#Eustace x reader
frickingnerd · 19 days
eustace winner with a puppy crush
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pairing: eustace winner x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, puppy love, clingy & emotional!eustace, prosecuters/defense attorney!reader, kind & affectionate!reader
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eustace just wants to be loved, so he clings to the tiniest bit of affection he gets
after seeing how nice you are to him, always kindly correcting him when he makes mistakes and praising him when he gets something right, he falls HARD for you!
eustace follows you around like a lost puppy, hoping to earn more of your love, praise and affection
it's clear to absolutely everyone that the boy is head over heels for you, but he thinks he's being so sneaky about it!
eustace always tries to find an excuse to be near you or talk to you! whether it's asking you questions about the current case you work on, coincidentally showing up at places your frequent or anything of that sort
being around you just makes his day! even getting to see you for a couple minutes is enough to get him all giddy!
eustace doesn't even consider confessing to you yet! you're constantly on his mind, but he lives too much in the moment to consider a future where he takes things a step further
just being around you is enough for him! he relishes every second he gets to spend with you and he's more than satisfied living one day at a time, as long as it means he gets to be near you!
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doki-doki-imagines · 6 months
Siegfried would peel oranges for you.
Eustace would even shake the tree (yes animal crossing style, he is an expert of the game) to get you as many oranges as you want and then peel them for you.
Seofon...Seofon would announce "I'll peel your orange with the best sword I have!" (it isn't) and then he gets cut like a kid and you have to tend his wound. He never peeled a fruit in his entire life.
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gojoidyll · 9 months
all in the senses, eustace x female!reader
first meeting. embarrassing yourself in front of a hot erune man wasn't on your bucket list, and yet here you are anyway.
Your journey started with Gran holding out his hand to you and offering you to come with him Vyrn and some blue haired girl you never met before on a journey. Specifically a journey that his father had once taken.
You and Gran have been childhood friends ever since you could remember, and such an opportunity to leave your home was something you couldn't pass up.
Granted as you took his hand and Lyria's (the blue haired girl you literally just met) with Vyrn flying next to you three, you had to admit that there were some parts of the journey that you had wished you stayed home for.
Belial was pain, the soldiers were a nightmare, Gran being a "singularity" was just plain weird and confusing, and don't even get you started on why the sky is blue.
Though, you didn't mind it all at the end of each day.
You met new people and gained new friends, and before you knew it, the Grandcypher had its very own crew in no time.
And what's an adventure without a little romance? Yeah, you know where I'm going with this. You, the girl from an island that barely anyone knows exists, obtained a little crush on a stoic erune. A.K.A Eustace.
The first time you saw him, you were a blushing mess.
You found that anytime that Gran tried to introduce you two, you would become a stuttering mess without fail whilst gaining a shy personality and demeanor.
Did you just kick some soldier ass with some awesome sword skills a few minutes ago? Yes, you did, but the moment that Eustace shows up, that confident attitude disappears out of thin air.
But being shy isn't so embarrassing, right?
The moment that you finally gained the courage to introduce yourself, you tripped over thin air and basically tumbled right out from the side of the Grandcypher. Luckily, however, Eustace was quick on his feet and caught your hand.
You made Eustace promise to never speak of this again.
And as you would quickly scurry back to your hidey hole of a room, you would miss the small smile gracing the lips of a usually stoic erune.
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
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thantophobia | various one piece characters x reader
thantophobia; (n.) the phobia of losing someone you love
→ the aftermath of an argument 
→ angst w some comfort..? (toxic relationships..?), g/n reader
→ sanji vinsmoke, sir crocodile, eustass kidd, trafalgar law, charlotte perospero, and charlotte katakuri
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
sanji vinsmoke ♡
~sanji felt terrible after being angry with you. he felt so lost and panicked, unsure of what to say and how to apologize. it’s been a couple of hours before he approached you with much caution, bent down to your curled up figure, and asked for your forgiveness. you mumbled a small apology as well which made him sigh with relief. you glanced up at him with wet eyes and smiled softly, thankful that he had come to reconcile.
“you’re everything to me.”
sir crocodile ♡
~crocodile raised his voice and saw your figure start to tremble. you started sobbing, thin streams of tears rolling down your cheeks as you walked away from him. he furrowed his eyebrows and hated himself so much for making you cry. it was the worse thing he could’ve done. he hates making his angelic and beautiful lover cry. he grabs you with his hand before you could walk out the door and mutters a small apology. you tell him that you’re still upset with him, but he responds with a chuckle, telling you that he will somehow make up for it and do whatever you desire. 
“don’t cry, i hate it when you cry.”
eustass kidd ♡
~arguments between you and kidd were frequent, yet always over something trivial. however, this argument was serious and he had truly hurt your feelings. he had yelled things you never imagined he ever would and it completely broke you. you dashed off the ship and ran as far as your legs could take you. your heart hurt so much that your chest started burning with the wish that your worst fear hadn’t come true. but unfortunately it had. eustass kidd broke your heart within mere seconds which ironically was the same amount of time that you had fallen deeply in love with him. 
“this is breaking my heart.”
trafalgar law ♡
~even after everything he has been through, law was a pretty stable man. however, after you entered his life, you had become his everything. of course, he has his other priorities, but you had infiltrated his heart and his mind, so when a heated argument ends with you walking out the door he became desperate. he frantically runs towards you and apologizes, tears on the verge of leaving his wet eyes. he loathes every second of that argument and forgets all of the fury that once filled him, desperately asking you to stay. 
