wine-porn · 2 years
I Love Grenache
This is a really pretty wine if you don’t look at it too hard, but with asterisks for those delving deeper. I was hesitant to try because of the “Old-Vine Garnacha” on the incredible linen front label, plus the winery-applied JS91 sticker is something I avoid like the plague. Beautiful deep purple-ruby with a thin line of amber at the far rim, a nose at first sharply old-world but a glowing thick…
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imagination-void · 1 year
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Just a quick pride Evaki hehe
Pretend I’m not late aHA-
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crisvesan · 14 days
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El tiempo es a menudo puntual para hacernos entender muchas cosas tarde.(Evaki) 🌹🍀
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jefferson-smith · 1 year
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Evaki and the Stolen Eye
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maryflorlovyblog · 2 years
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"Você nunca sabe quais resultados suas ações terão, mas se não o fizer, não haverá resultado."
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lupokant · 2 years
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craigcermak · 7 years
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Inking and inking #Evaki #MythicMaidens #inks #comics #art #illustration #inking
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fyeahmyths · 7 years
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@fyeahmyths​ two week summer event day three: south american deity→  evaki
she is the south american goddess of the bakairi indians - the goddess of sleep and ruler of day and night. she stole sleep from the lizards and shared it with all living things. she is also the guardian of the sun, keeping it in a jar to release it each morning and recapture it at night.
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jjungwoo · 6 years
5 & 25 for the nct asks 💕💞💗
ahh thank you for asking!💚💙💜❤️💛
5.Who was your first bias?
Yuta! for about half a year maybe
25. Which member’s birthday is closest to yours? 
Even though Jungwoo is born the same year as me, my birthday actually is closest to Lucas! we’re 5 months and 5 days apart!
ask me questions about NCT!
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automatismoateo · 3 years
All the other gods are false except the one I believe in. Really? You mean all of these: via /r/atheism
Submitted June 13, 2021 at 02:46PM by IamImposter (Via reddit https://ift.tt/35eMjVQ) All the other gods are false except the one I believe in. Really? You mean all of these:
I saw this list somewhere on internet and copied it. Thought I would share it here.
A small list of gods that humans have invented over time:
Aakuluujjusi, Aba-khatun, Abaangui, Ababinili, Abarta, Abassi, Abeguwo, Abere, Ab Kin zoc, Abna, Abnoba, Abuk, Acan, Acat, Achiyalatopa, Acidalia, Aclla, Acna, Acolmiztli, Acolnahuacatl, Acuecucyoticihuati, Ac Yanto, Adad, Adamisil Wedo, Adaox, Adapa, Adaro, Adekagagwaa, Aditi, Adityas, Adlet, Adlivun, Adrammelech, Adu Ogyinae, Aegir, Aello, Aeon, Aesculapius, Aesir, Afekan, Ag, Agaman Nibo, Agasaya, Agathe, Agdistis, Ageleia, Aglauros, Aglibol, Agloolik, Agne, Agni, Agoraia, Agreia, Agreie, Agreiphontes, Agreus, Agrios, Agrotera, Aguara, Aguieus, Agwe, Agweta, Ahau-Kin, Ahau Chamahez, Ah Bolom Tzacab, Ah Cancum, Ah Chun Caan, Ah Chuy Kak, Ah Ciliz, Ah Cun Can, Ah Cuxtal, Ah hulneb, Ah Kin, Ah Kumix Uinicob, Ahmakiq, Ah Mun, Ah Muzencab, Ahnt Alis Pok', Ahnt Kai', Aholi, Ah Patnar Uinicob, Ah Peku, Ah Puch, Ahriman, Ahsonnutli, Ah Tabai, Ah Uaynih, Ahuic, Ah UincirDz'acab, Ahulane, Ahura Mazda, Ahurani, Ah Uuc Ticab, Ah Wink-ir Masa, Ai-ada, Aiauh, Aida Wedo, Aida Wedo, Aidoneus, Aigiarm, Aigiokhos, Aigletes, Aigobolos, Aine, Ainia,Ainippe, Aipaloovik, Airetech, Aithuia, Ai Tupua'i, Aizen-Myoo, Aja, Ajalamo, Ajbit, Aje, Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone, Ajilee, Ajima, Ajok, Ajtzak, Ajysyt, Aka, Akba-atatdia, Akbaalia, Akesios, Akewa, Akhlut, Akhushtal, Akna,Akonadi, Akonadi, Akongo, Akraia, Aktaios, Akuj, Akycha, Al-Lat, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza (El-'Ozza or Han-Uzzai), Alaghom Naom Tzentel, Alalahe, Alalkomene, Alalu, Ala Muki, Alasiotas, Albino Spirit animals, Alcibie, Alcinoe, Alcippe, Alcis,Alea, Alektca, Alexikakos, Alfrigg, Aligena, Alignak, Alii Menehune, Alinga, Aliterios, Alkaia, Alkonost, Allah, Allanque, Allowat Sakima, Almoshi, Alom, Alowatsakima, Altan-Telgey, Aluluei, Ama, Ama-terasu, Amaethon, Amaguq, Amala, Amaltheia, Ama