#Essential oils dont work on me which is fun
poisonedapples · 1 year
Things that being born with no sense of smell affects:
- Cleaning. Cleaning is an absolute nightmare to me, because I never actually know if a mess is cleaned up or not. My dog vomited on the kitchen floor, and even though wiping it away made it LOOK clean to me, I had no way to tell if it still smelled like vomit or not. I also had no idea what I could use to cover up a smell that may or may not be there
- Memory. Your sense of smell is one of, if not the biggest memory retrieval device. Non-anosmics remember a lot of things based on what they’re smelling. For me, it’s one less sense to be able to remember things by, and I do notice that my memory is a lot worse than average
- Taste. Yes, I can taste, never ask an anosmic if they can taste because it is the most annoying question in my experience. But, I do notice that my taste is very dulled down. Lots of food is very bland by default, so eating is very often not a fun experience, and I rely a lot more on texture. It’s very rare to find foods that give me a strong reaction. Hence why I love blue cheese, it’s one of the few things I can eat and actually feel a good kick for
- Human connection. This is one I had to research a little bit and have no idea how true it is, but apparently pheromones which helps you connect to people and sense their emotions is by smelling pheromones??? And I can’t smell pheromones. So I probably have a harder time spotting emotions because of that, but I’m also just autistic, so I have no idea how true this is
- General life safety. I can’t smell gas leaks, so I can never live alone. I can’t detect fires until I see the smoke. Cooking for me is very dangerous, and I don’t leave the kitchen when I have something in the oven because I’m terrified of missing the beep and causing the alarm to go off. I have a MASSIVE fear of my car exploding because something is up with the gas tank and I can’t notice. Also, so many safety things are stuff you have to smell out??? Especially with vehicles??? It’s such bullshit
- CONSTANT smell anxiety. Do I smell??? Is my deodorant still working??? Is that smell people are complaining about coming from me??? No way to tell, baby! You just gotta hope and pray!
For so long in my life, people’s reactions to hearing I have no sense of smell has been “Oh my God, you’re SO lucky you can’t smell farts!” (Which has thankfully dulled down after COVID when everyone lost their smell and really hated it), and it’s the most annoying thing. I am missing one of the major senses. Missing a major sense affects everything about your life, whether it’s noticeable or not. If we could start seeing anosmia as something more than “Can’t smell cookies or farts”, I would GREATLY appreciate it
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blackinquisitors · 6 months
basically I don't get much enjoyment out of art and I don't feel much creative drive for it. I have some amount of skill, and dare I say I'm pretty damn good when copying something. but my technique is curtailed by the lack of practice I put in because every drawing I do has to be Good. it has to be Good so I can Post it and get Attention and then the Attention will generate people that with Commission me. I have no real love for drawing so I don't do it for fun. I have an appreciation for art but half the time it ends up being a competition for me. I dont know. this has sort of always been the case because I started drawing at 13 years old to be Good and get Attention. it wasn't for the love of the craft and I don't know if I can suddenly generate the love after years of it being result-based.
writing on the other hand is completely a labor of love. I have only monetised it when people have directly inquired about it. every part about it I enjoy and showing it to other people is essentially like showing my belly. I do it purely for my own benefit and if other people happen to like it, then that's a bonus. I love the doing more than the end result
it's a blow to me and my ego when a drawing only gets X amount of notes. but then something like my pervvy disco elysium fic only having a handful of kudos really doesn't bother me at all. cus i didn't make it for an audience, I made it cus I got possessed by an idea and had to get it out of my system. a couple other weirdos liked it so that's great but not a necessity. and then my most popular work, bloom, is my baby simply bc I worked on it for a year and put a lot of myself into it. and I'm able to look at it critically and see where my writing has developed and improved. zero of my opinion of bloom is tied to other people's opinions. it's a nice feeling
I'm doing oil paintings for cash currently which is a nice gig bc I do enjoy the process of oil painting because I'm good at it. but I am incredibly slow and I get bored of it. I think I'll keep doing these for the income but as for fanart and stuff I'll probably stop for a long while. put it all on the back burner until I can learn to love the process as much as I do writing
and rn I'm chipping away at my black sails fic and I'm considering it to be my magnum opus. not even close to being done but I'm enjoying writing it immensely. not a single bit of this is a chore, which it occasionally was with bloom because I was updating it chapter by chapter and felt the pressure of a waiting audience. with this black sails one I'm happily writing away and making it all perfect. lalalala the art of creation is wonderful. let's not poison my relationship with art anymore
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cohendyke · 22 days
certified perfume post <3 i dont have a pic of my collection but here is my list and thoughts. call me jeremy the way i fragrance or whatever. list under cut because its kinda long…. btw most of these were bought on discount so before you ask what i do. well i work in retail </3
louis vuitton pacific chill- this one is soo unique i kinda fell in love with it the first time i smelled it. its minty citrusy and also notes of cucumber so its soo fresh without smelling like an old lady. kind of cologne-y which is also nice because i love gender neutral scents i dont love super feminine scents
louis vuitton afternoon swim- TOP FIVE <3 this is my go to “special event” perfume its also citrusy and ginger-y and i think its technically unisex but whatever.. lasts super long i think this one is my staple fragrance ive been wearing it a while snd ill keep wearing it foreverrr. this was also the first one in my collection so thank you mum <3
byredo slow dance- this ones unique it smells weird when you first put it on but it dries down nicely. kind of smells like how those natural essential oil based perfumes from a crystal shop would smell. still nice though. i dont love most of byredos scents especially at that price but this one is cool. my only impulse purchase on this list but im not mad! its my summer-fall scent <3
diptyque philosykos- okay technically i dont own this one yet because im waiting for employee double discount to start so i can buy it then but ohh my god. i dont know what its supposed to smell like but to me it smells exactly like my grandpas backyard/garden in rural nova scotia so i do need it and i put it on as soon as i get to work. diptyque has so many unique ones eau de papier is another cool one (it just smells like rice <3)
maison margiela replica jazz club- LOVEE this one. definitely more of a cologne but i love it soo so much. this is my fall staple scent and every year for christmas my mum gets me a new bottle it is soo nice. its woody smokey and kinda boozy. amazing.
jo malone ginger biscuit- smells exactly like a gingersnap but surprisingly gender neutral (my dad actually asked if i could get him one LMAO) very holiday/christmassy.
jo malone orange bitters- this ones so hard to explain because oranges evoke summer for me but this one is very wintery. i wear it with ginger biscuit for the ultimate winter scent… yay <3 fun fact i brought my bottle to work one time and the asset protection guy got mad at me because it kinda looked like i stole it
jo malone emerald thyme- smells like an herb garden and also a mystical forest but does Naught last </3 i still love her though
jo malone sunlit cherimoya- kinda smells like tea and fresh blososms!! probably the most feminine one on my list and i love it. honestly dont wear this one enough but i really do love it
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hingabee · 3 years
☕️kelas parmak
hes a little bitch and i like that. he should be young, have short hair with frosted tips and a perm and also try to sell essential oils to people @conceptadecency also thinks hes married to a hot lady and has many children in all seriousness though i dont have a strong opinion for him, there are some fan interpretations that i rly like and some that just make me go ??? but hes a very bland character in "canon" so theres a lot of leeway to work with him. i think hes fun, but i do feel he essentially only exists as an add-on for exploring garaks character or his relationship with julian which is kind of interesting but can also quickly make a character boring
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Okay so, I said a little while back that i’d write up a thing about everything thats been going on with me and alright here we go.  I’ve been pretty MIA since.. I mean, this whole year so far. So let’s get into... That. - preface, nothing awful, just stress and me kind of just letting it all out.
Okay so. I’d been wanting to move out my place for a while, and we started looking into looking for somewhere starting back in January. We’re in Southern California - San Diego area, which is.. Expensive. We basically live at the beach in a really nice beach city. So looking for a new place was just disheartening. Everything is absolutely crazy expensive and super tiny for the price. I ended up having a whole break down and some amazing friends talked me through it.. And they put the idea of leaving the state in my head. I would have never in my life considered leaving California, i’ve literally never lived farther than an hour from the hospital where I was born. But.. The more I thought about it and talked to my husband.. The more sense it made.  - My family is sucky, theyre the main suck on my mental health. I work for my grandparents and one of my uncles, theyre the angriest loudest most conservative least trusting... I need to get out of there. I don’t have any friends anywhere near me, i’m by myself all the time.. It just made sense to get out of here. So we started looking for a place we could move to. To summarize that whole process, we eventually landed on North Carolina, because my husband could keep his job, theres a nearby office for the company he works for out there. And I’ve been to Charlotte before, I really liked it there. So now we’re looking in NC. We got a realtor - who I adore by the way, he’s a gorgeous gay man with an adorable husband, we’re all friends now, we’re gonna have game nights - and started looking for houses. In the meantime of all that, we start figuring out how to sell our place. We already had a realtor through family, the one who helped us get our condo in the first place. So he’s giving us dates and times to have things done.. and suddenly we have to pack up our whole place in a couple weeks and that was some of the most stressful time of my life. We had to get it cleaned and fixed up and packed and figure out where our things were gonna go and.. we get that all worked out in the end. Storage unit, get the place up for sale, i had to pay to ship a bunch of my mom’s stuff to her -that she was storing at my house against my will.. The plan is to stay at my in laws house in the mean time. (Which i do not want to do but we dont have any other options) So we get out of our place and immediately fly out to NC for four days (That was a bad plan, the day we had to be out of our place we were also getting on a plane so that was really stressful), we looked at so many places.. Didn’t find anything. So we had to come back, figure out a few more things, stay at my in laws in the mean time.  - my in laws house is not a good place for me. My mother in law’s favorite child happens to be my husband, and i’m the one who’s “taking him away.” And now she sees me every day. She makes snide comments, always kind of tries to plant seeds of ‘maybe you shouldn’t go,’ rants at me about weird shit.. My father in law smokes like a chimney, and the house smells bad. He smokes outside but also in the only bathroom downstairs and i’m pretty sure also in their room upstairs. None of them can smell it anymore but I literally had a migraine every day for the first several days of being there because of the smell. I bought an essential oil diffuser thing, just to get good smell into the air, and i bought a pendant that you can put a few drops in to just have a little ‘smell shield’ around myself. My husband bought a big ass air purifier and it is the best thing that has happened to me. But its in one room - thankfully it’s at least like a second living room upstairs. So i hide from everyone in my one room i can comfortably exist in, just waiting to get out of here. - of course when we got home with the air purifier my mother in law was like *gasp* but he only smokes in the bathroom! And they just have no idea that is has permeated their whole house since he’s been doing this for two decades now. They have lectured me more than once about weird shit, and incorrect shit at that. Only when my husband leaves the room, i’m sure that’s *coincidental.* They give me a hard time for things that don’t apply to me? Like being picky about vegetables - which i’m not, i eat basically all vegetables, it’s their son thats picky. They’ve more than once made food that i can’t eat. Like ‘if i eat this i will go to the ER’ can’t eat. Or they’ll Eat before I get home. My husband won’t, but theyll just not care to wait for me. And it just.. sucks. It hurts. we sell the condo. It’s our’s, but the way that it works is that my grandparents bought it and we were paying our ‘mortgage’ to them, but they told me they’d be putting it into my name. They didn’t, for four years. And now that it’s sold, technically it’s their’s. So they are supposed to give us the money from the sale, but my grandfather is dragging his feet a bit and... I need that money, dude. I have a lot of things I need to fix and I need that money to do it.  we stay here at my in laws for a couple weeks and then fly back out to NC to look again, but for a week this time. I also sprained my knee right before we had to leave, so I got to do a lot of fun stuff in a knee brace. But we actually found a house that we love. I was worried we might not get it, but we did! We got a house! We’re gonna move. - assuming that the money thing and all that shit works out, which lets not think about that. 
