#Even though it might be very uninteresting sorry
nomaejie · 1 year
This is what i wrote about SxF fantasy AU because I think about it a lot. It's a character setting and I don't go too deep. (I wrote it in Vietnamese and slapped it all into the translator):
The human government in the past was afraid of the power of the mystical creature, so they forced the magical creature to yield to avoid war. It's all a conspiracy from King Ostawest (a combination name of Ostania and Westalis because I'm bad at naming). He has quietly cooperated with other factions (including mystical creature like the Desmond) and especially witches. They created the magic machine to suck all the magic of the world. Taking advantage of that energy source for personal gain and developing the weapons industry. As the world lost its magic, the difference in strength between humans and mystical creature was no longer a scary thing. Those mystical creature that still retain their original powers (it is the nobility who know the secret of Ostawest) will be called Pure Blood. They are highly respected in society.
700 years later, a mysterious organization called Apple (?), combined with an aristocratic family opposed to Desmond, conducts an experiment to create an artificial mystical creature: the Chimera. They wanted to create a power that could defeat Desmond and gain power over the country. Apple on the other hand doesn't care about politics, they want to study the power limit of mystical creature.
Anya is born and becomes the most successful creation of the organization. A Beast that can use magic like a witch. They intended to raise Anya as a weapon until the WISE Graden intervened.
The WISE Graden is a free organization in Ostania city. They have the role of protecting the struggle to protect the peace between humans and mystical creature, eliminating the danger between two races. Twilight and his parter, Yor, stormed the Apple base and took Anya. At that time, they did not know about the purpose behind Apple but only thought that they were illegally experimenting on mystical creature. Loid and Yor decide to adopt Anya and send her to Eden School.
Eden academy is the only remaining magic school in the world, open to both mystical creature and humans. The school is divided into 3 faculties:
Warriors: 80%. Those who want to learn to use weapons, martial arts for fighting.
Beast: accounts for 18%. People who have the ability to transform into large creatures. Here they will teach you how to use your abilities in combat.
Witches: 2%. An almost extinct ability. Although any species can use a spell or two if they have the talent. But witches are people with special powers, they can possess countless spells, the ability to wield the power to shake the world. The teacher of the department of witchcraft is Henreson – one of the 10 remaining orthodox witches. Upon entering the school, each student will be given an apprentice wand, made specifically for that person, by the school. The whole Eden school only has a total of 10 students who meet the requirements to become witches.
Anya: Chimera born from the experiment. Because of her past trauma, she doesn't like her Beast form. After being adopted and healed by Loid and Yor. She asked to learn to be a witch, so her parents sent her to Eden as a human. Anya was attracted to Damian from the beginning probably because they were both creatures that were bred from many different species. However, Damian at that time was because of his arrogant brat, refusing Anya's friend request. Disgusted with Damian's attitude, Anya also gave up on it. However, one day she discovered Damian secretly learning magic in a small corner of the schoolyard. Worried but also curious as to why a Beast would want to learn magic, Anya decided to stop and watch, not expecting Damian's mistake to cause an accident and summon a fire monster. Damian and Anya must then work together to defeat the demonic beast. Damian felt extremely ashamed of his mistake. After many things happened to each other, the two somehow became (secret) friend. Damian will teach help her with homework., in return she teaches Damian magic.
As a Chimera, Anya can use 5 types of elements: fire, water, wind, lightning, and darkness. In addition, she also has the ability to expand to more advanced types of magic, but has been warned by her parents not to arbitrarily learn miscellaneous things. The first magic Anya mastered was fire. Although she is no longer disgusted with her Beast form, she wants to reveal the truth to outsiders.. One time, she lost in a Dungeon with Becky, she transformed into Chimera to save both of them from escaping. The two were back at school looking for first aid supplies then they ran into Damian. Damian became the second person to know her secret. Later, at Becky's encouragement, Anya asked Damian to teach her how to use Beast's powers. Damian: Second son of the prestigious Desmond family – Landlord of the city of Ostania, the political and military capital of Ostawest. Also a Pure Blood. He wanted to learn more about witchcraft but was forced into the Beast by the wishes of his family. Anya secretly teaches him some spells. Around his neck was a Desmond family heirloom magic key. His spells are wind (falcon), and fire (lion part). In addition, Giffin's sharp claws and beak is a weapon that makes most other mystical creature wary. When in human form, Damian can only use a little magic because he does not have a wand.
Becky: A Pure Blood Black Cat witch, she is in the same class with Anya. She was the only daughter of the Blackbell family – closely related to the Desmonds. The family is extremely wealthy and possesses a lot of magical items – which are now very rare in the world. Becky loves to brag about the magic labels she wears on her hands. Blackbell's main spell is lightning, familiar is a black panther.
Yor: The ultimate Pure Blood Vampire. Her power is the most primitive. 700 years ago the Bair house was like discovering the dark secret of the Ostawest royal family and was purged. To protect their blood, Yor's parents sealed the child and hid them underground. 700 years later, someone awakens Yor. Lost in the new world, Yor becomes a bounty hunter. She is then recruited by Twilight of WISE. Loid: A human witch. Quite weak because he can only use 10 spells. That's why he mainly used power-enhancing magic to engage in physical combat with the enemy. As a child, Loid's village was involved in a war between humans and mystical creature, resulting in the death of the entire village including Loid's mother. Before the incident happened, Loid's Father asked Loid to find out the "secret of the world". He became a warrior for a living until the age of 16 when he joined WISE. Because of the tragedy of the past, Loid is always worried about keeping the peace, dissolving the stigma and discrimination between the two species. Also find the answer to what the “world secret” is.
Yuri: Unlike Yor,  Yuri was found by the government and brainwashed to become a bodyguard for the King. He is still searching for his lost sister.
The Black Forest: an area for exiled mystical creature who oppose living with humans who have been banished from the kingdom and have to live forever in the forest of darkness. The people there became radicalized and vowed to destroy all humans and traitors. The first person Yor meets when she wakes up is from the Black Forest, they have instructed Yor to become a bounty hunter. The real purpose is to use her power to kill innocent people.
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tgmsunmontue · 1 month
Hangster ficlet. Mature 500 words I guess. 🤷‍♀️
The movement doesn't register as anything more than a rocking motion of whatever carrier or transport he's on.
He's so fucking tired.
But he's horizontal and warm and naked, all signs that tell him he's actually at home in bed and he shifts slightly. 
Immediately the rocking stops and he smiles slowly into the darkness of the room, doesn't move again, keeps his breathing even and pretends to be asleep.
After a few moments the rocking motion resumes and he bites his lip in amusement because Jake is very clearly awake.
He's far too tired to participate, his mind might be willing, but his body is very definitely in denial about being dragged back into consciousness after not even two hours of sleep.
But he hadn't wanted to wait any longer before coming home and falling into bed beside Jake, not even drying himself properly after his very brief shower.
He's thinking about Jake, his body pressing and flexing against his, and while he's not there physically he is definitely there mentally and he reaches a hand out, feels Jake's body still immediately.
"Shit. Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up..."
"Don't need to say sorry. Not a bad way to be woken up at all. I'm not complaining." 
"You going to help?"
"No. Too tired. Want to watch though..."
"Mmm," Bradley agrees, because he's well aware of Jake's little exhibionist streak, the crack in the curtain letting in just enough early morning sun to provide a warm hazy half-light and he shifts close, presses himself against the length of Jake's back, nuzzles his mouth against the curve of skull and kisses, gets a mouthful of hair for his troubles. 
"You thinking about fucking me while you get yourself off?"
"Yeah. Of course..." Jake groans, and his hips are rolling against the mattress and Bradley kisses down his neck, over his shoulder, rocks his own body in time with Jake's to urge him on.
"You didn't think to just see if maybe I was up for it?"
"You've been gone for months. You're useless to me until you're properly rested. I am going to fuck you for hours."
"Mmm. I look forward to it," Bradley says, and part of him is glad he gets this, can feel the warm comfort of Jake's arousal and his building desperation to get off all while his own body is so starkly uninterested in the proceedings.
It's a novel feeling.
He gets to enjoy Jake's arousal, his body, focus on the feeling of his muscles flexing against him where they're pressed together, think about what he can say and do that will tip Jake over the edge.
It's good to be home.
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jupiter-letters · 10 months
Loki having a crush on you headcanons:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: Very brief discussion of violence.
A/N: This will be Avenger!Loki cause I choose to be delusional about him dying in infinifty war. He made it to Earth and decided to make amends yadda yadda yadda, everything is good. Sorry if this long I needed to get all my thoughts out!🙇‍♀️
Being generally uninterested when Tony does a mission debrief with everyone in the conference room. However when you walk in he perks up a bit and sits up a little straighter. He doesn’t really greet you though, he’ll be a little closed off at first. That doesn’t stop him from glancing at you 2 or 3 times until the meeting is over.👀👀 No one really notices his staring but if they did they’d assume he doesn’t like you at first. 
Among other people it looks more like a glare than admiration, Thor does notice after a few times and pulls him aside to confront him. “Has Y/N slighted you in some way brother? You’re always staring at them with such intensity.” This confuses Loki cause #1 he didn’t think anybody would notice and #2 Sometimes he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. 
“No?? It’s this midgardian decor, so bland. It helps to move my eyes around to keep things interesting. When it comes to Y/N their choice of garment is most amusing, the lack of proper coordination is quite hilarious.” (LIES!)Deflect, deflect, deflect. To Loki it’s better for people to think he doesn’t like you than to seem vulnerable, he’s still got some growing to do. 
He won’t even realize that he likes you until much later. Once you get over the hump of him pretending not to like you, a beautiful friendship blooms. He hasn’t had a lot of people he’s gotten really close to other than Thor, his mother and Valkyrie. That’s one wall down, a couple more to go. As his friend you appreciate his witty comebacks and dry sense of humor. You confide in him for his many, many, mannnyy years of wisdom(he hates it when you call him old man wisdom). The fact that you choose to tell him your secrets and have such fun conversations makes things worse for him. 
When you two talk together on the balcony of the avengers compound discussing team mates and funny things that have happened around the compound, he gets this warm feeling in his chest. Looking at you laughing at your own joke, you can barely get the words out. Any other person would look ridiculous but you, he can’t help but look at you with such fondness. After you’ve stopped laughing you see him looking at you with such joy in his eyes and a soft smile. “What” you question. He chuckles and looks down at his hands, “Nothing, it’s just- you’re lucky you became an avenger instead of an entertainer, your jokes might need work.” 
He always saves you some food or a drink at Tony’s parties and other events, it’s always just a little bit but he just wants to make sure you don’t miss out. 💓
 Loki always goes out of his way to keep you safe on missions, if you get overwhelmed by multiple enemies you see a flurry of green magic crackling around you and the enemies are all gone. You could even see a dagger fly past your head hitting a guy about to clobber you over the head. Natasha seems to notice the favoritism after a bomb goes off in a HYDRA facility, Loki uses his body to shield you from the blast. (She knows good and well he could’ve made a shield for all 3 of you😏.) 
