vg-k · 1 year
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pruneunfair · 1 month
Seducing the villains father is surprisingly not bad.
Most manhwa now follow the same plot of deconstructing the typical fantasy that is considered outdated. The FL is either a regressed empress/queen/Duchess or a isekaied woman from modern day Korea, the ML is first said to be a cruel man with a long history of death (the Duke of the north if you will), the ogfl is a green tea bitch who gets shit on for being the old school woman, and add a few devoted characters (usually maids) for taste, so for a book that is basically everything these manhwa try to deconstruct, it's an easier read
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Dont get me wrong, it's far from perfect and the plot does absolutely drag on but it's so much easier to get behind since the protagonists aren't total douchebags all the time that your supposed to justify, the villain is competent and puts up a fight, and yes while most of the other characters like the maids or other nobles are just there for background support they aren't nearly as insufferable.
The FL Yerenica gives me more embarrassment than old videos of 5 year old me dancing to Taylor Swift but she still works for the most part and I think it's because she's a girl-failure in the good sense, where she's still an entertaining protagonist with her own misguided viewpoint ironically making her more flawed and relatable than the current mary sues
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Here she straight up asks the guy who kidnapped her to marry her, and (un)surprisingly Erudian acts like most people would and turns her down (they do get together later and while I do not like the kidnapper-hostage relationship, it's tolerable i guess)
Honestly in any other media, Yerenica would be the green tea bitch who'd be torn to shreds by the fan base and be known as the resident trashta of Soleias story, probably why I could get behind her a little
Speaking of Soleia, For something so stereotypical they even manage to deliver a smart villain in the form of this badass. Great backstory, a twist that reveals she doesn't even love Erudian, and even a redemption. One of my complaints though is for a character that is described by all as a terrifying threat, she doesn't show up often
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When she does, Soleia knows how to pull it off but alas, she's only needed when the plot calls for it
Erudian is.. well he's there, the basic scary love interest who has a soft spot for sweet ol Yerenica and doesn't want to marry Soleia, I don't really care about him but I don't dislike him either, pretty basic but I've seen worse ML. There are unfortunately translation issues where Yerenica calls him dad which is super uncomfortable but I've read versions where she just calls him "Dekalbs dad" so I'm gonna hope to God that whole father Schick was an error
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seducing the villains father definitely has its problems and isn't for everyone but it's pretty decent for a quick turn your brain off romance.
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honestly-oceanie · 2 years
YOU PUT ME ON AND SAID I WAS YOU FAVORITE || soft bois edition pt. 2
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Synopsis: You draw something(s) on their arm/wrist/hand
《Ijekiel Alpheus, Felix Robane, Isis de Elmir, Erden Astar Halstead, Erudian Lu Soledo Belgoat, Cassian Eckard, Felix Chamberlain, Anakin, Zachary de Arno, Kiyu Ahn | gn! reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
A/N: here's part 2 cause there's image limit😑. So I decided to remove 'Eli' cause I feel like I'm going to be redundant and I don't like that.
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Into The Light, Once Again
Isis de Elmir
"Crown Prince of Elmir Empire"
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🦋 It would definitely happen during his break. I mean he's the Crown Prince so yeah he's pretty busy.
🦋 You were both just sitting on the drawing room, silence over taking you. You started to feel anxious, you didn't want to bore the Crown Prince to death, today he has a break and he should definitely spend it wisely not just sitting here with you doing nothing.
🦋 He noticed you were so unusually quiet and decided to take matters in his own hands.
🦋 While you were drowning on your own thoughts, Isis picked up a pen and called out to you. Yes he was the one who ask not you
"(Name), can you give me your hand?"
🦋 You just obliged, curious to see what he was up to. Then all if a sudden he started drawing on your hand, you were very surprise at first. I mean, the Crown Prince doing something like this is already surprising.
🦋 After a while, you started to relax and enjoy what the Isis was doing to you, your eyelids fluttering until it finally close.
🦋 When he'd finished, he turn to you and was about to ask you to do the same to him so you'll be even, he found you fast asleep. The sight in front of him made him smile.
" *sigh* What did I told you about overthinking again (Name)."