In the mean time, my arm is super jacked up, it’s numb all the time, I have a weird thing with one of my fingers.. And they want me to have surgery on it, but i’m not sure if it’s going to happen with me moving so soon. So.. we’ll see what happens with that, I guess. my work is still hell, but i’ve figured out when i’m done - my last day will be the 23rd, and everything works out then the house will be our’s officially on the 27th. So working all that out.. trying to figure out the logistics of when i’ll be out there, moving everything in, anything about the house that needs doing before we move in.. I’m just stressed and tired. But we’re close. We’re gonna get out of here and I think things will get better. I think we’re on the verge of.. Good.  Also i’ve been doing beads, i picked up finger knitting a little bit, and i’ve been overhauling my Animal Crossing island.. I haven’t been able to get to writing, just too much stress. But I have been coming up with concepts and ideas.. I want to write, i’m still going to be writing, i’m not done. I just.. Dude i’m exhausted and i’m trying my best out here. 
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sourbat · 4 years
Hammertooth 43!
Why I can’t have these two act normal in a darn pool?
With permission from Abigail, Magnus was allotted a brief visit during the holiday, and granted permission to enter some of the more obscure rooms in Mordhaus, albeit with Toki and at least two other klokateers to accompany him. With winter quickly approaching, it was only natural Toki would want to show off the many privileges affronted to a member of Dethklok, and took him past the sauna, to the neighboring indoor pool with its heated flooring, tanning corner and blood-red jacuzzi.
Unfortunately, Abigail failed to bring this up with the rest of Dethklok, and once Nathan mentioned the desire to take a swim, the band quickly followed suit. It was supposed to be a day of fun filled pool shenanigans, but then Nathan swung open the doubled doors, and the band was welcomed to the less than pleasing sight of Magnus and Toki at the edge of the pool, locked in a suggestive embrace. Murderface coughed loudly as the band made their entrance, alerting the two of their presence. Skwisgaar averted staring at the two as they sank deeper into the temperature controlled water before effectively parting. From there, a silent agreement was arranged between the two groups, with each keeping to their respective sides for as long as possible, and engaging in as little intermingling as possible.
The terms of agreement proved far more difficult than imagined. 
Nathan wanted to do laps, but Toki achieved the impossible and had Magnus floating besides him, dipping into the warm waters to swim after a playful splash or jettison of water spewed from his clenched palms. Their pattern, though limited to one side of the pool, was so random and distracting, and the acoustics made every laugh, squeal and giggle more grating on the mind. A few splashes from Magnus hitting Nathan’s cheek was all it took for him to recline further into the deeper side of the pool, sink and angrily mull over the entire situation.
Pickles drank. He had planned to drink anyways, but figured he’d at least get a few minutes of exercise in, maybe challenge Nate and the guys to some water freeze tag, but was sure he saw someone’s hands in the other guy’s swim trunks, and wasn’t willing to take the risk. He huddled under a UV lamp, letting Klokateers fan and turn him around every few minutes to slow the unavoidable burn, only glancing in the direction of the pool whenever he heard Toki cry. His empathy was rewarded with the unsightly image of Magnus snatching Toki in the shallow water, legs kicking up and creating a massive wet scene. A second yielded Toki being pulled into the water, only to come up again with Magnus in his arms. By the third, Pickles figured he could get by if Toki actually did drown because watching Toki part Magnus’ sopping hair from his face, only to have a short jet of water spat at him, was the goddamn dumbest shit ever.
Skwisgaar and Murderface took to the jacuzzi, which was farthest from the two, and made the occasional glance rare, though both did pick up on the occasional gross remark about who looked best “soaked.” 
Then the two grew bored of swimming.
“Come on, Magnus!” Toki complained, yanking Magnus from the water.
“Finally, I shought they’d never leave,” Murderface muttered under a hushed voice.
“Goods, now we cans swims without seeinks them all overs each others.”
The two eyed the deep end, spotted Nathan at the very bottom of the lapping water, and left the jacuzzi to meet with him. After wiping the red dye off their legs, the two headed to their side of the pool and signaled for Nathan to resurface. As he did, Toki led Magnus closer to where Pickles was situated. The three eyed the ensuing scene, thankful that Pickles was either too drunk or asleep to give a damn about the two, but still curious to see what Toki had in store for the older man. Magnus had never been one to easily slip into a public pool, and now Toki had him under the world’s fanciest and largest tanning bed.
“Come on, gets a load of this,” Toki said, skipping ahead of Magnus to snatch up a klokateer with towels, another holding a tray of fancy looking bottles. 
“Careful,” Magnus called after him. “I don’t want you slipping.” 
“Will be fines!”
Magnus caught up and took him by the hand. “Toke, slow down.”
Skwisgaar’s jaw slacked. “Dids he just–”
Murderface slammed a calm against his head. “Toke?” 
Nathan said nothing. It was less the unoriginal nickname that bothered him, and more the way Magnus had said it. The guy sounded so… concerned.
Their shared distress and the ensuing drop in volume meant the three couldn’t pick up on whatever was shared next, but eventually the two found a spot a few chairs away from a roasting Pickles. Murderface made sure to remind the others that Toki and Magnus’ hands remained locked the duration of the walk, to which both Nathan and Skwisgaar grunted a reply.
“Here, relax over heres!” Toki proclaimed, leading them to a few chairs situated under the fluorescent UV lighting. He gestured to some standing klokateers
Toki placed a towel on the seat and, with an exaggerated gesture, offered it to Magnus. “Fors you,” he said, face brightening with red that all three could detect from the edge of the pool.
“Why, thank you,” Magnus said, chuckling as he sat himself down.
“No problems.” Toki hovered over him, made a single glance at the klokateer who carried the tray of bottles, and called him over. Toki surveyed the containers of oils and lotions, picked the one that smelled the sweetest, then ordered that the lights underneath him and Magnus be brought down a “levels or twos.” 
Toki knelt over Magnus. “Turns around,” he said, resting a hand on the man’s chest.
Nathan’s eyes slowly went agape as Magnus rested on his stomach, back exposed to the hot glow above. And then to his, Skwisgaar and Murderface’s horror, Toki carefully situated himself down on that very same seat Magnus occupied.
“No fucking way,” Nathan muttered. 
There was no way Toki was going to oil Magnus Hammersmith’s back.
But Toki continued to adjust himself on the lounge chair, hoisting one of his slender legs over Magnus and crawling up the man’s contours before settling on top of his upper thighs. Magnus emitted a soft groan, one only Toki could register, but the shudder of his legs was visible to their distant onlookers.
“Thinks they ams still watchins,” Toki muttered as he pressed his palms into the curve of Magnus’ lower back.
Another groan, this one detectable by the band. Even Pickles stirred in his seat.
“So?” Magnus grunted through an exhale. “They’re fucking adults.”
“No swearins.”
“Sorry.” Magnus sighed another complaint as Toki’s thumbs pressed into his spin. “Just ignore them… or, y’know, look ‘em straight in the eyes when they do.”
“Okays.” Satisfied, Toki picked up the bottle. “Lets me know if ams being roughs.”
Magnus opened his eyes, turned his head as far as he could, and just barely caught the three musicians ogling them. He snickered. “What was the safety word again? Cinnamon?” 
That woke Pickles up from his sleep.   
The words sent a haunting shiver down the backs of each member. Murderface made another cough, louder this time, but Toki had already uncorked the bottle and was pouring a healthy glob of scented essential oils into his cupped palm. Nathan brought a hand to cover his mouth when Toki leaned forward, back arching and rear coming to a rise as he applied a healthy coating all over Magnus’ back. Toki rolled his thumbs into Magnus’ back, warming the oil with his hands the constant heat supplied above, and it wasn’t long before all three heard what was undeniably the sound of Magnus moaning. Skwisgaar snapped a finger, calling forward a klokateer holding his guitar. He kept his eyes steady on the strings, refusing to rise and witness the affectionate scene unfolding before him. 
“You ams very tight. Need to relax mores,” Toki said, bringing his hands up Magnus’ back.
 “I can think of a few ideas.” 
A finger pressed into a knot, and Magnus gasped a sharp sigh.
Pickles turned on his side, wincing through tight, burned skin, and caught Toki providing Magnus one of the most sensual massages an idiot like Toki could manage. He lowered his glasses, mouth parting wide at Magnus’ toes curling inwards right as Toki pushed his weight into a particularly stiff muscle. Then came the dreaded, needy whine, and Toki stopped to whisper something low that Pickles could not hear, but definitely witnessed with less than subtle body language that Toki just happened to accidentally show off as he reclined. 
The three caught Pickles’ mortified expression and turned to one another. 