When both Natasha and Thor “gang up on him”(his words) about it he deflects again saying he’d do it for any of his friends you just so happened to be closer…so it’s not a big deal. They both smirk and give knowing looks to one another. Thor knows Loki better than anyone, he knows Loki values self-preservation more than anything and to do something so selfless even if he has changed a bit, he must really like you. 
Thor just hugs him and says “I’m happy for you.” and Loki is like ???? Everyone seems to know about his crush except you and him. But when he finally realizes he likes you romantically it hits him like a freight train. Everything feels so new after that moment, he has an existential crisis lollll. He’s always been a charmer, a smooth talker, silver tongued. Now he gets a little more nervous talking to you, when he sees you his heart races. It scares him how much he likes you, you make him soft. He values your opinion, he worries about you, he wants to make sure you’re alright. The thing he’s worried about the most is if you’ll like him back. 
Loki’s still got some self image issues, growing up second best and later finding out he’s a frost giant. In his mind his past and being a frost giant are perfectly good reasons to reject him. In the back of his mind there is a glimmer of hope stemming from your unwavering loyalty and kindness toward him. He can’t ask you to overlook the things he’s done but he does want to be better, for you, for everyone else.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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writerscall · 9 months
how can i be dead to you when we’re looking at the same moon?
part two to this. the moment of truth between you and hazel holds more than one big reveal.
author’s note/s: 1.1k words. angst, hurt and no comfort for now. i apologize in advance for the ending of this chapter.
Surprisingly, it isn’t very hard to make sure you don’t spend too much time around Hazel until you felt ready to fall back into your old closeness. You were roommates, but your schedules clashed greatly — blessing in disguise? — and the only free times you had together was late afternoon to dinner, which you usually decided to spend anywhere but your room. It was just too weird. She was so ready for a blank slate and you just… weren’t. There was still a mix of guilt and disappointment and bitterness from high school, and immature as it was to not just let it go like Hazel seemed to have done, you didn’t know what to do with it.
You didn’t know what to do with her. It wasn’t fair to her back then and it wasn’t fair to her now, but how could you tell her?
You don’t. You can’t. Not without the bigger possibility of truly ruining everything between the two of you now.
Unlike yourself, however, Hazel was on a mission to get things back to the way they were before that football game. “Oh, hey! I’m so glad I caught you before you left for the library,” she says as she closes the door behind her, smiling at you even though she looked exhausted.
You wanna ask her about how that last class on her schedule was going cause she mentioned that was gonna be a loaded one, but you stop yourself.
“I was just about to leave actually—”
“Do you wanna go get take-out for dinner?”
Both of you just stare at each other for a second after speaking at the same time. Then she shakes her head and chuckles, saying, “I found this amazing Chinese place nearby. Might even say they’re a little better than that old resto we used to go to back home. Their shrimp dumplings are to die for and I know you like those, so…”
“Um,” you start, the ache already building in your chest because you know you're about to see yet another drop in her expression at what you’re about to say. “Maybe another time. I really have to get started on this reviewer for my test. Sorry, Hazel.”
You shoot her an apologetic look as you pick up your bag, but instead of the usual resigned nod and mumbled ‘alright sure, happy studying’ response that you get, you see her hands ball into fists at her sides before hearing a frustrated, “Why do you keep blowing me off?”
She’s angry and rightfully so. “You said that whatever happened back in high school doesn’t matter but it mattered— it matters to me and I don’t even fucking know what it was that made you treat me like… like I did something to make you hate me.”
Her voice cracks as she says ‘hated,’ and you take the smallest step forward but she keeps going. “And obviously it still matters to you too because you’re not acting like it doesn’t. You don’t wanna hang out, you’re barely in our shared room, you send me the most uninterested-sounding replies with every message, I,” she sighs, tilting her head at you. “Could you at least tell me what I did wrong before you go study for that test that may or may not exist?”
Moment of truth. You knew it was gonna come sooner or later and that you would never feel prepared either way. You just hoped that whatever came after wouldn’t totally suck.
“That football game… you know, the one where you guys beat up the Huntington players?”
She nods. You can feel your throat start to close up. “You and PJ kissed,” you tell her plainly with a shrug. Your eyes flit to hers once before looking elsewhere; you can’t look right at her with your next words. “And I… I had this silly little crush on you so I took it personally as some sort of sign that I should finally get over it. Over you.”
To no avail, you add silently in your head. The silence stretches between the two of you for what seems like a whole thirty seconds that you’re almost sure she’s about to either shout at you or walk out.
Then, in a soft voice that catches you by surprise (she was supposed to be mad, wasn’t she?), Hazel says, “I’ve liked you since the day we met in fifth grade, I— it crushed me when you just shut me out halfway through senior year. How could you do that? Why didn’t you just tell me?”
Well, this wasn’t how you were expecting the conversation to go.
Feeling defensive because you could ask her that same second question, you finally look at her, but she cuts you off. “Do you even know of any of the stupid things I did to get your attention after that? Even to just get you to look at me? I tried joining the clubs you joined but of course I wasn’t qualified, I waited in the hall by your locker almost everyday to try and talk to you— god, I even went to some of those stupid baseball games to see you even if I had to watch you cheer for your stupid boyfriend. And that one really hurt to sit through.”
“I feel like I turned myself inside out liking you and trying to figure out why we suddenly weren’t in each other’s lives anymore. But all this time it was because you liked me and… and what, you didn’t think I liked you back?”
The room is silent again as you just stare at each other for a moment. There was so much to say. Of course you knew she tried out for your clubs because you had a hand in not letting her in any of them. Of course you noticed her lingering nearby whenever you had to get something from your locker during breaks. Of course you saw her at those games; having to act like you were really into the sport and your boyfriend was hard for you, too.
But all that comes out is, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say except that I’m sorry, Hazel. For all of it.”
Her face crumples and you just can’t be there, so you start walking towards the door. Hazel blocks it just as you reach for the knob.
“Please let me go.”
“I can’t,” she whispers. “I just got you back.”
She’s close, closer than you think she’s ever physically been in all your years of friendship. Close enough that you could close the gap if it was a more appropriate time.
Hazel seems to think it is, because barely a second passes after she eyes your lips that she kisses you.
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lemotmo · 4 months
I'm sorry but I need to talk more about some general finale and Buddie stuff:
What was the point of wasting precious episode time to show some random neighbour walking around in the burnt down house?
Where was councilwoman Ortiz in this episode?
Why didn't Buck just show Tommy the door after that strange daddy kink thing? I rewatched it and... he really did say that he hopes Buck has daddy issues, right? To feed his kink. And I'm just... WHAT? I did read that right... right? I'm sorry, but what?
It did the job to highlight that Tommy is older than Buck and might have other expectations from this relationship. So at least there is that.
But still though... KRISTEN WHAT DRUGS ARE YOU ON? This is over the top, even for you.
Oliver Stark, why haven't you posted anything yet on social media? Is it just me or is Oliver genuinly not happy about his storyline right now? I don't know. He was so happy with Buck coming out as bi, never really talking about Tommy as more of a vehicle for his character to come out, talking about him as a 'mentor'. Now, his potentially beautiful storyline has amounted to this? Twenty minutes of boring scenes that end in a sexual innuendo joke?
I hope he is holding out for season 8, like the rest of us. He knows a lot more about this storyline than we do. If he is aware that BT is a means to an end to get the Buck narrative he wants and deserves, he will stick with it I'm sure. But it has to be annoying to know the destination and being stuck in a drab place on the way to that destination. Thank God he has shown us time and time again that he knows exactly where Buck's heart and interests lie.
It's also very telling there are no Oliver interviews after this finale. He didn't have much to work with this episode. The only scenes that made him liven up were with Eddie and Chris. The rest was uninteresting. There is no promo at all. No interview with Oliver and Lou showcasing them together as the new 'it' couple on 911, hyping them up, telling the audience excitedly where BT is going in season 8.
Watch them break up over the hiatus, just like Bucktalia. I really think it could happen at this point. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Keep Tommy there as a friend and mentor.
However, I have now read some of those Ryan interviews and WOW! Some of those Ryan quotes keep me going when it comes to the Buddie narrative. He is using a lot of gender neutral pronouns to talk about his possible future partner. The way he is talking about that future partner, makes me think he already has someone specific in mind for that role. Highly interesting.
I was talking about all of this to @buddiebeginz and she highlighted this specific part of a Ryan interview:
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I mean, that last part? "The partner that's meant for me will find themselves and find me at the same time." That is so Buck-coded. I mean, if anything, this episode highlighted that Buck is still on that hamster wheel with this slightly older guy who is very much into sex, but not into feelings. Buck wants romance and genuine love. We know this because that's what he has been looking for throughout the last seasons. He still hasnt found himself, so as soon as he does, he will finally figure it out and find Eddie at the same time.
It's the only narrative that makes sense and would be satisfying to watch for Buck and Eddie. Let's just hope the show is smart enough to develop it further.
I just... overall this episode frustrated me so much. I feel like I want to hit something! I was ready to be swept away by great narratives and emotions. But I'm left feeling very unsatisfied about all of this. I feel like the season isn't done yet. I need one more episode to tie this all up and I know that I won't get it. AAAAH! I'm so annoyed.
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logan-lieutenant · 28 days
i didn't win the wheel: episode 8
(i made a post earlier as a preface as to what to expect in this IDWTW, check it out if you missed it)
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Alex [leading the intro of the video]: "....Logan and I, we're here in honor of Wimbledon to play *turns to a detached and uninterested Logan* table tennis. Because nothing says Wimbledon like table tennis."
Logan [finally looking up right at him, starting to laugh]: "I think that's like... disrespectful..."
[they both laugh]
oh, alex. alex albon. you beautiful human being you. something i've mentioned earlier that i'm going to get into now: their dynamic is fluid and compatible and gentle, but it's hard to exactly fit them into roles because they switch back and forth. there might be two primary positions, but they flip back and forth between them easily depending on what the other needs. so Role A might have this sort of gentle leadership and reassuring presence, guiding the other through the task and getting them to engage with the game even as they're unfocused and overstimulated. Role B is a little lost, too in their head, unable to focus and unable to engage until they find themselves prompted by the reminder that oh, it's not just a game, it's a game with him. but it's impossible to put either of them down as always A or always B because earlier in the series we've seen logan help alex stabilize and recenter himself through his hyperactivity and now, more and more often, we're seeing alex coax logan out of his little shadowy corner. and alex does it in a way that even though it's an unspoken but obvious instruction (get your head in the game etc.) it's so personal it actually looks intimate, even on camera. the way he waits til the end of the sentence (while logan tries to pretend he isn't there) and then turns to face logan, lifting his arm to make a point but also opening up his shoulders toward logan and straight up leaning forward with that smile. he's tilting his entire face away from the camera so he can smile it logan, so he can say with his eyes "i know we're just doing this stupid challenge but i want you to know i'm not trying to drag you through it, i know you they're making you jump through these hoops and it's not fun and it's condescending and insulting, but i'm here and we're gonna do it and i'm gonna make this fun for you." and logan looks up and meets alex's eyes and they're so on each others' levels that these connections happen within a split second, almost easy to miss but when you catch a glimpse of it i feel like i'm intruding through the lens of the camera...
