kottaniq · 2 days
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Esse site tem uma falta de Anthony Scelto, viu?
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equipeabutres · 2 years
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Arte por [guedelhaaa] - Link original
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chirpthingz · 1 month
can't stop thinking about a the office style reality tv show set in ordo realitas.
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karnisalesfinge · 7 months
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calbeloved · 15 days
also never stopping thinking about how this guy who's the most Scary and Bad and Evil person is just. relatively nice to his "coworkers" and the people who work under him?? that's kinda crazy actually. gal has no reason to check if the escriptas are alright after a fight (especially when the rest of his team just went away at the first chance), no reason to be asking people if they're feeling okay. but. he DOES, and after we first met him as this cruel, merciless torturer... seing his act like this is. just damn. it surprised me SO much man
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makshu · 1 year
A batalha contra o Kian é muito foda mano
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snoopyliker · 3 months
(Cellbit: You all throw yourselves into the portal to the place where you guys went. A dark place with several other Escriptas. You guys look back and the last scene you see is this one.)
(Luba: I want to have a light dialogue with her.)
(Cellbit: Okay, you can speak. She’s like- She’s looking at the portal like this, she looks at you. You teleport, she's about to throw herself and then…)
(Luba: Joui looks at the people running like that, right, behind her. I want- I want to hold her neck as if to block her movement. I just want to hold her.)
(Cellbit: Okay)
(Luba: So she doesn't go into the portal.)
(Cellbit: Okay.)
Joui: Where are they going?
[Rana makes choked sounds, unable to speak, from Joui holding her by the neck]
(Luba: I let go a little.)
Rana: Know.
(Luba: I want to punch her in the face.)
[Rana takes a punch in the face from Joui.]
(Luba: Just a light one.)
Rana: To Calamidade.
(Cellbit: She spits blood on your face.)
(Luba: I've got the mask on.)
(Cellbit: That’s true. Just blood on the mask.)
(Luba: And then I take off the mask.)
Joui: Remember that feeling? Remember that feeling of power while all my friends were paralyzed? And you killed EVERYTHING I HAD?! DO YOU REMEMBER?!
Rana: None of that will exist when-
(Luba: Another punch.)
[Rana takes another punch from Joui and is instantly dead.]
(Cellbit: She spits blood on the floor.)
(Luba: I want to throw her on the floor.)
(Cellbit: She falls and the portal closes.)
(Luba: I want to butcher her. I want to cut off her arm and say…)
Joui: I’LL GO.
(Luba: I want to cut the other arm and say…)
Joui: TO.
(Luba: I want to cut a leg and say…)
Joui: HELL.
(Luba: The other leg and say…)
(Luba: And end with the sword in her chest.)
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becauseplot · 4 months
A little ficlet I wrote! Spoilers up through Ordem Paranormal: Calamidade Episode 2. Ao3 link provided on the title for those who wish to read it there.
AU where the Ordo crew arrives right after the end of the final fight in Episode 2. Self-indulgent as all hell. I've only watched up to a few hours into Episode 3 so I don't technically know exactly what Joui's deal is yet, so I've taken an incredible amount of creative liberties working off of theories and headcanons. Enjoy! <3
Joui stands there, sword in hand, staring down at Hanna’s dismembered body. She’s dead. Her face is frozen in an expression of slack agony, eyes wide and mouth opened in a soundless scream. Her blood still spills out of her in a growing puddle and runs beneath his feet. He stands there, and he stares, and he pants, and slowly that fire starts to die in him, replaced by that horrible, horrible emptiness creeping in. 
Joui flexes his grip on his sword, jaw tight. When he is not angry, he is not anything. Everything becomes disconnected, alien. He doesn’t like it. He feels his own dread reach his awareness like a conversation in another room would. 
That’s when he hears them—voices at the front steps of the mansion. The doors are still wide open, and he hears a woman’s voice cry out; running, then several sets of feet chasing after. More voices. Two he recognizes. One he knows. 
He can’t. Just as a (painfully, so painfully) familiar silhouette crests the stop of the mansion’s front steps, flanked by others, Joui lets the shadows take him. He sinks into the floor (nowhere and everywhere and nothing; welcome home) and emerges in the sitting room, back against the wall by the open door, listening. 
Despair from the woman. A deep voice and a clipped one. Dante and Arthur too. They offer comfort and condolences to the woman. They talk about the bodies, Escripta and Leone alike. They discuss the damage done, the limbs scattered, the chests exploded, the twisted expressions of fear frozen on some of their faces. Confusion. What happened here?
