#Even their management were super depraved
penvisions · 4 days
stages of devotion {away from the city}
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Pairing: Tired Dad! Joel Miller x Experienced Camper! Reader
Summary: The neighboring campsite hosts a tired dad who seems to be ill-equipped for what he openly admits was a rather impromptu getaway with his teenage daughter. Thankfully, you keep extra supplies in your hatchback and are willing to share.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: canon typical language, cussing, brief mention of bleeding injury, sexual tension, pining, mutual pining, fluffiness, super soft yearning, sexual content, adult content, piv, fingering, dirty talk, pet names, depraved descriptions of the male body, just a light little piece for me!
A/N: hoping this isn't as lame as it seems in my head. imposter syndrome is flaring, y'all
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“God dammit.” A deep, gravely voice solemnly murmurs from the next site over. Slightly muffled from inside the tent the broad-shouldered man had dipped into shortly after pulling into the parking spot in a dark blue trunk. He had managed to get it pitched in a miraculously short amount of time despite the giggling and bouncing teen tangling the guy lines and rucking up the corners of the tarp underneath.
“Everything okay, dad?” The teen in question asked as she popped up from the cooler she was digging around in, a can of soda in her grip.
“…yeah, everything’s good, baby girl.” She glanced over at you with a roll of her eyes, not believing him for a second and needing someone to share in the moment. Before she could call him on the obvious lie, a loud hissing sound ruffled the side of the tent, billowing it out in a rather funny way.
Trying to keep your laughter low to avoid attention, you got up from your spot tending to the flames of your fire, foiled single use pan over the grill plate of the pit. A casserole you had parbaked last night in preparation for today. It was a broccoli cheddar one, the noodles and chicken beginning to season the air along with the crackling pine offered for visitors at the general store at the entrance to the park. The trunk of your SUV was silent as you lifted it and scanned the supplies you had stocked up in the space.
The spare air mattress you kept was on the smaller side, but it didn’t hurt to offer it to the little father and daughter duo. You pulled the fabric of your hiking shorts down a little, to cover up the bandage over a cut you had gotten earlier that afternoon on a hike before gripping the box and walked over to the edge of your site.
“Excuse me, sir?”
“Uh, give me sec!”
“Sir?” You walked over the invisible line between yours and theirs, aware of the girl now fiddling with a small MP3 player, wired earbuds already popped into her ears beneath a mane of kinky hair pulled back into low buns at the back of her head. “I’ve got an extra mattress if yours has holes in it.”
“Huh?” His head appears in the opening of the tent, dark curls tousled and slightly damp with sweat. His brown eyes were wide, his plush lips parted underneath a thick moustache. He was on his knees, prompting you to look down as you approached the tent. He looked up at you through his hooded eyes and you swore your heart jumped in your chest. He had crows’ feet at the edges of them, those and the deep wrinkle in his brow adding to his appeal.
“This is my spare, you’re more than welcome to borrow it.”
His eyes flicked behind you, gauging where his daughter was and why he hadn’t heard an interaction from her before you appeared before him with a gift in your hand and kind words on your lips. She knew how to hold her own, but he still worried for her because the world could be cruel. Her music was a low hum even from here, telling him she was gone from his world for the meantime, social battery probably low or even just a bit bored with him out here in the middle of the state park while he set things up.
“Uh, thanks. Who’re-“
“I’m from just over there,” You lean back a little to wave to the left. He had seen the hatchback parked there all day but hadn’t seen the camper until just now. You must’ve snuck back into the grounds from a mid-morning hike that begins off the campgrounds or a nap you were possibly taking in your rather clean tent. He felt self-conscious at the way he was looking up at you with wide eyes, the dirt and dust that coated everything from his cooler to his own truck to the tent he was currently kneeling in. The trip was last minute, but it just reminds him of how much better he needs to be about upkeep in his own home and garage. The truck he could get away with, but he didn’t want to bring his work home with him more than he already did. “We’re campsite neighbors.”
“Mighty nice of ya, think mine has a leak somewhere.” The admittance is easy from his lips, shocking you in its honesty. The last time you had tried to offer similar help, you had been shot down and denied a chance. Told you didn’t know what you were talking about and that the person who had been having trouble knew more than you did, that you should mind your own business. Shaking the bad memory and relationship from your mind, you offer a polite smile and lean over a little to peer into the space around the man eclipsing the entrance.
“Mind if I take a look?” You set down the rather hefty box containing the spare bed and lean down to unhinge the ankle strap on your campsite sandals. It may be a little forward of you, but he seemed willing to discuss the issue, and you wanted to help any way you could. When he doesn’t protest, still gazing up at you with that doe eyed expression, you step into the rather dusty interior. The mattress is in the center of the back wall, the foot end of it facing toward your campsite. You crouch down to inspect the area around the boston valve. Just as you reached out a hand to feel around the base of it, you felt heat at your right side.
“’s over on the other side, I think.” The man’s voice was close, the baritone of it vibrating through you as you turned your own curious expression over to him. He seems to have composed himself, as he shuffles close to you, nearly pressing his broad chest into your side to motion to the left side of bed. The near contact makes you jolt, the way he had almost unconsciously fallen into your personal space. Not having been so close to anyone in recent memory makes the moment into more than it is on the surface, and you try not to let it get to your head. Just a friendly interaction, that’s all.
“Apologies,” He’s moving away just as suddenly as he had appeared beside you, leaving your heart racing in your chest so loud you hope he can’t hear it within the confines of the nylon enclosure. You can’t tell with the bright afternoon sunlight, if there’s a tinge to the tops of his ears and the back of his neck. But you’re pretty sure if there is one it’s because of his embarrassment of the thoughtless act and nothing more. A simple accident of invading a stranger’s space and nothing more.
He’s just a stranger who needed a bit of help, nothing more. Tamping down the runaway thoughts of the man and how calming his presence is even with just a few moments of interacting with him, you focus on the task at hand.
After a few moments of fiddling with the valve and ensuring its secure, you have him press down the palms of his hands on the top of the mattress as you scoot it out to feel where the air is leaking from.
There’s a slit in the groove that helps to support the weight of whoever lays atop it, barely visible.
“Ah, yeah. It’s here.” You switch places with him and he sees what you’re talking about.
“Shit,” He’s rubbing a hand over the dark scruff on his chin, dragged down the column of his neck as he realizes it’s not even a hole but a tear. A mighty long one that he’s incapable of fixing out here with no duct tape or putty.
“No worries, you can use the spare I brought over.” Standing up, you clap your hands to rid them of the dust that you had gathered on them. Doing the same with your knees, you glance around the space and realize how small it is. “Is this the only tent you brought?”
“No, uh, Sarah – my girl out there,” Joel is hunched over, the inside of the tent not tall enough for him to stand at his full height, he’s following your form as you exit, taking the offered box that contains the solution to his current problem. “This one’s hers. Gotta get mine set up. Was just gonna give her mine if hers was damaged. Saved me the pain of sleeping on the ground.”
“I’ve got a small handheld vacuum, if you want to get the dust cleared up for her.” You offer with a slight smile, the small worry of overstepping making you self-conscious. “Just…if you want to.”
He pauses as he places the box beside the slowly deflating bed he had tried to set up. His eyes catch yours and you see something flash in them.
“’m not normally this unprepared, but she was…well, she was havin’ a bad week so we packed up after school and just hit the road.”
“Hey, no worries at all! I totally get needing to get away sometimes. That’s why I have enough to offer you my spare. Keep a bit in the car, a bit in the garage. Kinda ready to go whenever I feel the need.”
“It’s much appreciated.” His own lips twist up and you feel butterflies between your ribs. He’s effortlessly handsome, his chocolate curls mused and his face showing the years he’s spent raising his daughter and no doubt working hard to do it.
“I’ll just go grab that real quick then, leave you to finish setting up.” You crook your elbow and point back to your own campsite, but your feet stick to the ground when you see Joel crouched back down on the ground in his simple tee and jeans. His biceps flex with the way he begins to roll the remaining air out of the no-good mattress, catching your attention like a cat to a sunbeam.
“You’re an angel, can’t believe we lucked out with such a cool neighbor.” Joel chuckles to himself as he works, unaware of your watching gaze. “Last time we had this older couple that didn’t believe she was mine. Kept asking if she was okay or needed any help.”
“S-Sounds like a nightmare.” The lump that appears in your throat sticks even after you attempt to swallow it down. You couldn’t imagine the stress that caused, even if just fleetingly. They were obviously bonded, their easy temperance with each other speaking volumes for those around.
“Much better this time around, despite the faulty mattress.” He looks up once it’s rolled up and secured with velcro ties. His smile is brighter, reaching his eyes in a way that makes them sparkle. “Name’s Joel, and the tone-deaf teenager out there is Sarah.”
You look over your shoulder at the dancing, twirling teenager. She’s still got her music playing a touch too loud, her lips mouthing along to most of the words. Some of them she sings aloud, and it’s…it is rather tone-deaf. But it brings a smile to your face all the same, she’s allowed to feel like she can be herself around her father. That’s an impressive feat, that they seem so close with no underlying awkwardness or feelings of insecurity.
Turning back to him, you offer your own introduction.  
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The sounds of Joel finishing setting up his campsite fill the air but aren’t bothersome. Just a part of the afternoon that grows into the evening. Others showing up as well, the sound of rubber mallets securing tent spikes in the soft ground, of vinyl and tarp being stretched out and shifted into place, of grills being filled with charcoal and the sizzling of food as it hits the hot grates. Laughter and soft conversations float through the air amid the gentle breeze and you sigh as you sit down at your table with a bowl of the casserole that had finished cooking.
The peaceful reverie is enhanced by the infectious giggling of Sarah, the teenage girl just over the invisible line between the campsites. Joel’s own carefree laughter making your chest feel light. They’ve got their stuff all set up, the propane grill Joel brought working hard as he cooks what looks like too much food for just the two of them. But they both load their plates up and settled at their picnic table with freshly opened drinks from the cooler.
You feel the look before it registers, so caught up in the book gripped between your hands. It’s been on your list for far too long, a few pages read here and there throughout your hectic day, before bed as you try to wind down but end up passing out with it flattened on your chest. But now, the reading seems to be disrupted in the form of Joel. He’s at the edge of your space, calling out your name.
An offer for food if you wanted some, that there was a little bit of everything and plenty of it if you cared to join them. With no thought for the passage you had just been immersed in, you close the book and leave it in the seat of your camp chair. The vinyl hushes with the wight of the paper but you pay it no mind as you ask after what all he’s got and pick up a fresh beer from your cooler.
Easy conversation flowed and soon your laughter rung in the air alongside theirs.
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Sarah had gone to bed after a bit of gentle prodding from Joel. Her head had bobbed a few times, trying her hardest to stay up despite her fluttering eyes and deep breaths as she sat in front of the dwindling fire alongside you both.
They hadn’t been able to get one going in their own pit, too much debris left behind from the previous inhabitants. So yours had been stoked and kept alive for hours now as night fell. Their chairs had been effortlessly moved beside yours, surrounding the once roaring warmth, something you hadn’t minded in the slightest. He’s walking back up to now, hands in his pockets and a flannel added over his tee. He looks so cozy, so at home now that he’s gotten settled.
He sighs heavily as he plops back down in the chair beside your own, scooting it closer now that you’re alone. You can smell the lingering scent of his cologne on the new addition of clothing and it has you unconsciously leaning into his space.
“Mm, you smell good.”
“Thanks, darlin’. You smell mighty good yourself.” He’s smirking when your eyes snap up at the realization that you just said that out loud.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn’t-“
“’s okay. But I’ve been wonderin’ something.” His tone tilts, pitches low as he regards the fire that’s more smoldering ashes than flames in the pit. The shadows cast over his profile take your breath away, make your heart ache for how beautiful he is. He’s a good man, if your evening together was anything to go by.
A devoted father, a caring family man, a capable man who worked himself perhaps too much sometimes.
“Y-yeah?” You feel the air shift, something sparking between you two now that you’re alone. You wonder if he’s about to tell you his wife is back home waiting for their return, if he’s going to ask you why you keep stealing ogling glances his way. If he’s going to reveal to you that he’s onto you and doesn’t like the attention. But his question is exactly what you wanted to hear, because you have the exact same one for him.
“You got anyone waitin’ for you back home?” Joel’s voice is even, despite the way one of his hands is tapping away at the armrest of his chair. The empty beer in his mesh cupholder sweating and the label is peeled off. It’s endearing to see his quirks, the man rather enticing despite only knowing him for a few hours. Your heart skipped a beat, butterflies tickling your insides as you realized he may be as attracted to you as you are to him. Unless he was just making polite conversation now that it was just the two of you…
“Like a boyfriend?” You dare to ask, seeking clarification. Feeling the slight charge in the air is making you a little dizzy, the looks you had caught him giving you when you were busy helping Sarah with her smores only making you feel even more so as you recall the way his eyes had shown in the amber firelight. You lean toward him, finding that he had done the same. There are only a few inches between you now, elbows crooked and bodies curved toward each other. You try to disguise your surprise, but you’re sure he can see in as his lips quick up on one side.
“Like a boyfriend.” His breath is so warm as it puffs against your lips. He’s so, impossibly close and it wouldn’t take but a tilt of your head to close the gap.
“Oh.” Your eyes search between his own, looking for something behind them. Finding no ill intent, no underlying darkness. There’s only hope flickering there, shielding the loneliness you can sense in him, the same that you mask in your own life. You feel your lips pull up into a teasing smile as you glance down at his plush lips. “No.”
“Good.” And he’s closing the gap. Hands coming up to cradle your face and nose brushing against yours as his lips capture yours.
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The next morning, you’re packing up the remainder of your stuff as quietly as possible. The sun has yet to rise, the sky barely beginning to lighten on the horizon. Joel is snoring just loudly enough that you can pick up the sound coming from inside his tent. You don’t want to bother him, seeing as he’s resting after a rather long night. You feel the ghost of his lips against yours, the way they had dragged down your throat, your collarbone, lower still beneath your shoved off flannel and rucked up tank top.
“Don’t normally do this kinda thing.” He groaned into your skin as his exploring fingers undid the small tie at the front of your shorts. The thickness of them as they hooked in the waistband and pulled made you dizzy, made your body clench around nothing at the heady thought of them delving lower.
“What? Make out with strangers?” You huff a giddy laugh that turns into a choked whimper as his knuckles graze between your legs, feeling the dampness there. He presses close, and you feel the pressure of his hand against your swollen lips, can feel the way he slowly parts them with gentle movements. Fingertips find your sensitive bud and your body glitters, eyes fluttering shut.
“Make out with anyone. Been so focused on other stuff.”
“Focus on me then, just for now.” You whisper as you reach for him, guiding his face back up to yours and kissing him deeply. He swallows the moan that bursts from your chest as his fingers find your fluttering entrance. He’s knuckle deep and crooking them before you can catch your breath. It hitches, leaves you and causes you to break away from him when they nudge a spot just right, lighting up your body in a way it hadn’t been in ages.
“That’s the spot, huh darlin’?” He thrusts his fingers in a slow, deep rhythm. Feeling your soft walls clench around him, the jolt to your body and the arching of your back telling him he’s found exactly the right spot. “C’mon, you feel so damn good. Lemme see how pretty you are.”
Through a heavy-lidded gaze, you see him hovering above you. His outline stark in the glow of the string lights strung up around your campsite. His brown eyes are glittering and blown wide, his lips are parted and panting for breath, chest dusted with the same dark hair atop his head. When had he even taken his shirt off? It doesn’t matter, you lose the thought as your hands begin to explore his chest. Nails raking lightly down his pecs and toward the softness of his belly. Belt unbuckled and pants undone, but still secure around his waist.
Heat encompasses you, your body alight as he beckons you closer and closer to the edge. You fall with a cry of his name when he leans down to nip at your breast, nipple taut between his teeth. He guides you through it, fingers dragging it out before he gently removes them from your fluttering core and twitching clit.
“That’s a pretty sight indeed, darlin’.” He kisses your temple, your cheeks, your forehead. A grunt of surprise falls from him when you surge up and wrap your arms around his neck and use your feet to push his jeans off. His rumbling laughter fills the dark space as he quickly pushes them off all the way and kicks them off the bed. “Gonna let me have you, sweet girl, gonna let me feel you come on my cock?”
“Fuck, Joel, yes, please.” You rut against him as his erection bobs up toward his stomach, needing more, needing to feel him. This safe, beautiful stranger you hadn’t known existed until today. He was intoxicating. The hot, long line of him hard where you grind against the underside of him. He groans a deep, guttural sound at the feeling, the slick of your swollen lips and the beads of precum falling from his tip making for such an easy glide.
His hand snakes down to guide himself a little lower, eliciting a cry from you when his head rubs roughly over your clit.
“Shh, shh, gotta be quiet now, don’t wanna wake the whole campground, do we?” He’s watching your face twist in pleasure, the way your bottom lip plumps between teeth as you try to quiet yourself. He tries to muffle his own loud moan when he finally pushes in. Everything stills for the barest of moments, eyes meeting and breath hitching. Before he’s snapping his hips against yours, bending over you to lift a leg over his shoulder and his teeth grit as he tries to keep his sounds restrained.
You’re lost to the feeling of his body moving against yours, moving inside yours. He’s filling you so deeply, hitting that spot you didn’t believe any guy could find and it’s making your vision sparkle bright white.’
Your face heats as you recall the way he had desperately asked ‘where’ in that gravely twang of his. The feeling of him still filling you, dampening your underwear as he dribbled out a little bit at a time. It had been rather risky a move, but the pills you took everyday would help prevent any…mishaps with the handsome man you hadn’t expected to meet on your own impromptu excursion from the city.
He was from there too and something compelled you to write your name and number on a blank page of your small notepad. A little note saying to call you for a coffee sometime because it had been nice to talk to him and his daughter. You left the remainder of the casserole in the tin and secured the crumpled foil over it before cautiously lifting the lid to their large cooler. Thankfully there was space for the extra food, they would need it with their additional night in the park.
But you needed to go, real life responsibilities calling your name back from the slice of reprieve you had sought out.
Picking up the packed tent, the handles rough in your hand like Joel’s calloused palms, you looked the campsite over one last time. Everything was packed now, the city beckoning you back though this camping trip had provided you with something you hadn’t had a taste of in a long time.
next part
taglist: @dontknow446 @copperhalfcent @tuquoquebrute @sawymredfox
@mareagirls @insidethegardenwall @wintersquirrel @pastelpinkflowerlife
@yxtkiwiyxt @here-briefly @pedroswife69 @lotusbxtch @amyispxnk
@for-a-longlongtime @burntheedges @tonysopranosrobe @littlemisspascal
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banners and dividers by the lovely @/saradika-graphics and @/cafekitsune
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cinnamonest · 1 year
Cyno trying to fight off his sexual desires for darling... 🤭
This reminds me of the post I did for guilty sadist Kazuha... consider guilty sadist/rapist Cyno...
Cyno seems like the sort of boy who has absolutely zero history too, so the thing is, he's never really had to practice controlling these kinds of urges before. He's always been so busy with his responsibilities, he's sort of put the idea of romantic relationships to the side, with the idea that he'll get to it one day.
And, partially, he also knows deep down that he's avoiding it because he's intimidated by the thought. See, urges themselves aren't his only problem, the other issue is, for all his sternness and stoicism, he's horrifically awkward with anything of a romantic or, gods forbid, sexual nature. His face feels hot just thinking about it. Oh, and when he's super nervous, his face and voice get extra stern and serious-sounding, which comes off almost like being angry or irked, which does not work well for him.
The one time he tried to approach you and speak to you with specific intent, talk to you in a way that was unrelated to his role, he was so tense and focused and anxious that you stiffened up the moment he said your name, you asked if something was wrong. Then he panicked, and when he tried to explain himself (realizing how stupid it was to have walked over to you with no plan beyond a greeting), he ended up stumbling over his words, making up something about asking if you've seen someone else, keeping his shaky arms folded, and just when he thinks he's pulled off an interaction at least somewhat smoothly, his words of departure go over as-
Well, I'll see you arOUND—
-And he bites down hard at the voice crack, clearing his throat before trying to repeat himself as if nothing had happened, turning around and summoning his utmost willpower to walk away normally and not take off running. And then proceeded to lay in bed face-down for several hours, wallowing in frustration and humiliation.
It's a combination of those factors —a very odd, mismatched combination at that. The awkwardness over so much as a very simple interaction, yet at the same time, deep urges to do unspeakable things to you. He'd be fairly nervous about even doing something normal, and much more so the actual things he so deeply desires for.
Even if he could get over the feeling of guilt for the things he thinks about doing to you, all the depraved fantasies he's long since given up on trying to refrain from allowing his mind to conjure and instead now jerks off to several times a day, he'd still be so awkward, just thinking about it frustrates him.
However, said combination of factors is itself what makes it exponentially worse. It would be one thing if he was struggling to summon the balls to just talk to you and to start something normal, but that's not what he wants. He's self-aware of the fact that his urges are unusually violent and depraved.
He knows exactly where it started, too. He used to not have such depraved thoughts. Previously, he would have thought of himself as fairly normal in terms of tastes and urges, mostly using the occasional piece of adult material he's managed to get his hands on, books and prints that he keeps insistently hidden in a storage bin under the bed somewhere. All that was normal, nothing more than images of nudity with lewd posing.
But you just had to go and present an issue. It was so trivial, it's almost irritating that the inconvenience presents itself, forcing him to use valuable time to handle it. And it turned out to be a misunderstanding, too. Repeated absence, some professor claimed you hadn't showed up all semester, it led to a gradual increase of strikes to your conduct record and eventually, seeing as there were no bigger issues for him to handle that day, they sent him off to deal with something usually left to lower-ranked individuals. Turns out you'd registered for a different section of the same class, forgot to officially turn in the form to unregister from the former, and apparently fail to check your assigned mailbox at all. Admittedly, it was a bit irritating to have time wasted on something that was preventable, had you not been so airheaded, so his tone certainly reflected that.
—and in the future, *please* try to remember things like this.
I know! I know, I'm really sorry....
And if you'd checked your mail, you would have gotten all the letters the office has been sending you.
I know...
It was frustrating. At first, it was just pure irritation being taken out on you. But you just kept apologizing. Bowing your head, clasping your hands together.
I'm soooo sorry, I'll be more responsible in the future, I promise! S-so... please don't get me in trouble...
That was it. He can still hear those exact words in his head, exactly as you said them. The trepidation and nervousness in your voice. The way you bit your lip. The pleading look on your face.
A completely non-sensual interaction. Unpleasant, even. Something someone would have to be some kind of lust-obsessed pervert to find anything remotely sensual about, to think anything of beyond the plain, simple reality of the exchange and situation itself.
That's why it felt so bizarre, suddenly becoming aware of an increasing heartrate. The sudden sensation of heat across his body. A fuzzy, tingling sensation in his abdomen. And at first, he could have, albeit with some embarrassment, admitted to himself it was because yes, you did immediately strike him as pretty, and was ready to chastise himself for not having better control over himself, to let that influence him. In his conscious mind, he intended to merely tell you what you wanted to hear, that it was fine. After all, such a trivial misunderstanding would be unfair to hold against you, and he had every intention on just letting it go and taking any notes of the incident off your record. He was going to just tell you that it was all fine and to forget about it.
That's not what came out of his mouth, though.
I can't afford to have you making more unnecessary inconvenience in the future. You'd be more incentivized if you had some deduction of some kind.
No, really, I don't -- that's not necessary. I mean, it can't be that big of a deal, it's just a form...
It felt strange. Like it just came out of his mouth without thinking. He's normally not that much of a stickler, he's reasonable, and usually forgives first-time unintentional mistakes.
And now you're trivializing it?