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no reason to include this other than i felt like citing my sources (it's written all over their faces)
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generally underwhelmed by william's admin choices for these videos. not only are the challenges really unoriginal, but they're also really simple. there's not a whole lot of challenge and there's also not a whole lot to go off. even ferrari adding a blindfold to everything ends up with better content than this. it should be obvious– mclaren admin has this down– but what makes the content popular isn't the score of the stupid table tennis game, it's the interaction. it's the dynamic. one of the reasons we're seeing alex go so obviously out of his way to bring logan into the picture is because admin has given them basically nothing to work with, so there isn't a backtrack of this is fun! this is interesting! this is amusing! to distract us. there's just alex wanting logan to have fun with him and logan not being in a situation to want or even be able to have fun.
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[Pretty uneventful game over, Alex wins]
Alex: "5-3, to the champion, it's the– uh, this was a great victory for me and I'm, I'm very happy, I–"
Logan 😊😊: "Does that mean you could win Wimbledon?"
sorry if you ever thought you were babygirl for alex albon, logan sargeant has blown you out of the water. this is the cutest thing i have ever seen. this is how my dog looks at me when i come home from college.
ahhh this is nice to see. these are the roles i was talking about earlier. this is a pretty good callback to episode 5, but once again vice versa– then alex was still feeling hyper and silly from the game and logan was the one both guiding the activity and kind of letting alex calm down on his own time and still engaging him, now we've swapped. logan is almost looking at the camera now– he's almost doing the actual media presentation part of his job as opposed to the cap covering his face, head down, body language less expressive than a statue. only he can't make himself look at the camera for more than a few seconds because he's looking at alex.
he isn't even moving the video along. he's just straight up interrupting. alex has to due some mental and verbal gymnastics later on to get the activity back to the wheel-spinning part but still makes a point to segue from what logan's yapping about to the wheel instead of cutting him off completely.
also, round of applause for whatever moment between this video and last video where they've both become totally at one with the "awkward slanted shoulder one arm on the table so they can inconspicuously face each other" pose because unless they're actively swinging a paddle that's pretty much their default for this video. because that's the game for them. the fact that they're with each other.
i think i have one more episode to do. i'm still going to do it, because leaving this unfinished would somehow feel worse, as if none of this ever happened. but it fucking did. it was here and it's on video and alex fucking remembers and i'm not going to give up on immortalizing these moments and what they might have meant just because james consonants somebody wants to erase them.
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livesworthlivingau · 3 months
Behind the Vale Chapter 13
ISAT & Two Hat spoilers below! CW: Suicidal Ideation, Panic Attack, Mania, Slight body horror stuff?
[You find yourself frozen in place in the next town you both visit… there's a large sign on a store with the words "Body Craft" adorned across it… Your hand slowly raises to your face, pressing against your starry cheek. Your mind races with vision of what you could look like, ways you could be your own person, instead of the lesser version of another… You suddenly jump some as a hand is slapped onto your shoulder.]
"Vale!… You okay, Vay?… You kinda spaced there." [She asked in a worried tone, looking to the sign you were pondering over. She took a second to put it together before smiling.]
"Oh! That's a great idea actually! Might be able to help out with your uhh… starry situation!… Though that stuff usually takes months doesn't it?"
"O-Oh no, just… thinking to myself, why would anyone ever do such a thing? Who would want to change this beautiful face after all~?" [She gives an unimpressed look, clearly not buying it.]
"Riiiiight… Tell you what, once we find Bonnie, we'll settle some place with a body crafter for a while. How's that sound?" [You roll your eyes, trying to seem uninterested.]
"If you insist, I don't know why you're so eager to get changed. All you need is a little make over and you'd be stunning, darling~." [You proclaim with a wink. She laughs heavily at that one, patting you on the back.]
"Hah! Sorry to disappoint but I'm not much of the 'fabulous' type, like you."
"Reaaaally? You do such a good job of hiding it~."
"Don't push your luck now, Stars." [She teased back, a slight seriousness creeping at the back of her statement.]
"Fiiiiiine, fine, I'll drop it~... So any leads yet?"
"Yeah actually, someone said their friend lives a couple villages away and they had the saviors there for a big celebration recently! We'd only be a few days behind if we hustle over there!"
"O-Oh! Th-That's wonderful news~!" [You struggle out behind the best fake smile you can muster… it clearly wasn't very convincing.]
"… Are… Vale please just tell me what happened. Are they the ones you were running from?…" [Her hand slowly raises to reach your shoulder again, but you knock it away before she can get close, taking a step back.]
"I-I… I can't talk about this…" [You shut down, hugging yourself while taking a few steps away.]
"Well we have to talk about it sometime, Vale! We're looking for them after all! What's gonna happen when we finally run into th-"
"I DON'T KNOW! OKAY?! I DON'T KNOW AND I… I… I can't do this…" [You shout at the top of your lungs before falling to a whisper, Nille taking a step back with a slightly frightened look on their face… everyone else nearby just stopping in their tracks and watching you, cautiously… We… We need to leave Vale, get a hold of yourself and go… We knew this was a bad idea… You turn and start to walk away, you hear Nille's voice calling after you, but this only causes you to go into a full blown sprint.]
[After what felt like hours of running, your sprint finally slows to a stumble. You pant frantically and lean against a tree. You glance back to see if you were followed, and spot no signs of Nille. Your tired body slumps over, sitting on the ground before lightly bonking your head to the tree a few times. Stupid, stupid STUPID!... We knew this was a bad idea, we KNEW we were getting too close... So what's the plan now?]
[You sit in silence for a moment... You gaze upon your surroundings and blink, noting it looking oddly familiar... You look up to find the tree you're beside is absolutely massive... You ran directly to a favor tree, without even trying. You start to let out a laugh... and then you laugh harder... and harder. Before long you're cackling maniacally, holding your head in your hands, tears flowing from your eyes. We're shaking... we're too loud, we're losing it, CALM DOWN VALE!! You place a hand to your chest, taking several deep, looooong breaths. It takes a full dozen to even start calming down, but you finally catch your breath, wiping your tears once more.]
"Well... We're here all over again... not an ounce of hope left in us, ready to give it all up once more... maybe third time's the charm~." [You let out a defeated chuckle and start to look around for your favorite leaf. After you scour through the various fallen leaves for a surprising amount of time, as none were catching your eye, you finally spot one. It's crumpled up and shriveled, looking like it's been trampled on several times. This leaf has been through a lot and it's still holding on. This leaf is the one you will use.]
"Well... Here goes nothing... and if this backfires again, maybe I'll just wish for it all to end~! Try messing that one up, universe~!" [You giggle to yourself, though you know that's far less of a joke than you make it out to be. You take another deep breath and sigh it out, whispering into the leaf 3 times.]
"I wish... for a life of my own."
[The leaf is then delicately folded by your hands, and dropped at the foot of the tree... Now you simply wait. The sun was high above and beating down rather mercilessly, which didn't often bother you... but you did start to feel a bit toastier than usual...]
"Huh... is... is it working?..." [The question hangs in the air as you look around, then down at yourself, not noticing anything yet... but you do begin to sweat more, the heat growing to very uncomfortable levels... Wasn't it cold when you got here?...]
"HRRK!" [An intense fire builds in your chest, feeling like a hot coal stuffed beside your heart... You've felt this before, swallowing that star, burning your insides, you're feeling it all again!]
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" [Your voice shrieks out, your hands frantically gripping and digging at your chest, it has to come out, you have to get rid of it!! YOU HAVE TO GET IT OUT!! Your hand digs into the star plastered across your chest, going inside of your body and searing as it finds the fiery star inside.]
[You cry out through the immense pain, clutching the star with all the strength you can muster! You yank violently as your hand slips back out of your chest, the bright, burning, super nova of a little star burning into your palm before you drop it in front of you.]
[Your whole body is shaking violently, you're panting, your vision is going blurry... your head smacks into the ground as your body can't remain upright... the darkness takes hold of your vision as you pass out.]
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baratiddyappreciator · 5 months
good afternoon/evening/night, I don’t know when you will read this :) I would like to make a request from you, it’s a bit late topic, I agree. But could you write about how the antagonists of season 3 (Spec, Dorian, Sikorsky, Doyle and Yanagi) will react to the fact that a shy reader gave them a valentine and chocolate (made by the reader himself), and ran away very embarrassed? I would be very grateful if you write this. Best wishes to you ! :)
Of course I can! Once again, very sorry for how long it took me to get to these lmao, I can say that I'm officially off hiatus but progress will be slow until I catch up.
He's so confused. What on earth are you doing?? Why did you just shove this box of random shit and some flowers into his hands and then run off like he had the bubonic plague?? Why are you so red??? What on earth is going on?? More importantly, why the actual fuck did you say 'Kyaaa~!' as you were leaving?? Are you cringe? Does he need to worry about you being cringe?
Give him a second, the man is a bit stunted when it comes to being around normal people. Been in the assassin game too long. When he opens to box to see some chocolates and reads the note with the valentine, then he'll put two and two together. Eventually. He may or may not have to look it up first before he puts two and two together.
Expect a sudden appearance at your house. A creepy one. Bro rocks up outside your window in the middle of the night like "hey hi hello do you have feelings for me??" and once you confirm he's going to tease you about it to the point where it's almost him just straight up being mean, but it's all he knows how to do. You might cry though, just a warning.
After all that? He barely acknowledges that you confessed to him. You can bring it up, and he'll just shrug and give you a "Yeah? What about it?" because he read that being aloof and uninterested can actually make him seem a bit more interesting to you. You're going to have to be direct with him, because otherwise he just won't understand what you want.
Run away all you want, you literally will not be able to outrun him. His legs are long and he's got the endurance. The man is scary, and he will get you to look him dead in the eyes and tell him with your words, because shoving a box and some flowers into his hands and then running away is rude and childish, and you're both grown adults.
He doesn't need a second, he's not dumb, he's had people confess to him before. He's pretty and he knows it, which makes his ego about 10x worse. He knows the moment he gets handed the box of chocolates and the roses. As mentioned, he'll hunt you down and make you use your words.
"Go on, say that you love me, I wanna hear you say it!" He's so mean about it, but he knows when to stop pushing. As soon as you admit that you like him, he'll tease you a little, feed his own ego a bit, and then be perfectly happy to move on to whatever happens next.
