#Event | Sparks | But I can't find my feet/It's like I lost the beat/Mid-air and there's no plan Bs
truly-quirkless · 8 months
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Type: Drabble/Lore Timeline: End of MHA S1, directly after/kinda at the tail end of this writing. Location: The U. S. J. I wanted to end the U. S. J. incident (itself) here, which meant...that this got really long compared to the other chapters I've posted thus far. For reference, the word count is ~7,800 for this chapter- about as much as the previous two parts combined.
All previous chapters (with colored text). All previous chapters (without colored text).
WARNINGS FOR: Blood, injuries, broken bones. Y'know- the general for what happened at the end of MHA S1.
He had started to feel things were taking a turn for the worse partway back with Ida. The fire of his Words had gone from something manageable to feeling as if someone were trying to saw his entire hand off, just above the wrist. That only fueled All Might's rush towards the building- slamming the doors open with plenty of force.
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When he'd finally managed to break into the U. S. J., Ida tailing him...that was when he'd found the disaster that awaited him. Thirteen was on the ground, the entire back of her suit ripped open- dust floating idly in the air, drifting to the ground around her. Several students were around her, immediately looking up with hopeful eyes.
The landslide area was coated in ice- the ship was missing from the shipwreck practice... And everywhere, he could see villains- presumably- all laying on the ground, some seemingly uninjured, others...less so.
Even from a distance, he caught sight of the mass of villains around a broken-down building, an entire miniature army..some were bloodied, others weren't. Knives and weaponry littered the ground- and there was young Midoriya...and a strange, tall, dark-blue man..holding Midoriya, a moment from punching his pupil into nothing more than pulverized, bloody chunks...
Fin and Aizawa, laying in a pool of blood.
He finally came to a stop, one foot slamming down rather harshly. The dust from his abrupt entrance was catapulted by the raw force. All Might took in a small breath. He could afford to look angry. There were so many injuries..the kids appeared vastly unharmed, but..
He had been keeping pace with Ida to keep the kid from freaking out worse...but now that he could see the situation-- he wouldn't let it go for another second. The flickering embers in him burned bright, -grasped tight with both hands.
"I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong here when Aizawa and Thirteen didn't answer my calls.." Mina Ashido and Uraraka were both in tears, the young acid-wielder literally sobbing her eyes out as Uraraka looked at him, her own eyes glistening- a hopeful smile replacing the traumatized frown that had been there moments before.
I wish I'd come sooner. But he couldn't dwell on that. No- he was here, now- and he'd make up for his absence.
"So I hurried over, running into young Ida along the way. He told me of the villainy at work here." Really, Ida hadn't managed to say much... He'd already been on his way over. He'd have to be more careful about paying attention to the boy in the future, but this had been an emergency.
I should've been here instead of resting.
What kind of a Hero was he- if he couldn't even keep his damn class safe?- Worthless. The kids had to be so scared...he wanted to wipe away their tears, assure them everything would be alright...and he would, as soon as everything was safe, again. Thirteen's destroyed suit, Aizawa and Fin in a pool of blood... How hard had they all fought to try to keep the kids from harm, and now they were--- they were all...
He would show them everything was okay. It was his duty- as the Symbol of Peace.
"Have no fear, students..."
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"I am here!"
His voice rang through the entire U. S. J., reverberating off broken glass and tossed debris. It was impossible to smile- how could he?
His students, frightened.
His colleagues, defeated.
One of the villains- one of the few left standing- one of three- lifted his head. He was coated in hands- but even from a distance, All Might could feel malicious intent.
"Holy crap, it's All Might...!"
"I've never seen him in person before..."
"I never expected him to be so huge...!" The villains were starting to murmur amongst themselves- those that laid on the ground, slowly standing back up. They were battered and bruised, a few cut and slashed. His suit coat had been tossed to the side. I'm going to defeat you.
It took more willpower than he cared to admit to keep his hands from shaking by the smallest fraction.
"Heh. This is no time to talk, you idiots-" One that looked almost like patchwork- with random sections of gray skin amongst tan- glared at the others.
All Might moved before the villain could finish. In a flash of light, he was landing blows. One after another, across every single villain who dared to so much as stand. They all fell, slammed left and right by the sheer power behind each singular punch. He barely felt it as he went, knocking them all down like cards in the wind.
In less than a moment, every villain save the three near the kids were knocked to the ground- and All Might was kneeling in a pool of crimson. The smell filled his nose, somehow burning so much more than it usually did. One hand was on Aizawa's back, cautious not to put too much weight down- the other hovering just barely over Fin's. His eyes flashed between the two.
Aizawa's elbow-- the fabric of his sleeve...it was like it had shattered, the skin spanning like cracks, away from the bloodied chunk that remained. His other arm was broken, bent at an awkward, unnatural angle. His visor was nearby- caked in life essence.
Fin's clothes were tattered all across their back, the beginnings of bruises in beet-red skin across what was visible. They were coated in cuts- but they were in far better shape than the Pro Hero.
He picked up Aizawa first- the raven-haired male needed medical attention, and fast. His nerves screamed at him to pick up the other- but Fin was in far better shape. He ignored the blazing sensation in his chest as he looked down at his colleague- eyes closed in a mixture of pain and fatigue. Blood was running down from his head...and it looked like his nose was broken.
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"...I'm sorry, Aizawa...I should've been here." He turned. He could feel the energy flood him as he pulled that frayed string taut. In a blink of an eye for the others, he had grabbed them all- Tsuyu and Mineta from the water, Midoriya from the strange villain, and Fin from the bloodied dirt- and they were all several feet away. One of the blue-haired villain's detachable hands fell to the ground in that moment.
That was the only way to intimidate right now. He was already running on fumes- he just had to hope that his show of power would work.
"What the hec-?"
"Everybody, back to the entrance." His voice rang out over Mineta's. He had his other hand over Aizawa, now, not daring to tear his gaze away from his opponents. "And take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time!"
"Yes sir!"
"You saved us, All Might."
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He was going to die.
Shigaraki was panting, both hands grasping at his face. One moved to cover his face as that one hand had been...it would seem he had some sort of attachment to them- but their eyes instantly flashed to the Nomu. The thing that had beaten them and Aizawa to a pulp without batting an eye...not that it had an eyelid for that to even be possible...
"No, no, no...it wasn't supposed to go this way..! He's still fast, Father." And he was picking up the hand..
"....go." All Might's voice was quieter that time- still refusing to look away. There was the faintest tremor, for a brief moment... Fin nearly collapsed, feeling their lungs burn and their body scream.
"Somehow, he managed to hit me." Shigaraki sighed as the hand was placed back on his face. Some sort of psychotic break if he didn't wear it, they'd guess. "....of course a government Hero relies on violence. I wasn't prepared...!" No one was moving. "I couldn't even see him when he moved..." The blue-haired villain's voice was getting quieter...but there was a change to the air. A change that was all too familiar.
Crimson eyes flashed to the unstable group. Fin moved to pick up Aizawa. He was light.-
"All Might, you can't! That brain villain took One For---" Fin and Midoriya met eyes. The kid blinked, realizing how close he'd been to his mistake. "---I-I smashed him, I didn't break my arm this time- but he wasn't fazed at all! He's too strong!!-"
"Young Midoriya!" All Might thrust a hand towards the group. Fin stumbled slightly back, their teeth clenching. Shit, that movement hurt. Really, everything hurt right now- but that had been sudden. All Might turned to face the kids for a moment, his signature smile once more in place. "I got this." For good measure, he made a peace sign- sliding it over his face.
He had to make sure they all evacuated. His eyes snapped for a split second over each. It took all he had not to look at Fin a moment longer than the others.
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They had no hope of winning.
I need to help.
I can't.
They turned alongside the kids, slowly beginning to make their way towards the entrance of the U. S. J.. Behind themself, they could hear All Might turning. Their Words...were burning like hellfire.
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"CAROLINAAAAA....." He pulled his arms in towards himself. He could feel the energy gathering- ready to deliver like a powerful burst. A few more feet and he'd be there. The blue-haired villain was in his sights--
"...SMASH!!!" The man- the Nomu- had launched into the way of the attack. Even as the water of the shipwreck zone exploded behind it, upwards and to the sides...it didn't so much as flinch. His teeth ground together, unwilling to take a step back as his vision trailed upwards. The Nomu let out a growl- nearly a wheeze- but there was no pain behind it. Two yellowish eyes, bulging from exposed brain-matter, stared mindlessly down at where it had been hit...
And lunged forward.
Huge arms double the size of All Might's grasped at nothing but air. He bent backwards. Okay then.
"Guess he wasn't wrong when he said it had no effect on you!" And already his fist was surging to greet the beast. The second punch landed square in the Nomu's chest. It didn't even blink. Those arms were raised again.
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"Let's try--!" He dodged another swing. "--THIS!" He jumped, landing a solid punch to the beast's head. He could feel the indent, the hole of its gaping maw and lips that were as tough as steel. Another hit. Still, not so much as a blink. It roared once more. The thing may have been enraged...but he sensed nothing to its voice. He jumped back. The Nomu pursued. "Doesn't even matter where I punch you, does it?" The Nomu was upon him again.
He slammed his fist straight into its chest. Duck another grab for his head- and land another punch. But each consecutive hit didn't seem to effect it. I won't lose.
