#Eric Derekson headcanons
The tik tok audio mamas boy keeps popping up.
And I headcanon Eric hates that word because his dad's calls him that in like arguments and general so when that sound pops up I'm silently screaming because of it.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 1
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
The Actor-Marc(he/him): doesn’t live at the manor. No one knows where he is or much about him. Dark is the only one who recalls what Actor did, and Host knows due to their powers. His body was dead before and during the entirety of WKM (explaining the amount of maiming that Abe listed). He considers the egos made from AHWM and ISWM to be his children, except Engie. He doesn’t like Engie. (More on that in another post). None of those egos know he calls them his children/creations. He cannot be seen as a failure/the bad guy. (In the words of Mark himself, a narcissist asshole). All of the films he was in disappeared without a trace when he died for the first time due to interference by the HE, leaving many film buffs confused (many people thought the movies, and even Marc himself, to be mass hallucinations and there was later a documentary done on the phenomenon)- Powers: can harness the power of the House Entity to create pocket realities(and stay alive).
Wilford Warfstache(he/him): gnc pan Pink and yellow whirlwind of a man. Cries bubbles. Is more powerful than Dark but content letting him take the lead on most things while co-leading the egos. In a relationship with Dark. The events of WKM haunt his dreams, but he very rarely remembers them in the morning. His mustache and a strip of his hair are naturally pink, he doesn’t dye it. (The color loses vibrancy the closer he is to William. Some mornings, his hair/mustache will be entirely brown. On those days, Dark will sit quietly with him until Wilford finally slips back into place.) He feels a special connection to Dark, but is unsure why (he stopped questioning it after they started dating, assuming that’s why). His bouts as William can be triggered by Damien/Celine so they tend to avoid the bubblegum man when in control. - Powers: reality bending (telepathy/telekinesis/teleportation/ ect.)
Darkiplier-Dark/Damien(they/he): nonbinary ace fusion. Is the designated Head of Iplier Manor. While Dark is their own consciousness created as a byproduct of the twins having been stuck in The Upside-down for a time, they only exist when both Damien and Celine are in the body(they can only separate when in Actor’s stories). Dark specifically is the one in a relationship with Wilford, not the twins. Who is in control can be determined by the color of their aura, with Dark having both red and blue, Damien having only blue, and Celine having only red. (Damien will go by both ‘Dark’ and his own name when in control, while Celine chooses to only go by ‘Dark’.) Only a few of the older egos actually know the difference. Dark himself is usually in control of the body with the twins keeping a running commentary in the back of their mind. Celine is the strongest, due to having been a seer, and can force the other two asleep if she so wishes. Feels a sort of parental responsibility for Engie despite them not being a ‘young’ ego. - Powers: blasts of raw telekinesis like power, shadow bending(possibly more, undiscovered)
King of the Squirrels-Artie(he/him): a physically younger ego (roughly 12). Was pretty much adopted by Dark/Wilford. Has a treehouse connected to his bedroom through the window where most of his squirrel friends have built nests. Always has one or two baby squirrels in his pockets. Has named all of his squirrel friends. Doesn’t usually have his peanut butter beard(Dark banned it in the house and he ushers almond butter instead when a Crank is over). Likes spending time with Engie, who is fascinated by all types of animals. - Powers: higher agility, can talk to animals.
Engineer Mark-Engie(he/they): an ego made from Dark, specifically Damien (like how Marc considers certain egos his children). Due to that, he feels a special connection to Dark and has adopted them as a parent. He likes hanging out with Wilford. They love animals of any type and can often be found with Artie, helping him take care of his squirrels. Loves hugs and will find any excuse to hug someone. They are basically the physical embodiment of Mark’s love for space. He has those glow in the dark stars on his bedroom ceiling and a telescope. - Powers: unknown
The Host-Isaac(he/they): demiaroace nonbinary. uses his narrations as a sort of echolocation, able to see what they describe. Doesn’t technically need a service dog, but sometimes wishes they had one (more so when Mark and Amy visit with Chica)- Powers: visions, low level mental suggestion, and limited reality warping through narrations.
The Author-Oscar(he/him): aroace agender. Wrote actual books. Lived alone in a cabin. Loves dogs. Does not like large groups of people. Keeps to himself. - Powers: low level mental suggestion, limited reality warping through written word.