Oh he'll bring it up just to fluster you. He's a bit sadistic, so that is... Well, fairly frequently. Eventually you'll stop being as flustered about it, but still, he'll find a way to turn your confession into something he can use to tease and poke fun. Eventually though, it becomes something he looks back on fondly, and is so, so happy that you both remember it so well.
A valentine? How childish. He's a grown man, he doesn't need this! You can run away if you want, he won't chase you. He knows you'll be back, and when you do come back, he's going to make you say what you feel properly, because otherwise, he's not likely to give you the time of day. Shy or no, simply running away is shameful and cowardly in his eyes.
He knows, he grew up with that culture, there's no need to tell him, though he outright refuses to touch the chocolates until you've come to him properly and talked to him instead of just running away all flustered. You're going to lose points for that approach in his eyes.
His judgmental and stuck-up ass is constantly going to demean you for just running away from him. He faced down Yujiro Hanma of all people, and he didn't run away! You've got no excuse, because clearly he's not nearly that terrifying! (He is, the little freak)
After the initial shaming and subsequent "Now do it again, but properly!" then that's pretty much it. Something he'll try to push out of his mind, which is a small mercy on his end because otherwise the relationship simply wouldn't happen purely because of that.
Awe, well isn't that adorable! And you put so much effort into this too! So flustered you couldn't even look him in the eyes before you took off! But you're forgetting that he's incredibly fast, even in his advanced age, so he absolutely simply let you go. If he'd wanted to catch you, he would.
Oh he's aware of what this means! And he's not above returning the favor either! As long as you don't ask too many questions about where he gets your gifts from, it's smooth sailing! He'd appreciate it if you questioned him simply being in your home one night even less, especially with how happy you'd clearly be with him returning your feelings!
Oh he's going to savor those chocolates! You worked so hard on them, and he's always had a bit of a sweet-tooth! As for the flowers, he's going to dry and preserve them, maybe even have them turned into a fragrance that he can wear on date night.
After all that, you really expect to stay single? Oh no, he's putting a claim on that as soon as physically possible, he just needs to make sure that you won't questions the suspicious things that happen around him. Like, you know, your neighbors all of the sudden not looking you in the eyes, your boss giving you less of a hard time. It's just because you're so happy, and not because he threatened them, it's definitely because you're so radiant!
He's highly amused and he's going to do nothing to hide that fact. You're trying to run away? Oh, honey, he's already outpaced you and is ready to snatch you up and drag you off to go eat the chocolates you worked so hard on!
He's aware and he thinks it's both the most adorable and hilarious thing in existence. Did you really think he'd just let you run off on him? Oh no, nono, you're gonna stay here and say that you love him to his face and not through some letter, though he's still going to keep it. If he ever goes back to jail, he's going to hang it on the wall or the ceiling near his bed so it can be the first thing he sees when he wakes up.
He's going to tease you about it until you're so red you envy a stop-sign. And then he'll tease you a bit more, just for good measure. It's really hard to tell if he's just teasing you or if he's being genuine though, since his sense of humor is so skewed.
After all that? He lives in your house. You confessed, you gave him food and flowers. He's like a fucked up stray cat that has taken the small display of kindness as an invitation to just live in your home for however long he pleases. You're going to have a really hard time getting rid of him.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Moth To His Flame
 Yandere Rosy Maple Moth Fae x Gender Neutral Human to Fae Reader (CW: Moth transformation, pheromones, kidnapping, stalking, yandere moth-like fae, no smut, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.5k 
(I typed this up in under 2 hours, not beta read so I hope you will forgive any mistakes. Also sorry if there are any formatting anomalies, I had some issues adding a “keep reading” line. I made a post a couple weeks ago about having the idea for this fic and here it finally is! Enjoy!) 
 You did not know what had attracted him to you. Perhaps it was your way with plants, or your vibrant colorful aesthetic, hell it could even just be your scent for all you knew. Whatever the reason he was head over heels for you and you really wished he wasn’t. Very nearly every single day this mothy fae man wandered out of the forest and tried to flirt with you as you tended your many crops.
 It started towards the end of spring about a year ago. He came walking out of the forest seemingly at random and had introduced himself as Basil. He was a tall moth like fae, with large pink and yellow wings and bands of fluff around his wrists, ankles, and neck. His head was entirely like a human’s except for the feathery antenna sticking out from his curly pink hair. You were not frightened, fae and humans interacted all the time where you lived and it was not an odd occurrence to see one, but you did wonder why he had approached you.
 “Well, I am (Y/N), what can I help you with Basil?” You thought perhaps he wanted to purchase some of your crops, though it was still odd to be approached when your market stall and signs were not posted.
 “Oh, well, I thought you were really cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?” Basil flashed you a sweet smile. That was definitely odd considering he had never seen you before, but perhaps you would think it odder had you known that he had been watching you from the woods ever since you moved in over a year ago.
 You had politely declined his date offer, telling him that you two did not know each other and you were not really too interested in dating right now, but almost everyday that you were outside he approached you, made some small talk, asked how you were doing, and inevitably asked if you had changed your mind about letting him take you some place.
 Now that around a year had passed you had gotten to know him pretty well but you remained uninterested in him romantically. It may be a bit of a stereotype but you could not help but worry he was hiding something and might be trying to trick you in some way, and even if he wasn’t you just were not into him.
 Basil, on the other hand, was more interested in you than ever. You were so cute and small compared to him, and your human ways were so fascinating, like how you tended to your plants so sweetly. He wanted to tend to you that way~ You were such a nice human and as far as he was concerned you should just let him take care of you.
 Eventually with all his pestering you agreed to exactly ONE date. He was ecstatic, you had FINALLY seen that he was a good mate for you and agreed to let him “take you some place nice.”
 And, well, he did technically hold up his side of the bargain. He took you to his own gardens, deep in the woods there lay a path accessible only to fae and those with a fae escort that took you to their realm.
 His cottage and surrounding gardens were surreal, the plants were like something out of a dream, the sunlight was golden and everything seemed to shimmer and glow. And when night time came the blooms really did glow under the silver blue light of the moon.
 Honestly you had had a great time exploring Basil’s personal gardens and drinking tea with him in his cottage, but it was getting late and you really had to leave, and you had only accepted the date to end Basil’s pestering, and though you wanted to remain friends you were still uninterested in being his partner.
 “Hey, this was great Basil, but… I still really do not want to date anyone right now.. I hope we can still be friends though!” You looked down nervously. “And uh… I should really be getting back ho-”
 Basil stared at you intensely with his golden eyes as he spoke, “No, I don’t think so (Y/N), you agreed that I could take you some place nice, there was nothing in our verbal contract about me having to take you back.” He wisely grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him before you could react. He had not wanted it to come to this, but he was not opposed to making you stay with him, he knew deep down you had to like him, you were always so polite to him and you yourself had agreed to a date with him.
 The strong fae dragged you kicking and screaming back to his cottage. What had seemed so idyllic and cozy in the day time now only filled you with dread as you were forced inside.
 “I really am a nice guy, you need to just let me take care of you!”
 Basil kept you trapped for weeks in his cottage, he had used a spell that made it impossible for you to leave. He kept trying sweetly to get you to talk to him, but you adamantly refused to say anything other than demands that you be released. But… that really wasn’t part of the deal he made with you so he just wouldn’t do something that silly.
 Besides, he knew you would show your love for him eventually, you just needed a little help was all. Basil tried gifts of the type a human could only dream, he tried candies and other various sweets, he tried physical affection, he made you cups of fancy teas, and offered to let you garden the most wondrous fae plants. He even attempted to use his mothy pheromones to whoo you, it was considered high romance in the mothy fae realm, but as you were human they just flustered you slightly.
 You refused all of it, you just wanted to be taken home and left alone, you told him you never even wanted to see him again.
 Finally he decided he would just turn you into a fae like him. You would be fully at the mercy of his pheromones and completely attracted to him. You had not been born as a mothy fae and you had no resistance to them. Plus you would look just too perfect with antenna, wings, and cute pink moth fluff. Basil had been planning to turn you into his little moth mate since the very first time he had laid eyes on you, but he had wanted to wait until you were willing so the process would be less scary for you. But oh well, you’d forgive him, this was just that nudge you needed to be able to confess your love for him.
 Basil approached you with a strange look in his eye that you couldn’t place, you scooted into the corner of the room but he still approached, stopping when he was a few feet away from you. He did not say anything and you were a bit scared, what if he decided that you weren’t worth the trouble, or worse, what if he decided he was going to be more violent in his persuasion attempts?
 Basil began flapping his large wings and shimmering powder coated your entire body, you went completely limp. You were fully conscious of your surroundings but you were paralyzed, unable to even scream. He easily picked you up and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before laying you on his large bed.
 “I know you’re scared babe, but I am just trying to help you okay?”
 Basil began the task of lovingly wrapping you in his own soft magical silk produced from his wrists. Within hours you couldn’t see a thing and were fully trapped within a cocoon, you could hear Basil mumbling some sort of spell before he lay beside your cocooned form and wrapped an arm around you in what was intended to be a comforting gesture.
 But nothing could comfort you now, over the next 24 hours you slowly became a fae like him. It started with an intense itching that you were powerless to do anything about as fluffy fur grew in the same places that he had it, then an immense pain in your back and head as you sprouted antenna and wings.
 Finally, mercifully, the pain subsided. You planned to fight viciously with your captor. Even though somehow his past actions now seemed somehow a bit romantic as your brain chemistry and perspective of his behavior had been forcibly altered by your transformation.
 Not so much that you actually wanted to be his though, but that changed immediately when the silk cocoon fell away. Your new antenna instantly picked up on a heady intoxicating scent, what WAS that? You sniffed and inhaled deeply in his direction as your antenna began twitching from his pheromones.
It was the scent of a strong and loving mate, just for you! You buried your face into his neck as your antenna continued twitching.
 Basil held you close, kissing the top of your head sweetly and rubbing your antenna against his as he cooed softly. It had taken years, but you were finally where you were always meant to be, at his side as his little mate.
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denaliwrites · 10 months
The Best of You, Honey, Belongs to Me
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Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader
Summary: Cale just can't let you go.
Soundtrack: NFWMB by Hozier
Requests: Open!
Warnings: It's Cale Erendreich y'all. There's bound to be some choking or spontaneous drowning in here somewhere.
You'd always known Cale was dangerous.
From the very first moment you'd laid your eyes on him, your every instinct down to the cellular level had told you one thing:
And run you had -- right into his arms.
It wasn't the direction your instincts had told you to run in, but when had you ever listened to those pesky things? He was hot, and something about his dangerous energy just made him all the hotter. You weren't entirely sure why.
And for a while, everything had been fine.