"That's because Nomu here has shock absorption, All Might..." The blue-haired one was speaking, his voice gravelly yet light. It had a quality to it- like a kid getting the upper hand in a schoolground fight. "The only way you're going to hurt him is to slowly gouge out his flesh."
Another blow. Another dodge.
"Of course, I don't think he'll sit back and let you do that," A laugh cracked the air. "--you've finally met your match...!"
"Ha! Thanks for telling me how to beat him!" He managed to get around the beast. In a second, he had his arms around the thing's waist. "All I have to do is wear him down, and then it's ON TO YOU!" It was heavy- but nowhere near his limit. He pulled it back, feeling his spine bend rather painfully. A simple suplex- hopefully that would deal some damage to the exposed brain matter, even with an absorption Quirk.
"Hey, hey now..."
His teeth were grit tight. Damnit--- pain was bursting outward from his old injury, feeling huge fingers dig into the flesh. It didn't take long before he could feel the skin giving way- several old surgeries to cover up his weakness giving way at once.
"Are you guys seeing this??? That suplex looked like a huge explosion!" Mineta's head was turned back towards where All Might was fighting. "All Might's on a whole 'nother level!" A wave of air blasted over the five- sending Fin's hair into a mess as the leaves of the nearby trees swayed. The explosion rocked the U. S. J..
But they didn't hear the ground split. They didn't feel it, the sensation...what had happened?
"And yet he still has to look at his notes when he's teaching us..." Tsu chimed in, a finger raised to her chin. Fin's eyes weren't willing to trail back. They knew the second they did...-- They wouldn't be able to tear away. Every step was a forward battle, forcing themself to keep marching.
The kids' breaths all caught in their throats.
"You were trying to bury him in concrete so he couldn't move anymore...that won't stop him." Shigaraki's voice was light in the air. Happy.- The burn nearly felt like a saw, trying to cut off their hand. He's going to die.---
The villains had planned on All Might showing up...
They'd planned on him having allies...
That thing...
Mineta said something- Fin couldn't hear it.
They'd talked of killing All Might. Their mind had already locked on that fact. This entire day- this whole disaster...had been orchestrated. And All Might was weaker than usual- out of time--- out of time---
I can't hope to beat that thing.
I don't stand a snowflake's chance in Hell.
But I can't...
I can't...
I can't...RUN.
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"Mineta." They didn't have the right- "---Here." They handed the confused boy Aizawa's legs. "-You guys keep going." I can't leave you to die. They turned.
"Asui. Can you carry Mr. Aizawa for me?" Midoriya.
"You can't-!" They were already bolting in the other direction.
It had found his weak spot. This wasn't looking good- no one knew about it-- how had they found out?!-- He tried to shift himself upwards, keep his face as still as he could manage without flinching.
"You picked the wrong place to attack! You should just give it up now!" The Nomu's fingers tightened. He turned. His hand went over the Nomu's, trying to pry its grasp off of him. If it got much further, he'd be in a horrific state---
"I normally don't like blood and viscera flooding the insides of my warp gates, but I'll make an exception for a Hero as great as you." The ground was getting closer. "Since you're too fast to see with the naked eye, Nomu had to restrain you." That- wasn't--- good- "And once he's pulled your body halfway through, I'll squeeze the gate shut."
That was notably worse.
"I'm going to enjoy tearing you to PIECES." The smoky villain seemed really glad with that prospect.
Two voices cut through the scene-
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"Foolish...!" The warp gate villain had suddenly disappeared and reappeared, cutting off All Might's sight. For a moment, he'd seen them- Young Midoriya and Fin, charging towards him. No--- he couldn't get out of this grip---
"OUTTA MY WAY, DEKU!!!" Bakugo (quite literally) exploded onto the scene. Just as he was sure the two would've been swallowed by a warp gate- the blond teen was there. Smoke and fire blasted forward. The villain let out a cry of pain.
Ice slashed across the dirt. It hit the Nomu- tracking up one side of its body in an instant. Crystalline structures danced up to the back of its hand, but went no further- Todoroki. It was so close- but not close enough to hurt All Might. The kid was getting good with his ice.
"One of your poorly-trained thugs told me you're here to kill All Might..." He reached for the Nomu's hand once more, teeth grit. Fire was burning in his veins.- But he could loosen his opponent's grip. He pulled. Just enough...-- And All Might grabbed the Nomu's other arm. He flipped free in a moment.
He landed near Todoroki. Shit- that fire was spreading. One hand went over where the Nomu had grabbed at him. His entire left side was burning. All Might crumpled to one knee, but refused to fall. It was just one hit, he'd be fine. He couldn't let the kids worry. He couldn't falter.
"Are you okay?!" Young Midoriya's voice reached him. His eyes shot over, spotting the green-haired youth looking at him, tears in his eyes. A quick nod was given.
I'm just fine, kid.-- It's just a little internal bleeding....and a lot of external.
Young Kirishima spun through the air. His battle cry was strong as he raised a fist- aiming straight for the blue-haired villain's head. The other jumped back as Kirishima landed. His fist caused cracks in the ground.
"Damnit, that was gonna be so cool!" He groaned. Kirishima was already jumping back- good. These kids needed to get out of here. Fin needed to get out of here----
But without the kids, he'd definitely be dead.
"Guess I found your body that time, you smoky bastard!"
"The Symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you."
"Kacchan...! Everyone...!!" The kids were all glaring at the small villain- even Bakugo, who had a hand pressed to the warp-gate user's metallic plating.
"Ugh...this is so annoying...!" He raised a hand, beginning to scratch at his throat once more- just above those creepy hands. "How could you let that brat get the best of you?...you've really gotten us into a jam, here..."
"Heh. You got careless, you dumb villain." Bakugo's gloating nearly made All Might's mouth twitch downwards. Now wasn't the time for grandstanding. The villains were still here... "It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate. You used that mist to hide your actual body, as a kind of distraction...thinking that made you safe!" He scoffed.
Fin had a hand pressed just above their left wrist. All Might could see their arms shaking minutely as they trained a glare on the ringleader- the villain who was acting more like a prepubescent child than an actual threat.- But he had the power to back up that childish demeanor.
"That's why we missed....but if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well-aimed." The warp-gate villain groaned and grunted- his mist beginning to disperse-- several small explosions lit up the neck-armor he was wearing. "Don't move! You try anything funny, and I'll blow your ass up right now, you got it? They'll be cleanin' you up for WEEKS."
"Uh that doesn't sound very heroic...!" Kirishima commented.
"They escaped and took down two of my strongest men... Kids these days are really amazing. They make the League of Villains look like amateurs...can't have that." This wasn't looking good. "Nomu."
It had begun to move- slowly pulling itself up, even as the awful sound of ice cracking and bones breaking resounded. It finally pulled itself from the warp gate, its arm and leg on the right side fracturing and falling off. It had pulled itself free and destroyed a section of its body to do so.
"How is that thing still moving?"
"He's all messed up...!"
"Stay back, everybody!" All Might thrust a hand towards the kids. The Nomu was standing on one leg. Even as he watched, the ice broke- snapping away as bloody chunks of muscle and bone suddenly generated from the hideous stump- forming into new limbs in mere moments. "I thought you said his Quirk was shock absorption!"
"I didn't say that was his only Quirk..." The male chuckled softly. "He also has super-regeneration...!" He tensed. "Nomu has been modified to take you on, even at 100% of your power...he's basically a highly-efficient punching bag that hits back." 100%...his eyes remained locked on the Nomu. That villain- was too dangerous to let his eyes off of, even for a second.
"First, we need to free our method of escape." A moment after those words left the blue-haired one's lips, the Nomu was running. All Might could only just follow the beast. He didn't have time to think. It was going to hit the others. He bolted. The Nomu had a fist raised.
It was too fast for the others- but for All Might, he had enough time. He managed to grab and throw the five out of harm's way- before taking the brunt force of the beast's blow. He was sent backwards. His shoes cut lines into the ground a moment before his back slammed through a giant barricade. Rubble fell around him as he bit back a pained gasp.
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Shit- they were on the ground, one knee pressed into the dirt. A second ago, they'd been standing. They'd seen the Nomu flicker- felt a large pair of hands grab their waist- and then they'd been airborne. But now they were on the ground. Their body was crying out yet again from the abuse it was enduring. Pain lanced up from their legs as they panted.
"Kacchan? Whoa, that's awesome, you dodged him!"
"Shut up, no I didn't, you damn nerd..." It had to have been All Might. The Nomu would've killed them without remorse. Their attention snapped towards the lines in the ground- and then the broken barricade meant to separate this section of the U. S. J. from the next. A fun little obstacle built with small hand-holds to climb over...smashed to pieces in one area.
"Then how'd you get over here?"
"....All Might..." Fin murmured.
"Isn't it obvious?" The dust was beginning to clear. At the end of the twin marks in the ground was All Might, standing with an arm defensively raised. He looked more battered, now- his shirt sleeves ripped up to the shoulder. Fin went stock-still.
'Oh, hi!'- Written in scratchy English. It was hidden from them and the kids thanks to the angle, but--- Shigaraki...the Nomu...
"Hm..." A chuckle left Shigaraki. "..well, isn't that interesting...?" All Might was panting- hard. Part of his face was obscured by his arm, but Fin could guess.
"These are kids, and you didn't hold back?!" The indignation in his voice was almost palpable.
