#Ethics and Integrity Speakers
Elevate Your Event with Actors-Actresses and Advertising/Public Relations Speakers from Speaker Booking Agency
When it comes to hosting a memorable event, the choice of speakers plays a crucial role in capturing the audience's attention and delivering impactful messages. Speaker Booking Agency offers a diverse range of talented individuals, including actors-actresses and advertising/public relations experts, who can bring a unique flair and expertise to your event.
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Actors-actresses speakers possess the ability to captivate audiences with their storytelling prowess and on-stage presence. Their experiences in the world of entertainment equip them with invaluable insights into communication, creativity, and the power of narrative. Whether they share personal anecdotes, discuss their craft, or offer lessons on effective communication and emotional connection, their perspectives can inspire and engage attendees in a memorable way.
On the other hand, advertising and public relations speakers bring their expertise in strategic communication, branding, and marketing to the stage. They possess a deep understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of advertising and public relations, including digital marketing, social media, and brand reputation management. Their presentations can shed light on the latest industry trends, effective campaign strategies, and the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships with customers and stakeholders.
Speaker Booking Agency connects you with top-notch actors-actresses and advertising/public relations speakers who can elevate your event to new heights. Whether you're organizing a corporate conference, industry summit, or educational seminar, these speakers can deliver compelling presentations that leave a lasting impact on your audience. Their expertise, combined with their ability to entertain, educate, and inspire, ensures that your event is both informative and engaging.
Visit Speaker Booking Agency's website to explore their roster of actors-actresses and Advertising and Public Relations Speakers. With their assistance, you can curate a lineup of speakers who will bring a unique blend of entertainment, expertise, and industry knowledge to your event, leaving a lasting impression on attendees.
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witheredoffherwitch · 5 months
Let's get one thing straight: I have no part in this chaotic mess (infact, I have blocked all the accounts mentioned below), but it's grinding my gears how it's devolving into another petty fanfic drama: case 607. I know this drama is getting the attention for certain individuals who are demonstrating mean girl behaviour and gossiping about other writers behind their backs. However, I am solely focused on addressing the racist and discriminatory remarks made by these individuals in the leaked text messages.
For those not in the loop, there's been a huge drama in the fanfic community involving leaked text messages from a group chat of four prominent members. In these messages, two users - Fae and Bel - have admitted to sending hate anons and talking smack about other writers behind their backs. Two other members left the group after it was revealed that B tried to make amends with someone who these two, Em and Ange, don't particularly care for. As a move to clear their names, Em exposed all the texts, trying to prove that Fae and Bel are the real villains here.
But wait, there's more! In these same chats, Bel not only mocked fellow non-English speakers but also bragged about sending rat emojis to an 18-year-old Pakistani writer who was already receiving racist anons. While everyone is focused on getting back at these two women for being shady af, it's mind-boggling how Em and Ange are suddenly jumping on the anti-racism train.
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These two ladies stayed in the same chat as a fellow Pakistani writer was driven away because of racism, knowing full well that one of their own was contributing to it, and said NOTHING! Zero discouragement, no condemnation - they only hopped off when things got personal.
So here it is… I've had it with all of you hypocrites. You praise and encourage these women at every turn, feeding their egos like they're the second coming of Beyonce. But let's not forget who's always stirring up drama in this fandom - hint: it's these same people with a sense of entitlement the size of a planet. The issue is groupthink and y'all have all jumped on the bandwagon. You're worse than HBO's marketing department because just like their shitty teams, everyone involved here SUCKS ASS. You don't have to pick a side because they are all petty, mean losers. Bel and Fae are facing the consequences of their actions, which they rightfully deserve.
However, Em's exposé on Bel's racism seems more like an opportunistic move and it's disappointing that so many of you are supporting it. It's a predictable cycle now; there will be a half-hearted apology, an announcement of a hiatus, and then tons of people will flock to their inboxes to shower them with praise and excuses. It's ridiculous! I know there are many who feel the same way as me but are afraid to speak up because they don't want to upset the "village elders" and risk losing their connections and engagements. It's a joke atp!
Instead of taking responsibility for their own wrongdoings, they will come up with a list of 10 different cyber crimes by others to divert attention from their own nonsense. These very same women have confessed to creating multiple fake accounts, secretly stalking servers without mods noticing, and constantly harassing individuals through anon messages.
Yet, we are supposed to consider them as examples of moral integrity and ethical behavior? 😒
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crystalandbow · 5 months
Pick a pile↓
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Welcome back to crystalandbow 🤍 I hope y'all are doing great! Today let us dive into your greatest strengths and weaknesses. Pick a pile intuitively and check the corresponding message!
This is a general reading, only take what resonates :)
What pile are you choosing? Do let me know!
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PILE 1 -
Everything In Time
Strength: I think your biggest strength is resilience in the face of adversity. Despite experiencing setbacks and betrayals, you possess the ability to rise above them. You refuse to let past failures define you instead you use them as lessons to fuel your growth and determination. Your strength lies in emerging stronger on the other side. You understand that setbacks are temporary and believe in your power to shape your own destiny, no matter the odds against you. you know when to disconnect. You guard yourself well & you always try to protect your peace and the moment you feel something is fishy you try to leave the situation asap. You cut off people if they don't vibe with you anymore. "Moving on" is a word that I picked up on, it could suggest that you are always trying to move on, (in a sense of growing) like leave behind things that don't serve / match with you anymore.
Weakness: you have a tendency to be overwhelmed by worry and anxiety. You may struggle to manage your fears, allowing them to cloud your judgment and hinder your ability to move forward. You might need to work on finding healthier coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with stress and uncertainty. You might also tend to give up soon? Or even have trouble falling asleep because of those constant thoughts. Also mental instability/ lack of "peace"maybe?
Better Is Coming
Strength: omg the way you just carry yourself 😭 your fierce eyes, your personna, your hair everything about you screams professionalism. you possess the intellectual prowess, communication skills, and ethical integrity necessary to navigate challenges successfully and lead others with confidence and wisdom. You believe in the principles of justice and fairness and make decisions from your brain rather than the heart. Your leadership can be characterized by discipline.the way you express yourself with honesty and precision helps you earn trust and credibility from those around you. Great speakers/diplomats/ presenters also good for politics honestly.