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Seduce The Villain's Father
Erudian Lu Soledo Belgoat
"Emperor of Belgoat Empire"
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🦋 *every ml's on fanfiction*
🦋 Ah yes, from Crown Prince to Emperor, this man is even more busy. Tho Idk how he could be a freelancer in the manhwa.
🦋 It happened because you were pestering him in his office whilst he was busy with his paperworks.
"Come on! You deserve some break, stop that for a meanwhile."
🦋 He only give in because you just wouldn't stop. When he put down his pen, you suddenly got an idea.
"Ru, give me your hand!"
🦋 He obliged without questions then you started drawing on his (hand or wrist). He was very amused then chuckled.
"What is this for?"
"Nothing! Just wanted to do it."
🦋 He just let you do as you pleased. He won't admit it but he liked it too. Would definitely tease you about your "artisticness".
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Once Married
Cassian Eckard
"The Monstrous Duke of the East"
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🦋 This man is willing to do ANYTHING for you!
🦋 He can say one thing for sure and that is: his heart is completely for you😉
🦋 Now back to the topic. He'd of course want to try some things with his wife and he'll partake in any request you ask of him. For him it doesn't matter whether it is small or not. Anything that has to do with his wife IS. A. BIG. IMPORTANT. DEAL.
🦋 even if its just small things such as this, he takes them rather too serious.
"I—Cassian, it's not really that big of a deal you don't have to take it seriousl–"
"Yes, I must. Now what may I do for you, my wife."
🦋 Although you only meant for this to become a little fun activity because of your husband's stiffness and seriousness, you put your guard up, constantly looking at his face for some indifferent reaction.
🦋 After a while, you both finally chill and relaxed with each other, realizing how silly you two were just a few minutes ago😆.
🦋 idk but ig I just liked his puppy demeanor😅 eventhough it only appears shortly. This kinds is my type of guy.
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-honestly, Oceanie-
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ediconxs · 2 years
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Erudian x Yerenica
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universephoenix · 1 year
Silvers of the West AU Cast Part 1/2
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Meeting the twins
"Felix hurry up!"
"I'm coming!"
"Yeah? You really like saying that don't you? You liar!"
"Juvy calm down alright?"
"No! I've been waiting for like a hundred years! Mother and Father are waiting!"
Felix lets himself be pulled by his beautiful wife. Felix doesn't complain, though. As Juvelian drags her husband, all Felix can think of is her pretty silver hair swinging with every step she takes. She seems like she's floating over the ground.
Suddenly, Juvelian turns around. Felix stops abruptly so he doesn't run into her. "Do you have the gift?" She asks.
Felix nods. "How could I forget? It's the gift for not only my new nice and nephew but also for my best friend."
Juvelian hums. "Sisiter-in-law will have your head on a stick if you forget the gift for Izeck and Ellen." Says the slivernette. "Also, do you have the gift for my parents?"
The husband nods once again. "Yes."
Juvelian nods.
Thenstheon and Cassia are expecting another child. To most people It's weird. They both already have two adult children after all, Erudian and Juvelian.
Just like Erudian, the new baby wasn't planned. Cassia is now 38 and had thought she was already too old to have another child. Still, she wished to raise the child. Who was Thenstheon to say no to his wife's wishes?
"Ah! My best friend!" Felix enters the hall with a big grin on his face. Erudians soft smile falls and he glares at Felix. "Quiet. You're going to wake them up."
Felix nods as he steps closer to Elvia. Next to her lay two little babies. Both have white hair that is prominent in Erudians family. If Felix rembers correctly, they also have Erudians red eyes.
"They are adorable!" Juvelian coos quietly. Elvia smiles softly. "Indeed."
Felix smiles, the second his eyes meet Elvia's, he flinches back. She looks like she's going to hit him, which is weird because he hasn't even done anything yet.
"Felix." She says.
The white-haired man nods. Slight fear forming in him.
Elvia nods for seemingly no reason. "Have you been well? I heard there were problems back at Helion..." She clears her throat.
Oh, it seems she was worried. A smile forms on Felix face. "Yes, my brother and Melissa have had everything under control."
