#Euronics Darts League
Euronics Darts League - 2nd Half Week 6 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/04/30/euronics-darts-league-2nd-half-week-6/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/04/30/euronics-darts-league-2nd-half-week-6/
Euronics Darts League - 2nd Half Week 6
Pint Depot Queen’s v Chemies Chicks The Queens & The Chicks enjoyed an evening of great darts this week. There is a saying "Pint For The Chalker" when both teams have the same score remaining.....if this was the case, the chalkers would have been rather tipsy. The scores reflected how well matched the 2 teams were. Several times the players also ended up in the Madhouse with the "all darts count" rule. The trebles saw Debbie (85) D1 and Cheryl (79) D2 taking the lead for the Queens. Vi´s 99 beat Susan´s 95 in the third treble and Susan went on to get D3. In the doubles Andrea (108,116) and Kerry (67) brought the numbers down for the Chicks, but Ali (83) and Debbie (82) who had the throw first took out D1.  Cheryl & Vi took on Michelle and Henni ... Henni (112) had been frustrated with herself in an earlier game so it was time for her to be proud of her darts in this match. With 72 left on the board, she hit T19, 3, D6. Rachel & Maggie played a steady game but Susan (81,95) was on fire and took D2 to make it 3 - 3 at the break. Captain Lorraine (62,85) took on Kerry who took the first point D6.  Marie (62, 73, 95) hit D1 against Andrea (64, 72).  Lyn (73) hit D3 against Michelle.  Rachel (61) & Henni (67) spent a while chasing D1, Rachel took that point.  Vi played a steady game but Winnie (84) took D3.  The final game saw Debbie take on Susan.  Queen Deb (60, 71, 90) left herself 32 and tried to keep it even, Susan (80, 91) unfortunately left herself 15 and was chasing for an odd number, Deb hit D4 to give the Queens the win. Amazing meatballs by Marie must be mentioned, thanks to The Chicks for a great night. Trinity Rioja Panthers v Pint Depot Jesters Both teams played very well with some high scores.  Michelle from the Panthers had the highest score of the night 138 and was named Man of the Match.  Peter for Pint Depot Jesters had the highest scores, and won three games, also named Man of the Match. A very good night, lots of fun and laughter with a 6 - 6 draw as the final result. [caption id="attachment_30591" align="aligncenter" width="2231"] League Table 2nd Half Week 6[/caption]
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406ink-blog · 7 years
Time Stands Still Ch. 6: The Lion in Winter (also on Ao3)
Summary:  Jon and Daenerys finally make it to the small council meeting and Jon reveals to everyone that Jaime Lannister has arrived in Winterfell. Bran has had visions of Jaime's past in order to ascertain where his loyalties lie. Jaime antagonizes Jon at the small council meeting, Daenerys disarms the situation. Jaime swears an oath of fealty.
The members of the small council had already gathered by the time Jon and Daenerys arrived, along with several other of their trusted advisors.  It’s grown into a rather large council, Jon reflected.  They went immediately to their seats at the head table.  Jon turned to one of his household guards and told him to fetch the Kingslayer.  “My lords,” Jon said, and everyone hushed, “as I’m sure you’ve all heard, Jaime Lannister arrived early this morning from the south.  He has informed me that his sister Cersei intends to break faith with our armistice.  Rather than sending her armies north with Ser Jaime, she has instead sent for the Golden Company in Essos.  While we wage war on the Night King and his army in the north, Cersei, with the help of Euron Greyjoy and the Golden Company, intends to come against us from the south.”  Everyone broke out into discussion all at once.  Jon pounded a leather gloved fist on the table, and everyone settled down.  “We have two matters before us – what is to be done to defend the north, the realm, on two battle fronts, and what is to be done with Ser Jaime Lannister.”
“Take the dragons south and burn the bitch,” rasped the Hound.  “And feed that cunt brother of hers to the big black one.”
“My lords, my brother has risked his very life to flee the capital and bring us this news.  Had he not done so, we would have no idea what Cersei had planned.  We should consider ourselves in his debt,” Tyrion drawled in his lackadaisical manner.
Yohn Royce spoke up, looking down at Tyrion in disdain, “You cannot trust one Lannister, let alone two.  They are likely in league together.  Your grace,” he looked at Jon directly, “I suggest they both be put under guard in a black cell.”
The room erupted into shouts for-and-against Yohn Royce’s suggestion.  Tyrion looked horrified, his mismatched eyes darting to-and-fro, as though he were looking for a champion in the event this came to a trial by combat situation.  Lord Royce took notice and sneered, “No sell swords here to save you this time Imp.”
“No one is being taken as prisoner, Lord Royce.  For the time being, Jaime Lannister is our guest.  We will ask him to surrender his weapons and he will be free to move about the castle,” Jon ground out in a clipped tone.  He needed to regain control, but his statement just caused the voices to raise an octave higher.
He’s beginning to lose his temper, thought Daenerys, watching the delightful twitch of his jaw muscles. She’d seen a similar twitch before - her brother Viserys’ jaw used to do that.  It had been a warning sign that the dragon was about to wake.  He is more Targaryen than he knows.
“Enough!” Jon roared.  All eyes on the king, everyone stopped talking at once.  The silence was palpable.  The hall suddenly looked very much like Winterfell’s crypt with everyone frozen in place.  Jon took a breath - his nostrils flaring, his shoulders hunched, eyes nearly black – he cut an imposing figure, looking larger somehow than his 5’8”.  Daenerys felt a rush of moisture between her legs at the power and rage he was emanating.  He spoke: “I am the King you chose.  Daenerys is your Queen.  Our decision is final. The Kingslayer is our guest, not our prisoner.  He has a role to play in the wars to come.  Right now I have no reason to mistrust his information or his motives.”
Jon glanced at Bran before continuing, an unspoken agreement passing between them.  A few days earlier, knowing Jaime would be coming north with the Lannister forces, Jon had asked Bran to find out what he could about the Kingslayer, if there were any potential concerns they should be aware of.  Bran had seen it all – Jamie being knighted at Harrenhal by Ser Arthur Dayne, his betrayal of King Aerys, Jaime pushing Bran from the tower out of ‘love’ for his sister Cersei, the fact that the three golden-haired Baratheon children were in actuality Jaime’s get, the vow sworn to Catelyn Stark that he would return her daughters to her, the loss of his hand, his recue of Lady Brienne, his honest intention to bring the Lannister armies north to fight the army of the dead, and the betrayal of Cersei that led to his imminent arrival at Winterfell.  Bran, for his part, had told Jon that everything that happened had been meant to be – including his fall from the tower, and that the ink was dry on the pages of the past.  Jaime Lannister had a role to play in the wars to come, he’d told Jon.  They knew the truth, and it would stay between them – for now.
“Tyrion Lannister is the Hand of the Queen,” Jon continued.  “His is a position that deserves respect and you will treat him as such.  No one is going into a black cell.  If the Kingslayer – or anyone – betrays us, I will pass the sentence and I will swing the sword.”
At that moment, the large wooden doors swung open, sending a “thud” echoing through the cavernous hall.  Ser Jaime Lannister strode in, clad in a cut crimson leather jacket and black leather riding pants. Gone was the golden armor adorned with the Lion of Lannister, but he still had the look of a demigod.  The thick oak doors closed behind him with another loud “thud.”
Jaime walked up the center aisle between the empty trestle tables, each booted step echoing on the polished stone floor.  He stopped before the high table where the King and Queen were seated with their council.  He regarded them both with dangerous cat-like green eyes.  “I’ve just come from your sister, Sansa, Your Highness,” he said to Jon in his usual sardonic tone, adding a sweeping bow at the end.  “The hospitality of Winterfell is truly unsurpassed.” He saw the rage boiling in Jon Snow’s eyes, just below the surface.  Feeling more himself, his lips twisted in a gratified smile.
Jon began, “You dare …” but Daenerys, placed a hand on his arm and turned to look in his eyes.  The look lasted only a second, but Jaime saw something unspoken pass between them.  It only confirmed Jaime’s suspicions – suspicions Jon had aroused at the Dragon Pit when he announced he had pledged himself to Daenerys Targaryen.  The time had come for Jaime to do the same, he knew.  No time like the present, he decided and dropped to one knee; he drew his sword, now singularly focused on Daenerys as he swore, “I am yours, Your Grace.  I will shield your back against every creature, living or dead, and give my life for yours if it comes to that.  I will defend your right to the Iron Throne and all the lands of your father.  I pledge you my sword, from this day until my last day.  I swear it, by the old gods and the new.”
Jon had expected as much from the Kingslayer – arrogance and an oath of fealty to his queen, but it did nothing to quell the thinly veiled fury roiling through his veins at the insinuation he’d been with Sansa only moments before.  He looked around and noticed for the first time that Sansa was indeed absent.   The only thing keeping him from seizing Jaime Lannister by the lapels and beating him bloody was Daenerys’ hand on his arm.
