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Dripetis, Bagoas & Estatira
I want to believe they have interacted
#historical art#ancient persia#acheamenid empire#ancient history#Dripetis#Estatira#Bagoas#persian empire#history
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ROXANA-ARTE-PINTURA-ESPOSA-REY-ALEJANDRO MAGNO-MUJER-SOGDIANA-AMOR-SATISFACCION-PERSONAJES-HISTORIA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: ROXANA-ARTE-PINTURA-ESPOSA-REY-ALEJANDRO MAGNO-MUJER-SOGDIANA-AMOR-SATISFACCION-PERSONAJES-HISTORIA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS La reina ROXANA, la esposa real del Rey ALEJANDRO MAGNO, se siente satisfecha, ella ha sido la elegida para acompañar al conquistador y vencedor del Imperio Persa, su belleza y magnetismo han podido superar los antiguos amores del Rey de Macedonia, sus antiguas rivales como Barsine o Estatira han quedado en el olvido. Roxana será la madre del único hijo reconocido, Alejandro IV que más tarde cayó asesinado en las posteriores Guerras de Los Diádocos. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals con acuarelas, personajes y mujeres de la historia.
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Seriff Reaper 📂?
La mamo- digo digo,la menor de los Reaper! ":D
🌼 Tiene ?? Años es que nadie conoce su edad más que sus mismos padres,ni siquiera ella misma sabe
🌼Su estatura es 100% desconocida igualmente,sin embargo varia entre 150-170 por lo normal,pero su estatira más definida es de 162
🌼Es la diosa de la vida junto a su gemelo Christian,sí son gemelos,no mellizos,gemelos XD
🌼Es MUY habladora,llega a molestar en algunas ocasiones(sin querer) pero se siente medio mal a veces por que a veces los demás dioses la callan a la fuerza
🌼Tuvo una relación con Kenji Skeleton pero terminaron por que él se enamoró de Bermellón estando con ella y también le fue infiel,lo bueno es que Bermellón ni le tomo en serio solo lo ignoró y se río de él por lo patético que era
🌼Ella es una jovencita muy alegre,ciertamente bondadosa y juguetona,no se toma demasiado su papel de diosa aunque hay ocasiones que de verdad se pone seria y esos momentos se deben de temer
🌼Esta soltera por cierto :>
🌼No tiende a viajar mucho por au's ya que si ella se aleja mucho del jardín celestial se comienza a debilitar,pero hay veces que Bermellón la va a ver y se queda con ella a pesar de que Bermellón hace marchitar las cosas debido a su negatividad excesiva que irradia
🌼Ella decide si los humanos tienen vida o no,su hermano se encarga de la vida tanto marina como animal normal(si,Christian es algo así como Poseidon)
🌼Le gusta mucho el té y los duraznos,será normal verla teniendo un picnic con duraznos y galletas con té
🌼Tiene una mascota perro y otra que es un lobo
🌼No le gusta mucho ver el trabajo que realizan Alex y su papá,le genera cierto nerviosismo. Más que nada por que ella otorga la vida en sí y ver que ellos la arrebatan le da mucha tristeza mezclada con angustia e nerviosismo
🌼Puede flotar sisi
🌼A veces anda viendo lo que pasa en otros universos a través de portales
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Imagina a un joven combatiente, que sale a recuperar territorios que pertenecían al reinado de su padre, Filipo, cobijado por grandes guerreros que además fueron sus maestros.
Imagina ahora a un príncipe estudiante, de la mano del mismo Aristóteles, que le enseña a reflexionar e imaginar un mundo mejor.
Imagina ahora que ese joven guerrero no para de conquistar y va sembrando ciudades por doquier e imaginando cómo lograr que la gente viva mejor. Todo un peripatético, en honor a su ilustre maestro.
Si lo lograste imaginar, ya tienes en tu mente al gran Alejandro de Macedonia. Por ello, a continuación, te presento el resumen de una magistral obra de Mary Renault, enfermera, que vio por primera vez la luz en Londres en 1905 y fallecida en Ciudad del Cabo, a los 78 años.