"I didn't have much choice..." Shigaraki walked up to the Nomu- the beast that could send All Might flying backwards- as if it were the most natural thing in the world. There was a clear line between the Nomu and the Hero- dug into the ground by All Might's own shoes. "He was threatening my companion." A hand was raised to the children, finger pointing. "--Besides, these kids are no angels...the plain-looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed-out punch. What kind of 'Hero' does something like that?"
All Might's arms were lowering. He was gradually getting into a more offensive stance as Shigaraki monologued.
"You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others." A growl, quiet- but not silent. "Well you know what, All Might? That pisses me off. Why do some people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic, and others are villainous?" Okay...now he sounded like every single Saturday morning cartoon Fin had ever watched.
"Casting judgement as to what's 'good' and what's 'evil'... You think you're the Symbol of Peace?" He raised his hands, head tilting slightly. "Ha...you're just another government-sponsored instrument of violence. And violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."
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"You're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you; you always try and make your actions sound noble. But admit it; you're only doing this because you like it." His head lowered slightly, like something getting ready to charge. "Isn't that right???"
"We've got them outnumbered." Shoto was the first to speak- and Fin could hear their neck crack as it spun so they could stare at him. No- they were all kids-
They were Heroes in training.
They were still kids!!
"And Kacchan found the mist guy's weakness." Midoriya bent his knees, fists raising- though one was covered by...some sort of black fabric.. They could only guess he'd gotten injured earlier.
"These dudes may act really tough, but we can take 'em down now with All Might's help." Kirishima pumped his arms- and his hands instantly went still. Fin could swear they took on an almost metallic sheen.
"Don't attack!" All Might was walking across the field. He raised an arm, a hand turned back- as if to keep them all away from the fight. "Get out of here."
"You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me, remember? You need our help." Shoto was right...
The blue-haired villain was-- was he twitching?
"I thank you for your assistance, but this is different!" That hand flipped over- forming a fist. "It's gonna be alright. Just sit back and watch a pro at work."
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He was telling them all to walk away.-- Already out of time, already injured... What was this?-- Was he trying- to keep the Symbol of Peace alive, by making sure none of them saw this?
"But you're too hurt- you're bleeding." Fucking THANK YOU Midoriya. "And you're almost out of ti--!" His hands clamped down around his own mouth. Fin was shaking. He was out of time. And yet here he was, making a thumbs-up with a grin--
"Nomu. Kurogiri. Kill him. I'll deal with the children.." They didn't have a knife-- Fin reached down. No weapon, fine. They pulled their carabiner off, brandishing the tiny toy pickaxe. Good God, don't... "Let's clear this level and go home."
The Nomu rushed All Might. He bolted to greet it. Shigaraki was making a beeline for the kids. Fin dashed forward.
You'll have to kill me first.
The Nomu and All Might's very first blow sent everyone flying- Fin and Shigaraki landed before the kids, closer to the epicenter of the blast of pressure.
"Weren't you listening..??? One of his Quirks is shock absorption!" Shigaraki growled.
"Yeah? What about it?" He called over the raging air. All Might and the Nomu were trading blow after blow, causing a constant wind current that nearly toppled everyone in its path.
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He just had to beat this thing. Go beyond his limit- he was already brushing up against it, feeling the painful pull of One for All as it tried desperately to retract. He clung all the tighter to that ember in his soul, even as he took a step forward. Each fist may as well have been an army, a few milliseconds passing between every blow. But all the same, the Nomu took every hit- volley after volley after volley, and never faltering.
Everything else was lost in a tidal wave of explosions, the very ground cracking and crumbling under foot with each blow.
"He said your Quirk was only shock absorption, not nullification...! That means--" He wasn't even bothering to dodge. Let the Nomu hit him if he missed a punch- so long as he could return the favor. "--there's a limit to how much you can take, huh?!" Each time the beast rammed his fist into his left side- it burned. He could feel blood welling in his mouth, his body screeching from the pain. If he didn't stop this thing...!
He reared back, before doubling down.
"So, you were made to fight me, big guy!" He was starting to hit the beast backwards. It was gradually losing ground. "--If you can really...withstand me firing at 100% of my power...!" C'mon. He was focused. There was only one goal- the kids and Fin could handle the others, but not this thing...which meant this Nomu needed to go. "....then I'll have to go beyond that and force you to surrender!!"
The embers within him blazed, responding to his summons. His punches grew faster- stronger. He could feel every blow landing. The beast was starting to stumble and falter- just a little further...! He didn't even flinch when a section of his cheek was cut, the blood instantly flung into the open air.
"RAAAAAAAHH!!!!" The Nomu was flung back, the ground tearing up in its path. Smoke and chunks of concrete and red dust went flying. He wasn't going to give it time to recuperate. He leaped- the earth beneath him shattering in all directions as he shot skyward. The Nomu was already charging back again. More animalistic, now- jumping to greet him--
"A real Hero...!" His fist smashed into its face. It couldn't even react fast enough, anymore. Tattered bits of his shirt went flying as the two fell to the earth- only for All Might to twist midair. He blocked its attempted punch, the knuckles digging into his hands and forearms. He could feel the raw power behind it.- Another explosion of air pressure nearly flattened the barrier he'd hit earlier. "...will always find away...!" He flipped the Nomu towards the ground. A few more seconds of air time...! "--will ALWAYS find a way for JUSTICE to be SERVED!"
He was on the ground. Running at it. Grabbing its arm- flipping it over his shoulder-- it had been a long time since any villain gave him a run for his money. He jumped, only to turn that into a spin- getting further from the others before slamming the villain back down with an earth-shattering BOOM. The U. S. J. floor smashed, blocks of material bursting upwards in a spiral from the beast's landing.
"Now for a lesson." He followed it down. He landed on his feet, rising steadily in the moments that the creature was stunned from the blow. "You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean!!"
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Light burst from where his fist connected. He could feel the beast's body caving. A single upwards punch- shooting it straight out of the U. S. J. ceiling- the already-broken ground cracked further, tiny fragments bursting from the sheer force of the attack. The entire facility shook as the light bulbs and metallic band near the roof exploded in one section. Metal and glass rained down from it, falling towards a corner of the U. S. J.
He stood there- internally screaming.
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Holy shit.
Fin wasn't sure what they'd just witnessed- but a good chunk was missing from two of the U. S. J.'s ceiling tiles. The aching screech of their wrist had gone down substantially- now little more than a faint throb. He'd destroyed the main enemy--- and nearly obliterated the U. S. J. in the process.
They spotted a few strings of blood, slowly crawling down their soulmate's lip.
"That was like a finishing move in a video game...! He punched the shock absorption right out of him!" No damn SHIT, kid. "--I've never seen that kind of brute strength!"
"Imagine having power like that..." Bakugo muttered.
"No fucking thank you..." Fin's voice was barely a whisper. Holy. Fucking. Shit.-- If it weren't for knowing him first-hand, Fin knew they'd have never been able to connect the two halves. The overwhelming All Might..and the quiet Toshinori Yagi. Bakugo huffed.
The smoke around All Might continued to flow. Wasn't he beyond his--
"I really have gotten weaker...back in my heyday, five hits woulda been enough to knock that guy out...!" He turned, that smile still in place. His shirt was absolutely ripped- the sleeves were a lost cause, but at least the section covering his scar was still holding together. Fin felt an eye twitch. All Might raised a fist, resting it between his shoulder and neck. "But today, it took more than 300 mighty blows."
"Are you..." Fin couldn't get the question to finish. It didn't even pass their lips, nearly mute. He was hurt...he was hurting---they couldn't get too close,- not without risking---a foot nearly made it forward, only for Fin to stop it. They had twitched in place. For a moment, they could swear- he'd smiled at them, as if to reassure alongside the kids.
I'm okay.
Like Hell you are.
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He could feel the ember flickering- like the last gasp of a dying flame. He'd gone overboard, today.-- He had to end this, now. He turned, feeling every nerve in him cry out as he faced the two remaining villains.
"You've been bested, villains.-- Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly." Himself especially. He didn't know how long he could keep up this Form. He was already on fumes. He could see the small one shaking, could nearly feel the rage oozing off of him.
"No...he beat me-- he's not any weaker at all...!!" Shigaraki growled. "And look what he did to my Nomu...!!! He cheated..." The malice- it was getting stronger. "Come on, what's going on here...? He's just as strong as he's always been.. Damnit-- don't tell me I was lied to..." He was scratching at his neck again- presumably an angry tick. If it weren't for how little energy he had left...All Might would've already knocked the villain out.
"What's wrong?" He couldn't move. If he so much as twitched an eyebrow, he was sure this form would evaporate. "Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level, earlier?" His eyes narrowed. "Well, come and get me- if you dare." Give up, damnit.
His opponent shuffled back slightly, his entire body shaking. Give up. Even a last-ditch charge would be likely to kill him, at this rate.
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They were still holding the tiny plastic pickaxe from their carabiner. If Shigaraki charged...-- Well, at least they might leave a lasting impression if they went for an eye.
"There's no reason for us to fight now. He'll handle this." Fin wanted so badly to tell Todoroki the opposite.- That they all needed to fight- All Might was done. His timer was far beyond gone at this point.
"C'mon, guys. The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in his way." They didn't move.
"What? Are you scared?" His voice rang out. He'd barely moved- snapping forward just enough to make Shigaraki flinch.
