#Established MarcoSabo
xamaxenta · 6 months
crashes in thru the window A Vision. Ive Seen A Vision. sabos hands are covered in scars from using his dragon claw thingy and professional martial artists like brickbreakers and shit literally have their bones thicken over time from healing microfractures to provide more strength and power BUT it can come at the cost of joint pain and/or arthritis especially with age. what im saying is scarred calloused weapons of mass destruction sabo hands and rough warm physicians tools, lifetime of rope and rigging and worn ships marco the phoenix hands, gently easing the very literal ache in sabos bones with his two hands cupped around sabos (and sabo is slighter, his hands at first glance look narrow and delicate, but by the time youre close enough to see the scars on his pasty ass skin its too late for you, and marcos workmans hands completely eclipse his) full of warm healing flames . sabo and marco bite and snark and tease and fuck nasty so much that some ppl cannot tell if they like or hate each other but at the end of the day there is no one sabo trusts more to look over his strongest most intimate weapons (LITERALLY attached to/part of his body) like honing the fine edge of a blade that cuts anyone who touches it . but marco bleeds fire. they bicker and argue and tease but here it is silent. the only sounds are the warm rustle of callouses dragging against each other abd the soft rumble of crackling phoenix fire, louder than a candle but quieter than a lantern, and when it pops and snaps it sounds more like leaves and sea waves carried by the breeze and sabo finally, finally can relax for just a moment
This makes me yearn so much i am so full of yearning rn
Absolutely beautiful commentary of their relationship
Sabo’s a man of many facets and Marco wholly understands this and does what he can to enable it, if anything to protect him
If Sabo needs to be seen as someone dangerous vicious tongued, sharper wit, someone so beyond the league of normal men then Marco, the phoenix, who has had plenty of experience would do anything to enable this image
Because when theyre alone he gets to see Sabo as he is because Sabo trusts him implicitly and that means so much more than any words they could share or any snarky performance for the public could
Its rly soft aaaaaah wnishdoshd
Also the softest imagery of Sabo allowing Marco to look over his hands, press out the hurt, the ache, soothe the angry sharpness in his wrists that flares up whenever he writes, Sabo going boneless into his embrace hes shockingly vulnerable like this, without the squaring of his shoulders and the confident commanding pitch of his voice its easy to see the soft nobility in his form something hes striven to move beyond
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marcoacesabo · 6 years
That accidental summoning story is glorious, I laughed so hard I choked XD I feel bad for all of them though. Ace away from anything he ever knew, and the blondes having to hunt him down... I foresee a lot of bullet wounds xD
Ace carefully made his way through the forest. He chooses to use the tree branches as a means of travel careful not to leave any tracks for the kidnappers. He’s not sure where he is, not sure what kind of creepy cult picked him up but it would be an embarrassment to his mercenary upbringing if he lets them catch him again.
Once Gramps find out how they caught him in the first place things will get ugly. Not only for the kidnappers but Ace himself. He can hear the lecture of trusting others now….
He knew something was funny about that restaurant, he suspected it was a front the moment he walked in but he let himself eat the sandwich they obviously drugged and now here he was. Playing the prey in two mad men's game of Dungeons and Dragons. 
The blonds dressed like wannabe wizards, complete with the pointy hats and everything. It was kind of cute, but too bad for them being crazy nutjobs kinda ruin they looks and adorable outfits.
Ace had no idea what they were saying, nor did he understand what kind of circle thing that was, but he did know that they had a collar with a chain that they wanted to put on him. For him, that was all he needed to know to bail. 
Escaping had been easy, maybe too easy, and he didn’t even want to know why a cult dressed up in realistic furry costumes were after him but Ace sure as hell wasn’t going to let them catch him.
The problem was he only had his six guns on him. Which would be an impressive number if the guns weren’t six shots each. He had his emergency back up ammo, but that brought his number of bullets to forty-two. Not a whole lot against a freaky cult that apparently had its own castle, with who knows how many cultists running in it’s walls.
Gramps had taught Ace how to shoot a man’s finger off before teaching him how to drive but even his sharpshooting wouldn’t do much once the cult brought out their own firepower.
The only other weapons he has on him are his dagger and his position throwing knives. But those won’t do much either.
He was outgunned and outnumbered. The only consolation was that clearly he wasn’t outclassed and the only reason he wasn’t playing slave to the freaks. 
His best bet right now was to find somewhere safe to regroup, then try to contact someone he knew. If he would just find a town or a phone maybe he could get Gramps to send someone over. 
But for the past hour, the only thing for miles was thick forest. Ace was starting to think this was an island which made things worst as he suspecting the only settlement was the castle he did not want to go back to. 