“Thank you for your loyalty Ser Jaime,” Daenerys said.  “Before I accept your oath of fealty, I would ask you a question:  It is my understanding you served my father as kingsguard, and that you also took his life?”  She paused, and felt Jon’s muscle tense beneath her fingers.
A brief look of concern flashed across Jaime’s face, unsure where she was going with her line of questioning.  “Yes, Your Grace, you are correct on both counts,” he answered.  There was no hint of conscience or regret in his words.  She could respect his honesty.
“My father was an evil man, Ser Jaime.  You did the realm a service when you drove your sword through his back, by putting down a mad dog.  The question is, are you willing to do it again if need be, if called upon by your queen to do so?”
She was referring to Cersei, he thought.  His twin sister, the mother of his children.  Would he be willing to put her down as he had put down mad King Aerys?  Unbidden, his vows flashed through his mind once more.  He thought of duty, honor, and loyalty to his family and what it had cost him.  He looked up, saw Brienne standing behind the queen, her face an unreadable mask.  Her eyes flicked to his, then straight ahead once again. Fuck loyalty, he heard her say in his mind.  “Your Grace, no matter what you ask of me, I will answer the call.  I will answer with fire and blood.”
Adding the Targaryen words was a nice twist, Jon had to admit.  Unfortunate that Jaime didn’t know Jon was also part Targaryen.  They were his words as well now.
Jaime now chanced a glance at young Brandon Stark, sitting to the left Jon Snow in a wheelchair.  He’s obviously a cripple, but in truth, it’s a miracle he survived, Jaime thought.  He had been certain Brandon Stark would’ve revealed him as the man responsible for his fall from the tower, but it seemed this particular bit of information would not be forthcoming.  Jamie considered that perhaps the boy didn’t remember what had occurred.
“Then rise Ser Jaime,” she said, “and take your rightful place by our side.  Under the direction of the King in the North, you will command our armies.  I would name you Master of War."
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Euronics Darts Results Thursday 5th April. has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/04/08/euronics-darts-results-thursday-5th-april/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/04/08/euronics-darts-results-thursday-5th-april/
Euronics Darts Results Thursday 5th April.
Ladies Singles Competition Results: - Semi-finalists: Hennie Oortwijn (Hen’s Teeth), Debbie Wright (Pint Depot Queens) Runner up: Pat Schofield (Junction Jaguars) Winner: Michelle ‘Mummy’ Lane (Porter House Bees) Quarter Finals: A hard match started us off with Patty Poo Schofield (last year’s champ) facing the winner from the previous season, Yvonne Rouffignac.  Brilliant darts from both ladies showed why they had both held the title in previous years. Pat’s lowest score before her two-dart out (S8-D4) was 53! She meant business and threw 68, 60, 66, 70, 81, 84, 66 in the first leg whilst Yvonne held up her own with 60, 66, 60.  In the 2nd leg, both ladies were scoring well again, Roofie with 85, 60, 75, 62 but Pat just edged it again with 90, 70, 140 and checked out on D11.  It was all over in a flash! Up next was Jaguar Simone (81) verses Hen’s Teeth Henni.  Henni scored well (88, 81,91 -D3) to give her a 1 leg advantage and then took the 2nd leg 89, 57, 59 D4 to Simone’s 114, 73. Then it was the turn of their royal highnesses Queen Debbie Wright v Marie Cummins, unlucky to get drawn against each other, even though it assured that a Queen would reach the semi’s.  Debbie took the first leg 78, 77, 64 and D7 with Marie countering with a score of 98.  Marie opened the 2nd leg with a massive score of 140 and went on to win it on D2.  In the decider leg, she scored 66, 81 but QD had an answer to that with 74, 60, 77, 70 and D10. The final game of the quarters was between Sonya Cooper and Michelle Lane.  Again great scoring from both ladies Sonya;- 60 x2, 81, 100 in the 1st leg and a 75 in the second and Michelle popping in 82, 73, 60 D9 then 85, 121 D1 to secure her place in the Semi’s. Semi-finals:  Patty Poo showed cool, calm determination all the way through her match against Henni.  She won the first leg with 66, 85 x2, D2 but then lost the 2nd to Henni who clocked up 85, 67 and D20 out.  No great scoring in the third leg but a truly awesome finish from Poo T20-D18 took her ahead of her opponent again.  In the final leg of the match, Henni scored an impressive 119 but Poo just kept on finding the treble 20 (78, 100, 73) and finished on D7 to see her through to the finals. Debbie and Michelle both deserved to get through to the finals but obviously there could only be one winner.  They were both on form, Debbie with scores of 65 x2, 98 in the first leg and 95, 124, 71 in the second and Mummy Lane’s 64, 60, D12 took leg one.  She scored 81, 96, 70 and a two-darter S16-D20 to give her the 2nd and 87, 100, D5 to see her into the finals. Finals: It looked to be going Pat’s way when she won the first leg 81, 66 D1 but Shellie Lane wasn’t rolling over to let her take the next.  With darts flying left, right and centre at the speed of a Gatling gun, she took leg two, 58, 62, 94 D4. A pair of 71’s and D12 got her the 3rd leg to Pat’s 85, 83.  Starting to get a little rattle, Pat rallied with 140, 85 in leg 4 but Michelle was unstoppable now with 65, 60, 81, 90, 105 and D3.  Tasting victory, Michelle won the last leg and the tournament in fine style with 85, 70, 100, D5 despite a trio of 80+’s from the Poomeister. Thank you to all the volunteer chalkers and to the Tavern for the scrummy chilly, rice and chips for the players and a good turn-out of supporters from all the players’ teams. Men’s Singles Competition Results: Semi-finalists:- Lee Maiden (Junction Jackals); John Lane (Porter House Bees) Runner up: - John Eyre (Hub Hyenas) Winner: Graham Solomon (Tavern) [caption id="attachment_19660" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Men’s Singles winner, Graham Solomons and Runner-up, John Eyre[/caption] This week saw the 2018 men’s singles competition take place at Chemie’s Lounge in Villamartin - a great venue much appreciated by players and spectators alike. Unfortunately, only 5 of the qualifiers were available on the night and perhaps the league needs to think of a way of making up the numbers in such circumstances. The competition was as fierce as ever with some good, steady scoring and some outstanding finishing. John Eyre (The Hub) and Chris Montes (las Rosas) were first to the oche in a preliminary play off to reduce the numbers to 4 semi-finalists. John won without really engaging top gear although his finishing was spot on. Chris had a couple of chances but just couldn’t take them So we were quickly on to the first of the semis – best of five, 501 legs - where Lee maiden (The Junction) faced reigning champ Graham Solomon (The Tavern). The match got off to a good start with Graham posting a 140 and Lee hitting some steady 60’s and 80’s. However, it was Graham’s finishing that took him into a 2 – 0. Lee needed to hit back and hit back he did in spectacular fashion. An early 123 took him into the lead and a little later with 182 to score he only needed 4 darts to finish – T20, T20, T10 for 150 and D16 next go. Unfortunately for Lee he couldn’t maintain that form and Graham took the fourth leg to progress to the final. In the other Semi, John Eyre took on John Lane (Porterhouse B’s). Again the scoring was not spectacular and John Eyre took a close first leg on double 1. The next two legs were notable mainly for two three dart finishes by John Eyre – leg 2 saw him hit T18 to leave 16, single 8 and D4 finished the job – in leg 3 he needed 111 – T20 ,19 , D16 – match over 3- 0. The final was best of 7 legs and John Eyre was quickly at it again – having taken the first leg with D20 he then posted a 140 and polished off 68 – 20, 16, D16 – leaving Graham a bit shell shocked.  The man from the Tavern wasn’t fazed and proceeded to take the next two legs with some solid play. So we were nicely poised and all to play for. Leg 5 got off to a good start for Graham with a 140 that took him into the lead but John was having none of it – he produced yet another 3 dart finish – 114 this time – 20, T18, D20. Two legs left and Graham need them both – John only 1.  Neither player seemed to be able to up his game for the final push although John hit 125 and 140 to keep the pressure on. Both of them had several chances at a double in what was a nervy ending but It was Graham who took both legs to retain his title.                                                          Report by Phil de Lacy   Team KO Competition Draws for semi-final matches on 19th April: Team KO Cup:                                                                   Auxiliary KO Cup: Jackals v Hub Hyenas playing at Angels bar         Las Rosas v Hen’s Teeth playing at El Capitan El Capitan v Wee Rockers playing at Las Rosas    PD Queens v Porters playing at Amigos Bar   Presentation Night: The presentation night will be at Las Ramblas Golf Club on Thursday 17th May.  Captains will have been sent a reservation form for their team and guests.  Same format as last year with blind team KO competition, raffle, buffet, DJ and of course, presentation of the trophies!  