— Host and Author are siblings OR the same person depending on how I want to write them. (There is a separate post for these 2 as well)
Dr. Edward Iplier-Doc(he/him): demiaroace in a relationship with Host. Watches those medical dramas. Consistently running on 2 hours of sleep and way too much caffeine, but somehow always pretty chill and looks well put together. Pretty much adopted Eric. Dislikes when Mark is off his ADHD meds because it effects all the egos. - Powers: can see how people will die. (He’s very glad egos don’t stay dead)
Eric Derekson(he/him): anxiety boiTM. One of the younger egos (about 18-19). Has chronic bad luck. Has two prosthetic legs. Showed up at the Manor one day and was practically adopted by Doc and Host by the end of the day. Enjoys spending time with Oliver. - Powers: unknown
Bim Trimmer(he/him): theatre bi, not a literal cannibal. Does enjoy very rare steaks though and was mistaken as one by the Jims. Runs a game show in Wilford’s studio but often helps Wilford with interviews as well. Hangs out with Murdock the most and has taken Yan under his wing. He sees Yancy sort of as a younger brother too. - Powers: ramped up charisma
Murdock Malarkey(he/him): murder man with a plan. He’s the older of the two Malarkey brothers. Murdock has a job as a paranormal investigator(the Drowned Man). Keeps an eye on Yancy most of the time. Has a flair for the dramatic and enjoys spending time with Bim. He definitely gives murder tips to Yan. He helped Yancy with the murder of their parents but got away while Yancy got caught. He still blames himself for not watching his brother close enough. Write poetry in his free time. Sometimes hangs out with Author. - Powers: can see and talk to ghosts.
Yancy Malarkey(he/him): theatre kid all the way. The younger Malarkey brother. Best friends with Heapass. Very good with anything that could be used to stab. Regularly spars with Yan to keep their skills up. Got a job at the local corner store after he got out of Happy Trails on parole. Wants to someday hit Broadway. Does not blame Murdock for ending up in jail and constantly tries to explain how it’s not his fault. - Powers: Magic tattoos that he cannot control.
Yandereplier-Yan(she/they): transfem demigirl. Physically younger ego (about 15-16). Hangs around the Malarkeys and Bim to the point that she’ll call them her uncles. Has their own katana. She and Yancy made a secret club called “The Yan Gang” and they meet up every Monday to play dress up and make plans for the week. - Powers: heightened agility, instant mastery of weapons techniques.
The Iplier egos are all open to questions.
Part 2
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vanilla-ending · 1 year
Random Markiplier ego headcanons: Relationships edition (platonic, familial, romantic!) 🩷
Bing, Derby (Cool Patrol Leader), and Marc (E-Boy) are all friends- they’re the shades boys and do dumb shit like make tiktoks of Bing trying to pull Derby on his skates while skateboarding down a street-
Derby and Bop (MarkiplierTV) are Yancy’s younger brothers. They all have the same dad but different moms, and are thick as thieves with each other. Part of Yancy’s incarceration was protecting his brothers from his mother. The younger two visit him on third Sundays 🥺
There is a possibility that Actor is Yancy’s father. There is also a possibility that Actor has attempted to treat Marc like his son despite their vast generational gap-
The Nightguard and the Survivor (FNaF Musical and Resident Enis musical) are brothers, who got separated when their lives went in different directions. They only meet again in the manor with their own sets of trauma and a quite bond over singing
Speaking of singing, there’s a Glee club type get together between all the egos who sing (Yancy, Derby, Bop, NG, and Res-), where they mostly just sing and Yancy tries getting them to do original songs he’s written (even if Bop is only vocalizing and not verbally speaking-)
Ed Edgar and Derek Derekson are work partners, who are attempting to fight for their businesses to get more advertising time on the Markiplier TV scheduling. They’re both awful fathers who convince each other they’re just Doing the right thing :/
Eric has been lowkey adopted by Captain Magnum, the two bonding over their prosthetics at first until Magnum offers to get the boy his sea legs, wanting to take Eric away from the loud bustling manor and onto the “calming” sea. Eric is just happy someone so big is being nice and caring to him 3:
Dr. Iplier and Dr. Plier (My Therapist, Dr. Plier) are cousins, who don’t know exactly why their last names are so similar but Different, but don’t really care. Edward (Iplier) and Greyson (Plier) have coffee together in the morning before their appointments and chat often, they have a solid relationship 🩷
Dark and Wilford are in an open marriage, Wilford enjoys flirting and being with many other egos while Dark is content as long as their husband returns at the end of the night to sleep with them.