Weakness: fear of change or fear of the unknown. You have a deep seated fear or resistance towards change and transformation. You might find yourself clinging to the familiar/known, even if it no longer serves you well, out of a sense of discomfort or uncertainty about what lies ahead.confront your fears and resistance towards change, allow yourself to embrace the natural cycles of life and trust in the process of transformation instead of viewing it as something to be afraid of or to avoid, see it as a catalyst for personal growth and evolution. You will unlock something special
Choose What Chooses You
Strength: you have the ability to draw upon the wisdom of the past, whether through religious or spiritual teachings, cultural customs, or personal philosophies. you are a natural leader and mentor, capable of guiding others on their spiritual or moral journey. You offer support, wisdom, and guidance to those who seek it or you like to gain wisdom, inspiration and guidance from your role models and teachers. You listen to your intuition and have a sense of profound understanding of spiritual truths, which serve as a source of inspiration and guidance in your life. Your ability to tap into this higher knowledge empowers you to lead others with wisdom and compassion, offering support and guidance along their spiritual journey.
Weakness: Impulsivity and haste in your actions and decision-making process! You may feel a strong urge to rush into situations without fully considering the consequences, driven by a desire for quick results or a need to assert your dominance. This impulsiveness can lead to a lack of foresight, where you fail to assess potential risks or take into account the feelings and perspectives of others involved. Your eagerness to charge forward with single-minded determination may blind you to important details or alternative viewpoints.You may find yourself easily triggered by perceived obstacles or challenges.
Enjoy The Now
Strength: a boundless enthusiasm and passion for exploring new ideas, projects, and opportunities! You are absolutely unafraid to step outside of your comfort zone and pursue your dreams with determination and zest.You have the drive and confidence to take bold action and seize opportunities as they arise. Your willingness to follow your instincts and trust in your creative intuition enables you to break through barriers and overcome obstacles on your path to success. You have a natural talent for innovation and originality/ thinking outside the box.
trust in your abilities to manifest your desires and achieve your goals!
Weakness: imbalance in nurturing and caring for oneself versus others! While it's essential to attend to practical matters and provide for your needs, neglecting your emotional or spiritual well-being can lead to feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction. It is important for you to cultivate a more balanced approach to life that honors both practical concerns and deeper emotional fulfillment. Practice mindfulness & / or self-reflection to identify areas where you may be overly fixated on material possessions or security, and explore ways to nurture your emotional and spiritual well-being. Seek out for opportunities for growth and personal development. By adapting a more holistic sense of abundance and security, you can overcome these limitations that lead you to feel unfulfilled despite the goodness around you.
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croziers-compass · 10 months
Summary Notes of Terror Camp 2023 (9.12.23)
(A small summary of notes and references I took during Terror Camp Day One)
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Erasure of Sailors of Colour in Arctic Exploration!!! Needs to be explored much more. JEAMS Fitz-James Fitzjames - w'ont put his apostrophes in the back of words. Capitalising Letters where you would Not usually capitalise them is like Italics. it is Emphasis in speech when written.
These jokes are getting Auld. (If you know you know)
Most things were phonetically written.
WOAHOO!!! - James Thompson
Relic? Or Artefact?
Semiophore - Objects regarded in a given community as carries of meaning.
Walpole is a little fucked in opinion. (imo)
Dundy was awful at spelling. Worse than Goodsir.
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Capitalists should really look into Thomas Holloway
Everyone knows and loves Snarfin' On Them Ribs Saturday Man Proposes, God Disposes
Lady Jane was offended.
Hudson Bay Speedrun - Let Curiosity be your Compass
James Knight does not girlboss but he thinks he does.
A Ship Called The Whalebone Roald was both an asshole but good at what he did.
The Raft of the Medusa - We knew where that was going.
Johnathan Miles is a Horse Girl
Foreshadowing of the Cannibalism and Mutiny
History is a Panopticon They were just people... (Also a Note. I am worried that a lot of the fandom thinks that the concept of a Panopticon originates from TMA and that it was a TMA reference. It was not. I am wondering now if the TMA listeners know who Jeremy Bentham is.)
Cultural Understandings
IceBound Not Down - I did not take a lot of notes on Professor Hester Blum's panel. I was far too invested to write and when it was over I realised I had not made any notes. She was incredible. I loved her narratives very much. I would love to get her book. It is on my list! You would have had to have been there. It was wonderful. Not News: Dan Simmons is a wee fuckboy. We have established this a lot. He also establishes this for us. (?) Umlaqtalik - There is a boat there.
Imperialism is a disease.
How to read Ethically!
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Some of my Notes from the Panel with Paul Ready and Nive Nielsen:
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"You can hear a smile in a recording" - Nive Nielsen
Paul "I am not an expert on Anything" Ready
He is so very attached to Goodsir. Goodsir is very much a part of him. Hearing him talk about how integrated Goodsir is to himself was wonderful.
"I think we need more Goodsirs in the world."
Nive and her impressive education on the importance of indigenous representation and how that impacted her. How her voice as not only an actor but an Indigenous Actor was taken with such respect and was given the space to allow for respectful and creative extrapolation on the Set.
A small Note in my book that says: Oh goodness me he is hideously beautiful. I cannot stand how beautiful he really is. Oh my goodness.
"Nothing is good or bad. Just the potential to be." - Nive Nielsen - Terror Camp 2023
Nive: All Humans are good at picking up sincerity.
Goodsir would have hated Hickey.
"Ah. Would you look at that. Dead with my ass carved up." - Paul Ready
Nive: You cannot kill people or let people die because everything is connected and you do not know how that will effect your future. You have to depend on each other. So when there was conflict you had to solve it with as little violence as possible.
A very Important Book Nive Nielsen had spoken about!
You can get a copy on Thriftbooks of "Give Me My Father's Body" by Kenn Harper Here
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I had an incredible amount of fun during this event. I am so excited for tomorrow. What notes you are seeing here are just references to part of the panels and some side comments I had made between all of my other more detailed notes. There was so much to be had and so much that we saw and heard. The speakers were incredible and each individual was incredibly dedicated to their impressive Art and Passion. It truly showed. As Nive said: You can hear a smile in a recording". I feel as if this applies to every one of the speakers and all of the panels we had the pleasure to enjoy today.
I have more detailed notes in my journal which, of course, you can see I scrawled a lot in. I had amassed about seven whole pages worth in that time. So to type them all would be just simple a task I cannot do. But I am open to discussions regarding how everything was if you did not get to attend it! Also Terror Camp has a wonderful setup available for you to explore the other avenues that they have presented on their website. So please do go check that you if you are interested! I cannot wait to do this tomorrow with my fellow Shipmates. Thank you so much for everyone that put together @terrorcamp. I am quite excited for tomorrow!
With much love and saltwater kisses,
Second Leftenant in heart and spirit,
-Wilbur E. F. C.
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inglorionamy-ammy · 4 months
A Review of Gale Character Ai (Pt.1)
~What is this post about?~
[Attention: The story in this is NOT a fanfic!! This is my own experience of playing Gale Character AI.]
Link to Part 2 [Start playing with Gale Ai]
Link to Part 3 [Continue playing with Gale Ai]
Link to Part 4 [NSFW test]
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● Why am I posting this?