Well. The relationship, internally, was always fine. Cale never hurt you out of anger or anything (though in the bedroom was another matter -- but you liked that kind of hurt). He treated you well, spoiled you even. He was protective but not particularly jealous, he liked being close to you but appreciated that sometimes you needed your own space, and he was respectful of... well, everything. If you said no to something, that was it.
Yet you always felt... on edge. Once the adrenaline of being so close to someone you could only describe as predatory wore off, you were left with a feeling of walking on eggshells. Sure, he'd never been violent to you, never even raised his voice to you -- but when would that change?
You could see it in his eyes, sometimes. That he was holding things back. That he wanted to shout, or wanted to get violent, but he wouldn't let himself. Maybe you should've taken that as a good sign -- that he simply had excellent self-control, and some kind of love for you.
Instead, it left you thinking that at any moment, the rubber band might snap.
And snap it did.
You'd reached the end of your rope. You were tired of being tense all the time, of wondering when and how your boyfriend would break his cover, when everything would come crashing down. You just wanted to breathe again.
"I can't do this anymore," you told him over dinner one night. You'd specifically chosen a night that he hadn't cooked, and you'd insisted on paying. That way, at least in terms of dinner, he had nothing to be angry about.
"Do what, babe?" he asked, but something about the way he was looking at you told you he knew exactly what you meant -- and he was daring you to say it aloud.
Like a lion challenging a gazelle to jump into crocodile-infested waters to take a chance of escape. Except the only thing that lay waiting for you in the water was just... him. Always him. Everywhere, him.
"This. Us," you forged ahead anyway, swallowing thickly. "I just... this isn't working for me."
"And why's that?" he asked, and you hated that he sounded like he was just humoring you.
"I just... feel like we're too different. We don't mesh well."
That was a lie. You both knew it, and you both knew that you both knew.
"You really think that?" He wasn't accusatory, strangely. He wasn't going to press on the lie, and seemed uninterested in unweaving it.
"I... no," you admitted. "No, I don't. I'm sorry."
He stood from his place at the head of the table and slowly made his way over to you. His hand was gentle as it cupped your chin and tilted your face up so that you were looking up at him.
"Tell me the truth, then."
"You terrify me," you said in a whisper, a tear trailing down your cheek. "I'm s-so tired of being scared."
He smiled down at you, but there was no warmth there -- no, that was the smile of the lion who'd cornered the gazelle and was moving in for the killing blow.
His hand struck your throat like a viper, and before you could even really process why you felt like you were falling, your body struck the floor with a hard THUMP!, his hand around your neck and cutting off all air.
"Tired of being scared, huh?" he asked you mockingly. "And how do you think I feel? Keeping all this in all the time so you don't run away? God, if I'd known how spineless you were all this time, I wouldn't have hid it so well."
You instinctively tried to swallow in fear, but his hand blocked it. You felt his fingers twitch at the feeling of your throat rippling under his hold.
"If I'd known you were gonna run away whether you had any reason to or not, I would have given you a damn good reason." He smiled, all glinting teeth, but it only served to frighten you more. "Pathetic."
"C-Cale, please," you gasped, hands coming up to grip his arm. "Please."
"And of course, now I have to kill you."
You moaned in fear, your tear-filled eyes staring up at him. "Cale, please -- we can --"
"Talk about it? No, I don't think so."
You needed air -- he still hadn't let up -- but you were going to die no matter what, so you continued on, "But what do you think the police will do when I go missing? The boyfriend is always the first person they check."
His hand loosened, just enough for you to get in a few desperate gulps of air. The way he was looking at you was contemplative.
"I know how to clean up a crime scene," he told you blankly. Why didn't that surprise you? "Do you know how many people I've killed?"
A shiver coursed through you, and by the way a pleased glint entered his eyes, you knew that Cale had felt it.
"But they were all random, weren't they? No connection to you. No reason to look at you."
His grip loosened just a little more -- enough for you to actually breathe again, labored as it may have been.
"Damn," he said, sounding almost impressed. "The spineless little worm has a brain." Finally, he let you go -- hell, he even helped you up so that you were sitting on the floor. "Fine. I'll keep you alive," he continued, staring intensely into your eyes. "But you are mine, do you understand? You can go along with your sad little job and have your stupid little friends, talk to your pathetic little family. But you come home to me. Your life is fucking mine, and if you step even a single toe out of line, I will end it. Got it?"
You nodded as you rubbed at your neck, not daring to look into his eyes, or even at him at all.
"Fucking... go clean yourself up."
You nodded again, scrambling up and rushing to the nearest bathroom. You heard Cale scream over the running water of the sink.
You wanted to scream, too.
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erikahenningsen · 7 months
if you're still accepting prompts, maybe 81. “It’s cold, you should take my jacket.” for rejanis :)
81. “It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
A/N: This exists in the universe of the plot got twisted and the fact turned fiction (chapter three specifically) from Regina's perspective, just for funsies, but you can read it on its own.
It's an unusually cool night, a breeze coming off the lake and wrapping itself around Regina's ankles.
She sits on the edge of the porch, breathing in the air thickened with humidity that smells distinctly like summer. The brief reprieve is much needed, even though nothing is wrong, not really. But sometimes being around her friends—Cady and Aaron, happy with each other; Damian, happy in his own skin; and Janis, happy without her—becomes overwhelming.
It reminds her of everything she doesn't have, everything she has lost.
The past is the past, and my past doesn’t predict my future, Regina thinks to herself, repeating the mantra her therapist had given her. I forgive myself for mistakes I made and I refuse to hold them against myself.
The door creaks open behind her, making her jump.
"Hey, sorry," Janis says, stepping outside. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"No worries," Regina says. She leans back on her hands as Janis sits down next to her, only a few inches separating their legs.
"You okay?" Janis asks. She pulls one knee to her chest, and Regina has to try very hard not to let her eyes trace the line of Janis's leg from her knee down to the hem of her shorts.
"Oh, yeah," Regina says, clearing her throat when it comes out a little hoarse. "Just needed some air."
Janis just hums, still looking at Regina, and for a moment, Regina lets herself look back. Janis is so beautiful, and Regina's chest physically hurts with the need to tell Janis that, but she swallows it down.
Regina makes herself look away, certain that if she stares any longer Janis will be able to read all of her desires on her face—her fantasies of holding Janis's hand or braiding her hair that somehow feel more embarrassing than any of the weird sexual solicitations that boys at school have DM'd her.
Janis shifts, putting her leg back down, and this time their skin does brush. It sends a shiver down Regina's spine before she can stop it.
"Here," Janis says, shrugging off her hoodie. "It's cold. You should take my jacket."
Regina isn't cold. In fact, she feels like she's burning from the inside out, desire hot and licking at the wall of her chest, a fire that started long before that fateful day in sixth grade, a fire that had at times reduced to embers but never was extinguished.
But she can't tell Janis that, and she also can't resist wrapping herself in the soft jacket, large and loose and smelling so much like Janis—the closest thing she might get to being wrapped in Janis's embrace.
Regina comes back to reality after a moment, remembers that Janis is still here, next to her, surely entirely uninterested in Regina's silly romantic fantasies.
So Regina forces a smile. Scoots a few inches away. Casually says, "Thanks."
It's all under control.
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marchiekana · 1 year
Hiii, Anon H is here and is very happy that you're back I loved what you did with my prompt. And I hope you had a good time camping !
Y'see I'm very sleep deprived because of my work lmao. Then I thought, 'yeah let's just be super self indulgent I'm too tired for this'. Like a reader that's either overworked, physically drained and / or has a hard time sleeping overall at night. They keep doing the same thing everyday but with less and less sleep. Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, I might just fall asleep any second now.
😔 I feel ya
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And also, anon H please take care of yourself!
Asta x reader
March 7th x reader
Kafka x reader
I think I made kafka's and maybe Asta's a bit angsty(not very much)
✨ some angst in kafka's, mentions of death, fainting and falling sick, overworked reader, physically tired reader. Tell me if there anything else!
Also not proofread so there might be some grammer mistakes
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Asta and you are twinning. She's got loads of work and bills and reports that need to be filled and so do you, all because of one uninterested owner of the space station.
Asta's worried about you more because in the end, she can assign someone else to do some of her work but yours I'd different, but she'll still try to make sure that you get some rest and stay fit. She's scared that you'll faint if it's too much work and to make sure you don't she stuffs you with food.
Will force you to sleep no matter what! And she'll even offer to do your work even when she has a lot herself, all cause she's scared you might fall I'll or hurt yourself more.
And if you can't sleep she'll take you out of your room instead of letting you drown in your work. You'd go to see the stars near the main lobby of the spaceship, even though it's the same as always.
Overall she's always ready to do anything for you, as long as you're happy she's happy too
March 7th
(Your one of the astral crew members cuz I say so.)
March and you are polar opposites. She's the bright, energetic one while you look like your gonna commit crimes and die any moment now. That's just how it is.
Everyday, while she does her skincare routine and have fun the whole day, you'd be busy lying around and recovering from a mission, absolutely drained and your body aching all over.
She worried for you to say the least, she can see the fatigue in your eyes and how tired you look but no worries cuz March always comes to the rescue!
Will force you to get some rest and not overexert yourself for a tiny battle. I can basically hear her saying "no need to worry, when I'm here!" Or "I'll protect you !" She just cute like that~
And she'll teach you how important it is to eat well and take good care of yourself! You'll have little sleepovers where you both do each other's nails and wear face masks while watching a movie or just talking, spending time with eachother
And when you can't sleep, she'll be by your side, braiding your hair, combing it, or just hugging you to sleep💜 (I love her)
Its her no.1 mission now, to make sure you take care of yourself properly!
Your not getting enough sleep? No worries, just take a sip of Himeko's coffee and you're out cold.
Jokes aside, she's gonna make sure you stay healthy and stay back with her and welt for most missions. Its not like she wants you to not go out and enjoy but more like she's worried that you'll get hurt and overwork yourself trying to help others.
I'm sorry that's all cause now my brain ain't running.
Kafka is amused more than worried about it. She questions why you joined the stelleron hunters if you're gonna get tired after every mission. But she sets such thoughts aside and warmly smiles at you as she takes care of you
She'd first make sure you eat so that you're more stronger physically. If she sees you sleeping on the couch she'd go get a blanket to drape on you with a pillow for support.
She's scared that someday your fragility will be the end of you, scared that you'll leave her and that she'll never be able to see her again.
And if you can't sleep shes there by your side massaging your hair or your shoulder so that you relax. And if you can't sleep no matter what she does, even though she hates to use her mind ability on you, she'd use it to tell you to sleep.
She finds it pathetic honestly. Sad that she has to resort to such methods just so you could sleep. But she'll never show it, even when shes worried about you she'd still act chill and laid back. And she'll never let you know how she feels. She loves you after all and doesn't want to lose you.
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Iahh himeko's is too short! But I just can't think of what she'd do
I was listening to first love/late spring while typing kafka's and now blame the song for making me feel angsty.