Murderface glanced at the exit. “Maybe we should…”
“Leave?” Nathan stated, eyes glued to Toki working Magnus’ tight shoulder. Another audible hiss from Magnus sent a troubling sensation down his stomach.  “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”
Still strumming his guitar, Skwisgaar nervously looked over to the other side of the pool at Pickles. The poor guy glanced back at the three, pointed helplessly at the two who were in the processing of turning the massage into a whole new game, and stuck out his bottom lip in a defeated pout.
“Whats about Pickle?”
“What about Picklesh?” Murderface parroted, then snapped a finger for some servants to cover him in his robes. “I’m getting outghta here before they shtart fucking.”
“You donts think?”
“I mean, how many times have we done it in front of each other?” Nathan muttered, and the question was more than enough to determine that they had at best, a minute or two before Toki finally made…whatever moves Toki had in his arsenal. The three bolted, leaving their personals behind for some servant to pick up after them. First was Murderface, then Skwisgaar second, and finally Nathan, who, despite being so affected, made one final eye roll before vanishing into Mordhaus’ halls.
“Uhh,” Pickles uttered, voice on the incline as Magnus turned and pulled Toki into a slippery hold.
“Well, would you look at that,” Magnus declared, a smile stretching into an alert grin as Toki’s oily hands slid down his chest. “We’ve scared them off.”
“Oh, we cans go plays in the water likes we dids before.” Toki pointed to the now-empty pool.
“I mean, I got you where I want you right now,” Magnus said, wrapping his arms tighter around Toki. He kissed Toki’s jaw. “And it’s pretty warm here…”
“Ams very warm.”
There came a giggle, a hand reaching for the oil, and the sounds of Toki squirming and pleading to be set free, only for Magnus to pull him back into his long, clingy grip. Magnus turned over Toki, popped open the bottle, and as Toki yelped for help, Pickles stumbled off his chair, tripping over his steps as he winced and swore his way out of the pool area.
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planetjisungie · 4 years
misconceptions- l.jn
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characters; gryffindor! jeno, slytherin! reader ft, gryffindor! mark
an; im making mark debut in every house, its what that man deserves 😔✋🏻 also marks kinda a bitch in this but like we still love him. this is part 2 of the nct dream hogwarts series
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jeno sat in the grand hall, watching you walk in alone. your hair was so silky, and you looked so delicate and soft. but that, apparently, was the complete opposite of who you were.
"bro i heard she like, hexed a bunch of first years and made them look stupid in the hallway. poor kids" mark uttered. the topic of conversation was conveniently you, and jeno was slightly confused about where this was all coming from. "and it’s definitely true?" he asked, turning to his blonde friend. mark shrugged. "its y/n, so i wouldnt put it past her. last year she got into a fist fight with kang miyoung"
mark was always gossiping, he knew all the rumours in the school, if you wanted to find anything out all you had to do was ask mark. he knew everything and it was sometimes scary. but it wasnt always true, like the time he spread the rumour that choi san had cheated on his girlfriend when it actually had turned out to be his sister. that was an awkward one. turning back to you, jeno tuned out the sound of mark droning on and on about the things you had apparently done. he watched you sit down away from the other slytherins, grab some pasta onto your plate before silently eating. he watched you drink your cup of water slowly, before going back to eating your food. he also saw how the other slytherins would glare at you, or point at you while laughing. something didnt add up. why would slytherins, known causing petty issues, mock someone who supposedly did just that? it really didnt make sense to him.
so the next day, jeno had heard crying down the hallways. being a gryffindor, he ran towards the sound, wand in hand in case anyone was in danger. what he wasn’t prepared to see, however, was a first year on the ground, holding his ankle while crying in pain. but that in itself wasnt shocking, what was, was you sat next to him, a gentle smile on your face while your wand had a green glow to it, seeingly calming the boy down. he had then noticed that you were using a pretty advanced healing spell, which was odd for a slytherin to know in the first place, especially someone like you. in fear of being caught staring, jeno just swiftly turned around, brows furrowed from the thoughts in his brain.
the next time jeno had seen you, he was playing hide and seek with the gryffindor boys in the forest. he was hiding behind a fallen tree, when he noticed a familiar head of hair, and the black and green robe flowing around you. getting up, he silently walked closer towards you, trying to see what you were doing. seeing a creature next to you, he squinted his eyes. you were knelt next to a unicorn, a large gash on its right side, your wand with the same green glow as when you were healing the first year. you seemed to be at peace here, just helping out. not noticing the small smile on his face, jeno turned and walked away before again, you could notice him.
the third time he had seen you, was not as pleasant as the last two. you were sat on the floor of an empty hallway, a white cat in your lap as silent tears fell down your face. jeno felt his heart break for you, he could practically feel the emotional pain radiating off of you. deciding to actually talk to you, jeno made his presence known, walking closer before sliding down the opposite wall to face you. looking up, your eyes widened noticing the infamous gryffindor heartthrob, the crush of all the younger girls. clearing your throat, you wiped your eyes of the tears, pulling your cat, mr snuggles (the return of mr snuggles) closer to you unknowingly. jeno flashed you a small smile, which you returned. clearing his throat, he moved his gaze from the oddly adorable sight of you cuddled up to a cat to the cold wooden floor. "im jeno" he introduced, causing you to scoff lightly. "im y/n, but you probably already know that" you said softly. surprised to actually hear your voice, it wasnt at all what jeno was expecting, causing his head to whip towards yours. he was expecting an arrogant, cold, high pitched bitchy voice, but was met with a quiet, gentle and melodic voice. by now he was almost certain that you had definitely been misunderstood.
"uh- okay wow i wasn’t expecting-" jenos rambling was cut off with your soft laughter, watching your head lean against the wall slightly and your eyes close, shoulders moving up and down in response to the sound coming from your chest. "i know i know, you were expecting me to be some cold, brutal and violent bitch, right?" you said, a smile now on your face which was a nice contrast to your earlier face of sadness and utter despair. "i mean kind of i guess" jeno shrugged and chuckled awkwardly. you let out a sigh before extending your legs from the crossed position, letting them stretch in front of you. "its fine, everyone just blindly believes any rumours that are spread. youre not at fault, the slytherins are" jeno looked up in confusion after you said this, evidently showing on his face, adding onto that the noise he lets out which couldnt be described other than ‘a jeno noise’. noticing his obvious inquiry, you layed back and closed your eyes.
"i dont exactly fit in with the slytherins. my focus has always been to help others, to share what i have to those who dont. the slytherins obviously didnt like that, and i quickly became a misfit, so they started spreading awful rumours about me. no one usually bothers to check if they’re true or not, so that resulted in me not having any friends" you sigh after explaining practically the whole reason of your mental torture at hogwarts to the gryffindor across from you. jeno once again felt his heart break, and a small pout formed on his lips. "how comes you were put in slytherin then?" he asked. you groaned and opened your eyes. "stupid slytherin parents. i didnt get sorted, they work for the ministry so i was basically forced into slytherin to carry on shitty family tradition bullshit" you snorted, head lolling onto your right shoulder. jenos eyebrows raised. so you were basically not a slytherin yet put in slytherin and people practically bullied you for it. sounds pretty tough to him. "and you couldnt speak to dumbledore about it? im sure hed do something" he said, now genuinely concerned about you. shrugging, you reopened your eyes. "i dont realy care anymore, let the people think what they want"
after that day, jeno watched you a lot more closely. he would see how your nose scrunched up when you saw something you didnt like, or when your tongue poked out when you were focused. he sat across the room from you in potions, so when slughorn announced that you two were going to be partners for the Amortentia potion, he couldnt exactly say he was disappointed. despite the obviously sympathetic looks from people around him, he smiled as you pulled the chair next to him, sitting down carefully.
the lesson began, and you and jeno quickly started working on making the potion, working together efficiently and getting it done to the T whilst also having a little bit of fun. leaning towards the pot, jeno moved at the same time as you to smell what was supposed to be the scent of your crush. immediately catching a strong whiff of jenos apparently overpowering cologne, you leaned back, coughing and covering your nose. "jeno, stop wearing so much cologne" you choked out, trying to inhale fresh air. meanwhile, jeno smelt the scent of lavender and cotton, turning to you in disgust, not at the smell itself but the pure strength of it. "unlike you, i dont douse my clothes in lavender essential oil, jesus christ woman" he lifted his hand whilst staring into the pinkish liquid. "i dont think we did this right" you said, before slughorn came up to you with a delighted look on his face. "oh well done, this is perfect!"
that day lead to a lot of confusion between you and jeno. opting not to ask him about it seeing as he never questioned you, you just sat in silence out on the grass, staring up at the stars. you had snuck out of the castle to sit on the land around it, seeking some sort of relaxation. what you hadn’t expected, was for the black haired boy to somehow find you, sitting down quietly on the grass next to you. "so..." he started, before sighing and looking down. he knew he liked you, how could he not? the way you were completely different to how you were said to be, how you didnt blame others but the slytherins for being mean towards you, and just how kind you were in general. whilst most people would veer away from you, he was the complete opposite, finding himself attracted to you like a magnet. smiling slightly, you turned to face him. just like him, you had found it hard not to fall for him. in the times where people would doubt you, or just be plain rude, he actually came and spoke to you. jeno was the first one who cared about you, and not just the rumours that drifted around, he talked to you when no one else would.
that night, you two had a whole sobbing session, confessing to eachother and apologising for things you didnt even need to apologise for. needless to say, when you walked into the hall hand in hand the next morning, with grins that hurt your cheeks, it definitely put people in a daze.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Accidental Family Man Au
remember that one ask where I talked about some projects? This is one of them. Enjoy dad franky!
So it begins with Franky – a back alley repair in the illustrious mechanic city of Water 7 – a miracle engineering city, they call it, with intertwining roads of cars and rivers. Venice, if Venice was made of concrete and had a road system above its water system, twisting above houses and everything.
Franky used to be one of those engineers that created those miracles, but an accident later, and he’s the scourge of the city and half bionic, making his living in back alley repair shops where you either pay with cash or your life.
He never said he was a good guy, did he Ice Burg?
 He still has connections though – and these connections lead to Iceburg, and to the Straw Hats.
 Iceburg’s the mayor, of course, and while he doesn’t care much for his public image, he knows that if he starts accepting money from shady kids who showed up to his doorstep possibly covered in blood with a woman who he swears he’s seen before beside him, that maybe Water 7’s people will take a hit for harboring criminals.
