#Eric Ruben
zappedbyzabka · 8 months
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Diva brat🌟
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itsfootballbih · 2 years
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Me when my mom says I can’t move to the uk to become a wag☹️
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SPAWN (1997-1999)(3 Saisons)
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À New York, sur les traces de l'histoire du siècle, deux reporters assistent au meurtre de leur informateur dans les allées de Rat City. Ils sont eux-mêmes les victimes collatérales de la fureur de la créature insurgée de l'enfer, Spawn.
Spawn fut, par le passé, Al Simmons, un soldat d'élite revenu à la vie par les puissances infernales dans la quête d'accomplir les événements de l'Armageddon, selon les volontés de son maître Maleboldia. Au cours de son évolution, Spawn est surveillé par le Clown, un démon odieux requêté par Maleboldia afin de chaperonner Simmons dans ses nouvelles fonctions.
Dans ses errances, Spawn rencontre les rebus de la société, qui lui apportent aide et réconfort, malgré la méfiance de certains d'entre eux. Un ermite portant le nom de Cogliostro tentera d'aider Spawn à percer le mystère du sens de son existence et trouver le chemin de la rédemption.
Mais cinq années se sont écoulées depuis sa mort et sa femme Wanda, pour laquelle il avait offert son âme dans l'optique de la retrouver, s'est remariée avec son meilleur ami, Terry Fitzgerald. Ils sont parents d'une fillette prénommée Cyan. Spawn doit ainsi se résoudre à trouver sa place dans un monde qui a avancé sans lui et lutter contre sa monstruosité ainsi que les hommes de main de Tony Twist, qui voient en Simmons, un élément gênant leurs activités.
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A Halloweeny date
Anyone you like ❤️
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Word count: 2159
When you and your boyfriend were getting to know each other, he asked you about your hobbies. Your answer was anything horror related.
He thought it was cute. Dating a tough girl who wanted to watch scary movies. But he couldn't expect the extent of your obsession. However, he was about to really find out.
A couple of weeks before Halloween, you showed up at his house with a huge smile on your face.
"Someone is happy to see me", he said.
"Oh my God! I have the perfect Halloween plan for us!!"
"Halloween? I've never celebrated it. Do you want to watch horror movies or something?"
Watch horror movies or something? Lame.
"What? No, we could do that every other day. We are going on a trip!", you said, beaming. And then proceeded to show him the leaflet of the little town you had found and that was the perfect spooky escapade for the two of you.
"A ghost town? Are you serious?", he asked, eyebrow raised.
"Yes. I've always wanted to do something like this. But all my friends and exes thought it was a stupid idea. You don't think it's stupid, right?", you said, puppy eyes ready to convince him.
"Tell me the whole plan".
He really couldn’t say no to your puppy eyes.
And so you did. You had it all planned to the last detail. 
First, you'll be going on a ghost town tour. Some of the locations looked stunning, and perfect to turn your IG feed into spooky perfection. Then, you'll go to the cabin you had rented in the middle of the woods. That was the perfect place for all the other activities planned. But you didn’t share many of those details with him yet, wanting to surprise him. 
"And maybe we can add a sexy spooky game to the list", you said to him.
"Yeah? What kind of game?", he asked you. Hearing the words sexy and game probably made him forget everything else you mentioned.
"I'll think about it", you said, kissing him. "So, do you want to come?"
He sighed. "Ok, let's do this".
"Yes yes yes!!!", you yelled, jumping in his arms. “You are the best!”
“Where is this town? We've been driving for so long”, complained your boyfriend while you drove to your destination.
“Stop complaining! We're almost there”.
“Is it a ghost town because everyone that sets foot here gets killed?”, he said, looking outside at the scenery. “This looks a bit too creepy for my liking”.
“Of course it does. They make it look creepy to fit the theme. You really are terrible at spooky stuff”, you laughed.
When you arrived, you parked near the entrance of the tour. It all looked so good!
“Where are we staying? Near this area?”
“That’s a surprise!”, you said, kissing your boyfriend. “You won’t believe how amazing the place I rented is”.
And then took his hand so he would follow you.
“Ah!”, he screamed for the 10th time when a spiderweb touched his arm.
“Babe, you are overdoing it a bit”, you laughed.
“This is creepy. And I don’t like the feel of spiderwebs. It’s too dark and I can’t see them”.
