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Propylene Glycol Antifreeze Chemicals are Manufactured by Chemtex Speciality Limited
Discover the Future of Versatile Solutions with Chemtex's Propylene Glycol – a Partner for Innovation, Quality, and Reliability
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India has identified a supplier of toxic ingredients linked to cough syrup deaths The Indian government has made progress in its investigation into the manufacturing of cough syrup products that have caused the deaths of 19 children in Uzbekistan.Read more... https://qz.com/india-cough-syrup-propylene-glycol-deaths-uzbekistan-1850209610
#chemicalsubstances#commoditychemicals#adulteration#ashishkondal#householdchemicals#diethyleneglycol#alcohols#alkanediols#polyols#coldmedicine#politics#foodadditives#propyleneglycol#ethyleneglycol#Diego Lasarte#Quartz
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Guru Besar UGM Beri Tanggapan Soal Penggunaan Obat Sirup yang Diduga Picu Gagal Ginjal
BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, YOGYAKARTA - Kasus gagal ginjal akut diketahui menimpa ratusan anak di Indonesia dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. Kementerian Kesehatan RI pun mengimbau penyetopan segala obat berbentuk cair atau sirup menyusul adanya laporan pasien anak dengan gangguan gagal ginjal akut terdeteksi terpapar tiga zat kimia berbahaya yakni ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), dan ethylene glycol butyl ether (EGBE). Menanggapi hal itu, Pakar Farmakologi dan Farmasi Klinik UGM, Prof. Apt. Zullies Ikawati, Ph.D., menegaskan bahwa penyebab gagal ginjal akut pada anak yang terjadi di tanah air masih menjadi sebuah misteri. Menurutnya, belum bisa dipastikan ada tidaknya keterkaitan antara gagal ginjal akut dengan konsumsi obat berbentuk sirup, terutama yang mengandung parasetamol. “Ini masih jadi misteri. Kejadian gagal ginjal akut kok baru ada belakangan ini, padahal penggunaan sirup obat parasetamol sudah cukup lama dan aman digunakan,” katanya saat dihubungi Jum’at (21/10/2022). BPOM mengungkapkan ada lima obat sirup yang dinyatakan mengandung cemaran EG dan DEG diatas batas aman. Kendati Begitu, Zullies mengatakan hingga saat ini semua masih dalam proses penyelidikan untuk memastikan hubungan antara gagal ginjal akut dengan senyawa tersebut dalam kandungan obat. Ia menjelaskan EG dan DEG merupakan satu cemaran yang bisa dijumpai pada bahan baku pelarut pada obat sirup. Pada obat parasetamol dan banyak obat lainnya yang sukar larut air diperlukan bahan tambahan untuk kelarutan, biasanya di Indonesia digunakan propilen glikol atau gliserin. Bahan baku propilen glikol atau gliserin ini dimungkinan mengandung cemaran zat tersebut. “Sebenarnya ini wajar, selama masih dalam ambang batas maka tidak berisiko efek toksik termasuk gagal ginjal akut,” jelas Guru Besar Fakultas Farmasi UGM ini. Zullies menyampaikan ada berbagai faktor penyebab gagal ginjal akut. Misalnya, adanya infeksi tertentu seperti leptospirosis yang salah satunya bisa menyerang ginjal. Selain itu, infeksi bakteri E. coli juga dapat menyebabkan gagal ginjal akut. Kajian sementara dari Kemenkes menyebutkan bahwa penapisan terhadap virus dan bakteri telah dilakukan dan belum terbukti kuat sebagai penyebab gagal ginjal akut. Lantas apa yang harus dilakukan masyarakat khususnya orang tua menyikapi fenomena ini? Zullies mengimbau masyarakat untuk tetap tenang dan tidak panik. Untuk saat ini masyarakat disarankan sementara waktu ini mengikuti saran dari lembaga resmi pemerintah seperti Kemenkes, BPOM, asosiasi dokter dan lainnya untuk menghindari konsumsi obat bentuk sirup hingga diperoleh hasil yang lebih pasti. Apabila anak-anak mengalami sakit demam, batuk, maupun pilek sebaiknya mengkonsumsi obat parasetamol dalam bentuk puyer, kapsul, tablet, suppositoria atau bentuk lainnya. Untuk mengurangi rasa pahit bisa ditambahkan pemanis yang aman bagi anak. Tak kalah penting untuk selalu mengkonsultasikan efek penggunaan obat sirup dengan