Joui adjusts the grip of his sword in his hand again. He doesn’t know what to do with himself. His body feels hollowed out. But Arthur’s voice is there and it’s…it’s…
Something stirs in him. Blooms, then withers, then persists and curdles and struggles for life. It hurts. Clearly, he is not made to feel something like this. No longer made to feel something like this. Going against nature. For the first time since Joui emerged from the Void, reformed, his hands tremble with something other than fury.
Joui steps out from behind the wall. He stands in the doorway. Their backs are to him, gathered around one of the many bodies. Joui raises a hand to the mask resting on the side of his face. He starts to pull it forward. He moves it back. He drops his hand. Then, Joui lifts his sword, and he finally slides it into his scabbard. 
The grind of the metal makes all five of them jump and whirl around, hands going to weapons.
And Arthur looks right at him. Eyes wide. His hair has changed. He looks older. No. He looks weathered.
Arthur squints. 
Joui breathes in.
“Hey, man.”
Several expressions flick over Arthur’s face. Then, in a blink, he has crossed the room and thrown his arms around Joui. He’s crying already.
Joui, frozen, arms hovering and confused, realizes he is crying too.
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moiteneia · 6 months
Escriptas X Ordem: A Máscara do Desespero - AU Guapoduo
Gostaria de uma AU que o q!Roier é membro dos Escriptas. Traído por todos e deixado para morrer por aqueles que ele considerava ser amigos, tendo até seu cachorro morto por eles, ele se alia a Kian. Sua primeira missão sendo roubar uma relíquia que está sob posse da Ordem.
Porém, o que ele não esperava era que em sua missão de enfrentamento da equipe que protegia a relíquia, estaria um “gatinho”. 
Enquanto isso, q!Cellbit já é considerado veterano da Ordem. Tendo seu passado obscuro deixado para trás, ele está focado em investigar os escriptas e os mistérios ligados a Seita das Máscaras, enquanto ele protege a estranha máscara que parece sussurrar por ele. 
Será que os Escriptas irão conseguir a relíquia ou d!Roier vai perceber que existem destinos melhores que a Calamidade?
I would like an AU that q!Roier is a member of Escriptas. Betrayed by everyone and left for dead by those he considered friends, even having his dog killed by them, he allies with Kian.
His first mission is to steal a relic that is in the possession of the Order. However, what he didn't expect was that in his mission to confront the team that protected the relic, there would be a “gatinho”.
Meanwhile, q!Cellbit is already considered a veteran of the Order. With his dark past behind him, he is focused on investigating the writings and mysteries linked to the Sect of Masks, while he protects the strange mask that seems to whisper to him.
Will the Escriptas obtain the relic or will d!Roier realize that there are better destinies than the Calamity?
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reallynotwelcomed · 2 months
Existido, degolificada, e Kian!
Existido - Who's your favourite player character? Why?
I have to say Liz, I started watching OSNF on yt during quarantine and I really liked her. The fight between Liz, Thiago, Joui and Kenan during the last episode made me die a little inside. Now some other character I like: Amelie/Bárbara and Guizo/Chico from the spin-offs, Abutres as a whole. and maybe Gal, but I also want to murder him so
Degolificada - Who's your favourite NPC?
AGATHA MY BABYY. I would also like to say Mia, but... I mean, Enigma do Medo isn't out yet so it's just a prediction of sorts? I played the beta tho, but can't say much about it hehe. Funny thing, we discovered her name during the 72h enigma announcing EDM and OPD, and everyone thought it meant "Missing In Action". We also thought the Fear theme was some sort of puzzle. It was VERY painful.
Kian - Who's your LEAST favourite character? Be it PC or NPC
Hhmm that's hard. Maybe Dagan? I wasn't smiling when he died or something, but the way he's treated like a kid by the fandom (he's 21) just doesn't sit right. Felt like was just a tactic to make the escriptas seem more empathetic, and considering they were supposed to have a parallel season, he probably would have been more developed and I would have liked him more. There's some minor asshole characters (like Brian from SDOL) but they're more funny than annoying to me.
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biribaa · 1 year
O Enpap com um leitor gn(escripta) que é super calmo e muito paciente?
Enpap-X com um leitorx escripta que é super calmx e paciente
Eoteamo por favor mandamais
TW/CW: Nenhuma pelo que eu sei.
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Sério ele é tão caidinho por vc
Os outros escripta encara vocês dois como se fossem homofóbico olhando pra casal gay é tudo aquela encarada de lado. Menos o Henri, mas ele apoia de um jeito desnecessário e irritante e enche o saco de vocês.
Mas enfim. Ainda existe um pingo de Ronaldo no Enpap, esse é o motivo dele ter ainda um mísero senso de como ser agradecido pela gentileza de certas pessoas, e isso inclui você. E ele é todo bilu bilu por você sério ele quer muito mostra que ele te ama.