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Euronics Darts: Mixed Pairs competition highlights! has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/12/30/euronics-darts-mixed-pairs-competition-highlights/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/12/30/euronics-darts-mixed-pairs-competition-highlights/
Euronics Darts: Mixed Pairs competition highlights!
The Mixed Pairs competition was a resounding success thanks to the efforts of Linda and Stavros and the staff of Georgiou’s who made us very welcome and accommodated our every need on the night.  [caption id="attachment_16549" align="aligncenter" width="1491"] Main sponsor Paul Lock[/caption] Paul Lock was the main sponsor of the event and awarded the prizes for the winners (25 eu each); Runners up (15 eu each) and semi-finalists (10 eu each).  He also donated and presented the prize for the highest score for the chaps. A huge thanks too to Hugh Galloway, our man on the ground, who put up all the dartboards, scoreboards and lighting.  The committee also put a lot of time and effort into making this first time event an enjoyable evening, including decorating the boards, draw sheets, tables and buying or donating prizes for the raffle, best costume and highest score for the ladies. [caption id="attachment_16554" align="alignleft" width="307"] Stavros judged Sonya the Snowman winner of the best costume.[/caption] We even made the mistletoe from oleander and pearls because you just can’t get it here in Spain (I’m still picking glue off my fingers now!).  Although a little hectic, the event was well-managed on the night with a total of 31 pairs participating which included 4 single chaps who paired up with the first ladies to lose on each of the 4 boards.  Winners:  Jo and Andy Rutter (The Junction) Andy also achieved the highest score for the men with several 140’s and his lovely wife Jo won top prize in the raffle – a great night for the Rutters! No doubt he would also have won Man of the Match had that honour have been up for grabs too! We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and New Year with friends and family but our heartfelt sympathies go out to those we said farewell to in 2017 which include Tom from the Porter House and also to Mark Filer, the gentle, jolly giant who played for El Capitan in our league but was also a player for Busters and several other teams over the years. Mark sadly passed away this Christmas in his Welsh homeland.  Our thoughts are with his partner Shirley Roberts and all of those who knew him and had the privilege of sharing a game with him.  R.I.P Mark.
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Euronics Darts Report Thursday 2nd November has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/11/04/euronics-darts-report-thursday-2nd-november/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/11/04/euronics-darts-report-thursday-2nd-november/
Euronics Darts Report Thursday 2nd November
180’s John Walker (El Capitan); Joe Miller (Hub Hyenas); Harvey Lane (Porter House Bees).
Euronics results
Hub Hyenas v Porter House Bees (9-3) (same result as last season)
A great match saw Bees’ captain Eddie Hirst lead off with a 125 but Bob Townsend counter attacked with a 140 and Doc McCawley checked out on D2 for the first of three triples wins for the Hyenas. John Williams (81, 85), Joe Miller (80) and Cyzzle ‘lifeboat’ Harrison’s D4 made light work of the second threesomes. Durrant (81), Townsend (80) and the mighty Miller pulled out a 140, 80 and D1 for the third even though Hirst fished out another 125 from the bag and Harvey Lane added in a 115 to bring them into contention.
On to the pairs and the Bees got their first victory courtesy of Harvey on D9. Hub Captain Williams, clearly still sober at this point, dished out 81, 85, D8 to bring them to 4-1 and then Mummy Lane did her best with an 85 but Mighty Miller topped that with 100 and a D7 out to bring the score to 5-1 before commencement of the head to heads.  I’m not sure what tasty morsels were dished-up at half time but ‘by ‘eck Ethel’, it did the trick!
Mummy Lane thought she had a glimmer when she scored 100 but Might Miller clocked up his first 180 of the season and finished on D10.  Harvey Lane then came to the rescue having seen Mum succumb in the last leg and produced a spectacular 180 of his own, an 81 and D1 to finish against Capt Willams.
Doc Del McCawley, wanting a piece of this scoring action popped in 100, 98, 81 (S15-D16) against Mel P’s 2×121.  The 3rd leg for the Bees came next, courtesy of Daddy Lane’s 95, D7 versus Paul Durrant 98.  Bob and Cyzzles took the last two singles in some close games although Bob wore out the T5 rather than the T20.  A night of close games, great scoring and two more 180’s.
Angels v Misfits 9-3
Mr Waller was at it again this week and has now been awarded the nickname ‘lipstick’ I know not why?  He scored 140, 100 in the first triples and finished on D6 and then in his singles against Dickimus Maximus he show-boated with a 120, 100 and bull finish to earn him MOTM.  Kane Hickman should also have been in with a shout for that title when he scored 174 in his pairs but Paul Lock put paid to that with D3.  Hickman got his revenge in the singles though beating Paul with a 120, D1.
Captain Sonya never lets her side down and won her singles but MOTM for the Misfits was awarded to Angie Chick with her D4 finish in the 3rd triples with Sonya and Leah against Waller, Gripwell and Hastings.
Junction Jaguars v Pint Depot Queens (6-6) (last season 8-4)
The Jags got their first point this week but were disappointed it wasn’t two. Kitted out in their new purple shirts they contrasted well with the pretty pink queens. 
There must have been something in their drinks though and not only did they miss their doubles all too often they also missed the table a few times when downing their tipples and play was stopped at least 3 times for the sweep and mop-up process. 
High scores and finishes for the Jags: de Lacy (129, 125, 95/ D15, D5); Wendy Woo (95,115); Pat 90, D13; Hilda 90, D8; Lesley Eagles D4, D2; Liz Cowan 90. MOTM Liz (Jaguars) Vi Turner (PD Queens)
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EURONICS DARTS RESULTS 4TH MAY BY SIMONE DE LACY has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/05/06/euronics-darts-results-4th-may-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/05/06/euronics-darts-results-4th-may-simone-de-lacy/
Finals Team Knock Out Cup: Junction Jackals v El Capitan
Well we couldn’t separate these two leviathans last week when they finished joint 2nd place in the league but in the final match of the season, there could only be one winner of the Team KO competition.  
Last season El Capitan won the title but this year, Phil de Lacy and his merry men of the Junction Jackals deservedly won the cup.  The El Galan boys won the toss and had first throw but El Capitan’s Aroldas Klimonis’ first darts were a cool 140 and then team mate Jim Waddell closed the first triples on D4.  El Cap took the 2nd triples with Ed Klimonis checking out S16-D8.  With Jackals’ hackles raised the tasty triplet of Lee Maiden, Andy Rutter and Alex Nikolov (S9-S18-D18) pulled one back.
Bolstered by his win, captain de Lacy played Alex first out in the pairs against Aroldas and David Rotella. The El Cap lads scored 100 apiece but the Jackals scored 122 and 121 and de Lacy finished with a flurry- S10-S20-D20 evening the score line up nicely. Maiden and Rutter succumbed to Rotella and Bettel’s 100 and D12 out in the 2nd pairs. In the last game before num-nums ‘super Nige’ scored 134- (perhaps because his sandals had parted friendship with his socks for the night)-and Junction landlord Andy Gildea sunk his first dart in for D20 to make the half time score 3 all. 
After a tasty and slightly spicy portion of cottage pie, Aroldas could not do enough to stop Lee Maiden who scored a 140 and then a two dart finish on S17-D20.  Andy Rutter was 300 ahead of opponent Mel Bettel in his singles but eventually he hit D5 with a sigh of relief.  The third singles also went the way of the Jackals when the mad Bulgarian chalked up 100, 125 and D20 against Daddy Klimonis. 
So the jackals were now 6-3 up and only needing one more leg from the last 3.  Sockless Nige did his level best against captain Den Hall but the latter checked out on D16 to give El Cap a glimmer of hope.  This glimmer soon faded when old adversaries de Lacy and Rotella met in the next game.  Phil, equipped with his new darts, scored 92, 100 and took himself ahead of Rotella and could have left him high and dry had his first shot at the finish hit home.  It didn’t, but further whittling got him down to D4 which he picked off to make it a 7-4 win for the Jackals.
In all their excitement, they forgot to thank Paul Birtwistle and the Tavern for hosting the event, so on their behalf, thank you very much and also a thank you Debbie Wright and Simone who chalked the first game and kept all the scores and finally for the support from other teams Massey’s, Hyenas and co who came to watch.
Finals Auxiliary Team Knock Out Cup: Ale House v Porter House Bees
Well the Ale House got off to a flying start courtesy of Andre Wing, Karl Mallinson and Del Lister’s D5 check-out against Tim Goodacre, Handsome Harvey Lane and Gilly Kirby.  The tasty triplet of Havelock, Gray and Leaver (D20) saw off Graham Parker and Mr and Mrs Lane in the 2nd triples and then Havelock, Wing and Mallinson’s very impressive T20-S20-D16 (112) out-shot got them the 3rd. 