But hey, He knows a guy already doesn’t he?
So he sends these kids and their broken van down to the Franky House to see if he would fix their beloved, broken, van.
The Straw Hats never reach it, because the woman (Robin) gets kidnapped and a fight breaks out, leading to the separation of the group,
So the story really begins with Franky and the little broken down RV called The Going Merry, previously belonging to the kid who’s standing in front of him, begging him to fix it.
More Hcs Below cut including actual dad Franky stuff lol
That kid is Usopp, and he’s asking because Franky’s the only repair man in the illustrious city of Water 7 that will possibly accept the cash that Usopp has to offer.
He doesn’t.
Instead, he attempts to kick the kid out and gets kidnapped in return.
 So, Franky’s introduced to Ennies Lobby one of the worst places this side of the country – where people go and never come back, and hey, whats this kid doing kicking down the door?
Safe to say, Franky is rescued, and learns a little more of their story.
And Safe to say, Franky sees the woman they are going to save (him, and a bunch of teenagers and some 12 year old brat) and he near damn falls in love with her on sight and definitely does when he actually talks to her.
They save Robin, and start running – of course, Merry the van is just barely struggling to save all their added weight but they make it but also merry’s totaled.
So Franky shows them his pet project, The Thousand Sunny, supposed to be his super get away, home a way from home rv but with a few modifcations… the Straw Hat Gang has a new home. And a new crew member.
Franky learns everyone’s stories and about all the absolutely shady shit they are into. He learns he fits right in.
 And then… then the moments start happening.
He helps Usopp fix up the Sunny, and teachers him about cars and such. 
He and Chopper start bonding over bionics and medical shit that went into building his body. 
Zoro and him geek out over comic heroes (this, at least in zoro’s part, is canon the big nerd.) 
He helps Nami out with some headings and listens to her troubles. 
Sanji and him go fishing one day and it’s the most surreal experience of Franky’s life because this teen is in a three-piece suit and catching giant fish out on the shore of some lake? What? 
Franky gives Luffy advice and pulls him out of fights and shows him cool robot things.
 And its two months in when Franky realizes – here is it actually typed out lmao
“In all honesty, Franky doesn’t know how it happens.
He has a vague idea.
(Can you save her? Please? Merry’s the best.)
But still – tracing the events that led up to him frantically calling Ice-for-brains at one am in the morning at a near abandoned gas station on the west coast was a hard task.
“Ice-for-brains,” He starts using the familiar name.
“Flunky? The hell? What are you calling me now?”
“Iceberg.” The use of his real name quiets him. He knows this is serious. Franky takes a deep breath, and exhales, saying the next words in a single breath. “I accidently became a dad to six crazy teenagers. Help.”
“Goddamnit bastard-berg this is no time to laugh!””
Organizing the kids at Sabaody Park
being emotional support for all these kids trauma please world, give them a break
doing his best to say no to allowing luffy to swim with sharks but giving in anyway
being a component (aka fierce menacing bodyguard) in his daughter’s nami’s schemes
breaking up fights
 Attempting to ground known criminals who may or may not be stronger than him
Modifying the RV so that they can have Brook and Jimbe on it as well
Overthrowing the government in at least three different countries because his kids wanted to
Doing experiments with illegal fireworks on Usopp’s behest
“Do you want to play catch” “Franky that’s dynamite that we found in the stach what the fuck- “Do you want to play catch” “…Yes.”
Explaining Safe Sex to teenagers who have biggers worries such as the government
Teaching them all how to drive. He thinks hius heart has popped out of his chest.
Snoring loudly on their tiny couch and everyone just dogpiling on him
Also I had this in my notes
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So that’s a thing that’s going to happen!
Note: Everyone is aged down three years from pre TS ages  to enforce the fact that 1) the government is fucking nuts for assigning bounties to these kids in this au 2) give more dad moments as while we all need a dad in our lives at any age it gives me more plausible reason here 3) plot related issues and the fact that this story takes place over several years and 4) the image of a 14 year old taking down the government is hilarious to me.
Moving on.
Luffy – 14 years old and an absolute bastard
Luffy grew up in the port city of Fuusha as a way for Garp to keep an eye on him because of his family connections and make sure nothing bad happened to him -  didn’t quite work out.
dads a terrorist, his brothers a world class criminal, his gramps is an abusive piece of shit but also weirdly protective marine officer, his family’s complicated. 
 he grew up in the seedy underbelly of the city and made friends with a lot of criminals (who helped him get out because hey that five year old who used to steal our food is a brat and maybe we should help him get out before he becomes to chaotic (too late) and becomes our friend (also too late) )
Among these criminals are Shanks, who wanders through once in a while, Buggy, begrudging friend,  Jimbe, because he has connections, Crocodile, because this brats a bastard, and Rayleigh, among others.
Annoys them to make him his friend, continues annoying them afterwards.
 He just thinks they’re neat.
Luffy leaves two months after Ace, his brother under Dadan’s, the local gang leaders, roof, leaves because Ace can’t tell him to stay behind anymore
but the govt got word now he’s on the run – Coby helps him escape
As such, Luffy grows up with a very very skewed moral compass as in canon but a bit more, and now literally is almost ten times more feral as he should be.
  His goal is now to do whatever he wants, without people telling him what to do or that he can’t do that – He’s going to be free, damnit.
Franky understands and learns over time to adjust his Parenting Skills accordingly
Zoro – 16 and illegally owning a motorcycle because he thought the best way to improve his skill was to go out and hunt down people to fight, and of course he needs a motorcycle to do that, doesn’t he?
 He was pulled over for speeding then taken in for being underage
 He is also caught up in some bad stuff (fight circles, bounty’s, etc. this kids 16 and breaking grown men’s spines.)
Then comes Luffy who was also arrested for dine and dashing and is in the back seat.
 Luffy, who after the police car pulls over, punches out the police officer, unlocks Zoros cuffs and tells him “Drive”
 So they drive
“Hey, hey Zoro. Join my crew. It’ll be fun.”
 “Anything you say captain”
 knows Luffy for three seconds and is immediately down to murder with him
 Its great
He wants to become the greatest sword fighter still, which is still a thing in my fantasy modern world, so anyway, picture this 16 year old going up to you and tell you to fight but he has a sword in his mouth and in both hands and the most dangerous look in his eye.
 He and Luffy immediately rob a sword shop to find him new swords after they meet, it becomes a thing later on where they will steal (horribly, they literally crash in through the window every time because they have no subtly) something small from each city they visit. 
Nami - 15 year old pick pocket in the city where luffy and zoro stop, just trying to scrap up some money to pay off her family’s debt.
 Bellmere’s still alive damnit.
Nami thought Zoro and Luffy were police originally (because they are driving around in stolen police car) and tried to pull the ‘oh officer help me’ card when the people she stole from chased after her
 To her surprise, it was two kids her age in the front seat.
Luffy: “get in”
 she gets in
they dont talk about it
The people who were chasing her was Buggy’s gang who Luffy waves at as he goes by
 Buggy sends a message to Shanks which is essentially “hey that brat u liked is still alive”
And Shanks is like “oh thank god” not knowing the terror he has unleashed upon the world
A month later Arlong has mysteriously disappeared and the Bell-mere farm is flourishing while the second daughter becomes a world class criminal.
 Bell’meres never been prouder and it gives Nojiko a great conversation starter.
Usopp’s 14 and lives in a trailer park called syrup alone
Has a business where he sells odd herbs and such, passing them off as anything that will get him some money – think of it as Toad Oil from Wano but with some popgreens and such mixed in.
His goal is get enough money to stand on his own and leave the park but its slow going. And then…
 Luffy punches the heck outta the creep that was creeping on the owner of the park, kaya, and think’s Usopp’s stories are super cool.
Usopp wants to go with them, to explore the world With Luffy.
At this point, the Straw Hats have realized that driving a stolen police car around is a bad idea
so they take the huge van - a gift from Kaya named The Going Merry, and set off, using Nami’s stolen funds to get them by.
Sanji - 16 year old who longs to be a chef with the best food and just wants to feed people who need it
He hates government cause they don’t feed people and has a lot of petty grudges and helps Zeff run a lot of kitchens to help people.
 He’s still the Sous chef of the Baratie and still has a penchant for kicking unruly customers around. Baratie has a less then stellar reputation for service but the food? The best in the land.
 He feeds Luffy the food.
  Luffy likes the food.
Luffy kidnaps Sanji
Zeff worries about it but he can’t do jack since he actually is not Sanjis legal guardian (he kidnapped the kid first on accident after they both were stranded. He still tries to call anyway, and is proud of the change his son is making in the world. He’s currently working to get suspicious government people off his back about his missing Sous chef with the unique curly eyebrow…
Anyway, Sanji becomes the cook for the strawhats and is really happy because everyone likes his food and he can help anyone along the way and send business to the baratie
Its a good deal for him, and with all the places he visits his skill grows as a chef.
Chopper - 12 year old prodigy who really wants to be a doctor but both his legal guardians are out of the way
Hiruluks dead and Kureha, against her will because she’s still beautiful at 100 dammnit, is in a nursing home trying to break out
 Chopper has nowhere to go but still tries to pursue his medical career, and this fucking twelve year old does so by patching up people from bar and gang fights.
The Straw Hats pick him up and Usopp hacks into a govt control thing to sign him up for online medical course
Kureha’s proud and gives him a book of pressed cherry blossoms that was Hiruluk’s
  He cries
Chopper gets lots of practice for medical stuff with Luffy and Zoro who like to fight in fighting rings just for the heck of it, and for the money that Nami wants.
Robin – 25 year old depressed archeologist (and assassin) they found in a mafia in the next country over (Vivi’s)
Crocodile’s running it, aka Luffy’s criminal uncle number 500
 Luffy’s pissed about it and smacks him into the dust because it’s his friends country, and then drags Robin along because she needs to have some adventure, and hey, they are checking out the ruin’s next, wont that be cool?
 So robin comes along as the ‘adult super vision’, at least in Nami and Usopp and Chopper’s mind.
She learns that these kids have some how been able to dodge school, and starts teaching them the basics of what they would need to know, and then any thing else they want to know. (Zoro, she finds, is extremely good at math while Sanji enjoys chemistry. Nami and Usopp catch on quick, while Chopper has his own studies already but enjoys talking to her. Luffy dislikes learning, but if the promise of pirates or foods or letters that wont spin in his head is involved, he’ll gladly sit down for a bit. He especially loves the stories however.)