Dark and Wilford have also unofficially adopted the King of the Squirrels as their youngest kid, as well as Ayano (Yandere) who was possibly the bastard child of William and Celine in their past life. All she knows is these adult egos feel safe to go to when she’s in trouble at school-
William and Michael (Actor) were brothers, Michael was adopted into the Barnum family and adored his older brother until their adult years, when the affair came to light. In the manor, Wilford has no idea why his spouse despises the depressed Actor that he just wishes to befriend!
Micheal had a short relationship after his divorce, with a writer named Arthur (Author) who wrote him violent poetry and made him feel adored. Now in the manor, Actor finds himself fondly listening to the Host when the man reads in the library ❤️
Google Blue is assigned the task of working with the Engineer to keep the man busy now that he doesn’t have a ship to take care of, leading to the Engineer to grow affectionate over the android as the “nicest” person in the manor (seeing how they barely leave the lab)
Murdock (A Murder With Markiplier) and Yancy are in a relationship that started as only physical and developed into more personal, both sharing their interests with each other the more they hung out. Murdock offers his couch in his apartment for Yancy when he gets on parol
The Googles do not see each other as siblings, more as separate parts of one being. They share files and memory space between each other, work on the same projects, simply having their own color coded folders for anything deemed unnecessary to share between each other. They all see Bing as a reluctant colleague while he sees them as his friends-
Edward has taken responsibility for HeeHoo, while it isn’t domesticated enough to stay in the manor full time, he leaves a cellar door open with a nest of fabrics for HeeHoo to curl up in during the cold months, as well as bowls of food and fresh water by the back door of the manor. Every few months he gets Illinois and Res to hunt it down so he can do a check up and give it necessary medical work.
Illinois and Res are adventuring buddies, in the sense they go on forest walks in near silence. Illinois talks the most while Res is just interested in getting out of that too clean and too fancy house for a few hours. Illy has the maps and the experience while Res has the weapons and skill to keep them safe.
Maybe I do a a part 2 for these adding in JSE egos or non-Mark characters from his projects?? I dunno- also I hit 30 whole tags for this post trying to name everyone and what they’re from 😭
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fenneciplier · 7 days
Some random ego sketches from today:
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The tongue-sticking-out girlies <3
Personally, I like to headcanon E-Boy’s name as ‘Evan “E-boy” McF*ckboy’. He’s like 20, he works at a café, and he sometimes makes TikToks in the bathroom.
He’s so cringe incarnate, he does the “I know you are but what am I” bullshit when people tell him he’s being cringe.
Sorry his last name is censored, Tumblr won’t let me use big boy words for some reason ._.
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FtM transgender Eric fans unite!! I think his dad would be supportive but in a way that’s just “You’re a boy now? That’s fine, I don’t care, just get back to work!”
Also I’ve finally figured out the headshapes for the characters!!
The shape on the left (with the giant chiseled chin) is mainly for the older characters. Ex: ages 25 and older.
The shape on the right (with the simple flat chin) is mainly for the younger characters. Ex: ages 18 through 24.
There are exceptions, but this is basically it-
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writtengalaxies · 5 days
Welcome back friend, it's always so wonderful to see you and wishing you wellness <333. Maybe headcanon request for Eric/and what being besties with him would be like?
Thank you! :D It's good to be back and feel like I can get back into the swing of things!
Besties with Eric
You're used to him being nervous. He's always been kind of on edge about how people perceive him. Especially with his prosthetics.
If anything, his stutter grows stronger around you, simply because he's so excited.
You also get so inundated with animal facts. So many animal facts.
He's also just all around smart, and by encouraging him, you get to really see him shine.
Most surprisingly, he's fiercely protective. Eric tends to be a bit of a pushover when it comes to defending himself, a kind of common trend with people who are still healing from trauma, but when it comes to you? He'll try to fight anyone who tried to insult you.
The sleepovers and movie nights are choice. He's learned the fine art of pillow forts.