N-no! No, I didn't mean it like that, I just...
To you, he comes off as irritated, but in truth his heart is beating so fast, there's this weird swelling feeling in his chest. That swelling feeling surges when your eyes widen and you start to apologize and stammer. The look of sudden panic on your face, the nervousness in your entire demeanor.
You're intimidated and nervous. The little things he says control and change your entire demeanor. Speaking harshly and coldly makes your panic worse. What happens is dependent on what he decides, and you're standing there pleading with desperation. And when he agrees, you sigh a huge breath of relief, thank him just as profusely as you were apologizing moments before.
You're very lucky I'm willing to strike this off your record entirely. Normally, I'd at least make a note of past negligence to fulfill academic responsibility.
I know, I know, thank you...
He thinks about that initial interaction a lot. For the rest of that day, it wouldn't leave his mind, even at night when he laid there, looking up at the ceiling. Unable to determine why he said all that. Drew out your suspense and worry.
But he's perceptive enough that he can figure it out, after some reflection. It just felt nice, to have that degree of control over you. Amusing, endearing even, how you reacted to it all, and a sort of exciting buzz at the awareness of having so much control over someone. That should be something he's fairly used to, but he's never felt this sensation when dealing with anyone else. It's usually just a responsibility that he doesn't have any particular emotions about.
And maybe, seeing your intimidation and dread and pleading was, in and of itself, entertaining. Pleasing. A sort of egotistical rush.
You now recognize him, smile and wave when you see him, despite the unpleasant nature of that situation. He's not at all resentful of you or anything for it. In fact, he's taken a sort of fascination with you since then... not that you'd really know, given it's all from a distance, aside from that one aforementioned time he fumbled the attempt to talk to you normally.
He can't look at you without feeling shameful about the thoughts that begin to sprout — as dumb and forgetful as you apparently may be, you're so sweet to him when you see him, and seem so kind and pure-spirited, and here he is wanting to do horrible things to you, it makes him feel so guilty and ashamed and he sulks for hours... usually before jerking off to the thoughts again, unable to resist the urge to do so. Admittedly, he's hoping that expressing the urges that way will make him more rational and less prone to impulse in real life.
More importantly, he can't look at you without stripping you down in his head. He hates that, keeps trying to chastise himself for it. It's the sort of behavior that's reserved for rapists and perverts, not people like him. But it just keeps happening. Every time he looks at you, he keeps imagining all the pieces coming off, tries to envision your skin, the curvature of your body. It usually serves as a preceding thought to far worse ones.
You're so nice, you've never done anything wrong to him. You have such a cute smile. Your heart is pure and sweet. That makes it so much worse, makes him feel a knot in his chest, whenever he tries to keep the fantasies wholesome and normal, if he can't fight them off entirely — only to fail at that too. It makes it so much worse that, no matter how much he tries to envision you smiling and moaning and encouraging him, once he gets hot and into a lust-crazed haze, it always drifts. Before he can even stop himself, the images become you whimpering and teary-eyed, looking scared, trembling. He sees your arms straining hard against restraints, feels your body squirm against his, hears little gasps and hisses of pain when he reaches down to bite your neck and digs his nails into your hips and so many other things, oh, so so so many other things he could do to you, things to make you squeal and squirm and clench and sniffle and beg and cry. He can hear it, a side to your voice he's never heard in reality, higher in pitch and strained, stop, stop, I'm sorry, please—
And the fantasy always breaks there, because once he gets to the part he can hear your voice in his head is always what pushes him over the edge. His eyes bolt open and his muscles tense as cum splatters onto his stomach, and he's left to lay there panting and staring up at the ceiling, wallowing, feeling like he's the worst person in the world.
It's getting harder. He starts to get jittery, like some sort of psychological itch that can't be scratched except for one specific way, one he can't do. He can't.
He can just barely justify it to himself with the notion that fantasizing helps. As long as he does this, he won't do anything to you. At least, that's his hope...
But splashing cold water on his face whenever he feels weird is getting less effective. He feels a sense of dread, worried about his own self and his own mind, when he finds himself spacing out and absent-mindedly wandering around, but just so happening to make a direct path for your residence. He feels a nagging sense of sickness when he gradually caves to one urge after another -- first following you around, then increasing the amount of time he spends doing so, then using the master key he's provided with to break into your room and lie on your bed and inhale your scent for over an hour, then to start stealing clothes out of your room. It makes him feel sick to his stomach, makes him feel shameful and dirty, but it's overridden by the haze of arousal and lust and desperation.
He knows it's getting worse, and that his self-control is rapidly waning. He comes to acknowledge that he's lying to himself when he reasons that doing this will satiate the desires, prevent him from doing something worse. That it will only accelerate it instead. That it's a matter of time and circumstance from this point forward, and that he's just a step away from going out of his way to create the right circumstances. That he's going to commit a crime, and not because it's the only way he could obtain the physical act itself, but because he wants to, because he wants it to be forceful and frightening and brutal. As much as he wishes he didn't want that, he knows his inner mind does, his body does, he wants that, craves it, needs it.
Maybe he could break into your room while you sleep. Put a hand over your mouth. Keep you in the dark, only whisper so you can't recognize his voice. Then you wouldn't know. Ah, but then, if he had that once, if he could experience that once, there's no way he'd be able to keep it at only once. There's no way he could just walk out and leave you there and live without ever getting to do it again. He has to do something, but there's nothing he can do that isn't a terrible idea for anything but the immediate few minutes it would take place.
What if he just... did it? Without even concealing his identity? Would you tell anyone? Would you not, because you'd think no one would believe you? Would you be too afraid of him to do that? Would you allow it over and over and over, to the point that you would just accept it as your fate? Would it eventually break your mind into accepting him, too?
He doesn't end up having to think it through, or plan it out, or even finally give up resistance to the urges enough to make an active effort to go through with it. No, he gets something much easier. So much so, so coincidental and perfect, it feels like some kind of joke, like it can't even be real, when he gets that knock on his door late at night, freezing up entirely when he sees your sheepish, apologetic face.
I'm so sorry sir, it's just... I locked myself out of my residence hall, I don't know anyone else I could go to this late... I thought maybe you have some kind of key that can get into the halls...?
For a moment, he doesn't respond, and you're almost afraid you've upset him. He stands there slowly blinking, expression blank, staring forward at you, completely still. The silence carries for just a few seconds, just enough to feel awkward, before he speaks — that is, lies on immediate impulse.
No, I don't. Sorry.
There's an odd dullness to his eyes, it almost makes you feel uneasy, but you deem it easily explicable as tiredness due to the late hour.
O-oh, alright, sorry to bother—
You can stay in here.
There's a few seconds of pause. He seems to recognize the somewhat surprised look on your face, and adds,
I have a chair I can sleep in. You shouldn't be outside so late at night. I'll allow you to stay here for the night. It's probably best for your safety.
The words come out of his mouth before he can think them through, impulsive, and hopefully not so instantaneously after you just barely finish your own words that it came across as odd. He can't really tell how he's coming across, too deep into a daze. He can't read the expression on your face either, as if his brain is short-circuited, unable to focus on or process anything. It takes another moment for him to realize he's still standing in the doorway, and takes a step back.
And you know it's strange, sure. But again, it's reasonable, it's late, he's tired. And he's extending such a kind gesture for someone he really doesn't know all that well, you'd feel bad for rejecting it, and thereby obligated to agree. It's only natural that unsavory ideas briefly cross your mind, but for someone like him, both in character and in position, you don't really worry about something like that, you trust him far more than you would a regular guy.
Thank you so much!
He doesn't even nod in acknowledgement, merely steps to the side as you make your way in. You're taking in the predictable neatness of the room around you as you listen to the click of him locking the door back up for the night, and then, the slow, heavy sound of each step taken from behind you drawing closer and closer, as you set down the things you had on you, a jacket and a bag. Your lips part and you inhale just before asking if it's okay to put them where you did, but a hand slams down onto your throat before you can speak.
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Title: Message My Heart {One Shot}
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Lewis Hamilton x Famous Reader
Warning: Cursing, Heavy Angst, Some Fluff, PLENTY OF WORDS,
Words: 8.2k
Summary: You are a famous and jaded singer. You’ve closed yourself off from others and even experiences. However, one unexpected comment changes everything.
Note: Let's pretend we all can't recognize or man in .2 seconds from a super pixelated shot of his forehead alone. Let's pretend that we never followed this man a day in our lives. LOL
As always, thank you for reading! I appreciate it!
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
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You'd posted this on a whim, as a joke and nothing serious. It was a night you should have been kept away from your socials, a night of heavy drinking, illicit smoke passing your lips, and hours and hours of dancing until your legs were sore and the bottoms of your feet were numb. A night of laughs, tears, anger, and joy. A night all in the hopes of forgetting the loneliness of your existence.
Though you were never alone you always felt it. You were always surrounded by at least 10 people at any given time, always having someone snap your picture, scream your name, begging for an autograph, for you to smile, for you to pose this and that way, for a moment of your time, your voice, your heart, your life.
It was exhausting always being on display like you were 24/7 entertainment and not a person. Everyone believed you belonged to them and hence you had no right to privacy, no right to be human or left alone. Everything was always so intense and fast-paced, so sexualized and impersonal. You guessed it was the price to pay for the life you chose because of the vocal talent you possessed and oftentimes you believed you had no right to complain because you had chosen this, though you had no idea what this really was all those years ago.
You groaned, wrapped your fur blanket around your naked figure then took a heady sip of your mimosa. Then you scrolled through the comments underneath your post. You rolled past comment after comment of men giving you their sexual fantasies which ranged from mild to very depraved. You were beyond shocked that people would actually speak filth like this on social media for the world to see and not feel shame.
As you scrolled, you also noted how most of those sexual fantasies were deleted. That told you that your social media team was on it and doing the job they were paid handsomely for.
Your ringing phone drew your attention and without looking you knew it was your manager. You sighed then answered.
"What were you thinking posting that? What did you think would happen?"
"I wasn't thinking."
"Damn right you weren't. The ways that statement could be taken."
"It's not like it was meant the way it was taken! Look I am not going to apologize for the depravity and lewdness of most of the male population. I will not take responsibility for that, nor do I deserve you calling me to belittle me about it."
With that, you ended the call. He was on thinner ice than he'd ever been before. You were ready to fire his ass before but now you were past ready. Your anger tried to overtake you but you recited the mantra you'd learned from your Balinese getaway where had a strong spiritual awakening that made you confront just how bad a shape you were in.
It took 7 repetitions but at the end of them, you felt more rooted in your strength. You continued scrolling rolling your eyes at comments that were weird or cringe then your finger hovered over the screen as a particular comment caught your eye.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Take you away from everyone who makes those beautiful eyes empty and sad so I can gently caress and love away the pain that shines through wrapped around the lyrics of every slow song you put out that your voice so hauntingly expresses to the world. I would just simply love you for all you are that you hide from the world and all you wish to be that you fear you can never be.
For a very long time, you sat there staring at the words in a complete daze. You sat there so long that you actually forgot to breathe. When your chest burned and your head got light, you gasped filling your lungs. You then read the comment again.
Holy shit, you thought.
Who was this person? So many things raced through your mind. Was this just some random person, some random response? Did they know you? How was everything he said so on point? They'd seen through your eyes. Heard the pain. Slowly you began hyperventilating but quickly you got yourself under control. Who was this?
You clicked their name but found their account on private. You contemplated messaging them but quickly decided against it. It was stupid to do.
So you went about your day fulfilling your obligations and doing everything you normally would. Smiled for the cameras, posed for pictures, signed endless autographs, chatted with fans, kept everything PC, shook hands, and gave the people what they so thought they were owed. Every bit of yourself.
However, as your day progressed and winded down you couldn't stop thinking about the comment, and the more you thought about it, the more your curiosity increased. So by the time you were on your way home for the night, you went back on social and sent a follow request before you chickened out, then closed the app.
Though you tried to forget it, you didn't. So as you ate dinner, watched TV, showered, did a little work then wrote some lyrics you had it in the back of your head. When you checked it you couldn't help but smile as you found your request had been approved. However not much was posted in the way of a face. There were plenty of animal pictures, landscapes, and abstract things but nothing to tell you who this person was.
So with nothing to quell your curiosity, you backed off of their page ready to close the app all together when a red '1' appeared indicating you'd received a message. It took all of 5 seconds for you to open it.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Didn't imagine this would be the end of my day when I started it.
You smiled. Hell neither did you.
You: Me neither.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: To what do I owe the pleasure?
You thought about your possible response. You couldn't just tell the truth...could you? After some minutes you bit the bullet.
You: Why did you comment that?
You watched the three dots appear and disappear 5 times as you anxiously waited for their reply. You imagined all the things they could say, all the ways you'd possibly misread the situation and made a wrong decision. Just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, came a lengthy response.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I was just being honest and some more honesty would be that I've been following you for a long time and been a fan for about the same time and there is something about you. Something ethereal, something poetic and hypnotizing.
You: Ah. Another fan of my looks. Okay. I get it.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: This has nothing to do with your looks and everything to do with your aura. To be truthful I am convinced you look 1000 times better without the layers of makeup and lashes. It cheapens your beauty. The glow around you has changed over the years. It began beautiful and golden and has morphed into copper, then rust, now it is barely visible and just a shimmery black as if you are a former shell of who you were.
Talk about a stab in the gut. You read their words over and over and thought back to something the Dali said in Bali. It was something similar, something just as profound. A shiver rushed through you producing goosebumps along your flesh.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I posted that comment because I saw you and wanted you to know it. I wanted you to know that while the world wants something--everything from you I want nothing but to give something to you.
The tears in your eyes made your lids heavy. You fought the inevitable struggling to keep them at bay.
You: And what's that?
The reply was lightning quick as if he knew you'd ask.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Safety and love.
That was it. That was all it took for your bottom lid to give up and release the floodgates. Your tears cascaded down your cheeks and they didn't stop for long minutes that turned into hours until you'd cried yourself to sleep.
-12 Weeks Later-
A stranger's kind words to a random drunken post ended up being a gift from the universe. Every time you talked which was every day now he put you at ease. It was like having the worst case of poison ivy that nothing soothed but that one salve you decided to try on a whim. He was that salve and every time you spoke his effect was one that mystified you.
Your moods improved, intrusive thoughts decreased, and depression staved off. Hell, even your outlook had changed. Once everything was bleak. You saw the worst in everyone and everything. You were Ms. Pessimistic always with the defensive wall because you expected everyone you encountered to be trash. Now, that outlook had changed and because of the chance you were giving him and him not fumbling it was slowly changing your mind about people.
When you asked him what his motives were, he simply said to be your friend because you looked like you needed one of those more than someone to tell you how beautiful you are or break your back. That answer floored you. Never had you had a man who wanted to be your friend as opposed to something else--something more.
So friends was what you became. He became one of your biggest supporters always cheerleading you on through social media. He was the ever-present positivity your negative mind craved. His light and vibe were contagious and soon they'd infiltrated your whole outlook. He even got you into jogging, which you hated. Every morning at the ass crack of dawn you were jogging together sending snapshots of the view you were zipping by, short text messages throughout, and even voice messages.
You often decompressed together either watching a movie, playing against one another on gaming platforms, or just doing the same activities in your own towns. Through it all, you still didn't know what he looked like still didn't know who he really was and though you were curious, you also were afraid to rock the boat.
When your friends found out about him they often badgered you into figuring out who he was. They even offered to do a deep dive investigation on social to figure it out. You knew they could crack the case in a few hours but again the fear told you not to.
"What are you afraid of?"
It was a good question that one of your best friends, Alaana, asked as you sat with both of them in your theater room watching the latest release on Netflix. Twiddling your fingers, you avoided her eyes.
"Do you think he's a perv?"
Your other friend, Takia, gasped as she shot upright. "That he's a catfish?"
"Who is he catfishing as? She doesn't even know who he is let alone if he looks like who he says he is," Alaana pointed out.
"So what is it? Afraid he's butt ugly?"
The two cackled together as if they were the best stand-up comedians alive while you gave them your best unamused expression.
"Just tell us," Alaana whined.
"Rocking the boat."
They stared at you in confusion which made you even more frustrated. With a kiss of your teeth and a sigh you continued.
"Disillusionment. What if finding out who he is or what he looks like rocks the boat and destabilizes everything? What if things change and not for the better? Like I have no idea how this man I know nothing about was able to--"
"Bring back the Y/N before you got famous and jaded?"
The three of you nodded and sat there in silence for a few moments as if giving that silence to your former self as a show of sorrowful recognition.
"He hasn't even done anything. He's just been...there."
"The universe usually brings us what we need at the time we need it. What if he is what you need?"
"I've thought about that the last few weeks. I don't know how but somehow the way I think of him has changed. I daydream about him and get giddy when I think of him. I don't remember this with anyone else and it's weird because I don’t know him in the slightest."
"You like him," Takia accused.
"I don't know him."
"Girl, please. You've been talking to this man every day for the last 3 months. Every day. You know his routine, know his likes, dislikes, and dreams. You know him so just take the next step. Maybe you guys can make things work past friends. His first initial message to you was that he would love away the pain and love all you are that you hide from the world and all you wish to be that you fear you can never be."
Hearing his earliest words spoken made goosebumps skirt across your skin. They still affected you, still made you weak.
"No lie at first I thought it was creepy but seeing how pure and innocent it has turned it doesn't make me cringe anymore. I think at least find out who he is then decide."
"What if he's some normal guy who is like a doctor or teacher?"
"Would that make you think twice?"
"Normal people don't do well in this world. It's hard to understand and adjust to."
"Or maybe he is in this world."
"Making anything work in this world sucks especially if they are already in it."
"Which is the more appealing one?"
Just then your notifications went off. Checking it, you found a new message from him.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I'm sorry I'm on a business trip and it has been a crazy day. I'm all yours now. How are you?
You smiled and typed out a reply.
You: No need for sorries. I can't expect to have you all to myself 24/7
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: And why not? It's nothing short of what you deserve.
Lite fluttering butterflies took over your stomach making you burrow deeper into the couch.
You: So are you saying if I want you 24/7 then you're mine?
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Even if you don’t want me I’m yours.
"Oh my god," Alaana squealed.
Glancing back, you found Alaana peeping over your right shoulder and Takia over your left. Both had literal heart eyes.
"Ask for a picture," Takia badgered.
"Tell him you'll send one too," Alaana backed up.
Shaking your head, you chewed your bottom lip trying to stick to your guns though the curiosity was killing you. Just then, another message came through.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Scared you off?
You chewed more intently on your bottom lip as you thought over his words. You weren't scared in the slightest.
You: It takes more than that to scare me.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Good to know. So the real question is, could you--would you want me?
Seconds later, an image came through and you sat there dazed staring into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes you'd ever seen.
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"Wooooow," Alaana and Takia said in unison.
"That there is a beautiful man," Takia added.
She was right. Though you could only see his eyes you could see that they were kind eyes and kind eyes said a lot about someone. It had been a long time since you'd looked into a pair of kind eyes and now faced with his, you wanted nothing more than to stare into them for the foreseeable future.
"Holy Shit," you exclaimed.
"Right. Girl, I can tell he fine. I can tell these things. You can see it in the nose bridge. That's a nose bridge of a fine piece of man," Alaana said.
"The nose bridge? Come on Lana, I would have said the eyebrows and the lashes. Like, did he go to the lash bar or something? I'm jealous," Takia added.
You heard them but nothing was registering. His eyes held you captivated.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Take your time. I'll wait.
And wait he did. Your friends booed you for not answering with a resounding "hell yeah", but you didn't let it phase you. Tucking your phone away, you tried your best to focus on the rest of the movie while ignoring the big elephant trunk sticking out of your phone as if to remind you what was happening in it. You didn't need the reminder. Your mind was already thinking and overthinking the exchange.
By the time your friends had gone to sleep it was almost 2 in the morning and no matter how you tried, sleep evaded you. So with your phone in hand, a bottle of wine in the other you trekked to the pool and set yourself up. It took less than 5 minutes for you to end up back on your messages. 6 hours had gone by since his last message. 6 hours you'd left him on read. 6 hours you'd thought about his words. You pressed the audio record button then sighed.
"Even before you sent that picture...I could and would want you."
Your finger hovered over the send button and it was fear again that stood in your way. So as you did 12 weeks ago, you took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and pressed send. After, you dropped your phone on the lounger, grabbed the bottle of wine, and took a hearty gulp of the sweet red liquid. This brand had a higher alcohol content than most of your whites which meant it would be the best 'no thinking' wine for you. It would make it easy to relax and just exist in the moment. You leaned back and gazed into the sky. You were far enough away from the lights and glitz of the city that you could see the stars and tonight you were glad for it.
Releasing a sigh of contentment, you realized it had been years since you felt this calm. It was easy to get lost in the view which is what you did. By the time your notifications went off again, you'd had half the bottle of wine. It was a voice message.
His normally deep voice was even deeper now. He sounded as if he'd just woken up or was very intoxicated and in the mood for nothing but sin. You pressed your knees together as a sensation you hadn't felt in years washed over you--desire. Who in the fuck was this man to have this power, you wondered incredulously.
"Wow. I honestly didn't expect you to reply. I'm pleasantly surprised."
Smiling you took another mouthful of wine.
"Sorry it took so long."
"It's all good. No need to apologize. I understand you better than you think."
"How exactly? You've never met me."
"I actually did, once. It was in passing and I guess I didn't make an impression so..."
Your eyes bugged as you wracked your brain trying to figure out if you'd seen his eyes before. There was no way you'd forget eyes like those.
"Trying to think over all the people you've met through your life to see if you remember me?"
He sounded amused.
"I was trying to figure out how I could not remember eyes like yours. Since I don't think it's possible I'm going to say you're full of shit."
The recording that came next put the biggest smile on your face and set those butterflies flapping again. His laugh was a thing for masturbation.
"Real talk though."
"So safe to say you're not a teacher or CEO of some major company."
"Ha, no not a teacher. As for a CEO of some major company...that's pretty accurate."
You continued to think over who he could possibly be but nothing was sticking. The only thing that was sticking was more and more curiosity and confusion.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: As I said before. You'll know when you're ready and when you are ready...really ready for me I will be there.
You stared at his words. They were words he’d sent before. Words he'd patiently abided by. Words he apparently meant. Your heart in your chest purred as of it were blissfully soothed and content. Staring back up at the stars you gaped in wonderment.
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-4 Weeks Later-
You: I'm ready.
You stared at the message you'd sent 30 minutes ago. You couldn't believe you'd mustered up the courage to send it let alone actually meant it. In the last 16 weeks, there had been more than enough things that were working for him than against him. He was kind, funny, patient, funny, gentle, honest, gracious, spoke of his faith in things in such a way that instilled faith in you. You'd gone from not seeing the point in continuing if emptiness was all that awaited you to wanting the next day to come so you could experience new things through and with him.
Takia asked you a week ago if you'd fallen in love with him and though you were apprehensive to give her any response your heart lurched and thudded even more strongly within your chest. Since then, you'd thought even more about meeting him.
Today you woke with a stronger desire to meet him, touch his skin and see if he smelled how you imagined, like vanilla, cedar, spiced and fragrant musk, an open field of lavender, and lemon thyme and ripe citrus. You just wanted to be in the same room to see if you were romanticizing a stranger for his kind words or if there was really something there.
"You'll be late if we don't leave now," your new manager Iyla said.
Since firing your old manager and having Iyla come in who was always in his shadow because of how obnoxious he was you'd felt better and better about your career. She'd really stepped up in the past few weeks and showed you what you already suspected, that she was good at what she did and was a much better fit for you.
Once you were out of the hotel and in your car on your way to the venue you were set to perform at, you harmonized your new song trying to make sure you had everything right. It was partly because of how much of a perfectionist you were but also to distract yourself from the silence on his end from your message.