Hearing a sound, Ace quickly stops his branch hopping, stepping back to hide in the shadow of the branches.  Below him, the bushes shake a tiny bit signaling someone is coming.
He reaches down, pulling out two handguns, aiming them at the spot. Narrowing his eyes he waits to see what it is, finger hair space away from pulling the trigger.
A little boy breaks through the bush, falling as he attempts to force his way through the branches that have caught his clothes.
Ace’s finger never leaves their spot but the hesitation is there. The boy is young maybe around five or six. His clothes are all but rags were thrown on top of each other and he is had varies cuts and bruises.   
 Watching him move, Ace can tell, he’s untrained in any means of combat and he’s scared. A lost little boy?
The kid finally managed to pull his clothes free but the force he does so throw him off balance. He falls backward, rolling on the little hill and lays on the ground stun. 
Then he starts to cry.
Seeing enough Ace swings down, causing the kid to look up in terror. Which is fair Ace is still kinda holding one gun. He tries his best to give a smile that would put Luffy at ease as he holds his hands up  “Hey there. Are you lost?”
The kid’s face twists into confusion, but there is still a healthy amount of fear on his face. He opens his mouth shuttering out what could have been a response. But the words mean squat to Ace.  “I have no idea what you’re saying there buddy. Wouldn’t happen to speak English would you?”
The kid is trembling now, more tears rolling down his face as he crawls backward. Ace frowns, not taking another step. A child should not be that scare of an adult.  (He forgets to think about the gun in his hands since he was raised with them all around him and honestly thinks it was a normal childhood) 
He considers his options before he attempts in Spanish  “You wouldn’t happen to know where we are would you?”
The kid suddenly bursts into pleas. He may not understand what he is saying but the tone and the bowing make it pretty obvious his general message.
“Hey hey hey”  Ace waves one hand about  “I’m not going to hurt you. I-”
A shout from behind him, plus the whoosh of something being thrown has Ace springing forward, grabbing the kid and rolling out of the way of a spear. It implies itself into the ground. 
landing a control roll, he glares up at the cult that seemed to have found him. This time it’s a group of spear-wielding lions. The kid is sobbing against his chest.
“Don’t worry.” Ace aims his gun taking two shots that cripple the front two.  “I won’t let them hurt you kid.”
“Sirs the spirt was spotted at the edge of the forest near the East Human Village!” 
Sabo looks up to where the youngest of the lion cubs is kneeling, hand tightening against his spell books.  “That’s almost outside our lands. If the Spirits get out we will be held accountable for everything it does.”
Marco looks equally as troubled. “Why is it going to the village though? Humans aren’t worth stealing souls from.”
The lion cub makes a noise.  “When my squad found him he was speaking to a human child. Apparently, the boy snuck into the forest to try and find some food for his sick mother. The spirit caught him in the act and the child was begging for mercy.”
Sabo’s face tightens. Disgusting humans thinking they come could come onto his land, and steal his food. Well as soon as they wrapped up this Spirit business that village will be burned to the ground as an example. They can’t have others thinking they can do the same now, can they?
“Lead us to the battle. We have to seal away the evil spirit yoi”
The cub gives them a nod, standing from the kneel to run into the forest a hasty “This way my Lords!” over his shoulder.
 Digging his heels into the horse’s side Sabo follows in a fast gallop praying to any stars that they can win this battle. It’s when they arrive however that they know it’s useless. 
The cub lets lose a wounded noise, sounding broken as he runs over to the battlefield. On the floor Lion men lay, injured or dead he can’t tell, but Sabo feels rage the likes of which he hasn’t in a long while at the cub tries to wake his father with broken pleas.
“It got away,” Marco growls, dismounting. He walks around stopping at a tree with a familiar hole in it. The Spirts strange tube. “But it will pay for this. Sabo use some healing magic on the lion men. We can’t lose any more.”
Sabo is already mid casting hands glowing with warmth as his magic reaches out. He breathes a sigh of relief to find no one dead, quickly fixing the damage. It seems the spirt had cut them this time with a blade. 
Marco continues with a dark hiss. “I have a village I need to visit. Something tells me those humans have more than stealing to answer to.” 
In the older mages’ hand, an orange hat that they saw on the Spirit rests alongside shreds of child clothes that are obviously human making.
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marcoacesabo · 6 years
What if Sabo and Marco accidentally summon a sprit name Ace?
Sabo re-checks the book attempting to see if they had somehow miscopied the symbols for the circle. It’s unlikely given that they made sure three times before actually activating it but the slight chance that they hadn't been as careful as they thought could still exist.
The foundation.
The fire diagrams
The summoning compound. 
The contracts enslavement unit.
Nothing. Nothing was out of order, no lines shaky, no possible leaks of magic. Sabo sighs putting the book down. There went a lingering hope he had for a better outcome, for an error that would explain the human sitting in their circle. 
