distantloner · 2 years
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Everly proposed going steady with Terence Striker.
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Then immediately broke up with him.
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distantloner · 2 years
Otis was feeling lonely, so he headed to a house where some vampires reside so that he could talk to them.
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Since vampire don't have a good sense of time, they accidentally let Otis stay there for a little bit too long, causing the police to show up to take him home.
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distantloner · 2 years
Otis Bachelor has aged up into a teenager!
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He's hideous!
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Just kidding.
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distantloner · 2 years
Everly is now the Leader of the Free World!
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distantloner · 2 years
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I can't for the life of me remember who died in this picture.
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distantloner · 2 years
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One autumn evening in Strawberry Acres, a bunch of people were gathering at Zirconia park. Everly only needed a few more friends to master her Charisma skill, so she decided to talk to some of those people.
That plan was a success, as she mastered her skill while talking to Kristen Oldham.
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distantloner · 2 years
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Otis loves building with bricks. It's his favourite thing to do!
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He also likes getting attention from his babysitter. My last post might have been about Everly teaching Otis how to walk, but she's almost never home, so Otis likes his babysitter because at least he's around!
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly met up with Dewayne Bachelor (IGNORE THE MATCHING SURNAME AGIN!), had her first kiss with him, and asked him to go steady.
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly found a random dude called Cory Cooney and attacked him with a kiss out of the blue.
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He liked it and brought Everly home to woohoo in his shower.
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Then, since this is Everly that we're talking about, she just had to insult Cory's house (everyone's favourite anime) before leaving.
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly has mastered her Social Networking skill!
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly is in labor! 😱 Time to head to the hospital to give birth!
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Jermaine came, which reveals to us that he's the father!
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It's a boy named Otis! But wait... Why Is he so pale? I checked, and he's actually paler than Everly, which is weird because Jermaine is black! Otis was born with an Alien DNA Percentage (or "ADP", as I like to call it) of 21%, and it later lowered to 19% due to a bug. It was only then that I was able to randomize his genetics using Nraas Master Controller and get a combination of both of his parent's skins.
I've done some testing in another world and found that the skin tone of a baby alien has nothing to do with either of the parents' skins and depended solely on their ADP. If the baby's ADP in lower than 20%, they would be classified as human and can therefore have genetic skin tones. But if their ADP is 20% or above, they'd be an alien and their skin would always be green, even if their alien parent had purple skin or something! What even worse than that is that the closer the baby's ADP is to 20% while still being above it, the paler they'd be. I think that whoever was in charge of the alien genetics was super racist and thought that paler skin = more human. I hate them! Also, this is literally the only purpose that ADPs serve as far as I know. A sim with an ADP of 20% has just as many powers as a sim with an ADP of 100%. I'm so annoyed!
*sigh* Anyway, let's continue with the story.
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Jermaine is still really sad about being broken up with. Or maybe he's upset about the code of his universe being racist as hell.
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When they got home, Everly told Jermaine that the reason why she called off the marriage was because she was "just anxious about the commitment of marriage". Poor Jermaine fell for the lie and forgave Everly. They were then best friends for many years to come.
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distantloner · 2 years
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Jermaine has proposed marriage to Everly Bachelor! They are definitely going to spend the rest of their lives together, and nothing can possibly go wrong 👀
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly has invited her boyfriend, Jermaine, into the household!
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly got accepted for the job in the Political career she wanted!
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distantloner · 2 years
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Everly has graduated University with a degree in Communications!
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distantloner · 2 years
After finished her final exams at university, Everly decided to go visit her boyfriend Jermaine to catch up.
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Then one thing led to the another and they ended up Woohooing for the first time!
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