What I mean by this is, let’s take Arknights Akame for a start: this is a verse, no matter which one is used, be it Operator Demon Sword, or Project Safeguard, where she will always be attached and connected to Saria ( @exrhlab ) no matter what, and Silence ( @medinventive ). So, what does this MEAN? 
           You are welcome to TALK TO HER or THOSE AROUND HER as if they know one another. 
      You can tease her if you’re her mate, you can talk about her to them, etcetera. TIED IN WORLDS are wonderful, and it leads to fantastic development. Now, if you want SECLUDED verses, that’s fine, but never feel, or mistake, every verse being SEPARATE: not all are. Another big one, is the one I am going to be posting / MAKING KNOWN about Akame in Teyvat: she has a single verse there currently, where she is a GUARD for @bonesugar​. She wanders, and aids, Sucrose in anything she does. She protects her, she is her company so she isn’t alone while being a researcher, so she doesn’t get herself KILLED. So, yes, you CAN interact with that Akame through, such as, KNOWING SUCROSE, being a Knight of Favonious, etcetera. Stuff like this. 
     And if you want a SPECIAL VERSE where she starts in X world with your muse, that is always allowed, jus the same as throwing you in hers, etcetera. I am VERY flexible, you need only step forward and tell me what you want to set up. From Isekai, to FULL VERSE BUILD UP, there’s actually no limit to what happens for Akame due to the NATURE of her world canonically. 
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demonwield · 2 years
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     Alright so. . .I’ve been gone a little bit, and I’m just gonna do a small  READ MORE to explain why. So. . .let’s hope it doesn’t break. If It does, fuck it, whatever.
     So lately, I’ve been dealing with a LOT of bullshit while trying to be here. ATTACKS and MISCONCEPTIONS to the stupidest degree over my own muse, from thing such as HOW ‘CRUEL’ her personality is, how OLD  she is, WHAT SHIPS ARE etc. I play a MUSE who is MOSTLY unknown to the world, which Is fine, I love that because I get to help people experience or get interested in her, but now it’s just becoming more of a mess when people DO look into her, find her info invalid because whoever makes the WIKIA is a fucking moron who ignores a LOT of crucial details, and then come at MY neck. And I’m done with it. 
     There’s been so much shit that I’ve been dealing with around, well not even just her, but all my muses and I haven’t even TOUCHED my other two blogs lately because of it. 
     So much issues, and so I’m doing some BIG changes here: 
     The first thing I am going to do, is FULLY WIPE THE BLOG of all info, relationships, etc. I’ve been meaning to do that for a while now, and I just. . .I’m very bad at coding, and I’m terrified if I forget, I may fuck up the entire blog and be unable to fix it. So, I haven’t WANTED to do it, not gonna lie. It’s been something I’m terrified of. But now I’m going to do it. 
     Next, i’m going to go on a BIG softblock spree. There’s way. . .way too many people following me / I follow, and it’s got my nerves going haywire. Due to past issues, due to PRESENT mental health issues, just so many reasons, and I need to curb that big time. I don’t even feel comfortable here again, even though I want to write.
     The next thing i’ll be doing, is writing out a post explaining each VERSE before they go on the blog, this has already been started with SOME verses, how they start, what it entails, etc. Allows for people to have an idea of certain verses by name, they can ask questions, etcetera while we plot. I have a lot of people following from different fandoms, and I DO want to aid you all who want to rp in making specific verses for your fandoms, to make it easier for you, but sometimes that’s just. . .not possible. Or easy. I have ways of ‘getting around this’ that most people don’t like, which I WILL be posting that ‘easy’ way first, and then I have specific verses I am going to be compiling over  time to better narrow down for a few select fandoms I am interested in. After that? I don’t know, we’ll see where it goes. 
     And lastly, I’ll be cutting down / out a lot of my current drafts and asks, just because I once more overwhelmed myself. . .and I need to chill. So anything older than ONE WEEK meme wise will be removed, and anything older than ONE MONTH waiting for a reply will  be removed. Sorry, but that doesn’t mean you CAN’T come ask me for a new thread.
     That will be my job for today. Feel free to poke me if you need me / want to chat, but can’t promise HOW RECEPTIVE i’ll be to OOC communication. My mental is just REALLY bad today. Sorry to most of you who have been waiting for a reply from me, whether it’s ooc, or ic, but just. . .mentally I’ve been really fucked up  lately. And it’s not getting better, it’s frankly? Getting worse per day. And I’m trying to lessen the blow of each passing day.