“You are the one who said this was lame when we went to the first house and now you’re terrified”, you said with a smirk, you loved seeing him being such a baby. He was always the tough footballer. Well, it was your turn to be the tough one today. 
“That sexy game you promised me better be good”, he said, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck.
“You won’t be disappointed. Now take a photo of me in front of this. It's going to look so cool".
An hour later, you finally made it out of the last house and reached the shop.
“Should we buy each other Halloween presents?”, you suggested.
“That’s not a thing, love. No one buys Halloween presents”.
“We could make it our thing. Who cares about rules?”
So you ended up buying him a t-shirt, even though you knew it was you who’ll end up wearing it while you stayed at his place, and he bought you a skeleton necklace that you started to wear the moment you got out of the shop.
“Okay then. Time to go to our home for the day”, you winked.
“Should I be scared?”
“Of me? Never”, you said with an evil laugh.
"A cabin? In the middle of the woods?", he said when he finally saw your destination.
"Yes. Here no one will hear you scream".
"Ha ha".
But when you got inside he was actually impressed. The cabin was gorgeous and had a huge fireplace you were ready to use to set the mood and to help with the October chill.
"Aww, they bought everything I asked for", you said, checking the bags that were in the kitchen. “I’ll leave the best review when we leave”.
"What is that?"
"Ingredients for our cooking and some drinks for a game, maybe?", you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
"Oh, you are getting me drunk before killing me. So nice of you", he said, making you laugh. "This place is amazing. Slightly terrifying because we’re in the middle of nowhere, but amazing. Like you".
His compliment made you so happy. You put your arms around his neck to bring him closer so you could kiss him and let him know how much his words meant to you. 
"This is only sweets?", he asked, checking the bags.
"In the bags, yeah. There is real food in the fridge. Don't worry. I just thought we could make some homemade Halloweeny sweets. There are so many recipes online".
"Sounds fun. And I'm too far away from civilization for my coach to know".
"I'll help you burn the calories later", you winked.
You picked up a few recipes, including the marshmallow ghosts and some simple cookies also in the shape of a ghost that you could have fun decorating with the frosting. Kid's stuff but it's not as if you knew how to do much better when it came to baking.
"We can eat this while watching a movie".
"I thought watching a movie was a lame plan for today", he said.
"Just watching a movie is lame. But of course we have to watch one. I already picked the perfect one", you said, getting the DVD out of your bag and showing him the cover.
"Cabin in the woods? Really? Let me guess. It's about people in a cabin in the middle of the woods who get killed".
"Kinda. But it's not that great. Bit of a guilty pleasure, you know? And it's not that scary either. Oh, and it has Chris Hemsworth in it!"
"Really? Are we partially watching it because of him?"
"Nah, he doesn't even take his shirt off. That's the scariest part of the movie", you said, faking a shiver and making your boyfriend laugh.
"I'll take my shirt off for you", he said giving you a kiss.
"Much much better than Hemsworth".
Once you had your pizza and your sweets ready to be consumed, you moved to the sofa to watch the movie.
“Zombies? Really?”, said your boyfriend looking at you with a big smile. He told you many times before that the only movies he wasn’t scared of were zombie movies, so you picked that one as a thank you to him for playing along with all the other activities you had planned.
“Ok”, you said as the movie ended. “How about you get the fireplace going while I get everything ready for our game?”
You could notice his eyes following you. He was intrigued about what you had planned and you were really hoping he wouldn’t find it disappointing.
“So”, you started, putting all the things on the table. “I thought about doing a little quiz. And if we get the question wrong, we have to do something out of a few options”.
“I’m listening”.
“Well, just stripping was going to make the game end too quickly. We aren’t wearing much”, you laughed. “So that’s one of the options, which is highly encouraged if it’s you answering wrong. But also we could take a shot”, you said, showing him the tequila bottle. “Or we can do a little bit of drawing”.
“Drawing?”, he asked you, confused.
“Yes. I got this glow-in-the-dark body paint and thought we could paint each other. And then when we go to the dark for other types of playing…well, we’ll get to see our creations”.
“Only you could come up with that idea”, he laughed. “But I love it”.
Your smile was so big it almost occupied your entire face.
“But”, he said. “It can’t be a horror quiz because you’ll have a big advantage”.
“I thought about that too. I’ll ask you horror movie questions and you’ll ask me football questions”.