Mary Renault
Editorial Grijalbo, 1972
Penguin Random House
426 páginas
28 capítulos.
Vida de Alejandro Magno
Bagoas, un joven persa, aristócrata, capturado a los 5 años, castrado y vendido como esclavo a Datis, quien lo sodomizó desde los 12 años. Luego vendido a Dario III, rey de Persia.
Personajes, por orden de aparición:
Oromedón, instructor
Dario III
Bessos, el traidor
Nabazanes, el padrino
Hefaiston, su amigo de la infancia, también guerrero, general.
Perias (el perro)
Olimpia, la reina madre
Kleitos, uno de los dos generales de más confianza.
Filostrato, Filósofo y maestro de la corte
Kalistenes, cronista enviado de Aristóteles
Roxana, la esposa sogdiana
Los filósofos desnudos de Nyza, India.
El rey Poros derrotado, pero recompensado.
Kalanos, el pensador gurú indio que lo siguió hasta Babilonia.
Barsine-Estatira, hija del rey Darío III, segunda esposa.
Parysatis, hija del rey Artajerjes III.
Sitios de la narración:
- Susa
- Babilonia
- Persepolis
- Ecbatana
- Zadrakarta
Frases destacadas:
1. Fui educado en el honor, a montar, a utilizar las armas y a aborrecer las mentiras.
2. En casa me habían enseñado que, después de la cobardía y la mentira, la peor desgracia que podía acontecerle a un hombre era el comercio de si mismo.
3. El conocimiento puede alterar la memoria.
4. Lo cierto es que, a pesar de que el hombre sabio es consciente de que toda belleza nace para morir, a uno no le gusta que se le recuerden tales cosas.
5. Cuando mi sepulcro se abriera, me enfrentaría con un destino desconocido, como el niño encerrado en las entrañas de su madre.
6. En los llanos suele ser mejor el vino. Cuando el agua es mala el vino es bueno.
7. El polluelo vivo en el interior del cascarón no conoce ningún otro mundo. A través de las paredes del mismo observa una blancura pero no sabe que se trata de la luz. Y, sin embargo, golpea la blanca pared sin saber por qué. Un rayo le alcanza el corazón y el cascarón se abre. (Capítulo 11).
8. Tu vino es demasiado fuerte para beberlo con frecuencia, querido mío.
9. Un rey —decía el libro de Jenofonte en alguna parte— no sólo debe demostrar ser mejor que aquellos a quienes gobierna sino que debe arrojar sobre éstos una especie de hechizo.
10. No hay nada comparable a hacer feliz al que se ama.
11. Hay que vivir como si fuera para siempre y como si se pudiera morir en cualquier momento. Siempre las dos cosas a la vez.
12. En Macedonia cualquier hombre libre puede hablar cara a cara con su superior; cualquier superior u hombre libre puede hablar con el rey.
13. El fin y el objeto de la conquista, es evitar hacer lo mismo que los vencidos. Cuando conquistamos una región debemos demostrar ser mejores legisladores que aquellos a los que hemos vencido.
14. Al convivir con filósofos de la India, uno de ellos le responde: “A los hombres los has cambiado ciertamente. Por ti han conocido el miedo y la cólera, el orgullo y el deseo, las cadenas que apresarán sus almas a lo largo de muchas vidas. Y a ti, que te crees libre porque has dominado el temor y las codicias corporales, los deseos del espíritu te consumen como un fuego abrasador y pronto arderás en ellos.”
15. Otro de ellos le dijo” «Hasta los dioses se cansan de su divinidad y buscan alivio al final. Iré contigo hasta que seas liberado».
16. Ahora sólo vivía para avanzar hacia el Ganges, seguir su curso y alcanzar el Océano Circundante. Su imperio sería una obra acabada de mar a mar, coronada por una maravilla.