no Uzume, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Amaunet, Ambidexter, Ambika, Ambologera, Ameathon, Amelia, Amen, Amimitl, Amitolane, Amm, Amma, Ammavaru, Amon, Amotken, Amun, Amynomene, An, An-Zu,Anaduomene, Anaea, Anahita, Anansi, Ananta (Shesha), Anapel, Anat, Anath (Anat), Anatu, Anax, Anaxilea, Anbay, An Cailleach, Andaokut, and Brathy, Andiciopec, Andraste, Androdameia,Andromache, Andromeda, Androphonos, Anerneq, Anetlacualtiliztli, Angalkuq, Angpetu Wi, Anguta, Angwusnasomtaka, Ani Hyuntikwalaski, Animal spirits, Aningan, Aniwye, Anjea, Annapurna (Annapatni), Anog Ite, Anosia, Anpao, Anqet, Anshar, Antaboga, Antaios, Antandre,Antania, Antenociticus, Antheus, Anthroporraistes, Antianara, Antianeira, Antibrote, Antilebanon, Antimache, Antimachos, Antiope,Antiopeia, Anu, Anubis, Anuket, Anunitu, Aoide, Apanuugak, Apatouria, Apep, Aphneius, Aphrodite, Apicilnic, Apikunni, Apis, Apollo, Apotamkin, Apotropaios, Apoyan Tachi, Apozanolotl, Apsu, Apunga, Apu Punchau, Aqalax, Aqhat, Arahuta, Aranrhod, Ararat, Arawn, Areia, Areia, Areion, Arendiwane, Areopagite, Ares, Areto, Areximacha,Argus, Arianrod, Aridnus, Ariki, Arinna,Aristaios, Aristomache, Arkhegetes, Arktos, Arnakua'gsak, Arohirohi, Arretos, Arsenothelys, Artemis, Artio, Aruaka, Aruna, Aryong Jong, As-ava, Asase Yaa, Asclepius, Asdiwal, Asgaya Gigagei, Asherali, Ashiakle, Ashnan, Ashtoreth, Ashur, Ashvins, Asiaq, Asima Si, Asin, Asin, Asintmah, Asklepios, Aspheleios, Astarte, Astarte, Asteria, Astraeos, Asuras, Atabei, Atacokai, Atahensic, Atai, Atanea, Atar, Aten, Athene, Athirat, Athtart, Aticpac Calqui Cihuatl, Atira, Atisokan, Atius Tirawa, Atl, Atlacamani, Atlacoya, Atlatonin, Atlaua, Atoja, Aton, Atshen, Attis, Atum, Au-Co, Auchimalgen, Audjal, Audumbla, Auilix, Aulanerk, Aumakua, Aumanil, Aunggaak, Aunt Nancy, Aurgelmir, Ausaitis, Austeja, Auxites, Avaris, Awaeh Yegendji, Awakkule, Awitelin Tsta, Awonawilona, Axios, Axios Tauros, Axomama, Aya, Ayaba, Ayauhteotl, Ayida, Ayizan, Ayt'ar, Azacca, Azeban, Aziri, Ba, Baal (Bel), Baalat (Ba'Alat), Baatsi, Baau, Baaxpee, Babamik, Baba Yaga (Jezi Baba), Bacabs, Bachu, Backlum Chaam, Badb, Bagucks, Bakbakwalanooksiwae,Bakcheios, Bakchos, Bakoa, Balam, Balarama, Balder, Baldhead,Balor, Bamapana, Banaitja, Banbha, Banka-Mundi, Bara, Barong, Baron Samedi, Barraiya, Basamacha, Basamum, Basileus, Basilis, Basket Woman, Bassareus, Bastet, Bat, Batara Kala, Bauros, Bayanni, Bead Spitter, Bear, Bear Medicine Woman, Bear Woman, Beaver, Beaver Doctor, Becuma, Beelsamin, Belatu-Cadros, Belatucadros, Bele Alua, Belenus, Beli,Belimawr, Belinus, Belit-Seri, Belobog (Belun), Bendigeidfran, Benten (Benzai-Ten), Berchta, Bergelmir, Beru, Beruth, Bhairavi, Biame, Big Heads, Big Man Eater, Big Tail, Big Twisted Flute, Bikeh hozho, Bila, Bile, Bishamon, Bitol, Black Hactcin, Black Tamanous, Blathnat, Blind Boy, Blind Man, Blodeuwedd, Blood Clot Boy, Bloody Hand, Blue-Jay, Bmola, Boaliri, Boann, Bobbi-bobbi, Bochica, Bodus, Boiuna, Boldogasszony, Bolontiku, Bomo rambi, Boophis, Bor, Borak, Boreas,Bormanus, Borvo, Bosumabla, Botryophoros, Boukeros, Boulaia, Boulaios, Brag-srin-mo, Bragi, Brahma, Bran, Branwen, Breathmaker, Breksta, Bremusa, Bres, Brigid, Brigit, Brihaspati, Brisings,Bromios, Broxa, Buddha, Budhi Pallien, Buffalo, Bugady Musun, Buk, Buku, Buluc Chabtan, Bumba, Bunbulama, Bunjil, Bunzi, Buri, Buring Une, Burnt Belly, Burnt Face, Buruku, Buto, Butterfly, Byblis,Bythios, Ca-the-a, Cabaguil, Cacoch, Caelestis, Cagn, Caishen, Cajolom, Cakulha, Caliope, Calounger, Camaxtli, Camozotz, Candi, Candit, Cannibal Grandmother, Cannibal Woman, Canotila, Capa, Caprakan, Caridwen, Carpantus, Cassios, Catequil,Cathbadh, Cauac, Cavillaca, Cecht, Cedreatis, Ceiuci, Celaneo, centaur, Centeotl, Centzonuitznaua, Cerberus, Cernach, Cernobog), Cernunnos, Cetan, Cghene, Ch'ang-O, Ch'ang Tsai, Ch'eng Huang, Ch'ih Sung-tzu, Ch'ing Lung, Ch'ung Ling-yu, Chac, Chac Uayab Xoc, Chahnameed, Chakwaina Okya, Chalchihuitlicue, Chalchiuhtlatonal, Chalchiutotolin, Challalamma, Chalmecacihuilt, Chalmecatl, Chamer, Chandra, Chang Fei, Chang Hsien, Changing Bear Woman, Changing Woman, Chango, Chang Pan, Chantico, Chaob, Chaos, Chao san-Niang, Chao T'eng-k'ang, Charidotes, Charred Body, Charybdis, Chasca, Chemosh, Cheng San-Kung, Cheng Yuan-ho, Chen Kao, Chepi, Chernobog (Crnobog, Chibiabos, Chibirias, Chiccan, Chicomecoatl, Chicomexochtli, Chiconahui, Chiconahuiehecatl, Chie, Chie, Chien-Ti, Chih Jih, Chih Nii, Chih Nu, Child-Born-in-Jug, Chimata-No-Kami, Chimera, Chin-hua Niang-niang, Ching Ling Tzu, Chinnintamma, Chio Yuan-Tzu, Chi