The Jubilant Jackals back at the Junction
Mallinson and Wing’s D4 got them 4 in a row by the end of the first pairs stinging the Bees into action. Gilly and John Lane’s S19-D4 opened the account for the Bees and then King Bee Parker got a 180 before checking out on S10-D16 for leg no. 2 with Michelle.  So into the singles with a score line of 4 – 2 to the Ale House the Bees started to even things up with Tim (D1) and Graham (D1) taking the first two legs.  Ale House’s Leaver then took one back with an impressive S18-D20-D18 (94) 3-darter only to have Bees’ Hirst square it up again (T13-D3). 
Queen Bee Michelle added to the damage with her D8 out to take the Bees up to 6 legs, just needing the 7th for the win in the last of the singles.  Captain Mallinson wasn’t having any of that and his D15-D6 made it a tie at the end of the usual league format.  So, as in qualifying before, the Bees needed to win the 13th Golden game of 6- players in the 13th leg of 1001.   
A great effort from both teams in this decider but the victory went to the Bees when John Lane sealed the deal with S16-S16-D8.  Big thanks to Terry Kirby who chalked a lot of the games and to the Hen’s Teeth for putting on a lovely spread and hosting the match.  It’s all over for this season now (TFFT) save for the Presentation Night next week. 
With 160 players and guests attending it should be one hell of a night, including the Blind Team KO comp, oodles of trophies to be awarded and raffle prizes to be won before dancing away into the early hours!  See you all there x
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EURONICS DARTS RESULTS THURSDAY 20TH APRIL BY SIMONE DE LACY has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/04/24/euronics-darts-results-thursday-20th-april-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/04/24/euronics-darts-results-thursday-20th-april-simone-de-lacy/
TEAM KO CUP Semi Finals:
Junction Jackals v Masseys 7-4
Phil’s playing golf, again, I think the result sheet is still in his car!
 El Capitan v Hen’s Teeth Coqs 7-5
No results sheet sent in
The Finals of the TEAM KO Cup will be Junction Jackals V El Capitan to be held at The Tavern on Thursday 4th May. Committee members Simone and Debbie will be officiating.
Auxiliary TEAM KO CUP Semi-Finals (1st Round losers cup)
Porters v Porter House Bees 6-7
What a close game it was at the Porter House.  Jeff Ward’s trio took the first trebles but the Bees Tim Goodacre, Gilly Kirby and John Lane’s bull finish evened it up. So the Porters tried again with Jeff, Tufty and Ray Hayes who checked out on D2.  But the bees kept a’comin’ and Michelle Lane and Graham Parker’s (D9) took the first doubles. The Porters took the next two: Hayes (S20-D20) and Tufty (D10) to see them 4-2 at half time. 
Fortified no doubt by those signature little sausages, the Bees came back in the singles with dastardly drones Goodacre (S14-D20) and Parker (D2) to level it up again. Porter Tufty then hit D8 but Dad and son Lane (D15 and D16) put the Bees in the lead at the 11th Leg.  Porter Todd temporarily saved the day bringing it to 6 -6 which then required the 13th golden leg decider of 6 player teams chipping away at 1001. 
Well it was Graham Parker of the Bees- this year’s men’s singles champion- who stole the 7th leg and sees the Bees through to the finals of the Auxiliary Team KO cup on 4th May. 
And who said that bees are dying out…although Harvey may now be a ‘zom’bee!
Las Rosas v Ale House 4-7
Photo of results sheet sent in but too blurry to read, sorry.
The finals of the Auxiliary TEAM KO cup between Porter House Bees and Ale House will be held at The Hen’s Teeth on Thursday 4th May, Chairman Alan Nash will be officiating.
League Match Game: Tavern Oldies v Junction Jaguars 5-7
The Tavern Oldies and the Jaguars played their last league game of the season a week early as a lot of the jags are away next week.  T’was a great night and an important match for the two teams who were both vying to finish as runners up of Division B (Evolution were too far ahead to catch). 
It was a close game with some cracking scores from both teams – MOTM Graham Solomon (140), MOTM Sharon Marshall (140) but in the end it was the Jaguars that fought just that little bit harder and, probably against the odds, got the win.  The rest of the league will play their final games next Thursday but this will not affect the 2nd place position. 
Well done to the Jaguars, an all-ladies team that can give the men a run for their money!  A special thanks too to Captain Patty Poo Schofield who led her team to victory despite some fractious times over the season, you can rest now Poo, your work here is done!
Final League game next week:  Runners Up of Division A still to be decided.  Will it be last year’s winners El Capitan or Team KO cup finalists and current 2nd place holders, the Jackals?! Watch this space…
Presentation Night: Thursday 11th May
The presentation night will be held at Las Ramblas Golf Club on Thursday 11th May, 7pm for 7:30pm.  There will be a Spanish style hot buffet followed by presentations and then entertainment until 1am There will be a raffle and we will also try and rig up two darts boards on stands for the Blind Team KO competition, but can’t promise.  Looks like we will have around 150 at the party this year, WooHoo!
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EURONICS DARTS REPORT: MEN’S AND LADIES’ SINGLES FINALS BY SIMONE DE LACY has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/04/08/euronics-darts-report-mens-ladies-singles-finals-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/04/08/euronics-darts-report-mens-ladies-singles-finals-simone-de-lacy/
THE LADIES – All eight distinguished dartesses registered for entry at El Capitan, when they eventually found it!  Marie Cummins skidded in on her killer black stilettoes with not a minute to spare as did the ever lovely Leah Chesworth in her bespangled thongs.  The Hub’s blonde Bob-shells clicky-clacked down the wooden stairs in their Manolo Blahnik’s, Jimmy Choos and Christian Louboutin’s to give support for their very own Lesley Dolling and the Hen’s chicks surrounded their heroin, Casey, for a night that would turn out to be pitched against the four feisty felines from the Junction Jaguars. 
Brian (Gnasher) Nash and Peter (Tufty) Ayres from the Porters oversaw a fair draw and did all the chalking and score keeping for the night which made it easier for the ladies to just concentrate on their arrows.
Up first was Jaguar de Lacy (73, D11; 100, 92, S20-D10) against Hellraiser Dolling (96, 79) and the first of the jags were through to the Semi’s.  Next came Tracey Simpson (70, D20; 100, 95, D2) against racy Casey Shaddock (81, 100, 84) of the Hen’s Chicks. The semi’s now had two Jag’s involved.  The third game of the quarters saw Pint Depot Queen Marie Dunne (76, 95) face the diminutive but deadly Lesley Eagles (98, 70, D9; 00, 100, D18) and the latter slid into the 3rd spot for the semi’s which just left the last Jaguar Patty Poo Schofield (85, 82, D20; 80, 125, 76, D5) to defeat Misfit Leah Chesworth (77, 121) to make it a clean sweep for the gals from El Galan.
Well, it was going to be a Jaguar one way or another and de Lacy took the first leg (83, 95, D1) from Simpson (85, 125).  The latter was not about to roll over though and took the next leg on D1 and the final leg on her favourite D10 despite a valiant effort from de Lacy (83, 79, 100) who also got down to the finish.  Lelly Bear Eagles then faced team mate Captain Poo and took the first leg on D3.  But like Simpson, Patty Poo wanted victory and upped her game 80, 100, D20 and then 79, 78, D9 to see herself into the finals even though ‘Lelly Bear EAGLES!’ gave a good fight with 85, 94, 81, 97 and was also down to the finish, but was thwarted once more by that wretched D2!
When you get through to the finals you can expect some cracking darts and Simpson and Schofield didn’t disappoint even though there were only team mates de Lacy and Eagles to watch! Patty Poo took the first leg 100, 80, D1 even though Simpson was ahead and looking likely to snatch it.  Well 3 chewing gums, a fresh beer and some ear phones later and Simpson got down to business. 
She pounded the 20’s relentlessly with 80, 81, 100, 80 to set herself up on a D1 checkout in the 2nd leg versus Poo’s 70, 76, 76.  She was at it again in the 3rd leg too with 83, 80, D14 to Poo’s 70, 81.  But Poo’s patience and persistence paid off and she took leg 4 with D8 despite another two 80’s from a simpering Psycho.  With steam coming from her ears she couldn’t quite come to the boil before Poo took the 5th and final leg with D9.