17. Alejandro siempre decía que todas las cosas buenas había que pagarlas.
Críticas al libro:
Triste y a la vez noble historia de un joven mancebo persa, de familia aristocrática, poblada de hechos históricos de la antigua Persia, la tierra del mismísimo Ciro y fecunda relación de las hazañas y del carácter de Alejandro.
Destaca en este bello libro la descripción del antiguo palacio imperial de Babilonia, con su alberca bañada de agua del mismo Éufrates, calentada por filtros de sol, de paredes de oro e incrustaciones de lapizlazuli, rodeado de finas plantas y sofás con cojines de lino.
Me gusto el episodio donde el muchacho persa se defiende de un depredador y con su agilidad utiliza su daga para deshacerse de él aunque no puede parar de acuchillarlo en el corazón repetidas veces hasta que escucha una voz que le dice que ya se detenga.
Sorprende como un hijo de la antigua Macedonia, sucesor de Filipo II, alumno de Aristóteles, destaque tanto en su espíritu guerrero, logrando expandir el pequeño reino de su padre al enorme territorio persa y hacia la parte norte de India, la extensión más grande jamás pensada, permitiendo difundir la cultura Helénica por los siguientes 300 años.
En la novela, Bagoas tiene 15 años cuando inicia su relación con Alejandro, que tenía unos 26. Renault describe la relación hasta su final, la muerte de Alejandro, cuando Bagoas tiene unos 22 años y Alejandro 33.
Sin duda es grato encontrar en el libro un buen espacio para Bucéfalo (su fiel corcel) y para Peritas (su fiel perro) lo cual transmite la nobleza de corazón de este controvertido hombre.
Otro pasaje hermoso, sin duda, es cuando Alejandro en una noche de pasión, presenta a Bagoas nada menos que el poema de la Iliada de Homero, lo cual es sin duda ninguna un gesto de alta sensibilidad de la escritora. Dicen que decía Alejandro, “Oh, qué afortunado el joven Aquiles, que encontró en Homero el heraldo de su gloria.”
Parece ser que Mary Renault elige también ser juglar de las hazañas de Alejandro y ayudar a cumplí su sueño de ser recordado para siempre.
La muerte de Clito el maestro de las artes militares del propio Alejandro, atravesado por la furia de una lanza, impregnada del rencor por haber sido recriminado por su creciente autocomparación con los dioses y su extremada orientalización y además impregnado del efecto del maldito alcohol en exceso, marca sin duda el inicio de su caída, en aquel fastuoso banquete de Samarcanda.
El regreso de la India a Persia, después del amotinamiento de sus tropas y la muerte de su amado Hefestion, trajo numerosas desilusiones (traiciones, robos, abusos) de sus supuestos hombres nobles agradecidos y nobles gobernantes, que seguramente hicieron sangrar su generoso espíritu. Percatarse de la fragilidad y la podredumbre humana nunca ha sido agradable.
Otro pasaje interesante es la presencia constante de la madre (la reina Olimpia) que desde su lejanía en Epiro Macedonia, parece actuar como la consciencia de Alejandro, llamándole la atención, guiándolo o recriminándole algo, a pesar de ser el Rey. Tal vez por eso Alejandro nunca volvió a su lado.
Conviene honrar la memoria y recordar que Aristóteles nació en el año 384 a.C., quien a diferencia de Sócrates o Platón, no era ateniense, sino que era de una región del norte, era un macedonio. El futuro filósofo nació en un pueblo llamado Estagira y su padre era el médico de la corte de Filipo II, Rey de Macedonia. Si bien que fue formado en Atenas desde los 17 años, en la Academia del mismo Platón, después de 20 años de formación regresa a Macedonia donde realiza numerosos estudios de Biología y se encarga oficialmente de ser el tutor por 5 años del joven heredero al reino de Macedonia: Alejandro Magno. En el año 335 a.C. volvió a Atenas para fundar su propia escuela, el Liceo, que se conviritió en competencia directa de la Academia de Platón. La escuela se conocerá como peripatética y a sus estudiantes se les llamará peripatéticos.