"If only Nomu was here...he'd rush you right now..!!" And he was back to scratching his neck. Yagi was outta time.-- Someone had to make a move--- but they were rooted in place. "Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought...!" They were too beat up. Standing still for so long-- all their injuries were coming alive. Blasting across their mind. Everything ached---
I won't let you.
"Tomura Shigaraki! Please, do not fret." Kurogiri's smoky head had tilted forward. "Look at him. He has definitely weakened. Nomu's attacks were successful." Only when Shigaraki raised his head did the villain continue. "He's on his own. The children appear to be frozen in fear..."
Stop, stop!
"And look, our underlings are recovering..we likely still have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive."
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He had them. He had Midoriya. They wouldn't let him fall. Fin was getting ready- trying desperately just to stay upright. They were tired of this. So, so damn tired. They could hear shuffling- the other villains were slowly starting to get up...those that weren't pinned by Fin's stunt, earlier.
"I think All Might can handle himself against those two main guys." Kirishima, I wish you were right. "Let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anybody else." They refused to turn around.
"Will you be joining us?" Todoroki's voice broke them out of their mind for the briefest moment. Where the other boys had turned-- Midoriya was still standing beside them. They both knew. They may not have met Midoriya before today- but there were too many clues on the battlefield. Too much going on to really chat- that could wait until they were all in the clear.
Shigaraki was charging.
Fin ran.
"Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!" Their heart was thudding in their ears. They ran- faster-- there was a small bang from behind them. Kurogiri was rushing-- stay away from him--- Midoriya was aiming for Kurogiri's armor. Fin was about to hit Shigaraki.
Their voices rang in unison.
"YOU STUPID VILLAIN!" Shigaraki's hand disappeared into a warp gate- both of them. Fin dropped the tiny pickaxe, watching it fly into the gate as the fingers inched closer to their face. There wasn't enough time to dodge---!
Shigaraki's hands went flying backwards, tiny holes spurting blood as he cried out.
"They're here..!" Fin nearly collapsed as they landed on the ground.
"Sorry everyone, we didn't mean to be late." Nezu's voice rang throughout the entire facility. "But I got the teachers over here as fast as I could!"
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Thank God. Toshinori was barely holding it together- his successor and his soulmate had nearly been killed in those few moments. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his Words trying to rip into his skin at the danger. Several of the villains, upon seeing the Heroes up above, began to move to attack- only for Present Mic to suddenly let out a scream that rocked the entire place.
Even his eardrums were ringing- and that was from this distance.
"Aw man...the pros are here...!" His attention turned back to the main opponents at hand. One of Shigaraki's hands- the left- had something twinkling lodged in it. "It's game over, for real..." He turned back to his accomplice. "Let's go home and try this when we can--" More bullets whizzed through the air, ripping into his legs. Shigaraki fell to the ground just before Kurogiri encircled him.
He could only hope that villain never came back- and even if he did, that he didn't have that Nomu with him. The two were escaping--- he couldn't move!
His worry melted as a strong wind suddenly appeared. The two were being dragged towards the main entrance...Thirteen. Shigaraki was saying something- he couldn't hear it over the wind, but he could guess. He coughed, unable to hold it any longer. A bloody splatter fell from his lips, painting the ground with just a hint more crimson before he covered his mouth.
Only when the two were gone...did his attention shift back to the two who'd run to help him. Midoriya laid on the ground, his legs bent at awkward angles. He'd probably broken them to get over here as quickly as he had. One hand was wrapped in a strange black cloth...he could only guess that hand was broken, as well. Fin was at least sitting instead of laying, but they were bent forward- heaving for breath. A good chunk of their sleeves had been torn, and they were painted in blood.
"I couldn't do it...I wasn't able to help you..." Midoriya whimpered. The kid sounded like he was nearly in tears.
"That's absolutely not true." He couldn't let the kid think that. He wouldn't. The teen gasped, looking up at him. He could feel himself shifting back- the right side of his body already reverted, the left in the process of it. "You bought me a few vital seconds. If not for that, I'd be dead now."
Fin's head raised enough to look at him.
"You've saved me, yet again." These two...each time he was in trouble, they seemed to appear, lately. His successor and his soulmate... Allies. He coughed again.
"Thank you.. All Might...!" Midoriya had tears welling in his eyes. Toshinori was smiling, even as the transformation continued to cascade across him. He'd make a fine Hero, one day...they both would. More tears...okay-- maybe if Midoriya learned how not to cry so profusely at the drop of a hat.. "I'm just...so glad you're okay!"
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"...be...more careful...next time..." Fin huffed between gulps of air. Oh, sweet oxygen. Their body hated every single lungful, but they didn't care. Let the agony pulse, so long as they could breathe.
"Hey! Midoriya!" Kirishima. Fin bristled instantly, their head snapping towards the approaching youth. It was good that he wanted to help MIdoriya, but-- Yagi had fully reverted. They watched in near-slow motion as the youth approached, each step making their heart beat faster. Fuck-- FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK STOP---
"Sorry, I can't get up!" He raised his head.
"What? Are you okay??" He was getting closer---!
"Kirishima, STOP!"
"Kirishima, wait!!" It would seem Midoriya had caught on.
"What?-- Are you dudes oka--" Just when the three were panicking, sure that Yagi's secret would be exposed---a section of the U. S. J. suddenly shot up, cutting Kirishima off from them. Fin flopped backward. Thank. Fucking. GOD.
"For your safety, please stay back, young man." A rather rough- yet somehow solid- voice broke the fear. "Join your classmates at the front gate." They followed the noise to its source-- one of the other faculty members...a gray-haired male with a head like a literal brick, dressed in dark-red. "Leave the injured to us, we can take care of them."
"Thank you..." Fin breathed out.
"Hey! He said for all of us to head to the entrance!" Kirishima's voice gradually grew more faint...and Fin allowed themself to more fully relax. They could hear the audible sighs of relief from the two males with them. There was a shuffle of fabric, a few weary steps.
"You need to be careful, All Might.-"
A form stumbled to the ground beside them. Fin wearily sat up, feeling the ache in every bone. Yagi had finally stumbled to a kneeling position- but he was closer than he'd been.
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"I'm fine.- Thanks for that, though...you saved my butt, Cementoss." The blood dribbling from his mouth and the crimson staining his shirt very much said otherwise. He was in so much pain- but at least the worst had stopped. He hesitated for a moment. He'd stumbled over to Fin, his eyes sliding between his two allies. It was fine if his coworkers and successor knew this too, right?
He leaned his head forward, not quite touching the brunet's as he breathed. Each breath was labored, an agonizing ordeal...but at least they were all safe.
"...my pleasure, I'm actually a big fan of yours." His attention turned back to the pro. "Let's sneak you three out of here...and get you to the nurse's office. Seriously, All Might. That could've been really bad."
"I had to act recklessly, or else I'd be dead by now." It was true.. If he'd hesitated at all- he would've been a goner.
"You nearly were." Fin murmured.
"Just goes to show how strong those villains were..." He narrowed his eyes. He felt a weak tap against his leg- looking down to see that Fin had made a small fist with one bloodied hand, and had pressed it to his clothing. Already, he could feel the liquid on it starting to soak in.
"...strong...but not impossible." Besides, that one villain seemed like a grown man-child...so hopefully, he'd give up after being shot so many times over. But Yagi couldn't help a faint sinking feeling in the back of his head.
This was just the beginning...wasn't it?
"Ow..." Shigaraki groaned as he was deposited on the wooden floor. "...shot in both arms and legs...all my underlings, beaten...even Nomu was defeated...!! Those kids...they were so strong-- master, you were wrong... So wrong...! The Symbol of Peace wasn't even weakened at all...!!" He hissed between grit teeth.
"No, I wasn't." A voice came through as Shigaraki's eyes flicked upwards. Blood-red hues were nearly pinprick dots as he glared at the small screen above. No image, but he could just about picture his master, in his mind's eye. "We just weren't as prepared as we should have been." Cold and calculating... What Shigaraki wanted to be. Even now, he felt an inkling of fear sliver through his heart at his master's voice.
"I agree. We underestimated them." He moved to pull something that had gotten stuck in one of his injuries out. A small toy pickaxe, stained with his blood... It was from that weird one- not the green kid with the power, but...the one that had fought alongside Eraser Head earlier... And had jumped in to save All Might later. "Thankfully, we failed under that cheap 'League of Villains' name and not our own. And what about the creature Master and I created? Where is Nomu?"
"Yes, why is he not with you?" He hated that they could see him and he couldn't see them. But that was how it had to be. Compartmentalize. Keep everything separate. He dragged his hands along the floor, feeling that stupid toy cut into his palm as he forced himself to sit up.
"He was blown away." As the other three spoke of Nomu, Shigaraki found his thoughts whirling. The kid...the adult...those two...they were connected to All Might, somehow. They had to be. No one else was willing to jump and help when the Hero was being rushed...and the kid's attack...the way he yelled 'Smash'-- just a disciple?...
The pickaxe fell to the floor, clinking uselessly on the wooden boards.
"There was a kid there who tried to protect All Might...he was just as fast as him...and that stupid man...the one with the knife..."
"If they hadn't gotten in our way, we might have killed the Symbol of Peace..." He was going to pay them all back, tenfold. He glared at the tiny toy pickaxe. The boy...his relation to All Might made sense- a disciple- a Quirk-holder who could fight on the same level...but that damn person...he ground his teeth together in frustration. "Those brats...!"