In discussing Gale-AI, @senualothbrok told me that it could be addictive and potentially scary when AI hallucinations happened, that it could start acting in a creepy way. But I was so curious about how in-character/immersive the AI could be, so I played it over 4 TRIALS and eventually got the following interaction that I was quite satisfied with.
● What does this series of posts contain?
With the content generated from Trial 4 as an example, I will share:
1. My personal preferred way to interact with it so as not to get addicted/ mind-ducked by it
2. Some tips on prompting responses that might be satisfying to you personally
3. What I felt during the interaction (which was rather wild)
●How does Gale-Ai work?
In Gale Ai, the web page looked like a text message interaction, and you can message it to "directly talk to Gale".
However what I did is that I Role-Play, typing both actions and dialogues to prompt a bot-response. Basically it's like you are like a DM and the bot roleplays as Gale in your story, so you're co-constructing a story with it.
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●If you are extra-worried about blurring reality with fiction in these interactions, some tips:
1. I personally never let one chat last over a day to prevent its performance from dropping (I.e starting to act OOC or even abusive)
2. I role-play as a character in Faerun, so Gale-Ai won't mess with your mind by mentioning real-life events
3. Write to it like writing a fiction, so that the experience feels more like an interactive fanfic rather than a text chat.
●On Ai and fanfiction
From my own observations, the Ai does give individual responses that to a non-native English speaker like me, look pretty decent. I personally think that playing with the Ai is an interesting way for authors to test out ideas and get suprises from the bot (which can happen sometimes); or for me, who actually learnt a vocabulary or two during the interaction.
For integrity reasons I do NOT agree with posting Ai work without indicating that it is co-constructed with Ai. Also if you actually read the Ai story, you will find parts that do not corresponded well, vocabs that are reused many times, and limited creativity in story telling. (Next part I'll use my trial as an example to discuss this)
In addition, a reader mentioned potential ethical issues about how Ai is being trained and the energy they consumed. Here are two articles FYI:
The Green Dilemma: Can AI Fulfil Its Potential Without Harming the Environment?
Character AI Stealing Artists’ Work: A Global Ethical Dilemma in Writing
With this in mind, let's talk about how it played out for me :)
->A Review of Gale Character Ai (Pt.2)
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Last week when I read of Brigadier General (ret) Malham Wakin’s death, his name sounded familiar. As a newly arrived cadet at the Air Force Academy in 1968, the head of the Department of Philosophy, a colonel in his mid-30s, spoke to about a hundred members of my class in a spacious lecture hall. I vaguely remembered an impeccably dressed officer with jet black hair, who may have been 5 feet 4 inches tall. A picture from his obituary confirmed my recollection that this was the same man who lectured for less than an hour 56 years ago.  I never saw or heard of General Wakin again.
The encounter occurred long ago in a minute period of time that did not involve violence or a life-changing crisis to mark the event, but it formed the origin of an everlasting memory. A gifted speaker works wonders by the content of the lecture and the style in which it is delivered. I cannot remember one word of the lecture, but Professor Wakin’s passion for integrity as the most important character trait made an indelible impression on a receptive audience.
General Wakin was recognized in People Magazine in 1975 as one of the “Twelve Great Professors” and authored two critically acclaimed books: Integrity First: Reflections of a Military Philosopher and War, Morality, and the Military Profession. As a captain in 1963, he co-authored an article, “The Vocation of Arms,” that was published in Air Force Magazine, where he clarified the responsibilities of the profession of arms.
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jailforwriter · 1 year
The Oracle (and why prophesy in storytelling doesn't have to suck)
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You know what most people hate to see in their Fantasy stories? Prophesy. You know what's really fun to pick apart and analyze and makes for some delicious dramatic irony when handled properly? Prophesy.
How come? Well, for one, The Chosen One trope is a little overused. Readers tire of it quite quickly nowadays. Does that mean that it's bad and you should avoid it at all costs? Haha no. We're not Sith. We don't deal in absolutes. What it does mean is that you'll have to get really clever to justify that choice, narratively speaking, and that even then, some readers might still dislike it on principle. The inevitability of prophesy can often deter from our enjoyment of it, and we run the risk of it falling flat if it's not engaging enough.
Which is why I'm advocating for Prophesy Lite™️ (aka The Oracle character archetype) and its untold engagement potential! This business is no longer about ancient scripture handed down from generation to generation coming to wreck your protagonist's shit (boring). All the wrecking shall henceforth be done by one annoying creep only (fun).
By assigning The Oracle this role, we get to pump them full of all sorts of interesting human quirks, such as being a manipulator who purposefully miscommunicates messages, or being a bad public speaker who accidentally miscommunicates messages. Think the three witches in Macbeth. Either way, we're in for a great deal of misinterpretation and ethical conundrums, neither of which would've been half as fun from an ancient stone slab, now would they?
So what does The Oracle do, exactly?
Tergiversate. Like, everything, all the time. They're there to lead everyone down the wrong path via the three most annoying "s" words: semantics, sophistries, and symbolism (derogatory). They may or may not get high on fumes while doing so, Pythia-style, but there are a handful of things on the job description that they must comply with to qualify for the position:
Know stuff: mystical stuff, not just any stuff. The kind of stuff your character couldn't just find in the library. We're talking divine wisdom and esoteric truths of enlightenment here.
Foretelling: okay, so they know stuff. Now, we need them to make that everyone else's problem. For that, they need to prophesize.
Insight: this is the main reason why we didn't just use a cool ancient rhyme. It's because our dear Oracle can offer their own biased advice – riddled with deceit – and make everything worse.
Enigmatic: they gotta be at least a little weird, okay? They're one with the universe from 9 to 5, there's no way they can just integrate into society whenever they want because we need them to. Bonus points if they talk weirdly, too, so no one quite understands what they mean at any given moment, leading to even more hilarity.
Pals with God (optional): ideally, yes. In practice? Well, just imagine all the fun stuff you could have them do if they're only pretending to be a phone for the Sky People.
Why did this merit a whole human person?
Are you still not convinced that this human being couldn't just have been an email? Fine, let's look at other ways in which they could earn their keep:
Ethical spouting machine: remember how we established that they can introduce their own biased interpretations into their prophecies? Well, they also happen to have a mouth, and can therefore cause great emotional turmoil in your protagonist if they decide to pick their moral compass apart with it.
Manipulable: you thought your protagonist was the only one who could be manipulated? Ha ha. No. Your Big Bad is pulling at the Oracle's strings and they don't even know it! Or do they? Idk man, it's your story. Sounds real interesting though. I'd read that.
Potential allyship: unlike a slab of carved stone, this Oracle may establish cute lil' bonds with your other characters, making whatever you choose to do with them have emotional stakes, and we should always raise the emotional stakes where we can.