Po, Chirakan, Chloe, Chloris, Choreutes, Choroplekes, Chou Wang, Christalline, Chthonios, Chu-jung, Chuang-Mu, Chulyen, Chung-kuei, Chung-li Ch'an, Chung Liu, Chu Niao, Chun T'i, Chup-Kamui, Chu Ying, Cihuacoatl, Cin-an-ev, Cinei-new, Cinteotl, Cipactli, Cirape, Cit-Bolon-Tum, Cit Chac Coh, Citlalatonac, Citlalicue, Ciucoatl, Ciuteoteo, Cizin, Clairm, Clairmezin, Clete, Cliff ogre, Clio, Cliodna, clotho,Clyemne, Coatlicue, Coatrischie, Cochimetl, Cocidius, Cocijo, cockatrice, Cocomama, Colel Cab, Colleda (Koliada), Colop U Uichkin, Conchobar, Condatis, Copil, Cormac,Coronus,Cosunea, Coti, Cotys, Coventina, Coyolxauhqui, Coyopa, Coyote, Crarus, Crataeis,Creidhne, Creirwy, Cripple Boy, Crow, Crow Woman, Cu Chulainn, Cuda, Cuill, Cum hau, Cunawabi, Cunnembeille, Cu roi, Custos, Cuvto-ava, Cybebe, Cybele, Cyclops,Cyhiraeth, Czarnobog, Czerneboch, D'Aulnoy, Daena, Daevas,Dagda, Dagon, Dagwanoenyent, Dahdahwat,Dai-itoku-Myoo, Daikoku, Dakini, Daldal, Dali, Damballah, Damballah-Wedo, Damkina, Damona, Dan, Dana, Danu, Daphnaia, Daphnephoros, Darago, Daramulum, Darzu-mate, Dayang-Raca, Dazhbog, Dazimus,Dea Artio, De Ai, Debena, Deianeira, Deinomache, Deirdre, Delia, Delios, Delphic, Delphinios, Demeter, Dendrites, Deng, Deohako, Derimacheia,Derinoe, Derketo, Despoina, Devana, Devas, Devi, Dewi, Dewi Nawang Sasih, Dewi Shri, Dharma, Dhat-Badan, Dhisana, Dhol, Dian, Diancecht, Diiwica (Dilwica), Di Jun, Dikerotes, Dilga, Dilmun, Dimeter, Dimorphos, Dindymene, Dioktoros, Dionysos, Discordia, Dis Pater, Dissotokos, Dithyrambos, Diti, Diyin dine, Djanggawul Sisters, Djien, Djigonasee, Doda (Dodola), Dogai, Dohkwibuhch, Dolya, Domfe, Dongo, Donn, Doris, Dragoni, Dryope, Duamutef, Duamutef, Dugnai, Dumuzi (Du'uzu), Dunne Enin, Durga, Duttur, Dwyn, Dyaus, Dyaus, Dyaush, Dylan, Dywel, Dzalarhons, Dzalarhons, Ea, Eagentci, Eagle, Earth Shaman, Ebisu,Echephyle,Echidna, Edinkira, Edji, Eeyeekalduk,Efnisien, Efr, Egungun-oya, Ehecatl, Ehlaumel, Eingana, Eiraphiotes, Eithinoha, Eka Abassi, Ekchuah, Ekstatophoros, El, Elatha, Eleemon, Elena, Elephant Girl Mbombe, Eleuthereus, Eleutherios, Ellegua, Emanjah, Emayian, Emma-O, En-Kai, Enda Semangko, Endukugga, Enekpe, Enki, Enlil, Ennosigaios, Ennugi, Enodia, Enodios, Enoplios, Enorches, Enualios, Enumclaw, Eos, Eototo, Epaine, Epidotes, Epikourios, Epipontia, Epitragidia, Epitumbidia, Epona, Erathipa, Erato, Erce, Ereshkigal (Allatu), Ergane, Eribromios, Erigdoupos, Erinus, Eriobea, Eriounios, Eriphos, Eris, Eriskegal, Eriu, Eros, Erzuli, Erzulie, Esaugetuh Emissee, Esceheman, Eschetewuarha, Eseasar, Eshara, Eshmun, Eshu, Esos, Estanatlehi, Estasanatlehi, Estsanatlehi, Esu, Esus, Etin, Etugen,Euanthes, Euaster, Eubouleus, Euboulos, Euios, Eukhaitos, Eukleia, Eukles, Eumache, Eunemos, Euplois, Euros, Eurybe,Euryleia, Eurymedon, Euterpe, Evaki, Evening Star, Ewah, Ewauna, Ezili, Fa, Face, Faces of the Forests, False Faces, Falvara, Famine, Fan K'uei, Faran, Faro, Fastachee, Fates, Fatouma, Faumea,Fedelma, Fei Lien, Fengbo, Feng Pho-Pho, Fenris, Fergus, Fidi Mukullu, Finn, Firanak, Fire Dogs, First Creator, First Man and First Woman, First Scolder, Flint Man, Flood, Flower Woman, Fodla, Fon, Foot Stuck Child, Forseti,Fortuna, Fravashi, Frey, Freyja, Frigga, Fu-Hsi, Fu-Pao, Fudo, Fudo-Myoo, Fu Hsing, Fuji, Fukurokuju, G, Ga'an, Ga-gaah, Gabija, Gahe, Gaia, Gaieokhos, Galea, Galokwudzuwis, Gamelia, Gamelios, Gamostolos, Ganesa (Ganesha), Ganga (Ganges), Ganiklis, Gaoh, Gaomei, Garuda, Gatamdug, Gaumansuri, Gauri, Gauri-Sankar, Gawaunduk, Geezhigo-Quae, Gefion, Gekka-O, Gendenwitha, Genea, Genetaska, Genetor, Genetullis, Genos, Gerda, Geryon, Gestinanna, Gethosynos, Ghanan, Ghede, giants, Gidja, Gigantophonos, Giltine, Giri Devi, Giriputri, Gitche Manitou, Glaukopis, Gleti, Glispa, Glooskap, Gluscabi, Gluskab, Gluskap, Gnowee, Godasiyo, Gode, Goewyn, Gog, Goga, Gohone, Goibhniu, Gonzuole, Gopis, Gorgons, Gorgopis, Govannon, Gozanze-Myoo, Graiae, Grainne, Great Seahouse, Greenmantle, Greine, Grhadevi, griffin, Gua, Guabancex, Guabonito, Guamaonocon, Guan Di, Gucumatz, Gujeswari, Gukumatz, Gula, Gulu, Gunab, Gundari-Myoo, Gunnodoyak,Gwydion, Gwynn ap Nudd, Gyhldeptis, Gymir, Gynaikothoinas, Gynnis, Hacauitz, Hacha'kyum, Hachiman, Hadad, Hagisilaos, Hagnos, Hagondes, Hahgwehdiyu, Haides, Hamatsa, Hamedicu, Hammadi, Hanghepi Wi, Hannahanna, Hantceiitehi, Hanuman, Hao Ch'iu, Haokah, Hapi, Har-pa-khered, Hari-Hara, Hariti, Harke, Harmothoe, harpy, Hastseoltoi, Hastshehogan, Hathor, Hatti, Hauhet, Haumea, Haumia, Ha Wen Neyu, Hbiesso, He'mask’as, Hea, Hegemone, Hegemonios, Heimdall, Hekate, Hekatos, Heket, Hel, Helios, Hellotis, Hen, Heng-o, Hephaistia, Hephaistos, Hera, Heraios, Herakles, Herkeios, Hermes, Hermod, Herne, Heros