#Especially how did he gain the cursed shackles and Ruoye
sunmaylight · 4 years
TGCF Book 2 Reaction pt. 4
Okay. Let’s finish this for book 2, then I can post stuff about book 3 after this
I have decided to split instead of my OG plan because like I said last post, my reading app decided to cram Ch 82-88 into one reading count, so I got a counter that said that Ch 82 has like 100 some pages and I firmly decided that I will read that later.
I said and did what I promised and became a wreak after the end of book 2 cause of all of the drama and development that happened. Book two is literally about Xie Lian growing up and I got so emotional from the environment that forced him to.
Ch 82: The effects of the aphrodisiac-like drug were paused somehow.
- Me: Hm, was it cause Xie Lian cut himself and drained some of the blood away? Or was it cause some of his blood mixed with Hong Hong-Er’s blood was inserted into his bloodstream. Wait, if that is true. Xie Lian is lucky with his divinity he doesn’t get blood poisoning. 
The affects of the curse-drug are affecting Xie Lian and the novel is slowly climbing to the R-18 levels based on sounds.
- Me: Oh, Hong Hong-Er. I wish you luck and that you NEVER find out what those sounds mean until you are older.
Xie Lian ties a piece of his hair to Hong Hong-Er’s finger on one hand.
- Me: Wait, if Hong Hong-Er becomes Hua Cheng in the future, then...oh! This is where the red string ring on his hand comes from?
* Learns about Ch 83 *
- Me: Wait. -checks table of contents- *sob* oh thank god. There are like four more chapters to go instead of one really long chapter
Ch 83: Xie Lian pulled a Nagito Komaeda.
- Me: *Sob* Xie Lian, no! I understand why, but nooooo!
Feng Xin and Mu Qing find Xie Lian on the ground with the sword and freaks out. Then once Xie Lian is out, they explain that Yong’An has hidden backers secretly supplying them supplies for war.
- Me: Fu-dge. It’s getting bigger than expected.
Xie Lian comments to his retainers that the Young Solider has the potential to wield the Sabre, like Mu Qing. Mu Qing: *Unreadable expression*
- Me: Oh, is Mu Qing jealous? I think Mu Qing is jealous of a teenager
Back at Xian Le: Xie Lian runs into Hong Hong-Er again. Hong Hong-Er says he got kicked out of the army because...
- Me: ...Did baby Hong get kicked out the army because the army found out about his cursed existence? *Gasp* What if Mu Qing did something out of spite/jealousy. 
Ch 84: First victim found to possess the Human-Face disease is found in Xian Le. Everyone starts to freak out because of the large commotion it made. The ‘Face’ is revealed to be functional somehow.
- Me: *Reading the description* Oh gods. I think I’m going to be sick.
Hong Hong-Er tries his best to help Xie Lian do damage control
- Me: Awe, Hong Hong-Er. How adorable. You are trying to seek attention
Hey, remember the child of Lang Ying that was buried near the temple? Yeah, it became a curse/demon after being buried for over a decade without proper rites.
- Me: *Sigh* Why am I not surprised. Actually, I am very surprised. This was near a sacred place and NO ONE noticed this slowly growing into something dangerous an alarming rate.
Human-Face disease is growing and people are desperate. They turn to Xie Lian thinking he could do something instead of trying to find an alternative solution.
- Me: Man, I am so glad for modern medicine and the ability to have multiple paths taken to try and find the solution to this problem.
Learning about Human Face disease
- Me: Will make another post for theorization of how the disease come to be, but for now.
- Me: Wait, if the cursed child grew from almost over a decade ago, then that means Hong Hong-Er is like around 15 now...Holy shit.
Ch 85: Xie Lian created an idioms punishment if Feng Xin and Mu Qing’s arguing went out of control
- Me: Aww, how cute. This will also be good practice to familiarize one self with literature and language. 
Guoshi asking Xie Lian the hard, but necessary hard questions. Scolding Xie Lian for his naive ways of thinking and he should have listened to Guoshi from the beginning. Says that this matter with the kingdom of Xian Le is going out of control cause of Xie Lian
- Me: I know that the Guoshi is trying to drill the important stuff into Xie Lian’s head. But he is also at fault for omitting/withholding important information that Xie Lian should have learned
- Me: Flipping balancing act, that is ugh.
Yong’An troops is now classified as an army. The battles become bigger. Lang Ying is shown in a one-on-one battle with Xie Lian that he has a Deus Ex Machina effect attached to him
- Me: Oh no. That is not good. That is a sign of the shift in power and Xian Le will, the inevitable is coming. 
Human-Face Disease: Becomes sentient and eats and screams
- Me: O-oh *Blegh* Not good.
Ch 86: Xie Lian took a nap and woke up to a quilt on him
- Me: Who placed that on him? Hong Hong-Er? Did you do it?
The rapidly declining situation is now affecting Xie Lian to the point that he snaps. He punches a tree. Scared of the enemy and is getting desperate?
- Me: “To rise is human. To fall is also human” Shit, that is coming true now.
Xie Lian trying to call out for the White-Clothed Ghost. Said Ghost appears & tells how the Human-Face Disease came to be to Xie Lian
- Me: I already made a post about this. No need for repeat
- Me: The Human-Face disease. I am actually curious how it came to be.
Ch 87: Reveals the origin of the Human-Face disease in his bedroom to his retainers. Knows how to cast, but no cure
- Me: Oh god. It is a curse with no counter spell. Oh no.
Xie Lian and Mu Qing are fighting. Feng Xin, stays quiet until he can’t take it anymore and snaps.
- Me: Ah, a fallout? No, an argument. This is the start of the splintering between these three. Mu Qing always says the blunt truth with no consideration of how this will affect people later.
Earthquake? Happens later. Qi Rong jumps out from under the bed
- Me: Oh no. Fu-dge, it’s bratty Qi Rong. He is going to blabble, I can feel it
Ch 88: Xie Lian calls upon a giant golden statue of himself to hold up the Celestial Pagoda from falling
- Me: Wow! Gundam. Xie Lian can control an ancient Chinese Mecha. Wait, *inhales* o-oh. Atlas. Xie Lian is now representing Atlas.
Xie Lian’s strength is failing him. All he can do is hold up the pagoda.
- Me: Xie Lian is losing belief. No, not that. Also is anyone going to do anything to evacuate precious items form the Pagoda before it will eventually fall?
Qi Rong blabbles about the Human-Face disease. It makes everything more stressful for Xie Lian
- Me: Goddamnit, Qi Rong. I called it.
The outbreak of the Human-Face disease in the capital + Yong’An finally invaded the capital, people going to Xie Lian asking him to fix them even though he can’t. All of it builds up and then Xie Lian falls and breaks his leg. After, changes as something indescribable is lost.
= Me: ...oh Xie Lian. 
- Me: Depression...?
Xie Lian thinks he is a god of misfortune. Watches his temples burn with no emotion. Empty.
- Me: ...Xie Lian. I can’t understand how you are feeling, but the void and empty feeling? I can relate.
There is one temple of Xie Lian that was going to burn, but stopped. It is revealed a young teen has been protecting this temple. A painting of Xie Lian is revealed.
- Me: ..Hong Hong-Er is that you?
Xie Lian decides to let this teen see him on whim for a second. His retainers and the teen are surprised. Xie Lian tells the teen to forget him,
- Wow. I can hear the theme music play in an uplifting tune.
MXTX Author’s note read
- Me: Wow. All of this story so far for this one image. Amazing.
Okay. Book two got me emotional like I said before that I read straight to book three next. Once I have a good place in book three, I will do a post then
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