     So yeah, expect a lot of things changing today. I’m awake, have motivation, and I want to at least carve down half of this work in the next  two to four hours if I can work that long. 
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demonwield · 2 years
     What type of Protagonist are you?
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          Reluctant Chosen One
       This is usually a teenager flung about by forces outside of their control, but it can also be anyone picked for a higher calling to a cause they don't believe in. your mission isn't just to complete the task at hand--it's about coming to your own conclusions, and finding the system is corrupt from the inside out. it's about returning the favor, and embracing righteous anger as a form of self-liberation. sure, you'll save the world. you'll also fuck up the people who made you do it.
Tagged by: @ame-x-damnee​ (Aries fuck you but ily)
Tagging: If you see it, do it. Just Tag me! I always feel bad when I tag people and others feel left out.
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demonwield · 2 years
Akame’s Age Canonically
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     SO before I make this post, I want to state that this is BY NO MEANS meant to be a vague call out post for the Follower who brought this up to me: I am actually more thankful to you for opening my eyes to HOW LACKING her wiki is on this info, and I  simply wish to confirm everything that the Wikia does NOT do. 
          I am not mad for having to  do this, I actually am VERY pleased to do this, because I want to bring to light everything missing. So let’s begin shall we?
     Akame ga Kill! ZERO starts with Akame is EIGHT years old when she is first put into the concentration camp with Kurome, there was 100 kids, and the first SEVEN to make it to the end of their ‘murder’ course, were turned into the Elite Seven. Akame carried over an eighth member, HER SISTER, and that is when she was t urned into a member of the Elite Seven, separated from her sister because ‘their sisterly bond could be  a problem in the future.’ 
     The Elite Seven are then put through 5 - 6 years roughly of HELLISH training, and that is when Akame ga Kill! ZERO starts. Now, there is many timeskips of months, or years, throughout the 61 chapters, and the reason is because Akame goes through several different trainings, missions, captures, etc. Lots of  traveling too in a world that DOESN’T have things like cars. So there is a SHIT ton of time skips.
     The manga ENDS with her joining Night Raid, and being given her newest assignment after losing her sister worse to her drugs and their CONFLICT gets worse: which is the FAMILY that Night Raid murder in the first chapter. 
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     In the Akame ga Kill manga, we are told that Akame is ‘in her late teens’, and it’s hinted she’s anywhere between 18 - 19, many times. And throughout the story, there’s a LOT of time, but we don’t know HOW MUCH necessarily. But, let’s just say, as a rough estimation, it was less than a year. And we will LOWBALL her age to 18 just to lowball it. As this is where it DOES get shaky as we don’t have an approximate more than ‘late teens’. 
     The end of the war comes, she separates from HER NATION, and she heads to Wakoku. That is a few months of a journey, so she’s now closer to 19. 
     The first YEAR we get in Hinowa ga CRUSH is in chapter 7 after she bests Yomihime and Hinowa’s Squad drives back the Tenrou Nation from Shiranui Fortress: the year is Year 222 in the Houjyu Period. So, to just low ball her age, I will say she is 18 in Year 222 of the Houjyu Period. 
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     So that is the Chapter 7, then we fast forward, there’s a couple timeskips, and Akame says goodbye to her new friends: she has chosen to Chase After Nahashu into the Heart of the Tenrou Nation, trying to get him to come to his senses, and we go back to just what Hinowa is doing, as Akame is just the side-character, she is NOT the protagonist. Hinowa builds up a kingdom to try and undermine the AUTHORITY of a tyrant of a king, and free his people, and we find out in one of the newest WARS: the year is now 226 of the Houjyu Period. 
     The manga so far has had a 4 year time lapse through the chapters.
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     So, just on what we have seen thus far, and like I said I will NARROW DOWN and LOWBALL her age: she is 22 years old. Now, that is if we went on some LOWBALLING, but if I recall right, Akame ga KILL was at least 1 - 3 years of a war, because there’s multiple conflicts, adventures, missions. The Resistance also has a LOT of time to arm themselves, as during the WAR at the VERY END, when the First Teigu is brought down, and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of soldiers are killed as is: there is still ONE MILLION SOLDIERS that take Esdeath on, all at once. 
     The amount of time they would need to take to GATHER millions of soldiers? Would be more than just one year, especially with how many Generals fought and killed resistance fighters, how many Esdeath killed, the Wild Hunt, the Jaegers. 