“if you walk away, everything will fall apart.”
charlotte perospero ♡
~perospero was a prideful man and his pride definitely took a part in your arguments with him. you felt as if your husband wasn’t trying hard enough to stay with you or understand you. you tried so hard to get through the walls of pride that stood in his heart, yet they never faltered. after one argument, you simply broke down and couldn’t handle his behavior anymore. if he wouldn’t try neither would you, and you had given up out of exhaustion and a broken heart. 
“don’t you understand that i’m trying?”
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: you can take the relationship with the characters as romantic or platonic - completely up to you. Also I feel like this is a neurodivergent thing, where we pick something that looks shiny, cute or weird and gift it to someone we love. It’s the neurotypicals that usually think it’s weird...
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐲 (1000% neurodivergent. Most likely has AuDHD)
・Running to Lucy to told her to shut her eyes and hold our her hands
・Would undoubtedly take the rock excitedly
・Actually would be out in the woods looking at pretty rocks with you in the first place
          “Ooh this one actually shines in the light!” She says as she holds it up to the sun. Without realising, she had found a citrine gemstone. 
・There are many different rocks in Narnia, and because of the magic, there’s no ... logic, to what can be found
・It makes humans very interested
・Both of you returning back to the castle covered in dirt but with sacks full of rocks (Peter says you can only choose your favourite 3 and the rest have to be left outside)
・Is definitely a hobby for you and Lucy
・It’s what you bonded over in the beginning of your friendship
・Has a collection in her room that she’s specifically told the servants not to get rid of (because the majority of the collection are just plain rocks)
・Would have a smooth stone that she keeps in her pocket to rub - as a form of stimming 
𝐄𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 (Is neurodivergent, but has masked for so long that he doesn’t know how to unmask)
・Is used to Lucy giving him trinkets, ribbons, rocks, shells etc when they were young 
・So when you present him the rock that “reminded you of him,” he blushes a little and thanks you
・He absolutely loves when people tell him “oh this made me think of you,” and it’s a positive thing ??? It blows his mind
・Edmund has no judgement. He just thinks it’s normal. Unlike some people who think it’s just plain weird (idk why they think it’s weird. It’s so human to want to collect things.) 
・Edmund actually has a momento of each place that he’s visited. Both in Narnia and the human world. 
・At home he has snow globes, pins, train tickets, pens, pamphlets, etc in his room, to remind him of all the places his been. And that war won’t be forever. That the world has a lot to offer. 
・However, Edmund can agree that the collectible items are much better in Narnia
・Everything feels alive with magic, especially when Aslan is near
𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐧 (I’m actually thinking a lil neurodivergent. Maybe even autistic??)
・Like Edmund, she’s used to when Lucy would bring her random objects 
・Hence why you found it so easy to give her things you thought were cool
・This was a common occurance, and it was nearly a daily routine for Susan to empty out her pockets of a night and see random objects
・Sometimes when she’s too focused on something, you’ll just slip the things into her pockets; notes, reminders, things she’s forgotten to take with her, silly little presents etc.
・She always knows it’s you
・Not in a weird way - but she can smell you, so she isn’t startled by your presence ... like ever 
・So when you gave her the rock, a glinting piece of labradorite, she held it up to the light and moved it about. Making it flash here and there. 
・She was very impressed
    “This will go great with the collection!”
𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 (is definitely neurotypical. One of the judgy ones as well, until you - who opens his mind.)
・The least ... chill about it.
・Thinks collecting things is a waste of time unless they serve a purpose 
・Has made you angry a few times because of it 
・Lucy had to tell him to be nicer because the way he was going about it ... god he was being so headstrong 
・So now he goes about it a lot more gently (because he’s gotten to know you better as well. You’re an important person in his life and he doesn’t want to upset you)
・So when you show him, he nods his head and does a weird, “oh thanks,” with furrowed brows. 
・He doesn’t understand that it’s a token of your love/feelings toward him 
・Not until you scrunch your face up and explain that to him
・And then he’s like, “oh wow. Okay then, I love it! Thank you - please give it to me,” and he’s chasing you around the room.
𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐧 (Not neurodivergent but loves people who are different and think out of the box)
・You had found him in the training yard, sweaty and out of breath 
・Although in an established relationship, you still take the time to explain why you do certain things and what certain things mean to you, why you do certain things etc. 
・Even if the word neurodivergent doesn’t exist yet, the people do. And are known as the poets, writers, creators, the intelligent, the weird, the hermits. 
・And Caspian has always had an open-mind. No matter what, he’s always gone into things thinking about different points of view
・So a lot of things happened naturally with Caspian. And explaining yourself was easy because he understood a lot of your concepts 
・When you gave him the rock, you were incredibly nervous but still desperate to show Caspian because it was a part of your background - collecting things, and you wanted to share that with him
・In all truthfulness, Caspian was expecting something much weirder to happen by the way you were acting
・But when you gave him the rock, his response gave you butterflies
    “Thank you, my love, I will cherish it always.”
