#Etcetc etc
hellonoblesky · 11 months
I love Hannibal because no matter what there will always be another thing I can mention to my friends who haven't seen it that will make them go "I'm sorry he WHAT??"
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"feminine urge" this "masculine urge" that but what about the "mentally unstable urge" to watch the same 4 or 5 crime k-drama shows you've been watching since 2005
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
we gotta start giving luffy more credit for his emotional intelligence and empathy because i don't think y'all are aware of how fucking smart this lil dude really is
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thottybrucewayne · 8 months
No, real question. How you a transmed and nonbinary?
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candycryptids · 23 days
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Sebastian doing Gardening... and the Mandragora Queen... <3 Eventually I'll do a more extensive... The Vegetable Court... and Sebastian like... How this all happened.... but that's for later.
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labratboygirl · 7 months
“character who is absolutely awfulbad as a person but incredibly compelling as a character” will be my favorite genre of guy always adn forever
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whiterunguard · 5 months
kawaiigirl.exe 🩷🩵🩷🩵
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hajihiko · 2 years
Important question that I require an answer to post haste!
Fuyuhiko is canonically both a bit of a sweet tooth and lactose intolerant.
How do you think he'd react to his friends/partners trying to prevent him from getting ouchie tummy pains from the big tub of ice cream in the freezer.
He doesn't like being told what to do, but he also really hates milk. I think the danger was minimal to begin with, but in the event that sweets run out, best to just buy 1 tub of lactose free Ice cream to keep around. For emergencies .
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spoczkotszcz · 3 months
Getting hit on by a girl is worth getting hit on by 1000 men confidence-wise
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spiritunwilling · 6 months
A piece of fiction taking place in porn world doesn't make it beyond reproach or criticism but I feel like it should at least be acknowledged when in a discussion abt erotic literature that lots of those works do in fact take place in porn world and not the real world and that, similar to action adventure murder world where killing is significantly cooler than in real life, the contents are not necessarily things that the author (and the readers) thinks should happen in real life? Which I feel like is something easily understood about murder world but easier to forget about porn world because. Gestures vaguely. Sex. Society. The Joker
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rosedhall · 1 year
Explained to a friend about how I worked out when Bose turned up at the hotel via the expiry date of his diazepam (Both IV/IM liquid diazepam has a shelf life of approximately 3 years, if you're interested. His goes off in June 1994) and he solemnly goes "I always forget you're proper squiggly" thanks
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I have to thank all the people who draw chubby/fat Nami because seeing a character I relate so much to being drawn with that type of body does wonders for my mental health. Not gonna get into detail, but after going through an ED and still fighting against Orthorexia, the fear of gaining weight haunts me, and seeing Nami being drawn oh so beautifully with gorgeous different types of bodies just makes me feel so much more comfortable around food!
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nekomimineurosurgery · 11 months
tumblr user nekomimineurosurgery, your account always makes me smile and i hope you are able to smile today as well! i'm sorry about the hate anon you got and for your past experiences):
im too autistic to tell if this might b poking fun at me, but despite everything, ive been able to smile today lots, at least more than i have had my brows furrowed or tears welling. im not letting it get to me, especially because i do feel my actions were inappropriate as much as i feel that these people have already been attacking me for no reason... i probably wont see these people irl though i do know them irl, and if i do, ill tackle that situation then. for now, i got shit to do
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misty-missdee · 11 months
not to toot my own horn too hard, but my blog been kinda slappin since returning from a lil mini break from website.
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remicilline · 1 year
im not that picky w dramas because ive been watching national and international (mostly brazilian and argentinian) teleseries since i was born*
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nomaishuttle · 2 years
Sighsss. i surpose i should start following ppl over here innit. Helloooo if i just.followed you its me connor famous for liking your know whats 👍
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