dokter maupun apoteker. “Untuk parasetamol yang sifatnya mengurangi gejala, mungkin penggunaan sirup lebih berisiko ketimbang manfaatnya saat ini, dimana sedang diteliti kemungkinan adanya cemaran bahan yang bisa membahayakan. Untuk itu bisa dicoba dalam bentuk puyer atau bentuk lainnya,” paparnya. Zullies menyebutkan imbauan untuk tidak menggunakan obat dalam bentuk sirup untuk semua pengobatan menjadi keputusan yang sangat dilematis. Sebab, obat dalam bentuk sirup banyak digunakan untuk anak-anak yang belum bisa menelan obat bentuk tablet atau kapsul. Selain itu, penghentian penggunaan obat sirup ini akan berdampak bagi anak-anak penderita penyakit kronis yang harus minum obat rutin berbentuk sirup dimana dalam penggunaannya selama ini tidak menimbulkan efek samping membahayakan. Misalnya, anak dengan epilepsi yang harus minum obat rutin, maka ketika obatnya dihentikan atau diubah bentuknya bisa saja menjadikan kejangnya tidak terkontrol. “Mestinya ini diatur dengan bijaksana dengan tetap mempertimbangkan risiko dan manfaat. Memang saat ini risiko terjadinya gagal ginjal akut sepertinya dianggap lebih besar dengan penggunaan sirup sehingga disarankan penghentiannya, tetapi harusnya tidak digebyah uyah (disamaratakan) ya,” paparnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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.Ethylene glycol is known as an organic compound which is an odourless, colourless, sweet-tasting, and viscous liquid. Ethylene glycol is mainly used in antifreeze formulations as well as a raw material in the production of polyesters such as polyethylene terephthalate. It is extensively used as a medium for convective heat transfer. For example, in areas like automobiles and liquid-cooled computers. It is also widely used in chilled-water air-conditioning systems that place either the chiller or air handlers outside.
Procurement Resource provides an in-depth cost analysis of Purified Ethylene Glycol production. The report incorporates the manufacturing process with detailed process and material flow, capital investment, operating costs along with financial expenses and depreciation charges. The study is based on the latest prices and other economic data available. We also offer additional analysis of the report with detailed breakdown of all cost components (Capital Investment Details, Production Cost Details, Economics for another Plant Location, Dynamic Cost Model).
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About Us:-
In this era of globalisation and continuous economic changes, comprehensive market intelligence and research have become an important aspect of doing a business. Intense competition in all the industries has made the sourcing of various goods and services an important aspect of maintaining profitability and staying at the forefront of one’s industry.
We, at Procurement Resource, track the prices of various commodities and goods worldwide to offer our clients the best intel which can aid their sourcing decisions with data backed insights. Our experienced analyst and domain experts provide critical supplier intelligence in the form of market report, cost models, price analysis, benchmarking, category insights, etc. to facilitate a confident and easy procurement process.
Name:- Rits Bhanushali, Corporate Sales 264 1st St, Brooklyn, NY 11215 https://www.procurementresource.com/ USA:- +1-213-316-7435 India:- +91 8586081494 Europe & Asia:- +44 702-402-5790
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Ethylene glycol, used as automobile antifreeze and coolant. #ethyleneglycol #monoethyleneglycol #meg #eg #coolant #antifreeze
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The Engine Coolant Chemical Guide for Optimal Vehicle Health | Chemtex Speciality Limited
Maximize Performance of your engine with the right Antifreeze Coolant for your vehicle.
Chemtex coolant antifreeze formulations come in two variants and are equipped with corrosion inhibitors, that ensure a lifelong service of your engine.
