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Heroes from Beyond (spoilers)
At long last...
#dragonfable#dragonfable spoilers#Isiri#Etaos#Nirios#and of course#best girl#and my waifu#Alz'ein#Now there's just one last atelean that I wonder if they're place in the story will be given more details#Oooooh VEYLA where art thou?#I mostly ask due to a long held headcanon- well more of a question about a certain something...
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DragonFable Trainer Bracket
Hello DragonFable fandom, tumblr has given me polls!
so heres how its going to work: there are 16 trainable classes in DF.
first round/bracket will have all 16 trainers facing off against each other. the method to the madness will be similarities in vibe, popularity, and isiri vs tomix because i'm making you choose between bad boi squimbus and space booba best girl.
Typhon vs Rhubarb
Galnoth vs Artix
Malifact's ghost vs Alz’ein
Zhoom vs Etaos
Isiri vs Tomix
Zorbak vs Maya/Chilly
The Cauldron sisters vs Symone
Yix vs The Man in the Mountain
Tomix vs Alz’ein
Artix vs Captain Rhubarb
The Cauldron sisters vs Zorbak
Man in the Mountain vs Etaos
Tomix Vs Etaos
Artix Vs Zorbak
Artix Vs Tomix
Polls will begin tonight at 12am midnight EST.
EDIT: there was a mistake during Round 1 that result in Symone being on the bracket twice. this has been fixed (all though the match up is very unfair now)
#dragonfable#polls#tomix#artix#yix#zorbak#maya#chilly#the cauldron sisters#isiri#zhoom#etaos#symone#alz'ein#galnoth#typhon#captain rhubarb
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Aoao Aoaoet Aoaoin Aoaolu Aoaooi Aoaota Aoaouc Aoaoze Aoet Aoetao Aoetgy Aoetin Aoetoi Aoetuc Aogy Aogyet Aogygy Aogyin Aogyoi Aogyuc Aogyyp Aoin Aoingy Aoinin Aointa Aoinyp Aolu Aoluet Aoluin Aoluta Aoluyp Aoluze Aooi Aooiao Aooiet Aooigy Aooiin Aooita Aooiyp Aooize Aota Aotaet Aotagy Aotalu Aotaoi Aotauc Aotayp Aotaze Aouc Aoucao Aoucgy Aouclu Aoucoi Aoucuc Aoucze Aoyp Aoypao Aoypgy Aoypyp Aoze Aozeao Aozelu Aozeoi Aozeta Aozeze Etao Etaoao Etaoet Etaogy Etaoin Etaolu Etaota Etaouc Etet Etetgy Etetin Etetlu Etetta Etgy Etgyao Etgyin Etgyoi Etgyta Etgyuc Etgyze Etin Etinao Etinet Etingy Etinlu Etinoi Etinuc Etinze Etlu Etluao Etluet Etlulu Etluoi Etluta Etluuc Etluze Etoi Etoiet Etoigy Etoiin Etoioi Etoita Etoiyp Etoize Etta Ettaao Ettain Ettata Ettauc Ettaze Etuc Etucao Etucgy Etucin Etuclu Etucta Etucuc Etucyp Etyp Etypgy Etyplu Etypoi Etypta Etypuc Etypze Etze Etzegy Etzelu Etzeoi Etzeuc Etzeyp Etzeze Gyao Gyaoao Gyaoet Gyaogy Gyaoin Gyaooi Gyaota Gyaouc Gyaoze Gyet Gyetet Gyetin Gyetta Gyetuc Gyetyp Gygy Gygygy Gygyoi Gygyta Gygyuc Gygyyp Gygyze Gyin Gyinet Gyingy Gyinlu Gyinoi Gyinta Gyinyp Gylu Gyluet Gyluin Gyluoi Gyluta Gyluuc Gyluyp Gyoi Gyoiao Gyoiet Gyoilu Gyoiuc Gyoiyp Gyoize Gyta Gytaet Gytagy Gytain Gytalu Gytaoi Gytata Gytauc Gytayp Gytaze Gyuc Gyucao Gyucet Gyucgy Gyuclu Gyucoi Gyucyp Gyucze Gyyp Gyypao Gyypin Gyyplu Gyypta Gyypuc Gyypyp Gyze Gyzeao Gyzeet Gyzegy Gyzein Gyzelu Gyzeta Gyzeuc Gyzeyp