People grow: and your Oracle is a people, so we can certainly have them grow better. Or worse. Negative growth is also growth. They're a cool villain waiting to happen, is all I'm gonna say.
Subverting expectations since circa 4000 B.C.: I know Pop Culture has made us hate the term "subverting expectations", but contrary to what Hollywood seems to think, it can be done properly. One such way is via the Oracle, who, if we write them that way, can be less ominous and more babygirl. They maybe even down to help our protagonist avoid what should've been an unavoidable fate.
There you go! You can have your proverbial cake and eat it, too, so long as you make that cake (prophesy) very intricate and its baker (prophet) a little wacky. Thanks for reading!
Happy writing!
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jowhale · 4 months
The Journey in Entrepreneurial Mind : Political Science Edition
Hello, everyone! and every two! and every three!
The Final Pitching: Our OMNIHUB Innovation Takes Pride
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After months of hard work, countless brainstorming, conducting several surveys, and more than a few late nights, the day finally arrived for us to pitch our innovative new service application “OMNIHUB '' to the panels. The atmosphere was electric as we took in commencing to pitch, presented a demo of the seamless user experience, and articulated our vision for creating a revolutionary platform to make people’s lives more convenient and open up new opportunities especially to the students. 
Moreover, there were certainly some nerves, months of preparation carried us through. We highlighted OMNIHUB’s unique ability to seamlessly connect users to local services, from transportation to grocery to dog walking and more remotely. I guess, the panel’s eyes lit up as they saw and witnessed just how great and intuitive the app made accessing these modern conveniences. When we revealed our expansive partner network of service, and assuming the presence of developers and partner providers, I believe they will be on board, and expecting that we could feel the rising excitement. 
As the pitch encapsulates, we feel the exploding applause coming from our adviser and the panel. Months of doubt, fatigue and challenges melted away in that moment of validation and promise for our startup’s future. Thus, there is still a long road ahead, pitching OMNIHUB was an incredible milestone and motivating start to our entrepreneurial journey. 
The Entrepreneurial Mind Lecture Series 2024
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Credits: Mr. Reymark Menguito Facebook Post after the lecture series photo opt.
With the high pitch still fresh, we were fortunate to attend the Entrepreneurial Mind Lecture Series and gain invaluable insights about critical legal and business considerations for startup founders. The discussions around data privacy regulations, intellectual property protection and nurturing a healthy startup ecosystem were not only fascinating but immensely practical. 
One speaker’s cautionary tales about the risks of neglecting data privacy best practices clearly outlined the need to bake those considerations into our respective innovation’s infrastructure from day one. However, sometimes seen as a hindrance, we recognized robust data privacy as an opportunity to build user trust and position our brand as an advocate on valuing digital rights and freedoms. 
The intellectual property talks were another highlight, detailing strategies for safeguarding our core innovations while still encouraging productive partnerships and integrations within the broader ecosystem we aim to facilitate. It was a masterclass in walking the tightrope of protecting our interest while still boldly collaborating. 
Moreover, as we put the context to our innovation, while the OMNIHUB pitch was the dramatic crescendo, lectures like these represent the foundational learnings that will allow us to transform our plucky startup into an enduring, ethical and impactful enterprise. The insights gained will undoubtedly help steer us clear of many potential pitfalls. 
The Entrepreneurial Mind Experience: A Rewarding Whirlwind
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The AB Political Science 3 in one frame with Sir Reymark Menguito.
Reflecting on the entire semester with “Entrepreneurial Mind” experience, it was truly a roller coaster in the best way possible. POwered by passion yet anchored in practicality and preparation, we weathered the inevitable storms of self-doubt, fatigue, and creative differences to bring “OMNIHUB” to this exciting inflection point. 
There were countless lows along the way - those nights where it felt like we never made a dent, or disagreements that threatened to derail everything. But each time we hit a roadblock, our resilience, openness to constructive feedback, and sheer belief in our vision pulled us through. We’ll carry the lessons of perseverance, resourcefulness, and teamwork with us forever. 
Of course, the highs were just as intense as the lows - those electrifying moments where everything clicked into place, or a conversation with a subject matter expert unlocked a powerful new idea we’d been stubbornly missing. Celebrating small wins with the team, whether a UI breakthrough or a new partnership commitment, recharged our momentum. 
Nevertheless, the future is unwritten, one thing is certain: we will always be visionary entrepreneurs at heart, capable of pouring out all into pursuing an ambitious idea and weathering any storm required to try and make an impact. OMNIHUB was the catalyst, but the Entrepreneurial MInd experience awakened something deeper- a mindset geared for constant evolution, lifelong learning and solving problems in unconventional ways. 
Moreover, this could not be possible without the ever-dynamic instructor of ours, Sir Reymark Menguito who made our journey in this course become extraordinary, through his expertise, motivation and passion to fuel our vehicles in entrepreneurship. I, myself, am beyond grateful for having Sir Reymark Menguito with us throughout the semester.
The abovementioned, the pitch, lecture series, and complete experience represented not just an academic exercise, but moreover the start of our entrepreneurial voyage. We have been equipped with tools, passion, memories and the hunger to continually innovate for a better world. After this rewarding whirlwind, we are eager to see what ambitious idea captures our “Entrepreneurial Mind” next. 
"Could have been me" a song of Halsey that pertains to someone or something that's holding oneself to be fearless, to do things scared and feel every emotions without restrictions in everything. To have some fun and enjoy things which talks to self indirectly that it could be me if I do it without anything is hampering me. And this is me.
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How will Change Digital Marketing In The Future?
Digital marketing is on the brink of significant transformations, driven by rapid technological advancements and evolving consumer behaviors. Here’s a comprehensive look at how digital marketing is expected to change in the future:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
AI and machine learning will revolutionize digital marketing by providing deeper insights into consumer behavior and preferences. These technologies will enable:
Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze past consumer behavior to predict future actions, allowing marketers to tailor their strategies more effectively.
Personalization: AI will facilitate highly personalized content, offers, and recommendations, enhancing user experience and engagement.
Automation: Chatbots and virtual assistants will become more sophisticated, providing instant customer support and handling routine tasks efficiently.
2. Increased Focus on Privacy and Data Security
As data breaches and privacy concerns rise, stricter regulations such as GDPR and CCPA will influence how companies collect, store, and use consumer data. Key changes will include:
Transparency: Businesses will need to be transparent about their data practices and obtain explicit consent from users.
Enhanced Security: Companies will invest more in cybersecurity measures to protect consumer data and maintain trust.
Ethical Data Use: Ethical considerations in data handling will become a priority, with brands demonstrating responsibility in their data practices.