Winner: Pat Schofield (Junction Jaguars), Runner up: Tracey Simpson (Junction Jaguars)
Semi-finalists: Simone de Lacy (Junction Jaguars), Lesley Eagles (Junction Jaguars)
THE MEN – All the chaps in the final eight met at the Hub for the show-down, this being a neutral venue for all, as surprisingly this year there were no Hyenas through to the last rounds. In a rowdy atmosphere that required nerves of steel and ear plugs, apparently, players from Massey’s, Tavern, Junction, Hen’s Teeth, El Capitan and Porter House Bees did their level best to earn the ultimate prize of the darts season: – the coveted Men’s Singles Trophy.
The first pairing was a clash of the Golden Grahams which saw Graham White of the Hen’s Coqs face Graham Parker of the PH Bees, who started at he meant to go on for the evening by hitting the bullseye to decide who threw first.  Well according to the score sheets it was the latter all the way, taking leg 1: 125, S19-D20 and then the 2nd with a 121, D10 send him buzzing into the Semi’s. 
Des Field checked out on the first leg T16-D16 and then D1 on the 2nd leg to put Phil de Lacy up the Junction. Local lad, Graham Solomon, from the bar next door but one, made El Capitan Ed Klimonis walk the plank with a 2-0 game which didn’t record any high scores, just finishes of D12 and D8. Finally, Mr Miller of Massey’s won the last pairing against El Cap’s David Rotella, with a fine check out in the 2nd leg of T17-D15 making it an early night for the boys from yonder.
Into the next round and Mr Parker did not drop a single leg against opponent Des Field in a best of 5 leg game.  In Leg 1 he checked out on 52 (20-16-D18) in leg 2 he had an amazing 103 finish of T19-S19-D18 and in leg 3 he scored a 121 and ended on D2.  Des also managed a 111 in the final leg but that was water of a ducks back to Point-Precise Parker.  But it was not all doom and gloom for the Massey’s lads as Craig Miller managed a 3-1 defeat of Graham Solomon of the Tavern. 
The later started off very well with 140, 120 and D2 and then scored a 121 in the 2nd but Miller’s fine finishing saw him claim the next 3 legs with S7-S18-D20 followed by S16-D16 in the next and then finally S20-D18 for the 3rd one to take him through to the finals
Well Parker was on fire as he loaded his exocets and hit home in the best of 7 finale.  Miller scored a 135 in the first leg but parker matched this with 123 and closed it down on D10.  In the 2nd of what was to be just 4 legs, he chalked up a 121 and a S17-D20 finish. In the third he pulled off another 103 signature finish- perhaps hence forth to be known as ‘The Parker’ ticking of the final 103 again with T19-10-D18. 
Hub host Simon Williams with Craig Miller (Runner Up) and Graham Parker (Winner)
In the final leg, both players scored a 140 but it was too late for a comeback for Miller when Graham parked his last two arrows in S1-D2 for the match. Very well played Mr Parker, who we shall ask to lead off the dancing on presentation night with Ladies Winner Patty Poo Schofield.  I expect they are already practicing their routine.
Winner: Graham Parker (PH Bees), Runner Up: Craig Miller (Massey’s)
Semi Finalists: Des Field (Massey’s), Graham Solomon (Tavern
A big thank you to all our volunteer chalkers, results-keepers and El Capitan and the Hub for hosting the competitions and making it a great night.
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EURONICS DARTS LEAGUE RESULTS BY SIMONE DE LACY has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/02/18/euronics-darts-league-results-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/02/18/euronics-darts-league-results-simone-de-lacy/
Well, the first half of the season is over and the 16 teams have now become two divisions of 8.  All teams will retain their match points from the first half but their leg points drop back to zero.  The Hub finished in top spot with a mighty 29 points out of a possible 30 but they have some close contenders and have to play all the top 7 teams to see if they can maintain that lead.  Meanwhile in Division B, Evo’s or the Tavern Oldies are looking favourite to win the shield this year but don’t rule out all the ladies’ teams putting up a fight!
Division A
Hub Hyenas 29
El Capitan 26
Massey’s 26
Junction Jackals 26
Porter House 21
Porter House Bees 19
Las Rosas 18
Ale House 16
Division B
Evolution             14
Tavern Oldies    11
Junction Jaguars               9
Hen’s Teeth Coqs             7
Sporting Life Misfits        6
Pint Depot Queens         5
Hub Hellraisers  4
Hen’s Teeth Chicks          3
Team Knock-Out 2nd Round: Results
PB’s, Los Dolces – Junction Jackals 7-3 Tavern Oldies
Las Rosas, San Miguel – Hen’s Teeth Coqs 7-3 Sporting Life Misfits
The Junction, El Galan – Massey’s 7-4 Evolution 4
The Ale House, Plaza – Capitan 7-5 Hub Hyenas 5
Auxillary Cup results:
Massey’s – Hen’s Teeth Chicks 0-7 (12) Las Rosas
Porter House – Hub Hellraisers 0-7 (12) Ale House 7
The Tavern – Porter House 7-1 Junction Jaguars
 Pint Depot – Porter House 7-1 Junction Jaguars
All the teams played away last night at neutral venues.  There was some controversy about how the draw should be done but the rules stipulate that the captains choose their players in the order they wish to play them and then turn over the cards to see who is playing who.
At the Pint Depot, the Porters made light work of seeing off the Jaguars scoring several 140’s along the way.  Only the hardy trio of Tracey Simpson (D10), Sharon Marshall and Simone de Lacy could do anything against the onslaught but to be fair nearly all the ladies got down to the finish against the lime green lovelies from the Rioja Centre.
The Jackals dealt with the Tavern and star man Rutter checked out on 133 in the first game.  The Tavern put up some good resistance lead by Graham Solomon and the match was quite close in the early stages. 
There was trouble brewing at the Ale House with a clash of the titans that was the Hub Hyenas versus El Capitan.  A misunderstanding of the rules saw tempers fray and marred what should have been a Great match.  The rules state how the draw should be done:-
H) At the beginning of each category [trebles, doubles, singles], the home team captain shall select their players and determine their playing order using the registration cards, placing them face down. The away captain shall repeat the process.
The Hellraisers had a hell of a time playing the Ale House lads, so much so that they decided to play The whole 12 games even after they lost 7-0!  The girls nearly always got down to the finish but just couldn’t nail it and Karl and his lads romped away with all the points. The Cheeky Hen’s Chicks also forgot about the first to 7 rule and took a 12-0 drubbing from Las Rosas!  Their counter parts the Hen’s Coqs were more fortunate though and saw of the Misfits 7-3.
The fixtures for the second half of the season have been completed and emailed to the captains, along with the dates for the next round of the Team KO’s and other competitions.  The committee will notify the captains of when and where the draw for the next round of the KO will take place so it can be witnessed by all, Again the matches will take place at neutral venues. 
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EURONICS DART RESULTS THURSDAY 12TH JANUARY BY SIMONE DE LACY has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/01/15/euronics-dart-results-thursday-12th-january-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/01/15/euronics-dart-results-thursday-12th-january-simone-de-lacy/
This week sees a change at the top of the leader board with the Jackals making it to the top spot after their win over the Hen’s Teeth Coqs.  The Hub only managed a draw against the Porters but they still have a game in hand as have Massey’s, so the Jackals spot at top will be short-lived, whatever the outcome. Meanwhile, the PD Queens were delighted to secure their first win of the season in a hard and long fought battle with the Hellraisers!
Featured Match: El Capitan v Tavern Oldies
Unfortunately, the Tavern Oldies could only come with 5 players and El Capitan were under strength due to illness and were lacking their hot-shots John Walker and Mark Filer.
1st Triples went to El Capitan Jim Storey, Aroldas and David vs Paul, Stuart and Graham. With Jim S scoring 100 and Aroldas with 140 and an 80 (T16-D16) game shot.
2nd Triples: El Capitan went 2 up with Mel, Edmundas and Jim W beating Ian and Kevin with Ian hitting 100 and 95 for Tavern and Mel with D16 for game shot.
3rd Triples went to Tavern Oldies Paul, Stuart and Graham vs David, Den and Aroldas. With Ian hitting 156 for Tavern earning him MOTM for the Oldies.
The 1st pairs was Edmundas and Jim W vs Ian and Graham. The Tavern pair winning with scores of 140 and 74 game shot from Graham.
2nd Pairs went to El Capitan pair of Jim S and Mel vs Stuart and Kevin, with Jim S scoring 100 and Mel with 133 and 56 game shot.
3rd pairs went to El Capitan pair David and Aroldas against Paul of Tavern who played very well on his own.
1st singles went to El Capitan’s Edmundas with scores 133×2 and a 36 game shot vs Stuart.
2nd singles went to Tavern Oldies’ Graham with 100×2 and a 42 game shot vs David.
3rd singles went to El Capitan Jim W who beat Paul to make it 6-2.
4th single saw Aroldas vs Ian with Ian scoring 100,95 – Aroldas came out on top with 140 and a D16 game shot. 