・And he stayed true to his promise
・Somehow he got a blacksmith to turn it into a ring and he wore it always 
𝐄𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐞 (I reckon he’s autistic tbh, so neurodivergent 10/10)
・Being amongst the Narnian people was like nothing you could have ever imagined 
・But what goes significantly unnoticed is the landscape and what would be normal in our world is 10x more magical in Narnia
・So you and Eustace have absolute field days just spending hours looking through this new world
・When you stumble across this particular rock, it takes your breath away and you instantly have to show Eustace
・Getting his attention was a bit difficult though but once you had it, he was very excited
・When you place it in his hands, he examines it, to see if it’s a geode or something that can be cracked open
・His mind is an endless pit of scientific facts
・But you didn’t give it to him for scientific purposes
・You gave Eustace the stone because ... well it represented something
・Where Eustace is facts, you’re fiction - a poet, at times
・And you wanted him to know how unyielding your feelings for him are 
・However, Eustace did crack it open. Even after your pleads not to, yet his suspicions were right. Because inside it was a glimmering mass of shimmering rock pieces
𝐀𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧 (understands the way of the world and how people’s minds work so he is neither neurotypical or neurodivergent - he just ... is). Also like, you can see Aslan in a romantic way if you want, but I’m kinda writing him as this father figure
・You didn’t mean to interrupt the meeting but you were too excited to wait to show Aslan the cool rock you’d found
・It was jagged but had reflective, almost glittering elements when you moved it around 
・It looked ... magical 
・And you wanted to ask if it might be
・So when you ran into the map room, where Aslan and a few other guards were, you enthusiastically brandished it in front of him
      “Look! Look what I found! For you-” 
・Very gracious
・Thanked you immediately while the others around you look at you like you’re crazy
・If anyone says anything mean about you, he will call them out
・You think he just forgets about them but he actually keeps everything you give him 
・He can tell exactly where you got the rock from; which woods, lake or ocean. He’s so intune with Narnia that every little thing is easy for him to identify 
・Encourages you to find more
・And gives you tips on the best places to find more cool things 
𝐌𝐫 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐧𝐮𝐬 (Yes, neurodivergent. Kinda goblin brained, but likes his alone time and collecting of things)
・It was a bit of a down day and you could see his frown. Wanting to brighten his day you went on a stroll, trying to find a pretty flower or a nice bunch of herbs 
・But you couldn’t find either of those things
・Instead, you came across a tree stump with such smooth round rocks at the base. 
・They looked so ... satisfying
・A perfect egg-shaped stone, close to one you’d seen Lucy playing with from time to time
・Running back home, you called out for Tumnus, and as he stood in front of you, you told him to hold out his hands
    “Hmm...,” he said with a suspicious look, but obeyed. 
・When you put it in his hands he blushed immediately. Knowing that you know how much he loves knick knacks and collecting objects... it made his day a lot better 
・I feel like this could be a Narnian custom in a way. Like...to show your affection for the one you love, you go out in nature and find something that reminds you of them???
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eman-cosplay · 5 months
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Here you can see me as Captyn Eustass kid from One piece And my SUPER HIPER COOL HELPER who helped me put on that costum Remember to always love your helpers <3
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writing-fanics · 2 years
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The Chronicles of Narnia
[Character Fanfiction Ideas] request open
Edmund Pevensie
its been two two thousand years (angst)
[summary: she waited for over two thousand years, to finally be reunited with her husband edmund]
Peter Pevensie
title in the works (angst)
[summary: Peter looked down at her as her chest rose and fell. before slowly getting out of bed to not wake her, he planted a kiss on her forehead promising to return after finding the stag]
Eustace Scrubb
Nothing is here yet
Prince Caspian
nothing is here yet
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cebwrites · 2 years
Can I request headcanons of Crocodile and Captain Kid (separate) getting caught talking to their secret Tontatta s/o (gn or amab)?
Like, no one known or could of guess that they had a s/o and just thought they were talking to themselves for the longest time.
hmm this was a little tricky but i think i managed something ;w;
having a secret Tontatta s/o (Kidd, Crocodile)
masc reader word count: 0.3k
If anyone’s going to catch him, it’s going to be Killer -  Killer probably knew for a lot longer than this but kept to himself for the sake of his captain’s privacy
Now that it’s out in the open, though, hell hath no fury like Kidd going after the fool who made fun of him for having a tiny boyfriend or said partner in any way, shape, or form
Kidd’s surprisingly gentle with him, despite his usual brash aggressive... everything - Kidd talks to him in hushed tones usually saved for only Killer in rare moments of vulnerability before Kidd washes his face and pretends he never had ‘soft’ emotions to begin with
Having a Tontatta partner brings out out a hidden soft side to Kidd that he’s loathe to admit, especially when Killer, Heat, or Noe lovingly jab at their captain a little for the tenderness, but ultimately his crew is happy for him and Kidd’s better off with the emotional support too
That said, he will tear anyone limb from limb (if they’re not his own) if they give him grief over this development k thx byeeee
Crocodile couldn’t care less about rumors circling about him from these whispers behind his back, he’s dealt with worse for longer - this is mere child’s play comparative to what he’s already been through, but it’s his partner’s privacy and comfort that he’s not willing to compromise
Given that it’s not someone he can expressly kill without repercussion (whoever that may be), Crocodile’s definitely gatekeep gatorboss gaslighting the shit out of whoever it is that caught him in such a vulnerable position
“Who were you talking to?” They must be hearing things, “I clearly saw something on your shoulder that day” They’d better get some glasses, “Stop dodging the question, you--” Crocodile’s not a patient man, and anyone getting testy with him will find that out swiftly and painfully
When it comes to his actual partner, he’d have nothing to want for with Crocodile; Croc has a spoiling streak already as a way to show his affection with material things because he’s not good at emotional intimacy but with someone as small as a Tontatta, spoiling his lover is infinitely easier
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winterchildd · 2 years
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“Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people. Maybe it's a sign that you've got an extraordinary destiny--something greater than you could've imagined.”