“You’re kidding”, he said, laughing so hard you frowned.
“I know. I know…I only know the name of your team and the stadium where you play. I’m the one at a disadvantage. That’s how much I love you. I could easily make it so I win and get to do whatever I want to you”.
“Oh, you’ll get to do whatever you want to me later”, he said, grabbing you by the waist and putting you in his lap before kissing you. “And I love you too. Should we start?”
You went back to your seat and put everything in front of you so it’d be easy to reach whenever you needed it.
“Ok, let’s start with an easy one”, he said, forcing you to make a face. “Kinda. Which team has won the most leagues in England?”
“Manchester City”, you said, remembering that was the team that won the last one. So they at least had one.
“No, Manchester United”.
“That’s what I said. Manchester”, you complained.
“City and United are not the same. It’s like…”, he thought of an example you could understand. “Like an original movie and a remake. Like the Nightmare on Elm Street one”.
That made you shudder. “And who’s the crappy horrible shouldn’t exist remake? City or United?”
“Depends who you ask”, he laughed.
“Ok, as a punishment for missing. Though I was very close, I must add. I’ll choose a shot!”
You licked the salt off your hand, took the shot and then saw your boyfriend with a lime wedge in his mouth. You laughed and crawled towards him to get the lime and then get a kiss too since you were already there.
“Your turn! Who’s the first character killed in the original Scream movie?”
“Oh, easy. Drew Barrymore’s”.
“What?”, he said, shocked. “It is her!”
“It’s her boyfriend Steve. Everyone forgets poor Steve. Your punishment?”
“I’ll take my shirt off”.
“Who won the last World Cup?”, was the next question for you.
“Eh…England? No, I would have noticed. Wait! Brazil!”
“Wrong, it was France”.
“Of course it was. Ok…how about you draw something on me?”
And so he moved you closer to him to try and draw a ghost on your thigh. The drawing itself wasn’t great, but he kept on tickling you with the brush and his fingers and made you laugh. He looked so cute all concentrated that you couldn’t help but give him little kisses. Even though he complained about you distracting him, you knew he didn’t mind at all. 
Forty minutes later, you were both sitting in just your underwear, slightly tipsy and with all types of drawings all over your body. After getting a Champions League question wrong, you asked for another glowy tattoo and so your boyfriend got to work. 
“Turn around”, he said.
“But I wanna see”.
“Turn around”.
And so you did. His cold hand moved from your neck all along your spine, making you shiver in the best way possible. When he got to your bum, he took advantage of you wearing a thong to draw on one of your bum cheeks. He gave it a little squeeze and a kiss when he was done.
When you turned back to face him, you stopped him from going back to his seat.
“You know. I’m tired of this game now, maybe we should move to the next one”.
“Should we go see how we glow in the dark?”, he laughed.
“Yeah…and to see how smudge-proof this paint really is”.
Hours later, you lay in each other’s arms and you couldn’t believe how happy you were at that moment. Today had really been the perfect day.
"Thank you for being such a good sport and putting up with all my weird tastes. No one has ever made me feel like I’m not a weirdo for liking what I like until I met you. It means so much to me", you said. 
"I have to love all of you, don’t I? Happy Halloween, my love".
“Happy Halloween”.
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footballffbarbiex · 10 months
As it stands, the series being completed sooner are:
Antoine Griezmann Blank Space.
Anyone You Want So…Teach Me
Fernando Torres To Be Owned By You.
Rúben Dias  Speakeasy. Patreon until completion.
Trent Alexander Arnold / OC / Dominik Szoboszlai. Compersion.
with "runner up" series as: (in most vote order)
Roman Bürki. HEA.
Oscar Mingueza. Counting Stars. Patreon until completion.
Anyone You Want. Just A Taste. Patreon until completion.
Antoine Griezmann. Always. 
Antoine Griezmann. For Your Entertainment. Mini series. Patreon until completion.
Antoine Griezmann. A Kiss From Death.
Antoine Griezmann. Tear You Apart.
Eric Dier.  Baby, Sugar. Patreon until completion.
Mason Mount. The Heart Never Lies. 
Roman Bürki. Remember Me. Patreon until completion.
Federico Bernardeschi. Behind Enemy Lines. Patreon until completion.
Federico Bernardeschi. Here Without You. Patreon until completion.