Elvia nods. A rather awkward silence fills the room. Or, well, it only is between Felix and Elvia. Erudian and Juvelian are busy adoring the sleeping twins.
"Are they had to take care of?" Felix asks after a long but of silence. Elvia seems to think for a moment. Then she shakes her head. "No, they are very easy to take care of. Apparently, they have that from their father. Eruidan was also easy to take care of as a baby."
Felix hums, a soft smile on his features as he watches his wife play with the now awake babies.
"Izeck is a lot like his father already. Ellen is softer." Says Elvia. Felix looks back at her. His eyes flick over his features. He nods and hums.
He let's put a deep breath. "I think she looks like you." He says.
Elvia looks at him. "You do?" Felix nods. "I can't tell you why I just think it's obvious she's your daughter..." Felix pauses. "The eyes. She has your eyes."
Elvia looks at the infant that is currently being held by her aunt. Felix watches the love and wonder in his wife's eyes.
They should have a child too, he decides, not yet, though.
"You think so..?" Elvia asks quietly. Felix nods once again. "Very much so. You have the same eyes. Or well, the same eye from."
The redhead hums once again. Her eyes move around a bit. "Do you ever think about it?" She asks. Felix gives her a confused look. "Having a child, I mean. Do you ever think about it?" She clarifies.
Felix shrugs. "Sometimes. There is no rush, though. Juvelian is only eighteen, I'm twenty, we have more than enough time to start a family."
"That's true, I suppose." Elvia agrees.
"Also, I am not sure if Juvelian is ready to have a child yet. She wants to travel and do a lot of things." Felix sighs, his eyes filled with love as he looks at his wife. "I want her to do it. A child would be in the way."
Elvia stays quiet for a moment. Her gaze never leaving Felix. She opens her mouth as if to say something but closes it again. "...you are a good husband." She then says.
A chuckle leaves the white-haired man. "I am well aware of that. You can thank my mother and sisters."
Elvia chuckles. "That is true. They raised good men." She pushes a streak of her red hair behind her ear.
She's quiet for a moment. Then she speaks again. "I'm sorry."
Felix doesn't know what to do. He doesn't even know what she's apologising for.
"For the way I treated you." She adds. "It was quite violent, wasn't it?"
Felix shrugs. "It was fine. I didn't take it too hard."
The woman sighs. "Eruidan said so too... I just.. I just wanted to apologise. You weren't that bad, I don't know why I did what I did." She sighs again.
A laugh leaves the man. "It's okay. I was afraid of you, that stopped me from doing worse." He looks Elvia into her eyes. "It's okay, really. Don't beat yourself up about it."
Elvia sighs. Felix wonders why she does it that much. She's kind of like his mother. Charlize always sighs that much, too, or, well, used to.
"Felix! Come over here!" Juvelian calls out suddenly. Felix gives Elvia a polite smile and then walks towards his wife. "Aren't they adorable?" She asks.
"Very much so." Says Felix and cups his face cheek. "Very adorable."
Juvelian looks at him. A slight blush on her face. "I'm talking about the babies!" She says, Felix nods as a reply. "Well, I'm talking about my baby."
The slivernette lets out an annoyed huff. She turns her head away from him. "Do not."
Felix giggles at the sight. "Don't be like that, sweetheart. I was just teasing you. The two are very..." Felix looks at the babies. "...adorable."
His eyes linger on Ellen's eyes. She does look an awfully lot like Elvia. It makes sense. She is her mother, after all.
"I want a baby too." Says Juvelian quietly, almost like she hoped Felix wouldn't hear her.
The white-haired man looks back at her. It doesn't make sense to him. He has a beautiful wife, the wife he fell for when he first saw her. So why is it that he feels like he's missing something.
His eyes drift back to Ellen. Oh. He gets it now.
He really does want to have a daughter, doesn't he? A beautiful daughter who looks exactly like his beloved wife.
"Me too." He says and squeezes his wife hand. "Me too, sweetheart."
