#Estrela (OC)
starrysharks · 1 year
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carnival kids
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childofsardior · 20 days
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✨ Estrela's only "Vacantion" ⭐
For my "Summertime Series", this time featuring my beloved OC Estrela and her... well, summer days off.
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[Click the images for better quality/visibility!]
And if you're wondering, yes, Estrela's room is full of cute furniture and plushies ;3c
First time Ludwig saw it went like this:
Ludwig: *giggles looking at the plushies* Is... is this your room? How-how old are you again, Estrela?"
Estrela: "5 years older than you, Mr. Seriousness" *she boops his nose* "but if you don't like my Super Star bed, you can still sleep on my sofa. Oh, but look! My sofa is themed after our beautiful Mushroom plains, and also got some Fire Flower cushions! They could be too *silly* and *colorful* for you! But don't worry, there's still the floor, unless my Cloudy Carpet is bothering you, y'know, shaped like the pure white clouds from the Sky Kingdom, the very clouds you CAN'T SEE from your very dark and sad and smoggy Dark Lands...
Lud: "Okay, okay, it's enou-"
Estrela: "BUT! You could sleep under the stars in my garden! You know, there is REAL lawn made of real and fresh green grass, something you probably never saw in your Kingdom full of lava and desperation! And do not worry, no bandit nor magma monster will jump out of the real lake made of crystalline water we have near the house to attack you in your dreams :3 unless you think that Toad Town's countryside is too *soft* and *chill* for a dragon-turtle Prince..."
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blacky-nikki-art · 8 months
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I wanted to redesign Estrela (OC from Helluva Boss, 'extra child' of Stolas and Stella).
I only wanted to change her a bit but things got out of hand. Now she's a peahen. Not pure 'white' like her mom cuz got some color from her dad. Her design is a bit weird but stay.
I don't have any idea about out fit.
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brunofneves · 1 year
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yvissaintlaurent · 2 years
[OC] Nossa infância juntos
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"Eu lembro a primeira vez que você pegou numa flauta-" Começa Lua, "Quase não fez som e você ainda estourou as bochechas." Sentar com o irmão e conversar era uma atividade leve, que ela gostava. Mal tinha tempo pra arrumar um fio de cabelo, entretanto lá estava ela.
Estrela já sabia de suas intenções, então, pegou um livro de fotos da estante. Não estava empoeirado, já que era bem cuidado e aberto com frequência.
"Pelo menos eu apertei algum buraco. Quando você pegou sua ocarina você não apertou nada, e depois chorou por não fazer som nenhum." Disse ele, entre risos, mais que confortável com a ideia de novamente fingir que não tinham coisas pra fazer, e outros lugares pra estar.
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dlyarchitecture · 2 years
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sarahvilelaheart · 2 years
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Isso é uma arte do bebê Théo Abílio Almeida celebrando seu primeiro aniversário com uma imensa estrela verde e um cenário verde cintilante. 🟢 Então... Feliz 1º aniversário, Théo Abílio Almeida! 🥳 E aproveitem esse desenho! 🙂
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cri-cri-de-boa · 2 months
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my new OC Hap- I mean Harpy Star :-) It's name is Estrela da Noite actually.
I wont do the coloring right now, I want to work a bit more on the lines and the feathers before that.
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ariellewm · 7 months
💖SFW OC's Valentine's Day Headcanons Special 💖
**Here is a collection of stories involving the reader and my OC's in a lovely setting. Feel free to click on any that have a link attached to learn more about them.**
Prince Edlin Silverleaf - "Under the Moonlight" Audio Roleplay
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It was getting rather late. You’ve been dancing and socializing with the nobility for many hours now. As Sol Estrela’s sun princess, you excused yourself for the evening. The back of your mind, however, wondered about your love and his whereabouts.
“I’ll see you later this evening, up on the balcony.” Edlin whispered softly into your ear. It was the last thing he said to you before leaving the ballroom. You and the elf prince were in a secret relationship. So, everything between you two had to be kept secret—well, maybe not from everyone. Obviously, Aelene, your maiden servant, was aware of your secret with Nem Naalore’s moon prince.
You’ve retired to your boudoir (bedroom), the same way it was left before the start of the festivities. There was one exception, though. A trail of lavender petals that led out to the outside balcony of your chamber.