Also so many friendship bracelets and charms.
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groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos LGBTQ+ Headcanons pt.2
a/n: Figured I'd share some more of these while we're still in June.
[part 1]
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Demiromantic Asexual / Pan
(any pronouns)
Transfem / Non-binary
Pansexual [maybe demi-aroace??]
(are individuals with their own separate and equally valid identit- just kidding, it's a hive mind.)
(no pronouns - jim/jim)
Jimsexual [unlabeled]
Biromantic Demisexual
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
Rank your fave mark egos, and why
-🗡(not part of the qnapp I just felt like asking)
this one. took awhile. also this isnt a list that like,, shows which one i hate?? i love, all of them! just some a little less, but if i had to rank em, this is how id do it! So this is more of a “most favorite to i still like them, but i like these guys more!!”
(1) Yancy
i like him the most honestly because hes just.. he means so much to me?? ive got no clue as of why i attached to him so hard, but something about the way he sings and dances, his daddy issues, his past, the way he smiles and just how dramatic he is. he makes my heart soar, i want to give him all he deserves. hes an amazing person to me.
(1.5) Wilford Warfstache
literally couldnt pick one favorite. warfstache was the first ego i fell in love with, due to his complex character and lore!! i love how in WMLW hes sincere with abe, and i love how kind he is before he goes “insane”. i love how hes a loyal man as william J barnum, and hes just AUGHHHH!! hes got so much to him and i love him so so so so much!! hes SO cool!! LIKE SPACE!!!
(2) Eric Derekson
eric is a hot and close second. i love how timid and nervous he is, and i love how he canonically comes back, and somewhat gets over that!! i LOVE characters with a tragic past, which is why yancy and wilf are first!! i love eric sosososo much, i wanna kiss his head and hold him, he deserves the world!! hes only second cause yancy and warf are some of my BIGGEST hyperfixations.
(3) illinois
ironically loved him and now i unironically love him. i love the confidence and the stupid fucking suaveness, it makes me laugh! i also headcanon hes a genuinely nice guy, and often teaches at the prison because he works with a program and such!! i like to think he genuinely loves his job, and is maybe (100%) is autistic over archaeology. i love his energy!!!
(4) Damien
i love him. i just, i do! i love how sincere of a man he is, how soft and serious he is, BUT HE CARES SO FUCKING MUCH FOR WILLIAM AND IT HURTS!!!! i hc him as such a nice man, who is genuinely doing his best to make everybody happy. he also deserves the world.
(4.5) THE JIMS!!!!
I FUCKING LOVE THE JIMS I LOVE THE HCS THAT PEOPLE COME UP WITH I LOVE READING THEM IN FICS!!! they are SOSOSOSOOO silly!!! devilish little bastards, rats!! rats in my walls!! I LOVE THEM.
(5) Head Engineer Mark
hes a stupid brat man child and i love him. hes such a smart guy, and yet so dumb and adventurous, i love his energy, and i love how hes basically captains puppy???? he really comes in close with damien for me, but we dont get much of his character in ISWM, so honestly its hard to form a solid opinion on him! otherwise i think hes absolutely fucking hilarious and i adore him and his personality.
(6) Darkiplier
i love you. i have the hc of him being edgy and evil, but hes also doing it mostly all for show. i love how its literally all out of spite because he fucking hates actor, and i love how hes just there to fuck up his plans. i love thinking hes just— HES A CAT, MAN. A SNARKY LITTLE SHIT, I LOVE HIM, HES GREAT. i also love the hc that he goes by most pronouns!! mostly he/they, but sometimes she/her and im absolutely fucking here for it. slay girliepop!!!!
(7) Bing
do i. do i have to explain? hes a douche! i fucking love him! over confident idiot, who looks epic?? dude, thats just me!! i just fucking adore his vibe, love how you see him interact with google in fics and shit, i just, THERES JUST SOMETHING ABOUT HIM THAT MAKES ME LAUGH IN SUCH A GOOD WAY!!!