You tried not to think that he'd seen it and left you on read or that he was not on the same page as you anymore or that he'd changed his mind about you. There were so many thoughts and possibilities running through your head that work was the only way to quiet them.
20 minutes later you arrived at the Versace show where you were going to perform. This would be a first where live music was used for the models to walk the runway rather than backtrack. When Donatella had approached you with the idea you leaped at the chance. Half of your closet was filled with Versace so there was no way you'd pass this up.
"This is so iconic," Iyla said as she readjusted your altered vintage Versace dress. The material fit you like a glove and accentuated all your striking features.
"You will be the first ever to perform at a Versace show, hell any show that isn't the VS shows. You are about to break into another layer of this atmosphere, forget the stratosphere," Iyla said with a wide smile.
There was something about her that always made you comfortable. Her vibe always gave off excited and caring big sister and you loved that.
"Are you nervous?"
You wiggled your hand to show her how in the middle of the fence you were.
"Don't be. You look amazing and we already know your voice is sublime. Talk about an Indica trip."
You smiled already feeling calmer. As you walked the black and gold carpet you smiled for the cameras and did a few interviews. Overall everyone was looking forward to the performance and the show. Across the way, you heard a commotion. The photographers went into a tizzy and fans that were mingled together across the street looking on screamed. It sounded like a K-pop concert instead of a fashion show. People loved fashion but they didn't get this crazy for it.
Carning your neck you tried to see what the fuss was all about and instead saw fans losing their ever-loving shit.
"Oh my god, it's Lewis Hamilton," one screamed.
You'd heard the name plenty of times but you'd never paid much attention. All you knew was he was British and did some kind of sport. You watched on as he stepped up on the carpet and posed in his all-black outfit. You watched on for a few moments curious as to what all the hype was. He was too far away for you to make out much of his features but from what you could make out, you had to admit he was attractive.
Though you felt Iyla tapping you to tell you it was time to move you couldn't. There was something about him that was so captivating. Alas, you had a performance to kill. You turned and saw Donatella approaching you with a huge smile.
"You look even better than I thought you would."
"That's kind. Thank you but I am only the vessel for this beautiful piece of art you've created."
The photographers screamed for you both to pose so they could get the shot and that is what you did for almost a full 10 minutes. No amount was good enough for them, they wanted more and more and more.
"Ah, Lewis. Come, come, come. Join us!”
You spun and found the same man from a few minutes ago approaching. His smile was wide as he looked at Donatella but when they shifted to you his smile slipped. At the sight of that for some reason, your belly sank. Did he know of you and didn't like you?
As quickly as the smile disappeared it appeared again. He embraced Donatella kissing both her cheeks as he exchanged pleasantries. You caught a whiff of a scent that couldn't be cologne. It had to be him. It was strong but not in an overpowering way. Though he didn't stand too close to you, you could catch notes of spiced wood, and rich floral undertones that smelled as if fragrant flowers had been gently smoked over a fire to unlock their deeper fragrance. He smelled good--mouthwatering even.
Donatella turned to you, "Do you know Y/N? Have you met?"
Your eyes met and instantly the feeling of familiarity washed over you.
"Uh--,” you began.
"No, I've never had the pleasure, Lewis said holding out his hand for yours.
You placed it in his palm and felt the familiarity shake you again in the form of a sharp but almost comforting jolt. Neither of you budged though.
"Are you sure? I swear I feel like I've seen..."
"Trust me if I had ever been properly introduced to you, I'd remember."
His eyes held you locked in place. There was something familiar about them but you knew you'd never met him before. He was right. You were sure you'd remember eyes like his. Lewis suddenly dropped your hand, then slipped to the other side of Donatella to take part in the photos. Then like a thief in the night he was gone. Who was that you thought to yourself.
As showtime approached, you tried to forget the strange encounter and the way your body came alive from his scent. The more you tried to forget the more you focused on it but instead of thinking of the man you'd just met you kept thinking about the one you'd been talking to for the last several months.
A notification came up, sending you to your DMs.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Ready for what exactly?
Seeing his message your belly fluttered. It truly had been a while since you'd had a reaction like this to anyone.
You: You know what. Ask me again.
30 seconds ticked by, then a minute, and the whole time you tried not to chew your lip. When another message came in, again your belly flipped.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Do you want me?
Seeing the rephrased question instantaneously brought up your anxiety. It was direct on purpose because he wanted an intentional answer. Not a possible or hypothetical one. Oh, you thought. This man was different from any other little boy you'd encountered and every fiber of your being said take a chance.
Unable to resist, you bit down on your bottom lip and chewed forgetting all about your plum-painted lips, and prepared to type your reply but before you could get a letter down Iyla called your name telling you it was showtime.
5 minutes later, you were backstage waiting for your cue. You would be the first to walk out and down the runway as if you were one of the models. You'd then take your seat and begin. You should have been nervous about it but you weren't, you were more nervous about the message you were about to send.
A few of the models gave you hugs and thumbs up for support just before the stage manager gave you a nod for you to go. Once you stepped through the threshold, you took note of just how many people were there. The creative director had done amazingly on the set and ambiance. The large pool in the center of the runway space really was a vibe. The audience instantly erupted in applause as you stuck your beginning pose for dramatic effect.
What a dream you thought as you took your first step down the sleek white platformed runway. There were plenty of little girls who dreamed of this moment and here you were living it. It had been a while since you were open enough to feel gratitude but here and now you felt it in full force. Another thing to credit the man who still hadn't revealed his name for.
As you walked you noted the plethora of celebrities that sat around the runway at their posh-looking garden tables watching every move you made. You saw singers, actors, models, and even athletes from varying fame levels. On your turn, you saw Dwayne Wade who was seated next to Lewis Hamilton. Both men gave you an appreciative and polite head nod as you passed. When you got to the end of the "U" shaped runway you stopped and the audience again applauded you.
Once you were seated behind the piano, you adjusted your microphone and got ready to get down to business. As the first chords of the piano played for the intro you fully gave yourself to the track. A few lines in and the models began walking showing off the art that had taken months to prepare.
The song you'd chosen tonight was new. It was something that had come to you since you'd begun your interactions in your DMs. It was softer than the songs from your last album which was quite heavy. The lyrics were flirtatious, the melody fun and soothing but it was still somehow all you.
20 minutes later you'd sang 4 new songs and was in the middle of a piano solo that would close out the show. When Donatella stepped out after the model precession went by, you added some flair to the solo giving Beethoven and Bach a run for their money. The audience clapped and whistled as you showcased your musical abilities, abilities that had gotten you your current fame and status. Upon the grand finale, you hit the perfect ending chords making Donatella laugh.
The two of you walked on either side of the line of models toward the center of the "U" shaped runway to meet and join hands. She gestured to you making the audience applaud and cheer. You did a dainty curtsy then motioned to Donatella and cheered loudly which promoted those around you to do the same. You stood there allowing the photographers to take pictures for a few moments. When you glanced down you realized you were standing directly in front of Lewis whose eyes were glued to you. The smile on his lips was soft and the look on his face was endearing. You wanted to ask why but you shook it off.
2 hours later after endless pictures, interviews, autographs, and tens of flirtatious men trying to either get your number, get you to give them your number, or convince you to leave with them for the night; you finally had time to yourself. You finished your glass of champagne, leaned on one of the 9-foot tall hedges, and scrolled through your phone.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Your voice is still haunting and amazingly beautiful, but your eyes are no longer sad and empty. God, you are gorgeous like this.
Smiling, you took a deep breath.
You: I want you.
You were sure of that now.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Are you sure?
You: Yes. I've spent the night having CEOs, oil tycoons, actors, models, athletes, artists, and men from every other profession you can think of flirt with me, attempt to spend the night with me, and try to create some sort of connection only to fail miserably because all I can think of is you and the fact you haven't once flirted with me or tried to convince me to spend the night with you.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I didn't know you wanted me to.
You: I didn't either. Now I do. I want you to. I want you to do all of that.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: What if I don't want to convince you to spend the night with me? Spending the night with you is the least of what I want to do with you.
You: What do you want?
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I want your days. I want your afternoons. I want your trust. I want your honesty. I want your vulnerability. I want your mind. I want your heart.
Once again he'd stolen your breath.
You: And what do I get in return?
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I will give you smiles. I will give you laughter. I will give you joy. I will give you honesty. I will give you my days. I will give you my afternoons, my nights. I will give you my loyalty. I will give you trust. I will give you vulnerability. I will give you my mind, my heart, and only when you are sure you can match me I will give you my body and all the passion and fire you can stand.
Wow, you thought.
You: I'm in Cannes for a few days. I fly out the day after tomorrow. How can we meet?
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Depends. How badly do you want it?
You: I'm not thirsty or anything but a hard 9.
A voice message came through of him laughing. Then another.
"I'm glad you can hide your thirst but I won't. Not anymore. I'm at 100."
It was your turn to send a voice message of you laughing.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Glad you find my suffering funny. I'm currently in Cannes too. If you trust me enough we can meet tonight.
Your brows rose. He was in Cannes too? What a coincidence.
You: Tonight then.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Tonight.
You felt all sorts of giddy now. It overshadowed the nervousness that was trying to overtake you. Fifteen minutes later, as you left the fashion show venue, another message came through.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Vieux Port, 12. Tell this to your driver and they will know where to go.
You smiled then attached a photo of yourself from the night and sent it.
You: Me now so you don't miss me
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: Jeez. You're beautiful Y/N.
You: It is a bit unfair that I still don’t know your name.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: You'll know when you see me.
You dropped Iyla off at the hotel with an excuse of wanting to sightsee then you took the drive to the port. On the way you texted her the location you would be in case you bumped into trouble. With the window down, you relaxed into the scents of Cannes. Baked goods, salty sea air, citrus, and sand. It all smelled wonderful. You'd been here tens of times before but this was the first time you'd taken time for yourself to mellow out. You were in a completely different headspace than you were on previous trips and it felt so freeing.
15 minutes later, your driver pulled up to find 2 people, a man, and a woman, already waiting there. Your phone vibrated with a notification.
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I sent Verona and Linus to escort you. They are waiting at the port. I promise you're safe.
Another message came with 2 pictures and vouching credentials. Sighing, you relaxed again. He had thought of everything. As you approached the two they smiled.
"Verona? Linus?"
"Yes. Ms. Y/L/N?”
"Wonderful. Please follow us we will take you to the vessel," Verona said.
As you walked behind them you couldn't help but wonder what vessel and how he'd pulled all this together in less than an hour. Who was he exactly? It took all of 3 minutes until Linus and Verona both stopped in front of a lavish yacht that looked like it was at least 3 stories.
"Ms. Y/L/N, after you," Linus said with an outstretched arm pointing to the boarding plank ahead.
You stood there for several moments thinking about things again. Were you really going to get on this yacht with someone you’d never met before? Were you really going to be this trusting?
Blessedbeyondmeasure44: I had Verona and Linus provide your driver with the details of this yacht before he left. I've told him to give it to your manager so they know where you will be and how to contact authorities if you aren't returned safely. I’ve also asked them to check in with you every 30 minutes using a code word they choose. I don't want you afraid of me Y/N. If you are afraid I won't think anything of you turning around and we can try this another way, a more public way with your manager present. Whatever you're comfortable with.
You didn't know if it was game or not but his words calmed you. Maybe it wasn't his words and the fact that he thought ahead and provided these securities for you to feel safer. A call from Iyla came through then.
"OMG, Y/N. Wow. I have so many questions and I want all the details later but your code word is Calamari. I will call every 30 minutes."
She sounded excited and you had no idea why.
"Got it."
Just like that, she ended the call. Why was she so excited? You wondered if she knew something you didn't as you put your phone in your bag. With a breath, you crossed the plank and allowed a man dressed similarly to Linus and Verona to lift you onto the yacht.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. He is waiting on the top deck. Follow this hallway to the steps at the end and up you go," Verona instructed.
With a nod, you were off. As you walked you noted just how luxurious the yacht truly was. Did he own this? If he did he was possibly in or close to your tax bracket. You weren't sure if you should be happy about it or leery. If he was in your tax bracket it could mean he was a celebrity as well. At that thought you paused on the 4th step on the stairs.
You thought about celebs that you'd tried to get to know or date and cringed. All of them were slightly weird with quirks you couldn't handle on top of your schedule and responsibilities. A celebrity relationship took a lot and you didn't know if you could give any of it.
"You're getting ahead of yourself, Y/N."
You took a breath and continued. When you reached the top of the stairs your jaw dropped. There were candles and flowers everywhere. Slowly you looked around and realized they weren't just any flowers, they were your favorite flowers.
"Oh my god," you whispered.
With a step forward you took in your 360 view and you knew that no matter who he was you wanted to try for him. As you looked behind you, you walked backward distracted by the beauty surrounding you. He'd somehow managed all of this in under an hour. Somehow he'd filled the entire top deck with all your favorite things. Your favorite flowers were covering every surface of the floor. Your favorite scented candles were lit and their scent wafting in the air. Your favorite snacks and treats lining the railing on the left. Your favorite fruit lining the right railing.
"He's really been paying attention," you softly said.
"Of course I pay attention. You're important to me."
You stumbled to a stop but kept your back to the voice. You recognized his voice. You recognized it from your messages and even tonight. Suddenly, everything swirled in your mind as it slowly came together.
Hi, Y/N."
You took a deep breath and turned. Your jaw dropped while everything fell into place as you looked into eyes you'd seen before this moment. They were eyes you'd looking into mere hours ago.
"I'm Lewis."
He smiled and your heart skipped a beat but words escaped you. He didn't speak again, he waited with his hands clasped behind his back. He wore the same full black outfit from earlier but he looked even better in it now with the candles and flowers as his backdrop.
"I--you--oh my god. You're--”, you began.
"Blessedbeyondmeasure44? Yes, I am."
The silence stretched for a long moment before you snorted.
Lewis chortled in return then let out a chuckle.
"I've said it before but God I love that you have no censor and say the first thing that comes to your mind."
Your eyes bugged. He had said that before.
"No. You're not."
Lewis smiled and took a few more steps to you, "How can I prove it to you?"
You wracked your brain trying to make sense of this and come up with a way he could make you believe this.
"What was the first thing I said to you in DMs?"
Without hesitation, Lewis spoke, "After you sent a follow request I said I didn't expect that this was how my day would end and you said me neither."
You raised a brow. "What was the last thing we did together?
"We went to the beach. You went to Crystal Cove in Laguna Beach and I went to La Concha because I was in Spain at the time. You sent me a beautiful picture of a cave and said it was one of your secret spots. It was called--.”
"Dana's Point," you finished as he proved his point.
"I can show you the messages, and our pictures including the one you sent earlier so I wouldn’t miss you. I wouldn't miss you though Y/N. You stand out no matter what."
He took another step to you leaving only a few inches between you. He reached out and took your hands.
"I have missed you though. I've missed you in so many moments that I wished you were with me, so many experiences I wished I had with you. I missed you every time a message of yours came in. I even missed you in my dreams."
You lifted your hand and cupped his cheek while staring into his eyes.
"I knew I saw those eyes before. I felt it."
Lewis smiled. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this in front of those cameras and the crowd. I'm sorry I wasn't 100% truthful."
You smirked.
"Your message."
Lewis cupped your cheek in return. "Your voice is still haunting and amazingly beautiful, but your eyes--," he paused then cupped your other cheek. Using his thumbs, he softly slid them across your cheekbones. "Your eyes are no longer sad and empty. God, you are gorgeous like this."
Tears welled your eyes and you scoffed.
"Now you flirt with me."
A chuckle fell from his lips and if you hadn't fallen for him before you definitely had now. You hung your head and shook it.
"I am so stupid. This whole time."
"You're not."
"You're Lewis Hamilton. I am sure any other woman would have recognized those eyes. I had no clue. Hell, I don’t know the first thing about you, not really. Yeah, you're a racer but other than that..." you shrugged.
Lewis lifted your head his hands now cupping your skull. It put you on high alert at just how large his hands were. "Hey, love that you had no clue. I love that you don't know me. It was refreshing. I loved these last few months of you knowing me and me knowing you without the extra stuff."
"We know the extra stuff now. Oh my god, from the ruckus on the carpet of the Versace show you're a huge celebrity. How in the world---."
Before you could continue your freak-out Lewis' lips were on yours. It was like you’d stuck your finger in an electrical socket. Your entire body came to life as if his touch was life itself. His soft lips slowly pressed against yours before he opened them enough to take your top lip between his. From there all thought escaped you.
When one of his hands slipped around your waist you moaned unexpectedly. Where had that come from? Your body had no trouble following along. You pressed yourself closer to him relishing the tingles that skirted across your lips and everywhere he touched. Just as you were going to sink your fingers into his braids, Lewis pulled away keeping his forehead to yours.
"Do you want me?"
His voice was low and deep and it wrapped around you pulling you closer to him.
"I-I don’t see how I can have you."
Again Lewis kissed you. This time he delved his tongue into your mouth wrapping it around yours, teasing you to open more for him. When you did it was because you moaned. He took advantage of that opening and kissed you in a way that said he was not letting you go. His moan melded with yours and you felt his other hand tighten as he held your skull. Tearing his lips away, he panted as harshly as you were.
"Do you--want--me? Because I want you Y/N. I want you even knowing the obstacles in our way. I want you more than I have wanted anything in a long time. I want you in ways that surprise me and make me year all at once. I'm not saying this will be a walk through the park. I'm saying I want to walk together with you from this night on. Do you want me too?"
He had to be kidding. Who in their right mind would say no after that? You snorted then laced your fingers together behind his neck thrusting yourself flush against him.
"I want you more than anything. I want you in my life. I want to really run with you though I hate it. I want to go to beaches together and have movie nights truly together. I want to see the same sunrise and sunsets you see. I want to touch your skin like this whenever I want instead of thinking about it. I want to smell you every day. Yes, Lewis. I want you too."
The look in his eyes held you in place as did the tightness of his arms that were now wrapped around your waist holding you possessively against him.
"I can't wait to give you the world Y/N," Lewis said in such a way you knew he meant every word.
"I don't need the world, nor do I want it. I just want you."
His smile was the cutest thing and you knew you'd never get tired of it.
"You have me. Next up...the world."
You smiled then giggled when he lifted you in the air and spun you around. You laughed louder loving the way the sound came from the very depths of you and how authentic it felt. When he put you down you were at the railing looking out to the ocean.
"Started from a DM now we here," Lewis said making you snort.
"Started from a DM soon the whole world will fuckin hear bout it."
Lewis threw his hands up.
You laughed loudly and soon he joined in. When he wrapped his arms around you again he gazed into your eyes but said no words. Slowly both of you moved closer until your lips softly touched. Neither of you moved. You took the time to savor the feel of your skin connecting in a way your minds and souls already had. A way that he had retaught you, a way that he so patiently and diligently worked for and it all started when he messaged your heart.
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storm-angel989 · 27 days
haii:33 i really liked the val x wife fanfic it was SOOOO good omgg!!! Could i request some smut for val x his wife>_< possibly soft sex?
Hi there,
I don’t know why this idea buzzed into my brain- but how about a kink session gone wrong? Trigger warning: sex, kink exploring (object vore- it seemed the easiest go make go wrong), and Valentino going super soft. 
<3 Mandy
Normally, I loved Valentino’s hands on me.
The warmth of his body pressed against mine. His fingertips as they slowly caressed my chest. The soft kisses of his lips against mine and the feel of him pushing inside of me.
Unfortunately, tonight wasn’t ending like one of those nights. 
“Val, I’m fine,” I told him for the fifteenth time. 
Unsatisfied, he pressed his fingers to my neck and glanced at the clock. I let out a slow exhale and involuntarily winced.
His eyes raked over me and his hand pressed lightly against my stomach. I winced as he pressed harder, as if trying to feel the different parts of my belly. 
“You told me they passed,” he said with a frown. “Get up. We’re going downstairs.” 
I opened my mouth to protest, but the look on his face made me think better of it. Slowly, I sat up and his hand slid down behind my back as he helped me to my feet. The cramping in my stomach startled me and I gripped him tightly. For the first time since this entire thing began, fear wrapped around my heart. 
Normally, I wasn’t allowed in Valentino’s studio. Let alone on the stage. But we were exploring our potential kinks, and there was no place more stocked than his studio. As the overlord of lust and depravity, he quite literally wrote the book.
“Object vore,” I read aloud as I laid on the bed. “Let’s try that one tonight.”
“Mm, you sure?” He had asked as he walked over to me. He sat down next to me and ran his hand down my leg. “I already know I like to be in the dominant position for that kink. That makes you the submissive one.”
I bit back a moan. “What is object vore? Tell me about it before I agree to it.”
He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. “At the base, its easy enough. You swallow non edible objects on my command until your tummy is nice and full. And then, I fuck you. You get off on the dominance I assert as I guide you to slide each and every little toy down your pretty little throat, and the weight in your belly.” His fingers slid between my legs and I spread them without hesitation. “I get off on being the dominant one, your obedience and of course, watching your tummy grow under my command.” 
I bit back a moan. Valentino had a way of making everything sound incredibly sexy, even if it wasn’t something I was into, I was willing to try it at least once by the time he was done talking. 
“Isn’t it dangerous?” I asked.
He gave me a soft smile and slowly pulled his hand from between my legs. “No more dangerous than any other kink we explore. Much like inflation, I simply insist on being sure whatever we put in your body comes out.” He leaned in and kissed me softly.
That much I knew he meant. Unlike his employees, who were sidelined to other managers and the medical clinic to ensure their health after shoots, as his wife I had the privilege of the privacy that came with that position. No one other than Valentino, or occasionally the doctor,  saw me in such a vulnerable position and I had quickly come to learn that sometimes that meant getting over any embarrassing bodily functions. 
And so I agreed. And to his credit, he was right. The weight in my stomach felt amazing, and the movement with each thrust of his cock was like nothing I had ever experienced. Towards the end, he leaned over me, his cock burried inside of me. I watched as he pulled one of his many rings off his finger and pressed it to my lips.
“Open, ninita,” he ordered darkly. 
I obeyed and he placed the ring on my tongue. He ran his thumb under my chin.
I obeyed. A smirk played across his face. Valentino relished in dominance and obedience, and I did too. I could feel my heart beating quicker, the anticipation, the rush. 
I did and he pressed his lips to my mouth as his hips pumped against mine, his tongue ensuring his orders were carried out. Hours later, we were both spent, tired and snuggled up against each other as we tried to catch our breaths. His hand pressed against my hard stomach and he rubbed my belly gently.
“Let’s get an x-ray, see how many are in that tummy of yours,” he told me. “The nurse will give you some medication to help everything pass, but they should be out in a few days.” He kissed the top of my head. “These toys are like marbles- easy enough to pass and flushable. I doubt you’ll have any lasting effects.”
At his insistence, we crawled out of bed. The doctor took an x-ray of my belly and I squirmed as I looked at the film showcasing the hundreds of small round objects filling my belly. Valentino kept his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. 
“Any stomach pain, you need to tell me,” he said firmly as he handed me a cup of white liquid. “And if they haven’t passed by tomorrow afternoon, we’re coming back for another x-ray. See where everything is.” 
I swallowed the chalky tasting drink and grimaced at the bubbling in my tummy. As soon it was gone, he lifted me up and I snuggled against him as he carried me to our bedroom. The next morning, he handed me another cup of the chalky white liquid but allowed me to have my bathroom privacy. 
“Well?” He asked when I came out. 
I shrugged. “My tummy doesn’t hurt and it looked like most of them are out.”
“Good, I doubt you’ll need another x-ray then,” he replied with a kiss on my forehead. “That’s my good girl.”