After getting into your nightgown and brushing out your hair, you followed the blossom path before you. It ended at the center of the balcony. The night was clear, and the moon was full and bright. The sounds of crickets surrounded you. You jumped as a delicate hand covered your eyes. A familiar, playful voice breathed, “Guess who?” You knew exactly who. Abruptly, you turned around, his hand leaving your eyes. There, still dressed in his formal attire, was your beloved moon.
He had one hand behind his back while the other rested on your waist. Slowly, he revealed a bouquet of white and silver flowers. There was also a hint of amethyst, the same color as Edlin’s eyes. Colors you happen to adore.
Paired with the bouquet of flowers, you were surprised with a box of chocolates. Edlin also knew how much you loved sweets! Especially chocolate—any kind of chocolate. But these were no ordinary chocolates. They were chocolate truffles from his kingdom! Dipped in dark chocolate with a white chocolate drizzle and sprinkled with flaky sea salt. Inside held a hazelnut ganache, a perfectly silky nut blend. You knew quite well that you were going to finish all six of those little truffles before bed.
Edlin leaned in, his soft lips brushing against your flushed cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day, elen nîn, my star.” Goosebumps always got the best of you whenever he spoke to you in that elvish language of his. He chuckled.
Adonis Acquati, Atlantis' Sea Warlock
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Date night involving both of you crafting a potion? With your lack of magical abilities and alchemy, this should be fun. And you selected the hardest potion out there with the rarest ingredient.
“Really? You want to brew this one?” Adonis questioned you. You nodded. He sighed annoyingly. “You realize this is going to use up the one ingredient I use for human transformations? Pearl dust, one of many rare ingredients of the Atlantic?”
You nod again. A bigger sigh from Adonis, “You stubborn little kraken. You couldn’t have picked an easy one for us to do together?! Although,” a devilish smirk appeared, “I shouldn’t complain. You do have exquisite taste, darling.”
He showed you his process for crafting potions. While you began mixing the starfish nectar and seaweed, he went on to organize the herbs and ingredients needed. Adonis was particular about his organization. “It’s called mise en place. Everything in its place. I don’t like being messy when it comes to crafting.”
“Pass me the nectar.” You place the small bowl of nectar in one of his tentacles that reaches for you. It coils back to be poured into the smoke-boiling cauldron. Other tentacles were grabbing other ingredients to be poured in.
Finally, the pearl dust. Adonis made sure you were careful about how much you scooped up before adding it to the cauldron. He chuckled, noticing your hesitation. But you managed. The dust caused the cauldron to erupt in more smoke.
Adonis began his incantation. He spoke in unknown languages. Were they Latin? Greek? Portuguese? This went on for only a few minutes until the brew became a simmer.
“At last,” one of his tentacles grasping the ornate vial, “behold the most powerful elixir of all the Atlantic Ocean: Siren’s Elixir.” Two of his tentacles coiled around you to bring you closer to Adonis as he continued with his banter, “Made by me and you—ahem—well, mostly made by me of course I did all the work after all.” You gave him an annoyed face.
“Darling, darling, oh ho ho, don’t give me that adorable pouty face.” His hands reached up to cup both your cheeks. “You did well, my little apprentice.” Adonis kissed your forehead, looking deeply into your eyes. Suddenly, his pet black moray eel appeared. “WHAT?! What’s soooo important that you had to interrupt my—”
“A customer is here seeking a love potion, master.” The eel hissed. Adonis smirked at his precious pet. “Excellent timing, my pet. Go, fetch them in. I’ll deal with them in a moment.” Adonis turns to you, his evil smirk still present. You knew exactly what he was thinking. “Care to see me charm a customer into taking the elixir, darling?”
Prince Czar Agskaga, The Naga Prince - "Coils of the Naga" Audio Roleplay & WIP Novel
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It’s Valentine's Day! Your lovely naga prince has many things planned out for you on this very special day. Starting off with a lovely lunch out by the amber lily fields, strolling nearby the beach and seaside harbor, and ending with the night watching the sky lanterns illuminate the sky.
Unfortunately for you, you’ve been feeling unwell all morning. Tucked away in the circular bed with several blankets buddling you up.