(7.5) Actor Mark
hes a dumb egomaniacal asshole and i love it. hes fucking stupid and greedy, is also a man child, and i can absolutely see him pouting and stomping his foot when upset. HE ALSO KILLS HIMSELF FOR FUNSIES I JUST THINK THAYS FUCKING HILARIOUS??? literally dies and says to damien “hey i want you to be my villain, bye!!” and RUNS OFF TO MAKE ANOTHER UNIVERSE?? HELLO??? also hes evil and im here for that, slay king, fuck things up!
(8) King of the Squirrels
hes funny as fuck and ive read a few fics with him. love how people think he interacts with Bim and the jims, i also think he would be good friends with eric, considering they both LOVE animals!! love his outfit too!! hes just silly, and i like to think hes this nice energetic guy whose just really passionate over squirrels :)
(9) Bim Trimmer
show host. thats it. cannibalistic show host. love it. its me core, i love him. i like to think hes a nice guy, but also has manic undertones and a slight sinister feeling about him and OH BOY AM I FUCKING HERE FOR IT. im a sucker for the over dramatic show host type, and its a reason why i actually love spamton too! i love the “always have a professional smile even though im clearly extremely angry at you, so ill just be as passive aggressive as possible, haha!!” GOD I LOVE HIM
(9.5) Dr. Iplier
OF COURSE I THINK HE MATCHES WITH YHE HOST!!!!!!! their dynamic is so cute in fics dont even fucking get me STARTED. anyways, i love how much of an asshole he is in the skit(s??), but i also love how people write him as this caring and hardworking man. he would get along well with eric, dark, and the host in my eyes! maybe even yancy, because theyre both kinda a reserved character in my mind!
(10) Google
hes cool!! i love that hes a sinister sentient AI, and is always a fucking smartass. i love smartasses that are always serious and always follow the rules. Tenya iida core, iykyk— uh, love the guy!! again, love how hes an asshole, yet i still hc he cares about the others and alla that, he just doesnt show it and blahblahblah. also love his design, its something so simple yet, it really pops!! love the art people make of him, and i also love the asshole confidence hes got—
(10.5) The Host
hes also sosososooooo neat!! again, seen him in fics, i love how some people write him. he deserves love and care, and i think that him and yancy would really connect, considering theyre both outcasts in their own ways! hes a sweetheart who is trying his best and you literally cannot fucking convince me otherwise.
(and then all the others i dont know/care about)
lots of ties, though, hoped you enjoyed this long and VERY autistic ramble about the egos i like-
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septic-dr-schneep · 3 months
Are any of the egos autistic in your book?
I'm not sure! I could possibly see Eric being autistic, most likely undiagnosed because his dad wouldn't care/bother.
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gaymingwriter · 8 months
Valentine’s Day Headcanon/Drabbles
I’m very slow with requests but I’m currently working on them! I just wanted to write something for Valentine’s Day. Also I don’t usually write Date Mark but since it’s Valentine’s Day I think it fits
Characters in Order: Darkiplier, Damien, Googleplier, Date Mark, Illinois, Eric Derekson, Jameson Jackson
Category: Fluff
Pronouns: They/Them, not used directly
Warnings: Writer’s favorites are obvious, swearing, somewhat spicy reference in Illinois’s but it’s not much
- This is one of the only holidays he actually plans for and looks forward to
- He actually takes the day off for once to spend time with you
- Would wake you up with your favorite breakfast in bed
- After you’re done eating he cuddles you for a while
- Then he takes you shopping. He’ll buy you pretty much anything you want
- (He’d think it’s really sweet if you got him something too though, so you should do that. It doesn’t have to be expensive)
- Takes you to your favorite restaurant for lunch
- Y’all go for a walk and go to the library/zoo/aquarium (or whatever you prefer)
- He takes you to a fancy restaurant for dinner
- Y’all cuddle and watch movies when you get home <3
- Y’all stay in for the most part
- Cuddling and movies all day
- He got you flowers and a small gift
- He’d be happy with anything you got him <3
- Makes breakfast and lunch for you
- (Though he will love it if you both cooked together)
- Took you to a nice restaurant for dinner
- He didn’t really understand Valentine’s Day?