Theos, Hersos, Hestia, Heteira, Hettsui-No-Kami, Heyoka, Hiawatha, Hiiaka', Hiksios, Hina, Hine, Hine Titama, Hino, Hipp, Hippia, Hippios, Hippoi Athanatoi, Hippolyte, Hippolyte II, Hippomache,Hippothoe, Hiribi, Hisakitaimisi, Ho-Masubi, Hoa-Tapu, Hodur, Hokhokw, Holda, Holle, Honir, Ho Po (Ping-I), Horkos, Horus, Hotei, Hotogov Mailgan, Hotoru, Hou Chi, Hou T'u, Hov-ava, Hsi-shen, Hsiao Wu, Hsieh T'ien-chun, Hsien Nung, Hsi Ling-su, Hsi Shih, Hsi Wang Mu, Hsuan Wen-hua, Hsu Ch'ang, Hu'Gadarn, Hu-Shen, Huang T'ing, Huang Ti, Huehuecoyotl, Huehueteotl, Hugieia, Huh, Huitaca, Huitaca, Huitzilopochtli, Huixtocihuatl, Hulka Devi, Humban, Hummingbird, Hunab Ku, Hunahpu, Hunahpu-Gutch, Hunahpu Utiu, Hunhau, Hun hunahpu, Hun Pic Tok, Huo Pu, Hupatos, Hurakan, Hydra, Hymir, Hypate, Hyperborean, Hypsipyle, Hypsistos, i'noGo tied, Iae, Iakchos, Iarila, Iatiku And Nautsiti, Iatros, Ich-kanava, Ictinike, Idaia, Idliragijenget, Idlirvirisong, Idun, Igaluk, Ignirtoq, Ikanam, Iktomi, Iku, Ilamatecuhtli, Ilankaka, Illapa, Ilyap'a, Ilyap'a, Imana, Imanje, Imset, Ina, Inari, Indra, Ingridi, Innana, Inti, Inti, Inua, Invictus, Io, Ioskeha, Ipalnemohuani, Iphito, Iruwa, Isakakate, Isaywa, Ishigaq, Ishkur, Ishtar, Isis, Isitoq,Ismenios, Ismenus, Issitoq, Isten, Itaba, Itaba, Ite, Ithm,Itonia, Ituana, Itzamn, Itzananohk`u, Itzlacoliuhque, Itzli, Itzpapalotl, Ixbalanque, Ix Chebel Yax, Ixchel, Ixchup, Ixmucane, Ixpiyacoc, Ixtab, Ixtlilton, Ixtubtin, Ixzaluoh, Iya, Iyatiku, Izanagi and Izanami, Iztaccihuatl, Iztacmixcohuatl, Ja-neb'a, Jagganath, Jaguar Night, Jaguar Quitze, Jamaina, Jamshid or Jamshyd, Jandira, Jarina, Jedza, Jehovah, Jen An, Jesus, Jizo Bosatsu, Jizo Bosatsu, Joda-mate, Jogah, Jormungandr, Jubbu-jang-sangne, Julana, Julunggul, Junkgowa, Juok, Jurojin, Jyeshtha, K'in, Ka-ata-killa, Ka-Ha-Si, Ka-Ha-Si, Kaakwha, Kabeiria, Kabeiroi, Kabta, Kabun, Kabun, Kachinas, Kadi, Kadlu, Kagutsuchi, Kaik, Kaiti, Kakia, Kaldas, Kali, Kallinikos, Kallipugos, Kallisti, Kaltes, Kama, Kamado-No-Kami, Kamado-No-Kami, Kami, Kamrusepas, Kan, Kan-u-Uayeyab, Kan-xib-yui, Kana'ti and Selu, Kanaloa, Kanaloa, Kanati, Kane, Kapo, Kapoonis, Kappotas, Karneios, Karora, Karous, Karpophoros, Karttikeya, Karytis, Kataibates, Katakhthonios, Kathatsios, Katsinas, Kauket, Kava, Kawa-No-Kami, Kaya-Nu-Hima, Kazooba, Kebechsenef, Keelut, Keladeine, Keltoi, Keng Yen-cheng, Keraunos, Keretkun,Keridwen, Kernunnos, Kerykes, Ketchimanetowa, Ketq Skwaye, Khadau, Khakaba, Khalinitis, Khalkioikos, Kharmon, Khensu, Khepri, Khera, Khloe, Khlori,Khloris, Khnemu, Khnum, Khonsu, Khonvum,Khruse, Khthonia, Khthonios, Khursun (Khors), Ki (Kiki), Kianto, Kibuka, Kidaria, Kigatilik, Kilya, Kilya, Kingu, King Wan, Kinich Ahau, Kinich Kakmo, Kintu, Kishelemukong, Kishi-Mojin, Kishijoten, Kisin, Kissobryos, Kissokomes, Kissos, Kitcki Manitou, Kitharodos, Kleidouchos, Kleoptoleme, Klymenos, Kmukamch, Ko'lok, Ko Hsien-Weng, Kokopelli, Kolpia, Kongo-Myoo, Konori, Kore, Koruthalia, Korymbophoros, Kostrubonko, Kothar-u-Khasis, Kourotrophos, Kovas, Kranaia, Kranaios, Krataiis, Kreousa, Kretogenes, Kriophoros, Krishna, Kronides, Kronos, Krtya, Krumine,Kryphios, Ktesios, Ku, Ku'ula, Kuan Ti, Kuan Ti, Kuat, Kubebe, Kubera, Kubjika, Kuei-ku Tzu, Kuhuluhulumanu, Kujaku-Myoo, Kuk, Kuklikimoku, Kukoae, Kukulcan, Kun, Kunapipi-Kalwadi-Kadjara, Kunitokotatchi, Kunitokotatchi, Kuo Tzu-i, Kupala, Kupalo, Kupris, Kuprogenes, Kurotrophos, Kushapatshikan, Kuthereia, Kutni, Kutya'I, Kwakwakalanooksiwae, Kwatee, Kwekwaxa'we, Kwikumat, Kybele, Kydoime,Kynthia, Kyoi, Kyrios, Ladon, Lagua, Lahar, Lai Cho, Laima, Laka, Lakinia, Lakshmi or Laksmi, Laloue-diji, Lamia, Lampter, Land Otter People, Laodoke, Lao Lang, Laphria, Laulaati, Lawalawa, Leb, Lebanon, Legba, Lei Kung, Lei Tsu, Lenaios,Ler, Leshy, Leukatas, Leukatas, Leukolenos, Leukophruene, Leza, lgn), Lia, Libanza, Liknites, Li Lao-chun, Limenia, Limnaios, Limnatis, Lir, Li Tien, Lituolone, Liu Meng, Liu Pei, Ljolsalfs, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, Lludd, Llyr, Llywy, Lo-Tsu Ta-Hsien, Loa, Loco, Logios, Logobola, Loha, Lohasur Devi, Lokhia, Loki, Loko, Lone Man, Long Nose, Lono, Loo-wit, Loon, Loon Medicine, Loon Woman, Lo Shen, Lousia, Loxias, Lo Yu, Lu-pan, Luandinha, Luchta, Lug, Lugh,Lugus, Lu Hsing, Lukaios, Lukeios, Lung Yen, Lupi, Lyaios, Lygodesma, Lykopis, Lyseus, Lysippe, Ma'at, Ma-Ku, Maahes, Mabinogion,Mabon, Macaw Woman, Mac Da Tho, Macha, Macuilxochitl, Madalait, Magni, Magog, Mahiuki, Maho Peneta, Mahucutah, Maimaktes, Mainomenos, Maitresse Amelia, Majestas, Makar, Makara, MakeMake, Makenaima, Maleatas, Malesk, Malina, Malinalxochi, Malsum, Malsumis, Mam, Mama