5th singles was Mel Vs Kevin. Although Mel had a score of 133 he lost out to Kevin and the last singles saw Jim S vs Stuart with Jim hitting a 180 (MOTM for El Capitan) and 68 game shot to make final score 8-4 to the home side. Thanks to The Tavern Oldies for a good evening. 
Report by Aroldas Klimonis
El Capitan take on the Tavern Oldies
Men’s and Ladies Singles Competitions.
Although originally scheduled for next week, the completion has been put back until 2nd Feb.  All captains have been sent the registration form. The deadline for entry and fees to Euronics is Friday 20th January.  The draw will take place at the Junction on Wednesday 25th January should anyone want to come and observe. 
League Results and Tables
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Euronics Thursday Dart League - KO Cup Round One has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/10/28/euronics-thursday-dart-league-ko-cup-round-one/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/10/28/euronics-thursday-dart-league-ko-cup-round-one/
Euronics Thursday Dart League - KO Cup Round One
Angels Arrows 5 - 7 Ale House Pint Depot Jesters 7 - 5 Chemies Chicks Hub Hyenas 8 - 4 Chemies Loungers Patti’s Pirates 7 - 6 Las Rosas Bullies Hub Hellraisers 5 - 7 Fire Station GW Pint Depot Queens 1 - 11 El Capitan Patti’s Panthers 2 - 10 Junction Jackals Junction Jaguars 6 - 7 Fire Station BW
Junction Jaguars v Fire Station Black Watch A superb night of darts in one of the most closely fought matches ever.  Both teams were really on form as demonstrated by high scoring and quick finishing.  The Jaguars hit the ground running taking the first two triples, de Lacy 19-D20 and Lisa Ivill D6 but Firemen Baz, Tez, Les, Bez, Des, John and Paul weren't letting us get away with it and evened it up again, courtesy of Baz's 10-D20 and Paul's D5. The Jags took the next 2, de Lacy D19 and Ivill D7 to make it 4-2 at the halfway stage.  Our Hub host's pizza and 'pink' chips pick-me-up bolstered Baz who hit a 133 and another great finish 20-D16. Our Patty Poo smashed singles #2 scoring a 160 and checking out on D20. Dez had a superb game against our Lisa and it was all over in minutes then Les (132, D5) battered Simone and Paul pipped Liz to see them to 6 legs to our 5.  Our infamous anchor woman, Lelly Bear Eagles did her usual business and got us the all-important win for a draw.  The 13th golden game was tit for tat on the scores with Ivill chucking a 114 and de Lacy nabbing a 125 to see us down to a first dart at a finish.  Captain de Lacy missed it but Captain Les hit D2 on his 3rd dart to see Black Watch through to the next round.  Well done all, look forward to a rematch in 2nd half of the season perhaps?  MOTM: Pat Schofield (Junction Jaguars) and Les Adams (Fire Station Black Watch). Patti’s Panthers v Junction Jackals The highest score in the first triples was from the ‘Panthers Doc’ who scored 126.  It was a valiant effort from the Panthers but Hugh scoring 81 and Nigel finishing on D32 meant the first triples went to Junction Jackals.  The second triple showed great scoring from both sides with Panthers Steve scoring 85, 121 and Andy scoring 89, 100 but Lee stole the show finishing on 116 D2.  The third triples was evenly matched with Baz again finishing on D16 for the Jaguars.  Brilliant darts from the Jaguars with Graham scoring 100, 81, 87 and Andy scoring 98 and finishing on D10, putting the Jaguars well in the lead, and the Panthers on the back bench.  In the third doubles the panthers were in the lead for most of the way with Steve scoring 81 and Jaguars Nigel 98, but our ‘Doc’ getting D17 securing the first point for the Panthers.  Lee met his match when Christine’s won her match with a high score of 115 and finished with 10 D5.  Nigel and Dickie going head to head but Nigel finished with a double before Dickie out the end first.  Barry and Claire played the last game, both played well but Barry finished first with D4. MOTM: Andy (Jackals) and Christine (Panthers). Hub Hellraisers v Fire Station Green Watch Hellraisers Sue, Ali and Lesley took the first triples with D1 from Green Watch Margaret, Tracey and Viv. The second triples and Green Watch were a man down so was played by Ralph and Sue missing a third player throw, but this didn’t deter them, and Sue finished on D14 taking the score to 1-1. Hellraisers Jan, Sue and Lesley took the third triple with an impressive D2 from Sue. Hellraisers Lesley and Ali took the first doubles with D4, from Green Watch Viv and Sue.  The next double saw some high scores, Hellraisers Sue 93 and Cheryl 83, only to be pipped at the post by Green Watch Margaret 121 and Tracey D16 to win the game. The third double saw Green Watch yet again a player down so Ralph was all alone against Hellraisers Joy and Jan but again he came up trumps with 81 and D1 finish taking the half time score to 3-3. The first double and Green Watch Tracey 93 was pipped at the post by Hellraiser Jan.  Next Margaret’s 108 just wasn’t to be against Sue’s 85 D1. The third single saw Hellraiser Sue 92 against Viv’s impressive D3 finish.  Next single and Joy was up against Ralph 92, 83, D8 to bring the score to a very well balanced 5-5.  Green Watch Sue was next and finished on D15 against Hellraiser Cheryl. The last single and Green Watch were again one man down so Sue was drawn blind and played once again, this time against Hellraiser Lesley but Sue was on form and finished with D5 to take the match to 5-7 and a Win for Fire Station Green Watch. MOTM: Al (Hellraisers) and Sue & Ralph (Green Watch).
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Euronics Darts Men’s Pairs Semi’s and Finals Results, Thursday 14th May has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/16/euronics-darts-mens-pairs-semis-and-finals-results-thursday-14th-may/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/16/euronics-darts-mens-pairs-semis-and-finals-results-thursday-14th-may/
Euronics Darts Men’s Pairs Semi’s and Finals Results, Thursday 14th May
The semi-finals of the competition consisted of a round robin, 501, Best of 5 comp as unfortunately one of the qualifying pairs from El Capitan could not make the date of the finals which had not been announced at the start of the competition. So six good men and true representing the Jackals, El Capitan and The Hub Hyenas had a play-off to see the two pairs with the highest number of legs won go through to the finals which was best of 7. Pair 1 was the infamous Alex Nikolov, sporting a rather fetching Peaky Blinder hat, and his Polish Chum Tomek PolskiDolski (who’s real surname I cannot remember let alone spell!).  These lads from the Hub faced father and son Eddie and Aroldas Klimonis from El Capitan, the latter of which were nearest the bull and first to throw.  A calm start to the comp saw a couple of tons from Alex and a narrow miss on a two-dart out (T15-D20) from young Tom but is was Aroldas who did the business with 6-D20 to take the first leg. Alex (100) and Tom (100, 16-D8) evened things up in leg 2 and despite a couple of 100’s and a 140 from Alex, the Lithuanian duo took legs 3 and 4 courtesy of Daddy Klimonis’ D20 and 15-D2, respectively. Alex and Tom stayed on board to play pair number 3: Graham Solomons and Hugh Galloway of the Jackals and although warmed up, the Hub lads succumbed another 3-1 defeat, effectively eliminating themselves from the competition with no need to play the third round.  They did however get another 140 apiece, as did our Hugh, but Grahams 5 x 100’s and quick finishes – D2, D7, D16 took the Jackals into the final. The final was Jackals all the way with Graham scoring 140 with his first throw.  El Cap were trailing 200 behind when Aroldas scored T20-T20-T19 (177) to bring them right back into contention.  Alas for them, Hugh checked out on D4 to take leg 1.  In Leg 2, the wisdom of Solomons quickly brought the score down (81, 100, 95, 94) and again Hugh did the business, this time with D3 with very little opposition from the Klimoni.  Another 140 and two ton plusses in Leg 3 from Graham got Hugh to striking distance again.  Aroldas narrowly missed out on a 122 finish scoring 82 but missing the D20 and Hugh got the Jackals their 3rd leg with D5.  The 4th leg was as far as it needed to go with a great performance from Hugh, 98, 100 and 20-D10 for the match A big thanks to Sid Cross for doing all the chalking and officiating and to Dickie Hunt and Simone for keeping a record of the scores and results.  Thanks too to the host venue, Trinity Bar, Rioja Centre.  Final thanks to all those that came to support and to the Paddy’s day hats that came in handy for wiping the board and Sid’s spillages!  A great night with some very good darts. Missing results from last week’s league Match:  Jaguars 4 – 8 Las Rosas. Player of the match for Jaguars was our Patty Poo Schofield who had the only singles win but what a win it was, checking out with D6 for the first leg and then a whopping 133 (57-60-D8) against John Spencer.  She also got the finish (D3) in her pairs with Lelly Bear Eagles against David and Antonio. Denise Green got the Jags’ first leg in the 2nd triples with a first dart at D19 and Simone got the 2nd leg in the 3rd triples with D4.  Wendy Hayward got a 132, Sim and Lesley got 100 each and Pat had a 100 and 112 to add to that very impressive 133 out. Notable play from Las Rosas came from Jem Gledhill with a T17-D10 finish in the pairs and a score of 132 in his singles. John Boden was pretty handy on the check-outs, particularly his 9-D16 in his singles against Wendy. Man of the Match goes to Terry Brindley who got the Bullies first leg with D6 in the triples and a great T20-T19-D9) 132 out in his singles against Lisa.  A lovely night was had with the lads from Las Rosas of San Miguel. Match and comp reports by Simone de Lacy  