- He does his research though
- Goes probably too hard with it
- Ends up planning way too much
- When he wakes you up, he excitedly tells you about everything he planned
- …you very gently let him know that all of his plans would be incredibly stressful
- He’s a little sad at first, but he doesn’t want to stress you out, so he changes his plans to be a couple things
- You get each other some gifts
- You go out to your favorite restaurant for lunch
- Y’all spend the rest of the day cuddling
- Takeout for dinner
- He’s honestly really flustered the whole time
- Even if it isn’t exactly as he planned, he’s still really happy with how everything went <3
Date Mark
- This fucker lives for Valentine’s Day
- The whole speech he gave during ISWM about all the things he planned for the date?
- Yeah, since that didn’t happen, he saved it for today
- He’s actually a real sweetheart when Actor isn’t using him as a character
- Gets you a bouquet of roses, a teddy bear, a box of your favorite kind of chocolate, one of those heart lockets with a picture of both of you in it, and a little heart that he knitted for you
- He sobs of joy and appreciation when you get him something, no matter how small it is
- He takes you to dinner, the fair, and a movie
- And you both hold hands <33
- Y’all binge watch shows and cuddle for the rest of the night
- He may be a flirty bastard
- That’s it that’s the sentence
- He does plan an adventure for the day!
- …y’all don’t really leave bed for a while though
- Most of it is cuddling!
- He ends up just taking you to the zoo or aquarium
- He almost cries in public when you get him a gift at the gift shop
- Dinner at the zoo/aquarium food court isn’t the most glamorous, but it was perfect for both of you
- Afterwards you watch cheesy romantic movies until you fall asleep
Eric Derekson
- He made plans! He’s just incredibly nervous to tell you!
- For this reason, you made sure he knew that you’d prioritize any plans he had, but you still had your own ideas
- He shyly brought up that he wanted to have a picnic
- You loved the idea, and your lunch was spent on a blanket in the park <3
- You got him a gift and it made him feel so loved it was great
- He got you some flowers and something you’d had on a gift wishlist
- He was so afraid you wouldn’t like it but he was reassured when you hugged him
- The rest of the day was just the two of you being sweet and romantic with each other
Jameson Jackson
- Gentleman of the year, honestly
- He crocheted some hearts and a little plushie for you
- Turned on some music and danced with you for a while <3
- He made you breakfast, and you make him lunch
- Y’all watched some of yours and his favorite movies for a while
- You gave him some flowers and chocolates
- He loves the classic gifts <3
- You order from y’all’s favorite restaurant for dinner
- The rest of the night is spent chatting and watching movies
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gaymingintrovert · 2 years
Her so I have a request for you and it's not full on smut so ig you could call it spicy lmao. Also love your work, you're awesome. Here we go. a kinda headcanon thingy for the Iplier egos with g/n reader. And like they haven't really said "I love you" to each other yet and the first time y/n says it is in the middle of doing "The Dirty". like what do you think their reaction is gonna be hehe. It's up to you which egos are included but I really want Damien content so yeah lol
Ok so I had been writing this but my tumblr decided to delete it. Here I go again-
And here’s to adding egos I just forgot to add to my request list
Warnings for light NSFW and cursing
- oh this sweetheart
- he just…stops
- and cuddles you
- you could be fucking and he’d just be like “my rose said they love me!” and will proceed to stop everything to cuddle you
- it’s kind of adorable but maybe slightly annoying depending on how you feel
Y/N: “I love you!”
Damien, immediately stopping to hold you close: “I love you too, darling.” kissing you softly
Eric Derekson
- sweetheart number 2
- he just starts blushing
- y’all could be making out and one of you pinned down but as soon as you tell him you love him he’s a bright red
- he just goes 0////////0
- it’s adorable
Y/N: “I love you!”
Eric, suddenly blushing: “Y-y-you do?”
Dr. Iplier
- this motherfucker (affectionate)
- he’ll figure out how to fluster you
- he’ll just pull you closer and kiss you more
Y/N: “I love you!”
Dr. Iplier, pulling you closer: “I love you too!”
- confusion
- he knows it’s good but still is confused
- he gets really happy though
- he does break for a second while processing, but then goes back to kissing you, holding you closer than before
Y/N: “I love you!”
Google, pausing for a second: “I love you too.” proceeds to pull you closer
Engineer Mark
- this adorable fucker (affectionate)
- he’d get so happy
- this sweetheart just forgets that you’re fucking
- very similar to Damien
- oh this suave boy
- guy gets so smug
Y/N: “I love you!”
Illinois, smirking: “I know, darlin.”