3. Voice Search Optimization
The proliferation of smart speakers and voice-activated devices is making voice search a significant part of digital interactions. Future digital marketing strategies will need to:
Optimize for Voice Search: Content will be optimized for voice queries, which are often longer and more conversational.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Marketers will use NLP to understand and cater to the nuances of spoken language.
Voice-Activated Commerce: Voice search will facilitate seamless shopping experiences, with consumers making purchases through voice commands.
4. Video Content Growth
Video content is expected to continue its dominance in digital marketing. The future will see:
Short-Form Videos: Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels will drive the popularity of short, engaging video content.
Live Streaming: Real-time engagement through live streaming will become more common, providing opportunities for interactive marketing.
Interactive Videos: Videos with interactive elements, such as clickable links and embedded forms, will enhance user engagement.
5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR technologies will offer immersive experiences, allowing consumers to interact with products and brands in new ways. Key applications include:
Virtual Try-Ons: Consumers can use AR to virtually try on clothing, accessories, or makeup, enhancing the online shopping experience.
Virtual Tours: VR will enable virtual tours of properties, travel destinations, and event venues, providing a realistic preview.
Interactive Advertising: AR and VR will create engaging and memorable advertising experiences, driving brand recall.
6. Expansion of Social Commerce
The convergence of social media and e-commerce will deepen, creating seamless shopping experiences directly within social platforms. This will involve:
Shoppable Posts: Users can purchase products directly from social media posts and stories.
In-App Purchases: Social media platforms will integrate more robust e-commerce features, allowing transactions without leaving the app.
Influencer Marketing: Influencers will play a key role in driving social commerce, leveraging their reach to promote products.
7. Personalization and Hyper-Targeting
Advancements in data analytics will enable more precise targeting and personalization. This will manifest as:
Customized Content: Marketers will deliver content tailored to individual preferences and behaviors, increasing relevance and engagement.
Dynamic Advertising: Ads will be dynamically generated to match the interests and needs of specific audience segments.
Behavioral Targeting: Real-time data analysis will allow for immediate adjustments to marketing strategies based on consumer behavior.
8. Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology will bring greater transparency and security to digital advertising. Benefits include:
Ad Fraud Prevention: Blockchain can verify the authenticity of clicks and impressions, reducing ad fraud.
Transparent Transactions: Advertisers can track and verify their ad spend and the performance of their campaigns transparently.
Data Ownership: Consumers will have more control over their data, choosing how and when to share it with marketers.
9. Emphasis on Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability and ethical practices. Brands will need to:
Sustainable Marketing: Promote eco-friendly products and practices, and reduce the environmental impact of their marketing efforts.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Highlight their CSR initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental causes.
Authenticity: Be authentic and transparent about their values and actions, building trust with consumers.
10. Impact of 5G Technology
The rollout of 5G networks will enhance digital marketing by providing faster and more reliable internet connections. This will enable:
Rich Media Content: Faster speeds will support high-quality video streaming, AR/VR experiences, and interactive content without lag.
Real-Time Engagement: Marketers can engage with consumers in real time, offering instant responses and updates.
IoT Integration: The Internet of Things (IoT) will expand, with more connected devices providing new marketing opportunities and data insights.
In summary, the future of digital marketing will be shaped by technological innovation, a heightened focus on privacy and ethics, and the need for more personalized and immersive consumer experiences. Businesses that adapt to these changes and leverage emerging technologies will be better positioned to connect with their audiences and achieve their marketing goals.
#Digial Marketing
#Social Marketing
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chris-griffiths · 3 months
Motivational Speakers: Inspiring Change and Driving Success
In today’s fast-paced world, motivational speakers play a pivotal role in inspiring individuals and organizations to achieve their highest potential. These dynamic professionals bring unique perspectives, personal experiences, and powerful messages that resonate with diverse audiences. Whether addressing a corporate team, a group of students, or a public gathering, motivational speakers have the ability to spark change, foster leadership, and drive success.
What is a Motivational Speaker?
A motivational speaker is an individual who delivers speeches intended to inspire and motivate their audience. These speakers use their life experiences, expertise, and eloquence to encourage people to overcome obstacles, pursue their dreams, and strive for excellence. Their speeches are designed to evoke emotional responses, challenge conventional thinking, and provide practical advice for personal and professional growth.
The Role of a Keynote Speaker
A keynote speaker is a special type of motivational speaker who delivers the main speech at an event. The role of a keynote speaker is to set the tone for the event, highlight its main themes, and engage the audience from the outset. Keynote speakers are often chosen for their expertise, charisma, and ability to connect with the audience on a deeper level. Their speeches are carefully crafted to align with the goals of the event and leave a lasting impact on the attendees.
Characteristics of an Effective Keynote Speaker
Expertise: A deep knowledge of the subject matter.
Engagement: The ability to captivate and maintain audience interest.
Inspiration: Providing motivation and encouragement.
Clarity: Delivering a clear and concise message.
Authenticity: Being genuine and relatable.
Leadership Speakers: Empowering Future Leaders
Leadership speakers focus on developing leadership skills within their audience. These speakers often have extensive experience in leadership roles and share insights on effective leadership practices. They discuss topics such as emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, team building, and decision-making. Leadership speakers aim to empower individuals to take on leadership roles and excel in guiding their teams and organizations toward success.
Key Themes in Leadership Speaking
Vision: Creating and communicating a compelling vision.
Influence: Building trust and influencing others.
Adaptability: Leading through change and uncertainty.
Integrity: Upholding ethical standards and integrity.
Empowerment: Encouraging and developing others.
The Impact of Motivational Speakers
Motivational speakers can have a profound impact on individuals and organizations. Their speeches often lead to increased motivation, improved morale, and enhanced performance. By sharing their own stories of overcoming adversity and achieving success, motivational speakers provide valuable lessons and practical strategies that audiences can apply to their own lives.
Personal Growth and Development
Motivational speakers inspire personal growth by encouraging individuals to set ambitious goals, take risks, and persevere in the face of challenges. They emphasize the importance of self-belief, resilience, and continuous learning. By promoting a growth mindset, motivational speakers help individuals unlock their full potential and achieve their aspirations.
Organizational Success
In a corporate setting, motivational speakers can drive organizational success by fostering a positive and motivated workforce. They address key issues such as employee engagement, teamwork, and leadership development. Their speeches can lead to improved communication, increased productivity, and a stronger organizational culture.
Choosing the Right Motivational Speaker
Selecting the right motivational speaker for an event is crucial to its success. Event organizers should consider the speaker’s expertise, experience, and ability to connect with the audience. It’s also important to align the speaker’s message with the goals and themes of the event. Here are some tips for choosing the right motivational speaker:
Define Your Objectives
Identify the Purpose: Understand the primary goal of the event.
Audience Needs: Consider the specific needs and interests of the audience.