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Amino Silanes
Amino Functional Silanes, Diamino Silanes, Triamino Silanes, Amino Silane Oligomers, Amino Silane Hydrolysates, Amino Silane Coupling Agents, Silane Adhesion Promoters
SiSiB is worldwide leading manufacturer of organosilanes for over 30 years. SiSiB® PC1100, chemical name 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane, CAS No.919-30-2, is the first and still widely used amino silane. SiSiB® PC1100 was developed in 1989.
SiSiB amino silane is a bifunctional organosilane possessing reactive amino group and hydrolyzable inorganic alkoxysilyl groups. The dual nature of its reactivity allows it to bind chemically to both inorganic materials and organic polymers, thus functioning as an adhesion promoter, surface modifier and as a reactant for product modification.
Except for mono-amino silanes, SiSiB offers a wide range of di-amino silanes, tri-amino silanes, piperazinyl silanes, cyclohexyamino silanes, dimethyamino silanes, diethylamino silanes and butylamino silanes.
SiSiB amino silane can be used as adhesion promoter, coupling agent, surface modifiers, and resin additive. It can improve chemical bonding of resins to inorganic fillers and reinforcing materials.
SiSiB amino silane can be used for epoxies, phenolics, melamines, nylons, PVC, acrylics, polyolefins, polyurethanes, and nitrile rubbers. It can be used for surface pretreatment of fillers and reinforcers.
SiSiB aminofunctional silane also can be used as traditional amine curing agents (hardeners) for epoxy and urethane functional resins, the silanol portion of the silane reacts with each other to form siloxane bonds (Si-O-Si). The more reactive the Si-alkoxy groups are, the faster they hydrolyze and condense after the coating is applied and curing begins. Used as curing agents, silane can make curing effective at low temperature; can improve chemical resistance, UV resistance and corrosion resistance, can increase hardness and stain resistance without imparting adhesion.
SiSiB is the earliest alpha amino silane coupling agent manufacturer in China, and now is the only commercialized manufacturer in China. SiSiB alpha silanes include, SiSiB® PC1710 - (N-phenylamino)methyltrimethoxysilane, SiSiB® PC1711 - (N-phenylamino)methyltriethoxysilane and SiSiB® PC1800 - Diethylaminomethyltriethoxysilane. The organic functional group in alpha silane is closer to the silicone atom compared with traditional gamma silane coupling agent. The close proximity of the nitrogen atom to the silicon atom can accelerate hydrolysis reaction compared to (amino-propyl) silanes.
SiSiB® AP1160 is water-borne amino silane adhesion promoter without volatile organic components. It can be simply diluted with distilled water. These benefits are particularly useful for manufacturers seeking to reduce emissions from their water-borne products and processes.
Amino Silanes Recommendations
SiSiB® PC1100
High purity 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane, CAS No. 919-30-2. It is a versatile coupling agent for many thermoset and thermoplastic resins with glass and mineral fillers. Equivalent of Momentive's A-1100, Dow's Z-6011, Wacker's GF93, Evonik's AMEO, ShinEtsu's KBE-903.
SiSiB® PC1106
Aqueous 3-aminopropylsilane hydrolysate, CAS No. 58160-99-9. It is an aqueous solution of 3-Aminopropylsilane with 40% active silane content in water. Similar to Momentive's A-1106, Evonik's Dynasylan 1151.
SiSiB® PC1108
High purity Bis[(3-triethoxysilyl)propyl]amine, CAS No. 13497-18-2. It acts as an adhesion promoter between inorganic materials and organic polymers and organic polymers and as a surface modifier. Equivalent of Evonik's Dynasylan 1122.
SiSiB® PC1110
High purity 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 13822-56-5. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Equivalent of Momentive's A-1110, Dow's Z-6610, Wacker's GF96, Evonik's Dynasylan AMMO, ShinEtsu's KBM-903.
SiSiB® PC1118
High purity Bis[(3-trimethoxysilyl)propyl]amine, CAS No. 82985-35-1. It acts as an adhesion promoter between inorganic materials and organic polymers and organic polymers and as a surface modifier. Equivalent of Momentive's A-1170, Evonik's Dynasylan 1124.