- definitely has a praise kink
- oh my sweet angel boy
- he gets so emotional and gentle
Y/N: “I love you.”
Yancy, immediately happy: “I love youse too!”
- he proceeds to treat you like you’re a precious gem
- unsurprisingly similar to Damien
- suddenly gets very sweet and holds you
- his ringing all but stops
Y/N: “I love you.”
Dark, much more gentle now: “I love you too, my dear.”
- overall very sweet
- this man is So Silly
- he just starts bouncing excitedly and twirls you around
Y/N: “I love you!”
Wilford, picking you up: “I love you too, gumdrop!”
- energetic boy
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angelic-guest · 6 months
Camp Counselor AU Masterlist 
General Lore/Headcanons
Ego Positions at the Camp
Impromptu Wedding - Part 1, Part 2
PG 13 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Aversion to Water
A Small Nap
Pool Shenanigans
Eric Derekson
Art - GN!Reader NSFW
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More headcanons.
If Eric gets to overwhelmed he starts biting and picking his nails.
Very low pain tolerance(because same.)
Very good with animals not so much kids.
Eric's favorite animals are deers, cows and bunnys.
He Hates the taste of coffee.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 2 months
The Actor’s Roles
The Actor is the main character in the multi-ending stories. He’s the one the viewer gets along with, he plays the roles.
He “kills off” his character to play a new one. A convict when in prison, a pirate when out at sea, an handsome adventurer when lost in tunnels. He is the one you trust.
After everything is over though? The characters he played take on their own life, their own separate identities. They have their own backstories, happy or sad. They have their own memories.
But they all came from the Actor. His “children” he calls them, because they came from him.
Later on there’s the private investigator turned serial killer. The anxiety ridden amputee. The divorced water man.
The Actor watches as they all gain life, sentience and individuality. How they gain more memories than he’d given them. How they become Egos. He smiles when he sees them going about the lives that he gave them.
He’s not the only Ego with “children” however.
Darkiplier both directly and indirectly made the Engineer and the Jims.
Google has three other versions of himself.
Annus has his own creations, along with his partner Unus.
Often times the Actor finds himself jealous. The others get to spend time with their children. Their creations see them as family. He knows that his never will, and he blames Dark.
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
✖️️ 🍭 :3 <3
✖️️ Is there something you don’t like about your special interest?
the amount of control markiplier has over my emotions /j mmmmm i think the lack of clarity over what’s canon and what isn’t? i know like. it’s not supposed to be a big deal, right? cause the whole point of wmlw is to say that focusing on small details will get you nowhere, its more of a "big picture" and "go with it" kind of thing, but just. is markiplier tv canon. how much of wilford and dark's appearances before wkm are canon. which of the characters named "mark" are actor and which arent. if the nude calendar is canon does that mean the characters canonically posed for this how the fuck did they get damien to do that hes dead-
🍭 What’s a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
oh god i have so fucking many. so many serious ones and joke ones too idk which to bring up um- okay one joke one half-joke one serious
joke: yancy is derek derekson's son and one of eric's brothers. he survived the car crash and came back and killed derek. i like this theory because it means derek is dead <3
half-joke: yancy is cool patrol!mark. white shirt. leather jacket. theatre kid energy. it all fits. we never hear cool patrol!mark speak so we don't know about the accent. he's never referred to by name. let my boy have hobbies and friends-
serious: fuck it this one can be a yancy theory too- the reason he has the accent despite being from ohio and his father not having that accent is cause he watched west side story all the time growing up and fuckin loved it. he based his entire personality on it as a kid and tried to imitate the way the jets talked and it just stuck. it helps him feel tough. he gets a lot of nightmares. he absolutely loves musicals cause he watched a bunch of movie musicals growing up. i know ppl tend to agree what he has rolled up in his sleeve is cigarettes and idk what else itd be but cmon hes a singer he shouldnt damage his voice like that :( that said he does think it makes him look cool and he has tried to smoke on occasion but he just ends up coughing and not knowing what he's really doing. also this theory is bust cause as of iswm he semi-canonically (confirmed in a livestream) just has magical tattoos that change depending on reality but for a while i headcanoned his "dark mark" knuckle tats were referencing the bit in adwm where the horror play was called "dark mark" further evidencing my theatre kid theory. also when he gets out of jail bird wing tattoos appear on his back. his favorite color is yellow. his best friend in prison is heapass. he wants to drive a motorcycle for the aesthetic but he has no clue how. he thinks his tough guy act is fooling the whole prison but literally no one has fallen for it. this paragraph got out of hand. THIS CHARACTER HAS LIKE 15 MINUTES OF SCREENTIME-
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el-los-world · 2 years
Alrighty, here I am with more Darkiplier headcanons (bc I am a shameless Darkiplier apologist) that have been living in my mind, head, and brain rent free 24/7, 365.
