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'||| - She spins the thread, she measures the thread, she cuts the thread' — Group exhibition at Nest, The Hague w/ works by Mila Lanfermeijer, Ana Navas, Evelyn Taocheng Wang Exhibition architecture by Donna van Milligen Bielke February 18 — March 28, 2021 @nestruimte @evelyntaocheng @milalanfermeijer @studiodonnavanmilligenbielke #nest #nestgallery #nestthehague #thehagueexhibitions #MilaLanfermeijer #AnaNavas #EvelynTaochengWang #DonnavanMilligenBielke #architecture #sculpture #painting #installation #art #contemporaryart #ofluxo #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform (em The Hague, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmHN9AFi_5/?igshid=ggg3g3chxf71
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內向的歡愉——評展覽“在我的房間裡”(’In My Room’)
寫小說與做展覽之間有沒有可能有交集?在上海M50藝術區,天線空間的新展“在我的房間裡”( ‘In My Room’),���種“文體”成為一個空間形象,呈現在原屬於工業廠房的畫廊空間之中。
轉到中間的一層,Lewis Hammond的畫如在暗調子的空間中打開數個更暗的通道。畫中晦暗的空間讓人聯想到地下、水牢等十九世紀文學作品中會出現的場景。題為“戀人”(Lovers)的畫作中,兩隻綠色蝎子在如舊式下水道出口近處的所在,似在一灘血水或烈火中雙鉗相搏。地上,Juan Antonio Olivares將剃刀或燒過的照片置於玻璃之中,并由作品題目(Memory Puddle)再次提示:我正在凝視的是記憶的水窪。范加(Jes Fan)的作品中亦用到玻璃這種象征意味濃厚的材質。在形態介於植株、織物、家具之間的結構體上,玻璃既封存又展示著一團濃黑。藝術家提取出決定我們膚色的黑色素,與樹脂注入玻璃中,將其從我們的身體中剝離出來成為可見的、自在的。
王韜程(Evelyn Taocheng Wang)的無聲手繪動畫影像“變化三種” (Three Versions of Change)用至少的“筆墨”引起足夠多的官能感受。從陣陣風煙、躍動在醫院病房裡的各色花木的清淡,到堆放在大盤中的粉色桃子和女人裸體的濃烈。畫面中重述了三次青蛙王子的變形記。青蛙第一次變成滿身吻痕的王子,最後一次又被女人摔出病房。然而,與二十世紀以來的小說相似,重點絕非故事,而是交織成文本的畫面中透出的關於身體、空間、對身體的慾望,對空間的慾望。與此同時,對面屏幕的有聲錄像中,目光經由一段地下的通道,抵達詩歌、醫院中的花束、美麗的織物。影像的拼接伴隨藝術家低沉柔和的女性的聲音,聊起醫院中偷聽來的關於美麗新身體手術的對話,被塑造出的女性身體同樣令人著迷。
當低頭看王韜程的卷軸畫時,它的行進也提示了長卷具有的某種“動畫”特質。中國藝術史的傳統中,欣賞手卷時每次只展開一段,看畢這一段落,收起一節、展開新的一節,如手動操作的電影放映。又因為這種觀看的方式,限定了觀者的數量;如此只能是三五好友之間的樂趣。長卷“無題——鸭嘴兽、点彩或分裂主义(divisionism的两个含义)、无产者”(Untitled-Platypus, Divisionism, Proletariat)分為三個段落,其中的形象使人想起民間傳說、佛教故事、本世紀初的漫畫,細密的點陣是以筆墨而非油彩施行的點彩畫法。
Bruno Zhu的作品“衣櫃男孩”(Man In the Closet)初看时像宮崎駿動畫中性別、族類、物種不明的靈異存在。米色��塵罩中,兩隻深藍色條紋布的雙手伸出淺綠色長���甲,垂下的兩條細瘦雙腿是深藍色羊毛襪。同樣米色的束帶向“軀幹”兩邊伸出,仿佛要張開雙臂擁抱我。
從進展場的一刻,至與“衣櫃男孩”的對望,我不免想到張愛玲在《更衣記》中的一句話:“我們各人住在各人的衣服里”。張意指她時代的民眾無能力改變大範圍內生活情形的境況——如此只好回到文學的、虛構的,德里達所謂fictive institution。“在我的房間裡”引導觀展者成為閱讀者。閱讀這一動作與觀展的區別之處在於它構造了讀者與所讀之物之間一對一的親密關係。展覽題目“在我的房間裡”出自同志作家Guillaume Dustan的小說In My Room,策展人語中對於此點的提示,是進入這個展覽文本的機關。這個展覽是在與“我”,而非“我們”對話。
Lewis Hammond與Juan Antonio Olivares作品
前景為Bruno Zhu作品,後面是Evelyn Taocheng Wang作品
Evelyn Taocheng Wang作品,長卷“無題——鸭嘴兽、点彩或分裂主义、无产者”(Untitled-Platypus, Divisionism, Proletariat)
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The Finger That Show The Moon Never Moons at Dan Gunn continues until 25th June with the generous participation by Marie-Louise Ekman, Azin Feizabadi, Rodrigo Hernandez, Renato Leotta, Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Susanne M. Winterling, Viron Erol Vert