SiSiB® PC1120
High purity 3-Aminopropylmethyldiethoxysilane, CAS No. 3179-76-8. It acts as an adhesion promoter between inorganic materials and organic polymers and as a surface modifier. Equivalent of Dow's Z-6015, Evonik's Dynasylan 1505.
SiSiB® PC1130
High purity 3-Aminopropylmethyldimethoxysilane, CAS No. 3663-44-3. It acts as an adhesion promoter between inorganic materials and organic polymers and as a surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1200
High putity N-β-(aminoethyl)-γ-aminopropyl-trimethoxysilane, CAS No. 1760-24-3. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Crosslinking agent. Equivalent of Momentive's A-1120, Dow's Z-6020, Wacker's GF91, Evonik's Dynasylan DAMO, ShinEtsu's KBM-603.
SiSiB® PC1210
High purity N-β-(aminoethyl)-γ-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane, CAS No. 5089-72-5. It is used for coupling organ-polymers and inorganic fillers to improve the characters of mechanic, electric, water resistance. Equivalent of Dow's Z-6021, Wacker's GF94, ShinEtsu's KBE-603.
SiSiB® PC1220
High purity N-2-(aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl-methyldimethoxysilane, CAS No. 3069-29-2. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Equivalent of Momentive's A-2120, Dow's 1-6436, Wacker's GF95, Evonik's Dynasylan 1411, ShinEtsu's KBM-602.
SiSiB® PC1230
High purity Aminoethylaminopropylmethyldiethoxysilane, CAS No. 70240-34-5. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1300
High purity Diethylenetriaminopropyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 35141-30-1. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier. Equivalent of Momentive's A-1130, Dow's AY43-009, Evonik's Dynasylan TRIAMO.
SiSiB® PC1320
High purity Diethylenetriaminopropylmethyldimethoxysilane. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1412
High purity 3-Piperazinylpropylmethyldimethoxysilane, CAS No. 128996-12-3. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1600
High purity 3-(N-Cyclohexylamino)propyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 3068-78-8. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier. Equivalent of Wacker's GF92.
SiSiB® PC1620
High purity 3-(N-cyclohexylamino)propylmethyldimethoxysilane, CAS No. 120218-28-2. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1710
Alpha Silane Coupling Agent. High purity (N-phenylamino)methyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 77855-73-3. Silane crosslinking agent, Surface modifier for fillers and pigments. Equivalent of Wacker's XL973.
SiSiB® PC1711
Alpha Silane Coupling Agent. High purity (N-phenylamino)methyltriethoxysilane, CAS No. 3473-76-5. Silane crosslinking agent, Surface modifier for fillers and pigments.
SiSiB® PC1730
High purity (N-phenylamino)propyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 3068-76-6. Adhesion promoter. Equivalent of Momentive's Y-9669, Dow's SZ-6083, ShinEtsu's KBM-573.
SiSiB® PC1800
Alpha Silane Coupling Agent. High purity Diethylaminomethyltriethoxysilane, CAS No. 15180-47-9. It is used as Crosslinking agent for RTV silicone rubber, anchoring agent of synthetic resin, raw material of finishing agent to manufacture fabrics.
SiSiB® PC1830
High purity Diethylaminopropyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 41051-80-3. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1831
High purity Diethylaminopropyltriethoxysilane. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1860
High purity Dimethylaminopropyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 2530-86-1. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1893
High purity 3-(N,N-dimethylaminopropyl)-aminopropyl-methyldimethoxysilane. Silane coupling agent. Adhesion promoter. Surface modifier.
SiSiB® PC1951
High purity N-(n-butyl)-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, CAS No. 31024-56-3. Equivalent of Evonik's Dynasylan 1189.
SiSiB® AP1160
Aqueous 3-aminopropylsilane hydrolysate. It is an amino-functional silane which acts as an adhesion promoter between inorganic materials (glass, metals and fillers) and organic polymers (thermosets, thermoplastics and elastomers).
SiSiB® AP1280
Oligomeric diamino-silane, It is used as an additive or as a primer in coatings, adhesives, and sealants applications. Also be used for mineral filler treatment.