Gyzeze Inao Inaoao Inaoet Inaoin Inaolu Inaooi Inaota Inaouc Inaoyp Inaoze Inet Inetin Inetlu Inetoi Inetta Inetuc Ingy Ingyao Ingyet Ingygy Ingylu Ingyoi Ingyta Ingyyp Ingyze Inin Ininet Iningy Ininlu Ininoi Ininta Ininuc Ininyp Inlu Inluao Inluet Inlugy Inluuc Inluyp Inoi Inoiao Inoigy Inoioi Inoita Inoiuc Inoiyp Inoize Inta Intaao Intaet Intagy Intain Intaoi Intata Intauc Intayp Inuc Inucao Inucgy Inucta Inucuc Inucze Inyp Inypao Inypgy Inypin Inyplu Inypoi Inypta Inypyp Inypze Inze Inzegy Inzeoi Inzeta Inzeuc Inzeyp Inzeze
Luao Luaoao Luaoin Luaolu Luaooi Luaota Luaoze Luet Luetgy Luetoi Luetyp Luetze Lugy Lugyao Lugygy Lugyin Lugyoi Lugyze Luin Luinao Luinet Luingy Luinin Luinlu Luinyp Luinze Lulu Luluao Lulugy Luluin Lululu Luluoi Luluta Luluuc Luluyp Luluze Luoi Luoiao Luoiet Luoigy Luoiin Luoita Luta Lutaao Lutaet Lutagy Lutalu Lutaoi Lutauc Lutayp Lutaze Luuc Luucao Luucin Luuclu Luucoi Luucta Luucyp Luucze Luyp Luypao Luypin Luypoi Luypta Luypze Luze Luzeao Luzein Luzeoi Luzeta Luzeyp Luzeze Oiao Oiaoao Oiaoin Oiaolu Oiaooi Oiaota Oiaoyp Oiet Oietao Oietet Oietlu Oietyp Oigy Oigyao Oigygy Oigyoi Oigyta Oigyuc Oigyze Oiin Oiinet Oiingy Oiinlu Oiinoi Oiinyp Oilu Oiluet Oilugy Oilulu Oiluoi Oiluuc Oiluyp Oioi Oioigy Oioiin Oioilu Oioiuc Oioiyp Oioize Oita Oitaao Oitaet Oitaoi Oitauc Oitayp Oitaze Oiuc Oiucao Oiucgy Oiucin Oiuclu Oiucoi Oiucta Oiucuc Oiucze Oiyp Oiypet Oiypgy Oiypin Oiypoi Oiypuc Oize Oizeet Oizein Oizeoi Oizeuc Oizeyp Taao Taaoao Taaoet Taaogy Taaoin Taaolu Taaooi Taaota Taaouc Taet Taetao Taetgy Taetin Taetoi Taetta Taetyp Tagy Tagyao Tagyet Tagylu Tagyta Tagyuc Tagyyp Tagyze Tain Tainet Tainin Tainta Talu Taluao Talugy Taluin Taluoi Taluuc Taluyp Taluze Taoi Taoiao Taoiet Taoigy Taoiin Taoilu Taoioi Taoiuc Taoiyp Taoize Tata Tataao Tataet Tatagy Tatain Tatalu Tatauc Tatayp Tataze Tauc Taucao Taucet Taucgy Taucin Taucoi Taucta Taucyp Taucze Tayp Taypao Taypgy Taypin Taypta Taypyp Taypze Taze Tazeet Tazein Tazeoi Tazeuc Ucao Ucaoao Ucaota Ucaouc Ucaoyp Ucaoze Ucet Ucetgy Ucetin Ucetlu Ucetoi Ucetuc Ucetyp Ucgy Ucgyet Ucgyin Ucgyta Ucgyyp Ucgyze Ucin Ucinao Ucinet Ucingy Ucinin Ucinlu Ucinoi Ucinuc Uclu Ucluao Ucluet Uclugy Ucluin Uclulu Ucluta Ucluze Ucoi Ucoiet Ucoigy Ucoiin Ucoilu Ucoioi Ucoize Ucta Uctaet Uctain Uctalu Uctaoi Uctauc Uctayp Uctaze Ucuc Ucucgy Ucucin Ucuclu Ucucoi Ucucyp Ucucze Ucyp Ucypao Ucypgy Ucypin Ucypta Ucypuc Ucypze Ucze Uczegy Uczelu Uczeoi Uczeuc Uczeyp Uczeze Ypao Ypaoao Ypaoin Ypaolu Ypaota Ypaoyp Ypet Ypetet Ypetgy Ypetin Ypetoi Ypetuc Ypetyp Ypgy Ypgyao Ypgyet Ypgygy Ypgyin Ypgylu Ypgyta Ypgyze Ypin Ypinao Ypinet Ypingy Ypinlu Ypinoi Ypinyp Ypinze Yplu Ypluao Ypluet Yplugy Yplulu Ypluoi Ypluuc Ypluze Ypoi Ypoiet Ypoigy Ypoilu Ypoita Ypoiuc Ypoiyp Ypoize Ypta Yptagy Yptain Yptalu Yptauc Yptayp Ypuc Ypucgy Ypucin Ypuclu Ypucuc Ypucyp Ypucze Ypyp Ypypao Ypypgy Ypypoi Ypypta Ypypyp Ypze Ypzeao Ypzegy Ypzein Ypzelu Ypzeoi Ypzeta Ypzeuc Ypzeyp Ypzeze Zeao Zeaoet Zeaogy Zeaolu Zeaooi Zeaota Zeaouc Zeet Zeetet Zeetgy Zeetin Zeetlu Zeetoi