#Ethma confirmed
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years ago
i gotta know if u thought ethan and emma were dating back then like i was 100% convinced they were together like i was so into ethma lmfao
isnt it confirmed that they were together? i thought it was confirmed lol so yes i think they were
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ETHMA CONFIRMED???? Submit your conspiracies here : https://keepingupwiththesistersquad.tumblr.com/ask !!!! I will answer all your questions <3
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aquakris · 5 years ago
no offense but everyone is saying “don’t make this ethma 2.0” but ethan is lowkey acting the same way as last time by dropping weird hints instead of just straight up confirming or denying it. JUST POST HER YOU PUSSY
no it’s about to be ethma 2.0, they already started since the other day. He should take his time if they’re something but damn. I only know Grayson Dolan rn—
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grayswhore · 5 years ago
Ethan said in this week’s podcast that he didn’t have a girlfriend when they bought the house last summer. Just another confirmation that Ethma wasn’t a thing.
Finally!!! I been knew but here’s the confirmation Lmfaoo
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jtsfavslut · 5 years ago
I remember when Ethan stayed silent about ethma rumors and people got mad because he wasn’t open about it (and tbh I never really cared for that) but when he’s open with us now people don’t wanna hear it?
You can never make everyone happy tbh, like I see people complaining about this everywhere. Like someone says they don’t want him to make a podcast talking about his relationship, but wasn’t y’all (not everyone) begging for confirmation a few days ago. Honestly, I don’t like to comment or share my opinions on peoples relationships cuz they’re not mine, like if they’re cute, they’re cute I’ll say that, but I’m not gonna seat here and say ““oh well this, that, this that,” like it’s not my place to tell who should be with who, but that’s just my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
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graysdesire · 6 years ago
it breaks my heart when people who claim to be fans throw grayson to the side when it comes to this ethma bullshit. like, real or not, this shit hasn't been confirmed or denied so shut the fuck up and lay the fuck off.
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like, do you fucking SEE this soft, smiley boy right here??? he shouldn't be kicked to the curb over a fucking ship. he deserves more.
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grethan-allmance · 6 years ago
Thoughts on new tuesday vid
I really thought they would post the noah one first before the one with emma. I did think it would be too soon if the noah one is this week, but I also didn't think the emma one would be out this fast. On a positive note, at least that means it was over and done with?
1. Dolan Twins become Emma Chamberlain
I smiled at some parts, so I consider it good enough. I believed them to be good friends, but at some parts I also have some doubt, like maybe they were just friendly and just playing it up for the camera. There were like awkward moments where someone isn't following along on the joke or a joke kinda fell flat because it was forced? I dunno, it was an impression I got when I watched it. I may have different impression if I watch it again, but I dunno if I want to?
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(I have pictures this time! PrAiSe Me! Lol jk)
When they have that drink and Grayson was reading the ingredient and there was milk in it (Ethan drank milk! Ethan 'Dairy-Free' Dolan drank Milk!!! 🤣🤣🤣) Ethan's face just froze. I dunno that was funny 🤣🤣. Then grayson re-enact it with more obvious wide-eyed shock 🤣. I don't know if there was really milk in it or Grayson was just messing with Ethan, but that part really stayed with me. After all, Ethan is DaIrY FrEe.
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Ethan poking Grayson's butt (or inner thigh, I wasn't actually sure Where he was Poking 😂🤣) 🤣🤣🤣
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And Grayson looked either put out or embarrassed after, though I was leaning towards embarassment.
By the way, I also remember the place when they snapchatted it, them doing flips and that snap was a while ago, even before Noah, so either that was them preparing or they have been filming it since back then. The soul cycling part that was before this gymnastic part was supposed be more recent, remembering when the pic was taken. In which case, it was totally not a day. Which means they filmed in parts and arranged them to make it seem like a day. Which means ThEy LyiNg and FaKe (do I care though? Not really. Honestly to do all of that in one day is like asking for back pain and muscle pain and pain in general, the energy drink and the amount of coffee consumed in a day sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen) But, I'm too lazy to check back their gymnastic snap and compare the clothes to see if they were the same or not though so maybe I'm wrong.
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One of the positive thing about them trying to be Emma: them editing on bed with airpods. Though we know they edit on computer, so they probably just have like a go pro set up like a laptop camera. The things they say were kinda nonsensical though and pretty forced, but I honestly just like seeing them on bed together so I forgive it 😁😆
In conclusion: Almost 60% of it was Grayson and Emma kinda bullying Ethan, which actually made me feel bad for him. Either Gremma or Ethma fans probably would love the vid. I say let them fight on it. It felt like it panders more to them anyway. It's not my fave ever, but 🤷‍♀️
2. High School dropouts take finals ft. Dolan Twins
I'll admit I actually forgot Emma would post too until I visited insta and people were talking about it. So, keeping an open mind, I checked it out.