SiSiB® AP1290
Diamino functional oligomeric siloxane in water. It is mainly used in fiberglass, sealant, resin, coating and foundry industry.
Care Instruction during the Silane Uses
Silane coupling agents are subject to hydrolysis when in contact with water. Hydrolysis of a Silane Coupling Agent is accompanied by the formation of hydrogen chloride, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, aklyl ethers of ethyleneglycol and other hydrolysis products so that carefulness is essential in handling and using silane coupling agents.
· Silane coupling agents must be kept away from fire and moisture and should not be kept standing in an open condition as far as possible.
· Work rooms for handling silane coupling agents should be well ventilated. Avoid inhalation of the vapor and contact with the vapor.
· Skin and eyes must be protected from silane coupling agents by use of protective glove and eyeglasses. If silane coupling agents get on the skin or in the eye immediately wash in running water. Subsequent consultation with a doctor is recommended.
· Care should be taken not to put a Silane Coupling Agent on clothes. Clothes which come in contact with silane coupling agents should be immediately washed in running water.
· Workers are recommended to thoroughly wash their hands after handling a Silane Coupling Agent, particularly, before eating, drinking or smoking.
· Split Silane Coupling Agent must be removed by washing away with a large volume of water or absorbed by rags or sand followed by disposal by burning.
Application of Amino Silanes
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#liqueur #butylalcohol #koumiss #alcoholic #beverage #allylalcohol #proofspirit #oxygen #ethyleneglycol #diol #brew #johnbarleycorn #glycerol
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Ethylene glycol is known as an organic compound which is an odourless, colourless, sweet-tasting, and viscous liquid. Ethylene glycol is mainly used in antifreeze formulations as well as a raw material in the production of polyesters such as polyethylene terephthalate. It is extensively used as a medium for convective heat transfer. For example, in areas like automobiles and liquid-cooled computers. It is also widely used in chilled-water air-conditioning systems that place either the chiller or air handlers outside.
Procurement Resource provides an in-depth cost analysis of Purified Ethylene Glycol production. The report incorporates the manufacturing process with detailed process and material flow, capital investment, operating costs along with financial expenses and depreciation charges. The study is based on the latest prices and other economic data available. We also offer additional analysis of the report with detailed breakdown of all cost components (Capital Investment Details, Production Cost Details, Economics for another Plant Location, Dynamic Cost Model).
About Us:-
In this era of globalisation and continuous economic changes, comprehensive market intelligence and research have become an important aspect of doing a business. Intense competition in all the industries has made the sourcing of various goods and services an important aspect of maintaining profitability and staying at the forefront of one’s industry.
We, at Procurement Resource, track the prices of various commodities and goods worldwide to offer our clients the best intel which can aid their sourcing decisions with data backed insights. Our experienced analyst and domain experts provide critical supplier intelligence in the form of market report, cost models, price analysis, benchmarking, category insights, etc. to facilitate a confident and easy procurement process.
Name:- Rits Bhanushali, Corporate Sales 264 1st St, Brooklyn, NY 11215 https://www.procurementresource.com/ USA:- +1-213-316-7435 India:- +91 8586081494 Europe & Asia:- +44 702-402-5790
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Out of curiosity, are there any cancer drugs that are activated at low pH? Since you mentioned that solid tumors often exist in slightly acidic environments, it seems that something like that could potentially avoid the issue of damaging too many normal cells... Though I suppose they would have to be injectable to avoid the whole stomach acid thing, which I'm guessing may pose a problem depending on the tumors' location? (though I know nothing about drug administration haha)
yup! there certainly are anti-drugs that work better in low or acidic pH’s! meaning their IC(50), or the optimal concentration to affect 50% of tumor cells, is lower at acidic pH’s, meaning a smaller dose of the drug is needed to achieve the desired effect, and lower doses are usually better, because it’s more tolerable.
most chemotherapy agents are injected right into the bloodstream so they bypass the stomach (and liver, as much as possible, since the liver metabolizes or changes the chemical structure of drugs for the sole purpose of excreting it out). intravenous delivery also serves to spread the drug systemically, which is useful if the tumor has metastasized to distant organs. locally-injected drugs and treatments also exist.