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Juvelian(Father I don't want to get married)/Felix(I've become the hero's rival)/Erudian(Seducing the villains father)/Elvia(I fell into the world of the reverse harem game)/Izeck&Ellen(How to get my husband on my side)Charlize(I tamed a tyrant and ran away)/Thenstheon(I became the wife of the monstrous crown prince)/Cassia(Hunny I'm going on a strike)
<Manhwa Crossover Family Tree>
<Felix x Juvelian - Masterlist>
<Erudian x Elvia - Masterlist>
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coyoteastronaut · 2 years
Look, I didn’t want to be the guy name dropping all over the place, but I used to play EverQuest with John Mastodon. Super nice guy. 
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mischievousblade · 2 years
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Remember the Good Times
For this quest you have to bring together the fragments of a former party so they can .. party again .. under the disco ball .. or whatever. Fun to check out the typical party moves of the different races.
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darkelfchicksick · 6 months
“Don’t touch me!” She drew back from the Wraithguard’s outstretched arm and buried her face in her hands. She noticed her eyes were wet. That couldn’t be right. She leaned forward, curling up into a ball. Her throat burned. She couldn’t – the Wraithguard was there, she couldn’t – Pull yourself together, N’Velex. You’re pathetic, a voice said in her head. It was her own. It wasn’t. It was familiar. She hated it. She lowered her hands and raised her head. She wasn’t in prison, even though she was sitting on a cheap, uncomfortable fold-up bed. The room was cramped, but it wasn’t a cell. It was filled with books, scrolls, tomes, letters, and journals in all sizes and countless languages – Common, Thexian, Erudian, Druzaic, nearly indecipherable ancient arcane tongues. Some of them had her name on the spine. Standing next to her books was a Wraithguard. The Wraithguard was staring at her. Their eyes glowed. She stared back. And the Wraithguard said, “Follow me.” She did. The Wraithguard led the advisor to the kitchens, where there would be warmth, nourishment, and probably a cook or two who knew how to talk about feelings or prisons. Maybe both. It turned out there were absolutely no cooks who knew about feelings or prisons in the Citadel kitchen. There was only the Overlord. The Wraithguard bowed to their master, pushed Tayil into the kitchen, and left to finish their patrol route.
Among all the booping, I would still like to present you a little April gift: Tayil being an absolutely pathetic failwoman oh my god. This chapter exists because I needed to show my blorbo with slightly more character than mean dark elf (swoon!) and I also think it's fun to torture her after being in timeless prison for years :3
Anyway! If you want to dive deep into a world of mean elves, elves that are thinly veiled metaphors for a cosmetics brand i enjoy, and evil Overlords who absolutely cannot eat dairy, consider checking out
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otomelavenderhaze · 2 years
The last 3 asks I have receive was just wild, from asking me about Meghan and Harry, to another anon coming to ask me if I was doing fine cuz I talked about Seduce the Villain's Father (DADDY ERUDIAN) to literally a Taylor Swift hater now.
What the fuck dude. Why would y'all???? Like??? Is this timeline okay???
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Shitty boys with red eyes are my kink.
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nemesis0001 · 3 years
My Yeni looks so mature and became prettier 😭❤️
Euredian's new hair style made him look like a sugar da—👀
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Excuse me, I'm gonna log off to celebrate 🎉🎉🎉
Now I'm waiting for the comeback of A Way to Protect the Female Leads Brother and I'll Be the Matriarch in This Life😍
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pruneunfair · 10 days
How I think the OG stories of otome isekai would be viewed if they were real.