Allpa, Mama Cocha, Mamacocha, Mama Quilla, Manabozho, Manannan, Manasha, Manawydan, Manco Capac, Manetuwak, Mang Chin-i, Mang Shen, Mani'to, Manikos, Man in moon, Manitou, Mannegishi, Mantis, Manu, Manu, Mao Meng, Mapiangueh, Maponos, Marassa, Marduk, Maret-Jikky, Maretkhmakniam, Mari, Mariana, Marici, Marie-aime, Marina, Marinette, Marpe, Marpesia, Marruni, Maru, Marwe, Marzana, Masaya, Masewi, Massim Biambe, Master of Life, Master Of Winds, Matergabiae, Math, Math Ap Mathonwy, Matshishkapeu, Mat Syra Zemlya, Maui, Mavutsinim, Mawu-Lisa (Leza), Maya, Mayahuel, Mayavel, Mboze, Mebeli, Medb, Medeine, Medeoulin, Medusa, Megale, Mehen, Meilikhios, Mekala, Melaina, Melainis, Melanaigis, Melanippe,Melete, Melousa, Melpomene, Melqart, Melu, Menahka, Menehune, Meni, Men Shen, Menu (Menulis), Meretseger, Merodach, Meru, Meses, Meteinuwak, Metztli, Mexitl, Mi-lo Fo, Miao Hu, Michabo, Mictecacihuatl, Mictlan, Mictlantecuhtli, Mikchich, Mikumwesu, Mimir, Mimnousa, Min, Minepa, Ming Shang, Minotaur, Mir-Susne-Khum, Misor, Mistarblindi, Mitnal, Mitra, Mixcoatl, Mneme, Mnewer, Moccos,Modron, Moeuhane, Mogons, Moloch, Molpadia, Mombu, Mongwi Kachinum, Monju-Bosatsu,Monogenes, MOO-LAU, Moombi, Morning Star, Morpho, Morrig, Morrigan, Morychos, Mot, Motho and Mungo, Mukameiguru, Mukasa, Mulac, Mulhalmoni, Muluku, Mulungu, Musagates, Musagetes, Mushdama, Muspel, Mut, Muut, Muyingwa, Mwambu, Myesyats, Mylitta, Naamah, Nabon, Nabu (Nebo), Nabudi, Nacon, Nagas, Nagenatzani, Nagi Tanka, Nagual, Nahual, Nai, Nai-No-Kami, Nairyosangha, Nakaw, Nambi, Nammu, Namtaru, Nan-chi Hsien-weng, Nanabojo, Nanabozho, Nana Buluku, Nana Buruku, Nanabush, Nanahuatzin, Nanan-Bouclou, Nanautzin, Nandi, Nanih Waiya, Nankil'slas, Nanna, Nanna, Nanni, Nanook,Nantosuelta, Naoise, Naraka, Nastasija, Nataraja, Naum, Naunet, Ndauthina, Nebo, Nebrodes, Nechtan, Nedoledius, Nefertem, Negafook,Nehalennia, Neith, Nekhbet, Nelaima, Nemhain, Nenaunir, Nephelegereta, Nephthys, Nereus, Nergal, Nerrivik, Nerthus, Nesaru, Net,Nete, Ne Te-reere, Nevinbimbaau, Ng Ai, Ngendei, Ni-O, Nianque, Nidaba, Nike, Nikephoros, Ninhursag or Nintu, Ninlil, Ninsar, Nintur, Ninurta, Nirriti, Nishanu,Nisien, Niu Wang, Njord, No-Il Ja-Dae, Nobu, Nodens, Nohochacyum, Noisi, Nokomis, Nomios, Nomius, Nootaikok, Norns, Norov, North Star, Notos, Nu-kua, Nuada, Nujalik, Nukatem, Numi-Tarem, Nun, Nunne Chaha, Nut, Nu Wa, Nwywre, Nyaliep, Nyamb, Nyankopon, Nyasaye, Nyia, Nyktelios, Nyktipolos, Nympheuomene, Nysios, Nzame, O-Kuni-Nushi, Oba, Oboto, Obtala, Obumo, Ocasta, Ochosi, Ochu, Ochumare, Ockabewis, Oddudua, Odin, Odudua-Orishala, Odzihozo,Oengus, Ogma, Ogmios, Ogoun, Ogun, Ogun, Ohtas, Oiketor, Oisin, Oklatabashih, Okyale, Okypous, Old Man, Olelbis, Olokum, Olokun, Olorun, Olosa, Olumpios, Omacatl, Omadios, Ombrios, Omecihuatl, Ometecuhtli, Omoigane, Onatha, One Tail of Clear Hair, Oonawieh Unggi, Opochtli, Ora, Orisha Nla, Orithia,Orius, Oro,Ortheia, Orthos, Orunmila, Osanyin, Oshadagea, Oshe, Oshossi, Oshun, Osiris, Osun, Ot, Ourania, Ourios, Ove, Owl Woman, Oya, Oya, P'an-Chin-Lien, P'an Niang, P'i Chia-Ma, Pa, Pa, Pach, Pa Cha, Pachamac, Pachamama, Paelemona, Pah, Pah, Paian, Pai Chung, Pai Liu-Fang, Paiowa, Pais, Pai Yu, Paka'a, Pakrokitat, Palaios, Pallas, Palpinkalare, Pana, Panakhais, Pandemos, Pandrosos, Pan Megas, Pantariste, Pao Yuan-ch'uan, Papa, Papa, Parjanya, Parthenos,Partholon, Parvati, PAsianax, Pasiphaessa, Patecatl, Pater, Pater, Patollo, Patrimpas, Patroos, Paurnamasi, Pautiwa, Paynal, Pegasus, Pelagia, Pele, Pemtemweha, Penard Dun, Penthesilea, Perchta, Pereplut, Perikionios, Perimb, Perkuno, Persephone, Perun, Petraios, Phanes, Phan Ku, Phanter, Phatria, Phebele, Philios, Philippis, Philomeides, Philomena, Phoebe, Phoebus, Phoenix, Phoibos, Phosphoros, Phratrios, Phutalmios, Physis, Piasa, Pien Ho, Pikuolis, Pikvhahirak, Pilnytis, Piluitus, Pinga, Pisto, Plouton, Pokot-Suk, Polemusa,Poliakhos, Polias, Polieus, Polumetis, Polydektes, Polygethes, Polymnia, Polymorphos, Polyonomos, Pomola, Porne, Poseidon, Pot-tilter, Potnia Khaos, Potnia Pheron, Potrimpo, Po Yan Dari, Prairie Falcon, Prajapati, Prithivi, Promakhos, Pronoia, Propulaios, Propylaia, Proserpine, Prothoe, Protogonos, Pryderi, Prytaneia, Psychopompos, Ptah, Ptehehincalasanwin, Puchan, Pukkeenegak, Purandhi, Puronia, Purusha, Puskaitis, Puthios, Pwyll, Pyrgomache, Python, Qadshu, Qaholom, Qakma, Qiqirn, Quan Yin, Quaoar, Quat, Quetzalcoatl, Qumu, Quootis-hooi, Ra, Rabbit, Radha, Ragno, Raiden, Rainha Barba, Rakshas, Ralubumbha, Ran, Rangi, Rangi, Rapithwin, Rati, Rati, Rati-mbati-ndua, Ratri, Ratri, Ratu-Mai-Mbula, Raven, Raw