They talked in the beginning about their high school days so that was nice. Not sure how true it was but fun to hear anyway. And so much yelling, like usual, though this time it was from Ethan 😂 Also, they graduated through online classes so that was nice to know and be confirmed.
And Grayson really detailing about his future children. I forgot what exactly he was talking about, but he was really detailing it that Ethan commented about it.
1st step to doing finals was apparently coffee for studying, which I guess not wrong. High school or even college, coffee is kinda the kick you need to keep yourself from dozing off. Unless you doze off anyway lol 😅
Onto step 2, studying. Grayson either isn't much of a coffee drinker or he got the short end the stick and left with the leftover. Who knows. Ethan was complaining about the air being turned on too high/cold and he was just wearing a t-shirt. Grayson at least wore a sweater. And Emma wore her merch.
... That was as far as I got. They look so bored and even when they were making coffee Grayson was questioning what they were doing. Ethan offered to make a montage of Emma making coffee I think just so there was something to do. Maybe I'll try to watch again another day but not today.
In conclusion: I have no conclusion because I didn't finish watching it. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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incandescentswiftie · 6 years ago
a rant
if you dont like talking about ethma literally ignore this bc that’s what this is i just have some thoughts :)
okay, so in the beginning of their friendship, you could definitely tell there was some flirting between emma and ethan. but honestly that doesnt mean anything?? like i have tons of friendships with guys that are flirty but that doesnt mean im dating them? like idk i guess i just dont get the obsession that some people have around the whole situation. like yeah i get that if they were actually dating that would be exciting... if they announce it. but at this point nothing has been confirmed so it’s just kinda... creepy.
like this is how i think about it. to the twins and emma, they are just a group of friends that hang out and sometimes film videos. we dont know what goes on with them behind closed doors but guess what... it’s none of our fucking business. like imagine you and your group of friends having every single little thing you do picked apart and over analyzed. like idk it’s just crazy to me.
on the flip side, say they are dating. emma has publicly said that she will most likely never confirm her relationships. and we all know how the twins are with relationships. it’s the one part of their lives they dont have to share with us if we dont want to. so why do people push it?
anyways the whole point of this was to say that people freak out whenever the twins and emma dont post about hanging out all the time. and obviously they are both very successful people individually and they dont have a lot of time to just hang out all the time. but also they’re just a group of friends and they dont need to spend every waking moment together just so people can pick apart everything they do. they dont get peace either way.
so this is basically pointless and has nothing to do with anyone on tumblr... mostly just instagram stans.
but is you have any thoughts about this feel free to add on and create some conversation :)
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grethan-real · 5 years ago
2/2 Etham wasn’t for us. It was for their bts friends. It was for the ppl closest to them who would talk. That’s why E and Em haven’t confirmed anything in person. They acted fools in the SS, let G loose his temper and say ‘fuck your gf!’ and allowed James to act a whole fool too. Ethma was typical LA PR BS! It just wasn’t for us because no matter what the fans aren’t gonna fucking care. Ethma took off, but so did other ships, Grethan is still here. It was for the ppl who could blow the whistle!
That's a theory I had that it was just for friends and family and others why not say anything about? it and Ethan kinda did the same thing with last relationship he had that we knew about what happened to that is Ethan didn’t want to have sex with her and some other stuff happened between them but that relationship was somewhat private I can see ethma being one big fake thing or something ethan planned
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thelatesttea · 5 years ago
Dolan Twin And Shane Dawson Collabing!!!
Aloha Everybody! So today I thought it would be a nice topic to talk about the Dolan twins. I am literally OBSESSED with the twins. They are my life, and I have been waiting for some tea to happen between them so I could post about them. But anyway let’s get into the story (again make sure to follow cuz once I reach ten followers I will be doing shoutouts!)
So I am personally not a Shane Dawson fan but, right now I am waiting for next weeks shane video. Wanna know why? Cuz the Dolan twins are in the video! I am so excited because they have confirmed that major tea is gonna be spilled. (In they I mean the Dolan twins AND Shane Dawson) which is weird cuz usually the fans have to assume that type of stuff. A lot of people think there is gonna be a lot of James Charles drama and all that because ever since Coachella James and the twins have not been friends. Idk why people are thinking they will talk about James but hey it is possible. I rlly do not like jefree star and I really don’t wanna mention him in my blogs cuz I don’t want to give him attention but, he sent a text to James Charles practically just saying James is a pervert and a phedophile. Which was wrong of jefree meaning that they both have a pretty big fan base. Anyway I am not really sure James’s response to that but I am sure he didn’t like it. Honestly I don’t like jefree star I think he is annoying and just ugly, and he is trying to be a girl but is failing deeply. Sorry but that is my opinion.
