findasongblog · 6 years
Last Summer Dance at Erpeldange-sur-Sûre, LU, 1&2 September 2018
Unlike our dear guest writer Mig-El, I haven’t been to any majors festivals this year (please find his reviews here and here), but I can’t say I miss it as I have been to a few smaller, local ones that I really enjoyed. The advantages are obvious: low ticket fees, sometimes even none at all, no problems with transport and/or parking, mostly nice locations, often combined with other sorts of entertainment like art exhibitions, markets... But, you might argue, that’s not where my favorite bands play! Time to discover some new favorites then 😉
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(you can find all of my photos here)
It was the 5th edition of Last Summer Dance (such a fitting name it spared me the trouble of searching for some poignant title to this article 😊) taking place in the castle grounds at Erpeldange-sur-Sûre in the North of Luxembourg. The castle was built in the 12th century and nowadays hosts the municipal services.
We were „obliged“ to attend both days of the festival as Epicure. played on Saturday and Seed To Tree on Sunday. We took the opportunity to see a few more acts, but alas didn’t get round to taking part in any of the activities/workshops of which there were quite a few. Next time, hopefully.
We missed C’est Karma at Screaming Fields (stomach bug) and at Sofar Sounds Luxembourg (inconvenient date) – and at probably a few more occasions since Bartleby Delicate’s EP release show  – so it was nice to finally have the opportunity to see her again.
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As you can see, the sun played along and its reflection on the CDs hung above the acoustic stage made for a nice „light show“ matching the chilled atmosphere. More of C’est Karma’s music will be released soonish, till then, here’s the video for her first single, Gravity:
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Mel and me consider ourselves big fans of Epicure., but we obviously can’t compete with this little guy 😀 Surely, he and his sign will make an appearance in the video that has been shot during the set and which I’ll share as soon as it’s released (I took one myself but the band deemed their performance not good enough – well, I guess it can’t hurt to have high standards 😉) So here’s one from the last time we had seen them:
I was happy to learn that an EP is in the making so that we’ll have something to listen to in between gigs. 😊
It was then time to check out the delicious food range on the festival site while waiting for the next act. In The Atlas is a Luxembourgish indie pop/rock band formed in November 2016. It took me a few songs to get into it as – at least live – the sound is a bit heavier than what I normally listen to. Very catchy and danceable though!
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That was it for the Saturday, we returned on Sunday just in time to see Le Vibe, an 8 (!) piece band who brought some reggae vibes (see what I did there?) to the main stage of LaSuDa. Well, reggae and more, as their style is very diversified with the songs being written (and sung) by different band members. So much talent it was a bit overwhelming - in a positive way, of course.
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It’s surely the kind of music that works best live anyway, however, I would have liked to give you a sample, but couldn’t find anything online. I’ll keep my eyes open!
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All Reitz Reserved is the moniker under which Chris Reitz produces his ambient electronic music. Our first chance to see him solo after he was part of Josh Island’s band at his EP release show. My otherwise flawless music taste 😜 doesn’t include instrumental, but to anyone who isn’t as narrow-minded as me, I can highly recommend listening to his 2017 release Electric Eclectic.
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If by now you’re under the impression that Last Summer Dance was reserved to Luxembourgish artists, you’re wrong: the next band we saw had come all the way from Freiburg, Germany: Catastrophe Waitress, an indie folk/pop 4-piece. They themselves describe their style as „trivial, but witty“ – not much to add to that 😂
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The most important news from Seed To Tree’s headline gig is that a video was shot (not at the gig), so I’ll hopefully soon be able to share some new music with you instead of just writing about it.
The crowd was almost as good as the one at Make Koler Kooler and the band was especially happy to have their ex-keyboarder Jean-Marc in the audience (he left Seed To Tree when he became a daddy, surely the best reason, but if I was him, I’d have some regrets nontheless)
The highlight was once more Take My Hand, but by then, I had put my camera away in favor of more exuberant dancing 😎 The crowd would have wanted more; one lady asked after the show if it wasn’t Bartleby Delicate’s turn now – George denied that, stating that the people were happy now and that listening to Bartleby Delicate would only make them sad (as if that was a valid excuse...)
But it was late, and we still had an hour’s drive before us. Only thing to do before leaving was to ask Georges to make it clear that his „just don’t go to work tomorrow“ didn’t include Mel not going to school 😉 She DID go (but fell asleep on the couch in the early evening), so I guess I’ll never be able to ever use the school argument again when it comes to going out in the evening 😩
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findasongblog · 6 years
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Concert Photos
Last Summer Dance - Erpeldange-sur-Sûre (LU) - 1. & 2. September 2018
C’est Karma, Epicure., In The Atlas, Le Vibe, All Reitz Reserved, Catastrophe Waitress, Seed To Tree
Complete set here
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