Czar slithered into the bedroom chamber to see you within the soft velvety blankets. He was dressed in his usual royal naga outfit. A thin himation draped over the shoulder and wrapped with the rest of his body, still showing his sculpted chest. He fashioned a long white robe held by a golden serpent on top of the himation.
“My dear, are you ready for today?” He sat near you, his coils shifting and moving about. You quickly hide yourself underneath the blanket. A hiss emitted out of Czar, tilting his head to the side. “Darling, what’sss the matter?” He reaches with the end of his tail sliding up to the bed to pull down the blanket covering you.
You were red. In fact, you probably felt much more flustered after seeing the godlike outfit he was showing off. His hand gently pressed against your forehead, checking your temperature. He sighed, “You don’t feel sssoo well. Poor thing.”
“Don’t worry my sssweet, we don’t have to go anywhere today.” Then a thought came to him, “Ressst dear, I’ll figure sssomething out that we can do.”
So, he left you, but not without leaving a soft kiss upon your forehead. Several minutes go by, an hour, then two. Your eyelids drooped, sleep weighing you down from being sick. A nap would be best until Czar returned.
You were then awakened by the smell of roses and amber lilies that filled the room. It was as if the bedroom chamber turned into a rose garden. Ruby and white candles illuminated the chamber, creating a romantic setting. The table nearby was neatly organized and prepped with all the food you would’ve had outside of the Amber Palace. There was also some homemade soup made by the cooks.
Czar was right next to you coiled up in his usual sitting form, reading a book as he watched you stir up from your long nap. Your beloved naga set the book aside and caressed your hair, “Did you sssleep well?” You nodded. Czar smiled in response, “Good. I figured since you weren’t feeling well, I thought I’d bring all the activitiesss we were going to do here. We can enjoy sssome tea, eat lunch, read a book, and if you’re feeling up for it later, we can watch the lantern’sss from the palaccce balcony tonight.”
He was so sweet, thinking about your condition and doing everything he could to still make the day perfect. You decided to eat the lunch that was spread throughout the table. As you sat down, you noticed a letter on top of the plate. Czar served you as you read the letter written by the prince. A bowl of soup, some bread and fruit for you to enjoy.
Czar noticed that you were finished reading. Tears streamed from your eyes. It was the loveliest letter you’ve ever read. The naga reached down to kiss your forehead once more, the end of his tail wrapping gently around one of your ankles. “Happy Valentine'sss Day, my love.” 
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starrysharks · 11 months
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refining the artstyle, more details... this is basically the exact artstyle that i plan to use for the game art itself
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childofsardior · 1 month
YIPPEE okay so your Koopa troopa oc whose name i can't remember with the red hair, tell me all about her plz!!
Hello!! Thank you for asking OwO I love talking about my OCs and especially abt my little girl Estrela!
So fist thing: It would take me an entire day to tell you everything about her in one post and I saw other people asking abt her already so let's to this instead: I'm going to introduce her a bit now and then I'll add details & tell you more when asked about specific things about her and her family :3c (or when I randomly feel to, lol)
So, don't be shy! And now...
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(I made this drawing some time ago and I can now share it with you u.u)
Estrela Koopz is a red Koopa Troopa. She lives in the Mushroom Kingdom, along with her father and two sisters - her mother is always roaming around the World and rarely visits them. She was born in Peach's Kingdom and is part of the few hundred Koopa families living there - most of them being fugitive from the Dark Lands or immigrants from other Kingdoms.
She's in her 20s, she's kind and polite but also very determined, and her tongue can turn very sharp if provoked. She is also quite the jealous type in some occasions, and can show a vengeful side if insulted or badly offended.
One of her main passions revolves around music! She's a skilled violist, and a big fan of baroque and classical music - this is the main link that let her meet Ludwig, at some point.
Oh, and... some voices claim that Estrela may hide a secret identity...?
That's the end of my short intro for her :3
Feel free to ask more!
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blacky-nikki-art · 5 days
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Birb Estrela
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 hours
Hello! This is the one who asked for tips on 12yo Brazilian OC.
Thank you so much for all the tips, you give me so many I don't even think of. I will re-read them later.