Gums, Re, Renenet, Resheph (Mikal or Mekal), Rhea, Rhiannon, Rig, Rimmon, Rod, Rodasi, Rongo, Rosmerta, Rua, Ruahatu, Rudra, Rudrani, Rugaba, Rugevit, Ruhanga, Rukko, Rultennin, Rumina, Rusalki, Ryangombe, Sabazios, Sadarnuna, Sagamores, Sagapgia, Sagbata, Sakhadai-Noin, Sakhmet, Salpinx, Samanta-Bhadra, Samhain, Samundra, Sangs-rgyas-mkh, Saning Sri, Sanjna, San Kuan, Sanopi, Sao-ch'ing Niang, Sarasvati, Sarudahiko, Satet, Sati, satyr, Saule, Savitar, Saxanus, Saynday, Scyleia,Scylla, Seb, Sedna, Segidaiacus, Segyn, Seker, Sekhmet, Selu, Semargl, Sengdroma, Serapis, Serket, Set, Seth, Sgeg-mo-ma, Shagpona, Shahar, Shai, Shakuru, Shalim, Shamish, Shang Chien, Shango, Shang Ti, Shapshu, Sharkura, Shashti, Shatala, She chi, Sheger, Sheng Mu, Shen Hsui-Chih, Shen Nung, Shih Liang, Shilup Chito Osh, Shine-Tsu-Hiko, Shiu Fang, Shoten, Shou-lao, Shrimp house, Shu, Shu, Shun I Fu-jen, Shuzanghu, Si, Sia, Sien-Tsang, Sif, Sila, Sin, Sint Holo, Sio humis, sirens, Siris (Sirah), Sirona, Sirone, Sisiutl, Sitala (Satala), Siva (Shiva), Skadi, Skan, Skanda, Skeptouchos, Skirnir, Skuld, Sleipnir, Smintheus, Snallygaster, Sobek, Sokar, Soma, Sophia, Sopona, Sosipolis, Sosondowah, Soter, Soteria, South Star, Sphinx, Spider Woman, Sraddha, Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, Sta-au, Staphylos, Sthenias, Sthenios, Stonecoats, Stribog, Strife, Sucellus, Sudjaje, Sulis, Summakhia, Sun, Sung-Chiang, Sungrey, Sun Pin, Sunrta, Sun Ssu-miao, Supai, Sura, Surabhi, Surt, Surya, Susa-no-wo, Svadilfari, Svantovit (Svantevit, Svarazic (Svarozic, Svarogich), Svasti-devi, Svitovyd), Sykites, Syzygia, T'ang Ming Huang, T'ien Fei, T'shai-Shen, T'ung Chung-chung, T'ung Lai-yu, T'ung Ming, Ta'aroa, Ta'xet, Taaroa, Taautos, Tabaldak, Taime, Taiowa, Tairgin, Tajika-no-mikoto, Taliesin, Tallaios, Talocan, Tamakaia, Tammuz, Tan Chu, Tane, Tane, Tanemahuta, Tangaroa, Tangaroa, Tanit, Tankun, tanngniotr, tanngrisnr, Tano, Tans, Tao Kung, Taqwus, Taranis, Tarhuhyiawahku, Tarquiup Inua, Taru, Tasimmet, Ta Tanka, Tate, Taureos, Taurokeros, Taurophagos, Tauropolos, Tauropon, Tawa, Tawhaki, Tawhiri-ma-tea, Tawiscara, Tcisaki, Tecciztecatl, Tecmessa, Tefnut, Teisipyte, Tekkeitserktock, Tekkeitsertok, Teleios, Telepyleia,Teletarches, Telipinu, Telmekic, Tem, Tengri, Tengri, Teoyaomqui, Tepeu, Tepeyollotl, Terpsichore, Teteoinnan, Teutates, Tezcatlipoca, Thalestris, Thalia, The Diablesse, The Dioskouroi, The Fates, The Fatit, The Horned One, The Houri,The Hunt, Theos, Theritas, Thermodosa, Thiassi, Thixo, Tho-og, Thobadestchin, Thor, Thoth, Thoume', Thraso, Thrud, Thrudgelmir, Thrym, Thunder, Thunder Bird, Thurs, Thyonidas, Thyrsophoros, Ti-tsang, Tiamat, Tieholtsodi, Tien Hou, Tien Mu, Tihtipihin, Tiki, Tilo, Tinirau, Tirawa, Tirawa Atius, Tishtrya, Tlacolotl, Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli, Tlaloc, Tlaltecuhtli, Tlauixcalpantecuhtli, Tlazolteotl, Tmolene, To'nenile, Tohil, Tokoloshi, Tokpela, Tomituka, Tonantzin, Tonatiuh, Tonenili, Tootega, Toptine, Torngasak, Torngasoak, Toxaris, Toxis, Toxophile, Treveni,Trevia, Tricephalus, Trickster/Transformer, Trieterikos, Triglav, Trigonos, Trismegestos, Tritogeneia, Tropaios, Trophonius, True jaguar, Ts'ang Chien, Ts'an Nu, Tsai Shen, Tsao-Wang, Tsao Chun, Tsehub, Tsentsa, Tsichtinako, Tsilah, Tsohanoai Tsonoqwa, Tsui, Tsui'goab, Tsuki-yomi, Tsul 'Kalu, Tu, Tu, Tuli, Tulsi, Tulugaak, Tumas,Tumborukhos, Tung Chun, Tung Lu, Tunkan ingan, Turi-a-faumea, Turquoise Boy, Tvashtar, Twin Thunder Boys, Txamsem, Tyche,Tyne, Typhon, Tyr, Tzakol, Tzitzimime, Tzu-ku Shen, Uazzale, Uchtsiti, Ud, Uentshukumishiteu, Ueuecoyotl, Ugly Way, Ugni, Uhepono, Uira, Ui Tango, Uitzilopochtli, Uka no Mitanna, Ukat, Uke-mochi, Ukupanipo, Ulgen (Ulgan, Uller, Ulrich, Ulupoka, Uma, Umboko Indra, Uminai-gami, Umvelinqangi, Underwater Panthers, Ungamilia, Unhcegila, Unipkaat, Unk, Unktomi, Unkulunkulu, Untunktahe, Urania, Urcaguary, Urd, Urien, Urjani, Ursula of the Silver Host, Ursule, Ushas, Uso-dori, Utea, Utixo, Utnapishtim, Utu, Uwashil, Uzume, Vach, Valasca, Vali, Vali, Valkyries, Vanir, Vanuatu, Varuna, Vassagijik, Vata, Vayu, Vayu, Ve, Veles (Volos), Vellaunus, Verdandi, Vesna, Vidar, Vierge, Viracocha, Vishnu (Avatars of Vishnu: Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasinha; Vamana; Parasurama; Rama; Krishna; Buddha; Kalki), Vishvakarman, Visvamitra, Vitiris, Vivasvat, Voltan, Vritra, Wa, Wabosso, Wabun, Wachabe, Waghai Devi, Wah-Kah-Nee, Wahini-Hal, Wak, Wakahirume, Wakan, Wakan-Tanka, Wakanda, Wakinyan, Walo, Walutahanga, Wamara, Wanagi, Wananikwe, Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang, Wang Ta-hsien, Wan niomi, Wantu