“Many truths are there to be found beyond the post-truth universe, just as there are limitless possibilities to discover within the expanded matter. Not only algorithms and artificial intelligence but also universal frequencies respond to what is spelled out. A poetical ethics at work. Only a couple of years ago the moon was clear and visible; change was in the air. The world was moved by a new collective energy, demanding better democracy in the streets, parks and squares. The indecisive moment that followed was immediately filled by the intermediating agencies, the wave generated by people redirected.
Like a full moon that cannot be captured by a smart device, our enchantment with the moon in sight shifted to the frustrated distance in-between and to the intermediary fingers that block its view. The current moment is in need of a sentimental education. The finger can point to the moon’s location in the night sky. However, it is not the moon. The finger never moons, never reveals, never dreams. Bruce Lee once wisely reminded us that concentrating on the finger makes us miss all the heavenly glory that may exist. When structures collapse and beliefs lose ground, it may be the time to see through the fractured reality and connect with our moons, towards an aesthetics of togetherness. Another political horizon.”
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TONIGHT! 🔥line-up in "BOTÁNICA" organized by todd von ammon at Berggruen 🌴✨ @berggruengallery @vonammon . . . July 13, 5- 8p at berggruen gallery, SF 13 july - 29 august 2017 #yujiagematsu #johnalexander #theodoraallen #facundoarganaraz #ernestocaivano #jamescrosby #imogencunningham #jimdine #ryanfoerster #tomfruin #daígagrantina #evanholloway #maxhooperschneider #parkerito #rashidjohnson #ellsworthkelly #kapwanikiwanga #lindaridgway #henrimatisse #sammckinniss #donaldmoffett #davidsethmoltz #daidomoriyama #irvingpenn #jasonrhoades #taborrobak #philiptaaffe #evelyntaochengwang (at Berggruen Gallery)
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CARLOS/ISHIKAWA, London - Evelyn Taocheng Wang - 5 May > 17 June, 2017 @carlosishikawa
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'||| - She spins the thread, she measures the thread, she cuts the thread' — Group exhibition at Nest, The Hague w/ works by Mila Lanfermeijer, Ana Navas, Evelyn Taocheng Wang Exhibition architecture by Donna van Milligen Bielke February 18 — March 28, 2021 @nestruimte @evelyntaocheng @milalanfermeijer @studiodonnavanmilligenbielke #nest #nestgallery #nestthehague #thehagueexhibitions #MilaLanfermeijer #AnaNavas #EvelynTaochengWang #DonnavanMilligenBielke #architecture #sculpture #painting #installation #art #contemporaryart #ofluxo #ofluxoplatform @ofluxoplatform (em The Hague, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmHN9AFi_5/?igshid=ggg3g3chxf71
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