"Naturally, you're upset. But this was not a futile mission. We've learned many things... Gather the villainous elite. Take all the time you need. I must remain hidden in the shadows, which is why I need you to be my face." Yes... Always....so long as he could have power- so long as he could win the game---it was all he needed... "A symbol of your own.. Tomura Shigaraki. Next time, you will show the world that it should be afraid of you."
I'll get my revenge.
I'll kill you all.
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truly-quirkless-a · 9 months
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Type: Drabble/Lore Timeline: End of MHA S1, directly after this writing. Location: The U.S.J.
WARNINGS FOR: Blood, injuries, broken bones. You know- the works at the end of S1 of MHA.
There were so many.- None of the villains were powerful, not on their own, but Fin was in a tidal wave of them. Aizawa had created a pocket around himself that was enemy-free. None were willing to come too close for fear of what the Hero would do next. It would seem he had his horde well under control...
They took in a sharp breath, abruptly spinning as their body twisted. They could feel the strain as muscles in their chest were pulled. Their nerves were screaming. All they could focus on was the slash of metal through flesh.
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Take them down.
They slammed into someone's back. Their knife flashed through the air. Another moment, and it was embedded.
"GYA-!" Fin was already jumping away. They smacked head-first into another villain. The force of the blow sent the villain tumbling back with a roar. They had to get to the Ruins Zone.--- Hazel eyes snapped up from the thrall.
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Step back. Two villains slammed into each other, tumbling Fin's way. They jumped at the last second, shoes smacking into backs. They were catapulted into the air. No time to waste.- Aizawa could handle his enemies, they had no doubt.
Their knife fell from their hand. The bullet that had been shot their way crashed just to Fin's left. Their heart was thudding in their chest.
"...so annoying..." A voice- scratchy. They didn't have time to focus. They could feel each body reacting faster and faster with each running step. More of the villains were aware they were coming-
They abruptly changed directions as hands got too close. Fin kicked one's face. There was an abrupt scrunch, crimson spraying into the air. No time to think about it. They jumped at the next- slammed. One of the villains had a knife, thank God...
"What th-?! HEY!"
The handle was slippery.
No time to think.
No time to spare.
They were close.
The Ruins Zone was looming.
They could see smoke rising from one of the buildings.
They wouldn't make it- but they could see one of the more precarious buildings. If they could hit it, even from a distance-!
They dove into a spin, kicking out to knock the remaining villains out of the path. The knife they'd stolen sliced through the air. Please, make it-
The weak corner began to crumble. In moments, smaller fragments of brick began to rain down. It wouldn't be long. The villains who had begun to close in turned their attention to the building. It was easily ten stories tall- the knife embedded in the corner disappeared as the material shattered.
The entire ruin was coming down.
Fin didn't listen. They dashed to the left. The villains were fleeing in every direction. The building was coming. C'mon--! They sped up, jumping at the last moment as a painfully loud crash and boom echoed in everyone's ears. Dust and debris flew outward from the destroyed ruin. Several pieces smacked Fin as they came down.
They could feel pain exploding across their body, various smaller rocks instantly snapping bruises into existence, a few cutting their skin. The screams and cries of the villains were quickly dying out as the dust blew over the space. If they were right, it wasn't tall enough to reach the main fountain- but hopefully, it had cleared some of Aizawa's opponents.
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They pulled themself clear from the wreckage as it settled.
"What-- what the fuck--??" One of the villains was looking at the shattered remains of Fin's work, eyes flipping between the brunet and the destruction caused.
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Their mouth opened slightly...but nothing came out.
Get out of my home.
The villain turned and fled...but they knew there would be many more who weren't put off. They had to get back to Aizawa. Had to find the kids...
"I'll kill you, brat!"
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"...I'm not...a damn....child...!" Their lungs were blazing. Each breath was somewhere between a heave and a split-second gasp. They were beginning to shake. They didn't wait- they took off.
He had to keep up that smile. It took everything in him to just run. Nezu's lecture had thankfully come to an end- and now, All Might had the time. Even if it burned in every cell in his body, he didn't care. The feeling like salt in his veins from his wrist outward had him bolting. Something was wrong. He trusted Thirteen and Aizawa- but the pain... The sinking sensation--- he couldn't just sit back.
"All Might!" Young Ida--?! He came to a stop as the teen did, the blow of each's wind current crashing into each other. Dust and small rocks clattered against each other as Ida tried to explain, his engines rumbling in the background. "---The U. S. J., sir! Villains have broken into the U. S. J., everyone-"
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"-Then it's a good thing I am here!" He had to keep himself in check. Even as he felt the start of adrenaline in his veins, eyes flashing with dangerous intent.
If they hurt anyone there...
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"Let's go, young Ida!"
He wasn't going to focus on that. No- he was just going to focus on making it to the center before anything else went wrong.
Hang in there....
"Yes sir!"
"Ah, Eraser Head~....and...some random Hero...." Finally, they'd gotten close enough to the weird dude.- They could see all of his hands quite clearly. He'd even gone so far as to scratch at his neck, just above the hands that clung to his throat. "....eh...maybe you'll just be a little extra EXP..." His voice was definitely scratchy and mostly unused- and while he had the depth of an adult, his words somehow..felt far more childish. Like someone who'd spent their life playing games was just playing another- thrown into a new scenario he'd inevitably succeed in if he tried enough times.
The giant monster behind him, however, had more of Fin's attention. It was just standing there, dull yellow eyes rolling mindlessly in its sockets. It stood tall- probably even slightly taller than All Might. Its skin was an almost obsidian-black, just slightly, faintly blue..or perhaps purple. It had a massive maw, akin to a shark's, coated in twin rows of razor-sharp, marred, yellow teeth. There were a few scars on its skin, but thankfully...it had the decency to wear some incredibly ratty pants.
Aizawa had been pushed close to the edge of the Shipwreck Zone... Fin could barely see the kids swimming in the water, out of the corner of their eye.
Get out of here.
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"Surprised you think I'm worth that much, kid."
"I am not the child here..." Hm...it wasn't that hard to get a rise out of the villain, it'd seem. They weren't sure if they'd call it luck that he had a similar nerve. "...I've grown tired of this game...if the main boss isn't here, what's the point in trying?...."
"Fin. Stay back." Aizawa's voice was quiet as he moved a hand between Fin and the blue-haired enemy. His eyes never deviated, but they could only guess. The same thought had crossed their mind on the way back.
If I die...
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They'd gotten lost, somewhere in the fight- stopped thinking about the slowly-rising pain in their Words. They didn't take a step back, eyes still narrowed dangerously. They didn't have a knife, now. Maybe they could use those hands if they got one, or startle the big guy...but the giant was just grinning as dopily as it had at the start.
Or perhaps, that wasn't a grin.
They couldn't afford to die.- As much as they wanted to fight, as much as their mind screamed to keep going...their body was starting to protest. They were still heaving for air, hazel hues locked on their main targets. But with each moment, each breath was becoming steadily more painful.
"...really...needa work out,..more..." Fin hissed. Aizawa's scarf was beginning to expand again. The blue-haired male was outstretching his arms, hands flexing. The two were going to attack each other. The big guy was way above Fin's paygrade, but...he wasn't even moving.
"It'll be an honor, Eraser Head...!" And the two were rushing at each other without a second thought. The scarf expanded, the blue-haired guy laughed--- and the big thing moved.
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It was just a split-second- probably even faster- but in the time it took Aizawa and the blue one to reach each other, it had only blinked...and when Aizawa suddenly slammed one of the other's hands away, going to elbow him in the ribs- his scarf ready to attack- the thing had disappeared.
"...what the Hell...?"
They'd talked of killing All Might. There had to have been a plan-...this thing must've been it.
Weaken him with an army...and then kill him with the brute.-- The brute reappeared exactly where it had been before, but now...the blue one had a hand on Aizawa's left elbow.
"...it was hard to spot when you were jumping around, but I've found your tell. It's your hair." The villain's voice had gone quiet. Fin could only just make it out, their ears beginning to ring as a wave of wind snapped out from the scene. It smacked into them. They stumbled several feet back from the sheer pressure. "When it drops, it means you've stopped using your Quirk." Aizawa's elbow was starting to turn gray. Or at least, the cloth around it was.
"You're having to blink more often." Aizawa flinched. "Don't push yourself too hard, now....you might just fall apart. Wouldn't that be a shame?" So that was his Quirk. Even as the blue-haired villain spoke, the fabric around Aizawa's elbow gave way. He didn't make a sound as his skin began to fracture and crumble, revealing the bloody muscle underneath.
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How could they help? Assuming that Quirk of the other's extended to both hands, they couldn't get too close- they'd die.
Did that matter?- They couldn't just stand back. They wouldn't. To Hell with 'what if I die', they couldn't watch this a second longer.- Aizawa grunted, managing to punch the villain back- just enough to free his elbow. He jumped back. Villains instantly started towards him- the few that still remained standing after Fin's stunt.
Their teeth ground together as they vaulted at the villains. The first to leap towards Aizawa received a punch to the face, knocking him flat. The second got a jumping Fin landing on her chest- only to smack backwards into a third.
"Damn..." The blue haired male growled. "....that annoying Quirk of his isn't suited for long, drawn-out fights with big groups...but if he didn't have the help...!"
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"...don't you...fucking tell me...what I should do..." If they ran, they'd never be able to live with themself. Whether Aizawa lived or not. The raven-haired Hero was panting for breath, sweat dripping from his face as Fin slowly stood back up. "....I'd have nightmares...for the rest...of my damn life...!"
