#Ernwid agurac
zoethehead · 5 months
I was gonna do a full-body, but I got too lazy.
So, here's Ernwid.
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Fuuuuu, I just realized how many brush gaps there are....
Edit: bro's got that classic g2 LPS color scheme
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zoethehead · 5 months
Here's some more concept art, both of the redo of "caught in a blast", and a concept of Ernwid.
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Gonna probably draw more concepts to color in later, but here's what I've got so far.
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zoethehead · 5 months
Here's the redo of the story "caught in a blast." This time, I changed it to be about Antoni, an ex crimson saint who rebelled against the Almagis.
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All that Antoni remembered was cussing out his former boss through a holographic intercom. The dictator/boss didn't take kindly to this and turned on the self destruction chips embedded in the armor that Antoni wore.
A bright flash of light and a feeling of acceptance washed over Antoni.
He thought that he had died, but that wasn't the case, he felt a stinging pain throughout his body. His head was hurting the worst.
His eyes opened to the blurry sight of a cottage, as a bitter taste was in his mouth.
He coughed, slightly choking on the medicinal slurry given to him.
"Easy does it, son. You're badly hurt, it's best that you take it easy." An elderly voice said.
His sight focused on an old Nuross who was sat in a chair near where Antoni laid.
"W-what happened?" Antoni asked, his throat dry and sore.
"My grandson saw an explosion nearby, he found you in really bad shape, you've been out for awhile now. " the Elder said.
Antoni tried to sit up from where his injured body was propped, a white hot pain jolting through his nerves, his head swam as he laid back down, trying to clear the black spots and stars in his vision.
"Woah, don't get up so soon, son; you suffered a ton of injuries. " the Elder said.
Antoni let out a sigh. "How bad was the damage?" He asked.
"A concussion, broken ribs, a broken arm, a ton of wounds caused by shrapnel and fire, and a badly broken leg, I hate to break it to ya; but I had to amputate that leg." The Elder explained. 
Antoni couldn't believe it, he had lost one of his legs. In a panic, he pulled back the quilt that covered him; revealing a stump where one of his legs used to be.  He was in shock, breathing quickly at the sight.
"Please calm down, sir." The Elder said, trying to calm Antoni down.
Eventually; Antoni calmed down, laying back onto the bed, he felt the quilt being pulled back up to his chest.
How was he gonna deal with this? He had lost a leg and was badly hurt, as he closed his eyes again and fell back into sleep.
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zoethehead · 2 years
Caught in a blast
(a lil' scene I made up for later in my series)
All Wulf saw was a fiery hot white light, and nothing more than smoke, rubble, ashes, and flames. And the worried face of Chalakon. The voice of his boyfriend seemed to be muffled. Soon; Wulf could no longer hold onto consciousness, feeling his grasp slowly slip out of his hand….. Soon, he plummeted into the darkness yet again. 
His head hurt, his body ached, and his memories were of those that weren’t pleasant.
But…. he was starting to stir. 
He let out a slight groan of pain, his body started to move again, and he grasped at the sheets below his fingers. He opened his eyes, seeing a blurry figure sitting vigil next to him. It wasn’t Chalakon though, it was a different being; one with silvery hair and grayish-blue skin. He felt a cold wash rag being placed on his head, and soon heard a voice. 
“Drink up, young man.” this voice said. 
He felt a basin bowl touch his lips, he drank the liquid, reluctant to do so…. The liquid tasted somewhat like a mix of different herbs, somewhat sweet, but also quite bitter. He coughed a bit after the medicine was down his throat. 
“Easy there, you've been out for a while.” the voice said, setting the basin down. “How long was I out for?” Wulf rasped. “I honestly lost track of time, but from what I see, it’s been about 2 weeks.” The stranger said. 
Wulf sat up abruptly, “2 WEEKS?” He yelled, before doubling over in pain. “Easy does it, son.” the being said, gently laying Wulf back down onto the bed. Wulf saw the bandages wrapped around every afflicted area. “You were badly burned and lying in a ditch when I found you. It was quite a hassle to tend to your injuries, but I did what I could.” the stranger explained. Wulf’s vision cleared up enough as the pain dulled, the being by his bedside was a Nuross, and one that seemed to be an elder. “Name’s Ernwid, Ernwid Agurac.” Ernwid said. “W-where is he?” Wulf asked. “Who are you referring to?” Ernwid questioned. “M-my boyfriend; Chalakon.” Wulf sighed. “Oh, so you’re his boyfriend, no wonder the Drazupians kidnapped him.” Ernwid explained. “Hold on, WHAT?” Wulf yelled.  "Yeah, they kidnapped him as a sort of Trophy for the Almawhatever, I forgot their name.” Ernwid sighed. “THE ALMAGIS?” Wulf yelled. “Yeah, them. Those rascals tied him up before knocking him out and tossing him into a cage wagon.” Ernwid explained. “Fuck! This is bad!” Wulf panicked. “I’m barely even in good condition right now, and my boyfriend's been kidnapped by creatures that work for the organization that I’ve been trying to bring down for years!” Wulf worried, trying to get up, but Ernwid pushed him back down. “Son, you need to at least rest and recover first before you get up and go trying to hunt the Almagis down again.” Ernwid sighed. Wulf sighed, rolling onto his side and wrapping the blanket around him. “Fine, But as soon as I’m well, I will try to find Chalakon.” Wulf sighed. “Good to know, I’ll help gather up a crew to help you as well.” Ernwid said.
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