Desired Outcomes: Determine the desired outcomes from the speaker’s presentation.
Research Potential Speakers
Speaker Profiles: Review the profiles and backgrounds of potential speakers.
Testimonials and Reviews: Look for testimonials and reviews from previous engagements.
Sample Videos: Watch sample videos of their past speeches to gauge their style and effectiveness.
Evaluate Speaker Fit
Relevance: Ensure the speaker’s expertise and message are relevant to the event.
Engagement Style: Consider the speaker’s ability to engage and connect with the audience.
Adaptability: Assess the speaker’s flexibility to tailor their speech to the event’s specific needs.
The Journey of Becoming a Motivational Speaker
Becoming a successful motivational speaker involves a combination of passion, expertise, and effective communication skills. Aspiring speakers must be able to convey their message in a compelling and relatable manner. Here are some steps to becoming a motivational speaker:
Develop Your Message
Identify Your Passion: Focus on topics you are passionate about and knowledgeable in.
Craft Your Story: Develop a personal story or message that resonates with your audience.
Create Valuable Content: Provide practical advice, insights, and inspiration.
Hone Your Speaking Skills
Public Speaking Courses: Take courses to improve your public speaking skills.
Practice Regularly: Practice speaking in front of different audiences to gain confidence.
Seek Feedback: Solicit feedback from peers and mentors to refine your delivery.
Build Your Brand
Online Presence: Create a professional website and social media profiles.
Networking: Network with event organizers, other speakers, and industry professionals.
Marketing: Promote your speaking services through various marketing channels.
The Future of Motivational Speaking
The future of motivational speaking is evolving with advancements in technology and changes in audience preferences. Virtual events, online courses, and interactive workshops are becoming increasingly popular. Motivational speakers must adapt to these changes and leverage digital platforms to reach a wider audience.
Embracing Technology
Virtual Speaking: Delivering speeches through webinars, virtual conferences, and online events.
Interactive Content: Using interactive tools and platforms to engage the audience.
Online Courses: Creating online courses and workshops to provide value to a broader audience.
Staying Relevant
Continuous Learning: Staying updated with the latest trends and developments in your field.
Audience Feedback: Regularly seeking and incorporating feedback from your audience.
Innovation: Continuously innovate your content and delivery methods to stay relevant and engaging.
Motivational speakers play an essential role in inspiring and empowering individuals and organizations. Whether as a keynote speaker or a leadership speaker, their ability to connect with audiences and deliver impactful messages is unparalleled. By understanding the nuances of motivational speaking, selecting the right speaker, and embracing future trends, event organizers can ensure their events are memorable and transformative. Motivational speakers will continue to be a driving force in fostering personal growth, leadership development, and organizational success.
In the end, the power of motivational speaking lies in its ability to inspire change, ignite passion, and drive individuals toward their goals. As the world continues to evolve, the demand for inspirational voices that can guide and motivate us will only grow. Motivational speakers, with their unique stories and powerful messages, will remain at the forefront of this movement, helping us navigate the challenges and opportunities of the future.
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Inspiring Personal Improvement and Exploring the Frontiers of Science and Technology: Dynamic Speakers Await
In the realm of personal improvement, dynamic speakers have the power to ignite inspiration, instigate positive change, and propel individuals towards their full potential. Meanwhile, speakers well-versed in science and technology captivate audiences by delving into the frontiers of innovation and discovery. Whether you seek personal growth or wish to stay informed about the latest advancements, these captivating speakers are ready to enlighten and empower.
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Personal improvement speakers possess expertise in areas such as motivation, resilience, leadership, and goal-setting. They share powerful stories, practical strategies, and transformative insights to guide individuals towards success, self-actualization, and personal fulfillment. These speakers, through engaging talks and workshops, empower audiences to overcome obstacles, embrace change, and unlock their hidden potential.
On the other hand, science and technology speakers delve into cutting-edge research, technological breakthroughs, and the future implications of innovation. They provide captivating presentations on subjects like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, space exploration, and environmental sustainability. These speakers shed light on the latest scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and the exciting possibilities they bring. Audiences gain a deeper understanding of the world's emerging frontiers, inspiring curiosity and encouraging engagement in these fields.
Whether you're seeking personal growth or a glimpse into the future of science and technology, there is an array of captivating speakers ready to enlighten and inspire. Their expertise, charisma, and ability to connect with audiences make them valuable additions to conferences, seminars, and corporate events. By attending their talks, you can cultivate personal development or stay at the forefront of scientific progress, opening doors to new perspectives and opportunities. Embark on an enriching journey with these speakers and embrace the transformative power of knowledge and inspiration.
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Rick McKee, Augusta Chronicle
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April 5, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
In yesterday’s election in Wisconsin, the two candidates represented very different futures for the country. One candidate for the state supreme court, Daniel Kelly, had helped politicians to gerrymander the state to give Republicans an iron lock on the state assembly and was backed by antiabortion Republicans. The other, Janet Protasiewicz, promised to stand behind fair voting maps and the protection of reproductive rights. Wisconsin voters elected Protasiewicz by an overwhelming eleven points in a state where elections are usually decided by a point or so. Kelly reacted with an angry, bitter speech. “I wish that in a circumstance like this I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent,” he said. “But I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede.” Yesterday’s vote in Wisconsin reinforces the polling numbers that show how overwhelmingly popular abortion rights and fair voting are, and it seems likely to throw the Republican push to suppress voting into hyperdrive before the 2024 election. Since the 1980s, Republicans have pushed the idea of “ballot integrity” or, later, “voter fraud” to justify voter suppression. That cry began in 1986, when Republican operatives, realizing that voters opposed Reagan’s tax cuts, launched a “ballot integrity” initiative that they privately noted “could keep the black vote down considerably.” That effort to restrict the vote is now a central part of Republican policy. Together with Documented, an investigative watchdog and journalism project, The Guardian today published the story of the attempt by three leading right-wing election denial groups to restrict voting rights in Republican-dominated states by continuing the lie that voting fraud is rampant. The Guardian’s story, by Ed Pilkington and Jamie Corey, explores a two-day February meeting in Washington organized by the right-wing Heritage Foundation and attended by officials from 13 states, including the chief election officials of Indiana, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. At the meeting, participants learned about auditing election results, litigation, and funding to challenge election results. Many of the attendees and speakers are associated with election denial. Since the 2020 election, Republican-dominated states have passed “election reform” measures that restrict the vote; those efforts are ongoing. On Thursday alone, the Texas Senate advanced a number of new restrictions. In the wake of high turnout among Generation Z Americans, who were born after 1996 and are more