Again, if I am wrong about ANY of this, please don't hesitate to correct me. These are just wee little ideas I'm spewing here.
OK, so @markiplier stated in his ADWM breakdown stream how he was the fucking WORST. He was just fucking AWFUL. He was a social manipulator because of that, right? And while I do think that is true, I also have a feeling that part of the reason why he social manipulates you is because it's a defense mechanism (Well, on Damien's part, anyway. Celine does it bc that's just how she is, me thinks. Hence the "don't trust the seer" in WKM.) He's already been fucked over once. He's not allowing that shit to happen to him ever again, if he can help it. If anyone was gonna be fucking people over, it was gonna be him. He's done being a victim. As Damien once said "I'm tired of being a pawn in everybody's game."
Whatever you want Darkiplier to be to you, he will be it (this most likely goes hand-in-hand with his manipulation, to an extent. Hence the "if dinner is what you want, then I can provide..." in ADWM.) Actor!Mark obviously wants him to be the villain, so clearly, he's going to play that part, and play it exceptionally well. But with me, he seems a lot more like an anti-hero. It fits him so well, in my eyes. No, I'll admit, he's not some prince charming in shining armor, but he's not the full antagonist here, either. He's a perfect little mixture of both, to me (again, this could be me just being a complete Darkiplier apologist here. Don't quote me on this, please. )
Here's an extra bonus HC I have for Wilford, Dark, and Eric Derekson.
Wilford and Dark adopt him and raise him as their own. Dark tries his hardest to be the responsible and stern (but not too stern/abusive) parent. Meanwhile Wilford is the "Cool Parent™️." Dark and Wilford are both so protective of him. Actually, scratch that, all of the egos (even Googleplier and Actor!Mark) are protective with this sweet baby boy. The second Derek starts being a douche towards Eric (or really just be in the same room with Eric just to make him feel uncomfortable, or starts looking at him funny), everyone grabs the nearest object to just fucking PUMMEL or SHOOT the fucking dick with.
Dark and Eric spend time together by having coffee/tea and sitting in the library together while listening to soft music. It helps With poor Eric's nerves and anxiety, lets him relax for a while, as well as his medication, which both remind him to do frequently. Wilford spoils the FUCK out of him by taking him on shopping sprees, a movie, or even grabbing him a bite to eat, and such. It is pretty much the only time you see him being truly happy.
If there's anybody that could honestly trust Dark to not manipulate them, it's Eric and Wilford. Wilford because of their history, Eric because he has honestly done nothing wrong. He's precious. He's truly and purely innocent, and it tears Dark's heart to see what he's been through. He can't go through with it.
They're happy, but dear Lord, they are such a dysfunctional hot mess. But make no mistake, as long as he is with them, he's acknowledged, he's appreciated, he's validated, he's cared for, he's loved.
Now remember, I may be wrong about all of these things. I'm not Markiplier. I don't have any anecdotal details for these characters, and if I did, it's bc Mark told me, and I would not tell Jack shit unless Mark told me it was OK to leak this info out.
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writtengalaxies · 1 year
Headcanons of eric playing animal crossing pretty pleasee
Oh gosh, yes, get the son-boy Animal Crossing!
His first time playing, he's so nervous about messing up. It takes a lot of gentle encouragement to get him to really understand there's not any messing up!
Eventually he gets into the groove of things, and when he unlocks the museum and realizes he can see what he donates, Eric gets so excited.
He's looking up guides and meticulously working his way through completing it.
The first time he sees two villagers fighting, he gets so nervous, until he learns he can get them to make up.
The first time a villager moves away, he cries.
Then, he starts developing little goodbye parties for when they do move away. It's honestly very sweet.
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