"You're both clearly outnumbered...you stood so little chance of winning, and yet, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight." They'd personally say they didn't have a choice, but at this point...they weren't going to flee. "To put your students at ease..."
A villain was laughing. Footsteps- Fin dodged to the right, Aizawa to the left. Several razor-sharp looking blades sliced into the red ground as the two just barely avoided turning into sushi.
Each breath was Hell- they were running low on stamina. And they weren't anywhere near as injured as Aizawa, who was quite actively cradling his wounded elbow between attacks. The two managed to get the current villains off their backs, together- slamming the last few into each other and knocking them out. They spun as a unit back towards the leader. Aizawa's hair was back up, his breaths coming in painful pants.
"And look at you, you're still standing!" Well. That felt pointed towards Aizawa. "You really are so cool!" God damnit, was this guy a fanboy? "Oh, by the way, Heroes..." The brute was gone. When had it disappeared again-?! "I am not the final boss..."
They didn't have time to react. In a split second, they were on the ground- feeling their ribs scream as pain exploded from the center of their spine outwards. They slammed into something- thick and sturdy, bark cutting into their back.
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Shit- their vision was blurring in and out, spots dancing. Fire flared behind their eyes, burning their thoughts. They could just barely see the giant monstrosity, knee pads...eyes squished into brain matter that poked out of its head...it wasn't smiling now, those weird gold-fringed lips were closed...and it had one massive hand on Aizawa's back, the other grasping his arm.
"...anti-Symbol of Peace...all him 'Nomu'..." Their body was screaming. They coughed, feeling the wracking of it in their bones. Whatever that beast had hit them with- it wasn't light. The Nomu let out a shriek. It sounded more like a groaning yawn mixed with an owl's screech- a strange cacophony that made Fin's ears ring. They had gotten off lucky. If they had to guess- it had swatted them. And rather lightly, at that- if it had taken them seriously...
It didn't matter. That thing was holding Aizawa- and the blue-haired male was slowly walking towards some of the kids...Midoriya...-- A froggy girl with green hair and a strange frown...Tsuyu...a little boy wearing a purple shirt and white pants, with a dark purple belt...Mineta...?
Aizawa tried to move in the Nomu's grip- there was a sickening crunch, and blood spurted from where the thing was holding his arm. He let out a pained cry.
"You can erase peoples' powers. That's irritating, but it's nothing impressive...when faced with true, devastating power, you might as well be a Quirkless child." Aizawa managed to wrench his head enough to glare at the giant- Fin could see his hair suddenly fly up.
The Nomu's other hand swiftly came off his back, only to slam down on his good arm- cracks forming in the ground as another loud crack rang out.
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They could barely breathe. This thing was making a pro its personal toy.- There was no way in Hell they stood a chance.
You're just my punching bag, got it?
This thing was too strong- way, way too strong.- They were Quirkless. They were no one.--
The beast forcibly pulled Aizawa's head up. Fin's eyes narrowed. They couldn't get in a lungful of air. This thing was going to kill them all.- Aizawa's head was slammed into the concrete, effectively cracking it as he let out a far weaker groan. That thing was toying with him.
That thing had every advantage.- Speed. Strength. Quirks. If Aizawa couldn't take it out, there was no way they could- but they had to do something. If they targeted the blue guy, they'd just end up a bloody pulp like Aizawa. If they tried to save Aizawa alone, they'd die outright.
"Tomura Shigaraki." The purple thing was back...but now, they had a name. They saw the purple void flicker into existence, the barest glint of metal around where its neck might've been.
"Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?" Two names. "The rescue Hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse...and one of them got outside of the facility."
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Fin was slowly raising their head. They weren't leaving this place alive.- They were starting to accept that. But if they weren't, they were going to try to deal as much damage as possible.
"Huh..?!" Shigaraki began to scratch above those hands at his neck again. The male was beginning to pant and growl- sounding more like a kid faced with a boss fight they weren't ready for...as opposed to some mastermind hellbent on destroying everyone in the U. S. J.. "Kurogiri.... You fool...if you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body." And suddenly, as if seeing the light...he stopped. "There's no way we can win if dozens of Pros show up to stop us. It's game over. Back to the title screen." His hands dropped, turning to face the purple void, Kurogiri. "And I was looking forward to finishing this today..! Damnit. Let's go home."
Their eyes landed on the kids.
"Oh, before we leave...! Let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken." Shigaraki turned away from Fin and Aizawa. His back was fully facing Fin, the stupid giant's eyes locked onto Aizawa. "Let's murder a few kids...~ Surely that will teach him that we're a force to be feared...!"
In a few milliseconds, Shigaraki was in front of the kids. Fin couldn't see- but they could figure it out. He was going to murder Tsuyu.
Their body moved before they could register the action. Barely able to breathe, each lungful of oxygen not enough and yet too much. They barreled across the main plaza. Aizawa's head was slammed into the ground again. All they could hear was the blood rushing in their ears.
Midoriya was out of the water, not a second away from punching Shigaraki where he stood.
Fin was spinning into a kick.
He was going to get hit on both sides.
"YOU! LET HER GO! NOW...SMAAAASH!!!!" Midoriya's fist was glowing, bright red strands dancing along his clothing. A dust cloud burst on the right side, water spraying on the left. Fin felt their foot connect, the pain registering like the clear peal of a bell.
Something clamped down on their leg.
Villains all over the plaza were sent back from the blast force. Fin was anchored by whatever had grabbed them- but swept off their feet all the same. Villains went flying as wind pressure alone shattered the protective glass of the lights in the U. S. J., sending shards of clear material crashing to the ground with a massive crunch.
The giant was there as the smoke cleared. Fin's glare remained, unwilling to dissipate. The beast was blocking Midoriya's smash with his chest, while holding half of Fin's leg with one hand. The hopeful smirk in Midoriya's face faded, the glimmer in his eyes vanishing as the two realized one thing.
The Nomu hadn't been hurt by the attack.
"You're pretty powerful." Shigaraki's comment was nearly hummed, a faint scrape to his voice as always. "This 'smash' of yours...you're one of All Might's disciples, aren't you?- Doesn't matter...I'm done with you, now. And you...you're too under-leveled for this fight." The Nomu's eye swiveled between Midoriya and Fin. The two caught each other in that moment, raw fear meeting suicidal stubbornness.
The Nomu flung Fin- sending them flying. They landed with a dull thud, tumbling over their own body across the cement. They could smell iron in the air again. It was a second or so later that they felt something wet staining their clothes as they rolled to a stop, heaving for air.
They were near Aizawa- in a pool of the Hero's blood. Their own was finally registering, painting a criss-cross of cuts and bruises on their arms and back.
How fitting.
They grit their teeth. They weren't in nearly as bad a shape as Aizawa. They were already trying to force their hands down into the grime- to stand, even as crimson painted their hands. Had to keep going---
The front doors of the U. S. J. suddenly exploded inward. A single pair of footsteps rang out through the whole building. Everything had gone so still. A single, loud stomp of a foot echoed as the smoke began to curl away, revealing a rather familiar form standing tall- but he wasn't smiling.
"Have no fear, students."
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"I am here!" His voice sounded so much more angry than usual. One hand gripped his suit coat- the other curled into a tight fist. Fin nearly could have cried from relief.- But the fight was far from over. They couldn't afford to get distracted, not now.
"Look, we're saved!!!" Mineta was already sobbing. Tsu- who had gotten her tongue around Midoriya's waist- was already trying to pull him towards the water, a single 'ribbit' sounding. Fin took in a breath, fighting off the instinct to cough. Their lungs felt like they were trying to inhale tiny knives- prickling with fire.
"He's here.... All Might..." Fin's head suddenly snapped up, eyes dilating.
He was out of time.-- If he stayed--! He threw his suit coat to the side, completely disregarding it. He was frowning- glaring. Teeth grit into a massive line, nearly like a wall of pearl-white. If looks could kill, Fin was sure the entire population of the U. S. J. right now would be dust.
Fin's Words began to burn.
"Ah...looks like our game's getting a 'continue'..."
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truly-quirkless-a · 9 months
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Type: Drabble/Lore Timeline: End of MHA S1. Location: The U.S.J.
They hadn't expected to be back at work so soon...but with enough stubborn pushing on their part, and assurances that they were good enough to at least supervise the students using the U. S . J...they'd been allowed to return to active duty.
"It's nice to see you up and about, Fin." Thirteen hummed. The light glinted off her pitch-black glass, nearly blinding Fin- but they did their best to ignore it. The Hero was all dressed up in her Hero attire- a rather baggy spacesuit with a pitch-black helmet and yellow shoes. They wondered how she could even see out the top of that thing..
"...it's nice to be up n' about." Fin exhaled. "...thanks for letting me come back to work..."
"Yeah." Thirteen shook her head. "Just try to take it easy. For the next few days, you're just to oversee any use of the U. S. J., alongside me." Fin knew the underlying warning there- they'd be watched the whole time. They nodded slowly, hazel hues flicking up towards the sky. It was a bright, blue day- with a few scattered clouds, the sun shining so bright overhead...
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"...I'll try." They tilted their head. The sound of tires on the ground, of pebbles being thrown to the side... The rumble of a bus engine. "...guess they're nearly here..." They crossed their arms. Fin was once more wearing their general attire- a short-sleeved, black t-shirt...and pitch-black pants. The only thing different was the bright keychain set hanging from one of their belt loops- a Minecraft pickaxe colored silver hanging beside a pair of keys.