Robin finds herself inching dangerously into mom territory, and accepts it whole heartedly after meeting Franky, who she finds handsomely hilarious.
She has a shady past but is slowly opening up about it, and knows she will watch the world burn for this crew.
Y’all know about Franky already so im gonna move on.
Brook – super fucking Old musician they found on the street looking for his dog Laboon
 He used to be a star but lost his fame but doesn’t care – he  only wants to make people happy with his music.
Luffy just straight up just drags him into the sunny, its becoming a habit of him kidnapping people, that’s not how you make friends Luffy (or at least it shouldn’t be – he always seems to make it work.)
 Everyone just goes with it at this point while Franky sighs and triie sto figure out how to make a giant RV even bigger
The Crew find out his dog is living in luffy’s home town and used to play with Luffy when his friends weren’t around. They vow to go back once everything dies down, but in the mean time Dadan gets a new guard dog in her house hold
Usopp posts one (1) video of Brook (on Halloween in skeleton make up) and he instantly becomes a revived star, thriving on the mytery of the Skeleton Soul King.
He now posts videos from around the world of him singing but its impossible to predict where he will be next, and he’s invisible with out his make up to the internet, so its good for the whole criminal thing.
(best) Criminal uncle 501
 No one knows exactly how he knows luffy beyond luffy himself but they are 90% sure its something to do with the underground warlord system that Luffy has connections too
 He gives the best hugs, Uncle Iroh but without the well-meaning manipulation.
 He’s tired of responsibility that he has in his underground position and kinda wants to fuck off to the Caribbean but then he meets luffy again and is like this is better
He Leaves the fishman gang behind with subordinate in charge and joins strawhats
He becomes stressed - “Why did you choose an archeologist and a man who wears speedos for adult supervision, how are you alive, do you need a hug, do you know basic math, have you even gone to school, oh thank god Robin is here - ”
Two minutes later
“Do you have code names, can I have one,”
 He’s a big faker the dummy everyone can see right through you, you’re aren’t on this crew if you have common sense
Between dad moments, essentially its just the Straw hats breaking in and causing havoc where ever they go, building their bounties and being a found family.
That’s it for now, but please ask questions! Sorry this was so long lmao, ill also add something for Vivi later!
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
How will you write Mighty and Knuckles being in a relationship ( not with each other dont take it the wrong way!! XD ) ? And how to make them NOT out of character?
Almost didn’t let you slide with that XD
So, from what I gather, here’s my best kinda ‘hypothesis’ on the matter.
Knuckles is a little easier because of all the data we can find on him. Especially with his relationship and interaction with Rouge, we get a better inkling of what a romantic relationship would be like for him.
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(Knuckles blushing, lol)
So, Knuckles is very much about duty, honor, and valor. He’s a hot-head, naive and gullible person, but he’s also very knightly in that he really does respect and take things seriously. He has might, yes, but he also has a heavy enough heart to weigh the aggression he sometimes feels down a notch.
Knuckles is actually quite playful, once he figures out what he’s doing. (LOL) What I mean by this, is that in his interactions with Rouge, if he doesn’t know she’s coming on to him, he is rather suspicious of her actions (already, anyway…) and tends to be clueless. However, when he is aware, he can get easily flustered and his hot-headedness shows though.
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This is one example, the scene where Rouge makes a comment and he flips out, but you can also see he thinks he’s being teased. (Kinda is, lol)
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Another thing is Knuckles isn’t afraid to “Bite back” in a relationship. (no, that’s not a dirty comment) What I mean is, he’s not shy about having an argument or fighting back. This is actually really healthy. (No, anger or violence is not healthy, and is not what I’m talking about) Talking through issues or situations, getting passed anger and holding back aggression is something Knuckles is actually really wise in doing. Yes, he can get angry, but to solve an issue? He’s willing to talk and not put something off, not disregard the other person. He’s sorta considerate that way.
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Because of this, he’s able to ‘banter’ back in a romantic relationship, causing playful spats and fun ‘play fights’. So this ‘combative’ nature is not always a bad thing, it means he’ll always engage so long as his partner lets him know what’s going on.
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Working together is another big thing. Knuckles has spent most of his life in isolation, so being able to work as a team (Or even not to constantly be stubborn and fight) is something he’s still working on. If his partner is able to help him improve his weaknesses, there is a humble side to Knuckles as well. He recognizes that he needs his partner, and hopefully, that means his partner needs him too.
Besides what we see with him and Rouge (Even him saving her at one point) we can also tell by his personality that he wants to be helpful and useful. He wants to understand, it’s just difficult for him. He’d need a strong-willed person to get him going since he can be stubborn and combative. But again, it’s because he’s not shy to communicate that can help his partner see his true intent. Knuckles has a pure heart, and he shows this by trying to help out and oftentimes being the first one to jump in and try and do something when bad things are going down.
Moving off of Knuckles for a second-
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From what I can gather (canonically) about Mighty, is that he’s got a good heart and strong ambitions towards pacifism and nature. He’d go well with someone of a calm or kind disposition. He also seems to enjoy traveling, so someone who wouldn’t mind the ‘nomadic’ lifestyle would fit him well.
In all honesty… A hippie. Hook him up with a hippie, no-shoes, tree and grass loving activist and you’re good. (LOL HE LIKES “FOREST BATHING”. I MEAN, COME ONNNN…)
Wiki Define: “Nature therapy, sometimes referred to as ecotherapy, describes a broad group of techniques or treatments with the intention of improving an individual’s mental or physical health, specifically with an individual’s presence within nature or outdoor surroundings. One example of a nature therapy is forest bathing or shinrin-yoku, a practice that combines a range of exercises and tasks in an outdoor environment. Garden therapy, horticultural therapy, Kneipp therapy or even ocean therapy may also be viewed as forms of nature therapy.” (x)
This guy would buy essential oils. Give him a partner who cares about mental, physical, and social well-being. He’s not into the social stuff as much as the nature therapy for mental, emotional, and physical health. So someone spiritual and social would definitely balance out his character a bit, though he may resist it a little, he might crush hard soon enough. To me, he seems like someone who would fall in love slowly but soon–all at once. (lol)
However, while watching some of the Mania Adventure clips, there is more revealed about him here I’d like to address.
For one, he is willing to fight if necessary; however, if he can find a better solution, he will. He doesn’t mind making people worry (Due to his ‘missing’ streak) but he still deeply does care about his friends, even willing to surrender the Chaos Emerald for someone he holds dear. (Which also makes me think he’d be greatly upset if his romantic interest got captured or was imprisoned. Considering how he was once imprisoned by Eggman as well, I’m sure his resolve would be very aggressive in getting them back. A “gentle giant” might fit this stereotype for his nature.)
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“You still hurt my friend and are evil! I won’t let you get away with this! If you’re gonna run, I’ll find you! I’m getting that Emerald back!” - an estimate of what he might sound like.
I also headcanon he’s attracted to strong people. I’d have to imagine that someone had to be strong to put up with him xD Physically and emotionally, I think Mighty is a quiet character who will step up and be subtly romantic, but I think his partner would have to get through his hard shell first.
What I mean is, Mighty is constantly wandering around and doing his own thing, so his partner would have to find a way to be apart of that lifestyle, showing him they can stay beside him in that regard.
I also feel like, with things I’ve observed from him, that he’s extremely loyal. I think it would be easy for him to experience heartbreak, but he’d take it quietly and without showing it too much. Though I think he could love deeply, he probably hurts just as badly… Find him a sweetheart who loves nature and flowers, peace over war, and maybe knows some epic fighting moves and can smash a boulder with their bare hands and I think you’ve nailed his perfect partner lol
How was that? :) I’m sure there are many ways to interpret these characters in a romantic relationship. So feel free to surmise or headcanon you’re own possibilities! After all, characters grow and change when meeting new people and being introduced to new situations in their lives. So if you can give a plausible circumstance, meaningful reasoning, and determine from there what the character would do? I think you’d be able to create a lot of different mates for these two wonderful characters!
And that’s all I’ll say for now ^^ Thank you for your ask, precious anon!
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Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
So i made this here post about how satisfying making my own bread is, and, by my 300 followers, 6 notes on a good day, 0 on personal post standards, it went viral. So i thought I’d give you guys the recipe. It’s a mashup of this recipe, my own shit, and an idea from another recipe that i can’t find again to give them credit. Since i only took proportions from the first one i’m calling this my own recipe. I’m also going to go a bit into bread baking tips and tricks just in case this is your first time making bread and you want to get started on that cottagecore life. Now go bake some fine ass cinnamon rolls folks! ( @good-vibes-by-noel this here’s for you!)
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Photo sucks but i couldnt get a better one because they didn’t last the night. Whoops! This is what they’ll look like though!
Time: like 2 hours, give or take, but you can do other shit during most of that.
Makes: 12, frankly giant, cinnamon rolls. good luck eating more than 2 at a time, seriously.
The Rolls:
1 cup warm milk (microwave in a mug for a minute and you are good. Any milk is fine, but i used fat free)
1 tablespoon dry instant yeast (about one and a quarter packets, but one should be fine, you just might need to extend rising times if it’s not working well)
2 tablespoons granulated sugar 
1 teaspoon salt 
1/2 cup (1 stick) and 3 tablespoons of melted butter (*** VERY IMPORTANT - melt the 3tbs and the 1/2 cup SEPARATELY or you’ll throw everything off.)
1 large egg
3 cups all-purpose flour (bread flour works too
1 cup brown sugar 
2 tablespoons cinnamon (yes the big ones) 
The Icing:
1 cup of icing (powdered) sugar (Starting point - I’ll explain later))
1 Tablespoon of milk  (Starting point)
1 teaspoon of vanilla
 I added lots of bread fun facts to help you guys with other bread making endeavors, so it got long and is now under the cut!
Activate the yeast. Warm the milk up for a minute in the microwave, and mix that, the white sugar, and the yeast together. leave to rest for 5-10 minutes. you want it to look like the photo on the bottom, but if it isn’t as good, don’t freak out because you’ll be fine. Mine never look that good tbh, there’s a reason i was so proud. Bread Fun Fact: Less of a fun fact then just some advice, but buy the bulk jars of instant yeast. They keep forever in the fridge (always store yeast in the fridge btw) and are so much cheaper than buying packets. if you intend to make bread a lot, it’s the best way to save money. Plus, most recipes give tablespoon/teaspoon amounts, not packet amounts.