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize my work!
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stupendousghostswan · 2 months
EDIT : I leant of the ship they pushed upon the fans. I am not laughing anymore. FUCK CANON. Arf, I really think it but will need some time. Emotions are high. (respect to their shippers. Ship and let ship. It's that they pulled it in canon like that that bothers me.)
Gonna be honest : that tua has such a bad ending is a relief in a way. It really finally not just takes the show down from its pedestal but burries it deeeeep down. And it makes it so much easier to say "fuck canon". I was stressed before this s4 , if it was good I would have struggled with saying fuck canon and dare to finally post things. Cause it means that I would have faced backlash and had to potentially face pple and get into arguments. Which with my social anxiety and extreme fatigue I just didn't feel like doing. Maybe it's a poor excuse to some but I struggle a lot with social interactions...
Now I just don't care. (I am sorry though for the people that still really cared about the show. For me this show sinked in s2. It fell out of its pedestal back then for me x). So I made my peace with the disappointment... mostly.)
And... I've been eating at myself since I fell into Fiveya/Vanya and it became my main special interest -which any other autistic I think will understand what being THE special interest means.-. I was struggling, terrified of potential backlash and thinking I'd never get to post and share anything, also that this side of the fandom was dead or dormant forever and would always stay so. I felt very alone, I really felt like I couldn't share, due to the fear of backlash. I couldn't even bring myself to try to give a bit to the fandom myself. (I know a big big big part of it was my own imposed limitations. Also I could have maybe dmed the pple I guessed where still in this ship, etc. But I have very bad social anxiety and extreme fatigue and other things so I can't fight the very bad social anxiety for this on top of... dealing with the rest of my life.)
But now I feel such relief and freedom suddenly. I care but also I don't... idk.
So me laughing at this shit ending - as I've been doing for a few hours now - is half a laugh of relief and... bc seriously to beat both GOT and supernatural?!
Now I am not saying I am actually gonna post anything anytime soon. I am excited and under lots of endorphins and dopamine here. But my social anxiety and lack of confidence might catch up very soon 🙈 (spoiler: THEY DID). Plus, I still find my ideas pretty uninteresting and still struggle to finish stuff and struggles a lot with confidence sooo... (and still scared of backlash).
ok also sorry but not posting this on main. I don't have this courage. This is a side account (not side blog, but full on account. I set it up months ago, waiting to either become brave or for the general fandom to die.)
I am already feeling anxiety coming back and itching to write a 3 thousand words disclaimer and explanation of certain things 😭 So i will force myself to do it quickly : I love Viktor (and fiktor) but also love fiveya and Vanya. For me they are separate paper dolls. When taking the Viktor paper doll, that is a trans man, it means obviously taking the trans experience. aka he was always there, etc. But the "existence" of his doll for me doesn't negate the "existence" of the Vanya doll. They don't really exist. It's fiction. Purely fiction. It's not one real person. The Vanya doll was used then they decided to create and use the Viktor doll.
Ok I stop there. I do not come back to edit. I do not come back to edit and/or delete. I post it and not let it lie in my drafts and have eternal regrets. Go on. Be brave. Be brave. Be brave.
(I have already spent at least two hours typing and editing before getting the courage to post it...)
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bubybubsters · 1 year
Love of My Life (Azriel x Reader)
a/n - This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic so please be patient with me. Please leave a suggestions. I’m sorry, the story might go a little slow at first. I’m not great at writing. Do you want part two? :)
⚠️- I don’t think they’re any, but please inform me if there are.
if you want to be added to my taglist. Masterlist part 2 part 3
You finished dressing just as your father swaggered in. He had a smirk on his face that you knew meant pain, in places nobody could see, would be inflicted on you very soon.
You braced yourself. Today you would meet your sister- even if she didn’t know it- and the court she loved so much. Despite the horrible stories you’d been told about them, you trusted your sisters judgement, though you’d never met her.
“You’re looking good tonight y/n.” He punched you in the stomach, jabbed you in the ribs. “Excited?” You didn’t answer. Your father's hand wrapped around your throat. “I asked you a question, I expect an answer.”
“No father, just wanted to look my best for you.” The answer you’d given him since you were old enough to know what a horrible male he was.
He narrowed his eyes at you, but only squeezed once before removing his hand. You breathed out softly in relief. “If you ever need to address me, do not under any circumstance, call me ‘father’. Especially in front of your sorry excuse for a sister. I am now ‘Keir’ or ‘steward’ to you. Am I understood?”
“Yes Keir.” He nodded his approval and soon left after leaving you with instructions.
You couldn’t wait; this was the first time Keir had allowed you to attend when the High Lord came.
Fifteen minutes later, you were shaking as you felt the High Lord of the Night Court approach his rightful throne.
But then you saw her, walking before the High Lord, beautiful, a bored, uninterested expression on her face. Your sister. You froze as she locked eyes with you and despite the stories you’d been told, you could see the love and freedom shining behind the eyes. Eyes that looked exactly like yours, like your mothers. Morrigan, the light that occasionally graced this hateful, dark place.
The two of you broke eye contact as she passed you, but your eyes quickly met again as she turned to face the two-faced bitchy crowd your father called his court. Her mask of calm broke, disbelief showing for all of a second before the unfeeling face returned. You frowned, about to try to enter her head with the daemati gifts nobody knew about but that were so similar to the High Lords.
Soon after, the general and spymaster of the Night Court entered. The shadowy male you assumed was the spymaster caught your eye. His blue gems shown, weapons covering his body.
They all turned away and sank into a graceful bow as Rhysand and Feyre took their thrones. The High Lord and Lady. You and everyone else in the court followed Morrigan's example and bowed.
“Rise. Go enjoy yourselves.”
You mingled with the others but when you glanced back, you saw Morrigan making her way towards you. You shook your head slightly and tapped twice against the solid walls protecting her mind.
She just blinked at you in astonishment but returned to the High Lords side as she opened a sliver in her mental shields.
Hello Morrigan. My name is y/n. Nice to meet you. Even in your mind, your voice sounded small and afraid.
You…you’re my sister. And to you, I am Mor.
Alright Mor. Indeed, I am your sister. May I show you some things? You wanted her to know what it was like in this awful place. How much worse things had gotten after her departure.
At Mor’s slight nod of approval, you moved to a shadowy area near a pillar. You sent her memories of your life and in return she let you look through hers. You learned the shadowy males name; Azriel. You repeated it in your head not realizing you were sending your thoughts to your sister. Azriel. Azriel. Azriel.
Don’t worry y/n, we’ll get you out of here and you can have those thoughts of Azriel as often as you wish.
You blinked, blushing.
Your connection was cut off as a sharp claw tapped on your shields. Rhysand, you could sense him. Hesitating, you let him in.
I’m going to send for you soon, come up and stick close to Azriel. We’ll take you back to our home if you wish. What would you like?
Thank you my lord, I would love to see your home.
Just Rhys please.
He left your mind and beckoned for you with a hand. You went up and bowed, low. He and Feyre inclined their heads and you were quickly introduced to their inner circle.
Mor looked like she wanted to hug you, but Rhys pointed you in the spymasters direction. You smiled at your high lord and locked eyes with Azriel.
You almost tripped as something in your chest uncoiled towards him. The mating bond stretched between the two of you. Azriel was your mate. He didn’t seem to notice the bond and when you reached him, he just made space for you to stand by his side. Your heart pounded.
But Mor, she saw something had happened, and you reached out to her when a sliver of her mind opened for you.
Azriel’s my mate. I don’t think he knows.
Before Mor could respond, Rhys called Keir over and said to him in a voice that let him know he would not take ‘no’ for an answer. “May I keep your daughter?”
“Of course my lord, you already have the Morrigan.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. I am taking y/n for as long as I need a helping hand.”
Keir said nothing and Feyre dismissed him with a wave of her hand. She spoke inside your mind, slipping past your slightly open mental shields.
Mor told us what happened, everyone knows besides Azriel. I would suggest telling him but it is your choice, you will always have a choice here.
With that the High Lady retracted from your mind and your mental shields snapped up. You felt like you were dying, the male next to you was your mate, he didn’t know it, he seemed do be ignoring you but you could finally get out of this court and into the real world.
You weren’t sure you were ready for the real world. Mate. The word ricocheted through you, making the world you knew turn upside down and explode. Mate. Azriel was your mate.
part two anybody?
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callmeagardengnome · 4 months
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𐙚 ink my heart 𐙚 - chapter 3
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w.c. - 3.9k
pairings - idol! lee dong-hyuck x tattoo artist! fem! reader x idol! mark lee
genre - romance, strangers to friends to ?
synopsis: being a tired university student with no interest in life was something you were satisfied with until you unexpectedly become friends with an idol.. but what if it becomes more?
not proofread!
previous / next masterlist
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Compared to the vibrant night you had last month, your days have been pretty bland and dull. As per usual, you have been very busy with work and classes - which meant that you had no time to reach out to both Haechan and Mark.
With school break approaching, you find yourself being more excited than before. This could be the chance to catch up with the both of them. However, you find yourself worrying about whether they have time. Do they have a break too?
Haechan and Mark never mentioned what they did for a living. To be fair, you didn’t ask. You initially guessed they were university students because of their age, but their hectic and random schedules made you think otherwise. Either way, you were anxious that you might have to spend your second break alone.
You stared at the newly bought groceries on your kitchen counter. You finally got your pay-check from your boss, which allowed you to replenish your empty fridge and pantry.
As you put your fresh groceries into the fridge, your phone started to ring violently on the other side of the room. You reached over your couch to grab your phone before answering, “Hello?”
“Ahh.. ‘____’,” you heard your boss, Mr Park, sigh on the other side of the screen. “I’m going to need you to come in, I have a very important client that needs a tattoo right now.”
“Huh?” you blurted as you sunk slowly into your couch. “Right now? That’s so sudden and I can’t get there that fast..”
“I don’t care- just be there NOW,” he yelled before hanging up the phone.
The whole interaction was added to your list of reasons of why you hated your boss. Even though he paid you decently,(especially since you’re a part-timer), he seemed to take you for granted and called you in whenever he pleased. As annoying as it was, he did pay you extra money.
With that, you rushed to put your final groceries away and headed out the door.
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The figure of a tall man leaning against your studio wall became clearer and clearer as you jogged towards your workplace. As you got closer, he quickly put out the cigarette that he was smoking.
“Hey uh- thanks for waiting, I wasn’t expecting a client today,” you panted as you fumbled with the keys of the studio.
“It’s okay, sorry for the short notice,” The man replied understandably.
You managed to open the door, letting the both of you inside the dark studio.
“You can sit over there,” you said, pointing towards the tattoo chair.
As he took a seat, you switched on the lights, illuminating the room with a soft glow. You glanced at him, noticing the tired and fatigued look in his eyes.