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frickingnerd · 28 days
Investigations Masterlist
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Miles Edgworth
↳ Masterlist
Dick Gumshoe
dick gumshoe with a crush who's already in a relationship - headcanons
poly relationship with miles edgeworth & dick gumshoe - headcanons
Kay Faraday
Shi-Long Lang
shi-long lang with an oblivious crush - headcanons
Eustace Winner
eustace winner with a puppy crush - headcanons
Eddie Fender
married to eddie fender - headcanons
Verity Gavèlle
making out with verity in a courtroom - headcanons
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doki-doki-imagines · 7 months
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My headcanon is that Eustace is totally unable to cook. One of those people who touch a pot and it explodes. So he relies a lot on his partner to make a meal, a pact between them. Mostly because they care about their kitchen and their heart tighten thinking their boy didn't eat anything.
But I also think Eustace kept some of his animal instincts since he is an erune. So when he gets hungry a little voice in the back of his head screams at him to lick into your mouth. Usually, it's something Eustace has control over, half because he is more human than animal and half because he actually has his emotions and instincts in control more than other erunes (and humans too tbh).
But maybe, when your relationship is much more developed, his brain shuts down a bit more than usual. Eustace is calm with you, he doesn't have to worry about surviving or potential assassins so his brain just plugs off. Maybe you are doing your own stuff and your really hot bf comes at you and licks a fat stripe across your lips? Just to catch your attention and then just dig in, tongue lapping yours, sucking on it. Obviously, a normal person would think that his partner wants to have a bit of sexy time, but Eustace would just pull away after leaving you breathless and with an awfully good poker face tell you "I'm hungry, I think it is meal time." And you are so shocked because "does it mean he wanna eat me??? Or like eat a normal meal? Or-"
Looking into his sky blue eyes, the spark is missing and you finally understand that he actually wants to eat real food. You'll never scold him for that, it's nice knowing he is so at ease with you that his mind relaxes that much. Plus, since it happened more than once, you know discovered a way to understand his desires without having to look in his eyes.
His backside wiggles left and right way more when it comes to sexy times…
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
Twst oc Valentines headcanons
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彡(✿╹◡╹) 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦?? [ocs featured: Bowie, Cailean, and Bomani] warning: long post || triggers: none
彡(✿╹◡╹) 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦?? [ocs featured: Bowie, Cailean, and Bomani] Route 1: Bowie Eustace
🐂 you get a knock on your door, and go to check to see who it is. standing on the door step of your old run down dorm, was a fellow NRC student. he was a Bull-beastman from the Tumbleranch dorm. a dorm filled with 'old western' themes and people, from what you knew.
🐂from the tops of his bull horns, down to his boots - he was about 7'0" tall. he was somewhat buff, muscles of which could be seen from under his his dorm uniform.
🐂you weren't super close with him, but had a science class with him. and he helped you out during gym classes whenever you began to fall behind everyone else. he was a gentle giant in a sense, always there for you when others didn't spare you a 2nd glance. he was one of the few people outside of your established group of friends that you told about your magic-less status.. and he never treated you any differently. in his own words 'people are people, no matter their core'. his earnest personality and kindness were why you were drawn to him so much.
🐂upon you opening the door, his bull tail swayed side to side in a semi-rapid fashion, giving away how excited he was to see you despite him trying to appear composed. brushing some of his thick curly locks out of his face.
"Hey Bowie! what brings you here today? sorry if the yard looks like a graveyard, i haven't had time to tidy it up--"
🐂" 's aight! don' matter to me much. think it gives 'er dorm it's own personality! a-anyway, i.."
🐂he handed you a fresh sunflower, which was in a small pot - a pot that had a pretty bow tied around it. his alluring southern accent filled your ears as he spoke.
🐂"I wanted tha' know if.. ye wanted tha have.. a picnic with me? 's ah nice day out, an' could give us time ta get ta know each other! since we usu'ally only eve'a see each other durin' classes..."
he seemed a bit nervous, his typical goofy lopsided smile wobbled a little in anticipation as he waited for an answer.
🐂 you thought it was a fun idea, and agreed to go along. which made him perk up, and you could see the will power of him fighting back the urge to hug you, in order to not make you uncomfortable. he had always been a touchy-feely kind of guy when it comes to interacting with others.
🐂 you left a note for grim, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. and before you left you put the sunflower in the lounge - in front of a window, so it could get enough light. you'd have to plant it outside once spring comes around.
🐂 you left the area around your dorm, him gently grabbing your hand as you walked side to side. interlocking your fingers and cradling your hand in his bigger one with tender care. he did it so casually, as if it was normal to do so. the contact with someone you admired made your cheeks become dusted with a light pink.
🐂 you both soon arrived at the botanical gardens, him holding open the door for you like a gentlemen. you spotted a picnic basket and blanket under the tree in the center of the room. at first you were worried leona would be here, as this is his favorite napping spot, but Bowie assured you that he wouldn't bother either of them today. not letting you in on the fact he had to bribe leona to insure no interruptions.
🐂 you both sat down on the blanket and began to chat. the room being filled with your conversation and occasional laughter. you ate sandwiches and fresh fruit - even some of your favorite chocolate from a store in the towns that's at the center of the isle of sages.
🐂 you asked how he knew you liked this chocolate, and he rubbed his neck while blushing. admitting he asked one of the people in your small clique the other day, and set aside time yesterday in between his dorm activities in order to head into town and buy it for you.