Once it looks all nice and foamy, add in the flour. On top of the flour, add the salt, egg, and 3 tablespoons of butter. You need to keep these as separate from the yeast as you can until you begin mixing - especially the salt, which will outright kill it. Always keep the salt and yeast separate guys!! Bread Fun Fact: Because you are adding eggs, butter, and milk instead of water, this type of bread is called an enriched bread. These breads are softer, fluffier, usually sweeter, and more complicated as they can take longer to rise. Yay! Doughs without these things are called Lean breads and include ciabatta, focaccia, and baguettes i think.
Mix and knead the dough. If you have a stand mixer, use the dough hook (the one that looks like Captain Hook got robbed), and mix it together until the dough forms on medium, then crank it for like 5 minutes on medium-high. If you are making this at 7 in the morning like i was and can’t wake people up, mix it by hand until combined, then knead for 10 ish minutes to build up the gluten strands on a clean table dusted with a bit of flour. The best method I’ve found is to stretch it out with the heel of your hand, roll it up, then rotate and repeat. Over and over and over.... Bread Fun Fact: You can tell you’ve done enough kneading by using the Window Pane Test. If you can stretch the dough far enough that you can see light through it without it breaking, then you’ve got enough gluten. That or go until it doesn’t look like it’s got cellulite anymore and is nice and smooth. The other test is if it bounces back when you poke it a bit. Also, when helping with kneading, for enriched breads use flour, for lean breads use oil!
Now comes the waiting. Grease the bowl you mixed in with some butter, and plop the ball of dough in. Cover with tight plastic to prevent air getting in (and creating a crusty skin that will inhibit rising), and a clean towel, and leave in a patch of sun or a warm place for 1 hour to rise. 
Before you go play video games/do work/fuck around, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon and melt the 1/2 cup of butter. Now go have fun.
When you get back, you should have a big bowl of risen dough. Now punch the sucker. Yes, you heard me, punch it. It’s called knocking it back and is absolutely essential in dough making. Now, pat the dough out into a 12 inch by 18 inch rectangle, approximately. Don’t use a rolling pin because it’ll mess the air up. Put about a quarter of the melted butter over the top, and then however much of the brown sugar - cinnamon mix you feel like (i put enough so that, when patted down a bit, it covered the whole thing evenly.) 
Roll the rectangle up along the longer edge. It helps to tack down one side by smearing it a bit onto the table. it just makes it easier to get a tight roll and helps the seam idk. Cut off the edges to get a clean roll, then cut 12 rolls, about an inch each or so. Bread Fun Fact: If you use a sharp knife, you are going to smush your rolls. The better way is to get tooth floss, though i highly advise not a mint one. Push it under the roll where you want the cut, cross over the two ends in your hands, and pull until you’ve sliced off the roll. makes it much neater and not smushy. 
Pour the rest of the cinnamon sugar mixture and butter into the bottom of a 13in by 9in pan, be it glass, metal, whatever you have is fine. Mix it together and make sure the sludge of deliciousness covers the whole bottom. Plop each off the rolls in there, in a 3 by 4 set up, cover with plastic and the towel, leave in sun, and go fuck off for a half hour or so. Honestly i never leave it that long because mine always get massive, so for me it’s always more like 15-20 minutes. Really just wait till they balloon up and fill the pan a bunch, but don’t worry if it’s not perfect because they’ll grow again in the oven. 
At some point while they are rising, preheat the oven to 350 degrees (Fahrenheit). When you deem them risen enough and the oven is fully heated (YOU REALLY DO WANT TO PREHEAT IT THIS TIME GUYS TRUST ME ON THIS. if you dont you’ll probably burn your bread before it’s cooked), and bake for about 20-30 minutes. i know that’s a big iffy point, but pretty much just keep checking after around 20 minutes until they are colored brown on top and smell like heaven. (i’m going to be really honest with you, I’ve never baked them at 350 degrees, only at 325 like the recipe for the dough said, but that recipe is a liar because it took me a solid 30 minutes or more when it said that it should take 14. The op was eating undercooked bread guys. So do 350, but i can’t honestly tell you the right timing because i’ve only turned it up halfway through before) Bread Fun Fact: Because enriched breads, like this recipe, have more sugar than lean breads do, they can sometimes catch in the oven - or color too quickly and burn, when the inside still needs to cook. if this happens, you can always give them a little tin foil hat wherever it’s catching to prevent more coloring while not hindering cooking!
While it’s baking, mix together the icing. The amounts i gave are a starting point, because the icing is something you feel with your heart. add more sugar or more milk until you think you have enough for all 12 rolls and its the consistency you want. I made mine fairly thick so it wouldnt sink in and make the dough soggy, but i also made a shit ton because my family loves the icing. So go with the flow. 
When the cinnamon rolls are done, put the icing on and serve warm! Congrats, you’ve made cinnamon rolls entirely homemade, and you’ve now learned some basic bread making facts!! yay!!!
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canwehavehextonite · 6 years
My complete (ish) collection of stim toys
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Here’s all my stim toys!! Most of them are from @stimtastic, my favorite place to get stim toys. They’re autistic owned, support autistic artists, and give a percentage of profits to autistic charities (ones that actually help autistic people.) I didn’t include some of the ones that i both dont use anymore and dont have the links to. I need to buy some more pretty soon so this is my Almost complete collection.
Side note: All chewies are made of food grade silicone. All metal things (from stimtastic) are stainless steel or some other hypoallergenic metal. Check their site for more info.
What are your guys’ favorite places to get stim toys? and what are your favorite stim toys?  
Anyways links to most of these are under the cut
Chewable Dulcimer Pendant Necklace - mine is in the color mint. It’s for light chewing and like all of the chewables, it’s dishwasher safe or can be cleaned in boiling water. They’re all made of food grade silicone 
Chewable Braid Pendant - mine is in the color sapphire though I dont use it much bc im a light chewer and it was too hard for my teeth
Chewable Trapezoid Necklace - mine is in black. it came with an extra charm so i have two!
Pink metal fidget spinner - i got this one from my brother, I don’t know where it’s from. I like it bc its heavy and a nice color. I’m kind of scared it has lead in it lol. 
Snow Globe Picture Frame mine is pink. my friend got it for me from urban outfitters and I never put a picture in it. its literally the best thing ever for visual stimming and its nice and heavy. It’s pretty sturdy too.
Pink and purple tangle - my friend’s little sister got it and didn’t want it so she gave it to me. It’s a cheap version of the tangle and the joints dont work very well. I need to get a real tangle soon because mine broke. Tangles are 10/10 good classic fidget toys. 
Weighted Sparkly Stingray - Mine is blue/pink/purple and I took the eyes off bc they were in the way. This one is one of my favorites too, though careful not to squeeze or chew the sand animals bc the sand can come out. That only happened to me a couple times. It’s held up pretty well otherwise. 
Black Spinner Ring - This one came too big for me and I never got around to returning it.. i still need to get another one in my size. I still like this one and stim with it sometimes, it just doesnt fit my tiny tiny fingers. Very good, most discreet stim, though it does make some noise. 
Green fidget cube - you can probably get these just about anywhere. Idk where mine is from because it was a christmas gift from a friend a couple years ago. This one is very fun but the buttons are very loud. Mine has some quiet options on it as well but the clicky ones are more fun haha. 
Green glitter jar necklace - from stimtastic, but I’m not sure if they carry them anymore. This is like my photo globe, but smaller. My photo globe is too big to take with me places so I’m excited to be able to take this one with me. Glittery visual stims are my favorite. 
Slow Rising Seal Squishy - Very soft and squishy!!! he’s a foam squishy, but unlike other foam squishies I’ve seen, he’s very soft and easy to squeeze which is perfect for me and my achy hands. Another one I recommend for people who need softer squishies is the Stretchy Squish Ball. Mine broke so I need to get a new one soon. It’s very soft just don’t pinch it with your nails bc it can break.
Pearl Jar Pendant - idk what to call this. It’s a tiny glass jar with tiny plastic pearls in it. Its very fun to shake. It makes a nice noise and feels nice. I found it in my mom’s scrapbooking stuff and it’s been mine ever since. 
Animal Puzzle/Pull Apart Erasers - these guys come in sets of 5. I only have one because it came as a december stimpalooza prize. Mine is a pink panda but they have many more animals and colors on their site. These give me so much nostalgia also 
Paint brush head - i took a paint brush head off a giant paintbrush. It’s very soft and I like to brush it on my hands and arms. Another favorite. 
Pink, yellow, and blue metal slinky -  I found this one at my mom’s thrift store and its very fun to fidget with. though it is cheap and the paint comes off easily and it smells like metal, its a ton of fun
Snake Twist Necklace - like a tangle, but grown up. This thing is amazing, and if you dont like the giant one, they have these tiny Snake Twist Rings. It’s made of metal and is held together by tiny interlocking joints. It won’t pinch your skin and it’s very very sturdy and fun to play with. I would love to see a bracelet sized one soon
Lava Rock Bracelet - the special needs aide at my church gave me this. You can put essential oils in the rocks and it’ll hold the scent. I don’t remember what theyre from but any jewelry with lava rocks are good for essential oils. I would also recommend this Aromatherapy Locket or any stainless steel locket with holes in it and a felt pad for diffusing oils. 
Mini Hedge Balls - These come in sets of 5 but as you can see, I have more than that. Some I gave to my brother, some i lost, but in total I think i’ve bought about 3 sets of these because I love them so much. I haven’t used them recently but any spiky rubber ball is best for when I need more sensory input. they’re fun to just squish and roll in your hands but they are hard to keep together. Stimtastic has other options that are harder to lose so make sure you check those out. 
Long Rock - it’s a rock and it’s long. perfect size for holding
And finally, Weird Yellow Rubber Thing - This one was also at the thrift store (it came brand new) and it’s very fun to play with. The texture is fun and you can squeeze it and pick at the “hairs.” there’s tons of toys out there exactly like this one. The closest I could find on stimtastic is this Puffer Ball. 