Enpap ama carinho, fica que nem cachorrinho pedindo carinho. E sim ele pede toda hora tomando vantagem da sua paciência.
Enpap também ama te fazer se sentir segurx, principalmente pela forma musculosa e grande dele, ele ama abusar disso para te deixar ou envergonhadx ou para te deixar segurx na presença dele.
Você é como um remédio de anti-estresse instantâneos para Enpap. Ele se derrete ao seu toque físico e sua voz calma
“Ah Enpap...” Você gentilmente acaricia sua palma contra o queixo de seu amante. “Me conta, tá estressado?”
Um grunido sai dele, e você solta uma risada. As mãos grandes dele gentilmente se posicionam em seus quadrils e cinturas.
“Shh, tudo bem querido“ Você planta um beijo no qual seria a boca dele.
Rana passa por vocês com cara de homofóbica com nojo.
Ele implora que você enche o rosto dele de beijinho enquanto ele te segura firmemente.
Ele ama encher seu saco levantando teu corpo e te pegando no colo, ele ama ver suas reações de surpresa e risadas <3
Enpap confia cem vezes mais em você com a corrente dele do que o Henri. Primeiramente: é você. Segundo: Você não enche o saco dele nem um pouco, é impossível. Sem falar que você é puro carinho com ele.
As encaradas de nojo da Rana para vc e Enpap:
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kottaniq · 1 month
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R4WR!!! X3
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equipeabutres · 2 years
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Arte por @gdviolet - Link original
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chirpthingz · 5 months
EVERYBODY WAKE UP!! Cellbit revealed a bit on how knowledge is described to change people in the supplement (I apologize for mistranslations, I am short of time atm and also Thrilled to read this):
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At 60% NEX: Your view of reality is altered. In the details, you see the sigils, patterns and codes that form the natural laws of everything. As a consequence, the distortions of reality caused by entities on the Other side become even clearer. The pupils of your eyes become whiter as a result of seeing more and more through Knowledge, and not through your own eyes. You begin to see paranormal auras, as if you were permanently under the basic effect of the Third Eye ritual. however, seeing through Knowledge distorts your perception of what forms Reality; you become permanently obfuscated (<- i have no idea what that word means, something like to be made unclear/obscure?).
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At 75% NEX: Your eyes reflect the light like details engraved in gold. You see the rules. The currents of Reality. Everything is predetermined and has never been so obvious. In fact, it's pathetic not to be able to see this, how inferior and humiliating must it be to live like a chained insect without understanding what awaits you ahead? Wait, are those thoughts even yours? The paranormal sharpens your perception even more, at the expense of your vision. You begin to perceive dangers as if you were permanently under the basic effect of the Threat Detection ritual. However, trying to see reality in its basic form seems increasingly tiring, your penalaties for the condition obfuscated increase to -2D.
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At 90% NEX: Yours eyes shine gold. Observing reality is no longer meaningful to you, it is nothing more than a memory. It's ignominious to know that you didn't even consider this something important. The degrading life of the vassals of the chains, being dragged by Fear, is not something that should interest you anymore. You are not like them. They do not know. You became blind so you could see. The light of reality begins to attack your eyes. When you are not in darkness, instead of being obfuscated you become blind. However, your perception of the Other Side strengthens; you can cast the Scry ritual. You don't need a surface reflection to conjure the ritual; the target's information forms in your head.
(Note: cellbit also mentioned this is how a majority (all?) of the Escriptas are affected by this. Most likely not to a large extent though, because I doubt many of them reached 75%).
Ok done, thoughts time. I'M SO HAPPY THIS IS EVERYTHING I COULD HAVE HOPED FOR WHEN IT CAME TO THE INTERPRETATION ON HOW AFFINITIES AFFECT PEOPLE. I love how as you get closer to knowledge you almost disconnect from those around you, feeling like their "ignorance" makes them unworth of someone's time. Also?? Hello?? The going blind to be able to see through knowledge (which then distorts your perception because you naturally see more of the paranormal than reality) is so fucking cool. Anyways, I wonder if this could also be an insight on how the Magistrate, idk, perceives people/reality?
Also- omg I cannot wait to see Bagi interpreting this for Carina. I NEED IT.
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karnisalesfinge · 5 months
Não aguento mais ordemzete no ordemtumblr vou spammar arte de escripta e rareship babilônico ve se as pessoas gosta VOCÊS ME ESPEREM.
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calbeloved · 2 months
so. if what im thinking is true then... the fact that bea's mom was possibly taking care of these escriptas or whatever is. ironic. given how... wonderful beatrice is at medicine. shshhs
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