Sodom and the holy grail (How to get my husband on my side)
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From the tidbits of the og story we get, Sodom and the holy grail focused more on politics then romance with the plot being about rebelling against Ruby's father and other corrupt church members, Rudbeckia would be a minor antagonist in the way of the main ship of Izek and the FL Freya and as we are told, the entire Borgia family would've been killed off by Izek after Rudbeckia poisons Ellen. It'd probably be well liked for focusing more on gritty politics and tragedy than shojo romance and as far as we know, Freya wouldn't be a terrible FL since the narrative would have no reason to make her awful: 8.5/10
May rest be at your side (the tyrants only perfumer)
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there isn't a lot revealed about this one, only that Ariel was the villainess and the og fl would show up on time instead of waiting to make her big entrance. It looks like a basic rofan so I'll just guess it'd be an underrated and cliché story: 5/10
Snow white (not sew wicked step-mom)
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Its literally just another iteration of snow white, so it would have all the basic stuff in snow white. The apple, evil step-mom, magic mirror, dwarves, and a healing kiss. Plus some historical points for the fact that the cannon ending for Abigail in the og story was being forced to dance with burning hot shoes which was how the evil queen died in the Grimms brother version. :7/10
Lovely princess
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As the title implies, Jennette is a lovely princess along with her sister Athy. It's been described as a basic unoriginal found family tale with Jennette being loved by everyone including her murderous father with a backstory that she had a wicked mother who used magic to have Jennette. It ends with Athy being unjustly executed for the false crimes of poisoning Jennette while the latter lives on with a happily ever after. This would probably be universally despised if it were a real story for the bullshit reason Athy was killed off and the lack of care for it: 2/10
Lady Lily (the villainess maker)
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Its another basic damsel in distress and Prince charming tale that's canonically a dumpster fire since it was written by a 14 year old, from what I could remember Charlotte invents a new form of skirt/dress for women to wear at balls and she catches the eye of a few men, it's so terrible that it ceases to function and ends up in a loop if things dont go according to how they are supposed to, so it's basically the average wattpad fanfic. 1/10 for being such an inconsistent mess the villainess maker plays into how stupid it is.
I don't think this one ever got a name but it's the og-story from Today the villainess has fun again
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Iris is a poor Viscounts daughter who sets out on her own and becomes a maid. After a while of hardwork, she finds herself back into regal life after the crown prince and Reilynns fiance takes a liking to her, from there Iris has multiple men to choose from and along the way she opens up a perfume store I think?. This sounds like the type that would do so well on a webtoon but everywhere else would roast the shit out of it and side with Reilynn. 3/10
The flower from another world (divorcing my tyrant husband)
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The FL Aisha travels to another dimension where she meets the Emperor and they fall in love. The "villainess" Robelia gets shoved to side and dies while Alexandros makes Aisha the empress. I feel like if this were a real manhwa, they'd probably vilifiy Robelia to justify Aisha butting into another relationship but as is, this story would probably also be despised for its treatment of Robelia. 1/10
Bridgette wants to be happy (Seducing the villains father)
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The og plot was Bridgette as the FL and her love interest learning to heal from the traumas of the past that affected their parents lives. Characters would be mostly different since Yerenica and Erudian would be dead and Soleia may not even be a main character, that would be her son Dekalb. So we are talking a tragic story with a happy ending. This sounds like something I would actually read and I can see it being popular if it were real. 9/10
Stop obsessing over me brother! (Not your typical reincarnation story)
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Self explanatory. I feel like this would just be some weird as step-bro fetishist crap judging by the title and the fact that Killian and Cliff really are Rhyses de-facto older brothers. Edith really did this one a favor by stepping in: 0/10
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honestly-oceanie · 2 years
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Synopsis: drawing something(s) on their arm/wrist/hands
《Ijekiel Alpheus, Felix Robane, Isis de Elmir, Erden Astar Halstead, Erudian Lu Soledo Belgoat, Cassian Eckard, Felix Chamberlain, Anakin, Zachary de Arno, Kiyu Ahn | gn! reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
A/N: had no energy continuing my assignments and thought about making "tattoos" 😆. Hope y'all enjoy this!! 💜💜 There will be a part 2 for the other characters.
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Who Made Me A Princess / Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
Ijekiel Alpheus
"Duke of The Alpheus Duchy"
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🦋 You were bored as hell and THE Ijekiel Alpheus, who was courting YOU decided to accompany you since he wasn't busy. And you just happened to saw a pen on the table and had an idea. Calling Ijekiel out.
"Kiel, put your arm out for me, please."
🦋 Although he was confuse, he did without asking since you asked. He was quite flustered when you suddenly touched his arm whilst holding a pen on the other hand. Your face rather too close to his.
🦋 You started drawing some stars on his arm not his entire arm pls and you were so focused on what you were doing you didn't notice the loving gaze he was giving you.
🦋 While you were busy on your cute activity, kiel was also busy carving your gorgeous face in his memory to behold.
"*chuckle* sorry kiel I couldn't help it, I hope you don't mind." "No, not at all My Lady. I quite enjoyed it."