Also, fun fact about stimtastic, each order comes with a rubber bracelet with a quote about stimming on them. Here’s all of mine, I think I might have the complete collection now. 
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Blue: Just Keep Stimming
Grey: I Stim, Therefore I am
Red: Flappy Hands are Happy Hands
Purple: Keep Calm and Stim on
Also because I never stop talking about my stim toys, here’s all my my favorites. I keep these ones on my bedside table at all times, give or take a couple toys. 
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the pink tangle has been replaced by the snake fidget. 
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smallblanketfort · 6 years
i keep buying books with the intention of reading them and then i never do. i can think of scenarios that push me to hysterics, sobbing in the dark to no one imagining the pain of a character, and then not have the ability to write it. i want to start, and i often do, but i dont know how to keep going. it falls apart as soon as there’s any break in flow, or attention, or i misspell a word and have to fix it. how do you keep going?
that’s okay. really, you’re not alone, esp among creatives.
work in small chunksa lot of creatives say this is how they are most productive, working in 20-40 minute increments. creatively, i can’t relate, but def on an academic front. when you can’t focus anymore, do something to drop into your body, to remind yourself that you are here, in front of something. drink some water. stand up and stretch. do a 10 minute ab workout. dance to a song. reorient yourself. then reapply yourself.
work in organized chunksmake a to do list. check shit off. dopamine. done. if you didn’t have it down before, add stuff after you’ve finished it.
create a grounding environmentthis goes back to dropping into your body and this space, using sensory details. i wear a mala on my wrist to count/play with. chewing gum or sucking a hard candy sometimes helps me. scent also helps, so i recommend getting a diffuser and a scent that works for what you need (i like to be grounded, but energized, so i go for clove + tangerine essential oils). get a water bottle with a reusable straw. idk why, but it works. make tea before you start… it’s a meditative, sensory practice that is very easy. bonus points if you only do one of these things before you want to sit down and get something done; it’ll trigger your brain into that headspace.i can’t tell you how important it is to make time in your day to drop into your body. it’s grounding. it’s orientation. it’s how we befriend our bodies and souls. 
use unconscious distractionsgive part of your brain something to chew on, while you work. wear and count a mala bracelet. water with a straw, or a drink. the chewing gum/sucking candy helps. white noise might help, such as going to a coffee shop or playing coffeeshop noise, or a specific playlist. a playlist can make all the difference… i like making playlists that evoke the mood i need, or use chill lofi beats (jstor actually researched why they work haha). i really can’t tell you enough how useful music is for me. i can’t do shit without it. anything with a beat.
procrastinate productivelyinstead of just trying to write the scenario, try thinking of who a character is, and jotting it down, or starting a tumblr tag. get organized and focused. clarify your vision. for example, when i was working on a poetry book, i took an afternoon to write the titles of my poems on tiny post it notes, color coded by main topic. i added stripes of highlighter color if the poem also dealt with another topic at a smaller scale. then i could rearrange the poems, based on topic, and create a path for the reader. this was not a writing practice, nor did it have one right answer, so it was this lovely, meditative thing to do, to get my head wrapped around what i was doing. i felt so happy and motivated that day, even tho i was procrastinating writing and homework. i was clarifying my vision and ability to work.
get outgo to a coffee shop. or a library, if you want more silence.
know what you’re trying to doare you reading for fun or to learn? either way, read with a pen or a pencil and underline what sticks out to you. take notes or jot emojis to mark how things make you feel. are you writing just to write, or are you planning, or do you have a point? maybe you’re just doing it to steep in another world and explore it. that’s good to know.
practice practice practicesometimes it just doesn’t work that day, dude. that’s fine, it’s how the brain works. keep trying. the more you practice, the easier it is, most of the time.the rad thing about everything you mentioned is that you don’t have to finish it in one go!! come back to it! that’s the best thing about crafts like writing. you literally can do no wrong by getting it out onto paper. when it’s on paper, it’s there for you to return to at any moment.some people suggest having a schedule. 
learn how you learndo you work visually? do you connect thru auditory means? do you like to move? figure that out.
connect w othersfollow people who also get shit done. people you admire. see your peers. use it as motivation. keep your friends close
let shit go n mix shit upby which i mean, be okay with things taking a long time to finish. i finally understand why writers can say it took them 10 years to write a book. sometimes i sit on an idea for a loooong time, or jot half of it down and come back to it months later. it’s fine. nothing was unproductive, bc it was there for me. same with musicians and artists and readers.and for fucks sake STOP reading if you don’t LIKE it. omg. also, let social media go for a little. try to get away from screens. they suck energy. work on paper. try leaving yourself messages. go to a new environment.
it’s okay, dude. just chip away at that shit.
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tohonerbu1989-blog · 6 years
And the first time forgetting your birthday, ok but the second time he should have at least said happy birthday.Your brother passing away though (my condolences, I lost mine earlier this year so I know it is awful) for him to not want to be around you and your family for that is heartbreaking. You were together for over a year so surely he knew your brother, at the very least he supposedly cares for you so why wouldn't he want to be there for you and comfort you??ninabella24 134 points submitted 5 months agoI wrote about this in another sub a while back, but always good to share a positive story. Plus, now I know how to add pics. Watching someone at a party waiting to make a move is one thing. This is not it. He literally tracked where she was going to be so he could follow her, followed her home, followed her to shops and to work, and has himself convinced he is in love with someone he doesn't even know. For what it worth, they made their choices and I don see it being healthy for you to watch them continue to make it. I could never date my friends exes even if some of them are potentially good matches for me if not for that. I value my friendships over the guys your friend doesn Which is her right, but also doesn speak super highly of what regard she holds you in. If you just say "her life will be better without me" its not always the case. What you add to peoples lives has meaning. You dont have to suffer alone because you think you too much. Not saying the devs haven been great It actually one of the big reasons i want to continue to support the game. But unless the devs have changed 순창출장샵 the 90 day roadmap there won be much content for another month. But the reality is that that 90 day content has been approved and started work on a while ago. Currently it is not. I am filing for the FMLA to cover regular PT Appointments and reoccurring doctor appointments that I do my best to schedule during lunch or after work. Just as a CYA move. Oh definitely. I live in LA so porn is legal here, I think that prostitution if legalized 순창출장샵 would neeed to be heavily regulated to ensure no human trafficking happening. I definitely understand the states issues. Dollar tree: LA colors has these triangular lip balms the ingredients are essentially castor oil and fragrance but the Raspberry scented one in the pink tube smells JUST like Fruity Pebbles cereal. I use it when I hungry it honestly reminds me of being a kid, it fun if you like the scent of fruity pebbles (I realize some people might be grossed out by this, lol). Also LA Colors Auto Lip Liner in the shade Edgy is sooo good for a MLBB look, also I love the formula it creamy, doesn tug too much wears down beautifully, so much so that I wear it as a lipstick. I am a liberal, and I would argue that even the political conservatives in my country are more aligned with the Democratic party of your country. I am a scientist. I am not religious (note, I don call myself athiest). It is pretty good, it doesn't give you a normal health report though. It gives you a list of genes and normally tells you what they mean and if you have a good or bad version of the gene. You will often find a few listings that contradict each other. Literally the best movie ever. Totally deserves an Oscar. Totally not because Hollywood is run by a bunch of liberal douche bags. Oh, wow. My mistake. I used to frequent a handful of gaming newsgroups that became inaccessible long, long ago. Your wife cannot continue as she has been with this guy. Not only is it inappropriate work behavior, it is also a slight on you and your relationship for her to be behaving like this in front of other people with another man. In all honesty, I think she should look to transfer to another department or area completely and have a fresh start at a new job with new boundaries in mind.
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actynaco1972-blog · 6 years
We can't say enough good things about a body polish because this spa treatment simultaneously exfoliates and massages the skin. This relaxing scrub starts out much the same way as a massage by lying face down on a heated massage table and progresses as an exfoliating scrub is massaged onto your skin, beginning with your back and moving to your arms and legs. After each area is massaged with the exfoliant (which is usually a sugar or salt scrub mixed with essential oils), the grit is removed with a warm washcloth. I done it successfully. Definitely the most satisfying but if you dont have a lot of hunting under your belt I wouldn recommend it. Being familiar with a deers behavior/body language etc will be key. That is the one I am most excited for. Everything is so useable it will be easy to fit it into a routine. I just have to convince my partner that Herbal Essences doesn contain wax/if they do it 산청출장마사지 is not devastating so he will use it. I hope that that frustrates and annoys you. It very well should. If it makes you mad that Blizzard can hotfix a gold increasing bug immediately but can be bothered to make obvious fixes to the experience of the massive fun seeking player base, then I strongly encourage you to consider the larger context and learn about alternatives to capitalism.. To me, it not hard to understand why she worked with them despite what they did to Sam. She fucked up and doesn feel like she belongs. She returns to the one thing she knows, hunting. I always say that it comes with literally everything you need to make radio ready music. I should add that guitar rig usually sounded better when I was playing for fun or had the guitar solo'd in a mix, but when playing with everything else Logic beat it out for me. Anyways, have fun messing around and trying stuff out. If someone is difficult to deal with or generally an unpleasant person I now assume they are just in pain. In the western healthcare model is complete shit at dealing with chronic pain and in my experience most of the people who are generally unpleasant or rude are just in serious pain. I worked as a receptionist in an acupuncture clinic while getting my masters in acupuncture and herbal medicine and several of the regulars were very difficult to deal 산청출장마사지 with but after treatments they were much more pleasant. Keratin conditioners also seem to work quite well at strengthening my hair/reducing frizz, and those are more expensive/if you want to splurge they a good place to begin. I don know if that just hype or not though I unsure keratin in conditioners can penetrate the follicle in reality (keratin IS the essential protein in hair), since I can find any scientific evidence. I hear coconut oil is very effective on hair!! I can only attest to it amazing ability to moisturize/revitalize skin, one day I try it again.. I was super hungry this morning before work so I ate a granola bar ( I usually don't eat till my first break) even tho it didn't fit in my daily plan. I felt guilty for it, and didn't think of it as food but as 200 extra calories. I'm a recovering alcoholic and I know I tend to have an obsessive personality. What really helped with the sorts of questions you have was the subreddit r/askcarsales. The salespeople there are sometimes a bit snarky but will shoot it to you straight about what to expect in all aspects of the car buying experience. They helped me realize that leasing wasn't the best option for me, and led me to a reliable car that was 1 year old pre owned.