The day went by as usual. As did the next. It was the third day I woke up with a belly ache. Nausea. I assumed I was coming down with something and ignored the aching in my tummy. When Valentino came home from work that evening, he wrapped his arms around me and I yelped. 
That led us to where we were now. His hand in mine as he dragged me back to the studio.
“You should have said something as soon as you didn’t feel good,” he said sharply as we walked through his studio. “Bebita, part of exploring our kinks is being responsible and taking care of our bodies. Oh, and trust. I trusted you to be honest with me about…”
“Val, I think I just have a bug,” I protested as he pushed the door to the nurses office open. “And I was honest, they came out.”
He glanced back at me. “The ring did too?”
At that I went quiet. He sighed and pulled me inside. 
One x-ray later, I laid on the bed in a hospital gown as the doctor listened to my belly for what felt like forever. Valentino watched, a mixture of anxiety and frustration on his face. I reached out and took his hand and he gently squeezed it back. Finally, the doctor pulled away and stepped out to go get the films. 
“Are you okay, Val?” I asked as I pulled down my gown. 
He looked at me. “Me? I’m not the one with a gut full of what are basically marbles.”
I rolled my eyes, “Val, I doubt there are that many, if any, left in my tummy. I really think its just a bug. Why do you look so scared?”
He bristled and for a moment, I thought he was going to deny it. Instead, he sighed and sat on the bed next to me.
“In my line of work, I know the follow up, but I don’t do any of the follow up. The people who perform these kinks, sure I care- but from a monetary standpoint. You’re my wife, and I love you. And I hate the idea that something we did in the bedroom hurt you.” 
“Val, other than this, the whole thing was kind of hot,” I said as I pushed myself up. “I don’t regret it.”
He was quiet for a moment. And then he sighed. “I don’t like seeing you in a hospital bed,” he said as he squeezed my hand. “I couldn’t give less of a fuck about anyone else, but you? I love you too much to see you hurt.”
At that moment, the doctor walked in and I watched as he clipped up the x-ray to the lit board. 
“Good news is you don’t appear to have a blockage,” the doctor began. “However, I would guess your belly ache comes from this foreign object in your stomach.”
I felt myself flush, “Val, that looks like your ring.” 
Valentino didn’t answer. For the first time in our relationship, he looked pale. He gripped my hand and leaned over, kissing my forehead. 
“Other than that, your digestive tract is clear. I’d like to do an endoscopy just to be on the safe side,” the doctor continued. “Mr. Valentino, are you in agreement?”
Valentino looked down at me, concern sprawled over his features. “Bebita, I’m so sorry. The doctor will put you to sleep, slide a tube down your throat and take the ring out. And then we’re never, ever risking…”
“Doc, could you give us a moment?” I asked. 
He nodded and as soon as the door closed, I reached my arms up around Valentino’s neck and pulled him to me. 
“Stop apologizing,” I told him as I buried my face into him. “I consented. I agreed. I could have used our safeword at any time. Sex comes with risks, right?”
“I never wanted you to get hurt,” he replied quietly as he wrapped his arms around me.
“Val, I could get a toy stuck somewhere. Or you could. We use toys, it happens,” I said as I laid my head on his chest. “So what? They put a tube down my throat, take it out, and next time we know not to put a ring in my tummy. No matter how sexy it sounds when you order me to.”
That elicited a soft chuckle. He kissed the top of my head and pressed his forehead to mine.
“I love you. More than I have loved anyone else in my life,” he said softly. “And I hate that I hurt you.”
“You didn’t hurt me. We’re in this together, right Val? And I love you,” I replied as lightly as I could. “So let’s get this thing out of my tummy so I can get back to loving you. There is a whole book of stuff we haven’t even started to explore.”
He kissed me again and stood up. “Alright baby. I’ll go tell the doctor you’re consenting to the endoscopy. Your throat will be sore after, but it should be over fairly quickly.”
“You’ll be here the whole time?” I asked.
He gave me a soft smile. “Of course. Wouldn’t be anywhere else, mi amore.” 
Several hours and one aching throat later, I was sleepily snuggled against Valentino in our own bedroom. I shifted my weight and reached for his hand, entwining my fingers in his.
“At least the doc gave you your ring back,” I said horsley as I admired the stone on his finger. 
He rolled his eyes, “of course he did. It’s my property. And besides…it will serve as a reminder.” He adjusted himself so that I laid on top of his chest. 
I felt his arm curl around my waist as I made myself comfortable against his body. He reached over to the bedside and pulled over a cup of ice chips. Reluctantly, I took one and stuck it in my mouth. 
“Reminder of what?” I asked softly once the ice chip had melted and my throat was comfortable enough to speak. 
“Stop talking. And a reminder to be more careful next time. At least when it comes to you,” he replied as he kissed the top of my head. “After all. You’re the only one I love. Now…” his voice dropped ever so slightly. “Go to sleep, bebita princessa. That’s an order.”
I squirmed but closed my eyes, allowing the steady beating of his heart to fill my ears. After all, obedience was definitely a kink I could get behind. At least, when the orders came directly from Valentino.
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cxsmicals · 2 years
The Slashers with a S/O who is in to film photography
(Includes: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms, Bubba Sawyer, Vincent Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Ghostface)
~ I’m indulging myself since I love film photography and it’s my favorite hobby! How would the boys react if you were a photographer AND what is their preferred camera?? Also I finally watched Black Christmas so Billy gets to come out and play for this one, yay!
Michael Myers: Michael doesn’t really care one way or the other about photography of any kind. He will be interested to watch you find things deemed ordinary and try to photograph them. If you show him some post-mortem photographers he might show a little interest. When all is said and done a point and shoot is his go to. Simple, easy to control, the flash built in gives it a sense of eeriness. He prefers black and white film as to give mystery to his photos.
Jason Voorhees: He’s enamored by your documentation of the forest. He takes a keen interest in your photography right away and asks to at least hold your cameras, and is careful to not break the vintage ones. if you convince him, a simple instant camera is his go to. He enjoys having the instant pictures of you in his belt compartments. If you get him out of his comfort zone he would like a brownie camera since it reminds him of his mother. He prefers color film as to see all of the details
Bubba Sawyer: He loves your photography. He supports it wholeheartedly like the sweet boy he is. If you’re a portrait photographer you might be able to get him to pose on a good day, but it’s unlikely. He loves polaroid cameras. He wants to scrapbook and keep all your memories together. Color film, he wants to preserve every single aspect of the memories.
Brahms: He doesn’t mind the photography that much. If you manage to catch him on a good day where he’s eager to learn he’ll pick it up quickly and want to learn all he can. Brahms is a classy bitch. He wants to be elegant and have the best, so a high class Hasselblad is his make of choice. Boujee and badass. I feel like he’d like to shoot in verichrome because it’s incredibly hard to find film and even harder to find someone who knows how to develop. He will absolutely fund your habit and get you a dark room to set up.
Vincent Sinclair: Any artistic hobby is great by his accounts. He’s happy that you have this hobby as it’s something you and him can talk about. He’ll want to keep all the photos you make and might enlist your help to make advertising for his own wax museum. He’ll want to show genuine interest so a 35mm or a standard 120 is his go to. He wants you to know he cares. He prefers black and white because he sees it as more “artistic” since you need to take more liberties for it. Much like Brahms, he might be willing to help you set up your own dark room to get the photographs properly developed on your own.
Billy Lenz: Oh Billy Billy Billy. Boy is ecstatic to turn your hobby in to a depravity. He is the most gung-ho about the photography since he wants to see you from all angles. If you let this goblin near your collection some cameras will just go missing. Typically it’s your polaroid but occasionally your 35mm might go missing as well. He wants to see you but he also wants to see the stars so he’ll try his best to photograph the night sky. If you want to spring the money for a telefoto lens or just give him a telescope he will be appreciative. If you two are intimately inclined then you WILL hear the shutter go off at random points in your sessions. If it’s not from your polaroid he will urge you to get the photos developed as quick as you can.
Ghostface: He’s got things to see and people to murder, so he’s not always around to indulge your habits. However, if he were to pick a camera, since he’s always running around, he prefers a simple point and shoot disposable that you can get at Walmart. Black and white, bland.
(Thanks for reading y’all. I am super drunk while writing this so if some if these are OOC or there’s spelling issues i’m blaming the gin for that. I also enlisted my boyfriend’s help for this since he knows these characters better than I do. Sorry for those whole like Ghostface i’m just not good at writing for him I’m sorry..)
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altruisticalastor · 7 months
So, I saw your AlastorXWife!reader fic and loved it, did a bit of an AU where it goes in a little bit of a different direction. Feel free to have a tidy up or a rewrite and post it if you like - or dont, and you are the only person other than me that is gonna see it. I relinquish all the sin for writing this apon thee if you do though ;}
Personally I'd like to see the scene upstairs afterwards but I have never written smut before.
Lucifer was a rather charming man, but you were spoken for. So when he grasped your hand and placed a chaste kiss on the back of your palm, your hand yanked away in the blink of an eye. You could have sworn you heard a crackling growl escape your husband's lips as he watched Lucifer offer you a lustful gaze- and that was simply unacceptable.
"I see you've met my wife!" Alastor let out a forced chuckle as he looped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side. You let out a sigh of relief. All thanks to your husband's rescue. Lucifer gave Alastor a pointed look before he blurted out, "You're joking... right?" He scoffed. 
Your face scrunched up in anger at Lucifer's rude remark. "Oh, he's as serious as a heart attack." You spat, snaking your own arm around Alastor's back. You squeezed his waist, a habit of yours that let your dear husband know when you were livid.
"But- look at you! You're gorgeous, sweetheart, and he's just... freaky." You were about to snap back before your husband's maniacal laughter tore through the room. "Ha Ha! That's rich coming from the short stack!" Alastor quipped, grip tensing around your waist. Lucifer's chest puffed up in defense before he let out an airy laugh. 
"Aha! The height I lack up here, I surely make up for below the belt! Maybe I can show your wife sometime." Lucifer shot you a playful wink, causing your face to scrunch up in disgust. Alastor tensed beside you.
'well' you said, releasing Alastor and beginning circling behind hells overlord 'I thought you had seen my darling husband grow into a 20ft tall ravenous beast. Let's just say, things stay proportional in the bedroom. I am sure you've seen those tendrils of his too?' you place your hands on his shoulders and lean in almost conspiritorially. 'he can do far more with them than you've seen, incredible skill - one might even call it...heavenly.'
Lucifer let out an audible gulp as he seemed suddenly rooted to the spot. Seeing his confidence waver as he couldn't help but imagine the depravity you suggested, you quickly gave the back of his ear a sharp lick and turned to saunter up the stairs pausing briefly to address your husband.
'Al dearest, our schedules for this afternoon are both suddenly... very...full.' managing only a half turn before adding 'Thanks for the inspiration Luci baby' and delivering a suggestive wink at the demon, whos face was flushing deeply.
After a short pause Alastor chuckled, his usual bravado returned.
'well well' he said, eyeing the bulge in the front of Lucifers trousers. 'looks like we are all busy this afternoon. Enjoy your date with your right hand dear fellow. I do hope your imagination measures up.' Melting into the shadows with a resounding chuckle that could be heard long after he could no longer be seen.
After a very long and awkward silence with Lucifer seeming to have short circuited in place - Husk decided to be the one to break the tension, Slowly placing down the glass he was cleaning on the bar and clearing his throat
'So Angel, I've been wanting to try out this new place that opened up on the other side of the pentagram.'
Angel finally managed tear his eyes from the top of the stairs to respond.
'yea man, you uh, wanna go right now?' he stood 'Last time I was here when those two got busy I got super fuckin traumatised by the noise, and I do that kinda shit for a livin!'
I LOVE YOUR RENDITION SO MUCH!! definitely sassy and fun, thanks for sharing!! 🩷🩷
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Eggman's evil is so entertaining. He manages to be badass and have a whimsical/childish flair at the same time. The dude has a giant amusement park of doom and destroys his enemies with cute candy-colored animal robots( GUNs military bots were not match for them lmao) ! I really love how he uses his childishness as a strength!
Yess it is!! 🥰
I love how being a manchild is officially considered one of Eggman's character flaws and it shows in how he'll have big explosive tantrums when he fails, will cross his arms, thump things, and stamp his feet when he doesn't get what he wants/can't do something his way, and how he acts like a rude selfish brat, feels entitled to everything from attention to ruling the entire world and demands it and will take it by force. It's always super funny to me
But then at the same time, his childishness can be a part of his what makes him so charming and fun and can be a quality. Because he's so passionate about his theme parks, carnivals, and circuses, he has toy-like robots he puts in funny outfits with fun colors, cute animal robots with clever creative designs, and shows a playful silly cheekiness in some of his evil as much as he can be serious and menacing too. I adore seeing how much fun he has!
I enjoy how he has childlike giddiness and glee and very excitable boisterous behavior for an old man. And how he takes things meant to be innocent fun for children like theme parks, carnivals, circuses, toys, etc and makes them extremely dangerous and disturbing, designed to kill and that's his twisted idea of fun. And his cute robots are made to destroy and kill and can be powered thanks to the cruelty of trapping and shoving poor critters into them!
Having dark disturbing truths behind those fun happy cute things and malicious intent in his actions that can be sugarcoated by all of it as people can easily be fooled and deceived by it is very fun and adds so many layers to his villainy and impact when he still manages to be a serious deadly destructive threat. It makes you love it and be entertained by it but also realize how deeply messed up it is if you're paying attention. It's so fascinating!
Much like how he's egotistical and narcissistic, his childishness also has a big part in his personality, interests, behaviors, actions, and motivations too. He's not himself without it. I can't understand those who want him to grow and develop out of it when it adds so much to his charm. And it's not like he's any less of an intelligent genius that's very skilled and powerful and capable of having the master plan and can't be serious, dark, and threatening too.
The way he can do both at once is great. It adds so much to how messed up and disturbing he is when he can dress up depraved evil in ways that seem cute, colorful, and fun. And how he can be a seriously dangerous threat and cause globally catastrophic atrocities and be so evil and cruel and fucked up, while also being underestimated for seeming so silly, crazy, and childish too, which adds impact and surprise to how dark and fucked up he can get.
His childishness can be presented as a character flaw and other characters will judge him for it but at the same time, it can be one of his greatest strengths in the way it adds to how charming and entertaining he is, and it gives the evil he's still very capable of even more impact! He's passionate, imaginative, creative, dreams big and enjoys having fun but goes about it in the evilest most messed up of ways, fully aware and intending it and loving it.
He doesn't need to grow up, it's not like he isn't still smart and capable of being serious, powerful, skilled, and a very real threat at the same time because it goes hand in hand and is balanced out perfectly with him. He doesn't ever need to let that spark of youth in him die, he doesn't give a fuck what people say about his tastes and interests, he does what he wants and what he loves and has a blast and that's all that matters to him. It's so awesome I love iiit 💜💕
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gwidhiel · 2 years
Even though D&D made Sansa into a "brat" in season one, I feel like that was only the first season though. It's like after that GRRM probably told them not to do that so they made her more accurate to her book counterpart in season two. You could see her kinder qualities then.
Hi! Sorry it took me a bit to see this and reply.
I think that the show writers viewed Sansa as a character of secondary importance for the story they were telling, and particularly in the first few seasons they wrote her as a framing device for other characters - those they wanted the audience to love (Arya) and those the audience loved to hate (Joffrey, Cersei). Their choices in how Sansa was depicted in the first season were informed by how they wanted to present Arya, whose status as “underdog tomboy” fed into a popular trope.
Once Arya was off adventuring away from King’s Landing, Sansa no longer needed to serve as her Mean Girl foil, and so Sansa’s depiction shifted to instead highlight the Lannisters’ depravity and cruelty, and the Tyrell’s savvy cunning. Sophie Turner was too young at the time to be dressed in super sexy outfits, so instead they gave her clothing that was pretty but not quite cut to flatter, and very dull/plain hairstyles so that she never drew eyes away from Lena Heady or Natalie Dormer. Once they didn’t need to depict Sansa as “mean” to bolster Arya’s depiction, they could allow her to behave kindly to other characters — her small acts of kindness didn’t detract from the depictions of the characters she was meant to highlight. But somehow the show managed to present Sansa’ furtive acts of kindness and bravery as sometimes insipid and generally not very important. My take is that GRRM was a full participant in this initial demotion of Sansa and muting of her qualities because he figured that disguising Sansa’s abilities and fine character early on would pay off later when she emerged as a strong leader. I think he failed to recognize that the showrunners didn’t think they were disguising Sansa as negligible, they actually thought she was. Just my take of course.
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elfyprincess · 1 year
rant incoming
So fun fact I recently started working at McDonald’s. I like it so far, and my coworkers are nice. But…I’ve been there for less than a month & I’m already having to deal with creepy guys. One super creepy guy in particular.
I saw him for the first time on my fourth or fifth day. I think he’s at least in his 30s, maybe late 20s if we’re being generous. He’s a regular & he immediately recognized that I was a new employee. He called me over just as I was about to mop, and I think he just wants sauce or something. But instead he gives me an elbow-bump(?), starts a conversation with me, asks my name, asks me what time I get off, and even asks how old I am. When I tell him I’m 18 he says, “Oh so you’re legal.” 🤮 I answered all his other questions honestly too, which I regret now because I don’t want him to know what time I get off…(I don’t drive, so for once I’m actually relieved my grandma still picks me up from work.) I’m still really new to customer service, so I wasn’t sure if his questions were inappropriate or not & I was just trying to be nice. 😖
And he came in again last Friday. He gives me another elbow bump, which makes me feel so awkward and uncomfortable. But I do it anyway. He starts up another conversation with me, asks me my name again, and hands me a coupon for a car wash that I shove in my pocket & don’t really look at because I’m just trying to take his fucking order. I say something like, “Haha I don’t even have a car.” (BECAUSE I DON’T FUCKING DRIVE.) And he starts talking about his friend who sells cars? Literally just taking as long as he fucking can while ordering. Whatever, I take his order & get through the rest of my shift.
It wasn’t until I got off work that I looked at the coupon again & realized that he’d written his number on it… I called my cousin on the verge of tears. I literally feel so disgusting. I’m way too fucking young for him. Why does he think it’s okay to hit on 18 y/o girls in public? I get creepy dudes in my DMs all the time, but I’ve never experienced this level of public depravity. Does he have no shame ????
Everyone is saying I should tell my manager. I think I will on Monday, but I’m nervous. She’s a woman, so hopefully she’ll take it seriously.
I hate men. Why can’t they just order their food and be fucking normal ??
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To Those Who Time Forgot
Pairing: TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Female Reader, Sam Wilson
Words: 2137
Warning(s): Violence, Swearing, Medical Abuse
A/N: All characters are property of Marvel I’m just borrowing them. Please do not use or repost my work elsewhere. Much love and I hope you enjoy!!!! Reblogs are immensely appreciated ❤️
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Chapter Thirteen
The van came to a screeching halt. The soldier wasted no time exiting the van, nearly taking the door off its hinges. Sam trailed closely behind, neither men missing a beat. "Torres, stay here as lookout and keep your eyes and ears open" commanded Sam through the comms. Sam took to the sky and took out the henchmen posted on the roof with ease, promptly joining the soldier back on the ground. The two men shared a quick look of apprehension before breeching the doors to building. The soldier was force to behold and held nothing back. He had no remorse, no sympathy and made sure anyone at his hands met a brutal and bloody end. "Penance for their crimes" he thought. One by one he took his merciless revenge, sweet vengeance befitting of you. The room alive with a cacophony of gunshots, breaking bones, and shouting. His blows were precise and true. Indestructible vibranium fluidly crushing and obliterating anyone or anything in its path. No one left behind. No benevolence for the harbingers of pure evil and death. It ends here and now.
All the years of depravity, torture and mind control torrented through his thoughts, like a raging hurricane. He was the ultimate perfect storm. Sam fought along side the soldier. Although he should have been shocked, maybe even disappointed or disgusted he couldn't bring himself to be, he couldn't deny his friend his recourse. He would never be able to fathom the depths to which it felt to be stripped of your mind, your will and autonomy. To be wielded as nothing more than a weapon of mass destruction. A small part of him hoped that after this was all over, today would provide some much needed closure and end a chapter of his life that the soldier no longer needed to be trapped and suffer in. He prayed the soldier would finally walk the path of forgiving himself, since he had long proven his redemption.
With the main room cleared the soldier and Sam made their way below. Dim fluorescents buzzed over head. The soldier crouched and motioned for Sam to halt. He focused his senses and listened intently. A few rooms away he could hear mindless bickering. Then he heard a familiar voice, one that caused bitterness and bile to collect in his throat and his rage to boil. He could smell the potent stench of iron and it hit him in his face like a ton of bricks. "Six people, about 5 doors down. They may be soldiers as I am. One is a doctor. Do NOT touch him, he is mine!" the soldier growled lowly. Sam nodded and the two men made their way further down the hall. The soldier wasted no time kicking in the steel door at such velocity it took down one of the henchmen inside. The others looked on with a marked look of shock upon their faces before the fighting ensued. The soldier bolted straight to the doctor, picking him up by his throat. "Помнишь меня свинья? Я бы внимательно посмотрел, потому что я буду последним лицом, которое ты увидишь, прежде чем я отправлю тебя обратно домой, в ад, где тебе самое место! (Remember me pig? I would take a hard look for I will be the last face you see before I send you back home to hell where you belong!)" he snarled. The doctors face began to turn a lovely shade of purple. The soldier released him and handcuffed him to a nearby beam. He still had other things to deal with. He would make the doctor bear witness before ending him.
While Sam managed to hold his own taking down two men, the soldier was left with the remaining three. He adeptly took out the first two men. The third however was a super soldier, enhanced the new serum. The only flaw was that as enhanced as the man was, he lacked the training and skills the soldier possessed. Looking to Sam the soldier shouted "Find Y/N now!". Sam wandered further into the room spotting a table, a body splayed out on top. He held his breath unknowingly as he crept slowly in the direction of the table, afraid of what he would find. It was then the scent of blood permeated his nose.
As his eyes landed upon your form he was horrified. Your disheveled body, the burn marks from the acid that marred your torso, the slur burned across your sternum. The sounds of blows and grunts lingered in the air. Sam was at a loss to what to do. He noticed the machine hooked up to your body, how pallid and almost translucent your skin had become. In normal circumstances it was simpler, his army medic training was clear. Check the patients breathing, pack any open wounds, administer CPR, if that didn't work, a shot of adrenaline to the heart and then attempt defibrillation. Sam turned grabbed a scalpel from the neighbouring counter. In a last ditch effort he reached over, removing the mask from your face and gently opened your mouth. He cut sliced open his wrist, holding it over you open jaw, guiding the blood flow into your mouth. He used his free hand to massage your throat hoping to mimic a swallowing motion. After a few minutes he stopped, tearing a piece of his undershirt and tightly wrapping his wound. He waited for you to stir, to show any sign of life. Nothing happened. So caught in his motions he didn't notice the soldier come up from behind him and roughly push him aside.
The soldier stared in disbelief and shock. He has seen many atrocities in his time but never one that was this planned, this personal. "Buck" Sam said solemnly. "No, NO!" shouted the enraged soldier. He strode across the room picking up the now cowering doctor his feet. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER! FIX IT NOW! WHATEVER YOU'VE DONE FUCKING REVERSE IT!" he screamed angrily. The doctor errupted in mirthless laughter, almost unphased by the soldiers hostily. "Nothing can be done, Krovopiytsa is no more, and good riddance to whore rubbish!" he spat back, laughing once more. Sam attempted to remove the doctor from the soldiers ironclad grasp, met by his enraged cerulean stare. "Go to her, be with her, we done have much longer before the DOJ catches wind of us being here" Sam reasoned.