The school's bus pulled up, allowing all the kids to disembark. They were surprisingly quiet, though the tired glare from Aizawa sort of gave them all away...each one was wearing flashy Hero gear. Fin blinked, looking over each in turn. If nothing else, each portrayed the personality of its owner...or so they'd assume. From what they'd heard of the Hero V. Villain training, the kid with the explosion-style outfit was Bakugo...and the green bean was Midoriya... There was the flashy Aoyama, the helpful Sero, the reserved Todoroki...
Their hands were already beginning to feel icy from the nerves. Fin breathed out, trying to calm the panic welling in their chest. This wasn't even in front of a huge crowd- and it wasn't like these kids would remember them, anyway. All they had to do...was stand to the side and watch, maybe smile and offer whatever advice they could.
"Everyone, I've been waiting for you."
"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" Midoriya all but squealed. Yep...it was definitely 'the fanboy'. "The chivalrous Hero who's rescued tons of people from disasters across the world!" His eyes were locked onto the spacesuit-clad Hero. Fin chuckled softly. Fanboys...they
"Woohoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite Heroes!" A girl with a skin-tight suit beamed. She had brownish-orange hair that framed her face, and small nearly circle-esque blushes on her cheeks. Her suit had a pinkish-white stripe down the middle and along her upper arms, with bands at her wrists that reminded Fin a lot of Amy Rose...she even had a darker pink collar around her neck, and her suit had two black dots near the top that looked almost like buttons.
Uraraka, if they had to guess...
"I can't wait to show you what's inside." Thirteen's semi-prosthetic voice rang out, silencing the cheers of the class. Fin's eyes caught Aizawa's for a moment, noticing the flick down towards their wrist...and then back up.
"This is gonna be awesome!" The class spoke in a near-eerie unison, save that explosion boy... Bakugo.
Fin remained at the front with Thirteen, hearing a few quiet 'who's that's' in the crowd. They shook the thought from their head. They were just here to supervise...it was fine.
"Holy crap!" The red-head with spiky hair was the first to speak. He had gears on either shoulder, and wore black pants and some sort of belt... Kirishima. They found it almost impossible to not grin as the kids stared in awe at the massive building before them.
It took about a month, from the project's start to its end...simply because each area was so unique compared to the general sites around U. A.
"It looks like some kind of amusement park!" Well...it did, if one wasn't looking too closely. Even small 'home' buildings were ant-like in the structure, and the dome's top extended far into the sky. The entryway even had a dull red-purple carpet and a small castle-themed archway, from which twin purple flags flew. The staircase down to the main plaza was its own challenge, easily several stories tall- and big enough for all of 1-A to walk side-by-side without touching the edges. The walkways were all red-brown dirt, leading towards five separate 'zones' scattered throughout the place.
To the class's immediate left was the Ruins Zone, full of obliterated buildings and crumbling architecture, fractured pavement and rusting streetlights. Beyond that was the Landslide Zone- a single, massive pile of dirt and half-dunked trees, all oozing towards the central plaza. The Mountain Zone stood at the far end of the U. S. J.- just barely to the class's left. To that zone's right was the Conflagration Zone... The one zone Fin had been hesitant to help build. It was a city eternally ablaze, and that area had its own top- so as to help keep the smoke from escaping. It was instead filtered down into a facility under the U. S. J. proper, and dispelled harmlessly. Directly to the right of the central plaza was a massive waterslide full of huge, jutting rocks...with a ship near its top. The Flood Zone- or rather, the Shipwreck.
And directly to the class's right was the Downpour Storm Zone, also in a dome..but with a near-opposite intent from the Conflagration Zone's dome. This one dumped gallon upon gallon as endless sheets of rain into the zone, complete with zaps of electricity to simulate lightning, and strong winds...
"A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. Et cetera..." Thirteen held out her hands towards the creation. Fin took a slight step to the side, not eager to be slapped by their boss by accident. "I designed this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the....Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" Thirteen proclaimed. Fin could practically tell she was smiling under her helmet. "But, you can call it the U. S. J.!" She turned around to point at the class. As she did, Aizawa finally separated while the students were busy staring in awe- stepping close to Thirteen and Fin.
"Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already...?" Aizawa sighed angrily. "...lemme guess, he booked an interview instead."
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"Not a chance." Fin's response surprised even them. They blinked for a moment, trying to figure out why they'd said that.
"He used up too much power this morning, and is resting in the teacher's lounge..." Thirteen held up both hands- each with three fingers raised. Fin only stared. How could he use up so many hours?...
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"...what I'm going to tell you, you can't tell anyone- okay, Fin?" Toshinori had gently grabbed their hands after he'd set them in his car. It was a rather nice, pitch-black car- with an interior that was as soft and clean as a fresh vehicle off the lot. They couldn't help but wonder if he'd bought it just yesterday, given the quality.
"There's already a lot I can't say, so shoot." A small chuckle escaped the blond at that.
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"I can be- or rather.. I could be All Might for three hours a day. But...after meeting you, I noticed that I had more time."
"...your boost..." Fin breathed. They hadn't really thought about it.... The past few days had been too hectic to consider the result of meeting their soulmate.
"That's what I'm thinking. I don't know what my limit is anymore, but...I'm sure I'll push past it anyway." He'd chuckled as he'd said that, but Fin couldn't help the worry that wormed its way into their heart. Don't push yourself.
"That man is the height of irresponsibility..." Aizawa rolled his eyes. The raven-haired hero looked away for a moment, tired red hues flickering to the ground. "The clock's ticking. We should get started."
"Excellent!" Thirteen turned her attention back to the kids. "Before we begin, let me say one thing,...or maybe two things... Possibly three, four, or...five...." Fin bit back a chuckle. At times, Thirteen was a bit too relatable. They smiled faintly, waiting for the Hero to finally find her thoughts again.
"We get it." The students groaned.
"Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."
"Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" Midoriya's question was accented by Uraraka bobbing her head up and down rapidly, smiling from ear to ear.
"That's true, but my Quirk could also very easily be used to kill." Some of the students shifted at that, a few going stiff. Fin glanced towards Thirteen. That was true of most Quirks...everyone had the capacity for evil or good- it came down to the use... Uraraka, Midoriya, and the boy with glasses- he looked like a futuristic human-car mix, so probably Ida- gasped. "In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus, or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone."
"Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential." The raven-haired Hero had, during Thirteen's speech, lowered his head and closed his eyes. Given how bloodshot they looked, Fin wasn't surprised. Hopefully, he was giving himself time to rest... "And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a Hero is all about."
"Ensuring the safety of others."
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Something didn't feel right.... And it wasn't just their hands feeling like ice. They subconsciously reached into their pocket, feeling the cool metal of their pocketknife.
"That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening!" Thirteen bowed, nearly appearing like a butler. The students all cheered, from clapping their hands and grinning. Fin tried to shake the sensation from their body. It was just a fluke...today was going to be alright.
"Right. Now that that's over..." Aizawa pulled one hand from his pocket and pointed towards the main plaza. In that same moment, all the lights in the U. S. J. flickered and zapped, bursting as too much electricity surged through the circuits. Fin spun, watching as the electricity obliterated all the bulbs...
Their phone should've gone off.
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The fountain in the center of the plaza paused for a moment- restarted- paused again- it was like the pumps were experiencing difficulties as the water flow wavered and gushed, slipping between too much and too little. They were losing feeling in the tips of their fingers. A black void with purple edges spiraled into existence in front of the fountain, sounding almost like stone grating across the ground as it appeared.
Aizawa began to turn, alongside Thirteen. Fin could only stare as the void suddenly exploded into a massive wall, the top appearing almost like a smoky head with twin glowing yellow eyes. From the center emerged fingers... And then a body.
"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa commanded. "Thirteen. Protect the students, and the civilian!" He threw his hand towards the group even as he spun to face the emerging enemies. More were coming from the depths of the void...spilling out like a tidal wave.
No.- There were so many villains emerging- it was a whole crowd, each smirking as if they'd just won the lottery. Fin's grip on their pocketknife tightened. They couldn't help. They were just- a civilian. They'd get in huge trouble if they tried to fight and failed.
"Whoa--- what is that thing!?" Kirishima's voice cut through the noise in Fin's head. Their attention focused on the leader- a man covered in hands... Three to either arm, a pair on his shoulders...and another pair on his head, one covering his face...the other holding the back of his head. His pale-blue hair was nearly reminiscent of the sky on a wispy-cloudy day, wearing an all-black v-neck shirt and pants...and red shoes. Each pair of hands ended just after the wrist, cut off by some sort of gold apparatus...with the one on the back of his head connecting to twin red wires.
Even from this distance, they could feel the bloodlust.
"Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people..." The boy moved a hand over his head.
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"This wasn't part of the plan..."
"Stay back!" Fin's eyes snapped to Aizawa- then back to the students, upon seeing that his red hues had been targeted at the kids. Still, they subconsciously took a step backward at the commanding tone. They felt the urge to hide- to disappear. "This is real. Those are villains."
The kids all gasped. This wasn't good. Their phone should've gone off the second the place was breached.- Had they hacked in- no. No one they'd ever met could top Filo when it came to code... They turned their attention forward once more. They could hear a rustle to their right... Aizawa was putting on his goggles.