Zeetuc Zegy Zegyao Zegyet Zegylu Zegyoi Zegyta Zegyuc Zegyyp Zein Zeinao Zeinet Zeingy Zeinlu Zeinoi Zeinta Zeinyp Zeinze Zelu Zeluao Zeluet Zelugy Zeluin Zeluoi Zeluta Zeluuc Zeluze Zeoi Zeoiet Zeoigy Zeoiin Zeoioi Zeoiuc Zeoize Zeta Zetaao Zetaet Zetagy Zetain Zetalu Zetaoi Zetata Zetauc Zetayp Zeuc Zeucao Zeucet Zeucgy Zeucin Zeucoi Zeucta Zeucyp Zeucze Zeyp Zeypao Zeypgy Zeypin Zeypoi Zeypta Zeypuc Zeypyp Zeypze Zeze Zezeet Zezein Zezeoi Zezeta Zezeuc Zezeyp
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So basically this was a group that I had created that had me and a couple of my fictional characters in it, and we'd just act like one big sibling family. This is also where you'll see some groups that will join the FoF at some point in time, basically sneak peaks or spoilers.
The Family of Freaks blog:
Red, from: The Colorables
Ava, from: The Arena Haters
Belinda, from: The Royalists
Izzy, from: The Imaginiers
S.C., from: The Doodle Bugs (you've probably seen this one countless of times...)
Chris, from: The Orphanage Cult
Leo, from: The Mass Murderists
Kary, from: The Dragon Gang (yes, the cast from UtMoD is joining FoF!)
Rosemary, from: The Herbians
Orion, from: The Spirit Speakers
Eli, from: The Stick Figures (I just added this one)
Matcha, from: The Flavorists (you've seen this one)
Galaxy, from: The Elementals (you've also seen this one)
Michele, from: The Fortune Tellers (this one's in the process of joining)
Amuni, from: The Spirits
Seah, from: The ETAO Gang
Members' Available Blogs:
And that's pretty much it, the rest of them won't have blogs until a while later. So yeah.
#tip#the ip#imperfected perfections#the imperfected perfections#the db#the doodle bugs#tdb#soul_catcher#sc
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Enn lonke llega el inkadonkiere kedarse en pr no irse panningun etao
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Meninas tenho dois pedidos etao vou enviar em dias asks 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Amorzinho, seus pedidos chegaram e a gente adorou! Só temos uma perguntinha. É pra ser feito com qualquer um da 1D ou qualquer um no geral? 😁
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siempre m craneo i me pregunto kaleta d cosass
m pregunto cmo habrás etao ete tiempito
m pregunto cmo etará tu wwita
m pregunto cmo etará tu mamita i tu awelito
m pregunto si aún m pensai
m pregunto si habrás escuxao el álbum nuevo del pikette kfkflfñf
m pregunto si m odiai o si en vdd me guardai un pokito d cariño aún
m pregunto
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Starlit Sandsea (spoilers)
A small part of me wonders if any of the Ateala refugees sometimes stop by the Inn and pay their respects to her memorial. Outside of us and the Guardians, Serenity was one of the first friendly human faces they saw after they fled Wargoth's Wrath. Moreover, with this new context in mind, they must have been personally horrified to have learned how she was "used" against us in Calamity, some perhaps more than others.