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The Euronics Darts League Week 4 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/10/20/euronics-darts-league-week-4/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/10/20/euronics-darts-league-week-4/
The Euronics Darts League Week 4
Junction Panthers v Pint Depot Queens A tight first triples finished with Debbie Wright taking the first triple with D1.  The second triple went to the Panthers with an outstanding performance from Steve Harper scoring 118 and finishing on D20.  The last was a close triple with a brilliant performance from Debbie again scoring 105 and finishing on D5 putting the Queens in the lead.  Sonya from the Panthers took the first doubles with D20 and Paul finished on D20.  An evenly matched game ended at half time with a score of 3-3 courtesy of Vi finishing the third triples on D1.  The first two doubles went to the Queens with great scores and finishes from Lorraine on D15 and Vi on D1. It was nip and tuck in the third single with Sonya sneaking it for the Panthers with D3.  There were some fantastic scores in the next single between Debbie and Paul with Paul finishing on D4 and Steve taking the next singles with D20.  The last match was the decider and was a tight match between Dickie and Rachel, but Dickie saved the day for the Panthers finishing on D1.  Man of the match went to Dickie for the Panthers and Debbie for the Queens.  Always a great night with the Queens.  Fire Station Black Watch v Las Rosas Bullies Las Rosas Bullies stormed into a 2-game lead in the trebles at the Fire Station despite Dessie Shirley (100) & Les Adams (100) efforts for the home team. For the Bullies, Dave Knighton D1 & eventual MOTM John Spencer D2 finished better. Jem Gledhill also stunned the crowd with an impressive 180! The Fire Station Black Watch snatched the last treble with Dessie Shirley finishing on D8. The Bullies carried on where they left off with 3 more straight wins in the pairs despite Fire Station Black Watch Terry Bridger’s valiant 116 and Les Adams 125. Deadly finishing by John Baden D16. Mario Garcia D3 and Dave Knighton D7 increased the visitors lead at the half way stage to 5-1. After half time the Bullies won the next 5 out of 6 singles with The Fire Station Black Watch MOTM John Crabbe D17 the only victor for the home team. The Bullies singles finishers were Antonio Garcia D5, Adrian Butikaht (100) D16, Jem Gledhill D16, Mario Garcia (100) D20 & John Spencer (121, 116). Angels Arrows v Fire Station Green Watch The first treble went to Angels Arrows with Paul Cripwell (100) and Phil Waller with a very impressive 180! D1. The second treble went to Fire Station Green Watch, Michael Le Blond D2 to even the score but Angels Arrows pulled back the last treble Phil Waller D1. All 3 doubles went to Angels Arrows, Kain Hickman D1, Paul Cripwell D20, Ron Chadwick D2. Martin Hastings took the first single for Angels Arrows with D2, followed by Karl Cooper D4 and Phil Waller D2.  Fire Station Green Watch fought back to win the next two singles, Roger Phipps D16, Viv Perryman D2 even with Kain Hickman’s impressive (100, 100). Ron Chadwick claimed the last single with D1. Man Of The Match:  Angels Arrows Ron Chadwick and Fire Station Green Watch Roger Phipps.
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Euronics Darts League - 7 December 17 by Simone de Lacy has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/12/10/euronics-darts-league-7-december-17-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/12/10/euronics-darts-league-7-december-17-simone-de-lacy/
Euronics Darts League - 7 December 17 by Simone de Lacy
Junction Jaguars 1 11 El Capitan (2) Hub Hyenas (2) 11 1 Amigos Misfits Angels (2) 8 4 Hen’s Teeth Pint depot Queens 3 9 Junction Jackals (2) Tavern Oldies (2) 8 4 Porter House Bees Las Rosas (2) 9 3 Hub Hellraisers Ale House (2) 7 5 Wee Rockers
  Played Match points legs Hub Hyenas 9 18 85 Porter House 8 14 67 Junction Jackals 8 14 66 El Capitan 8 13 70 Las Rosas 9 13 67 Tavern Oldies 9 11 61 Angels 8 11 58 Ale House 9 10 50 Wee Rockers 8 6 40 Junction Jaguars 9 5 41 Hen's Teeth 9 3 37 Amigo's Misfits 8 3 31 Porter House Bees 8 2 33 Pint Depot Queens 8 2 27 Hub Hellraisers 8 1 19
180’s John Walker (El Capitan); Joe Miller (Hub Hyenas); Harvey Lane (Porter House Bees); Aroldas Klimonis (El Capitan), Eugene Gillespie (Tavern); Paul Durrant (Hyenas) Jeff Ward (Porter House); Andy Rutter (Junction Jackals); Angela Garside (Tavern Oldies) Highest Check-out: Jordan Johnson (Ale House) 141 (t20-t19-d12) Hub Hyenas v Amigos Misfits 11-1 Unbeaten Hyenas entertained Sonya Cooper's Amigos, both teams missing vital players. Current champions Hyenas comfortably took the first four legs via John Eyre twice converting d20, Del McCauley d9, and Alex Nikolov d2, before Amigos responded courtesy of Billy Naylor and Paul Chick, the former banging in 2x100 plus d9. Sadly. That was to be Amigos only victory of the evening, although 3 double 1's for the Hyenas in the singles suggests the score could well have been closer. Eyre's contribution of 3 game shots, plus a 140, earned the flu-ridden Hyena the man of match award for the home side, whist Naylor deservedly gained the visitors accolade.                                                        Report by Paul Durrant. Las Rosas v Hub Hellraisers A big thanks to the bunch of ladies that made the night one of the best fun games we had so far! It started with a win for las Rosas captain Carlos who was playing with Steph Simpson and John Spencer. Carlos checked out on 72 with John throwing in a few good scores including a 140. In retaliation, Hellraisers Sue Speirs, Lesley Dolling and captain Cheryl McGlynn clicky-clacked to the ockey in their stilettos to equalize the score with Cheryl checking out on d10.  Las Rosas took the 3rd triple to bring the score to 2-1. Onto the pairs and John and Lee Walters played Linda and Sarah who were very close to winning another point for the ladies but hopes were dashed when John check out d1. It was OK though as Joy Gormon and Lesley won their game against Alan ‘get orf’ Preston (140) and Fred. Carlos and Adrian Buitkhat were up last in the pairs and faced the formidable duo of Cheryl and Sue Speirs. Cheryl got 130 but Carlos replied with 100 and then checked out on 16 in what was a very good match. Half time score was 4-2 leaving the door slightly open for the ladies going into the singles. Alas in quick succession Adrian, Dave and Alan won their games with John nailing another 140 and checking out on d20. Captain Carlos played Sue Speirs, who played brilliantly.  She scored 100 only for Carlos to answer with a 121, but the pressure got to him and he could not finish his d1 and finally Sue won it!  Steph then won his game against Cheryl. (I count only 5 singles results here) but never the less the end score was 9-3 and was a good, fun night, thanks girls! Man of match Carlos Montes; Woman of match Sue Speirs     Report by Carlos Montes (with a little help from Simone) Junction Jaguars v El Capitan 1-11  ‘Didn’t we have a loverly time the day we played El Capo’s?’   Not that the score reflects it for us but as always, a lot of laughs with the chaps from the back of beyond.  Patty Poo declared it our worst performance ever with not a single 100 plus score from the Jags and only one leg going our way courtesy of Simone and Lelly Bears pairs efforts, Lelly checking out on d5.  The lads didn’t appear to be on top form either with only Aroldas (121, 140), Ed Klimonis (100, 129) and John Walker (121, 100, 100) achieving 3-figuire scores. But as they say, scores for show and doubles for dough and there was some fine finishing from Jim Storey and Den Hall but best of all was Ed Klimonis’ 3-darter t60-s19-bull for a 129 out.  The team were elated and then it dawned on them that Ed had just toppled John’s highest check-out to date of 128- which he had achieved twice this season.  How the Lithuanians laughed! But sorry Ed, your 129 was trumped by a 141 check-out from the Ale House on the same night! Special thanks to John walker for doing some chalking for us, he’s a lovely, lovely man.  Christmas Mixed Pairs competition Come on lads and lasses, we have extended deadline to Wednesday 13th December to get your entries in for the Christmas Mixed Pairs comp.  This is a new thing this year for a bit of fun whilst the league is inactive over the Christmas period.  We are holding it at Georgiou's (Blue Lagoon) who have offered their venue for our exclusive use on the night as well as laying on a buffet for us.  We have two free-standing boards and they already have one up (and could put up another) so there is plenty of room and equipment for the whole comp to be played on one night.  There are cash prizes for the winners and runners up and semi-finalists, courtesy of our sponsor, Paul Lock, The Locksmith.  There will be a themed raffle and a bit of Christmas music in the background to put us all into the festive mood.  Who knows, it may even be time to dig out your Christmas jumper and reindeer antlers, as there will be Secretary Sim’s prize for the best Christmas Outfit!  Lads, if there are a few of you out there that want to take part but couldn’t nab one of the league ladies to partner up with, worry not, we can have up to 32 pairs and ladies who have played in earlier rounds and have been knocked out, can pair up again with the bachelor boys. At just 2eu per person to enter, your names will be pulled out of the hat to fill in the remaining spaces. Please let us know if you intend to come along to watch or take part as we need to let Georgiou’s know the numbers to cater for. It’s going to be one hell of a night!