racially and ethnically diverse than their elders, care deeply about reproductive and LGBTQ rights, and want the government to do more to address society’s ills, Republican legislatures are singling out the youth vote to hamstring. That determination to silence younger Americans is playing out today in Tennessee, where a school shooting on March 28 in Nashville killed six people, including three 9-year-olds. The shooting has prompted protesters to demand that the legislature honor the will of the people by addressing gun safety, but instead, Republicans in the legislature have moved to expel three Democratic lawmakers who approached the podium without being recognized to speak—a breach of House rules—and led protesters in chants calling for gun reform. As Republicans decried the breach by Representatives Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson, protestors in the galleries called out, “Fascists!” Republican efforts to gain control did not end there. On Twitter today, Johnson noted that she had “just had a visit from the head of HR and the House ethics lawyer,” who told her “that if I am expelled, I will lose my health benefits,” but the ethics lawyer went on to explain “that in one case, a member who was potentially up for expulsion decided to resign because if you resign, you maintain your health benefits.” The echoes of Reconstruction in that conversation are deafening. In that era, when the positions of the parties were reversed, southern Democrats used similar “persuasion” to chase Republican legislators out of office. When that didn’t work, of course, they also threatened the physical safety of those who stood in the way of their absolute control of politics. On Saturday night, someone fired shots into the home of the man who founded and runs the Tennessee Holler, a progressive news site. Justin Kanew was covering the gun safety struggle in Tennessee. He wrote: “This violence has no place in a civilized society and we are thankful no one was physically hurt. The authorities have not completed their investigation and right now we do not know for sure the reason for this attack. We urge the Williamson County Sheriff’s office to continue to investigate this crime and help shed light on Saturday’s unfortunate events and bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice. In the meantime, our family remains focused on keeping our children healthy and safe.” The anger coming from losing candidate Kelly last night, and his warning that “this does not end well….[a]nd I wish Wisconsin the best of luck because I think it's going to need it,” sure sounded like those lawmakers in the Reconstruction years who were convinced that only people like them should govern. The goal of voter suppression, control of statehouses, and violence—then and now—is minority rule. Today’s Republican Party has fallen under the sway of MAGA Republicans who advocate Christian nationalism despite its general unpopularity; on April 3, Hungarian president Viktor Orbán, who has destroyed true democracy in favor of “Christian democracy” in his own country, cheered Trump on and told him to “keep on fighting.” Like Orbán, today's Republicans reject the principles that underpin democracy, including the ideas of equality before the law and separation of church and state, and instead want to impose Christian rule on the American majority. Their conviction that American “tradition” focuses on patriarchy rather than equality is a dramatic rewriting of our history, and it has led to recent attacks on LGBTQ Americans. In Kansas today, the legislature overrode Democratic governor Laura Kelly’s veto of a bill banning transgender athletes who were assigned male at birth from participating in women’s sports. Kansas is the twentieth state to enact such a policy, and when it goes into effect, it will affect just one youth in the state. Yesterday, Idaho governor Brad Little signed a law banning gender-affirming care for people under 18, and today Indiana governor Eric Holcomb did the same. Meanwhile, Republican-dominated states are so determined to ignore the majority they are also trying to make it harder for voters to challenge state laws through ballot initiatives. Alice MIranda Ollstein and Megan Messerly of Politico recently wrote about how, after voters in a number of states overrode abortion bans through ballot initiatives, legislatures in Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, and Oklahoma are now debating ways to make it harder for voters to get measures on the ballot, sometimes even specifying that abortion-related measures are not eligible for ballot challenges. And yet, in the face of the open attempt of a minority to seize control, replacing our democracy with Christian nationalism, the majority is reasserting its power. In Michigan, after an independent redistricting commission redrew maps to end the same sort of gerrymandering that is currently in place in Wisconsin and Tennessee, Democrats in 2022 won a slim majority to control the state government. And today, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law a bill revoking a 1931 law that criminalized abortion without exception for rape or incest.
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aclickbaittitle · 8 months
Language (s) in Moonbase Theta Out:
English as a language is taking over the world at an alarming rate, most other countries in which English is not the majority language have it as part of their school curriculum, and like math, you can fail the year if you do not pass the subject.
Why? Well, most of your job prospects will be severely impacted if you do not have at least a grasp of it. Though not as “present” as other consequences of USAmerican and England’s hold over the world, language imperialism is still something to worry about.
Like Minnie Degawan, activist of indigenous people’s rights says: “For Indigenous peoples, languages ​​are not only symbols of identity and belonging to a group, but also vehicles for ethical values. They constitute the fabric of the knowledge systems through which these peoples form a whole with the land and are crucial for their survival. The future of their young people depends on them.”
Of course it is not only the English language that is guilty of the linguistic masacre, my own mother tongue: Spanish is equally if not more guilty. And, unlike how I would like to blame the Western Europeans for everything, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese and many more also play their part. Please notice how all of this is backed by Nation-States Agenda of “Linguistic-Ethnic Unity” like Mexico’s “not-white, not indigenous but (light-skin) mestiz@” project that asked for indigenous peoples to exchange their language (and culture) for social integration.
But what does this have to do with a small little podcast called Moon Base Theta Out?
Moonbase Theta Out is a sci-fi audio fiction podcast produced by Monkeyman Productions. It is 2098. The Moonbase program has been determined unprofitable. The last base, Theta, is twenty weeks from being decommissioned. Most of the crew is in stasis awaiting retrieval. Five remain – Roger Bragado-Fischer, Nessa Cheong, Ashwini Ray, Michell L’Anglois, and Wilder. (monkeymanproductions.com)
In Moonbase Theta Out, our current way of organizing the earth in nation-states has fallen out of fashion. Instead we got corporate enclaves run by mega corporations, and if it sounds terrifying it is because it is. There is a saying that goes “english is the language of money” and in a world where neoliberalism has taken over every character is expected to know english from Brazil to North Africa to France.  It is not uncommon for US american media to portray a world in which everyone knows english somehow, but in Moonbase Theta, Out it actually makes sense. 
However, english is not the only language spoken in Moonbase Theta Out, within the constraints of the audio medium (in which subtitles are not possible, and the only way translations can be provided is through transcripts) the podcast manage to include portuguese, french, arabic (don’t ask me which dialect) and even some few words in spanish and bengali. The reason for this linguistic diversity? Because Moonbase, even amidst the cyberpunk hellscape, wants to show a future that is blooming with diversity and love. 
In a small mini-episode showcasing the poems used in the show, writer D.J. Sylvis talks about how poetry is the connecting vehicle between our main-lead Roger Brigado-Fisher and his husband, Alexandre Brigado-Fisher (their relationship also works to tie the events that happen in the moon and earth). I want to extend this sentiment, and argue that language is the way in which several characters expressed their unique relationship.