Su, Waramurungundi, Wari-Ma-Te-Takere, Watavinewa, Water babies, Wati Kutjarra, Waukheon, Wawalag Sisters, We-gyet, Weiwobo, Wele, Wemicus, Wen-ch'ang, Wendigo, Wentshukumishiteu, Were, Whaitiri, Whatu, White Buffalo Woman, White Lady, Whope, Wi, Wicahmunga, Wigan, Wihmunga, Windigo, Winonah, Wisagatcak, Wisagatcak, Wishpoosh, Wiyot, Wode, Woto, Wovoka, Wu-tai Yuan-shuai, Wuluwaid, Wuragag, Wuriupranili, Wurrunna, Wurusemu, Wuya, Xaman Ek, Xanthippe, Xatel-Ekwa, Xelas, Xenios, Xevioso, Xibalba, Xi Hou, Xilonen, Xipe Totec, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiuhtecutli, Xiu Wenyin, Xi Wangmu, Xmucane, Xochipili, Xochiquetzal, Xocotl, Xoli-Kaltes, Xolotl, Xpiyacoc, Xpuch And Xtah, Ya-o-gah, Yacatecuhtli, Yahweh, Yainato-Hnneno-Mikoi, Yakushi Nyorai, Yaluk, Yam, Yama, Yama-No-Kami, Yama-no-Karni, Yamm, Yanauluha, Yangombi, Yanwang, Yaoji, Yaparamma, Yarih (Yarikh), Yarilo, Yarovit, Yaya-Zakurai, Yayu, Yebaad, Yeba Ka, Yehl, Yeitso, Yemanja (Imanje), Yemaya, Yemonja, Yen-lo, Yen-Lo-Wang, Yhi, Yi, Yiacatecuhtli, Yima, Ymir, Ymoa, Ymoja, Ynakhsyt, Yolkai Estsan, Yondung Halmoni, Yoruba, Yoskeha, Yu, Yu-Tzu, Yu Ch'iang, Yu Huang, Yuki-Onne, Yum-chen-mo, Yum Kaax, Yun-T'ung, Yuwipi, Zaba, Zababa, Zagreus, Zaka, Zam, Zambi, Zanahary, Zanahary (Zanaharibe), Zaoshen, Zaramama, Zarathustra, Zaria, Zarpandit, Zas-ster-ma-dmar-mo, Zatavu, Zathos, Zazavavindrano, Zeme mate, Zemyna, Zephryos, Zeus, Zeus Katakhthonios, Zhang Xi, Zhin, Zhongguei, Zigu Shen, Zinkibaru, Zipaltonal, Zisun, Ziusudra, Ziva (Siva), Zizilia, Zonget, Zoophoros, Zorya, Zotz, Zu (Imdugud), Zume Topana, Zumiang Nui, Zurvan, Zvezda Dennitsa, Zvoruna.
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razziliciousart · 3 years
Super sloppy art of my danganronpa OC. Mostly cause I just wanna get it out the way lol.
Anyway, Evaki Anishinabe
Ultimate Chiroptologist
Has three bats that always hang around her (Drac the Vampire bat, Ruffles the pallid bat, Ichabod the Orinoco sword nosed bat)
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•Soft spoken
•Secretly really into cute frilly pastel things
•knits costumes for her bat friends
•Does not commit a murder because she is actually baby
•Winds up dead not from being killed but from slipping on an orange peel and landing on a wooden stake and her investigation is convoluted cause the bats ate the peel and made it look like she was stabbed. Someone probably tried to take the stake out to save her and panicked when they couldn't and unintentionally framed themselves.
•Always late to morning meetups because she has to do her eyeliner
•favorite gifts are fruit baskets, stuffed toys, and tiny costumes
Her punishment would've probably been to be dressed as a banana and tossed in a bowl of fruit to be eaten by a flock of bats. And the only way she'd commit murder would've been by complete accident, like falling asleep on the ground and tripping someone down the stairs.
You max out her friendship and either get tiny knit bat undies as a gift or super frilly pastel pink underwear with little flowers all over them.
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imagination-void · 1 year
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I’ve already drawn her in two AUs aughghgughhgfghfhgfhg
Meet miss Evaki Brightly! Resident lightning bug and clocksmith! She lives in the sentient clock tower in the town square, keeping it in working order and fixing Eddie’s watch as needed! She’s really positive, one could even say she radiates a bright energy. Hehehe
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crisvesan · 4 months
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Encuentra un lugar donde se vea el cielo...Y respira.(Evaki) 🌹🍀
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Hi, how are you ? 🤗 If it’s okay with you can I have a spirit guide tarot reading please ? My name’s Hunter, I’m Taurus sun, Capricorn moon and Aries rising :)) In any case thank you for answering me, have a nice day/night ! ☺️💕🌈
starting shamanic session at 2:36am
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Your Spirit Guide is Evaki -------
heres what is known about your rare Spirit Guide
Native American Legends: Evaki (Ewaki)
Name: Evaki
Also spelled: Ewaki
Tribal affiliation: Bakairi
Pronunciation: halfway between eh-vah-kee and eh-wah-kee
Type: Goddess, night, dreams, bat god
Evaki is the Bakairi night goddess, aunt of the twin culture heroes Keri and Kame. Evaki has the responsibility of taking the sun out of the jar it is kept in every morning and putting it back away at night. Evaki is associated with sleep and dreams, and she is sometimes represented as a bat.