May I ask something else please? You gave me the titles for dramas and it's so helpful! I actually need them so I can familiarise myself with the country. Thank you.
This time, I want suggestions for Brazilian novels, so I can read how Brazilian people write about themselves. Do you have any recs for me? Preferably those who have English translation because...of course.
Maybe those which have drama and slice of life as genres, but anything is okay.
Drama/telenovelas for teenagers/adults recommendations are welcome too, so I can have the more mature POV. Also, recommending Brazilian Lifestyle Youtubers is great too if you know some!
Hello anon! I'm glad my answer was useful to you :)
Now, first, of all, I thought a little about some books and shows and movies to recommend you, but I also wanted to disclaim a very relevant aspect of brazilian media that you may not know:
Most of the media we consume here is foreign.
For starters, let's say that finding a fan of "national literature" how we call it is kind of unusual. Most of the hits we have here (Percy Jackson, godforsaken Harry Potter, Pollyanna, Pride and Prejudice, The Matrix, Disney movies, I could go on) are all from the US or other Northern countries. Brazilian media is highly americanized. Take that plus manga and anime and also recently korean dorama, little of what we have comes from here.
If you asked, say, a random young adult in the street to tell you about a good Brazilian book, they'd probably just know the Old Classics like Machado de Assis or Jorge Amado, the kinds of books we have to read for school to answer a test. Those very old, very famous books that use of an arcaic Portuguese that is really hard to understand, especially if you're just doing it for a grade.
Most people's favorite shows, favorite book series, favorite movies... they're mostly all from the US.
This is pretty annoying, to be honest, to not find any "famous" or popular brazilian books. Shows and movies have more luck, but it's still tough out there. Finding media that's really from here sometimes it's not even compensating, so mostly we just stick with what comes from the outside. So, even if your character is brazilian, I think it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to just watch a lot of USamerican shows, like USamerican movies and read USamerican book series.
Now, since we've taken that out of the way, I have here some media sorted by medium and target audience for your purposes! There may be really frustrating to find actual brazilian stories out there, but that doesn't mean we don't have them!
Um Milhão de Finais Felizes - English title: "A Million Happy Endings". Genre: Queer romance. Story about young gay adult who wants to write a book but can't bring himself to. If I remember well it's a coming of age story. Rate: I'd say it's a teen to YA story.
Enquanto Eu Não Te Encontro - Couldn't find any records of an English version. Rough translation: "While I Can't Find You". Description: Queer romance about a guy who meets a dude in a bar and they fall in love. They lose contact and the protagonist tries to let it go untill they finally meet again. Rate: Teen to Young Adult.
Os Karas - English title: "Karas Chronicles". Description: A book series about a bunch of teenagers who solve misteries and defeat bad forces. Has about 5 volumes, I think, but I'm not sure. Maybe more. Rate: Tween to Teen.
A Hora da Estrela - English title: Hour of the Star. Description: I haven't really read it, but it's some romance and this is a really classic one. Rate: I have no idea but I know adults like it.
Nó na Garganta - Couldn't find any record of an English version (which SUCKS because this is a really interesting slice of life). Rough translation: Lump in the Throat. Description: Slice of life-ish. Story about a young black girl that moves with her family to the countryside, in a town full of whiter and richer kids than her. She tries hard to make friends, find a way to have fun and deal with expectations at home. Rate: Tween
Luna Clara & Apolo Onze - I'm not sure if there is an English version, but Onze means Eleven if you wanna try your luck looking for it. The rest of the title should be about the same. Info: About a girl in North Desatino who is waiting for her father to come back, and she watches every day for a sign of him, who is said to carry a cloud of rain on his head at all times; on the South, a boy has a forever lasting birthday party, when a stranger brings rain inside his house and he decided to help him. Has some romance and is a story with non-chronollogical chapters and is really funky. But it's pretty cool. Rate: I'd say is for tweens and teens.
Any book from Coleção Vaga-Lume - it's a collection with many many stories for children and teens and I haven't read a lot of them but it was more popular, I think, around three decades ago. I read a few as a child and they are really fun, some mistery here and there.