Grata paradoja da la vida, porque el mismo Alejandro fue un peripatético que meditaba entre batalla y batalla y sobre todo tras las batallas. La mayor enseñanza de Aristóteles era que el conocimiento se aprende a través de la experiencia, una materia que bien aprendió el joven conquistador. Tal vez sus numerosas Alejandrías eran un tributo a su antiguo maestro de quien nunca se olvidó, ya que después de cada batalla enviaba colecciones de flora y fauna para que continuara sus estudios.
En los días antes de morir tenía fiebre persistente, respiración acelerada y áspera, dolor del mismo costado de la herida de la flecha Malí, luego tos, sangre y debilidad. Un cuadro que parece una triste Neumonía, como recordándole la vida que los no dioses mueren como lo hacen los hombres, como simples mortales.
Y al día siguiente de su último suspiro, llegaron los encargados, lo trataron como a un rey, lo embalsamaron como a un gran soberano, un semidiós. Era el 13 de junio del 323 A.C., a sus 33 años, y lo cubrieron de mirra.
Resumido para ti por: El Búho Literato
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Founded on the streets of Flatbush, Brooklyn, in the '90s, Carl Williams founded his iconic brand with "$1000 and a dream". Born in an era where your outfit was social currency, Karl used his passion for style to develop the influential brand we now know and love as Karl Kani. A self-taught designer, Karl's designs have been worn by icons such as Tupac, Nas, Jay-Z, Aaliyah, and Snoop. Building his own baggy-fit, hip-hop ready blueprint, Karl used his "hustle-hard" upbringing and a savvy eye for street-influenced fashion to create a globally-renowned brand.
Coming for an era where nobody believed hip-hop culture could become pop-culture de rigueur, Karl faced skeptical detractors, unsure if a street-influenced label could go global. Despite being confident, Karl would always ask himself "Can I do it?" This existential question was the launching pad that drove Karl to legally change his name from Carl Williams to Karl Kani. So, the question of "Can I?" morphed into the brand name "Kani", and with that, a legendary label was born.
Fast forward to the global pandemic of 2020 - in a time of uncertainty, many creatives are asking themselves: "Can I keep my business going," "Can I still perform," and "Can I stay fit and healthy?"
Looking to Karl's story for inspiration, an overarching message prevails - together "we can" do this.
In this candid video, Karl touches on his storied journey, from getting up at 5:30 am to sell newspapers so he could buy clothes, to gaining inspiration seeing his father visit tailors as a child. Ever the optimist, Karl touches on how he overcomes setbacks, remains grounded and healthy, and how we can grow as a community.
Volume 90%
As our community of creative talent grows stronger and stronger, we look to a diverse range of talents who provide individual stories of creative fortitude. With the effects of Covid-19 taking a toll on the industry, this inspiring set of creatives prove that an "I Can" attitude can overcome any obstacle. From rappers to visual artists, their stories provide hope during tough times.
A proud export of Ghana, London-based artist Koby Martin uses traditional and digital mediums to illustrate his work. His emotive style fuses Ghanian and British influences, articulating his life experiences through personal struggles and tragedies, turning them into artistic triumph.
With collaborations with the British Council, and The British High Commission - for which he was commissioned to create a live painting for 2019's Afrochella concert at the El Wak Stadium in Accra, Ghana. Koby's artwork spans over a variety of subjects, often using bright colors - a reflection of his heritage and spontaneous personality.
How has the current climate impacted your art and the way you create?
The current climate has me in a very reflective mood - in regards to how I use my time - whether spending time with family, friends, and even working. It’s also made me aware of how fragile & short life really is. Creatively, I always work in isolation, so it was quite hard to differentiate the climate from my normal routine. But, it also pushed me to experiment with other materials and learn new techniques. I also started reading more, which I rarely do, because of my short attention span. Although we have had a lot of tragedies and losses, I personally believe it's made me stronger, tougher, and smarter for any challenge ahead!
How can I make a change?