The soldier dropped the doctor to the floor and returned to your side. A scream of pure agony escaping his lungs. He couldn't begin to comprehend a future without you in it. Not when he just found you. Not when he briefly learned what life could be like with you in it. Not when he was connected so intimately and intrinsically with your very soul. He had nothing to left lose now. With rigor and chagrin he removed all the tubing from your body. Grabbing a fresh tube and 2 cannula needles he jabbed it into his carotid artery, repeating the action with more care on you. He watched as the blood siphoned through the tubing and began to enter your body. Like a hawk the soldier studied your form. After what felt like an eternity he saw your eyelids minutely flutter. He was beginning to question his own sanity, was it in his imagination? Then as almost imperceptibly as before it happened again.
He gingerly removed you body from the table, sitting on the ground and pulled your body against his own. Relief ever so slowly began to make its way throughout his body. "At least the serum is useful for something" he thought hesitantly. He continued to whisper honeyed sentiments into your ear, hoping to guide you back, to come back to him, for him. Your burns gradually began to knit back together. Your head nuzzled into the crook of his neck, enveloped in his rich scent. On their own accord your fangs descended, the distinct click not missed by the soldier. "Возьми, что тебе нужно, котенок. Все, что я есть, твое. Только твой, навсегда твой. Вернись ко мне, моя любовь. (Take what you need, kitten. All that I am is yours. Only yours, forever yours. Come back to me my love.)" he breathed into your shoulder quietly. Carefully with his flesh hand he guided your head and mouth flush to his neck, inviting the stinging pressure that followed. He closed his eyes welcoming of the pain and slight pleasure that followed. He sighed contentedly.
Instinctively your body began to feed. The predators need for survival taking over. You drank deeply in long, languid sips. It was unlike any blood you'd ever tasted in your long life. Your arms wrapped around and tightened their grip upon your prey. The taste so sweet and so intoxicating you wanted to savour it for as long as possible. Whispered thoughts started to float on the periphery of your awareness, barely there and hard to make out. The inflection and tone of the words however sparking subtle recognition. You willed yourself to listen more intently as you continued to drink lazily. With renewed clarity your eyes shot open. "Bucky!" you thought, "my soldier!"
Your fangs retracted instantly. Worry consuming you as you pulled back and took his face in your hands. You couldn't bear the idea that you so greedily took from, especially if it was unwillingly. Yes you were a vampire, a monster, but you still had morals. You inspected the soldiers face, running your thumb across his cheek. His hazy eyes and lopsided grin not escaping your gaze. He reached up and removed the cannula from you and then himself. He pressed his lips to your own, tentatively at first, then with searing demand. The need to feel you pressed again him, the promise that you were here with him, you were not lost forever. Multitudes of emotions swam within the kiss. Both of you clinging to one another with a vice grip.
A throat clearing drew you both out of your reverie. Reluctantly you pulled back from one another, the soldier glaring up at a relieved looking Sam. The soldier stood pulling you up with him. "Sam we're going to have company very soon so whatever your doing you need to wrap it. The DOJ is about 10 mins out" Torres warned in the comms drawing the soldiers attention as well as your own. You began making your way out of the room, the soldiers arm wrapped around your waist for support. You noticed a white hunched figure on the ground handcuffed to a beam. You halted your movement causing the two men to look at you questioningly. You begrudgingly made your way over to the doctor who was making his way to his feet to meet you eye to eye.
"Looks like this is your ending, doc. Is it all you imagined? All you had hoped it to be?" you mewled sarcastically. " The doctor kept his mouth shut this time, opting to grin at your sardonically. You drew back your fist and punched him in the mouth, effectively shattering his some of his teeth. Still he grinned, blood dripping from his mouth. Mirroring his expression back to him, you plunged your hand into his chest and grabbed his heart, a look of disbelief flashing before his eyes as you ripped if from his body. His body crumpled weightlessly to the floor like a ball of paper as you threw his now lifeless heart into the nearby garbage can.
Strong arms wrapped around you from behind and began to guide you back to the door. "We have to go now, котенок." Without warning the soldier picked you up bridal style as you all ran towards the van. Torres was leaning against the hood, keys in his hand. He nodded at you before looking to the soldier and handed him the keys. "You two go, get out here as fast as you can" he said. Sam placed his hand on the soldiers shoulder and spoke. " Do you remember my cabin on the outskirts of the city. Head there and don't stop for any reason. There are go bags hidden under the floorboards underneath the chest in the closet if you are found. In them there are passports, money, and a small cache of weapons. I'm going to try and meet you there in 2 days time, hopefully with transport to get you two safely out of the country while I clean up my mess."
The soldier gave him a curt nod before putting you in the passenger seat and then getting in the driver's seat himself. He sped away with you in tow, hoping to put as much distance, as fast as possible between the two of you and the next threat on the horizon.
Tags: @mochie85 @theaudacitytowrite
<Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen>
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Stuff of Fairytales Part 2
Bucky Barnes x female plus size reader
Part 1 | Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
It wasn’t supposed to exist, a fairytale, something out of the most depraved erotic novels, but it’s hard to debate when it’s in your system and making you want to fuck the life out of your best friend.
Warnings: SMUT, dub-con due to sex pollen, self-deprecating thoughts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, violence, fuck or die situation, cheating, Sam Wilson is a great friend, reader is low-key gay asf, unprotected sex, rough sex, jealous!bucky, mutual pining, reader and Bucky are idiots, swearing, porn with probably too much plot, pregnancy, slight breeding kink, pregnant reader, discussions of abortion, guilt
Minors DNI
WC: 3.4k
Part 2
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The worst part about watching your best friend start to fall in love with someone else is the fact that you know you had your chance but threw it away over some trivial thing.
Bucky watched from afar as Y/N took her comfort from Sam. They were now the two avengers that were attached at the hip, constantly together, constantly touching. The way she and Buck used to be. He watched her smile at him, run to him after missions, they even slept in the same room most nights. 
Bucky never saw the fear and sadness in her eyes, he never saw through her fake smiles, never heard the violent fits of sobbing every night, or the bouts of sickness each morning.
Y/N was pregnant and it was definitely Bucky’s. She had no clue how he had managed to beat her birth control, probably a combination of his super soldier genes and the pollen. But here she was, clutching the test to her chest, the little screen telling her what she instinctively already knew. 
“Babydoll? You in here?” Sam called out from the hall. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. please open the door for Sam.” He stepped in the room cautiously. “What’s going on, kid? You haven’t come down for food yet and I know how much you love my cooking.” Y/N couldn’t even bring herself to smile at her friend, only thrusting the test into his hands. “Oh my god. Who’s is it? Y/N?” She shook her head, letting her tears fall again. “Bucky.”
A range of emotions passed over Sam’s face, shock, disbelief, confusion and then anger. “What happened? It was that mission right, the one both of you refuse to talk about. Did he hurt you?” “I made him.” Sam cupped her jaw. “Talk to me.” 
“We went into a room to get the data and I had a bad feeling but we kept going. The doors locked and some kind of gas was pumped in the room. It,” she swallowed, trying to collect herself, “it made me beg him to have sex with me. I was in so much pain, and it kept getting worse. I didn’t feel like myself anymore. I made him sleep with me, I made him cheat on his girlfriend, now they’re separated. It’s all my fault. I should’ve pushed him away, should’ve stayed away from that room. I don’t know what to do, Sam.” He didn’t know what to say, only held her closer, letting the girl sob into his chest.
“Buck, what in the hell is going on with you?” Steve was leaning against the doorframe, looking at Bucky sparring with the specially designed punching bags with so much force, he was almost breaking them. “Nothing.” He grumbled. “Bullshit. You’ve been in a foul mood for three months. Does it have to do with you and your doll breaking up?” Bucky actually growled. “Just leave it alone, Steve.” “Or does it have to do with Sam sleeping with Y/N?” The soldier’s metal fist punched straight through the bag, sand spilling everywhere.
“Stop. Talking.” “No. You need to suck it the fuck up. It doesn’t matter who Y/N is seeing, she isn’t yours. You refused to ask her out, remember! You gave me that whole speech about how she deserves better than an ex-Hydra puppet who was old enough to be her grandfather after that undercover mission where she kissed you to keep your cover. Which was complete bullshit by the way. That girl loved you with all her heart and you chose to break it, you don’t get to decide who she starts to see. Sam is good for her, he can take care of her the way she needs. So suck it up and deal with-” “I slept with her!” Bucky interrupted.
Steve blanked. “You slept with Y/N?” He sounded genuinely confused, “When?” Bucky slumped. “That mission we went on a few months back. We got locked in a room and they exposed us to a type of pollen that increases your sex drive to a point where if you don’t have sex, your brain over-heats and you die. She begged me. I had to.” Steve laid a hand on his best friend’s shoulder.
“She, fuck. She warned me that something felt wrong about the compound. I should’ve listened to her but I just wanted the mission to be done. I could’ve resisted but I just gave in and used her. I saw the bruises a couple days after we got back. I hurt her bad Steve. She can’t even look at me anymore.” 
Bucky slid down the gym wall, head in his hands. “You’re right, it is my fault. But she’s with someone better now. Someone who can really take care of her the way she needs. I just need time to mourn.” Steve rested his hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be ok, Buck. You need to find a way to move on from this.” The distraught man nodded, making the other sigh in relief before leaving him alone again.
Y/N held Sam’s hand in a vice-like grip. Her heart was pounding so hard, she thought it would come right out of her chest. Sam was whispering positive reinforcements in her ear, telling her stupid jokes to try and distract her. 
The door to the white room that smelled like ethanol swung open and a woman in white walked through. Y/N didn’t hear a word she said, only stared at the shiny instruments on the table next to her. In her life, she had faced countless evils, fought some of the most villainous people, even stood her ground against a titan hell-bent on destroying half the universe but this was the hardest and scariest thing she has ever had to do. 
She remained silent as the doctor asked Sam if he wanted to stay, and he turned back to her, the words coming out of his mouth were white sound. Y/N stared at the rubber gloves being pulled on by the doctor. The words spilt from her throat like vomit. “I can’t. Sam I can’t. I want to keep them please. I don’t care who their father is, I want to have this baby.” Sam smiled gently, wiping away her tears. “It’s ok, it’s your choice baby girl. I’ll support you know matter what.” He took over then, asking about vitamins and appointments.
Sam held her hand tightly as they left the clinic, he helped her into his car, making sure she was buckled in. He turned to her before he started the engine. “Y/N, I’ll do whatever it takes to help and protect you and this baby. I’ll even marry you if you want them to have a father. I know we don’t love each other like that, but I’ll do whatever you need.” She smiled for the first time that day and kissed his cheek. “I don’t think we’ll need to get married, but I think I will need their favourite uncle.” He grinned broadly. “Well then Momma, let’s get you some food and then home for a rest.”
The car ride home was filled with Sam serenading her. Marvin Gaye rang through the speakers, Y/N kept smiling, hand resting protectively on her stomach. As they drove back to the Avengers compound, her heart felt lighter. She had her baby and Sam and that was enough. “I’ll need to tell Steve and Fury. I can’t go on anymore missions.” Sam nodded in agreement. “Do you want me there?” Y/N shook her head. “No, I think I’ll be alright. You never know, being stuck on desk duty might be good for me.”
Natasha was leaning against Y/N’s door, scowling. “Um hey Nat. How can I help you?” “You and I need to talk.” She pulled the younger girl into her room, slamming the door before Wilson could follow. “When were you going to tell me about you and Barnes?” “What? First off, there is no us. Second, how did you know?” “Steve and Bucky are very loud.” “Well that answers none of my questions.”
The Black Widow glared at her. “Fine, it was on the mission, we ingested that sex pollen stuff and we had to or we would die.” Her eyes went wide. “Holy shit, are you ok? That stuff can be nasty.” She shrugged. “I’ll be better in about 6 months,” Natasha gave her a quizzical look, “I’m pregnant.” She immediately brought the younger Avenger into a hug. “You’re ok though, have you got a plan?” “Yeah I do. Sam’s been supporting me, and I hope you will too. This kid will need their aunt Natasha.” “Are you going to tell him?” “I’m not sure yet if I’m being honest. I probably should. But I’ve gotta talk to Fury and Rogers first.”
Bucky was blatantly ignoring Y/N as she sat across from him. His eyes were straight forward staring intently at Steve who was chatting with Fury. The Winter Soldier had been ignoring Y/N for just about two months now, ever since his talk with Steve, his anger flaring every time he spotted her and Sam together. It was like Y/N wasn’t affected by what happened on that mission, she just kept being her happy self.
“Alright avengers, we’ve got some news.” “You’re going to stop calling pointless meetings when this could’ve just been an email.” Tony slid his sunglasses down his nose. Rogers sighed. “No. And we all know you would ignore the email anyway. There’s some missions coming up, everyone will get their assignments tonight but as you’ll notice, Y/N isn’t on any of them, that’s cause-” “She’s finally realised she’s not strong enough to be an avenger.” Bucky grumbled.
Y/N sat stiff in her seat, eyes quickly filling with tears. “Barnes. That’s enough.” “No it’s not. She’s consistently fucked up missions and intel. She makes mistakes all the time that could lead to one of us getting killed!” Y/N was in shock. She had expressed her own insecurities about being an Avenger to Bucky when he first arrived but now he was using them against her. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Her anger was rising, the air seemed to be alight with her fury, “You don’t get to say that. That last mission was your fucking fault. I told you something was wrong but you kept pushing. But no, I’m not leaving the avengers, I’m being put on desk duty. And before you say anything else, it’s not because I’m a shitty agent. I was going to retire, but I thought my expertise would still be needed. It’s because I’m pregnant.” She slammed a sonogram photo on the table and strode out, head held high.
“You’re a real piece of shit, man.” Sam shook his head and followed after her, fully prepared to deal with a crying woman. “So Wilson knocks her up and we now have to deal with it?” A knife lodged itself in the wall next to his head. “Keep talking Barnes, see what happens.” “Oh shut up Natasha, it’s obvious that she never even had feelings for me if she went and got herself knocked up by bird brain.” 
“Bucky! Enough! It’s your baby! You got her pregnant on that mission. And now I’m ordering you to stay away from her. We will be transferring her and Sam to a different facility so she can give birth in peace.” Steve’s face was flushed, his blue eyes glaring at his best friend. The avengers filed out of the room, leaving him with his thoughts.
His baby. The woman he’s been in love with for years was pregnant with his kid. And he basically just called the mother of his kid a slut. He sprinted through the compound, trying to get to her. “Sergeant Barnes, you are not permitted to enter this wing.” A metal door slammed shut in the hall in front of him. “What the hell… Let me in! I need to see her!” His fist slammed against the vibranium, almost reminiscent of that mission. “If you continue to resit your orders, I will have to use force to get you to stop.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. continued. Bucky didn’t stop, even successfully putting a large dent in the solid wall. “Deploying now.” A sharp needle went into his neck. “Wha did ya do ta me?” His voice was slurred. “I’ve given you a tranquilliser to keep you from destroying the facility…” Bucky didn’t hear anything else, the blackness at the edge of his vision slowly closing in on him.
The bright lights lined Bucky for a moment as he tried to open his eyes. “I told you to stay away from her.” He tried to raise his arms to shield his eyes but was stopped by something tying his wrists down. “Why am I restrained?” His mouth was incredibly dry, his voice raspy. “Because we needed time to get Y/N out of the building without you interfering.”
“She’s pregnant with my kid. I have a right to talk to her.” “You really don’t,” Steve sighed, “You’ve made it very clear that you want nothing to do with her. And the emotional damage you’ve been inflicting on her is dangerous for the baby.” “Let me see her, Steve.” 
“No. You don’t get to see her. Sam does. He’s been with her the whole time. He went with her when she wanted an abortion. He made sure she took her vitamins and ate healthy while you stewed in your own self-pity. I told you to move on. That didn’t mean ignoring her and insulting her every chance you got. That meant talking to her, clearing the air and being friends again. You need to grow up, James.” Bucky’s breath was caught in his throat. “She wanted to kill our baby.” Steve’s eyes went dark. “It’s her body. She had a choice. That baby was conceived in messed up circumstances and she did what she felt she needed. You can bet your ass that Sam will do everything in his power to protect her from you. It’s her choice whether she lets you see the baby. Give her space and if she gives you a chance, you get on your knees and beg her for forgiveness.”
Steve left the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving Bucky to absorb everything he had done, tears running down his cheeks.
The new apartment Tony had given her was beautiful. Y/N sighed happily as she overlooked the city, hand resting on her overly large bump. “This’ll be good for us. You have some amazing aunts and uncles that love you so much. We’re all you’ll ever need.” Her due date was coming soon and she had been eternally grateful for her friends. But she still had a gnawing feeling in her stomach. She needed to talk to Bucky.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you call Sergeant Wilson?” “Yes ma’am.” Y/N nervously played with her fingers while she waited for Sam to pick up. “Hello baby mama! What can I do for you?” “I um, I want to talk to Bucky but I want to know what you think.” Sam sighed before answering. “I think you need to do whatever you need for peace of mind. I personally would like to go and just beat the crap out of the old man but I’ll hold off for you.” “Do you think you could bring me to the compound later? I don’t want to bring him here unless it’s absolutely necessary.” “I’ll send Happy to come get you, I’m tied up in meetings all day but we’ll go out to dinner after.” “Ok, I’ll see you then, pigeon.” “See you soon, dove.”
By the time Happy pulled up to her building, Y/N had calmed herself down. “You ready to go?” She nodded and allowed Happy to help her into the car, which was a lot harder to do than it used to be, considering the massive baby in her stomach. Their father was a 6’4 super soldier. The drive seemed to go quicker than she remembered, she was still trying to hype herself up. “Thank you for the lift, Happy.” He nodded at her and sent her along. 
“Alright. You can do this. You got this. He wouldn’t hurt a pregnant woman.” She spoke to herself as she walked the familiar corridors, letting muscle memory carry her to his door (just after a bathroom break of course). She took a breathe before she knocked. The door flew open and she squeaked in surprise. “Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought…” “I wanted to talk to you. Do you think I could come in?” “Yeah, come on.” He gave her a wide berth, as if he was scared to touch her.
Bucky hadn’t slept in months, and when he did, it was on the floor of his apartment, sweat running down his back as he awoke from the nightmares. The guilt from that day was constantly gnawing at his mind, forcing him to relive both the day he had been forced to have sex with his best friend and the day he called her a slut and an awful avenger in front of everyone.
He felt his sanity slip every time he caught the glare of Sam. He had begged Tony to tell him where she was but he hadn’t budged. Natasha had even gone so far as to beat the ever living shit out of him for threatening her to get the information out of the assassin.
All he needed was a chance to prove how sorry he was, how much he needed her. How much he could love her and this baby.
And now, she was here. Like an angel sent to answer his prayers.
Y/N sighed in relief as she sat on the bed, the press being taken off her swollen feet. “Come on, Buck. I don’t bite.” His lips twitched upwards slightly before he settled down next to her. “I guess you already know who the baby’s father is. But I just wanted to see how involved you want to be.” 
He took her smaller hand in his own, sinking to the floor on his knees. “Doll, I’m so fucking sorry for what I did, for yelling at you and saying those awful things. This is all my fault. I should’ve listened to you. I love you so much, I’ve loved you for so long. You were always so kind and caring to me, even when I was being a jealous, vindictive asshole. I can’t even begin to imagine what it was like, going through this alone.” They were both crying now, Bucky sobbing into her stomach. 
“Jamie, I love you too. You’re my everything. It’s going to take a while for me to trust you again but I want this baby to have their father. I want to be with their father. That mission was my fault too. Fuck I just wished both of us weren’t such chickens and told each other earlier. I wanted to tell you after we kissed while undercover but I didn’t think you felt the same way.” She cupped his jaw, wiping away some of his tears. “We’re such idiots.” Bucky laughed, nuzzling into her hand. 
“Buck?” “Yeah?” Her eyes were red-rimmed as tears kept falling but a smile stretched across her face. “Kiss me.” He stood up quickly and kissed her. Her hands threaded through his much shorter hair. She pulled away. “Did you cut your hair?” “You just noticed?!” He cackled. “Shut up! It’s the pregnancy brain!” Her face was heated in embarrassment. “Fuck doll, you’re so cute.” He kissed her again, slowly laying her down on his bed and hovering over her.
Their clothes went flying and the sounds of sobs and laughing was replaced with their breathy moans. “I love you.” He whispered in her ear as he thrust into her. He brought her high after high, trying desperately to prove his devotion. “Jamie, please. Cum for me.” She held him as close as possible considering the large belly separating them. “I love you, doll.” “Love you, Jaime.”
“What’s up with the hickey, man?” Sam pointed at Bucky’s neck with his donut. “Apparently pregnant women get really horny.” He shrugged, reaching up for his favourite mug, revealing deep scratches along his back. “Gross, that’s my best friend you’re talking about.” “Yeah and you’re not the one that has to deal with her insatiable libido.” “You’re the one that caused it.” “Seriously?!” 
“But Bucky, you get one chance to fix this, cause if you break her heart again, no amount of power will stop me from hunting you down.” Sam scowled at the older man, making a shiver run down his spine. He raised his hands in surrender. “Yeah, I promise. This whole situation has been really fucked up but I want to be a family with her. I would die if I hurt her again.” The Falcon gave a firm nod, turning back to his pastry.
Y/N shuffled down the hallway, one of Bucky’s henleys clinging to her plump curves and protruding belly. “Morning.” Bucky turned and immediately jogged over to her, laying his hand on her womb and kissing her softly. “Good morning, doll.” Her face heated.
“Gross. Go be in love somewhere else.” “Sorry Sam,” She broke out of Bucky’s grasp and embraced her friend, “Would it make it up to you if I told you I wanted you to be the baby’s godfather?” “Really?” Y/N swore the tall man had tears in his eyes. “Of course. You did help keep me sane while Bucky and I were dancing around each other. You also put up with my hormonal and emotional self. for eight months” Sam made eye-contact with Bucky, he smiled and nodded slightly. “We wanted to ask Steve but that punk is too much of an idiot to know what to do with a baby.”
“I resent that!” The Captain’s voice carried through the hall, making all three of them laugh.
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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Pairing: Vampire!Ten x Hunter!Reader (Female)
Genre: Supernatural AU
Warnings: Bit of violence, blood, lore I made up, sex
Summary: It’s your job to protect the human race from anything that creeps through the night. However, a chance encounter with a vampire called Ten threatens to upset an already precarious balance between light and dark.
Word Count: 10,009
A/N: Final part! Parts One and Two can be found here and here. A big thank you to everyone who read, liked & reblogged this. Happy you guys enjoyed it & I hope there are many more ficlets in my future. Tagging @whattaweeb as requested! [Song lyrics = The Devil by Banks, I Get It by Chevelle, Up In Flames by Ruelle.]
part three: i ain’t really bothered and it taste so good
“You’re going out with him again, aren’t you? The vampire.”
Arching a brow from your place in front of your wide vanity, you glanced to Elizabeth’s reflection in the mirror. She was stretched across the foot of your bed and pretending to read a magazine, her expression neutral. In the few weeks that had followed saving Ten’s life you’d spent every bit of free time you had with him. Except now everyone knew of course, including the Elders thanks to Jeremy’s obnoxious mouth. You’d expected to become somewhat of a pariah and while some did treat you differently, others were oddly curious about the natural of your relationship with Ten. Especially Elizabeth.
The Elders preached that vampires were depraved, self-indulgent sex fiends that only cared about feeding on the helpless. That they loved violence and couldn’t be trusted, that they were perhaps more dangerous than werewolves because they had the capacity to manipulate. There was also the mind control, super strength and super speed. As Demios you all knew not to just engage with a vampire unless it was warranted, but the definition of warranted varied depending on who was holding the dagger.