🐂 soon he began to play a song for you on his harmonica, claiming its a song he was working on (secretly for you) and wanted some feedback. it was an upbeat yet smooth tune, making your heart swell in awe.
🐂 he even offered to each you, and you spent a little while trying to learn how to use his instrument, it wasn't too hard but you would probably need a lot of practice to get to his level.
🐂 whenever you got a note/sequence right while playing, he would playfully ruffle your hair.
🐂 you thought to yourself - 'wait.. he never washed off the harmonica before he gave it to me to use.. is this- an indirect kiss??' the thought made you blush, and you tried to think of if it was intentional or not on his end. but when he asked about your red face you brushed it off, saying you were just tired from playing. to which he didn't question and took back the instrument. then you both took a small break.
🐂 after a while he fell silent and locked his vibrant violet eyes with yours, wringing his hands together nervously.
🐂 "s-so.. i wus wonderin'.. i reallah' like ya an' all, like.. very much! an' i wanted ta know if.. you would, y'know.. like ta be.. my valentine? not jus' this year, but.. every year?"
🐂 both of you had faces as red as riddles hear. there was a eerie silence between the two for you for a moment, before you launched your self at him - wrapping your arms round his neck, exclaiming 'yes!'
🐂 his smile beamed from ear to ear at your answer, he didn't seem to budge much when you leap at him. he quickly jumped up from his spot on the blanket and spun you around in a hug.
🐂 you two both soon felt back down onto the blanket, laughing like children, with you laying on top of him as he lied there on his back. your eyes soon met again before he nuzzled his cheek against yours affectionately.
🐂 "I wouldn' trade ya f'ur anythin' in tha world, Sugarbug." Route 2: Cailean Atharrais
🪶you hear a ping for a notification on your phone. bored and in search for anything to do to pass the time, you hop up from the couch and head over to the kitchen counter, where your phone was sat. having been charging all night.
🪶you unplug you're phone and unlock the main screen, and see the message sent from an rsa student you befriended a few months ago, who had helped you take fertilizer from the town to nrc to set up for some magic plant lesson. "hey! could you come over to rsa today? Neige and the dwarves are setting up stuff for a small party in celebration for it being hearts day and all, and we want an outside opinion on the set up. you can even join in on the party too when we finish!"
🪶you were a bit surprised by the invitation, but being in a gathering of actually friendly faces for once sounded like fun! at the very least, it would be a good break from the villainous students at your school that your surrounded by each day.
🪶you texted back; "sure! I'll be there as soon as i can. can't wait :)" to which Cailean sent back "ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬" in response.
🪶you got ready and left your dorm, leaving behind a note for grim to find when he wakes up. hopefully ace and deuce can keep him company, and keep him from burning anything down, while your gone for the day.
🪶you eventually arrived at the rsa campus, walking across the bridge to the school building. as soon as you step off the bridge, a bird swoops down in front of you - and with a 'poof' a boy lands on the ground right where the bird was about to. he quickly stands up from his crouched landing position, and brushes himself off.
🪶it was Cailean! he was wearing his school uniform, and honestly it was the first time you had seem him in such fancy clothing.. but it suited him. he had added his own flare to the typically orderly clothing. his brown with black striped swooped to one side hair bounced looked a little frizzy due to moving so much, but his freckled face beamed with an ear to ear smile upon his deep brown chocolatey eyes landing on you're form.
🪶" 'ey! ye mayde it!" the 5'8" boy chirps out in a singsongy type of tune with his prominent scottish accent, before pulling you into a firm hug while jumping up and down a bit. "Nice ta see ye ageen, Dove!"
🪶you laughed and hugged him back. when he eventually let go of you, he ushered you through the schools front gate while chatting with you about what's happened since you last saw each other. admittedly, not much on his end. but you had some fun tales to tell about grim and your other 1st year pals, to which he gave his full attention for.
🪶as he walked with you through the halls, laughing all the way, some people gave you a passing glance. not expecting to see you there, but not saying anything as they were all seemingly rushing around with their own tasks. eventually you both exit the main school building, and arrive at the wide open space with a big fountain, that sits in between the paths to each dorm. the whole place was decked out with decorations, and people! turns out that 'small party' for negie's dorm quickly turned into a big school wide party, since neige just couldn't help himself and invited any students he came across.
🪶he took you around and asked for your opinion on different parts that were being set up - the color pallets, the amount of balloons, the shape of balloons, the types of deserts, etc. after collecting that feedback, Cailean ran off to give the info to Neige.
🪶after about a half hour, the set up was finished, your opinions having been taken to heart and implemented right away. people soon began to file into the area in a more steady flow, and begin mingling with each other as someone got onto a DJ station and began to play some upbeat dance music through the amps. people either went solo or paired up on the decently sized makeshift dance floor on the grass next to one of the dorm buildings.
🪶after a while of picking around the food table and chatting with some people, you felt a tap on your shoulder. spinning around on your heel, you came face to face with Cailean. he had a cheeky grin on his face, before bowing slightly and extending out his hand to you.
🪶" 'ello, Dove! mey I.. hev 'is dance?"
🪶you chuckled and put your hand on his, "course you can, scatterbrain."