Change comes about through self-belief and the realization of who we are as individuals. It's a domino effect that begins with the man/woman in the mirror. I set out to express that through my gift of creating, collaborating, and having yearly exhibitions, which I believe brought together a sense of awareness, togetherness, restoration, and healing, especially within the black community.
How can I inspire others?
Inspiration starts with self and comes from within. To inspire, one has to believe in self and take action on the standards and goals they have set out for themselves. In doing that, it sparks a viral sense of awareness, belief, and motivation with the people you are around.
How can I create in the current climate?
The current climate has taught me to be still. I have learned to put everything at a standstill when it's time to create, a momentary pause from all the stresses of life. This allows me to get lost in my work. I step into a different world, a whole new dimension that allows me to create with joy. Something like stepping out of the business of a matrix and skip-hopping into a Teletubby world is the best way I can explain it.
Photographer Tori Taiwo runs Hercuts, an empowering haircut page for women who have embraced shaving their hair, favoring unique and charismatic low-cut hairstyles. After leaving home and falling out with a family friend, 33-year-old Taiwo was given a place in a hostel. Too terrified to stay there, Taiwo was determined to change her life. She continues to empower, inform, and inspire others via her art.
How has the current climate impacted your art and the way you create?
The current climate has allowed me to explore and revisit my prior passions. During the first lockdown, I started shooting products, this allowed me to gain new skills and open a new revenue. I have started booking clients, and shooting and filming products, which I can do from home. How can I make a change? By being open to trying new things and willing to allow for changes that are unforeseen, as well as collaborating with other creatives to keep morale up and encourage others to try new things too!
How can I inspire others?
By sharing the process of pivoting and exploration - high, lows, and everything in between.
How can I create in the current climate?
By changing my outlook on the creative process - stripping back and using what I have at my disposal to create; trying new things & exploring.
As the founder of skateboard brand Salon Skateboards, Stefani Nurding hopes to destroy the "boys only" stereotype that plagues the skate scene. A skater who was once told she was "too pretty to skate", Stefani is passionate about promoting diversity within the skate community. With a respected brand, Stefani juggles being a mum and pro-skater in a male-dominated industry.
How has the current climate impacted your art and the way you create?
Before the lockdown, I would say that it really made me think about being disconnected from people. I felt much more like I wanted to film and photograph others skating, as opposed to focusing on myself. One of my projects was to shoot instant photos of friends or strangers skating, then give them the photo afterward. Now that we're in lockdown, I feel even more disconnected from people, so I try to make my content fun and positive to try and uplift people.
How can I make a change?
I realized that I have a lot of knowledge about how to make money as a self-employed person. My friends were losing their jobs around me, and I became aware that some of them had no idea how to make money other than having a job. I coached a few friends that needed help, and I also set up affordable online courses about time management and setting up your own business.
How can I inspire others?
After I had my baby, I felt so lost with skateboarding and my own identity. It felt like I didn't know what I liked anymore and had no idea if my body would return to my previous level of fitness after my cesarean. Fast forward 20 months, I am in peak health, doing pilates regularly and skateboarding 2-3 times a week. I am 32 and a new mum. I just really hope that others who see 30 as old, or think they can't do things after becoming a mother will just maybe think "screw it, she is doing it and so can I".
How can I create in the current climate?
I have my skate brand Salon Skateboards as a creative outlet for my graphic design which is nice, but I love to create sporadically and get ideas all the time which I need another outlet for. I have been creating a lot of different things - painting, experimenting with Photoshop, photography, printing clothes, and just generally having fun with making art. There are a lot of things where I just think "meh, will never use it", but occasionally I come out with a gem.
Birmingham-raised rapper Roxxan represents the LGBTQ community with enormous pride. For the last ten years, the queer rapper has built up her own unique identity. A self-proclaimed tomboy, Roxxxan has expressed her want to create a space for women who adhere to non-gender specific traits. After relocating to London, Roxxx has displayed perseverance and determination - from coming to London to get a job at a major label to then being signed as an artist eight months later.
How has the current climate impacted your art and the way you create?