Oscar Mingueza Lost In Paradise.  Kink Bingo glory hole series.
Oscar Mingueza. The Vow.
You can still vote here.
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footballerimaginess · 2 years
Send Halloween blurbs in for Halloween Blurb evening tonight!! 
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swmzq · 2 months
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(requests are open)
-joão félix
-paulo dybala
-pablo gavi
-pedri gonzález
-fermín lopez
-sergio ramos
-jude bellingham
-ruben dias
-neymar jr
-kylian mbappe
-taylor swift 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞!
-chappell roan
-glen powell
-drew starkey
-lana del rey
-austin butler
-cillian murphy
-jacob elordi
-timothée chalamet
-80s roger taylor
-80s brian may
-borhap!roger taylor
-tyler owens
-borhap!john deacon
-eric(a quiet place: day one)
-neil lewis
-felix catton
-oliver quick
what I’ll write
-fem x fem
-fem x male
-gn!reader x oc
-love triangles
what I don’t write
-oc x oc
-threesome (I have nothing against it but I’m just not good at writing smut like this)
-piss kink
that’s it bye for now!
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explainedfilms · 11 months
We parents Movie Ending Explained (In Detail)
Spoilers Alert: A family made a film about a family in which most of the family members play themselves: it’s an interesting approach that enhances the authenticity of the story WE PARENTS approaches his viewers. But it’s not at all suitable for an entertaining cinema experience. We’ll tell you more about this in our review. The Kamber-Grubers’ twin sons have no prospects. If you want to argue…
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chrancecriber · 2 years
A State Of Sundays 344
Channel: Diplo’s Revolution (Sirius 52, XM 52)
Airdate: March 25, 2018 - March 26, 2018
Airtime: 06:00 AM - 06:00 AM
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
06:00 AM - 08:00 AM: Armin van Buuren - ASOT 856
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM: Ruben de Ronde - TSOH 363
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Andrew Rayel - Find Your Harmony 098
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Eelke Kleijn - DAYS Like NIGHTS 020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Cosmic Gate - Wake Your Mind 207
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM: W&W - Mainstage Radio 005
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM: Armin van Buuren - ASOT 856
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM: Andrew Rayel - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM: Paul Oakenfold - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM: Vini Vici - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM: Armin van Buuren - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM: Eric Prydz - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
09:00 PM - 11:00 PM: Above & Beyond - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
11:00 PM - 12:00 AM: Paul Oakenfold - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
12:00 AM - 02:00 AM: Armin van Buuren - Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2018, ASOT 850 Stage (Miami)
02:00 AM - 03:00 AM: Fully Focus - Afrobeat Experience Radio 001 (Non-ASOS Music)
03:00 AM - 04:00 AM: W&W - Mainstage Radio 005
04:00 AM - 05:00 AM: Andrew Rayel - Find Your Harmony 098
05:00 AM - 06:00 AM: Cosmic Gate - Wake Your Mind 207
NOTE: March 25, 2018 was the first episode to be associated with Diplo’s Revolution.
NOTE #2: The livestream was 23 hours long because the remaining 1 hour was occupied by Fully Focus’s Afrobeat Experience Radio.
NOTE #3: Although March 25, 2018 is omitted from the official ASOT site, it will be acknowledged as an official episode on the ASOS timeline.