🦋 Was very disappointed after you told him to clean his arm, he wanted to engrave it forever so whenever he looks at it, it'll remind him of the moment that day. But he'll always keep this memory in his heart, making it flutter everytime he recalls.
🦋 He honestly won't mind you doing it again😊
Felix Robane
"The Knight of Crimson Blood"
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🦋 I'm okay😊😊
🦋 Now, For Felix. It's on the time of his day off. Finally at peace and away from those Obelia's.
🦋 You feel bad for him having to deal and be around them depressiondaddyissuesnofamilytrauma so make this day light and merry for him!!!
🦋 You wanted to see Felix happy (although he always seems happy😅) and this idea suddenly strike up on you and you got giddy because of it. So it had him curious.
"What is it, love? You seem excited." he says with that charming smile againnn🥺
"Give me your hand." he didn't chop his hand to give it to you don't worry
🦋 You started drawing on his hand and he was quite giddy too. He never had thought about this before and now his already thinking of making this a tradition between you two.
🦋 You were very focused on your drawing while he sat beside you like a good boy. and why am i imagining some dog ears.
🦋 Definitely bragged about it to Claude the next day.
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My Husband Hides His Beauty / My Secretly Hot Husband
Erden Astar Halstead
"Lord of Halstead Castle"
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🦋 Uggghhhh thisss cutttiiiieeeee 🥺😳😭😌😚😉😆 give him to me
🦋 Anyways....
🦋 After being away for how many years (not me forgetting💀) of course he'd want to build up a relationship or connection with his beloved. He'll try to do anything with you just to make you happy😌
🦋 You, being the fun person you are decided to do this.
"Lend me your arm Erden!"
🦋 He complied and you started drawing on his wrist. Although he was confused and startled at first, he slowly got used to it and even enjoyed it.
🦋 You didn't want to be unfair to him so you offered he draw to you too. He refused, he didn't want to make a mess on you but you insisted yet he kept making excuses.
"C'mon Erden! I really don't mind! And I want you to do it to me too."
🦋 He finally give in though he was quite nervous at the start but just reassure him that it's going to be fun😊
🦋 You guys started to get playful after a bit and had too much fun drawing on each other and eventually move on your faces, ending up looking messy and hilarious. While the grannies were just looking at you both fondly and then left you two with your sweet intimacy.
🦋 He got sad after you told him to clean it, he didn't want to erase it until you scolded him. But please dont scold him too hard.
🦋 Just imagining this and Erden laughing is giving me butterflies wth 😭😭
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-honestly, Oceanie-
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ediconxs · 2 years
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Erudian x Yerenica
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Feeling Guilty Without A Reason
It's Friday, and frankly, Felix wants to disappear.
Not only did he have an argument with Eruidan, but he was also forbidden from meeting Juvelian. Also, Irene has been avoiding him for no reason at all. Claudia also seems to be mad at him.
Really, Felix has no idea what's going on.
He leans against the tree in front of the magic departments' training field. He does know why Erudian is upset. He believes his sister is too young for a boyfriend.
Felix thinks it's bullshit. No, actually, he knows that it is.
It's not like Juvelian is a little girl who has no mind of her own. She's fourteen, for gods sake.
He understands that Erudian wants to protect his sister. He wants that, too, after all. He wants Claudia happy. Still, he wouldn't intervene in her relationship.
Well, maybe if her partner was a dick. Still, Felix isn't a dick. No, he's Erudians best friend, so why is it that Erudian doesn't trust him?
Felix sighs again.
"What has gotten you all upset?" A voice asks from behind him. He turns around and meets blue eyes. They are darker than his, calmer too.
"Your boyfriend is being a moron," says Felix to the red-haired girl. Elvia hums and sits down next to Eruidan on the ground.
"He's not my boyfriend," corrects Elvia
The white-haired boy shrugs. "Yeah, sure." He says and sighs. His eyes still focused on her. Her features are softer than usual. Her eyes look lighter than usual in the light... maybe she received good news?
Elvia suddenly shakes her head. She does that sometimes, shaking her head without any reason. Erudian calls it cute.
Felix agrees.