The current climate has affected the energy around me and where I go for inspiration. Before lockdown, I would meet friends, be around family, different energies, and walks of life, which made it easy to be inspired or do things that spark creativity. Now I go for walks or sit on a park bench so I can soak up all around me, then process it and let it out my way.
How can I make a change?
I can make a change by being visibly patient and open to change and growth. I aim to make a change by also being present for any women POC or fellow LGBTQA's. A lot of people are finding it hard to cope, I can make a change by being there for any and all of my people.
How can I inspire others?
I try to inspire others by living in my truth and fully accepting who I am; using my differences or things that have held me back in the past as my gifts to the world. I understand times are a lot different now, but had some of the artists and people I looked up to like Missy Elliot and Queen Latifa been open about their sexuality, I believe I would have found mine a lot sooner. Which also would lead to me finding myself sooner. I aim to be that for younger people growing up.
How can I create in the current climate?
In the current climate, I create at home with my iPad studio. Through spring and summer, I sat with and felt all the highs and lows of 2020. It’s only recently that I’ve finished processing, and now I’m ready to put everything into words and my outlet and art.
Silai Estatira aka Mishaal Javed is a young British hip-hop artist, spoken-word poet, micro-influencer, and full-time international relations student. A brave artist, Mishaal has gone against the grain of what is expected from her culturally by venturing into rap, spitting socio-political raps with a unique and fresh take on streetwear style.
How has the current climate impacted your art and the way you create?
During lockdown, music almost became a lifeline. It has always felt like my purpose, but I realized how much I needed it. I’ve been writing more, going back to the basics of it, sometimes just freestyling in my room or with my best friend and having fun with it again. I’ve been revisiting some of my favorite projects too. Retracing the steps of artists I admire, just taking it all in.
How can I make a change?
I want to fight for the world to be more inclusive. To be a space for everyone, not just a representation of some voices. Fighting for all diaspora, the people who are othered, and everyone who doesn’t feel represented. Music can make a big change. I want my music to comfort people, and to give company, the same way it does for me.
How can I inspire others?
I want to let people know it’s okay to ride their own wave, step outside the box, and live outside it. It’s okay to venture into spaces you’ve never ventured into before, especially when people tell you that you can’t do it. Never stop. Keep perfecting your art. It belongs to you, it is yours. Everyone has a destiny, we can’t let anyone - including ourselves - stop us from chasing it.
As Muslim women, people talk over us (metaphorically). Everyone has an opinion, and there’s so much dehumanization and categorizing that happens. I know girls that have had to fight that. I still fight it. But we’re still here, going. For us, It’s a movement.
How can I create in the current climate?
Because there have been no gigs, I’ve had so much time to write and experiment with sounds. I’m lucky because I’ve always recorded in my room so I’ve just been continuing that. I’ve had more time to think about how to present and reflect on my pieces too. There are so many ways to create, it’s just about being present with yourself, and knowing what story you’re trying to tell.
Born-and-raised in south London born, self-taught dancer and movement artist Kanah Flex was discovered busking by FKA twigs in 2014. The autistic dancer struggled to express himself, before finding his calling in the world of dance. A free spirit with a dedicated following on social media, the father of two challenges society’s ideas of normality, pushing his followers to achieve their goals.
How has the current climate impacted your art and the way you create?
I feel as if climate change has forced me to exercise all of the other gifts that I have shunned in the past, due to sheer laziness or the comfort of being inside the box. I feel like even though my physical might be on lockdown, my spirit is free.
How can I make a change?
The only change I am going to start with is myself, it’s impossible to change anything before that - I must start with me. Self-discipline is very key to change.
How can I inspire others?
By staying true to myself, my family, and my people
How can I create in the current climate?
I make things work with what I have and what I am surrounded by. I cannot play the victim in these times, even though the climate has changed, my creativity hasn’t. I’m always thinking of innovative ideas.