Alexandre, for example, is Brazilian (go my latin boy!) and a native Portuguese speaker, Roger on the other hand is not but has learned the language, however when he takes a job for the Consortium he is asked to only speak english. His job causes a rift between him and his husband which ends up in a fight, when Alexandre slips into Portuguese, Roger tries to do the same but ends up forgetting the words; just another example of how their relationship is deteriorating because of the corporate overlords.
Then we have Michelle and his sister Maria, both French. They have had a very rough life that led them to security jobs for the Consortium and said jobs have led them apart.
Michelle tries to establish contact with her while knowing that everything he says would be listened to by his boss (and his enemy Roger). He slips into French when in distress, and the only one to calm them is another French speaker, her sister. 
There’s also this very short moment in which Dr. Ashwini Ray has made a friend ze didn’t expect to make and can’t do anything about it because ze is going to the moon in just a few days with hopes of never came back, so ze says a few works in Bangla that ze knows hir friend, Jen Ponton, won’t be able to understand but that anyways, is a subtle way to express hir love for her.
Moonbase Theta Out is far from the only multilingual podcast out there (see: Desperado, MOONFACE, Hi Nay, Dos After You, Monster Dash and Celestial Blood) and I hope we continue to see more. 
I also want to motivate you, reader, if you speak any other language, to write a story with it. The best way to help a tongue live is through the beauty of literature, afterall.
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ultrajaphunter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐘𝐄-𝐁𝐘𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍! - 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑, 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟕.
When he was just 44, Joe Biden was already running for president, but was forced to withdraw from the election race, having been caught in the most shameful plagiarism -
he stole the speeches of other speakers, attributing authorship to himself.
That time, he shamelessly ripped off entire sections from the speeches of British Labor leader Neil Kinnock, as well as the Kennedy brothers, John and Robert.
Today, exactly 36 years later, the same Joe Biden still convinces many people of his “integrity”, and intends to run again for the second time, in a race he had to quit decades ago due to his questionable ethics.
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onlineassignmentshelp · 7 months
Exploring the Latest PTE Essay Writing Topics for Academic Success
The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic is a widely recognized English language proficiency test that assesses the language skills of non-native English speakers. One of the key components of the PTE Academic exam is the writing section, which includes tasks such as essay writing. Staying updated on the latest essay writing topics is crucial for test-takers to prepare effectively and achieve success in the exam. In this article, we'll explore some of the latest PTE essay writing topics for academic purposes, providing insights and tips for tackling these tasks.
The Impact of Technology on Education:
Technology has revolutionized the field of education, transforming the way students learn and educators teach. This essay topic explores the various ways in which technology has impacted education, including the integration of digital tools in the classroom, online learning platforms, and the accessibility of educational resources. Test-takers can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of technology in education, as well as its potential implications for the future of learning.
Climate Change and Its Effects on the Environment:
Climate change is a pressing global issue that poses significant threats to the environment and human societies. Test-takers may be asked to write an essay discussing the causes and effects of climate change, as well as potential solutions to mitigate its impact. This topic requires critical analysis and a comprehensive understanding of environmental science, policy, and sustainability initiatives.
The Role of Social Media in Modern Society:
Social media has become an integral part of contemporary life, shaping communication, culture, and social interactions. Test-takers may be tasked with writing an essay examining the role of social media in modern society, including its influence on relationships, politics, business, and mental health. This topic invites test-takers to explore the opportunities and challenges posed by social media platforms and to critically evaluate their impact on individuals and communities.
The Importance of Cross-Cultural Understanding in a Globalized World:
In an increasingly interconnected world, cross-cultural understanding and communication are essential skills for navigating diverse societies and contexts. Test-takers may be asked to write an essay discussing the importance of cross-cultural understanding in a globalized world, including its relevance in business, education, diplomacy, and social integration. This topic encourages test-takers to reflect on the value of cultural diversity and to explore strategies for fostering intercultural competence.
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence:
As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies continue to advance, ethical considerations surrounding their development and deployment have come to the forefront. Test-takers may be prompted to write an essay exploring the ethical implications of AI, including issues related to privacy, automation, job displacement, and bias. This topic challenges test-takers to critically evaluate the ethical dimensions of AI technologies and to propose frameworks for responsible innovation and governance.
Staying informed about the latest PTE essay writing topics is essential for test-takers preparing for the exam. By familiarizing themselves with diverse subject matter and practicing essay writing skills, test-takers can enhance their ability to effectively analyze complex issues, articulate coherent arguments, and demonstrate proficiency in English language communication. With diligent preparation and a solid understanding of key topics, test-takers can approach the PTE Academic Writing section with confidence and achieve their desired scores.
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amruthapkumar · 10 months
How will digital marketing change in the future
Predicting the future of digital marketing involves considering ongoing trends and technological advancements. While I can't predict specific future events, here are some potential directions in which digital marketing might evolve:
Increased Use of AI and Machine Learning: As AI and machine learning technologies continue to advance, digital marketers may leverage these tools for more personalized and targeted campaigns. AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and optimize marketing strategies in real-time.
Rise of Voice Search Optimization: With the growing popularity of voice-activated devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants, optimizing content for voice search will become crucial. Marketers will need to adapt their SEO strategies to accommodate conversational queries.
Interactive Content: Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and augmented reality experiences, can enhance user engagement. In the future, we might see more interactive elements in digital marketing campaigns as they provide a more immersive and participatory experience.
Video Dominance: Video content is already a powerful tool in digital marketing, and its significance is likely to increase. Short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive videos may become even more prevalent as attention spans decrease and demand for engaging content rises.
Blockchain for Transparency: Blockchain technology could be utilized to enhance transparency in digital marketing. It has the potential to address issues like ad fraud and provide a more accurate account of the consumer journey, helping to build trust between advertisers and consumers.
Personalization and Customer Experience: Digital marketers will likely continue to focus on personalization to create more relevant and targeted experiences for consumers. Advanced analytics and AI can help tailor content and advertisements based on individual preferences and behavior.
Social Commerce Growth: The integration of e-commerce with social media platforms is already happening, and it is likely to expand. Social commerce, where users can make purchases directly through social media, will become more sophisticated and widespread.
Privacy Concerns and Regulation: With increasing concerns about data privacy, there may be stricter regulations governing how companies collect, use, and share consumer data. Marketers will need to navigate these regulations and find innovative ways to reach their target audience while respecting privacy.
Emphasis on Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Consumers are becoming more conscious of sustainability and social responsibility. Brands that align with ethical values and showcase their commitment to social and environmental causes may gain a competitive edge in the digital space.
Emergence of New Technologies: Emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) may open up new avenues for creative and immersive digital marketing campaigns.
It's important to note that the evolution of digital marketing will be influenced by a combination of technological advancements, consumer behavior changes, and regulatory developments. Staying adaptable and informed about industry trends will be crucial for marketers to thrive in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing.
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