🪶" 'ey think ye mhen 'fancy-brain' !" he chimes as he swings you around and drags you off to the dance floor. the two of you have a blast, spinning and swinging each other around and kicking your legs. you failing at trying to copy one of Cailean irish dance moves, and him giving you a thumbs up and mouthing 'A for effort'
🪶eventually, after a little while, a more somber and relaxing song came on. the two of you ended up slowly swaying back and forth, hands interlocked and chests close together. you could feel each others breath on your skin. both of you had faces as red as the cherry filling inside a tart. there was only a few other people on the dance floor along with the two of you, as most others had taken breaks to sit or eat some of the sugary concessions as the party came to a slow drawl.
🪶neither of you had said anything since the song began, but halfway through your dance partner took in a breath - trying to give himself some courage, despite his nervousness.
🪶"..ey, Dove?" he says softly, his warm breath flowing against your ear. making the hair on the back of your next stand on end. "Evry’hing hus been soh moch fhun! ey couldn' be mair happy.. tah hav' yah he'er. whan ey met ye that day.. ye mhade meh tha happiest half fae on tha isle of sages. ye make meh feel.. free." freer then a bhird in tha breeze!
🪶"h-heh.. sorrah if thats cheesy, bhut.. ey mhen it! an'.. if ey mhey be so bold, im not shure if it's selfish tha ask f'ur, bhut.. could ey... hev ye witt meh.. all tha time? not jus' todah, as a valentine, bhut as.. a partner?"
🪶you were stunned for a moment, the both of you just staring into each others eyes as the somber music slowly began to swell into a more heartfelt symphony. you both had stopped in place due to your surprise at his declaration.
🪶he panicked a little when you too a bit longer to respond then he expected, his nervousness showing more clearly. "c-course' ye don' hev tah agree if ye don' wa--" but, you swiftly cut him off with a kiss. his blush turning a darker shade of red, if that's even possible. but he soon leaned into the kiss, and let out a stutter-y coo'ing bird sound. the taste of honeydew was noticeable on his lips. when you pulled away after a minute, you two were the last two on the dance floor. lost in your own world.. some people noticed and clapped for you, but most were preoccupied and didn't realize what was happening. the two of you shyly soon made your way off the dance floor, hand in hand, and headed towards a more quieter place to just enjoy each others company and relax for a while as you both process the bloom of your new union. Route 3: Bomani Melokuhle (meet-cute <3)
🦈towards the afternoon, your inner circle of friends contacted you and asked if you wanted to spent some time down at the beach today, since it was such a night day outside and they wanted to have some fun while the weather was still nice this week. you agreed and headed down into the town in the center of the island with grim, to get some supplies. since you didn't have a swimsuit or any beach gear. grim decided to wait outside for you.
🦈as you went to the counter with your things, you bumped into someone - both of you dropping your things onto the floor with a 'oof!', though luckily you fall down from the collision - due to the fact the other person wraps an arm around your shoulders to catch you. your faces ending up a few inches away from each other.
🦈after opening your eyes, which you originally closed in anticipation, upon not hitting the ground.. you locked eyes with the other person. which seemed to be a boy, somewhere around your age range. and very handsome at that.
🦈 the boy had warm pecan colored skin, which was covered completely in freckles from head to toe (from whatever skin you could see) - far more freckles then their friend cailean has, since cailean only has them on his face/shoulders. he has emerald green eyes that shimmer as the light from the ceiling fixtures above you shine down upon the room, and he has obsidian black hair .. which seemed to be very curly from the front fringe of thick curls, though most of it was pulled back into a low hanging, semi-big, puffy bun. he also seemed like a mix of chubby and muscular in terms of physique.
🦈you didn't recognize him at all, but you knew he probably wasn't from nrc due to that fact. people did live in this town of the center of the island, so he could just be a resident. since he isn't dressed like the typical tourist.
🦈soon the boy heaved you up back to your feet, and out of the half salsa dip pose you were being held in. it was only less then a minute, but it felt like much longer when you both were just lost in each others eyes.
🦈the boy give a toothy smile to you, showing off his shark-looking sharp teeth, before waving his hand in your face and giving an alluringly baritone voiced "helloo~?" which makes you snap out of the daze that you didn't realize you were in. a light pink blush dusting your cheeks, feeling a bit embarrassed for staring at this stranger.
🦈"oh- sorry! didn't mean to stare, i- uh" luckily for you, the boy didn't seem offended by it, and gave a hearty chuckle, pretending to wipe a tear in a comedic fashion. which made you feel a bit less uneasy about the situation.
🦈"it's alright, no harm done." he waved a dismissive hand, "anywho-" he dropped down into a crouch and began to separate your items from his, soon handing you your things before grabbing his own stuff and standing back up. "sorry for making you drop your things! i tend to wander, and when i wander.. i get lost in my own thoughts, and just don't focus on whats around me. heh heh, i wouldn't purposefully mess up the schedule of a sea star like you."
🦈as he was being very complimentary and casual, you accepted your items back, hugging the things against your chest to insure you wouldn't drop them again. "sea star?" you inquire.
🦈"yeah! your [y/n] right? it's a pleasure to finally meet the one making waves over at nrc. anyone who's anyone on this island knows about you, considering how many overblots you've fought and quelled! real impressive work there. your one tough cookie!"
🦈"oh- heh, sorry, i didn't introduce myself." he extends his hand, and you shake it. "Bomani Melokuhle. the star of the rsa swim team, and ukulele player extraordinaire on this side of the isle of sages!" ah.. so he was from rsa. well, that's a surprise, but also not a surprise..? you seem to be befriending a lot of rsa students recently.. so it's quite on brand.