     Hence why I have stated I would GATHER that her age is closer to 25 now. Not to mention, it’s clear as day when you look at Akame: she has MATURED heavily. As down below, we have her facing off against Wild Hunt, and then her fighting Yomihime: the age is clear to tell she has grown up quite a bit. 
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     Argument can be made that ‘the art style just got better’, but no, she is older. That is why, this is a PSA: AKAME IS NOT A CHILD OR EVEN A TEENAGER UNLESS YOU INTERACT IN THE NIGHT RAID TIMELINE. I DO play her closer to 25 years old, as I feel AGK should t ake between 1 - 3 or even 1 - 5 years. I personally feel it’d take 2 - 5 years. But, that’s my thoughts, and once more, I’m lowballing it for  an idea.
     This has been a rundown of the Assassin’s age, and her current canon, and I hope you all enjoyed~
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demonwield · 2 years
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     Alright so, we are going to start talking about something that a LOT of people tend to not like in RP scenarios, and that is the Displaced / Isekai trope for rp ideas / crossovers. Yes, even Akame has a verse like this, and it’s actually usually how I throw her into new worlds that she DOESN’T have a full verse for. 
          And believe it or not, this is not as simple, for Akame, as ‘oh she woke up / magic went haywire etc’.  There is SOME deep depth to the idea, and I want to explain it, how she would ‘change’ if she does, etc. So, let’s get down to business!
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     So as people know, Akame has a Teigu or Imperial Arm, they are weapons of unbridled power, that all have their own special power / Trump Card. And believe it or not, one DOES exist that has spatial displacement / TELEPORTATION. This Teigu was called: Shambhala. Or, if you want the full name: Dimensional Formation: Shambhala. Now, in the manga, this was only able to be used ONE time a day, and then you had to rest due to all the energy it took to use it. But Syura never confirmed this, and it was never seen used in quick succession. . .except in the Anime. The Anime also made it’s own Trump Card, which was the ability to teleport into ALTERNATE SPACE AND REALITY. 
     Considering it’s name, I do not deny that this COULD be actually possible, and that is where we get into how Akame could end up isekai’d very easy: she could have been going after WILD HUNT’S LEADER, SYURA, and in a way to buy himself time, or simply REMOVE her from his path of an obstacle,  he TELEPORTED her, but that is when we can show how dangerous / how fickle this ability is: it could SEND HER through the dimensions, into other worlds.
     Now, short and simple, but what happens TO Akame in these verses?
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     Well the first thing: nothing. In most of my blogs and verses, I’ve spoken of the unspoken LAW of POWER MANIPULATION BETWEEN WORLDS in very deep depth. But with Akame? This does not pertain to her at all. Unlike my other muses, like Kurosaki Ichigo, or Black ☆ Rock Shooter, Akame has no true power: her ‘power’ is in her physical attributes, and the DEMON BLADE in her hands. 
     Her power is in her physical attributes, in her PROWESS, and so this law would not phase her at all. So let’s take some worlds for examples: Teyvat, for starters. In Teyvat, Akame might ‘seem’ overpowered. She has a blade with a ‘one shot’ kill, but in truth, is she really? Against Mages, Visions, Delusions, is she truly overpowered? Absolutely not. She’s FAST, yes. Possibly INHUMANLY fast, but her strength would pale in comparison to these magics. So this blade? Would be a ‘crutch’, but it still wouldn’t be enough. She’d be weaker than the world’s denizens, other than her knowledge in combat.
     Runeterra? Her blade is akin to a Darkin blade. Other than that? She’s subpar. 
     The Bleach world? She’d dwarf the power of a Fullbringer and Human, but put her next to a Shinigami, or Arrancar, or Quincy, and she’s good as dead. 
     Shambhala sends you and objects around you to different spaces and dimensions, which means anything she has on her, Murasame included: would be sent with her. Now, can the magic of the weapon, clash with other dimensions? ABSOLUTELY. For instance, she’d had rps in the past where Denizens of Ionia clashed with her due to the fact the blade was akin to Darkin or Shadow magic. And it has lead to ‘mistakes’ between foes. 
     This is how the Isekai so-to-call verse goes. And it always has a single goal: Akame wants to get back home to her people. To her nation. To her FAMILY in Night Raid. (But obviously, there is usually no way back.)
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demonwield · 2 years
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     if you are ever wondering where your replies are --- Just Please Remember that ever since coming back, and restarting, I am BARELY ever able to  get under 20 drafts at a time. I try my best, but sometimes it’s just difficult. And this is WITHOUT asks. So please, be patient, I will get to you when I can!
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