Next I want to talk about Ethma (I have a few Dolan twins subjects I want to talk about), so as you may know a lot of fans think that Emma and Ethan are or were dating. I honestly feel like they were to because the way they look at each other and the way they act when there together I mean it’s pretty dang obvious😂. But I watched a video of someone asking Ethan and Emma questions (they were at the gym together btw) and one of the questions were “can you confirm ethma) Ethan seemed pretty annoyed the whole interview and responded with “we are just friends” which I don’t blame them even if they want to keep there realationship a secret. But now fans are suspecting a breakup 😭 the reason why is because Ethan and Emma are not seen together as much anymore. And rarely talk about each other. Now here is some more Ethan tea. So Nikita Dragon showed up to the Dolan twins house. He was giving away palettes and all that makeup stuff to you tubers. When ethan opened the door he looked like he was annoyed that Nikita was there. Nikita tried her highlighter on his face and then left. But people think Nikita is going for Ethan after a picture was posted of Ethan with someone with blonde hair Just like Nikita’s. Now I am not sure if it was Nikita or if it was his ex but for all we know that’s the Ethan tea rn.
Now there is no Grayson tea but there is Ethan AND Grayson tea. So I know this happened a few months ago but it can still be shared the Dolan twins dad passed away a few months ago and everyone was heart broken. Obviously the twins. The twins took a few weeks away from YouTube. And we all thought a documentary would have been made about his life but NO the first video that comes out after WEEKS of waiting was with Jefree star🙄. Honestly the video was boring and I couldn’t watch the whole thing. What I can say is that they were happy and laughing in the first few minuites I watched. And they are just the most Positive boys I have ever seen. Hopefully one day I can say met. A lot of fans were SO rude to the twins posting on Twitter how they were gonna come to the funeral and blare music and have a party. No joke that is true. When I heard it I was like🤭 sister...a lot of people in there fan base is stalkers and weirdos which will be the next subject. But anyway people that do that stuff makes the normal fans look bad. I think I have mentioned this In a blog from a couple months ago and I am gonna say it again DONT DO THAT STUFF YALL GONNA MAKE THEM THINK WE R CRAZY. Anyway on to the final subject or topic idk.
So a lil bit ago around July or so. Fans were literally going TO THE TWINS HOUSE AND TAKING PICTURES!!!! WTH if fans were going to my house I would be like hunny no. I rlly do not feel like this is good considering this is after there fathers death. They were posting quit coming to our house we love you but the police will be involved. Sister...the two girls they broke in to there house or whatever literally was bragging about it on Tik tok. They literally were making a tik tok saying that they did it and they was being proud. Sorry not jelous that you guys are PSYCOS. But what is your guys opinion on the subjects comment down below what you would do if this happened to you Aloha!
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fallingforalltheboys · 6 years ago
*contemplates swerving into Grayson’s lane if Ethma’s confirmed to make Ethan jealous EVEN THO I DONT EVEN KNOW RHE KID LIKE HELP ME IM NOT DOINF WELL*
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sishtastories · 6 years ago
psa now that ethma is confirmed (?). like even if you don't like them together romantically, don't send them hate, or the people that do support/ 'stan', that couple. respect their relationship and respect the people in the relationship.
tbh, in my opinion i like them as friends and dont care if they're dating. i find emma really entertaining to watch and i know it grinds on someone people's gears to watch her but also don't send her hate??? she's literally fucking 17 years old? also don't watch her if you don't like her? simple as that.
i'm just tired of seeing this weird negativity surrounding this topic on twitter and on here. chill fam. i know we all love them but we gotta let them live their lives and we have to respect the decisions that they make because they are their own people. sending them hate isn't going to help anything.
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aquakris · 5 years ago
it’s nice being in gray’s lane knowing he’s just getting coochie on the side other than ethan being in a relationship sksjsjsks jkjk but kristina’s recent made me go like 😳
I’m not saying shit until somebody confirm it but I’ll say this & be over it lowkey: it better not turn into a full on ethma part 2. I stg because this fandom is already enough to deal with but this shit? yeah...it’s getting bad on Twitter & I can’t deal with that
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grayswhore · 5 years ago
I find it interesting that both Ethan and Emma confirmed to being in relationships now. But when it came to Ethma, neither confirmed or denied it. This just proves more Ethma was nothing but clout. I think it was pushed on them by management to keep playing it up for social media. It benefited both of them in a way, I guess. I'm just happy they've both moved onto to real, genuine, happy relationships. Ethma is officially dead and buried.
Yeah I think this is exactly how it went. And I feel like Emma was way more into it than Ethan. He probably got tired of doing that and called it off and ended the friendship as well.
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mildlyflustered · 6 years ago
Was I the only one who thought the new Dolan Twins video was to confirm Ethma?
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casualcoffeeorteatime · 6 years ago
Not to be that bitch but in my mind this confirms ethma.
“New advancement in my makeup routine” = Update in my love life
“I bought a real beauty blender” = I got a boyfriend
The rest is pretty straightforward
This is just goes on in my mind and i had nothing to do today
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