🦈the two of you head to the counter together as you chat, and yo find you that you have quite a few things in common with him, in terms of interests. except for extreme surfing ... which he says he'll happily teach you, and you tell him you'll think about it.
🦈he goes to pay for your things as well. "oh- you don't have to, i have money" to which he just gives a warm smile, "yeah, but i want to. don't worry 'bout it, 'kay?" you begrudgingly agree.
🦈as grim complains about how long you took in the and asking what the hold up was, you and Bomani bid each other farewell. and you watch as he walks down the road, soon out of sight as he rounds a corner. oh wait- you forgot to get his number.. well, maybe another time.
🦈you then take grim and head off down to the beach, where your friend group had already set up in a pretty good spot. you all played volleyball, build sandcastles, the whole shebang. the beach was crowded for a while, but as the day went on and the evening arrived, people began to slowly leave. your group still stayed, even as the beach soon became almost empty, but your plans were soon cut short as the wind began to pick up. and soon after it began to rain.
🦈 your friends all complained and began to pack up, really only jack cared about the rain due to his tail. but as you finished gathering your things, grim told you he lost his sunglasses, and ordering you as his henchmen to get them as he flew off. you relented, and soon spotted the sunglasses. you managed to grab them before they could be washed off to sea, but as you turned your back to the water a wave slammed down on you from behind. all you could hear was the sound of the waves, mixed with the muffled voices of your friends calling out to you, as you get dragged away from shore.. while underwater you see some glimmers of something blue nearby, before your vision fades out.
🦈eventually you wake up on some rocks next to a light house nearby RSA, coughing up a bit of sea water as your vision steadies itself. you quickly notice that the sun had finished setting, and it was now nighttime. and something was approaching in the water..
🦈 it was bright spotty blotch of a neon aquamarine color, moving towards the cove from the water. a head soon poked through the surface of the water, and you noticed it was Bomani! other then his hair being out of the bun and flowing around his shoulders in bundled frizzy curls and all of his freckles glowing - it was him! he seemed to now have gray skin and sharp ears, along with his lower half being that of a shark - almost covered in glowing spots.
🦈 he checks if you were okay and not hurt at all, even giving you the sunglasses, which he found after saving you, he offers to swim you back to the beach. which you agree. he takes you by the hand, and guides you back into the water, you wrapping your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist and rests his chin against the crook of your neck.. holding you close to his body, which was warm compared to the cold water.
🦈he casts a spell to allow you temporary water breathing, since you don't have gills like him, and takes you back to the main shore. your friends were there waiting for you, but before you depart he gives you a peck on the cheek and winks "till we meet again.. sea star." then swims off. your heart bubbles with a new fuzzy feeling...
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mintytee · 1 year
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ashepixie · 2 years
One Piece boys after getting a surprise first kiss from their crush (you), part two!
Part one:
Sanji, who spends so much time and energy heaping affection onto others, about can't believe it when he receives some himself. He stares, frozen in place, terrified that one wrong move will make you want to take it back.
It takes another kiss from you for him to realize that this wasn't some accident, and he pulls you into a tight embrace.
"Is that how you feel about me, Y/N?"
He grins, backing you up against a wall, his body blocking you from escaping this situation that you've created. This cocky bastard wasn't going to be the first to admit his feelings, but now that you've shown your interest, he doesn't want this to end with just a little kiss.
"Show me more..."
He's a little disappointed because he actually wanted to be the one to make the first move, he had just been waiting for the superrr perfect moment to do so.
"Wait! Pretend this didn't happen! You'll understand why tomorrow!"
Is all he says before heading into his workshop with purpose. The next evening he treats you to the most stunning fireworks show you've ever seen and an even more stunning second first kiss.
His soul leaves his body. Literally, it just pops straight out of his bones. It takes a moment for him to collect himself again, but he grabs a hold of your hands and gazes at you deeply (though he has no eyes with which to gaze, yohohohoho). It feels very romantic until...
"Y/N,... may I please see your underpants?"
I hope you enjoyed part two! Let me know what other scenarios or characters you'd be interested in!
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annwrites · 3 months
sons & daughters. part nine.
�� pairing: cregan stark x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: and here, in gyldayn’s fire & blood, we find the end of our story through his historical accounting.
— word count: 1,351
— tagging list: @beebeechaos @crypticlxrsh @amindfullofmonsters @yeolsbubbles @icefrye19
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It is equally agreed upon by Orwyle and Mushroom, that the union between Lord Cregan and his Velaryon wife, the Princess Y/N, was a joyous one, which bore much fruit.
The Princess gave him a dozen children, which included two sets of twins, which had been considered unsurprising by Grand Maester Orwyle in his writings, surmising it was “of much sense”, with the kindly young woman having been a twin herself.
Mushroom’s far-fetched (all his reports of going-ons within the North should be seen as such, as the dwarf had never so much as seen snowfall) claims, in his Testimony, of at least one of the children having been fathered upon the Lady of Winterfell by an unnamed northman during Cregan’s long absence in the capitol, is believed by none but he.
Even Septon Eustace, who had lambasted the dragon and wolf’s union—remarking that, perhaps Lord Cregan (though there is no record of her) had indeed had a bastard half-sister, which the Prince Jacaerys dishonored after all. In turn, the “savage northern lord” did the same to the innocent Princess in retribution.
He had surmised it was the only way matrimony would have been consented upon by her mother, the Queen Rhaenyra—a follower of the Seven. She would not have “freely handed over” her only beloved daughter to a “beast of the North” when other, more fitting prospects were to be had.