Ya know I can see this being one of the many catalysts, albeit obviously a small one, to set Alz'Ein off, in addition to a lot of the new characterization we've been getting for her in these Book 2 reimaginings. Imagine all the frustration she's experiencing from learning what happened to her people and their home world and now she's allowed time to let all of that stew in her head more while defending from behind. Sure, she is doing so alongside Etaos and Nirios, perhaps also Veyla, but I highly doubt she'll confide in them about her feelings regarding everything that happened.
Fascinating that we now know how long the Ateala had previously settled on Somorah and I find myself almost surprised at the number of years considering, according to Dove, the Ateala only produce a child once a year and if memory serves this "once" is for the entire civilization not singular couples. Meaning within that timeframe only 3252 new Atealans have been born at this point of their history. Initially, I thought this meant that their population size must have been severely small even before Wargoth hit them but it's entirely possible through all those abandoned, or eaten, worlds that they were able hold on to a decently high population size through those that survived through their past calamities.
It's always a joy to get these little details as to what Somorah was like before it became a smoking crater even if it was only in the aftermath of the first Wargoth assault on the planet.
So yeah Book 2 reimagines are still doing pretty damn good.
#dragonfable#dragonfable spoilers#book 2 reimagine#reimagings continue to deliver on writing#It was nice to get Isiri's feelings on the loss of Somorah even if it was brief#Don't mind me just waiting for that second shoe to drop#the ateala#atrea
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#Dragonfable#class trainer bracket#Tomix#Etaos#will Tomix claim another Altean?#will Etaos avenge Isiri and Alz'ein?#is this revenge for Zhoom's defeat?#YOU DECIDE!#i just realized they're both wearing jackets and have purple powers#winner gets the other's jacket
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Becky Lynch vs Bayley (Steel Cage) 4.2
Bianca Belair vs Becky Lynch vs Bayley 4.0
Becky Lynch vs Iyo Sky 3.8
Bianca Belair vs Dakota Kai 3.7
Rhea Ripley vs Bayley 3.4
Iyo Sky vs Mia Yim vs Piper Niven 3.4
Bianca Belair vs Carmella 2.9
Estuvo entretenida, la dinamica que aporta Carmella aveces funciona y aveces no, esta ves si
Damage Ctrl vs Lita & Becky (Women's Tag Team Championship) 2.7
Aunque duela aceptarlo Lita ya no está para etaos trotes y si queria hacer un feudo con Trish y Becky porque traer a Lita a solo dar malas luchas
Trish & Becky vs Liv & Raquel (Women's Tag Team Championship) 2.7
El problema no fue Trish, fue lo plana que fue la lucha, si no se quieren esforzar en contruir historias o equipos por lo menos construyeme una buena lucha titular
Carmella vs Asuka 2.4
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4/26/23 TRENDS
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dont see how these people dont grasp that listening to something is not reading. i hate myself for ever making that post lol
#ill b loke well baby listening and reading ar etao different actuons. wntirely seprrate verbs. and commenter no57 is like oh so you hat#hate blind people? you want them to die?
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👌🏽♦️👌🏽♦️👌🏽♦️ today marks 22 years since me and and my line brothers crosses the burning sands to the golden shores of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated As we all mourn the loss of one of our ODU friends it is important in these moments to spend time with your loved ones and your day ones… so tonight me and my brothers will be living it up, reminiscing and make a new plans for the future yo-yo 1. nupe98caffe(Kriminal Minded) 2. @chucknice002 (Kapital Punishment) 3. @warden1911( The Warden) 4. @beedizzle804 (Kolumbo) 5. @educator1911 (Alkatraz) S/o to those who made us @nupey05 @craigmatthew24 @honupe99 #TheRedemption #Fall2K #EtaO #ODU #ghostofthecoast #NUPEs #YoBabyYo #ΗΩ #ΚΑΨ #KAPSI https://www.instagram.com/p/Clr0JVGrDz9PZTdLvCQbusiUz9NwWcdzkFwIf40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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On the left we have, "Tomar mone ache?" << "You remember?" >> and "Tomar etao mone ache?" << "You remember this too?" >> respectively.
On the right, we have, 'of course he remembers, of course he does, my genius' and 'oh, he remembers this too - after all this time'
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เมื่อวันที่ 14 มิถุนายน 2566 อีเถา อินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล โค จำกัด (ETAO International Co., Ltd.) (“บริษัทฯ”) ได้รับหนังสือแจ้งเตือนเรื่องราคาเสนอซื้อจากตลาดหลักทรัพย์แนสแด็ก (“แนสแด็ก… อ่านเพิ่ม from BangkokStyle.online https://ift.tt/BFkeObv
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