#karl kani#carl williams#kanah flex#Silai Estatira#Roxxan#Stefani Nurding#salon skateboards#Tori Taiwo#hercuts#koby martin#hiphopwear#hiphop fashion#urbanwear designers#urbanwear brands#premium urbanwear#90s hiphop fashion brands
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(House of the Dragon jewelry masterposts) This post will be updated with if/when I find new items! NOTE : Sold out items are not included. Rhaenyra ✸ Alicent ✸ Rhaenys ✸ (…)
Tyche Engraved Gold Drop Stud Earrings (€47,95/£49/$51,00) ✸ reference. Azar Gold Triangle Drop Earrings (€34,95/£36/$37,00) ✸ reference. Sunrise Labradorite Stud Earrings (€75,95/£65/$80,00) ✸ reference. Shahrzad Labradorite Drop Earrings (€62,95/£65/$67,00) ✸ reference. Estatira Pearl Flower and Labradorite Drop Earrings (€52,95/£55/$57,00) ✸ reference.
Iris Double Band Link Ring (€33,95/£35/$36,00) ✸ reference.
Elena Pearl Statement Antique Necklace (€122,95/£119/$146,00) ✸ reference. Daphne Emerald Chain Necklace (€109,95/£95/$117,00) ✸ reference.
#hotdedit#gotedit#house of the dragon#alicent hightower#hotdjewelry*#usermars#usermali#queenage#mine
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Estatira Sepahbod
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Alexander, the Great
The famous Alexander III the Great or Alexander the Great was king of Macedon, son of the emperor Fellipe II of Macedonia and Olympia, princess of Epirus, born between 20 and 30 of July of 356 a .C, in the region of Pella in Babylon .
Alexander was a great conqueror of the Persian Empire, and also one of the most important military of the world formerly. As a child Aristotle taught him, which taught him rhetoric and literature, and so aroused interest in science, medicine and philosophy.
In that same period several things occurred, and then in the summer of 336 BC his father was assassinated, and then Alexander ascended the throne of Macedonia, beginning the trajectory of one of the greatest conquerors of history, using all the knowledge and strategies acquired up to that time.
Alexander stood out for the tactical brilliance and the speed with which he crossed great territories. Though brave and generous, it was cruel when the political situation demanded it. He committed some acts of which he repented, such as the murder of his friend Clito in a drunken moment.
As a politician and leader, he had grandiose plans. According to some historians, he worked out a project to unify East and West into a world empire. From this feat, it is believed that about 30,000 young Persians were educated in Greek culture and Macedonian military tactics, being accepted into the army of Alexander. He also adopted Persian customs and married Oriental women, such as Estatira or Stateira, Dario's eldest daughter, and Roxana, the daughter of Bactriana Oxiartes, and also bribed his officers to accept Persian women as wives.
Alexander ordered that after his death, the Greek cities would worship him as a god. Although he probably gave the order for political reasons, in his own opinion and that of some contemporaries, he considered himself of divine origin.
The Great founded several cities throughout their territories, many of which were called Alexandria in his honor. These cities were well-situated, well paved, and well served by water supply. They were autonomous, but subject to the edicts of the king.
The Greek veterans of his army, as well as the young soldiers, merchants, merchants and scholars, settled in them, taking with them the Greek culture and language. Thus Alexander greatly extended the influence of Greek civilization and paved the way for the kingdoms of the Hellenistic period and for the later expansion of Rome.
Because he died still young and without defeats, much is speculated about what would have happened had he lived longer. If he had led his forces into an invasion of the lands west of the Mediterranean, he would probably have succeeded, and in that case the whole history of Western Europe might be completely different.
The Great Alexander died in Babylon on 13 June 323 BC with 33 years of age.