(and you bring up a good point about how a drug is administered to avoid contact with certain organs, like the stomach. stomach acid is definitely an obstacle drug-developers encounter, and that’s why many oral drugs are encapsulated, so even if the stomach acid destroys the outside capsule, the actual drug is nice and safe. it’s interesting to think about all the natural barriers of the human body when it comes to drug design!)
Edit: oh! i just realized you’re asking if there are drugs that are only activated in low pH’s that are specific to the tumor microenvironment. i don’t know the answer off the top of my head but let me get back to you on that!
Edit 2: The actual answer to your question!
So i don’t think there are any drugs out in the clinic right now that take advantage of a tumor’s acidic extracellular pH to activate, but there’s definitely a lot of research in that field. one group is developing a micelle that will hold an anti-cancer drug inactive until it encounter the low pH of a tumor microenvironment. the actual micelle system uses “a poly(lactic acid)-b-PEG-b-poly(Lhistidine)(PLA-b-PEG-b-polyHis) triblock copolymer”, if you’re curious (or need something to say 3 times fast). in a pH lower than 7, the core “swells” and releases the drug trapped inside.
another system is based on a “methyl ether poly(ethyleneglycol)-poly(-aminoester) block copolymer, in which the methyl ether poly(ethyleneglycol)(MPEG) part forms a hydrophilic shell and thepoly(-amino ester) a hydrophobic core.” MPEG? yeah don’t say that wrong…
anyway there’s actually a whole bunch of these low-pH-activating drug carriers, but from my limited lit research, they seem to be still undergoing laboratoroy tests, and haven’t gone into clinical trials yet (or maybe they have; this review is from 2009..)
hope that actually answers your question!
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PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) dengan kode saham ADMG didirikan pada tanggal 25 April 1986 dengan nama PT Andayani Megah dan mulai berproduksi secara komersial pada tahun 1990. Pada bulan Desember 2005, Perseroan berganti nama menjadi PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk.Perseroan berdomisili di Jakarta dengan Pabrik berlokasi di Tangerang, Karawang, Merak dan ber Kantor pusat di Wisma 46 Kota BNI, Lantai 20, Jalan Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220.
Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, ruang lingkup kegiatan Perseroan meliputi industri pembuatan :1. Polyester, meliputi :a. Benang polyester (polyester filament) terdiri dari, polyester chips, polyester oriented yarn, spin drawn polyester yarn dan polyester textured yarn.b. Serat polyester (polyester fiber) terdiri dari, polyester staple fiber, polyester hollow conjugated non siliconized fiber, polyester hollow conjugated siliconized fiber.2. Chemical, meliputi :a. Etilena glikol (ethylene glycol) terdiri dari, mono-ethylene glycol, di-ethylene glycol,tri-ethylene glycol dan ethylene oxide.b. Etilena oksida derivatif terdiri dari : fatty alcohol ethoxylates, nonylphenol ethoxylates, tallow amine ethoxylates, poly-ethyleneglycol ethoxylates, castor oil ethoxylates dan glycerine ethoxylates.3. Benang nilon melaui anak usaha, PT Filamendo Sakti.
Pembangunan Pabrik Etilena Glikol / Etilena Oksida sebagai usaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku industri tekstil yang dimiliki sebelumnya serta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dalam negeri. Pembangunan dimulai pada bulan Desember 1988 dan secara keseluruhan pembangunan selesai pada bulan Januari 1992 kemudian di lanjutkan dengan tahap commissioning serta persiapan start up pertama kali dimulai pada tanggal 10 Januari 1993, kemudian pabrik diresmikan secara simbolis oleh presiden Soeharto pada tanggal 18 Januari 1993.
Dalam perkembangannya, Perseroan mengalami perluasan dengan pembangunan plant II yang memproduksi Etilena Glikol dan Etilena Oksida, dilanjutkan dengan pembangunan plant III dengan produksi Ethoxylate berbahan dasar Etilena Oksida plant II. Dengan lisensi yang dibeli dari Synthetic Design Co. AmeriKa Serikat.