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EURONICS DARTS LEAGUE RESULTS THURSDAY 19TH FEBRUARY BY SIMONE DE LACY has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/01/22/euronics-darts-league-results-thursday-19th-february-simone-de-lacy/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/01/22/euronics-darts-league-results-thursday-19th-february-simone-de-lacy/
  There were a few problems this week with some teams not being able to play because of the inclement weather and flooding or because the fixture dates had changed and they had either made alternative plans or were unaware of the changes.  Please can these teams organise to play those games within the next two weeks or no later than Wednesday February 8th.  The final game of the firt half of the season is on February the after which the league will split into two.
180’s: Sean Smith x 3 (Hyenas), Merv Harley x2 (Masseys), Alan Havelock (Ale House), Dave Wright (Jackals), John Eyre (Hyenas), Alex Nikolov (Jackals), Des Field (Masseys), Tim Goodacre (PH Bees), Jeff Ward (Porter House)
Results and tables
171’s: Simone de Lacy (Jaguars)
Highest finish to date: Des Field (Massey’s with 136.
Featured Match:  Hub Hyenas v Massey’s
This match was postponed from January 5th when the Hyenas could only muster 3 players. On this occasion however, Massey’s could only get 5 together so were up against it at and playing away.  By all accounts though they put up a very good performance.  Up first for Massey’s were John Williams, Des Field and Craig Miller (100) but the Hyenas got off to a better start with John Eyre (85), Joe Miller (125) and Nick Spicer’s 140 and a 103 out with S20-T17-D16! In the 2nd triples, there was little the pairing of Russ Stevens and Pete Smith could do against our old friend Paul Durrant who hit 83, 84 and S5-D20 out for the 2nd leg with team mates Holtham (100) and Cpt. Si Willams.  Fortified with 3 players in the 3rd triples, Williams (93) Field and Miller (105, T19-D18) got the first leg point for Massey’s despite some good scoring from Hyenas Spicer (81), Joe Miller (85, 100) and Holtham (80).
In the first if the pairs, Eyre (140, 100) and Miller’s S13-D16 brought the score to 3-1 against Massey’s Miller (92, 81) and Williams’ (87, 81). However, in Pairs no.2 The mighty Spicer and Durrant could neither score nor finish against Stevens and Cpt Fields, 100 and 3-dart out with S10-S20-D16. In the final pairs Massey’s Smith fought a lonely fight against Holtham (85, 123) and Cyril Harrison’s D2 deal sealer.  Score line at half time 4-2.
Onto the singles and Massey’s Miller (MOTM) was on form with 140 and a S20-D20 out bringing them to 4-3.  Mr Spicer (MOTM) was equally up for it in Singles no.2 scored 100, 85, 100 and S16-D16 to pull away again against Des Field (120).  Cpt Willams faced Russ Stevens in singles no. 3 which the latter took with D4.  John Williams’ 100, D5 brought Masseys within range again to make it 5 a piece despite Holtham scoring 140, 100. The last two legs went to the Hyenas however, with a good performance from Cizzle Harrison (100, 81, 95, 122, D4) against Smith and Mighty Miller’s 135, 100, D14 against wild card Stevens. Final score 7-5. If Sean Smith had been playing, this write-up could have been even more confusing with both teams having players called Miller, Williams and Smith!
Elsewhere in the league, the ladies were putting in valiant efforts with the magnificent Marie Cummins taking 2 (and nearly 3) legs from El Capitan!  Also, the ever-improving Hellraisers also managed to swing 3 legs their way from the Porter House Bees and the Jaguars took 3 (could have been 11!) from the Porters when all but 1 leg went to both teams on a finish. 
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Euronics Darts Results Thursday 19th April has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/04/25/euronics-darts-results-thursday-19th-april/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/04/25/euronics-darts-results-thursday-19th-april/
Euronics Darts Results Thursday 19th April
Team KO and Auxiliary KO Semi-finals Team KO Cup Junction Jackals 7-5 Hub Hyenas & El Capitan  9-3 Wee Rockers Auxiliary KO Cup Porter House 7-1 Pint Depot Queens & Hen’s Teeth 3-9  Las Rosas Junction Jackals v Hub Hyenas Match report by Phil de Lacy The match was played at Angels Bar in Los Dolses, a neutral venue for this semi-final of the team knockout cup. These two sides have become close rivals in the last few years with some great games which have all been won by the Hyenas. They have always been able to close the match with two or three legs to take a close win – they seem to bat a bit deeper than most other sides. So, Thursday night’s effort by the Jackals was a real revelation for them and a little unexpected after some indifferent form of late. They got off to a flying start led by main men Andy Rutter (121), Lee Maiden and Mark Todd (140,100) who took the first leg comfortably. The old hands of the Hub were having none of it, and Paul Durant, Joe Miller and John Eyre settled the ship to even the scores. The match then took a familiar pattern with each side politely taking it turn to win a leg which made it 3 all at half time. Notable darts came from Lee maiden with two consecutive 140’s. It seemed that this match was about to take the same course as the previous half dozen meetings between these teams, with the Hyenas getting the better of the singles, but when Andy Rutter beat Joe Miller and Lee maiden beat Del McCauley there was a glimmer of hope for the Jackals. John Eyre brought the Hub back to within 1 but Hugh Galloway beat Paul Durrant to make it 6 – 4 and all to play for. There was some nervous play from here on in with none of the players playing to their full potential. Alex Nikolov made it 6 – 5 with an unusual double 3, double 2 finish and Paul Miller could count himself unlucky that he didn’t finish the match there. Then up stepped Super Nige – an unlikely hero for the Jackals but in a role he’s become accustomed to filling. In a very close tussle with John Williams he secured the win with a mighty double 2 to became the hero the hour. As was the case last season, the Jackals will face old adversaries El Capitan on 10th May to decide who will be the Team Cup champions.  El Capitan v Wee Rockers El Capitan stormed to a 6-0 lead in the triples and pairs but Wee Rockers’ Alan Havelock took the first singles against the mighty John Walker to prevent a white wash.  MOTM for El Capitan was Aroldas, who won his game against in the 2nd singles against Wee Rocker Billy. In good spirit, El Capitan and Wee rockers played all 12 games with the Wee rockers collecting two more legs in the singles. Porter House v Pint Depot Queens Report by Brian Nash The Queens certainly came to enjoy their evening as did Porterhouse. The triples started with Peter Ayres, Ray Hayes and Graham Todd hitting D18 taking the first from Pam McCutcheon, Alison Wands, Maggie Morgan. Then Sid Cross, Jeff Ward and Yvonne Rouffignac 125 and D1 took the next against Marie Cummins, Rachel Broadhead and Lorraine Cox. In the final triple Queens then fought back with a well deserved win with Lyn, Fozzard, Marie Cummins and Vi Turner who hit D5. Porterhouse then took all three doubles. Rachel, and Vi lost a close game against Ray Sanderson and Gnasher D1. Toddy and (cocky) Ward D1 took the second against Lorraine and Marie. The final pairs (jelly eel) Sid, Tuffty Ayres with D3 beat Maggie and Pam. A big thanks to Amigos for the food supplied during the break. By now the banter and jokes were flying around the room all in good taste. Into the singles with Porters leading 5-1. Lorraine played Hazy Hayes in a close encounter but Hazy with 121, D3 made it 6 for Porters. Marie was next to try save the match against Sid Cross who hit 140,132 and finished with D2 to win the match. To their credit both teams chose to stay in the bar and play out the remaining legs in an evening enjoyed by all.  
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