“So.. what are we doing today..?” you asked as you tried to shake off your exhaustion from the rushed morning.
He paused, “I’m not too sure.. I saw what you did for my friend and I wanted something with a similar style..”
You nodded while preparing your sketchbook. “Who’s your friend?”
He muttered, “Taeyong.”
“Really? The one with the white hair?” you asked curiously.
He gave a small nod before you asked again, “Oh so do you know the guys he was with?”
“Yeah..” he mumbled as he scrolled through his phone for tattoo ideas.
The thought of Haechan and Mark being friends with this man made you want to ask more, but you resisted the urge as he seemed uninterested. The both of you started to discuss ideas for the tattoo. Once you were done sketching, you printed out the stencil for the design.
You wouldn’t describe the silence between the two of you as ‘comfortable’. It felt as though the both of you were carefully treading the conversation, trying to find a common ground.
You placed the stencil on his skin, “What’s your name, by the way?”
“Johnny,” he said as he grabbed his phone that was over on the table. “The guys were talking about you so I thought I should check the place out.”
They talked about you? You felt your cheeks getting warm at the thought of that. “Oh.. What did they say?” you asked, trying to sound casual as you adjusted the stencil.
Johnny chuckled, “Just that you were ‘crazyy’ talented and cool.”
You smiled, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment, “I’m glad they think so. Ready to get started?”
He nodded, putting his phone away. “Let’s do it.”
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The familiar buzz of the tattoo gun filled the room. As you worked, the both of you engaged in a light chat, breaking the silence.
“How did you get into tattooing?” Johnny asked, his voice steady despite the needle his skin.
“I kinda just needed a job,” you answered sheepishly. “I always liked art and I wanted to pay off my student loans. It just seemed like a good way to earn money.”
He winced slightly as you moved the needle to a more sensitive area. “That’s cool. Not a lot of people do what they like for a living.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m lucky…” you admitted. “What about you? What do you do?”
Johnny hesitated for a moment before shrugging, “I’m in the entertainment industry. It can get pretty hectic sometimes.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Entertainment industry? Like music or acting..?”
“Music,” he replied, keeping his tone modest.
“WOAH- that’s actually so cool,” you remarked, being genuinely impressed. “It must be really stressful though..”
“It is,” Johnny agreed. “But it’s worth it.”
As you continued working on his tattoo, the conversation flowed naturally as he asked more about your work. You heard his phone ringing just as you were about to start colouring the tattoo. Johnny muttered a ‘FaceTime…?’ before answering.
“Dude- where are you?” You heard Mark’s voice coming from the speaker.
“Didn’t I tell you guys I was gonna get a tattoo?” Johnny replied, confused. “I’m at that girl’s studio, the one you guys talked about..?”
There was a brief pause before he responded, “Wait, wha-“
“No way! Hyung, you’re with her right now?,” Haechan interjected, his face appearing on the screen beside Mark’s. “Can I say hi?”
“I mean you’re on speaker so..” Johnny mentioned as Haechan stole Mark’s phone.
“Hey ‘____’!” Haechan said excitedly while running. “Sorry I haven’t reached out in a while, I’ve been pretty busy.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve been busy too,” you smiled at the screen, looking at the chaos unfolding in front of you. “How have you guys been?”
The call lagged slightly, before the sight of Haechan and Mark fighting for the phone appeared. “Dude- back off,” Mark said as he pushed Haechan aside. “We’ve been good, how about you?”
“I’m alright, just working you know?” you replied. “Actually, my school break starts soon..”
“Really?” Mark’s face lit up. “How long is your break?”
“About 3 months,” you replied while shrugging.
Haechan snatched the phone from Mark’s hands before adding on, “We should definitely hang out, it’s been too long.”
Mark nodded in agreement, “Yeah.. do you have any plans yet..?”
“Not really,” you chuckled. “It’d be cool to meet up again.”
“Why wouldn’t it be,” Haechan grinned playfully as Mark nudged him. “I’m pretty awesome.”
Mark rolled his eyes but smiled, “Shut up dude.”
“Guys, my battery is low,” Johnny interrupted as he checked his phone. “I need to end the call soon.”
Haechan’s face fell slightly, “Come on Johnny, charge your phone..”
Mark laughed, “It’s okay, we can plan something later.”
You nodded, feeling excited at the idea of seeing them again. “I’ll text you guys once I have my work schedule sorted out.”
“Sounds good,” Mark said, his voice warm. “I hope we can hangout soon.”
You felt a flutter in your chest. “Of course! See you guys soon..”
The call ended and the screen went dark. Johnny looked at you and gave a sly grin, “You must have made quite an impression.”
A blush crept up your neck, spreading to your face. “I guess so,” you replied. “They’re really nice..”
“Nice?” Johnny leaned back slightly. “They literally just fought.”
You laughed, “Yeah, it was kind of funny though.”
“Sure..” Johnny trailed off. “It’s good to see them excited though, they need more actual friends.”
Actual friends? You didn’t know what he meant by that but you brushed off the odd comment. You passed him a charger that you found in one of the drawers and continued to work on the tattoo - the conversation flowing with the initial awkwardness dissipating.
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“All done,” you announced, bringing a mirror closer to Johnny.
Johnny looked at the reflection with amazement. “They were right, you are really good at this.”
“Thanks..” you said, appreciating his words. “Do you mind leaving a review? It would help us a lot.”
“Of course, don’t worry,” he replied as he started to take photos of the tattoo.
After settling the payment and exchanging a few words, he headed towards the door. He gave you a small wave before stepping out into the evening.
The studio’s bell chimed softly as the door closed behind him. With a sigh, you began cleaning and tidying up the studio. Once everything was in order, you turned off the lights and flipped the sign on the door to ‘CLOSED’.
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You felt the bitter coffee go down your throat as you sat in the lecture hall. The white fluorescent lights acting as a harsh reminder of your mundane routine. It’s finally the last day of class and you felt your stomach bubbling with excitement just thinking about your break.
You didn’t want to get your hopes up - again the three of you are usually busy, but you couldn’t help yourself. The possibility of seeing Haechan and Mark again made it hard to focus on your lecture.
As the clocked ticked closer to the end of the class, you went over your plans for the break. Maybe you could go to new places or pick up a hobby..
When the lecture ended, you gathered your things with a burst of energy. You decided to send a text to Haechan:
@‘____’ hey! my class just ended.. school break is finally here !!
You slid your phone into your pocket before heading out the door.
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As you sat on the familiar train, you sketched various figures and shapes into your notebook. The clatter of the tracks added to the noise of people chatting. Suddenly, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
You paused your drawing and reached for your phone, glancing at the screen.
@dong-hyukkkk OMG That’s really good timing cuz We wanted to go to our fave bar later.. Wanna join?
A smile spread across your face as you quickly typed back,
@‘____’ of course! i’m not a drinker :/ but i would love to hangout!
@dong-hyuckkkk Dont worry about it Plus they have some cool games so let’s do that :p
@‘____’ text me the address can’t wait to see you guys!
@dong-hyukkkk See you later :)
A wave of excitement washed over you as you returned back to your sketchbook. Maybe your break would actually be fun after all.
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You’ve never been more stressed about what to wear in your life. It’s not that you wanted to ‘impress’ them (though that would be nice), you just didn’t want to come across as sloppy.
You’ve never been to a bar before. You have no idea what to expect or wear. Why did you even agree to this? The anxiety gnawed at you as you rummaged through your closet. Should you go casual? Comfortable? Formal?
You settled on cropped baggy shirt with jeans and a chunky belt. While it was comfortable, you hoped that it struck a balance between comfort and casual.
You started to apply your makeup, drawing a baby winged liner. You even applied your boldest lipstick shade - a muted red.
Taking a deep breath, you gave yourself one last look in the mirror. A knot of uneasiness twisted in your stomach. You shook off the nerves before grabbing your purse and headed out the door, into the fun night ahead.
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Is this right? You looked at the address that Haechan sent you a while ago. It led you quaint bar, one that was not bustling with people. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but a bar with a quiet, almost cozy atmosphere wasn’t it.
The murmurs of conversation and the low hum of music that greeted you felt strangely intimate, contrasting the loud and rowdy image you had of a bar. You scanned the room as you tried to look for familiar faces in the dim lighting.
“Over here!” You saw Haechan wave at you vigorously as he stood up. You weaved through the scattered tables and settled into the booth where Haechan and Mark were sitting in.
“You made it!” Heachan said, pulling you into a quick hug. “We were wondering if you got lost.”
“Almost did,” you laughed, trying to shake off your anxiety. “I’ve never been to a bar before.. so this is all new to me.”
“Really?” Mark exclaimed, sounding genuinely surprised. “I don’t know why- but I always thought uni students went to bars.”
“Maybe they do,” you replied while shrugging. “I don’t really have the time though.”
Mark said reassuringly, “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you have fun.”
You nodded, feeling a bit more at ease as you glanced around the bar. “What are you guys going to get?”
They looked at each other briefly before Mark answered, “He’s getting Soju.. but I’ll probably take Sprite since I’m driving.”
“Oh yeah, you don’t drink right?” Haechan asked as he turned to you.
“Yeah.. I’m not a fan of the taste,” you replied, smiling nervously. “I think I’ll just get water or somethi-“
“Wait- this place has the best milkshakes, you should get those,” Haechan intercepted.
“Milkshakes..?” you echoed.
“Yeah, it’s one of their specialties,” Mark added on. Haechan stood up, starting to lead you over to the bar, “Come on, let’s pick one.”
As the both of you approached the bar, you looked at the menu overhead. A variety of drink types and milkshake flavours displayed proudly on it.
“What’s your favourite flavour?” Haechan asked, his voice filled with curiosity.
“Um.. chocolate is nice..?” you admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed at your ‘basic’ choice.
“Ooo.. they do have that,” he said as he pointed to the menu. “I recommend trying the chocolate peanut butter shake though, it’s like dessert in a glass.”
“That does sound really good,” you said, feeling excited about the drink.
Haechan grinned, signalling the bartender. “One chocolate peanut butter milkshake, one Sprite and one bottle of Soju please.” The bartender nodded and began preparing the drinks.
“You’re going to love this,” Haechan stated confidently. “Our friends found this place a few years back and it’s been our go-to.”
“I see why..” you said as you looked around.
There was a small pause before Haechan commented, “I know I keep saying this, but I can’t get over your tattoos.. they look really cool on you.”
Your cheeks flushed suddenly as you heard his words. Your tried to find a way to respond without sounding too eager.
“You think so?” A nervous laugh escaped you, betraying your flustered state.
“Yeah I’m not blind,” he smirked with a playful glint.
“Thanks..” you looked away and fiddled with the edge of your sleeve.
When the drinks were done, you pulled out the cash you had in your purse and tried to give it to the bartender.