Ten wasn’t like that though, none of the Neos were as far as you’d seen. Yes, they all had the capacity for violence but most just wanted to be fabulous, rich and immortal.
“As a matter of fact, yes. I am going out with Ten again.” You picked up a tube of lipstick and smoothed it across your lips. “Why?”
Elizabeth shrugged. “No reason.” She flipped a through a few pages of the glossy magazine before shoving it dramatically to the floor. “Okay I am dying to know what fucking a vampire is like! Does he bite you during? Can they really make you come six times in a row? Aileen said some can fly so have you done it on the ceiling yet?”
You blinked and slowly turned to face her. “I—what?” Laughing, you scratched at the back of your head. “Geeze Liz where are you getting this stuff?”
She grinned. “Around. You hear things…”
You snorted. “Heh well for the record I wouldn’t know about ceiling sex or what not because Ten and I—we aren’t—we haven’t had sex.”
Elizabeth tilted her head to the side. “Really? Why not? I mean if it’s one thing we know vampires love it’s sex and blood.”
You could feel your face heat up but managed to soldier on. “I don’t know. I mean I guess if I wanted to he’d—we would…”
She nodded thoughtfully. “Do you want to? Granted the Elders would hate it but they’re already unhappy you’re even spending time with him so you might as well go all in. He’s not exactly my type but I’m not blind. He’s gorgeous as fuck and there is no way he’s not unbelievable in the sack.”
Her words made you chuckle but you couldn’t disagree. Sometimes it felt like every time you saw Ten he just got hotter and hotter. His eyes, his hands, his lips—the way he’d just look at you and all you could think about was being closer to him. And since the night you’d saved his life you had gotten a lot closer. Emotionally and physically.
“Honestly if it happens then it happens,” you said slowly. “It—it’s not like we haven’t done other stuff.”
That naturally piqued her interest. “Ooh like what?”
You weren’t usually one to gossip but… “We’ve been making out a lot. Just kissing and kissing, and his lips are so soft and I’ve become kinda obsessed with tangling my fingers in his hair. He’s also a bit of a tease.”
Elizabeth squinted at you. “So you’ve only kissed?”
With a fake put upon sigh, you tossed a balled up tissue at her. “He’s went down on me. And I—I have let him bite me.”
“Holy shit!” Your friend exclaimed. “I—I don’t know what to ask about first! I mean the first is whoa but the second is like whooooooa because it breaks about a million rules.”
All you should do was shrug. “Both were freaking awesome. Ten is one of the most amazing people I have ever met and I’m glad we were able to get closer. What we have is still sorta new but I—I care about him a lot. It’s so weird. Why him? Why a vampire?”
Elizabeth smiled a little. “Hey who knows? You can’t be the first Demios to fall for a supernatural, and if you are I doubt you’ll be the last. There is still so much we don’t know about our world…so much the Elders have no doubt kept from us. Maybe this kinda thing is normal and they say it isn’t to be assholes.”
It had occurred to you more and more lately that the Elders were hoarding information, passing it out sparsely to make sure everyone stayed in line. Giving out the history they wanted known and squashing anyone who asked too many questions. Of course that begged the question why were they letting you continue to see Ten? If they really wanted to stop you they probably could. What if you having access to him was all part of some weird plan they were putting into motion? What if they were going to use you to take down the Neos?
God, the what ifs made your skin crawl. You’d never forgive yourself if you were the reason something terrible happened to Ten and his Coven.
I should bring this up to him, you thought to yourself. He needs to be aware just in case I…get compromised.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Even before meeting Ten I knew things weren’t as easy as good and evil. Now after spending time with him and meeting more of his Coven; well I just can’t see how anyone in the Pantheon would blindly kill without all of the facts. Except for someone like Jeremy.”
At the sound of his name you friend rolled her eyes. “God he’s such a slimy dickhead. He’s been telling everyone you’re a vampire’s whore, and that you can’t be trusted. Someone should set him on fire.”
Hearing that didn’t surprise you in the least. Jeremy had always had something against you since the moment you first met. “If I was a vampire’s whore he’s the idiot insulting me when I could just have my hot vampire boyfriend to rip his throat out.”
Elizabeth giggled. “With Ten though…he doesn’t like, scare you? Master vampires are no joke. He did nearly kill you when you first met.”
“I haven’t forgotten that but I did forgive him. He didn’t have all of the information and in his shoes I might have reacted the same way. As for scaring me, no. I feel a lot of things when I’m around Ten but fear isn’t one of them.”
“Fair enough.” Sighing, she glanced to her watch and stood. “I’ve got sword practice with Sam but I wanna hear all about your date when you get back! Later!”
You waved goodbye to Elizabeth and turned back to your reflection, making sure that you looked good. Not that Ten would care. The last time you’d parted ways—two nights ago—you’d been covered in demon ichor and he’d thought it was fucking hilarious. If he didn’t have the most adorable laugh known to man you probably would have punched him in the stomach for laughing at you. As it were you’d just let him walk you home and then spent the rest of the night after your shower texting with him. Your relationship could be so normal…
Which was odd because it felt like it shouldn’t be so easy. Like the world should be trying to tear you both asunder for even daring to exist in the same space. The Neos were fine with you though Ten admitted a few had voiced their concerns about the Pantheon as a whole. About them retaliating if things went sour. Naturally that made sense to you. However, what didn’t make any sense what so ever was what a big deal it wasn’t to the rest of the supernatural community. The Elders used to say playing favorites would cause strife so it was best to be emotionally distant to all. Just do your duty and walk away. Meanwhile Ten was helping you put down monsters left and right, and no one was batting an eyelash.
Except for Elder Cross.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. To be honest it scared the hell out of you.
Exhaling deeply, you grabbed your jacket from the back of your chair and slipped it on. Making sure that your phone was tucked into your pocket, you left your room and jogged down the stairs. Several people watched you go and proclaimed to each other that you were off to meet “that vampire” but you ignored them, keeping your head held high. Their opinion didn’t matter, not when you still did your job like a freaking bad ass.
You threw a peace sign to Damien as he grinned at you and were stepping out the open front doors when a body was suddenly blocking your way. You drew up short and frowned. “Move.”
Jeremy smirked, folding his arms over his chest. “Where ya going, Y/N? Off to meet your vampire?”
You glared at him. “That is really none of your business. Move.”
He snickered, raising his voice a little so that the others could hear. “So how does that work anyway? Does he suck you or do you suck him? Must be gross as hell; cold ass vampire cock in your mouth. Disgraceful. He should be put down for even thinking he can associate with Demios. Tainting our good name like this. And you letting him? Ugh.”
The tingle started at the base of your spine and slowly worked its way up to the back of your neck. Your left eye twitched, the lamps in the room flickering just a little. Truthfully you weren’t even that irritated but apparently your powers had other ideas. “Spend much time thinking about his cock? I’m sure if you asked nicely he might show it to you so you can see what you’re lacking.”
Jeremy growled and infiltrated your space, looming over you in a way solely meant to intimidate. “What the fuck did you say to me?”
Funny enough you weren’t intimidated by him at all. “I said if you don’t fucking move out of my way I’ll set your ass on fire like a burnt campfire smore.”
Whatever Jeremy was going to say died on his tongue by the look on your face. He played it off as if you weren’t worth it—even saying as much—before roughly pushing you aside so that he could step farther into the manor. You huffed and continued on your way, but not before catching sight of your reflection in the crystal clear glass of the ornate doors. Your normally dark eyes were glowing white from the iris to the sclera. You looked like freaking Raiden.
“Huh. That’s new.” Swallowing thickly, you ignored it the best you could and hurried on your way. Hopefully they would be back to normal in a little bit.
Yet as you ran down the driveway and through the baroque gates, you couldn’t help but wonder what the fuck was happening to you. It was a thought that niggled you until you were at your and Ten’s meeting place; standing under the bright yellow streetlight and listening to its hum. Sometimes, though especially lately, you’d felt like your body was pulling itself out of a fog you hadn’t even known you were in.
About fifteen minutes later a black 1969 Camaro pulled up, the windows down with music drifting from inside. Ten smiled at you from behind the wheel. “Hello baby.”
You flushed and climbed into the passenger seat, gazing at him with a smile of your own. Slicked back black hair, pink lips and several buttons of his stripped shirt unbuttoned to show off his gold necklaces; he made your heart skip a few beats. And he knew it.
“Hey.” Before you could talk yourself out of it you leaned forward and kissed him, threading your fingers into his soft hair. He hummed and kissed you back, mouth cool and tasting of expensive red wine. Three seconds in his space and already your head was filled with him, making everything cloudy and dreamy around the edges. His kisses were like magic, drawing soft moans out of you almost against your will. You needed to get closer to him, always closer. “Ten…”
“Hm?” His head dipped and he licked over your pulse point. “Do you need something from me, baby?”
Possibly? Everything. “Take me somewhere private. Please. I just—I need—this isn’t enough.”
Ten grinned and returned his attention to the road. “Of course.”
The car shot forward with a roar and you flopped back to your seat, smoothing a hand across your face. “Shit. There—there was stuff I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Okay.” He shifted gears and it shouldn’t have been sexy but it was. “What’s up?”
Shifting to face him, you rested your head to the headrest and chewed on the inside of your check. Ten was in his tight jeans; he looked more like a college student than a Master vampire but that didn’t matter to you. Vampire, student, elf—you didn’t care anymore. It was him that shook you up like a fizzy bottle constantly on the verge of exploding.
Feeling your eyes on him, he smirked but didn’t look over. “Y/N? Are you okay?”
You kinda weren’t sure. Before getting in his car you would have said yes but now… “I’m…keyed up. My powers had an incident because Jeremy is a piece of shit. And it’s possible I’m also a little stressed out and worried that the Elders are using me to trap you. Otherwise why haven’t they made me stop seeing you? I know they’re not okay with it. If they really wanted to they could make me somehow.”
Ten blinked slowly. “What…type of incident?”
Flexing your fingers, you drew a ball of energy into your palm. It was noticeably brighter. “My eyes glowed. They’ve never did that before. He said…you should be put down for seeing me. It didn’t even make me that mad but…”
“Maybe you’re leveling up. After what you did at the train yard I wouldn’t be surprised. Have you been doing anything differently?”
“Besides kissing you?”
“Yes, besides that.”
“Heh um, not really. I’m just…happy. Being with you makes me happy. So I don’t focus on always being in control. That sounds kinda dangerous I guess…”
“Happiness is a powerful emotion. Perhaps it is helping you unlock your true potential somehow.”
Squeezing the energy ball until it popped and webbed between your spread fingers like a sparkling spider’s web, you thought about your skills and how usually when you used them they were destroying something. Evil and the like. You’d honestly never considered they could be anything more or that being more carefree with them would cause them to manifest differently. Carefully you reached out and brushed your fingers along Ten’s neck, watching as his veins lit up bright white. Like you were a generator slowly feeding him power. He cursed and his hands tightened on the wheel so hard you hear a tiny crack.
“Did that hurt?” You asked innocently.
Ten licked his lips. “No. It felt…let’s just say if you do it during a more intimate moment I’d be fine with it.”
Giggling, you idly glanced at the scenery flying by. “Ten, if the Elders ever try to use me or my safety to get you to do something, please don’t give in to their demands. I’d like to say they won’t but everything is changing.”
He reached over and squeezed your thigh. “Do they know about you saving me?”
Oh did they. Though Ten had expressly told his Coven not to mention your involvement, word got out about his epic battle with Tobias. From what you’d heard he’d arrived back at the manor that night and managed to slip upstairs to dress before anyone even knew he was there. And then he’d waltzed downstairs like a boss much to Tobias’ surprise, practically vibrating with uncontrolled power. He’d absolutely destroyed Tobias and his leftover assholes, not to mention an entire wing of his mansion. Now that wouldn’t be odd—he’s a Master vampire and they were strong—but rumors began to swirl about him being near death beforehand. About being saved by an unlikely ally.
Since werewolves and vampires tended to not get along, and fairies didn’t give a shit about anything that wasn’t having a good time, people started to wonder and check names off a list. Since you were already known to be kicking it with Ten, well, dots were connected. Although Elder Cross had not brought the matter up with you face to face, he’d voiced his extreme displeasure with any Demios getting involved in supernatural business. He’d also offhandedly remarked that if it ever came down to picking a side, every Demios must stand with their brothers and sisters unless they wanted to be lashed. You weren’t sure if it was possible to have your abilities taken away but you knew you didn’t want to find out.
“They suspect I had something to do with it. Simple process of elimination,” you replied with a huff. “I—fuck I don’t want to have to pick a side. Not that I could hurt you even if I had to. I might be leveling up but you’d be the final boss.”
Ten merged the car into the right lane and then turned, heading down a dark road where the streetlights tapered off quite quickly. “It’ll never come to that. I’d take the Coven and leave the city before it did. But look I understand why you’re concerned and we’ll monitor the situation. I have spies in your organization so if things start getting loud, I’ll know before they boil out of control.”
You hated the thought of Ten and the others being forced to leave because of you. This was their home just as much as yours. Maybe more so if they were around first. “Sh—should we stop seeing each other?” The words hurt to say aloud but you felt they were necessary. “I don’t want to but if it would solve any future problems...”
“Bold of you to assume I could stay away from you,” Ten muttered. “Especially after all that we’ve been through. No, we’ll be vigilant and everything will be okay. Now…” He veered off the road after a few minutes to follow a dirt path that disappeared through a cropping of droopy trees. Cutting the engine after getting deeper in, he grinned. “Let’s ignore our problems and have some fun.”
You arched a brow. “What did you have in mind?”
“You asked me to take you somewhere private so here we are. I thought maybe we could play a game to help get you out of your head.” His slender fingers dragged through your hair. “Yes?”
His touch calmed you and you found yourself nodding to his silly idea. “What type of game? I show you mine and you show me yours?”
Ten snickered. “Well I’ve already seen yours.” He wet his lips with the tip of his pink tongue and you suppressed a shiver. “But after we finish playing I’d be totally willing to see it again if you want.”
Sometimes you really wanted to hit him. Clearing your throat, you opened your door and climbed out of the car. “Geeze Ten, if you wanted to eat me out again all you had to do was say please. I’d suffer through it.”
Ten laughed and slipped out as well, strolling around to stand in front of the vehicle’s bright lights. “Oh sure, suffer. Let’s play hide and seek. If you find me I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, whether that be taking point on your next hunts or something more…physical.”
“And if I don’t find you?”
“If you don’t find me…” He strolled up to you and smoothed his thumb across your full bottom lip. “I get to put you on your knees so you can show me what this pretty little mouth can do.”
The images that flashed through your head had you gasping, your face suddenly flaming hot. You’d never gone down on anyone before—had never really thought about it to be honest—yet now it was all you could picture. Ten stunning and panting leaning back against the hood of the car, Ten’s long fingers tangled in your thick hair, Ten guiding his dick between your lips… How would it feel? How would he taste? How much could you take in?
“Alright,” you said breathlessly.
Satisfied, Ten kissed your cheek. “Good kitten.” With a wink, he disappeared into the woods.
You took off your jacket and tossed it into the backseat, heart thudding in your chest. Technically you were aware that even with your skills, Ten still had the upper hand. His reflexes alone were way better than yours; he could be there one minute and gone the next. Now that the idea was in your head, you really wanted to suck Ten off but you also kinda wanted to win simply because it was unexpected. There was no reason you couldn’t do both…right?
Making your way past the towering trees, you blinked as your eyes adjusted to the darkness and the sliver of moonlight from behind the heavy clouds. You could sense Ten somewhere but that was like saying you knew there were birds snuggled up on their branches. It was possible he could cloak himself. Stepping over a fat raccoon that dared you to make a move, you moved deeper into the woods until the only thing you could hear clearly was your own breathing.
The night was calm and the forest indolent with low nighttime sounds. You dug down into your boot and pulled out a small knife, gripping the ruby covered hilt lazily. Glancing around, you slashed open your palm with a wince and watched the bright red blood bubble up to the surface. A few drops trickled down your fingers and fell silently to the ground as a metallic smell filled the air.
Humming, you started walking again with no real direction in mind. Although you didn’t hear any footsteps behind you, you could feel that you were being followed. However, when you jerked around there was no one there.
“You shouldn’t play with your food, Ten!” You shouted giddily. “If this is how you treat your marks it’s a wonder you ever get anything to eat.”
“You’re more special than a mark.” Ten’s voice seemed to come from all around you. “Not to mention you’re not playing fair.”
You knew that and it made you smirk. “Hey a game is a game, and maybe this will teach you not to underestimate me.”
“What makes you think I underestimate you?” He questioned. “I know what you’re capable of. And with this stunt I have discovered there is also a bit of asshole in you.”
Laughing, you turned in a slow circle and looked up into the trees. “Takes one to know one. I’m curious though; why can’t I sense you directly like other vampires?”
Something hit you on the head and when you glanced down, you saw an acorn. Did he really just throw that at you?
“I learned how to shroud myself from Demios a long time ago,” he explained in delight. “Usually I am completely undetectable but as with most things, you can do the impossible.”
“I’m awesome that way.” You scrunched up your nose. “I hope there aren’t any monsters lurking out there tonight otherwise you might have some competition in the eating me department. I guess I might still be pretty with no head.”
Ten threw more acorns at you. “We’re alone.”
That was good to know. “Eh just as well. Besides I’m sure I’m not that irresistible anyway. Why go for me when there is a raccoon a few yards back?”
He snorted. “You have no idea, Y/N. And it’s not just your blood, it’s you. All of you.”
You kicked a rock off into the distance but his words warmed your heart. “Ten. Come here.”
A gust of wind tickled the back of your neck as strong arms winded around your waist, holding you tight. Soft lips kissed the side of your throat and you sighed, leaning back. “Looks like I found you,” you teased lightly.
Ten clasped your wrist and brought your bloody fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean one by one. Any other time you would have been repulsed by such a show, but with him it was just…well it just was. He licked your palm and you watched his red eyes roll back into his head with pleasure, cheeks rosy pink. Only he could make drinking blood look sexy.
Purring happily, he nicked his thumb with his fang, letting a few drops of his own blood drip into your cut. It healed instantly. “You shouldn’t hurt yourself to get my undivided attention,” he chastised. “You already have it anyway.”
You shrugged, nuzzling at the underside of his jaw. “I heal pretty quick. Not that quick but decently enough. Anyway I won! And for my prize…I’d still very much like to get on my knees for you.”
Ten bit at your neck hard enough to leave a mark and pushed you up against the nearest tree trunk. You yelped in surprise more than anything else before reeling him in, kissing him like nothing else mattered. At the moment nothing else did. All you wanted to do was lose yourself in his intoxicating aura. Sink deep beneath the waves of his hands creeping under your shirt, nimble fingers pushing aside your bra so that he could lightly twist your nipples. You arched to him and moaned against his mouth, your own hands dropping to his waist and then lower. He was already hard, straining against the denim of his dark jeans.
Pulling back so that he could see your face, he smiled. “My gorgeous baby,” he cooed at you. “So pretty.” He put a hand on your shoulder and gently pushed. “Down.”
Swallowing thickly, you slowly sunk to your knees in front of him, pulse jumping so fast you were shocked you weren’t dizzy. You gazed up at Ten like you were asking for absolution, eyes wide and sparkling. About to plead to him to cure you of all your sins, fears and misdeeds. God he was magnificent; staring down at you with warm brown eyes even as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his zipper. At the first flash of his smooth stomach you tipped forward and kissed it, compelled to taste whatever part of him that you could.
“Y/N…” Ten bit his lip, one hand braced on the tree above you. With the other he affectionately cupped your chin. “Are you sure? Do you want it?”
You didn’t trust your voice so you just nodded.
He hummed. “Open for me.”
And you did.
Ten’s cock was a heavy, hot thing on your tongue and you’d assume it would feel weird but it didn’t. You’d never idly thought about sucking dick before but now that his was in your mouth, all you wanted was to fall into the taste of him. All you wanted was to be so good that he remembered you long after you were gone. Grabbing his slender hips, you shut your mind off—you’re doing this, can you believe you’re doing this!?—and gave yourself over to that primal part of you that resided deep inside. Even though you had no real idea what you were doing, that part knew.
That part whispered to bob your head up and down. That part told you to lick the crown and slide your tongue over the leaking slit—look how he likes it, how he shudders at the mercy of your mouth. That part told you to sink down as far as you could, to hum and lick the underside and match the rhythm he was building as he pushed in and out of your mouth. Ten wasn’t the type to try to choke you or hold you down; his hand in your hair simply guided you as you slowly took him apart.
“Fuck. Fuck,” he groaned leaning over you just a bit, slipping deeper.
You sighed and wrapped your fingers around him, focusing on sucking his fat pink cock head as your hand stroked up and down his slick shaft. Your eyes drifted up to his perfect face, your ears picking up every moan and whimper and curse that flowed from his perfect lips. You’d never seen someone look so goddamn beautiful in your entire life. The image he painted before you made you hot and wet, and before you’d even really processed what you were doing, your fingers had tripped down the front of your jeans and into your panties.
Ten shuddered at the sight and that was all the warning you got before he was coming, squirting across your tongue and then your hand as you leaned back with a gasp. Was it possible for a person to be mouthwatering? To want to devour them because they tasted so good? Ten’s hips stuttered with the force of his orgasm and you kept stroking him, wrapping your lips back around his dripping crown, sucking obediently until his legs were shaking.
“Jesus, fuck me...” Ten pulled away from you and slumped back against the tree, skin flushed and sweet.
You licked your lips, mouth tingling. “Was—was that good?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He chuckled lazily and tucked himself back into his pants. “That was amazing.”
Pleased, you wiped your hand on a bunch of bushes before standing on stiff legs and stretching. “Yeah but…practice makes perfect.”
He smirked. “That is true.”
Suddenly shy, you laughed and turned away from him. “Anyway, we should go patrol or something.”
Ten combed his fingers through his hair in a way that could prove dangerous to your heart in the future. “We could do that, yes. Or I could put you on the hood of my car and tongue fuck you until you’re stupid?”
Coughing, you choked on air and he let out that infernal yet adorable giggle. “Maybe we should do that,” you said around a wheeze. “For science.”
Ten laughed harder; expression bright and happy. “Okay. For science.”
we’re doomed, and there’s plenty for all
Stretched out on your bed the following night with your phone on speaker, you pressed your hand to your mouth harder to keep your laughter in. It wasn’t easy though; the story Ten was currently telling you was hysterical. You were supposed to meet an hour ago to hang out or, most likely, spend the rest of the night seeing who could make who come the hardest. But moments before you were about to leave the manor, Ten had texted about an issue he needed to deal with and being unable to meet up. Disappointed but understanding, you’d spend the few hours before his call sparring with Elizabeth.
“It’s not funny, Y/N!” Ten grumbled with an obvious pout. “The kitchen is ruined! That shit is never coming out of the marble countertops—I’d had them imported from Paris! And don’t even get me started on the oven. Custom made sand colored brick; it’s probably older than you are.”
You giggled. “Wait so he tried making a cake and it exploded? Cakes don’t just…explode.”
Ten snorted. “The cake was already made and for some reason, Xiaojun thought the frosting needed to be heated. And also he wanted chocolate and vanilla which sounds like a horrible abomination mixed together but that’s neither here nor there. He proceeded to mix the two in a bowl and put the bowl in one of our thousand dollar microwaves. Not realizing that the spoon had fallen in.”
The image made you snicker so hard you nearly rolled off your bed. “Oh dear. Okay I get ruining the microwave but how does that effect the whole kitchen? Or are you just being dramatic?”