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Name: Evaki
Luna Nina (Bakunawa)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Spirit / Bat
Evaki's personality is a soft blend of calmness and sweetness. She's extremely friendly, treating everyone politely, unless they're rude to her. She usually treats those who treat her poorly with stubbornness and even a bit of a huffy edge. She doesn't like negative emotions, but sometimes they can get to her. She mediates and smudges in order to rid herself of such emotions. She tries her hardest to be the best person she can be. She's very responsible and mature, even if she's not the most competent. She seems to have a desire to be a "leader", wanting to come across as more important and to try and appeal to her higher-ups. But also because she cares deeply about others and wants to help others and do her best. She's a bit of a flirt, often treating her friends very kindly. Though she can be stubborn and she can be annoyed when her friends are acting up (especially Bakunawa). Evaki however is quite brave, often risking her own life for those of her friends and teammates. She is rarely nervous, though she has her fears, she tries her hardest to put them behind her when the situation calls for it. She's very cool, often going with the flow, however she is not used to massive changes and likes to live in somewhat of a routine. She likes to roll with the punches in smaller situations, but the bigger the situation is, the more nervous she becomes. She can be seen as a bit of a "nerd", with her intelligence and love of history and similar subjects, but she doesn't mind being a "nerd". She knows who she is and she loves it. Evaki is portrayed as a kindhearted, brave, and daring girl with an aura of coolness.
Evaki likes active activities like archery and flying. She likes to hone her skills and combat to a fine "T" and takes pride in her achievements. She's a bit of an athlete, but also loves to read books and learn about different cultures and world history. She likes dancing and singing, but doesn't show it too often. She enjoys nature and animals, especially the night sky and bats. She also likes food, mostly sweets, fruits, and naturally, bugs. She mainly enjoys hanging out with her friends. However, the animals she doesn't like are owls, snakes, raccoons, and hawks (the enemies of bats). She also has a bitterness towards bullies and evil-doers, as well as those who disrespect the things she and her friends are passionate about. She's also sensitive to bright lights and harsh winds.
Evaki's powers include her powerful sleep dust, which causes foes to fall asleep. and lose their memories. Very useful after the fight's been won! She can also communicate and sometimes control bats, but this is rare. She can also fly and run very fast and gracefully, thanks to her defeating Bunnyman and absorbing his powers. Her weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, which she is insanely good with and can shoot like a master.
What does Your Spirit Guide Look Like?
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Number 530 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of number 5 and number 3, and the influences of number 0. Number 5 brings the influences of major life changes, making important choices and decisions, expansion and opportunity, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom, resourcefulness and life lessons learned through experience.  Number 3 resonates with courage, forgiveness, natural skills and talents, open-mindedness, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, growth and expansion, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies/Source, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, developing one’s spiritual aspects and connecting with the Higher-self, and denotes freedom from limitations. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.
Angel Number 530 indicates that the life choices and decisions you have made will bring about positive changes that will encourage auspicious opportunities to present in your life. It is also a message that you will be devoting more of your time and energy to your spiritual pursuits and your life purpose and soul mission.  
Angel Number 530 is a message that the changes you are going through are in direct alignment with your life path, plan and purpose. Continue on your current path with enthusiasm and confidence knowing that these changes are taking place for a higher purpose. Trust that you are safe and protected along your journey and the angels are beside you all the way.
Angel Number 530 encourages you to trust your intuition and inner-wisdom and allow your angels and the Ascended Masters to aid, assist and support you through these transitions. Use your natural communication skills to uplift and enlighten others. 
You can transform your life into one filled with more love and joy simply by being more self-aware each moment. There are no limits other than those you place upon yourself. Allow yourself to grow and transform in ways that suit your true self. Manifestation requires faith and trust.
Number 530 relates to number 8 (5+3+0=8) and Angel Number 8.
Personal Message for January 25 - January 31
Teamwork may be a strong theme for you this week across more than one area of your life, Taurus. You may choose to team up with a partner who shares a passion in an effort to learn something new or begin a new venture. You might also choose to sign on to a visible project in your community or with your family. This week may bring around the repaying of a debt that you had counted as lost, so repayment in one form or another may surprise you in a good way, and it may even alter your perception of someone you may have judged because of that. A lighter, brighter period is beginning where your financial picture is concerned. An invitation you receive soon may involve something that causes you to feel fearful, but you may not want to turn it down because of the people involved. For example, if you have a fear of flying, it could mean a trip to someplace that requires a flight. If you really want to go, then fight your fear.
-- Divinae🌬🌪🌟🌟☄🔥💧🪐🌦❄⚡⚡🌈⚡⚡🌟🌟🌌🌊🌍🌐🌍🌐🌍🌐🌍🌐🏨🌐🌍🌐🌍🌐🌍🌐🌏🌐🌎🌐🌎🌐🌎🌋🏝🏟⛰
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applexscruff · 4 years
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SPONSORED BY: [CerberusXing], [Cubic Cherry], [Val’More] & Midnight Order
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Suicidal Unborn - Necromancer Makeup [x]
Sweet Thing - Nahri Ears [x]
Lilithe - Onatah Tattoo [x]
- Body / Clothes
Inori - Yelena Jacket & Leotard [x]
.{PsychoByts}. - Estries Boots @ Midnight Order [x]
Lilithe - Evaki Tattoo [x]
[Cubic Cherry] - {Soft Touch} / Black @ Planet 29 [x]
Pacagaia - Claus Gloves [x]
[V-Tech] - Sgt. Liza / Ammo Belt, Dog Tags & Knife Garter [x]
- Accesories
Seka - “HVCKED” Eye / Mask,  Neo Glitch Collar & Glitch Leg [x]
[CerberusXing] - Kaede HairPins @ The Warehouse Sale [x]
[CerberusXing] - Sentinel Tentacles [x]
[Val’More] - Prototype / Combat Axe [x]
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shurmmi · 4 years
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A portrait of the main character Evaki, from the one shot manga- Take Down 7.
This is more stylized. The manga is a bit different 
Link in the picture to read our manga :D
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