Perseroan memasarkan produk-produknya ke berbagai negara di Asia, Timur Tengah, Amerika Utara, Kanada dan Amerika Latin. Perseroan juga telah mulai merambah pasar Eropa dan Afrika.Pada tanggal 17 September 1993, Perseroan memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Bapepam-LK untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham (IPO) Perseroan kepada masyarakat sebanyak 80.000.000 saham. Saham-saham tersebut telah dicatatkan pada Bursa Efek Jakarta pada tanggal 20 Oktober 1993. dan tanggal 21 Oktober 1993 pada Bursa Efek Surabaya.
Pemegang saham yang memiliki 5% atau lebih saham Perseroan, antara lain : Provestment Limited (49,51%), Gajah Tunggal Tbk (25,56%) dan PT Satya Mulia Gema Gemilang (10,42%).
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Empowering Engines with Glycol Antifreeze Excellence
Glycol, specifically referring to engine antifreeze or coolant antifreeze, is used in internal combustion engines to provide several crucial functions that help empower the engine's performance and efficiency. For several decades, this automotive antifreeze gained popularity as a “Glycol antifreeze coolant” in the automotive industry as well as food and other manufacturing industries. There are different types of Glycol-based engine coolant, primarily categorized as either Ethylene glycol or Propylene glycol-based.
Here's how Glycol antifreeze empowers Engines
Temperature Regulation: Engines produce a significant amount of heat during operation and act as a heat transfer fluid. Glycol-based coolant helps regulate the engine's temperature by absorbing excess heat and dissipating it through the radiator. This prevents the engine from overheating, which can lead to mechanical damage and reduced efficiency.
Freeze Protection: Glycol antifreeze or frost protection fluid has a lower freezing point than water. This prevents the coolant from freezing in cold temperatures, which could otherwise damage the engine block and other components. By preventing freezing, glycol helps ensure the engine can start and operate even in chilly conditions.
Boil Protection: On the other end of the temperature spectrum, glycol also raises the boiling point of the coolant mixture. This prevents the coolant from boiling and turning into vapor in high-temperature conditions, such as during extended periods of heavy load or hot weather. Maintaining the coolant's liquid state prevents air pockets from forming in the cooling system and ensures efficient heat transfer.
Corrosion and Cavitation Protection: Glycol-based coolants often contain additives that help protect the engine's metal components from corrosion and cavitation. Corrosion can lead to deterioration of engine parts, while cavitation occurs when air bubbles form and collapse within the coolant, causing localized damage to the metal surfaces. Corrosion inhibitors or Glycol inhibitors are added to engine coolant (antifreeze) to protect the cooling system and engine components from corrosion, scale buildup, and other forms of damage.
Lubrication and Pump Efficiency: The presence of glycol in the coolant can provide a level of lubrication for the water pump and other components in the cooling system. This helps reduce friction and wear, contributing to the overall efficiency and longevity of the engine.
Consistent Engine Performance: By maintaining a stable operating temperature range, glycol-based coolant ensures that the engine operates efficiently and consistently. This consistency in performance results in better fuel combustion, reduced emissions, and overall better engine efficiency.
It's important to note that while glycol-based coolant offers these advantages, it's essential to maintain the proper coolant-to-water ratio as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Using too much or too little glycol can affect the coolant's ability to perform these functions effectively. Regular maintenance, including coolant flushes and replacement, is also necessary to keep the coolant's properties optimal.
Chemtex Speciality Limited is an eminent supplier of glycol coolants, radiator fluid as well as antifreeze additives and Extended Life Coolant. Chemtex’s specially designed industrial Glycol provides an extended service life compared to traditional coolants, as it typically uses advanced organic acid technology (OAT) or hybrid organic acid technology (HOAT) formulations to offer enhanced protection and longevity for modern engines. For more information visit https://www.chemtexltd.com/products-and-solutions/heat-transfer-fluid/glycol-antifreeze/
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