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flightless-icarus · 2 years
saturday august 27, 2022
so yesterday i had apartment inspections and my landlord kept complimenting my apartment bc it was so empty LMAO and it made it easier to check outlets and stuff. i have such a headache right now, but im awake because i had a really late dinner and now i have indigestion bc of it. im sitting here feeling sick as HELL since i ate so late- and i know that happens, but i cant skip meals rn, i literally can’t afford to skip my meals right now, weight wise.
ive been popping nausea meds like its candy lately to keep my stomach frrm getting so upset lately. it was even fucking testing me tonight but i just tried to breathe through it. i didnt want to take another one, because they give me headaches lol, which is frustrating bc i have one
im super sleepy, but i cant go to bed until i get a shower, and i dont wanna get in the shower until this indigestion goes away. i need some water, but im procrastinating it.
i just got some water.
things have been tough lately. im all hung up on my ex friends messages to me. i know what she said was bullshit- she called me selfish and a liar. If putting myself first, and taking care of myself and setting boundaries is selfish, then i am absolutely selfish. and i dont recall ever lying to her about anything aside frorm my feelings towards her. (her and i lived together at one point and i was very fake-nice to her while we lived together to keep the peace because when she decided she hated me [typically for ableist reasons], she was really mean and verbally hostile and it made me stop eating and get sick, so i was fake with her for my own safety and health, and then i was convinced to give her another chance and regretted it shortly after because i realised she very much hadn’t changed, and was gaslighting me and telling me I had problems when she was the one causing issues.) but anyway, she kept telling me my “karma was getting me for being such a bad person” which has me… confused.. even after talking to it with some close friends.
i live alone, my bills are paid (things are just financially rough for 1 more month, then after this month, ill be pretty set money wise), my apartment is my own, im in an okay area, i have the best friends ive ever had in my life, i THINK i have a crush on someone who feels mutually- like this is the closest to having a partner ive been in several years, i have a therapist, i have health insurance and im getting answers to my health issues, i get to spend my days doing the things i love (art), and im separated from my parents. fully.
i am literally the best ive ever been (aside from trauma stuff coming up, but that comes with the territory of being alone with ur thoughts all day and night) and im in the most stable living situation ive ever been in, and shes gonna tell me MY karma is getting me rn while shes working at target and trying to solve all her health problems with essential oils???? (she is anti vax)
im just so deeply confused. she said “have fun with your lame ass life and 5 internet friends and being selfish and living in a terrible neighbourhood, karmas a bitch now bye”
i dont place my value in how many friends i have, or how many times i go out. ive tried to tell her SEVERAL times that im very content being a homebody. i enjoy spending time alone and have fun with playing video games or watching youtube, reading, writing, and creating art. i like being inside. ive explained that to her more times than i can count and the fact that she just never once listened to me and is calling my life lame lmao. 4 of my 5 friends live only about an hour away and could visit if I scheduled with them a time to hang out, and my neighbourhood isnt bad. Yes there’s gun violence around here, but its… florida… of course there is. she thinks its some big dangerous neighbourhood bc its a predominantly black neighbourhood and shes racist as hell. this neighbourhood isnt more, or less dangerous than any other neighbourhood in my city. plus…… she tries to use ‘karmas a bitch’ at me as if i haven’t told her many times that i dont believe in karma. i believe in consequences to your actions. good & bad is subjective (in non-extreme cases), this situation specifically- i think shes awful and she thinks im awful. Does that mean we both get bad karma? no. it doesnt make sense. karma would only make sense for r^pists and ped0s and m^rderers and ab*sers. People like that.
I hope she figures out how to treat people who are different than her. she gets in this “i can fix them” mindset and then gets mad when they dont accept her “help”. She would always tell me how she. only wanted to help me, but anytime i came to her with my issues, i got ridiculed, questioned, ignored, and made fun of. I told her about my deep, personal shit and i was met with her asking me the most vile, invasive questions ive ever gotten about that issue in my entire life. i told her about something as silly as my water heater breaking and the maintenance man freaking out about it because it was so aggressively dangerous and unsafe to even keep turned on and i had to get an emergency replacement because of it- i told her about that and she didnt even acknowledge it, she just said “damn, anyway did you listen to my voice memos”
also she wants to claim i dropped off and never checked in with her…. i just moved into a place oN MY OWN *one month ago*. ONE MONTH AGO. I ***JUST*** GOT SETTLED IN THIS PLACE THIS WEEK. Im finally getting used to handling cleaning and cooking for myself every day, and im getting used to being alone and finally getting over my nighttime paranoia and im dealing with a lot of trauma stuff that i clearly cant go to her with- and shes gonna accuse me of just dropping off because i didnt talk to her for a couple of weeks, when i have friends i can, and HAVE dropped off from for YEARS and we picked back up chatting like nothing ever happened.
Biggest example is this guy i was friends with in 2020, one day i just quit replying, and he did the same, and i just reached out to him literally 3 days ago and he still refers to me as his friend and we were chatting and talking shit with each other, and he told me about how he still plays music and hes been putting most of his energy into that. Same with a different guy, we didnt talk for a year and now we’re updating each other on our lives and chatting again, and he told me all about how hes visiting his girlfriend in a week and im really excited for him, especially bc theyre moving in together next year. and yet she couldnt handle 2 fucking weeks while i was adjusting to living alone and unpacking by myself and trying to take care of myself during this really big adjustment?
she also tried to tell me that my ex friends told her about how im such a liar and how im so selfish and i asked her to tell me what i have lied about, because she has a history of just calling me names (ableist, a liar, a manipulator, etc) just because she “Wants to piss me off” and she “doesnt actually believe that”, because ive called her out on calling me names before and i would say ‘show me how im being X’ and then later id call her out and say ‘idk why you said this, you never told me how i was being xyz’ and she’d say “oh well i dont actually think that, i was just mad” so i plan to tell those ex friends shes so close with that she either lied about them, or threw them under the bus :) either way, shes about to meet her “karma” aka: consequences to her own actions. once i get my laptop back from them and pay them back, im telling them about her either lying on their name or throwing them under the bus so they know shes a rat. idk why she would use their names tbh lmao, considering her and i were actively fighting.
call me petty, but id wanna know if my friends were throwing me under the bus.
i dont need her. i dont need anyone like that in my life. i dont want to be friends with people who will spin false narratives about me because im taking care of myself, or lying out of self preservation because you make me feel unsafe. i dont want to be friends with people who dont make me feel good. ive had enough of those. i didnt even let my family treat me poorly, what makes you think im gonna let random people treat me badly.
anyway, its 4am and i want to get in the shower, my stomachs feeling a little better, and maybe now that ive written about this, ill shut the fuck up about it. i keep talking to a friend of mine a bout it and im sure ive annoyed the absolute fuck out of them (though they agree with me and ive told them everything ive written here)
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Tips For The Broke/Cheap/Baby Witch
This year has been the worst financially for me, but it’s been the best for my craft. I’m going to share some tips for the broke witches, the thrifty witches, and the baby witches out there :)💜 ✨The dollar store is your best friend, seriously. From candles to ground herbs, it’s the perfect place to go if things are tight. I go to my local Dollar Tree. Their candle color section is sparse, but I somehow always find what I’m looking for. They also always have 7 day candles, 4 white votives for $1, vanilla and apple incenses, $1 teas, ground herbs, & spices, sand, glass drops, and fake flowers.
✨But like with all candles bought and not made, you’re going to need to cleanse them before use. You don’t know who’s touched them! ✨Fake flowers can be used to decorate your altar or an offering to the Gods ✨Great places to find crystals if you don’t live close to/aren’t allowed to go to any occult shops are Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Marshalls. Craft stores carry beautiful crystal beads that are almost always on sale. Your crystals dont have to be big hunks of rock, it’s perfectly okay if they’re little jewelry beads or pendants. However, if you want big ones, Marshalls always has beautiful crystals in their clearance section.
✨Walmart is a good place for incense, oils, and wax melts, and they have $5 Himalayan salt lamps. They’re the cheapest with the widest selection.
✨ Some witches may disagree (which is perfectly fine!), but I believe that $2 scented oils work just fine if you can’t afford a tiny $10 bottle of essential oil.
✨ A lot of people don’t include wax melts in their crafts but I think it works great if you make it your own. What I like to do is take a cube and let it melt, then sprinkle some corresponding herbs in before pouring it back into the pack.
✨ Go for nature walks often and see what you can find! There are tons of herbs around your neighborhood alone. You don’t even have to recognize them, just pick things you like and try to discover what they are with Google. This is actually really fun and helps with herb study.
✨ Your grimoire or book of shadows does not need to be fancy. With back to school coming up, there are tons of cute notebooks out there that cost a dollar or less and would work just fine.
✨ Your tools don’t need to be fancy either. Your wand could just be a straight branch from a tree (try to find one off the ground, but if you have to take one off a tree, be sure to ask it first. If you suddenly get a bad feeling, that’s the tree’s way of saying ‘no, thank you’). Your chalice can literally just be a wine or margarita glass (I got mine from Dollar Tree). You can use a household pot as your cauldron. Your athame can just be a black handled knife until you can find/afford one that better fits the description. Also, remember that while witchy tools may help, you don’t need them. Your power lies within yourself, they just pose as ways to direct that power.
✨ Save all of the ashes you make! You can use them to make ink by mixing them with egg whites. Use it to draw sigils
✨ Many witches don’t recommend using Vaseline to make a magical salve, but popular ingredients such as coconut oil and beeswax are expensive. Until you can afford to use better products, Vaseline is totally fine.
✨ ALDI is a lifesaver. Their herbs and spices ring up for around $0.49, and their fruits, vegetables, oils, breads, etc are super cheap too. Sometimes they’ll have really cute plants for sale too!
✨ Witchy/spiritual books can be pricey. Your local library is a great place to find and check some out. The selection depends on what area you live in, and if it’s especially sparse, you can look at their online resources. You can also sit down for a few hours every week with a witchy book at a book store. It’s a little inconvenient, but at least you’re getting the information without having to buy it.
Remember, you power lies in you. You don’t need some huge collection to be a great witch. You are talented, your spells work, you can do anything. Blessed be!
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