0 notes
awardseason · 2 years
2023 Oscars — Nominees
Best Picture “All Quiet on the Western Front” “Avatar: The Way of Water” “The Banshees of Inisherin” “Elvis” “Everything Everywhere All at Once” “The Fabelmans” “TÁR” “Top Gun: Maverick” “Triangle of Sadness” “Women Talking”
Best Director Martin McDonagh (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) Steven Spielberg (“The Fabelmans”) Todd Field (“TÁR”) Ruben Östlund (“Triangle of Sadness”)
Best Actress Cate Blanchett (“TÁR”) Ana de Armas (“Blonde”) Andrea Riseborough (“To Leslie”) Michelle Williams (“The Fabelmans”) Michelle Yeoh (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”)
Best Actor Austin Butler (“Elvis”) Colin Farrell (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Brendan Fraser (“The Whale”) Paul Mescal (“Aftersun”) Bill Nighy (“Living”)
Best Supporting Actress Angela Bassett (“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”) Hong Chau (“The Whale”) Kerry Condon (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Stephanie Hsu (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) Jamie Lee Curtis (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”)
Best Supporting Actor Brendan Gleeson (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Brian Tyree Henry (“Causeway”) Judd Hirsch (“The Fabelmans”) Barry Keoghan (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Ke Huy Quan (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”)
Best International Feature Film “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Edward Berger, Germany) “Argentina, 1985” (Santiago Mitre, Argentina) “Close” (Lukas Dhont, Belgium) “EO” (Poland) “The Quiet Girl” (Ireland)
Best Adapted Screenplay Edward Berger, Ian Stokell, and Lesley Paterson (“All Quiet on the Western Front”) Rian Johnson (“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”) Kazuo Ishiguro (“Living”) Ehren Kruger, Christopher McQuarrie, and Eric Warren Singer (“Top Gun: Maverick”) Sarah Polley (“Women Talking”)
Best Original Screenplay Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) Todd Field (“TÁR”) Tony Kushner and Steven Spielberg (“The Fabelmans”) Martin McDonagh (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Ruben Östlund (“Triangle of Sadness”)
Best Animated Feature “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” (ShadowMachine/Netflix) “Marcel the Shell with Shoes On” (A24) “Turning Red” (Pixar/Disney) “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” (DreamWorks/Universal) “The Sea Beast” (Netflix)
Best Cinematography James Friend (“All Quiet on the Western Front”) Darius Khondji (“Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths”) Mandy Walker (“Elvis”) Roger Deakins (“Empire of Light”) Florian Hoffmeister (“Tár”)
Best Visual Effects “Avatar: The Way of Water” (20th Century/Disney) “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Netflix) “The Batman” (Warner Bros.) “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Disney/Marvel) “Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount)
Best Editing “Elvis” (Warner Bros.) “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24) “Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount) “TÁR” (Focus Features) “The Banshees of Inisherin” (Searchlight Pictures)
Best Production Design “Avatar: The Way of Water” (20th Century Studios/Disney) “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Netflix) “Babylon” (Paramount) “Elvis” (Warner Bros.) “The Fabelmans” (Universal)
Best Makeup and Hairstyling “Elvis” (Warner Bros.) “The Batman” (Warner Bros.) “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Marvel/Disney) “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Netflix) “The Whale” (A24)
Best Costume Design “Elvis” (Warner Bros.) “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” (Marvel/Disney) “Everything Everywhere All at Once” (A24) “Babylon” (Paramount) “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris” (Focus Features)
Best Sound “Top Gun: Maverick” (Paramount) “Elvis” (Warner Bros.) “Avatar: The Way of Water” (20th Century/Disney) “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Netflix) “The Batman” (Warner Bros.)
Best Original Song “Hold My Hand” — Lady Gaga (“Top Gun: Maverick”) “Lift Me Up”— Rihanna (“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”) “Naatu Naatu”— Kaala Bhairava, M.M. Keeravani, and Rahul Sipligunj (“RRR”) “Applause”— Diane Warren (“Tell It Like a Woman”) “This Is a Life”— David Byrne, Ryan Lott, and Mitski (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”)
Best Original Score Justin Hurwitz (“Babylon”) John Williams (“The Fabelmans”) Volker Bertelmann (“All Quiet on the Western Front”) Carter Burwell (“The Banshees of Inisherin”) Son Lux (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”)
Best Documentary Feature “All That Breathes” “All the Beauty and the Bloodshed” “Fire of Love” “A House Made of Splinters” “Navalny”
Best Documentary Short Subject “The Elephant Whisperers” “Haulout” “How Do You Measure a Year?” “The Martha Mitchell Effect” “Stranger at the Gate”
Best Live Action Short “An Irish Goodbye” “Ivalu” “Le Pupille” “Night Ride” “The Red Suitcase”
Best Animated Short “The Flying Sailor” “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” “Ice Merchants” “My Year of Dicks” “An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It”
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bootleglesbian · 3 months
available bootlegs
this is everything i currently have available (updated 06/18/24). if you have anything to trade i generally prefer that but i am open to gifting any of the titles that are not starred! as a rule, if no cast is listed or only some members are listed, that means that i do not know the cast but i am happy to send a screenshot if you would like (and if anyone is interested in helping me identify unknown casts or dates of any files, let me know!).