“No! The microwave exploded and the flames caught the paneling and the cabinets. Meanwhile Xiaojun was too busy on fucking Youtube watching song cover videos.” Ten growled and you bit your lip. “Thankfully Mark smelled the smoke and got the fire extinguisher before the entire house was set ablaze. But not before damage was done.”
“Aww poor Tennie. His babies messed his house up,” you teased good-naturedly. “Hey look at it this way though, now you have a reason to redecorate.”
“You can be such a brat. I should spank that behavior out of you.”
Blushing, you grabbed a pillow and wedged it under your chin. “Let me guess. I’d be bare assed and you’d be bare handed?”
He chuckled. “I have a paddle if you’d prefer.” Ice hitting a glass tinkled in the background. “Putting you over my knee might be good for the both of us.”
“What if I wanted to put you over my knee?” You inquired slowly. “Between the two of us I think I’m the one who actually has chains and ropes lying around.”
“No I think those are things we both own. And hey you’re welcomed to chain me up whenever you want as long as it’s for fun.”
“What other reason would I have for chaining you up? Well besides robbing you…”
You heard Ten take a sip of whatever he’s drinking before replying, “Mm that reminds me. I guess I should start buying you nice things.”
Arching a brow, you fiddled with his ring, bringing it up to your lips. “Why? In the mood to play Sugar Daddy?”
“No,” he said honestly. “I just think you should have nice things. I want to give you pretty things because I—I care about you a lot and I enjoy spending time with you.”
Touched, you sat up and brought the phone closer to your face. “I could come over if you want. Unless you’d rather I send you sexy selfies?”
“We could do both. Send the pictures, get me hot and then come over.”
You opened your mouth to reply when an agonizing scream cut through the otherwise quiet atmosphere. It had you jerking your head towards your closed door. “What the fuck?” Easing off your bed, you crept to the door and opened it just an inch, peering out with one eye. “What was—”
“No! No, no don’t—!”
“Y/N?” There was concern in Ten’s voice. “What was that? What’s happening?”
Directly under you from the dining room a crash sounded; glass breaking and you just knew it was the lovely cabinets that sat over in the corner. Between one minute and the next someone was thrown clean over the long table in the foyer, their face bloody and broken. A gang quickly surrounded them and to your horror you recognized the people now hitting them over and over. They were your people. They were Demios.
“Ten something’s happening,” you whispered as you quickly pulled on your boots. “Demios are attacking each other. I gotta—”
Your door was flung open so roughly that it banged back against the wall hard enough to crack the wood. Riley—someone you’d never had issues with before—swung at you with a fucking broad axe and you yelped, electricity jolting from your fingers before you could even grasp what was going on. A bright bolt hit him square in the chest and he crumbled to the floor with a low thud.
Phone forgotten on the floor where you’d dropped it, you hurried out into the hall to find a war raging from all angles. Demios against Demios. Learner against Sangre Pura to be more precise.
What the fuck!? You’d known things could get strained between the two because some Pura could be elitist assholes and some Learners could be jealous dickheads, but you’d never in a million years thought it would come to this. A goddamn civil war in the manor you all called home! And by the look of things Learners were not playing around. They were playing for keeps; killing people they’d called friends just yesterday!
You didn’t want to hurt people but also weren’t about to let anyone kill you either.
Exhaling deeply, you yanked down two daggers that had been mounted on the wall and leapt over the bannister to the ground floor. You landed easily and just in time to save Sam from being choked to death by his partner, Marco. From this level you could tell there was fighting in every room; the sounds of screaming and things being broken echoing all around you like voices from the void. Pools of blood had already been made with other bright red swaths staining the walls and carpet.
With Marco struggling to get up from where you’d kicked him, Sam created a sharp pointed icicle in one hand and hurled it with so much force that it speared through Marco’s chest and out his back, pinning him to the floor. His eyes met yours and you nodded; you’d both do what you had to do to survive.
Sam headed towards the kitchen and you dashed into the library, ducking as a knife sailed towards your head. You picked up a glass bowl of fruit and tossed it at whomever had tried to hit you, sliding under a table to take out their legs. It was a girl with red hair and as she fell, her temple cracked on the wooden bar, knocking her out cold. A loud rumbling sounded and you watched as a large sink hole opened up near one of the bookshelves, sucking everything down into the earth. You scrambled to your feet and clamored up a thin ladder for those hard to reach books, leaping over the green couch and tumbling into the hallway. Someone screamed behind you—guess they didn’t know the extent of their own powers.
It was then you saw him however; pinned to the wall with a thick spear sticking out of his gut. Elder Cross. He hung limply, eyes still open yet staring at nothing. A few yards away were several other Elders, some missing limbs and one with his skull completely caved in.
Well, shit.
“Stop! Ge—get off me!”
“Elizabeth?” You took off in the direction her voice came to find her being driven backwards by some guy—Matt you think his name was—as he battered at her with a heavy great sword. Wasting no time, you flung your dagger at him, catching him in the back of his neck. He gurgled and Elizabeth ripped the sword from his hand, lopping his head clean off.
“Christ!” She shrieked in a panic. “What is happening?! What the fuck is happening?!”
You ran over to her and hugged her. “You have to save as many people as you can and get the hell out of here! Get somewhere safe!”
Her blue eyes were wild with fear. “But where is safe? Ah! No!”
Whipping around to see what she was pointing at, you frowned as Damien sprinted over to you both. “Hey hey, no! I’m not—this is all Jeremy and his lackies! I’m not gonna kill my friends!”
He didn’t have a weapon and when you squinted at him, you could tell he was telling the truth. “Both of you need to haul ass then. Once the other Learners see you’re not playing by the new rules, they’ll probably turn on you too. Sam went towards the kitchen. Go! I’m right behind you!”
Damien grabbed Elizabeth’s hand and they dashed towards the kitchen, dodging small groups of people still fighting and striking down each other. You turned to follow when a scream caught your attention. Keisha—who was no more than fifteen—was cowering in a corner as some asshole tried to bring the ceiling down on top of her. You skidded up behind her attacker and slit his throat, your hands becoming sticky and wet with blood.
“Yo—you helped me,” she cried in surprise. “But you’re a blood pure.”
“Head towards the kitchen and find Damien and Elizabeth,” you told her. “They’ll help you get out and keep you safe.”
She darted that way with a sniffle, shoes slipping on bits and pieces of flesh.
The next few events happened so quick you barely had time to breathe. Someone latched onto your hair from behind and slammed your head into the wall with so much force that several picture frames clattered to the floor. You saw stars and were flung into the living room by the fire place, nearly smashing your nose on the bricks. You were then jerked to your feet and shoved against the mantle, gasping as something sharp punched into your gut. Looking down, you saw a six-inch bladed knife sticking out of your stomach.
And holding onto the hilt with a manic grin was Jeremy.
“Man this feels good!” He shouted, twisting the blade slowly. “Finally. Seriously you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this. How long I've wanted to fuck you up!”
The pain was excruciating and your eyes teared up without your consent. “I—I should have known it—it was you.”
He chuckled. “Heh too busy getting dicked down by a vampire. But look at you now. The great thunderstorm Pura.” He sneered and leaned closer, rubbing his nose along your cheek. “You’re nothing. You and all those other assholes thinking you were so special because you were born with powers. I told the others we could take you. I told them we could clean house and rule if we wanted to.”
“And the Elders?”
Jeremy made a face. “Who needs ‘em? Elder Cross has always played favorites anyway. Letting you run around with a vamp. Letting Sam stay out all night. All because of your precious blood.” His eyes glanced down to where your blood was running down the front of your jeans. “Doesn’t look so precious now.”
It was getting hard to breathe; the blade feeling like fire inside of you. “This—those in charge—”
Jeremy shrugged. “If they come ask we’ll say your kind went crazy and we were forced to put you down. But I doubt they’ll care once they see how we clean up this city. Bye bye supernatural scum.” He smiled. “Too bad I can’t like inherit your powers when you die though. Controlling lightning did always look fun.”
Lifting your head to meet his mad eyes, you held a trembling hand out to the front of the fireplace. “It all starts…with a spark…”
He smelled it then; the gas you’d managed to switch on when he’d thrown you into the room. His mouth opened wide and you snapped your fingers, sending a tiny spark floating up into the air. It ignited the gas with a loud whoosh, creating a fireball that engulfed you and Jeremy, sending him hurtling back into the flat screen tv mounted onto the wall. The entire room erupted into flames and you marveled at the shimmering electric shield that buzzed around you and protected you. You’d had no idea you could even conjure such a thing.
Jeremy screamed and flailed but there was nothing he could do to put out the flames. They dragged him down and spread quick, running up the walls and bursting windows. In seconds the whole house was burning and falling apart.
Pulling the knife out took effort but you forced it, pressing a hand to the hole in your stomach afterwards. Shield still in place, you staggered back out into the foyer and to the front door, nearly collapsing onto the porch. Outside the battle was still raging on but you noticed three new faces in the fray. Ten, Johnny and Mark were putting down Learners that attacked them right and left, much to the Pura’s disbelief. Ten grabbed some guy’s neck and twisted it roughly to the side, the bones breaking through the dude’s skin as he fell to the ground. He then put his fist through another’s back and yanked, pulling the spine clean out.
At hearing your voice he looked at you, face full of worry and relief in equal measure. You smiled and managed to get down the steps before your legs completely gave out. You crashed to the dirt but found yourself in Ten’s arms instead, cradled gently against his chest.
“Y/N! Oh my little darling!” He pressed his hand to your bleeding wound with enough pressure to make you whimper. “Fuck! Hey, you’re gonna be okay. Who did this to you?”
You blinked slowly; things were becoming dark around the edges. “Jeremy. I set him on fire… I set it all on fire.”
Ten kissed your forehead, his pretty dark eyes brimming with tears. “Good. Saves me the trouble of doing it.” He lifted your shirt and peered at your messy stab wound. “You can’t heal this, can you?”
You shook your head. “It’s a mortal wound. Ten! Ten you have to help my friends! No—not all of them are li—like Jeremy. They’re still in dan—”
“Hey do not even fucking think for one second that you’re dying.” He lifted his wrist and sunk his fangs into it, pushing it towards your mouth. “Drink. My blood will heal you.”
“But…we’ll be bonded,” you panted. “Forever.”
“I know. Please let me save you.”
This time when he brought his wrist to your mouth you simply fastened your lips over the puncture wounds and drunk deeply. It hit your system like a bomb; you could feel it racing through your veins and merging with your cells, changing and shaping and healing you all at once. You sighed deeply and rested your head to his shoulder, warm and safe in his arms as he stood with your nestled against him.
Damien, Elizabeth, Sam and Keisha stepped up beside Ten to gaze at the manor as it crackled and crumbled in on itself, sending thick plums of black smoke into the sky. A few more Pura and a few Learners came to watch as well, everyone sporting bruises and deep scratches.
“What do we do now?” Elizabeth wiped at her wet face. “Not everyone who was with Jeremy died. Some of them got away. We—we don’t know how deep this goes.”
“It’s a civil war.” Sam folded his muscular arms across his chest, nodding as Damien put a hand on his shoulder. “When the supernatural world hears about this…”
Ten cleared his throat. “You’re welcome back at the Coven if you can behave yourselves while you get yourselves together. However, if you feel being around a bunch of vampires is too much for you…”
Elizabeth shrugged. “You helped us fight and you saved Y/N. At this point we’d be stupid to cause trouble. Not to mention there are only like eight of us and ninety-nine of you guys.”
He smirked. “Twenty-three actually. But alright then. Follow me.”
“Tae’s gonna flip his shit over this,” you heard Johnny snicker to Mark. “Should be fun.”
when it all goes up in flames, we’ll be the last ones standing
Stretched out in Ten’s gigantic bed, you stared up at the twisted iron chandelier that hung from the ceiling, watching the icicle lights sway from the central air. The thick brown curtains are drawn so you’re not sure if it’s morning or whatever, and honestly you didn’t really care. After everything you went through the previous night, doing nothing for an indiscriminate amount of time sounded perfect. Especially if it entailed the feeling of safety that layered itself over your skin.
Like most of Ten’s things his room was gorgeous, shaded in chocolate browns and soft beiges. The lamps on the beside tables were silver and carved in the shapes of angels. They matched the drawers to his dressers and ottoman. His carpet was fluffy and black. Off to the left was the en suite bathroom that housed a round Jacuzzi tub and a glass shower, the cabinets black marble with a round skylight cut into the ceiling. It was exactly the type of place you’d expect a wealthy Master vampire to own.
Biting your lip, you glanced to your right where Ten was lying beside you. He was gloriously naked and sleeping soundly, the sheet barely clinging to his small waist. He looked so…untroubled as if he didn’t have a care in the world. As if he didn’t have a house full of hunters and vampires now trying to coexist together. Most of the Neos were okay with the new arrangement—although temporary—but some had concerns. Others immediately jumped to make your friends feel welcome, and honestly you wouldn’t be surprised to hear of perhaps something more developing. Elizabeth had always had a thing for pretty boys and now she was practically drowning in them.
With a sigh you reached over and smoothed your hand up Ten’s back, scooching closer until your bare breasts were pressed right up against him. You wrapped an arm around his waist, enjoying the softness and warmth of his skin. If someone had told you when you first met him that you’d end up here, you probably would have laughed right in their face. Nothing seemed less plausible yet life was funny that way you supposed. Without Ten, you’d have bled to death outside of your ruined home. And without you the Neo Coven would be in the hands of a madman. Maybe it was fate you met. Maybe it was the universe keeping things in order.
You lifted up onto your elbow and peeked across at Ten’s serene face, brushing strands of silky hair away from his eyes. He’s like Sleeping Beauty, you thought in amusement. Wait does that make me the Prince?
Very slowly you leaned down and kissed his perfect lips—shaped like Cupid’s bow you’d idly mused to yourself more than once. When he didn’t stir you peppered him with more kisses; to his cheeks, his chin and along his jaw. You nosed at his pulse point—which thudded exceptionally slow—and bit down hard enough to leave a bruise. He moaned softly, eyelashes fluttering. “Y/N…” he said sleepily. “It’s too early. What are you doing to me?”
“Devouring you.” You put on your best sexy voice. “You just look so delicious and helpless right now. I can’t help myself.”
Ten giggled. “Oh no. Please, be gentle!”
Grinning, you kissed him again. “No promises,” you replied as your hand snaked down between his legs. “You’ll have a good time though.”
“Ah…” He grabbed your wrist in a loose hold but made no move to pull your hand away. “Did you sleep at all?”
“I did. I actually slept pretty good,” you admitted, giving his cock a light squeeze. “I think you wore me out”
Ten snorted and rolled onto his back, hair falling all cute and floppy across his forehead. “I think we wore each other out. Is your stamina from your powers or my blood, I wonder?”
It had taken a few for Ten’s blood to kick in fully, probably because it had been focused more on healing you. However, after that was taken care of the energy washed over you like you’d had several cups of coffee. You’d wanted to move; you’d wanted to hunt down the rest of Jeremy’s gang and make them all pay. That unfortunately wasn’t an option so you’d turned your attention to…other activities.
Really falling into bed with Ten just made sense. Everything with Ten made sense. And just like the times before he’d artfully strung your body like it was a guitar, committing himself to making you make the perfect music. The Elders used to say sex was sacred and best not attempted until you were deep into your duty, and while you did think it wasn’t something to do lightly, you were happy it was something you could share for the first time with Ten. That you were with someone who respected you and wanted you to enjoy yourself.
Apparently ceiling sex was something you’d tackle later.
But the intimate sensations of him inside of you, pinning you to the mattress as he took you over and over again had completely short circuited your brain. To be that close to someone? To feel them pulse and thrust and come inside of you; it was indefinable. And powerful, realizing that your body could invoke something so primal in someone else.
You smiled at your own thoughts. “Both? Speaking of which…”
Arching a brow, Ten stretched his arms above his head, pose the very definition of surrender. “Hm?”
You shifted so that you were nearly on top of him and rested your chin just below his nipple and the tattoo around it. “We—we uh—didn’t get a chance to talk about the bond last night. I know that vampires don’t just give that much of their blood to humans unless they plan to turn them.”
“You’re not exactly human.”
“Ten.” Frowning, you bit his nipple to reprimand him.
“Ow! That hurt me.” He pouted and you sighed through your grin. “But fine. Yes the bond is—it’s not something we do lightly. It was a no brainer for me though; I couldn’t let you die. I had to save you and I don’t regret it.”
You nodded slowly. “Even though now you’re connected to me? You’ll know when I’m scared or really happy, and you’ll always be able to find me. Not to mention we have no idea how this will affect my abilities. Or yours.”
He traced a finger down the slope of your nose. “Do you mind that we’re connected on a deeper level? It could be…invasive I should think.”
Among the many, many things the Elders said was terrible forming a bond with a vampire was just behind being turned. It wasn’t common; if a vampire wanted you with them they’d just make you like them. Becoming bonded created a sort of emotional tether, allowing you to be somewhat of a beacon for said vampire. They’d be able to find you even if you were thousands of miles away. Sense your emotions and—in some extreme cases—only be able to consume your blood. Their powers also stopped being able to affect you so no more mind control or what have you.
In rare instances the human would find themselves with heightened capabilities.
Yet you weren’t concerned in the least if you were being truthful. Not for yourself anyway. “No. As strange as it sounds it’s sort of comforting. Like being a part of something bigger than myself. Kinda like when my powers first manifested but without all the bullshit. I’m more worried what it might do to you. Like you said I’m not human so…”
“If I end up being able to shoot lightning from my fingers I won’t complain,” he joked. “I’ll tell you something I have never told anyone else before. I don’t fear much these days but I’m not an idiot. I know the Pantheon has the means to destroy me if they wish. It’s one of the reasons why I—I reacted the way I did when we first met. Being connected to you offers me security just as much as it offers you.”
“Well you don’t just have me, you have the others too. My friends are loyal and you’re helping us when we have no one else.” The mansion on fire flashed behind your eyes. “Granted it’s different between you and me but still. If the High Council or whoever is in charge showed up and demanded we turn on you guys, no one would. I—I’d kill them all before I let them touch you.”
Ten’s fingers twitched and wrapped around the bottom of his fancy headboard. “That’s new. That… ire.”
You shook your head. “It’s not new. Burying my doubts about the Pantheon was something I got used to doing, but now there is no need. Elder Cross is dead and in the end, I know who was there for me. You. Had things gone a bit differently last night, Jeremy could have won and you could have been killed trying to save me. You showed up at the manor with your friends having no clue what was going on. C’mon, Ten.”
“Reminds me of a certain beautiful young woman taking on several vampires by herself, all to help an incredibly sexy and talented and totally flawless Master vampire…”
“Yeah and he’s so humble too.”
“On the real though, I said before that you make me happy and that hasn’t changed. I’m happy to be alive and here with you.” You tugged at the necklace around your neck, his ring still clinging to the chain. “War is coming. Fuck it’s already here, and there is no one I’d rather have beside me than you. If…that’s what you want of course.”
Ten gathered you close and kissed your forehead. “Every Queen should have a King willing to fight for her. And my Coven could use a woman’s touch…”
You laughed. “Hey I am not about to play mom to a bunch of vampires that could probably be my great, great, great grandfathers. I could be the cool Aunt though.” Rubbing his chest, you lifted your head to gaze at him. “I want to break it all down, Ten. I don’t want the chance that more Elders show up trying to pull me back into their orbit. Demios are people and if they hadn’t pitted us against each other none of this might have happened. Who knows what’s going on in other cities right now? If Jeremy contacted other Learners about wiping us all out.”
He licked his lips. “Sounds like you want to destroy the Pantheon…”
Was that what you wanted? You wanted security and control of your own life. You wanted to be with Ten without fear that someone wouldn’t understand. Most of all you wanted to reach your full potential and find out what it really meant to be a demi god; to fully unleash the lightning and the thunder inside of you.
Of course not everyone would be on board with your new outlook. Some people were set in their ways and others wouldn’t want to give up their control. But perhaps those types of people had been at the head of the table for too long.
“No I—I want to remake it,” you replied breathlessly. “I want to fix this mess between pure bloods and Learners, and have a more stable system if possible. And I want us—you and me—to be so powerful that we shake the world.”
Ten appeared to think over your words before breaking into a big grin. “Alright kitten…just tell me where to begin.”
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agentmonet1 · 3 years
location: an ancestral home forty minutes from New York City
Within the Pantheon, there are missions and their are classified assignments. Ones put under such a tight lock and key, that not even Hercules’ are clued in on the sensitive mission. In her six years as an Apollo, this would only be the third assignment of this nature. But the weight of the envelope, combined with the Hestia’s stoic eye, says all it needs to. It’s the first, true lead to the brains behind the attack on Peru. A man linked to the darkest, most depraved depths of criminal activity - Edward Cordero Junior is as lethal as he is key to unraveling the mystery itself. The Hestia’s pose it as more than an architectural retrieval. It could mean the difference between the agency’s safety, or its extinction. Within the days of their return from the Swiss Alps, she receives her assignment; go undercover, beguile the known womanizer, and entrench herself into the Italian mafia’s ranks. The span of the mission, obscured somewhere between a few weeks to a few months.
Like any good Apollo, she does as she’s told. Jack is abandoned for Jackie, a French “super model” with a proclivity for heavy cologne and guns. The beautiful, respectful, and alluring sort of femme fatale that is just a touch outside of her usual guises. But she pulls it off, despite Edward’s temperament. It manages to go well, at first. They grow closer, with Jack toted on his arm like an accessory. And though she is subtle, his paranoia grows - as well as his temper. Their relationship grows more tenuous, as they exchange blows and bruises begin to litter her arms. If not for the mission, Jack would make her escape. She knows the way out, of course. But the window of opportunity closes, once Edward starts digging around her past. Fortunately, she has time to send a single message from her cell phone (now only at 20%) - sos. le combat de nos vies. stapleton house, nyc. asap. She sends it to West, the only person she can imagine breaking rules and protocol. The Hestia’s were clear - either Jack collects the intel, or she’s collateral to the bigger mission. But what is she, if not just a bit self-serving?
There’s an obscure party in full swing, in the dated house outside of New York. Except this time, it’s only a slew of Edward’s capos and hired lovers for the evening. In the privacy of the master bedroom, she earns her “boyfriend’s” cruel tirade. “You fucking slut.” Edward yells, obscured through the loud noise. “What the fuck are you hiding?” His hand is tight around her arm, fingers digging into the skin. There have been many close calls, and a handful of dead bodies left in her wake. But never has she imagined it would be her, to be on the brink of certain death. “Answer me,” he insists, hand now clasped around her neck. “It’s just me, Eddie.” Jack attempts to coo, but there is alcohol on his breathe and rage in his eyes. Amidst the noise of the party, and the distraction of Edward’s friends, she sees West from the small gap between the door and its hinge. She remains steady, allowing Edward to slowly unclasp her neck and throw her back onto the bed. He turns his heel, making a beeline for the door, ready to join his friends - and lock her in the room, in the process.
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animated-moon · 3 years
hi moon! could you ship your moots with a hq and genshin character that you’d think would suit them?
oHHHHH OKAYOKAY !! but i have like 20 moots so this might take a while, and there may also be competitions but just pretend you didn’t see that :,) also i’ll just to either or bcus not all of them plays genshin !!
@mysterystarz aKAASHI OBVIOUSLY 🙄✋ how could i ship her with anyone else when i just got her wedding invitation hAHAHA. but that aside you guys just give me really good vibes,,, if that makes sense !! you both are just SO CUTE.