Said human was uttering a bunch of odd noises that may be a language if a bit crude and violent.  He was unable to leave the middle of the circle, the magic binding him there. The human wouldn’t even be able to left his butt off the ground unless Sabo or Marco gave him permission to, yet that didn’t seem to stop him for attempting.
“What do we do with him yoi?” Marco asks, looking for all purposes disappointment.  It’s hard to tell for others that didn’t know him like Sabo did, but Marco had been very excited for their first spirt.
“We can send him back. Or dump him in a forest somewhere” Sabo offers. The human has noticed the writing on the ground by now, touching it with a cautious finger. The black lines light up under his touch. He let’s loose a string of gibberish before he starts aggressively poking it.  “Stop that”
The human looks up, his silver eyes burning with rebelling. He continues to poke the ground this time keeping eye contact with Sabo almost daring the mage to do something about it. The blond’s lips thin.  
“Sending him back isn't an option. The portal to his world closed already. It could take us millions of years to find the dimension he came from, much less his home.” Marco answers ignoring the flickering of the magic circle. “We’re also responsible for him by law now. There is no way we can just wash our hands of him.”
He doesn’t look overly pleased by his own words but he has a point. Sabo knows very well that the magic council will throw a fit if they learn two mages released a summoning into the wildness. It could mean the suspension of their magic licenses or worse, they could get banish.   
 “Then what? We make a contract with him?” Sabo scoffs, turning his nose up at the human. His hands neither the less close around the metal pipe which will be used to burn their symbol on the summon’s skin. 
He nods at Marco, who has picked up the collar to close around the human’s neck. 
 The human which has gotten louder, angrier in his shouts upon seeing their actions.  
He’s holding an odd tube at Sabo, having pulled it out of his clothes. Must think he’s being threatening even though there is no way he can reach them. They step closer to him ready to wrestle him into submission.  “What use can a human possibly have-”
Suddenly the magic circle shatters as a loud bang echoes through the room. Sabo stumbles backward as a bleeding hole in his shoulder starts to flare in pain. How in the world!?
“Sabo!” Marco shouts in alarm, magic licking his hands but he’s too slow for the human’s weapon. Another loud bang and then Marco is sliding on the ground, a similar hole in his arm. “Seven Star’s Bitch!”
The human has leaped from the center of the room, shouting. He holds the tube in both hands, training the end at them with a sneer.  Sabo is now very sure it’s a weapon and a powerful one.  
Another bang. Part of the door Marco was leaning on explodes into dust and wood pieces. The older mage yips going still, lips froze as his incantation for a spell stale. It seemed the human didn’t like him moving more than necessary, as he takes careful steps against the room’s far wall, shaking his weapon whenever Marco so much as twitches. 
Before either can do anything he kicks a window, no hesitation in his actions. What is he, crazy? The shattered glass falls on the ground just as the human, jumps. For a heart-stopping moment, the mages think he’s killed himself seeing that they are in their magic towel, several feet above the ground. 
Sabo rushes to the window a healing spell numbing the pain. Disbelief clouds his pretty face as he watches the human flip and twirl over the rooftops like a floating spell has been cast upon him.
 The guards try to stop him, but the human is far too agile. He easily escapes the beast men’s grabs, swiftly taking them down with a few well place kicks and punches. It’s almost as if bear men and wolfmen are nothing to him, hitting spots that has the guards falling in cries of pain.
 Soon he reaches the compound wall, and although it’s made of solid rock, at least thirty feet tall, the human does not slow down.
“What the hell is he?” Marco gaps as the human grips one of the pillars climbing it up then flipping over to the one when he starts to slip. He uses the decorative carving as leverage to keep climbing than his up and over, disappearing with a two finger salute two the mages a cocky smirk on his lips as he descends. 
“T-that wasn’t a human. There is no way that was a human” Sabo gulps, terror in his voice.  “What in the Seven Stars did we just summon?”
“A spirt.” Marco swallows voice firm and tense. “A mischevious one, clever enough to shapeshift into the weakest race so we underestimate it. Strong enough to actually make use believe it was human. We have to catch it.”
“Oh sure let me just get a jar that an exploding tub can’t hurt” Sabo voice is dry but he reaches for his spell casing book filled to the brim with battle incantations.  “Your father won’t like you picking a fight with someone bigger than you. He asked me to not let you do that anymore”
“Stop conspiring with my father behind my back! And I am, heads taller then that spirt yoi!” 
“That’s only because he chooses to be. Most likely the spirt is mountains taller in its true form.”
“Shut up and gather the men. We have hunting to do yoi.”   
Right. Sabo thinks with no little amount of irony this is going to end very badly for us.
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