green = video, pink = audio, starred = trade or donations only
*Anastasia (Hartford Theatre pre-Broadway run - Christy Altomare, Derek Klena)
*Anastasia (Broadway - Christy Altomare, Derek Klena)
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Broadway, 06/24/18 - Melissa Benoist)
Beetlejuice (Broadway, 10/31/19 aka Halloween)
Book of Mormon (Broadway - Ben Platt)
Come From Away (Broadway - Jenn Collela)
Falsettos (Proshot)
Falsettos (Broadway - ORC, not proshot)
Falsettos (Tour - Max von Essen, Nick Adams, Eden Espinosa, Nick Blaemire, Audrey Cardwell, Bryonha Marie Parham)
*Falsettos (Tour - Max von Essen, Nicka Adams, Eden Espinosa, Nick Blaemire, Audrey Cardwell, Bryonha Marie Parham)
Freaky Friday (La Jolla)
*Ghost (Broadway - Caissie Levy)
Hamilton (Broadway - Lexi Lawson)
Hamilton (First National Tour - Michael Luwoye, Solea Pffeifer, Joshua Henry, Emmy Raver Lampman, Isaiah Johnson, Jordan Donica, Mathenee Treco, Ruben J. Carbajal, Amber Iman, Rory O'Malley)
*Hamilton (Chicago Act 1 only - Karen Olivo, Ariana Afsar, Samantha Marie Ware, Miguel Cervantes, Joshua Henry)
*Hamilton (Broadway - OBC, not proshot)
*The Last Five Years (Off-Broadway - Betsy Wolfe, Adam Kantor)
*Lempicka (Broadway, 03/38/24 - Eden Espinosa, Amber Iman, Andrew Samonsky, George Abud, Natalie Joy Johnson, Zoe Glick, Nathaniel Stampley, Beth Leavel)
*Mean Girls (Broadway, 02/22/20 - Renee Rapp, Erika Henningson, Barrett Wilbert Weed, Grey Henson, Kate Rockwell, Krystina Alabado, Kyle Selig)
*Mean Girls (National Tour)
*Mystery of Edwin Drood (Broadway - Stephanie J. Block, Betsy Wolfe, Jessie Mueller)
*The Prom (Alliance Theatre pre-Broadway - Caitlin Kinnunen, Anna Grace Barlow)
*She Loves Me (Broadway - ORC proshot)
Waitress (ART pre-Broadway run - Jessie Mueller, Jeanna de Waal, Keala Settle, Drew Gehling, Joe Tippett, Dakin Matthews, Christopher Fitzgerald, Eric Anderson)
*Waitress (Broadway - Jessie Mueller, Keala Settle, Molly Jobe, Drew Gehling)
*Waitress (Broadway - Sara Barielles, Chris Diamantopoulos, Charity Angel Dawson, Molly Jobe, Will Swenson, Christopher Fitzgerald)
*Waitress (Broadway, 06/19/17 - Betsy Wolfe, Drew Gehling)
Waitress (Broadway, 12/14/17 - Stephanie Torns, Jason Mraz)
Waitress (Broadway - Shoshana Bean, Jeremy Jordan)
*Waitress (Broadway - Shoshana Bean, Jeremy Jordan)
Waitress (Broadway, 02/03/19 - Sara Bareilles, Gavin Creel)
Waitress (Tour, 08/26/18)
Wicked (Broadway, 02/01/15 - Caroline Bowman, Kara Lindsey)
Wicked (Broadway, 02/10/13 - Donna Vivino, Ali Mauzey, Kyle Dean Massey, Randy Danson, Adam Grupper, Catherine Charlebois, F. Michael Haynie, Tom Flynn)
Wicked (unknown - Eden Espinosa, Megan Hilty)
*Wicked (Broadway - Stephanie J. Block, Annaleigh Ashford)
*Wicked (Broadway - Lindsay Mendez, Katie Rose Clark)
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the-offside-rule · 8 months
Baby prompts!