"I heard you've had an argument with Lord Erudian," says Elvia. Right, why else would Elvia talk to him if not about her (not) boyfriend.
Felix nods and tilts his head to the side. "We did."
Elvia nods. The silence between them grows awkward. "Was it very serious?" She asks.
Once again, Felix nods. "I suppose it was. He said he didn't want to see me for the time being." He sighs. He's been doing that a lot lately. "I guess I shouldn't have kissed Juvelian. I know how he feels about our relationship."
Elvias eyes widen, but she fixes her expression of surprise quickly. "You kissed her?" She asks and clears her throat. "Personally, I think Erudian is acting like a child. Juvelian isn't a little girl... you didn't force yourself on her, did you?"
"No! Of course not!" He looks at Elvia with disgust. "I would never! I wasn't even planning on kissing her. She's the one that asked me to do it."
Elvia looks at him. "That's true." She says. "Well, I don't know if she's the one that asked you to it, but I know that you would ever force yourself on her. Or anyone for that matter." She says and gives him a reassuring smile.
She places her hand over his. It feels too intimate. It seems Elvia realised that to, judging by how quickly she pulled her hand away.
The white-haired man sighs again. He rubs his hand through his hair. "Seriously. I've never been upset with Eruidan before. Not before now." He sighs for what might be the thousandth time.
Felix looks back at Elvia. The smile on her (a thing he doesn't think he's ever seen directed at him) face looks pretty. Frankly, Elvia looks pretty. Gorgeous even. He has known that for a while now.
"I didn't come here to talk about that." Elvia says and breaks the silence. Right, there is no way Elvia would just talk to him for now reason. "Why is your sister upset with you?"
"I don't know..." Felix pauses. "It has something to do with Irene, I suppose. She's been avoiding me for a few days ago. Actually, she's been avoiding me since the tournament."
He looks at Elvia, and he knows that she knows something.
"She's been avoiding since you've kissed Juvelian..?" She asks. Felix feels like there is something he should've checked by now.
"Well, I don't think the kiss had anything to do with it," replies Felix.
The redhead sighs and shakes her head. "Felix, do you really have no idea why she's avoiding you?" The white-haired boy shakes his head. "No, I didn't do anything to her."
"That's the point, Felix." She says. "Felix, Irene is... has been in love with you for years."
Wide bright blue eyes meet darker blue eyes. Felix feels like the world is spinning.
Now that he knows that a lot of things feel different. Oh Christ, she's has been dropping hints all along.
"I-I wasn't aware. Oh god." He feels terrible. He broke his best friends heart. He shouldn't have done. He should've noticed. "I think I'm going to be sick."
Elvia rolls her eyes. "Don't be dramatic... Just..." she sighs, "I'm not sure what you should do now."
Felix laughs out loud suddenly. "I don't know either. I suppose I'll have to wait until Irene isn't all that heartbroken anymore... That's sounds mean. I mean that I'll wait until she talks to me again." He says.
The red-haired girl hums. "I see."
Her gaze wanders from Felix to the training flied in front of them. A huff leaves her. "I'll try to talk Erudian out of it." She says. "I can't let him intervene with your relationship."
The younger man looks back at her. Elvia would do that for him?
Sometimes, Felix questions if they really are friends. Sometimes Elvia is kind, she helps him and is nice to him. Then, on the next moment, she curses at him and hits him.
It confuses the shit out of him. It's like Elvia herself isn't sure what she feels about him.
The most confusing thing, though, is the way she looks at him. Sometimes, she looks at him like he means something to her. Even when she's angry at him, she looks at him like he is something.
"Thank you." He says to her. "I'm sure Erudian will listen to you." He tells her.
Elvia rolls her eyes. "No need to thank me. You'll stop bothering me and Erudian when you have a girlfriend... and Juvelian is good for you."
Felix smiles.
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Felix & Irene & Claudia(I have become the hero's rival)/Elvia(I fell into the world of a reverse harem game)/Erudian(Seduce the villains farther)/Juvelian(Father I don't want to get married)
<Manhwa Crossover Family Tree>
<Felix x Juvelian - Masterlist>
<Erudian x Elvia - Masterlist>
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