The deaths of what remained of her family over those two bloody years during the Dying of the Dragons had, initially, per Eustace, weakened what must have been left of her resolve after her “blasphemous” (Eustace states that Lord Cregan manipulated the young Princess into abandoning the Seven for instead worshipping his “trees”, which the Septon took as a great offense to the Faith) marriage to the “uncivilized” wolf.
It was recounted that when she received word of the Prince Jacaerys’ death at sea, she collapsed in her husband’s arms and refused to speak or eat for nigh on a fortnight, instead wandering aimlessly through Winterfell’s halls at odd hours, crying and searching for something which she could not name.
The only ones she would allow into her company then was her husband, step-son, and handmaiden. It was purportedly only for the well-being of her unborn child that she finally accepted nourishment, for she had grown frail and thin during her period of mourning.
The Princess’ melancholy lessened as she bore her Lord Husband further children, devoting herself wholly to her growing family, but her tears quickly turned to joy when news of her mother taking King’s Landing reached the snowy winds of the North.
“At last, mayhaps this bloody war will finally cease and peace can be had!” it was purported she had stated with glee, even if her Lord Husband had not been so quick to joy.
And of the two, it was Lord Stark who had been proven right in his hesitancy.
Some time later, when her great-uncle, the Prince Daemon, and uncle Aemond slew each other over the Gods Eye, Munkun states in True Telling when her husband came to her with news of the bloody battle, she had remained quiet for but a moment before raising her cup and stating “I say well done!”.
It it unknown to which uncle she spoke of, if not both, as she did not seem to much care for her step-father Daemon.
Aemond had been a different story, as the two had been fond of one another as children.
Mushroom had postulated that Daemon was, perhaps, instead Prince Aemond’s true father, as he not only “shared” certain physical characteristics with him, but a lust for “an innocent young maid which shared his blood”, as well.
He’d taken the story a step further by claiming that the reason for Rhaenyra’s swift departure from the Red Keep that same night King Viserys passed, was due to finding the Prince and Princess abed with one another, and that her marriage to the Lord Cregan was to cover up the birth of yet one more “stain” upon an already troubled family—as the eager young northman would have been “none the wiser” if the babe’s hair was silver or brown, so long as his “supple young wife” was submissive and comely enough, as she did not seem to have a dragon’s disposition.
Elation did not last long, however, when her Queen mother was inevitably overthrown and last remaining brother through Ser Laenor Velaryon (or Ser Harwin Strong, if Mushroom’s Testimony is to be believed), Joffrey, died in the streets of King’s Landing.
The Princess it is said, gathered all her children to her and her Lord Husband’s bed that night, and held them close to her as she wept, Lord Cregan comforting her all the while.
And when her mother died by dragonfire, the Princess stared quietly at her Lord Husband before telling him, as she cried, that her “heart could take no more”, that if further deaths came to pass “she wished not to hear of it—not anymore”.
He had agreed easily, having such disdain for seeing her in such poor spirits yet once more, and in such short a time since the last occurrence.
Motherhood, Orwyle wrote, seemed to be of the best role to suit her. And so, when Lord Cregan marched off to war, mother she became, to the whole of the North.
As is known, Lord Cregan’s further contributions to the Dance did not manifest until 131 AC, when he gathered an army of anywhere between eight-thousand (per Mukun’s True Telling) to twenty-thousand men (per Eustace) to march on King’s Landing after the regicide of King Aegon II, to force what Greens remained to the sword.
In his absence, his wife, Princess Y/N, took up the torch in leading what was now their people, even despite being heavily pregnant with their fourth child (meaning she would have already been carrying before her Lord Husband set off to the South, so Mushroom’s bawdy tales are no more than “folly”, so wrote Munkun in True Telling).
There was no time left for grieving and tears as she took over her Lord Husband’s responsibilities in his absence.
It was when Princess Y/N overheard Lord Cregan’s advisors in the hall, questioning who would see to the appointments which the men he had taken with him left to be filled that she emerged from her chambers (according to Mushroom “dressed in no more than furs”) and told them shortly “I will.”, and that “I am your Lady and acting in my husband’s stead, and will be treated with the same respects you afforded him. Elsewise, your positions, too, will need be sought to.”.
Munkun thus disagrees with Mushroom’s characterizing the young Princess as being timid and “submissive” to the whims of her (“overbearing”, per Eustace) husband. And instead as much a statesman as he when the time finally called for such attitudes.
After nearly a year apart, when her Lord Husband returned to her, after much bloodshed and “heedless violence”, as Eustace referred to the executions which took place in the capitol as Lord Cregan saw to the last remaining Greens, it was to the new son she had bore him and the Princess “running into his arms, and pleading with him to take her there in the yard, for she could not stand to be without him a moment longer”, Mushroom recounts in Testimony.
Munkun tells us, however, that as much is for certain as this: Lord Cregan and his Lady Wife spent their remaining days side-by-side, surrounded by their children and grandchildren, content as they had wondered if they would one day be.
The Princess passed peacefully in her sleep during an undetermined year, and Lord Cregan followed shortly after.  His heir, Rickon, had, without second-thought, honored his Lord father’s wishes to have them each entombed in the crypts of Winterfell, in the manner Lord Cregan had specified: “The two of us shall be in death as we were in life—ever-together. Place us by one another’s sides, for I shall not rest, if we are parted, as she was my peace.”.
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eman-cosplay · 6 months
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More my eustass kid cosplay <3 yes i love it
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