O Auto Da Compadecida - English title: "A Dog's Will". Info: This is probably the most classic movie that is out there. It is adapted from a play with the same name (in Portuguese, "auto" means theathre play) and is a comedy movie about two really poor guys; one who is sweet-tongued and mischievous, and the other who is always telling way less-convincing and absurdist lies. The story follows them getting in trouble and making more trouble to escape the first one. "O Auto Da Compadecida" got translated as A Dog's Will, but a more accurate translation would be "Holy Mary's Play". It's a really fun movie. Rate: Family/All ages.
Minha Mãe É Uma Peça - English title: "My Mom is a Character". Info: Another classic and very loved comedy about a housewife who, tired from her family, leaves her children with their rich father and rich stepmother and goes to her aunt's house, to complain about her life. It's quite a masterpiece and I think it has two sequels, but I can't say how good they are cuz I haven't seen them. Rate: Family/All Ages.
Os Salafrários - English title: "Get the Grift". Another comedy movie about two siblings running from the law and their complicated relationship. Rate: Family/All ages.
Tô Ryca - English title: "I'm Rich". Info: Yet another comedy movie (sorry, that's all i watch lmao since i'm not a big movie watcher) about a working class woman who, one day, finds out to have a huge inheritance from a recently dead lady who is apparently her grandmother. However, to earn the money, she must pass one test: To spend 30mi reais (a brazilian real is about 1/5 usd) in thirty days. Rate: Family/All Ages.
Alice Jr - Info: Queer comedy/romance about a trans girl named Alice who temporarily moves to a small town in the countryside; for as long as her father has to stay there for finishing a job, Alice must survive her (temporary) new life with new people, new friends, new enemies, and a catholic school. Rate: I'm not completely sure but i'd also bet For All Ages or Teens.
Movies with Lázaro Ramos - I'm not a big fan like my mom for example, but he's a famous actor who apparently did a lot of great movies, so you could also check them out.
De Volta Aos 15 - English title: Back to 15. Info: I'm not really the target audience so I haven't really touched it, but overall is a show about a woman who by some sort of magic becomes 15 years old again. I'm pretty sure it's a highschool drama. Rate: Children and Tweens, I suppose.
Turma da Mônica: Cine Gibi - I don't know if there is any English dub or subtitled version but I'm confident there is. I mentioned Turma da Mônica (Monica n' Friends, for you) in the other post, but I didn't really explained what it is. It's basically a big comic franchise that's really really popular and had one director for what, 60 years? Now it's his gay son directing the thing but back to the plot, it's about four children in a neighbourhood that live some funky adventures with caricaturesque characters, leaded by the protagonist, Mônica, who has herculeous force and is known as the boss of the street. The franchise got a few episode adaptations, but the one I'm talking about is a collection of about ten episodes of short stories that follow the premise that all the HQs get in an animation-ator made by one of the reocurring characters, who is an inventor, and they all get together in the theathre to see it. They also frequently break the fourth wall. Rate: Children and Tweens.
Novellas (mostly for teens, children and young teens/tweens):
As Aventuras de Pollyanna
Carinha de Anjo
and many many many many more. My classmates usually watch novellas for older people as well, like the 6PM one or the 8PM one which i have no idea which are, but if you want to look for them i have the impression that it won't be really hard. Although, be warned, their episodes are usually 1h long and the shows last like forever. Like One Piece or smth, idk.