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Estatira is the name of the daughter of one of the Iranian elders who was married to the Great Darius Collaboration: sepideh sahebdel & eshraqism Meta Girls 3D NFT Collection These all character is unique and come from our collaboration and solidarity The Style of Girl is from different calture of worldwide Bigger print size is available for collector's All character is rigged and ready to use in the metaverse #illustration #nftart #NFTArtist #3dcharacter #girl #foundation #NFTCommunity #tntnft #NFTshill #CleanNFT #NFTGiveaway #NFTCommunity #NFTshill #Matic #NFTProjects #characterdesign #barbiegirl (at NFT Collection) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgPZQQ6In-V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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مزون عروس استاتیرا #اصفهان یک انتخاب رویایی __________________________ فرقی ندارد چه ساعت از شبانه روز باشد صدایت را که می شنوم خورشید در دلم طلوع می کند من هیچ ام و تُ در تمامِ هیچِ من همه ای …♥️ _________________❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @stateira.mezon.esfahan @stateira.mezon.esfahan برند استاتیرا ثبت شده در سایت بزرگ عروسکو مرجع برندهای برتر مشاغل عروسی کشور 👇 https://arooskoo.ir/estatira-bridal-accessories #عروسکو#عروس_شیک#عروس_اصفهان#خدمات_عروسی #خدمات_عروسی_اصفهان #مزون_لباس_عروس #لباس_عروس#لباس_عقد #لباس_نامزدی #مزون_اصفهان #اصفهانی#مانتو_عروس #عروس_داماد #عروس_زيبا #لباس_مجلسی#مد#لاکچری#تخفیف #فرمالیته#اصفهانی#خاص#عروس#مانتوعقد @aroos#aroosi#wedding #bridestyle #weddingdress (at Esfahran, Esfahan, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDasKqeAq3U/?igshid=3ezrjphnvz96
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Estatira again with greek clothes
Before and after her marriage with Alexander
#ancient greece#ancient persia#acheamenid empire#persian empire#estatira#hellenistic period#ancient history#macedonian kingdom#historical art
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Alejandro Magno fue rey de Macedonia desde el 336 a.C. hasta su muerte. Con una gran preparación tanto militar como intelectual, se lanzó a la conquista del imperio persa para vengar las afrentas que éstos habían infligido a los griegos durante siglos.
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MGMT8110 – Global Perspectives
MGMT8110 – Global Perspectives
MGMT8110 – Global Perspectives
MGMT8110 – Global Perspectives
Instructor: Estatira Shirkhodaee
Email:[email protected]
Fall 2019
Worth 25% of final grade for this course.
Due Date: Upon Assignment by Instructor
Delivery Method: Word Doc uploaded to eConestoga
Overview: Often in business researchers are called upon to make a presentation of their research findings.
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مزون عروس استاتیرا #اصفهان یک انتخاب رویایی __________________________ فرقی ندارد چه ساعت از شبانه روز باشد صدایت را که می شنوم خورشید در دلم طلوع می کند من هیچ ام و تُ در تمامِ هیچِ من همه ای …♥️ _________________❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @stateira.mezon.esfahan @stateira.mezon.esfahan برند استاتیرا ثبت شده در سایت بزرگ عروسکو مرجع برندهای برتر مشاغل عروسی کشور 👇 https://arooskoo.ir/estatira-bridal-accessories #عروسکو#عروس_شیک#عروس_اصفهان#خدمات_عروسی #خدمات_عروسی_اصفهان #مزون_لباس_عروس #لباس_عروس#لباس_عقد #لباس_نامزدی #مزون_اصفهان #اصفهانی#مانتو_عروس #عروس_داماد #عروس_زيبا #لباس_مجلسی#مد#لاکچری#تخفیف #فرمالیته#اصفهانی#خاص#عروس#مانتوعقد @aroos#aroosi#wedding #bridestyle #weddingdress (at Esfahan, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZHj7CA8dR/?igshid=t0eadp6evo5g
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Global Perspectives Presentation I
Global Perspectives Presentation I
Global Perspectives Presentation I
MGMT8110 – Global Perspectives
Instructor: Estatira Shirkhodaee
Email:[email protected]
Fall 2019
Worth 25% of final grade for this course.
Due Date: Upon Assignment by Instructor
Delivery Method: Word Doc uploaded to eConestoga
Overview: Often in business researchers are called upon to make a presentation of their research findings.
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