@flairlust seggsy man deelook 😩 why ? bcus man needs some joy in his life (which you will give) and someone has to force him to tie his hair up into a high ponytail 😋 also because i think youre seggsy and i love u muah <3
@yanfeiurl seggsy man kaeya. no explanation needed /hj (granting ur wish of stuffing your face in his mommy milkers <33) and also yall r cute !! you give me power couple vibes (like you kick bird abyss mage ass)
@sunamayo okay the first person who came to mind was actually albedo (or venti). i feel like the vibes you give off are very nice and makes me very comfy, so i think you’d go well w them !! besides you’re a really good listener, and i feel like both of them would be the types to really appreciate it
@teyvatdreams honestly? first person who came to mind was beidou. you’re really nice and sweet, and just give me soft vibes and i think beidou would really like that!! after a tiring day big strong pirate woman would be here to make all your troubles disappear into thin air 😋😋
@infxrity iwa-chan :0 you both as a couple give me vibes of that pic of him and oiks where oiks (you, in this case) goes “go iwa chan!” hAHAHAH. either that or mattsun/makki !! i think you’re good both with someone who’s serious and someone who’s playful
@haikyuutothetop ushijima because rmb you are my co manager at shiratorizawa and im dating his best friend 🤪 (/hj). ushijima would find it very amusing when you send him cursed pics but on the times he actually gets scarred bcus of them, he’d look at you like “>:(“ and go “why?”
@u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum tSUMS OBVIOUSLY- y’all give me power couple vibes and you both are either the most fun people to be around or most annoying (/hj) and it’s probably bcus of your displays of affection or just because y’all r being rowdy hAHAHA
@mjoork you give me major childe vibes. both you and jacob hmmm. i think you’d be good with either childe or kaeya !! it feels like you’d go well with someone who is playful and not so much serious
@schppo youre a moot boom 😗 aNYWAYS HAHAH you give me major childe and diluc vibes!! i think that your energy matches well with both of them and diluc would definitely find how you type very endearing hAHAHAHAH. childe would probably bully you playfully and you’d bully him back, maybe not so playfully /hj
@flushphoria iwa !! i dont know why you just scream “iwa loves me and i love him too” vibes. iwa and you would definitely play volleyball together and it makes him so happy when he sees you enjoying yourself !! i just think he really appreciates an s/o who plays volley too
@horseanon--simpforall aTSUMU. you give me super strong tsum vibes and it goes well with the tall and seggsy lady vibes you give me (in my mind you are and will always be 170cm tall <33). you probably bully him a lot for fun and thats why he loves you
@aphrodytem hutao vibes r strong rn. if you were a fanfic youd be the best friends to lovers, 19k words, slow burn, tooth rotting fluff with no angst kind of fanfic! i sense strong mutual pining before you date and zhongli is just standing there like 🧍‍ please just date already
@kousukii oSAMU. maybe your discord pfp brainwashed me or something but just, osamu. i think that you can be pretty chaotic if you wanted to but you also give really cottagecore vibes and in my mind, cottagecore person = osamu person
@kitashinsvks actually?? not kita but suna (sorry). i just think that you and suna would be 😚👌 perfect together. you‘re like that couple who’s both chill and fucking chaotic. if you watch korean drama i strongly believe suna would watch it with you, complain it’s cliche then get so invested in the series. also dont even hesitate just steal his hoodies
@luvbub bub you’re so amazing so cute so lovely you’d be good with anyone :,) but you gave me a very strong zhongli vibe!! i think you’re someone who would listen to him talk about the past for hours and drink tea with him ! there was a lot of mutual pining and everyone around you sensed it but yall r just idiots in love
@depraved-empress oooohh the tsukishima vibe is real strong. you were the first person to make him feel like maybe,, just maybe he shouldn’t be so mean (but we’re talking abt tsukki so its only a maybe and it stays a maybe). he’s just so in love with you
@milk-is-here hey seggsy 😚😚 i dont know if you’re still into haikyuu but !! you give me strong tendou vibes !! he would totally watch mcyt with you and would PLAY minecraft with you if you ever asked him to. he probably already does anyway and you both live on a house which looks like a turtle from the outside i will not take criticism
@pockydays SILLA BBY I HAVENT GOTTEN THE CHANCE TO INTERACT WITH YOU YET HOW R U <33 i’m gonna judge you based on your behaviour in the disc server so 🔫🔫 venti !! you give me strong venti vibes. the more i think about it the more perfect you are w venti honestly. like,, he’s a bard and you’re pITCH PERFECT ?? i hope you know this means lots of musical journeys with venti,, at the tavern (don’t worry diluc would rescue you if venti is too drunk for you to rescue him). also you just seem really sweet and would totally hit it off with venti !!
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) Clarence Route Translations (Chapter 16-2 阿萝拉: Aurora)
*For All Time Master-list / Clarence’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Maintaining Si Lan’s name as Clarence *Route Tag is #Chapter of Legacy
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I carried the napping Aurora back to the Mage Tower.
Seeing how her body was becoming horribly cold, I held her with my own body as she slept.
It was a while later that she turned, looping her arms around my neck.
Aurora: I'm a little cold… Uncle told me that I should sing loudly whenever I'm cold...
Saying so, she started singing in a gossamer-like voice by my ear.
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Aurora: Stars are sleeping, snow gently falling. Where has the butterfly gone; for my hand still holds the fragrance of flowers…
She sang in short bursts. Maybe it was because she was still unfamiliar with it, or perhaps it was because she was distracted by something else.
Aurora: That Uncle sings it so well. Sadly, Aurora hasn't completely learnt it…
She hugged me tighter to her because of how cold she felt. Her other hand reached over to press itself against her stomach. I knew her stomach was still hurting.
Clarence said that these were all drawbacks of being a Mage.
But for a child so young? On what grounds, does she have to be bearing this immense burden for the sake of the world?
I didn't know what to do. All I could do was to hold her small body tightly within my arms…
A night passed.
It was very quiet when I awoke.
No, something's wrong. Aurora should be beside me, and she's gone! Did… Did Clarence deal away with her already, since she was on the verge of losing control?
I hurriedly got up and recalled what Sun Zhuoyi had told me yesterday. I felt a gut-dropping sense of unease. I MUST find her!
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I quickly smoothed out my clothes and went hunting for her up and down the Mage Tower.
The carriage was already ready and waiting outside the Mage Tower. Clarence was giving Aurora the instructions to her assignment in front of it.
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I got a little closer to them and listened in on their conversation.
Sounds like Aurora’s mission this time is to clear out the Rebel Mages who worked under the Silver Knight.
The Silver Knight had managed to rope some Rebel Mages into his plans and allowed them to attack the Palace, as well as the residences of Nobles. I’ve also vaguely seen the aftermath of the chaos caused by the Rebel Mages before, in my previous journeys.
To my knowledge of the matter, they’d managed to successfully scare the Aristocrats, but they were all quickly dealt away with by Clarence himself, so nothing particularly serious happened.
But this time, upon overhearing Clarence as he explained Aurora’s task to her, I knew; This wasn’t the slightest bit simple at all.
The Silver Knight has been pulling out all stops and laying out the groundwork every step of the way in his plans to attack the Capital. Not only did he have Ordinary Mages under his control, but also a team of Mages that were already out of control.
The Silver Knight utilized potions to forcefully alter the Mages into a half-butterfly metamorphosis― He coerced the Mages to consume the potion of their own accord, making them willingly fall into a state of nearly losing control, before maintaining this state through the use of another potion.
A Mage in this state had icy wings in place of arms and their entire body covered in ice crystals. Their sanity will be on the brink of madness, yet they still hold a sliver of consciousness.
Of course, when under excruciating pain, the only thing they can process is to kill, destroy, and freeze everything. And Clarence’s method of dealing with this impending “destruction”, was to “engulf” it all.
He’d decided to send out Aurora, one of the “Nine Seats'' to deal with the matter. He told her that she didn’t need to care about who, or what was on the other end, merely to treat them as Ice Butterflies and devour them all.
Aurora: Wow. Aurora can eat till she’s full if there are that many monsters this time. Right?
Clarence: That’s right. You’ll be able to eat to your heart’s content this time. And then after you’re done… Do make sure to get a good night’s sleep. You will not feel cold anymore, and neither will your stomach hurt ever again after you fall asleep this time.
I felt my eyes dampening.
Aurora… She really doesn’t know, does she…?
This was a death sentence in the farce of a mission. However, Clarence was as calm and unwavering as ever as he delivered Aurora the details of her mission. While Aurora, on the other hand, was only worried about whether she could “eat till she was full”.
The fate of all Mages was to be born in the throes of desire, pain, and suffering; and also, to fall into the spiral of madness and depravity.
It was then that Clarence breathed a light sigh.
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Clarence: Do you hate me, Aurora?
Clarence actually asked another about their thoughts on him? I’d long since thought that he’d forgo how others saw him, given his personality...
Aurora wore a blank look of utter confusion. She looked up at Clarence, unable to come up with an answer even after thinking for a good long while.
Clarence: I am the Master of the Mage Tower. I should be the one guiding and protecting all of you Mages.
Clarence: However, you are all nought but tools to me. I use you, I sacrifice you… I watch you all die, one-by-one… Yet, I do not bat an eye.
Clarence: It would only make sense if you were to hate me for what I did.
With how he was bemoaning with lament at this point, rather than talking to Aurora about it, it might as well just be him, criticizing himself with his own monologue.
He was blaming himself for being as icy and closed-off as he was.
— Does this mean that somewhere deep down in that heart of his… Clarence has a heart that feels for all the Mages under him?
Aurora: Hate…? You mean, not liking you? Aurora doesn't dislike you, Master Clarence~
Aurora: Aurora doesn't like being hungry. Aurora has always been hungry before meeting you.
Aurora: Aurora cried back home and kicked up a fuss, asking dad for food. Dad took Aurora and dumped Aurora by the river, picking up many hard pieces of bread to eat.
Aurora: Aurora doesn’t like hard bread, but Aurora was just so hungry… So, Aurora ate them all down anyway.
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… I could guess what the “hard bread” she was talking about really was. I’d heard of a distant legend about the olden times, where the poor would feed their offspring stones in place of food during times of famine...
The children who ate stones will die, but at least that would save some food for the rest of the family.
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Aurora: Aurora always got a tummy ache whenever Aurora eats the hard bread, but Master Clarence gave Aurora medicine to drink. It was bitter, but Aurora’s stomach no longer hurt after drinking it.
Clarence: I’m not doing a good deed. Your strong desire for food, “gluttony”, was what drew me in. I merely thought that you had the potential to become a Mage.
Clarence: I took you under my wing, taking you to the Mage Tower. I offered you all the delicacies that Yemsaiel has to offer. Yet, at the same time, I required you to devour Ice Butterflies. Your stomach still hurts all the same.
Aurora tilted her head in thought. She patted the sides of her head, seemingly trying to make sense of what Clarence was trying to say...
After a while, Aurora started sucking on her thumb in thought, apparently none the wiser.
Aurora: Err… I still have stomach aches, but I can’t blame you for that, Master Clarence. You’re a Mage… not someone who treats bad tummies...
Aurora: I heard that you’d get a stomach ache from eating too much, and I can’t stop myself from eating… So, I think it’s pretty normal for me to be getting tummy aches...
Aurora: So be it then! I like to eat! And I’m super happy when I’m eating! You let me eat all I want, Master Clarence! Of course, I like you!!
Clarence: ……
Clarence stays silent for a while before sighing gently.
As pure and innocent as Aurora was, there was nothing Clarence could say to make her understand the truth.
It was probably only because of her naive earnestness as a young girl that allowed her to concentrate as much as she did on her Magic, hence the reason why she was able to attain the rank of one of the “Nine Seats” at such a young age.
Suddenly, Aurora jumped in front of Clarence and patted his face.
Aurora: Stop pulling such a long face, Master Clarence...
Aurora: The Mage Tower is very noisy. There are always people yelling and crying, but everyone also has times where they smile. Only you, Master Clarence. You've never smiled.
Aurora: Aurora smiles when Aurora's full, and the others smile when their wish is fulfilled.
Aurora: Aurora is thinking that Master Clarence's wish hasn't been fulfilled yet. Aurora hopes that it'll be fulfilled soon~
Aurora: Although, even if Aurora might already be asleep by then… Aurora will still be happy! Just like when Aurora has a full stomach!
Hearing Aurora's words, the realization finally dawned on me that she never truly understood anything. She was as clueless as they came.
Clarence paused for a moment before reaching out, caressing her hair and touching her face.
Clarence: How cold… The skin of all Mages is always cold to the touch. I apologise for making you turn out like this.
Clarence: I create all of you, let all of you grow and indulge in all of your desires. And in part, I've also made all of you the very thing feared and hated by the world.
Clarence: But at the same time, I'm also aware that all of you are the true victims, the true sacrifices, of this world.
Clarence: I am incapable of saving you all. But not letting your sacrifices be in vain is the least I can do.
After that, Clarence's lips parted slightly into a faint chuckle.
Clarence, he… he's really laughing…
Aurora was elated, skipping in front of Clarence and jumping up to pull his cheeks upwards.
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Aurora: He’s laughing… This is the first time I’ve seen Master Clarence laugh!
Actually squishing Clarence’s face like that… Only Aurora would ever dare to do such a thing…
Clarence wasn’t mad, only maintaining his smile.
Clarence: Aurora. I treat all the Mages here in this Mage Tower as my pawns, with no emotional attachment whatsoever. But that is only because I do not want anyone to influence my emotions, and the decisions I make.
Clarence: — But that doesn’t mean that all the time I’ve spent with all of you is meaningless to me. I do not regret the time I spent with any of you.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Chapter of Legacy✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 16-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 16-3)
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gagmebucky · 4 years
His face dips into your shoulder and neck, lips skimming along the slope until he’s brushing your ear. “Just. . . just for added clarity, this isn’t a dream?” He’s genuinely asking, sotto voce and breathy in his wanting disbelief, but never breaking his menacing pace. “This isn’t one of my daily wet dreams about you, and I really have your soft little pussy underneath my fingers right now?”
in which you and steve share the bed. (includes agent!reader x avenger!steve rogers, masturbation, fingering, dirty talk, mild voyeur!bucky.)
do not repost.
Though you haven’t thought about it—at least, not before now—you don’t have a nightly routine. Other than the basics, a shower and tying your hair back in a protective style, you’re underneath the covers and it’s lights out. You don’t require anything special nor do you partake in miscellaneous habits.
You like to think that, as a trained operative, you’re grown to be adaptable in the other aspects of your life. The missions, constant moving around and shifting settings, settling down easily is a good skill to have. But there is one thing, which is your occasional insomnia, typically punctuated with a sudden upheaval of arousal. 
It’s just your luck that the hotblooded urge attacks you in the current situation—in the arms of a coworker, several feet shy of another coworker. (A part of you giggles that it’s because you’re in his arms that it’s hitting you and not that it was simply inevitable.)
The job is your run-of-the-mill observe and report but the target you’re gunning for is in the bigger leagues therefore you’re accompanied by two super soldiers who have experience with this particular enemy. But the location has a huge event in the area, and the mission was somewhat out of the blue so all the hotels were booked up. Except for this one, and it only has one room available with two queen beds. 
Agent Barnes, ever the charmer, passed out on the first before you and Agent Rogers even finished checking the place out. And Steve, ever the gentleman, insisted you take the bed and he was fine with the couch. But, you, you and your I’m-totally-cool-and-I-don’t-have-a-crush-on-you facade waved him off, assuring you’re both adults and capable of sleeping in the same bed.
The problem, you now realize, is that while you are an adult and you should be able to sleep soundly next to a coworker-slash-friend, you aren’t. Your libido, it seems, wants to spite you because the second you think you’re tired and ready to succumb to unconsciousness next to the six-foot blond, she awakens. 
Preferring to wash up last, you walked out the bathroom to find that he squished himself on one side. Which you had fondly rolled your eyes at, slipping beneath the duvet then gently tugging his broad mass over. In his sleepy state, he followed your direction seamlessly, and somehow, you two ended up tangled together. 
In the first hour, your mind drifted to very inappropriate places, depraved recollections of those videos you like to watch with one hand down your pants then more personal—but nonetheless perverted—scenarios, authored by you and starring the man beside you. 
The second hour, you registered your amoral thoughts and vehemently worked on denying any further musings as well as the intense throbbing in your nether regions. You hoped to dissuade your feelings with other topics like how you’ll handle the mission tomorrow, and the economical and sociopolitical impact of human Shrek—really, anything not the way he’s nuzzled into you, or the places that could lead.
Right now, well into the third sleepless hour, you’re recognizing how fucked you are (God, you wish you were getting fucked for real). Because you’re so horny it hurts, and there’s no possible way you can sleep until it’s been quelled, and though you’d love to sneak into the bathroom to do the deed—it’ll take you five, ten minutes top—you can’t when Steve is dead asleep and holding you so tight: which, simultaneously, is stroking the fire. Pun intended.
His body coils around yours like a second skin, defined muscular cushion felt through your and his loose shirt, his a tank while yours a tee. He’s a radiator amid an air conditioned room and sheets that aren’t the best insulators. A strong forearm is braced across your partially turned hips, long legs stretched and intertwined with yours.
Quiet breaths inhale and exhale your nape, the tip of his nose nestled against the first ridge of your spine. There’s the intermittent adjustment,  where he snuggles closer, brushing his impossibly soft lips over that spot, mumbling something like, “Don’t. . . don’t go. N - nng, stay,” when you try to slither out of bed, cementing his subconscious grip on you.   
All things considered, you don’t mind it truthfully. In fact, he’s incredibly comfortable, and that those little twitches in his slumber are incredibly cute. You just wish your center would let it be wholesome, and not twist it into something salacious. 
You ponder your options: continue to lie awake until morning, or—or, masturbate there. The position is good, really good for it, now that you think about it. 
You’re halfway on your stomach, one knee hiked high, spread, while the other stretches downward; the corresponding arm is free, though the other is tucked beneath a pillow. 
It wouldn’t take but one movement to sink your hand between that prime spot and satisfy yourself. And, yes, Bucky is snoring with his face aimed toward you, meaning if his eyes flutter open, he might make out what you’re doing in the darkness. 
But, at this point, your need has outweighed your potential embarrassment. 
Your teeth run over your lower lip then you move carefully. With your free wrist, you sink below and flush between your hips, placing the joint of your straightened elbow against his arm. And that contact while you’re doing it should put you on, seriously underline the indecency of your act. 
It doesn’t though. If you’re being honest, there’s a visceral thrill in doing something like this: beneath the nose of two powerful and handsome men, the more vanilla of the duo whose arms you’re in. Your mind echoes something about professionalism but it’s drowned out by a flood of sensations via your fingertips. 
“O - oh,” you whisper inaudibly. The position is good, better than you expected—it’s fucking ace,  you realize, shifting your weight into your fingers, rubbing two of them against your bare clit. You bury your face into the pillow, hoping to muffle your reaction to the relief beginning to course through your veins. 
You’ve always preferred to lay on your back, and to use a silicone helper. (On cases by yourself, or cases where superiors aren’t paired with you, you bring one—a vibe, a pretty color that packs enough of a punch.) But this, right here, oh, it really works. 
Your muscles strain, and your toes curl in their respective positions. That wild throbbing has spiraled into a full-bodied fever, and it’s reaching a fever pitch. You press yourself harder into the pillow, biting down so nothing can escape because here it c— 
“Nng-nng,” Steve’s groan rumbles behind you, a louder uttering than the times before, and your body turns to ice. Rustling, you can feel his long lashes fluttering against the back of your neck, eyebrows furrowing. “Hey.” The grip anchored across your waist tightens, and he breathes in: and your stomach clenches because he has to know, even when he continues groggily, “What are you - what’re you doing?”
“I—” You don’t know what you were going to say but it falls short when he moves. 
His arm lifts so he can follow yours, hands ghosting along until he reaches that spot. He sinks in with you where you’re hot and dripping, and a small choking sound escapes you at the feeling of his rough pads.
It’s then you manage a rasped, “C - can’t sleep.”
“Oh,” he says then his smile tickles your nape, swiping two passes over your slick button, and your moan widens his smile. “Then need some help?”
 Your brain may have short-circuited but you nod, jerky as it may be. “Y - yes,” you speak with a sharp gasp. “That - that would be n - nice.”
Turns out, Captain America is not as vanilla as you previously thought because he doesn’t hesitate to dig right in. His index and ring finger part your sex for his middle to hone in on your clit. Then he’s abusing it in rapid circles that besiege your nerves with stimulation. 
You aren’t expecting him to be so skilled, passionate off the brake of sleep. A high moan tears from your lips, followed by a series of squeaks and whimpers in a lame attempt to quiet yourself. Your body jolts, and your hips careen into his onslaught, encouraging that pressure in your belly. 
His face dips into your shoulder and neck, lips skimming along the slope until he’s brushing your ear. “Just. . . just for added clarity, this isn’t a dream?” He’s genuinely asking, sotto voce and breathy in his wanting disbelief, but never breaking his pace. “This isn’t one of my daily wet dreams about you, and I really have your soft little pussy underneath my fingers right now?” 
“Not - not a dream, Steve!” you gasp, outright writhing into his palm. The fingers you had on yourself are now clawing at the sheets while your frame shakes. “Definitely not a dream.” 
“And those pretty sounds are because of me?” he wonders, a raggedness to his voice that’s mimicked in his merciless fingers. “These f - fucking whimpers and moans you’re makin’. . . trying to muffle so Bucky won’t hear are for me?” 
“God, yes,” you choke, squeezing your eyes shut because his best friend is snoring softly, and you don’t know how but you just know that he’ll know if he awakens now. You rationalize that the embarrassment will be less so long as you don’t see whether his gaze flickers open—which there is a high probability of happening since you’re doing a shit job at being discreet.  
“Okay, good,” he exhales before his teeth latch onto the vulnerable part of your neck, tongue lulling out to soothe the sting, and your entirety is  bucking into him, calling out for the remedy only he has. “Oh, shit - shit. You’re soft—sweet Jesus—you’re soft. I didn’t think someone could be this soft—fuck.”
You swear to God he’s doing his hardest to have you wake up his counterpart because his words are gasoline to a glowing blue fire. His name is a desperate cry on the tip of your tongue, and you’re trying to hold back but between his husky baritone in your ear and swirling caress, it’s becoming impossible. 
“And God, you’re really . . . you’re drenching my fingers and the sheets. How long - how long were you touching yourself in my arms before I woke up? ‘Cause fucking hell, honey.” There’s this almost feral guttural groan he makes on the petname, and it rattles between your thighs.  
“S - Steve—“ you warble, half-whimpered; you’re crossed in warning him about your lack of control and moaning his praise.
“I knew I smelled something sweet, and it’s you. You. You’re sweet, so sweet—“ 
And that’s it. The volcano explodes, and you come crumbling into his hand. In more ways than one because thankfully, he knows you’re going to scream his name and the arm propped beneath the pillow slides under and around to clamp over your vibrating mouth. 
It’s pure euphoria pumping through your blood, lasting far longer than you could have ever caused on your own, possessing you in sporadic tremors until you slump in his arms. Panting, your muscles relax, and he reaffirms his grip on you more comfortably. 
When the stars dissipate and you think you’ve regained your sense, you force yourself to face him because the mortification wants to rear its head, never mind your now sleepy state. Despite the darkness, you can discern some of his handsome features, and it comforts you. 
“T - thanks,” you murmur; you aren’t sure what to say. 
“No, no,” he murmurs back, and his crystal blue eyes are raking over your face. “Thank you. The pleasure was mine. Next time, don’t hesitate to ask ‘cause I - I’ve been thinkin’ about that—thinking about you for awhile now.”
The admission graces a smile on your lips, and you wiggle closer, leaning forward to seal the deal while he does the same. Before you can, however, a voice breaks through the moment: 
“Well, I hope you’re both happy because I’m awake and I’m hard now.”
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