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rafaellaunigata · 8 days
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Hihi again (◍•ᴗ•◍)
This is my oc
She has four arms
(She's inspired in Astro)
Your designer is full of stars, and has a little secret, in her design there is a hidden bat code, but it's hard to find because of the stars
She is usually tired, because her magic drains a lot of energy from her, she can make things float, and can protect them with a bubble, she loves stars and astronomy, spends a good part of her time sleeping or reading
Hehe byee ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
---- ♡ -----
Oi oi de Novo (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Essa é minha oc
Ela tem 4 braços
(Ela é inspirada no astro)
Seu design é cheio de estrelas, e um segredinho, ela tem um código morce escondido, mas é difícil de ver por conta das estrelas
Ela normalmente está cansada, por causa da sua magia, que puxa muito de sua energia, ela pode fazer coisas flutuarem, fazer bolhas que protegem, ela ama estrelas e astronomia, boa parte do tempo está dormindo ou lendo
Hehe tchau ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
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ballerinarina · 17 days
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NÚMERO 8 “Izabela”
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[click here to read the english version]
𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚: Hargreeves; 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨: 01/10/1989;
𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬: transmorfia corporal (habilidades avançadas: metamorfose — pouco explorado, apenas fase adulta)
𝐈𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞: 36 (aparenta 19); 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚: 1,58m; 𝐏𝐞𝐬𝐨: 48 kg;
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐡𝐨: atriz/cantora; 𝐂𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨: longo ondulado, escuro;
𝐍𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞: eslovaca-brasileira (mãe eslovaca, nasceu e morou 4 anos no Brasil) — cresceu nos EUA;
𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬: Português, eslovaco, inglês — nativas; espanhol, coreano, russo — refere-se a irmãos; sueco, italiano, francês, grego — ensinadas pelo pai;
𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐂𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐥: casada (com Cinco Hargreeves);
𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒: doçura, inteligência, charme, dedicação, lealdade, aparência, altruísmo;
𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒: inveja, complexo de imagem, instabilidade emocional, falta de interesse, impulsividade, ressentimento
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐦 𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐢𝐬:
É a Número Oito pois não entrou junto com os outros na Umbrella Academy. Sua mãe escondeu seu nascimento incomum por quatro anos e, apenas após sua morte foi encontrada e adotada por Reginald Hargreeves. Seus poderes, no entanto, não pareciam os mais úteis em batalha (porque eram limitados a alterações físicas básicas na época) e ela também não tinha interesse em melhorar seu desempenho.
Dessa forma, era bem amiga de Klaus e Ben por se encontrarem em situações parecidas e acabava não se dando nem um pouco bem com Luther, que tanto valorizava a Umbrella Academy. Com Klaus e Ben, possuía uma relação simples, tranquila, um ponto de paz onde ela apoiava eles em seus traumas piores que os dela, quando não brigavam por bobagem. Sem ter um lado megalomaniacamente heróico, por vezes também despertava a raiva em Diego, mas nada duradouro, já que o garoto possuía um fraco por ela ser gentil com ele, o ajudando e compreendendo — apesar de não realmente o priorizar.
No início, até chegou a ter uma fase bem competitiva contra Allison, que, sem muito interesse de Izabela na ação, se estendeu para a parte acadêmica e para a presença feminina na casa. Conforme cresciam, porém, com ambas tendo interesse na arte dramática, acabaram se aproximando e se ajudando, ficando conhecidas juntas. Enquanto Allison guiava sua carreira com manipulação, Izabela guiava a sua com a aparência, desenvolvendo um forte complexo de imagem e obsessão com a juventude. Foi a única irmã com quem manteve contato frequente após sair de casa.
Seu irmão mais próximo, no entanto, sempre fora Cinco: eram confidentes e transparentes, como se encontrassem refúgio sempre que juntos. Era apenas um com o outro que confessavam inseguranças, choravam e contavam seus medos. Sabendo o quão oposto Cinco era com os outros, Izabela sentia muito ciúmes de Viktor — quem gostava muito comparado a outros irmãos, tentando defendê-lo e criando uma boa aliança interessante quando conversavam sozinhos, porém incapaz de não desenvolver um complexo problemático em sua própria cabeça quando notava-os juntos. Era apaixonada por Cinco e apesar de seu relacionamento não-dito com ele, sabia que Viktor também possuía um que ia por um caminho parecido, apesar de menos íntimo e completamente distinto.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐀 𝐁𝐎𝐁𝐀: eu passei TANTO tempo no Pinterest procurando um shape para Izabela. Tinha muita menina bonita lá, mas nenhuma tava me dando a vibe certa.
Aí apareceu uma foto da Isabelle Drummond e, mesmo que ela ainda não fosse perfeita, com os cabelos lisos, eu percebi o que tava faltando: a vibe atriz brasileira dos anos 2000.
Então, eu achei.
Mano, eu juro. A Sandy é minha estrela brasileira FAVORITA desde que eu era criança e ainda assim eu simplesmente não pensei nela antes?
Tudo bem que eu me sinto tipo escolhendo a Zendaya pra um fancast, mas não dá pra evitar: ela é a Izabela perfeita.
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nebularobo · 1 year
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New OC: Estrela, fiery kitty, entity of stars and energy
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