“Woah- what’s this for?” he asked, confused.
“I wanted to pay for the drinks..?” you explained, being as confused as him.
Haechan gently pushed your hand back, “Nonono, it’s my treat.”
“I invited you out remember? Let me pay for it,” he said firmly, pulling out his wallet and handed his card over.
“Oh, thank you so much..” you stammered, your voice tinged with nervousness. You collected the drinks and started to walk towards the booth, trying to avoid Haechan’s eyes.
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The night was filled with laughter and chatter, something you haven’t had in a while.
“I can’t get over how good this tastes,” you said before taking another sip of the milkshake.
“Told you,” Haechan said with a smug grin.
Mark took a sip of his drink, then asked, “How have you been so far?”
You sighed as the weight of the past few weeks dawned on you. “Stressed… finals just ended a while back and I’m getting my results soon.”
Haechan leaned back, looking sympathetic. “Yikes.. that’s rough. At least you have a break now..?”
“True..” you said. “What have you guys been up to?”
There was a slight hesitation as Mark answered, “Well, we’ve been pretty busy with work stuff.. our schedule is kind of a mess.”
Haechan made a sound of agreement, “Yeah it’s been really hectic.”
“Wait, you guys work together?” you asked, your interest piquing. “What do you guys do?”
As they were about to answer, a worker approached the three of you, “Hey guys, the kitchen is about to close soon. Do you have any final orders?”
You looked over at the two guys, “Do you guys want food..?”
Their eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of food. “Uhuh.. the wings here are genuinely so good,” Haechan exclaimed, almost jumping out of his seat.
Mark nodded enthusiastically, “Dude- and the cheese fries?”
You chuckled, their excitement was infectious, “Alright, let’s order those.”
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The soft music played in the background and the quiet conversations filled the air. As you finished your food, Haechan glanced around and then nudged Mark.
“Should we play some darts or pool?” Haechan suggested as his eyes lit up with excitement.
Mark grinned. “Yeah, both sounds fun. What do you think?” he asked, turning towards you.
You looked over to the corner of the bar where the pool table and dartboard had been set up. “I’ve never played either before..” you admitted.
“Perfect! We’ll teach you,” Mark said as he stood up and motioned you to follow him.
You grabbed your things and followed the guys to the corner of the bar. Haechan grabbed some darts and carefully handed them over to you and Mark. Haechan explained, “It’s pretty simple, just aim for the bullseye and throw.”
You stood infront of the dartboard with the dart feeling unfamiliar in your hand. Mark noticed your hesitation and stepped closer to you.
“Here- let me help you,” Mark said, moving behind you. “First you need to hold it like this,” he placed his hand over yours, guiding your fingers to the right position. Your heart skipped a beat when you felt the warmth of his touch.
“Focus on the bullseye,” Mark continued with his smooth voice close to your ear. “Then take a deep breath and throw.”
You drew your arm back and released the dart. It flew through the air and landed on the outermost ring of the dartboard.
“Woah.. you really suck,” Haechan remarked with a teasing grin.
Mark laughed, “You can’t aim either dude.”
“At least I’m better than you in pool,” Haechan replied, rolling his eyes playfully.
The three of you continued to play and you slowly began to improve with each throw.
“See? You’re getting the hang of it,” Mark said while smiling.
You moved a some hair in front of your face, hoping to hide your blush. “I guess.. should we do pool next?”
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The both of them played a demo game of pool to show you how it’s played. Haechan wasn’t lying when he said that he was good. Once their ‘match’ ended, Mark handed the cue stick to you. “Wanna try?”
You nodded and tried to mimic the way the guys held the cue stick, but it felt awkward in your hands.
Mark chuckled, “Want me to help again?” He adjusted your grip on the cue stick and his hand rested on top of yours. “Aim for that ball,” he directed. “Make sure to hit in the middle.”
You leaned over the table, trying to focus but your mind kept drifting to how close Mark was. His breath brushed against your ear as he explained, which left you feeling flustered and self-conscious the entire time.
With his hand guiding yours, you took the shot. The cue ball rolled forward and tapped the target ball, sending it into the pocket.
“Nice!” Mark exclaimed as he gave you a high-five.
Haechan clapped from the other side of the table, “Okay okay you’re alright.. are you ready to lose?”
You smirked, still not over the contact you had with Mark. “You wish. Watch me actually obliterate you.”
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You probably shouldn’t have trashed-talked Haechan, his skills were unmatched. You (naturally) lost the game, but you still had fun despite it.
The night grew and the bar started to empty. Haechan excused himself briefly and Mark took the opportunity to reposition himself in front of you.
“Did you have fun?” he asked softly.
You nodded, “You guys are really fun to be around..”
“Good,” Mark chuckled. “It’s been a while since Haechan and I properly went out.. I’m glad you’re here.”
His words caught you off guard and you felt a blush creep up your cheeks. “Yeah- I’m glad I’m here too.”
Mark’s eyes softened and leaned back into the chair. “Do you like the place?” he asked as he gestured around the now quieter bar.
“Mhm, I see why this is your favourite bar,” you replied. “It’s so cozy that I might start coming here.”
He smiled warmly at your response, “Yeah it has a charm to it.”
As the both of you continued talking, Haechan returned with a bowl of dessert.
“Chocolate ice cream,” Haechan said with a playful grin, placing the bowl in front of you.
You laughed, feeling genuinely touched by the gesture. “You didn’t have to.. but thank you.”
Haechan shrugged nonchalantly, “It’s the least I could do after defeating you at pool.”
You rolled your eyes but your heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness. You took a bite of the ice cream and it tasted heavenly.
“Hey- I lost too so where’s my ice cream?” Mark asked teasingly.
Haechan laughed as be nudged Mark with his elbow, “It’s only for pretty people.”
Haechan's playful remark brought a smile to your lips. Mark feigned offence but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Dude- are you calling me ugly?" he asked before turning back to you with a smile.
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As you stepped out of the bar, the chilly air hit you, making you shiver slightly. The both of them exchanged a glance before Mark spoke up, “Do you need a ride home again?”
You sighed, “I promise you guys that I can take the train home and be safe.”
Haechan grinned cheekily, “You said that last time too and we ended up sending you back.”
You paused for a moment, “Yeah.. are you sure? Are you guys not tired of sending me home?”
Mark shook his head. “Nah, it’s honestly no trouble. Plus we feel better knowing that you made it back safely with us.”
You nodded reluctantly and accepted their offer. As you settled into the car, you couldn’t help but have a butterfly feeling in your chest at their kindness.
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As they pulled up to the train station, the all-familiar feeling of disappointment sets in. You turned to thank them, your heart feeling strangely full. “Thanks again for the ride guys.. I had a really great time.”
Mark flashed you a smile, “Anytime.”
Haechan nodded enthusiastically before adding on, “Yeah seriously. Text me when you want to hangout again.”
You stepped out of the car and watched them drive away. Despite the slight sadness of your parting, you knew that this wouldn’t be the last time you saw them.
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author's note: sorry for the late updates! i had an exam recently and rn im studying for another one.. hopefully i will be more consistent in the future! make sure to like and repost.. all and any feedback is appreciated <3
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darkness-and-books · 6 months
Thank you @stellarbluegalaxy for the name idea!
The species I was talking about last night is named! Behold!!
Ostaran are like Vulcans, basically only in that they are descended from an animal and retain certain vestigial traits from their predecessors. Much like a group of bunnies, one may also refer to a group of Ostaran as a fluffle. Ostaran is both singular and plural, “they are an Ostaran,” and “they are all Ostaran,” both correct. Ostaran are typically shy, but usually very happy as well. Easily frustrated and with a tendency towards foot tapping when angry/frustrated/impatient.
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An example of what one might look like, ~I used pixlr to AI generate this image cause I can’t draw, I might try though because I wanna put one in a Starfleet uniform~
Clucking- much like real bunnies, Ostaran are prone to making a very quiet clucking sound when happy with their food.
Purring- just like cats, bunnies purr, and so do Ostaran.
Humming- All bunnies hum, but this sound is most often made by a male bunnie attempting to woo a female- apply previous information to Ostaran.
Growling and snorting- Bunnies growl and/or snort when they feel threatened- Ostaran don’t growl so much as make an intense huffing sound through their nose when threatened.
Hissing- Bunnies hiss to keep away other bunnies- Ostaran don’t hiss at other species nearly as much as they hiss at each other (it’s kind of a territory thing), but if an Ostaran does hiss at you and you aren’t one… I’d get out, I’d get out now.
whining and whimpering- Bunnies mostly whine when unhappy with their environment or when uninterested/unhappy with a male’s advances- Same applies to Ostaran
Teeth grinding- bunnies grind their teeth when in pain- Ostaran will do this as well, but their teeth do not grow nearly so fast, so they have to be in a lot of pain to grind their teeth.
Screaming- Bunnies scream when being chased by a predator or when dying- Ostaran don’t scream while dying unless it’s a particularly gruesome death. They don’t tend to scream when scared, they just run really fast, you would have to scare an Ostaran really bad to make them scream. It’s never a false alarm when an Ostaran screams. It’s very alarming because much like bunnies, no matter how old an Ostarsn is their screams sound just like that of a small child.
Physical attributes
It’s sort a dice roll whether or not an Ostaran gets the classic bunny ears, the chances are higher that they get normal human ears, the bunny ears are like green/blue eyes for Ostaran, it happens and it’s not uncommon, it’s just not the most likely.
Much less likely though is the tail, some Ostaran still have them, but most don’t, it’s a point of envy because it’s definitely a valued trait.
Aside from that Ostaran tend to have small, round, very boopable noses (please do not boop the snoot without permission, they do not appreciate it)
Ear twitching- they have really good ears, if they start twitching it’s because they hear a startling sound (even if you don’t hear it)
Forehead to forehead- you know that scene in the Peter Rabbit movie where she’s like “That’s how they apologise”, I have no idea if it’s true of bunnies, but it is a Ostaran custom, the longer they hold you there the more sorry they are (If a Ostaran tries to do this please accept, they’re really sorry)
Nesting- mostly a female thing, do not touch, move or in any way disturb the nest ( it can be very distressing). Do not enter the nest unless invited, know that you are highly trusted if invited.
Not full blown a/b/o, but they definitely do the scenting thing and have highly sensitive noses. So I guess it’s less a/b/o and more that they’re smell oriented.
Hugs- if a Ostaran allows you to/wants you to hug them, they are okay with smelling like you (feel special, they mostly don’t want to smell like others unless they’re really comfortable with them)
Highly ticklish (please don’t tickle them unless you know they’re okay with it, they are not opposed to biting you for it)
Random Bonus
Humans are weird with their fashion, but it works the Ostaran advantage, they’ll totally cut holes in hats and hoods and thread their ears (if they have them) through to fit in, most humans don’t even know the difference. Silly humans
and that’s my presentation on a made up species
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