These Prompts are SOLELY for the footballers, not for the drivers and once a player is requested, the prompt will be crossed off and the player will not be used again
1) Attending a baby scan - Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona)
2) Learning how to wrap the baby in a blanket -Ben Chilwell (Chelsea FC)
3) Playing peek-a-boo while shopping - Pedri Gonzalez (FCBarcelona)
4) Taking a pregnancy test - Ruben Dias (Manchester City)
5) Overthinking parenting - Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid)
6) Good-cop Bad-cop parenting - Trent Alexander Arnold (Liverpool)
7) Singing a lullaby to the baby to make it sleep - Eric Garcia (FCBarcelona)
8) One of the parents waking up to tend to the baby - Kylian Mbappe (Paris Saint Germain)
9) Baby clothes shopping after having baby - Anthony Gordon (Newcastle United)
10) The baby's first match - Mason Mount (Manchester United)
11) Wearing their dad/mom's jersey - João Felix (FCBarcelona)
12) Family vacation - Leah Williamson (Arsenal)
13) Pregnancy cravings - Dominik Szoboszlai (Liverpool)
14) The team giving a team onesie
15) Post title win celebrations - Ferran Torres (FCBarcelona)
Also, if you have any baby Prompt ideas, send them along anyways x
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - Friends With Benefits Part 2/6
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Summary - Reader and Ruben have been in a friends with benefits situation for over three years now, with Reader eventually looking for something more serious. But what does Ruben want?
One day, out of the blue, you decided to take a leap of faith and try online dating. You had heard stories of successful relationships that had blossomed from such platforms, and figured you had nothing to lose. Little did you know that your journey would be a peculiar one.
Your first encounter was with a man who called himself Dr. Alan, a dentist by profession. On your first date, he enthusiastically talked about tooth decay, dental floss, and his collection of teeth-shaped souvenirs from around the world. You found yourself captivated by his unique quirkiness at first, but soon realized that his obsession with teeth trumped any chance of a meaningful connection. And so, that was the end of that.
Your second encounter was with an individual named Mark, whose chauvinistic mindset was apparent from the moment you sat down at a local coffee shop. Prior to entering the coffee shop you got a text from Ruben, a picture of his junk to be exact. He had been sending you alot of those lately, his way off telling you that he needed attention. Usually you would entertain his needs by sending him risky pictures of yourself with a hand between your legs or something similar, but for now you left his messages on read, as you desperately tried to wrap you head around this online dating sceem.
Turns out Mark was a sexist, though. Firstly he wouldn't stop boasting about his position as a top executive in a prestigious company, dismissing your passions and achievements as trivial. He believed that a woman's place was in the home, serving her husband's every need. Unable to tolerate his toxic views, you swiftly left, determined not to be reduced to someone's subordinate.
With your optimism faltering, you hesitated before delving into the realm of online dating for the third time. You eventually matched with a man named Eric, who seemed charming and sincere in your virtual conversations. However, upon meeting him, you quickly discovered that Eric was nowhere near the person he had presented himself to be. He belittled the waiter, made offensive comments about other patrons he'd met online, and spoke about himself incessantly. It became clear to you that Eric was simply awful, consumed by his own reflection and devoid of compassion for others. You excused yourself politely, feeling a sense of relief as you walked away from what could have been a disastrous connection.
"Are all men pigs?" You asked, a hint of a sigh.
"Yes." Ruben groaned, rolling over to lay his back after letting himself nut inside you.
You had answered one of his "You up?" texts in a moment of weakness, resulting in him dropping the location of the hotel that he was staying at for the weekend. The two of you had been going at it until morning. This was usually the part where you kicked him out of your apartment, however, you were on his turf now, unable to do that.
"Why are all men pigs?" You said, refrasing the question, in hopes of a less arrogant answer from Ruben.
"Why?" He yawned. "Pigs like to eat don't they? There is nothing better than eating a woman out."
"Get out!"
You nudged his warm body out of the bed. At least you still had the power to do that.
"What did I say?" He chuckled.
"That all men are pig because all they want to do in life is eat pussy."
Ruben threw his hands up in defense. "I can only speak for myself."
"Yeah, well, it would have been better if you didn't speak at all."
Ruben cocked his head to the side, watching you curiously as you sat with the hotel sheets cradled around yourself.
"You look beautiful." He said.
"In the morning?" You snorted. "That must be the greatest lie you've ever told."
"No lie."
He returned to bed, puckering his lips as he leaned down towards you. You kissed him out of habit, although it did cause a stir in your abdomen. Calling some beautiful prior to kissing them should be off-limits in a friends with benefits situation.
"You want to ride around with me while I run some errands?"
You smiled against his lips. "Since when do you want to..."
"It's a yes or no answer, Y/N."
You pulled back, taking him in, as he stood hovering over you. You were a bit suprised that he hadn't asked you to help tame his morning wood yet.