"The only real Heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser Head..." An ominous voice- almost like the embodiment of fog itself- rumbled throughout the U. S. J. "Perplexing... According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well..."
When had they--?!
"So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus."
The blue-haired man raised his arms, as if expecting some grand cry of outrage. Whatever he was saying, he was too far away to be heard. But whatever the case...the bloodthirst in the air suddenly grew tenfold. Fin could almost feel it washing over them- a painfully familiar poison that filled their lungs.
They planned to kill everyone here.
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Toshinori stood up sharply from the couch.
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What's happening???- His wrist had suddenly started to burn, like it had for so much of his career. Fin was in danger. But they were supposed to be supervising the U. S. J.'s first use with Thirteen and Eraser Head-- he quickly pulled his work phone from his pocket, and tried to dial.
"Pick up..." Ring.... Ring... "C'mon, pick up!" ....ring.....
"This is Thirteen, the Space Hero! If you need something, just let me know!" Shit. Okay- Aizawa--
"Please, just pick up...!" His hand was shaking. It rang several times...before sliding to voicemail. Yagi hung up without leaving a message. There was no point- there was no time. Fin was in danger- the kids were in danger- his coworkers were in danger--- what was happening?!--
Steam burst from him as he transformed abruptly, quickly making his way to the door-
"Hold on!" The door slid open, revealing the shiny white coat of a certain mouse- the mouse that ran the entire school. Dressed in a small black suit with six white buttons, a scar over his right eye, and small square ears and a long tail...he looked nearly like a stuffed animal for some child. "Now, why are you trying to run off, All Might?" Yagi took a step back as the principal stepped inside. His wrist was burning--
"There's danger at the U. S. J.- I need to go-"
"Oh no you don't." The mouse raised one pawed hand, effectively stopping Yagi in his tracks. "If there is danger, Eraser Head and Thirteen are with the children...." The mouse's eyes flicked towards the male's covered wrist, a sympathetic smile crossing his features. "--Fin will be just fine. Besides, I do believe that you've already expended more time today than you should...so if you were to go right now, you would undoubtedly just reveal your secret."
While Nezu was partially right, Yagi wanted nothing more than to run. To get to the U. S. J., deal with the issue- make sure everyone was safe---
"You have been doing your best to help, I know...but you are both a teacher and a Hero- and you must learn to balance such things. It's alright to take it easy every now and again....I am quite sure that Thirteen and Aizawa have everything well in hand." Yagi wished he could share the other's confidence. He sat on the floor, steam billowing once more off of him as his muscles shrank, his body slowly transitioning back into his True Form...the skeletal thing...
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Sky blue eyes watched silently as Nezu got onto the couch, and began to pour some tea. Well. Shit.- It looked like he was about to sit through a rather long lecture...and it didn't help that the sensation was refusing to go away- nagging at his mind, nearly urging him to stand, to run, to anything but sit there.
It took a lot of willpower not to tap a finger impatiently. That would just lead to an even longer lecture...
"...first, on the inevitable stresses and burdens when walking the line between Hero and educator..."
"What kind of villains would be dumb enough to sneak into a school for Heroes...?!"
"Fin,- Filo installed the security sensors, right?"
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"Yes, he even had me test 'em- all of our phones should've gone off the second these villains appeared." They replied without missing a beat to Thirteen.
"Are they only here, or also at the main building...?-- Either way, if the sensors aren't working..."
"...it has to be one of their Quirks that's doing it." Fin took in a slow breath. The school had been invaded- at the very least, the U. S. J. had been. And these villains had waltzed in with the intent to kill All Might...which meant they had to have an ace up their sleeve. There was no way they'd be so brazen otherwise...
"This place is far from the campus, and they picked a time when there'd be few people here...so maybe they're not as dumb as they seem."
"Thirteen! Begin evacuation- and try calling the school. Fin, you too. One of these villains must be jamming the sensors- there's a good chance one of their electric-types is causing the interference." Aizawa commanded. "Kaminari. Try using your Quirk to signal for help."
"Got it!" A boy with blond hair with a single black bolt through it replied.
"Eraser Head, you can't fight them all alone!- Against that many...you can't!" Midoriya cried out. "As Eraser Head, your fighting style involves erasure and a quick binding capture- head-on battle isn't--"
"No good Hero is a one-trick pony." His scarf nearly seemed to explode outwards like a cloud, the material waving in the air. "Thirteen! Take care of them." He leaped- clearing the entire staircase. Fin stared.
His scarf soared forward as several enemies with what Fin could only assume were gun-esque Quirks took aim...only for one to not be able to fire, just as Aizawa's scarf reached them. He wrapped it around two villains, landing and pulling the material down- causing the two villains' heads to smash together. They both crumpled to the ground as several more villains closed their ranks around him. Aizawa's escape was cut off...but he spun, just as a woman's hair began to fall- slamming into her as his scarf captured several more opponents, pulling them with.
A villain that looked almost like a moving rockslide rushed the male- only to receive a nasty punch straight to the face... And end up flying backwards. Aizawa spun, dodging an attack from behind- and snagging the new villain's leg- pulling him straight into the crosshairs. The heteromorph villain that looked like a rock slide had jumped back to attack- only to crash into his own ally as Aizawa landed, unharmed. The ground splintered and cracked around the impact, even as more villains began to close in.
"Wow...! He can hold his own even when outnumbered." Midoriya's voice rang out.
"No time for analysis, kid!" Thirteen ushered him to leave- a hand grabbing Fin's shoulder and pulling them. "We need to evacuate-!"
"I won't allow that..." The void-fog loomed over them all, almost instantly cornering the entire class. Fin's grip on their knife was nearly white-knuckled. "Greetings..." His form began to shrink, that strange fog narrowing into the top of a suited masculine figure with lots of metal around where the neck would've been...almost like walls. "...we are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but...today, we've come here to UA High School- this bastion of heroism...to end the life of All Might, The Symbol of Peace." His form flickered and wavered.
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This guy was way above Fin's paygrade. Assuming he didn't have a physical body, and was just fog...there was no way to land a hit. But that suit, the metal around the neck... They breathed in slowly.
Like Hell.
"...it would seem one of you is more eager to die than the others..." Oh no.-- Fin's mouth had moved, their voice barely a whisper. They'd said that aloud. "...I'm more than content to oblige..."
Bakugo and Kirishima suddenly surged forward. Fin didn't have the time to warn them- it was like a bomb going off, fire and smoke exploding outwards as Bakugo's hand came close- and there was a distinct woosh as Kirishima tried to punch the entity.
"Get back, both of you!"
"You're the only one with a death wish, damn villain!" Bakugo roared.
"That was close....yes...students though you may be, you are the best of the best..." The villain's smoke wavered- but he was speaking as calmly as ever.
Black and purple smoke burst forth- obscuring Fin's sight. They pulled the knife from their pocket. It wouldn't do them any good to strike at open air- their hand didn't waver. The cold was bone-chilling as it burned in them.
"Write in torment...until you breathe your last." They heard shuffling- but it rapidly grew distant, only to be replaced with the sounds of flesh hitting flesh, of fabric rapidly snapping and weaving through the air. When it finally cleared...
Fin was standing near the fountain, in a circle of their own- surrounded on all sides by villains.
"Looks like we've got a fun one~..." The ranks turned towards their new source of entertainment. Their knife flipped open. "Really, a knife?..." One of the villains chuckled. They were keeping their distance from Fin... They opened their mouth to reply.
Their voice failed them. Fin exhaled. They were surrounded...and it was a lot of villains. But if they all piled them- Fin would only be able to get in a few good hits. Hazel hues snapped towards one of the taller opponents.
There wasn't time to think.- Fin snapped forward. The villains flinched for a moment- before they began to rush the smaller human. They slid down. Their knife bit into flesh as they popped up, hearing a yelp from the tall would-be assailant. They wasted no time in jumping- kicking off another villain as they got too close. They slammed into the tall villain, knocking them off-balance.
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They were standing on the villain's shoulders in moments. They jumped off, using the enemy's head as a launch point. That sent the villain sprawling into their comrades while Fin soared- and not a moment later, came back down. Hair like whips lashed towards them. Fin's knife crashed down. There was a screech, the smell of blood burning the air. They didn't take time to assess the damage.
These villains wanted to kill All Might.
These villains wanted to kill Toshinori Yagi.
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Everything was blurring down to a point. They could hear the faint screams of students and villains alike, breaking out all over the U. S. J.- but nothing was as loud as the thumping of their heart in their ears. They had to trust the kids to be alright- they were trapped in their own pit. Enemies all around, no way out in sight...
I won't let you.
They readied their knife for another round.
I won't.
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truly-quirkless-a · 9 months
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Random tag ideas for future events, they'll be under the cut.
Only the U. S. J. one is confirmed since I have the first part of that event scheduled to post tomorrow!
Event | Sparks | But I can't find my feet/It's like I lost the beat/Mid-air and there's no plan Bs Event | Brotherly Hatred | One more time I gotta live this loud/Back to the wall no turning around Event | Substitutions | There's no fear in the mirror/To hold me down Event | Symbols | I'm at the edge of my life/I got no time to think twice Event | Honorable Raid | Still one more trick up my sleeve/We're gonna make this one shine Event | Catalysts | I'm not the same as yesterday/Gotta make this count/Let's go!
Songs Used: "No Plan B", "Edge of My Life", and "E For Extinction".
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