"Sure, Ruben." You nodded. "I'd love to."
After a quicky in the shower the two of you were off in Ruben's Mercedes, driving around town, running minor but not pointless errands.
As you drove through town you found yourself pleasantly surprised. This wasn't just any ordinary errands run. Instead, Ruben turned the mundane tasks into meaningful conversations. You spoke of dreams and aspirations, of the joys and challenges of life. You realized that beneath the smooth-talking exterior, Ruben possessed a deep understanding and love for his family. It was evident in the way he spoke about his parents and siblings.
"What are you, Y/N, like 25?" Ruben drove with one hand, the other resting on your thigh.
"I'm 24, I'll be 25 next month."
"So you're like me." He shrugged. "Why are you in such a rush to get into a relationship and start a family?"
"It's not the same for men and women, Ruben. Women have a need to settle down early, whilst men can go around throwing around their seed into whomever they please to."
"I disagree." He chuckled. "Women can throw around...whatever they like to throw around, with whoever they wish to."
You rolled you eyes, turning your head to look out the window. You passed the coffee shop that you and your date, Mark, had gone to. This reminded you to text your next date where to meet up tonight.
"How old are the guys your seeing anyway?" Ruben drew your attention back into the car.
You shrugged. "27-32"
"See, now that's too young. No wonder they've all been pigs."
"Too young?" You frowned, "Those are grown men, Ruben."
"On the outside, yes. I say you have to subtract about five years of a man's age to figure out his level of maturity."
"That's bullshit and you know it!"
Ruben turned his head to look at you, suprised by your sudden outburst.
"That kind of talk just shows your lack of accountability and it's pathetic."
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, but there's about a billion of other men like me out there and unless you up the age preferences on those dating apps your on, you're going to encounter most of them."
You felt like crying, but only because Ruben was right, so fucking right.
"Could you just drope me off, my apartment is not too far from here."
"Don't be silly, Y/N." His hand squeezed your thigh. "I'll drop you off in front of the building."
"Thanks, but I have to pick up my dress for tonight. The dry cleaners is on the way."
"Three dates in three nights, I see. I guess you're on a spree?"
"Four actually."
"Wow, and you call me a fuck boy."
You hit him in the shoulder. Angry that Ruben made it hard for you to stay mad at him.
You perked up, hearing the way Ruben said your name. He had parked the car along the sidewalk, ready to drop you off.
He turned to you faced you in the passenger seat.
"If you ever get into trouble with one of these guys that you're seeing, just call me, alright?"
"Then what?"
His eyebrows furrowed.
"Then what will you do, Ruben?"
His hand under your chin brought you forwards, pressing your lips against his own. He did not let you pull back until you winced for air.
Ruben grinned once you did.
"I hate you."
"I know."
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rainy-dinosaur · 4 months
Hello MCSM fandom
I am currently rewriting MCSM I plan to expand with the lore Eric stripe has generously given us while also mixing what the game gives us and normal minecraft stuff
The fic is unbias with things like romance for example I will only add the canon ones
I do add some of my headcanons in the rewrite but I promise they never over take the plot it’s just silly little things I think the characters would do (example: you know Axel does not make his bed or Jesse smells like Ruben)
Anyways please give it a chance and leave some constructive criticism if you do I want to be a better writer
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footballerimaginess · 23 days
The four with the highest amount of votes will be written for September!
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tieflingkisser · 10 months
The NYPD is spending $390 million on a new, encrypted radio system
The NYPD is spending $390 million on a new radio system that will encrypt officers’ communications — reversing a near-century-old practice of allowing the public and the press to listen to police dispatches. Police radio channels, which have been public since 1932, will be fully encrypted by December 2024, NYPD Chief of Information Technology Ruben Beltran said in a City Council hearing on Monday. [...] Critics of the plan said that losing public access to airwaves means losing accountability for police. Many news reporters and photojournalists use police radios to chase breaking news and hold police officers accountable. The New York Daily News obtained the crucial video of Officer Daniel Pantaleo killing Eric Garner thanks to a call that came over the police radio in Staten Island. As tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators flooded the streets in June 2020, Gothamist recorded NYPD officers on radio airwaves using threatening language about the protesters, including saying that officers should run protesters over and shoot them. Responding, one officer was recorded saying “don’t put that over air.”
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