#Ereri Prompt 4
sienne-k · 9 months
how much should my longings fall like snow by Sienne
attack on titan | ereri | 2,8k chap 4/4 | fluff, winter vibes, canon compliant, set in s3
written for Ererimas event by Ereri Nation day 4, prompts used: [birthday], [knitting] and ["I've dreamt of this moment for so long but not like this."]
It is his birthday, and Levi is stuck in his office hard at work, no thanks to Eyebrows. At least Eren is there too, to keep him company... If only he would pay him any attention, that is. Levi might not be as patient and accepting of his lot as Eren, preferring to sulk petulantly, but he still gets his reward. And a double one, at that! Life's great for grumpy Captains, as long as there are Titan subordinates around.
full text under the cut. as long as yesterday, so might be better on ao3
Levi was sat behind his desk in his office, the usual mountain of paperwork divided into two smaller hills at each side. He was leaning forward between them, elbows on the desk while his chin rested on linked hands, completely ignoring his job in favor of observing his guest.
A guest who had invited himself in with a begging gaze that Levi had no reason to refuse, and who now occupied almost the entirety of his couch. He was fully immersed in whatever it was that he was doing, too, and paid barely any attention to the Captain. Even though it was his room he literally barged in. Albeit he did so politely.
“Everywhere else there are people distracting me, or Mikasa could walk in and see.” explained Eren without bothering to spare Levi even a stray look.
Brat, Levi thought half-irritated, half-fond.
Eren’s hands hadn’t stopped once in their movement, the swish-swoosh of the wooden sticks hypnotizing Levi into completely abandoning his work to focus on them. And on the long, slender fingers moving them with practiced deftness. The nails were trimmed neatly and there was not even a speck of dirt underneath. There were a few callouses from harsh training, but otherwise they were very nice fingers, attached to hands which were just as nice. Levi remembered that, as he held them tenderly in his just yesterday, the skin felt very smooth and warm, warmer than anyone else’s. That fit him just fine, as his own ran rather cold.
“Why is it such a big deal if she sees?” Levi continued the conversation, hoping to provoke Eren into paying him more attention.
“Because it’s a surprise gift! It’s tradition.”
There were no more words forthcoming, and Eren did not look at Levi, either. He pursed his lips, having half a mind to throw the boy out if he couldn’t even deign to indulge Levi in his own office, and on this particular day to boot.
But that would mean not having Eren there at all, to at least enjoy the sight of him relaxed on Levi’s couch. And it wasn’t like Eren knew it was his birthday.
Levi opened his mind to give it another try, but was interrupted before he even got to start.
“Um, I need to finish it today…” Eren bit his lip as his hands stopped and he (finally!) glanced at the Captain. He hesitated for a moment but then continued, “And I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, I know you said the Commander asked you to approve the new indoor training forms...”
Curse you, Erwin, Levi thought. For giving him more work on his birthday, but also in general, for being a pain in the ass. And curse you too, Eren.
It was a masterful maneuver. With one sentence, Eren implied for Levi to mind his own business and to stop being a nuisance so he could finish Mikasa’s gift in peace, while outwardly reminding him of the duty that he was supposed to be actually doing.
Levi was sure that on any other day, one that Eren wasn’t busy with his own thing, he would have bothered Levi regardless if there was any work request from Erwin; he would have simply pretended he was being helpful or that he didn’t realize it was important.
With a sigh, he capitulated and went back to his mountain of paperwork as Eren focused right back on his wooden sticks and colorful threads that were making a tangled mess on Levi’s couch.
Although he couldn’t help one last, bitter mumble. “And is there a gift for the Captain who tries his best to keep you alive and safe?”
“I thought you didn’t celebrate?” Eren replied innocently.
He was right, Levi didn’t. Thoroughly defeated, he took his pen in hand and once more focused on Erwin’s snobbishly elegant handwriting.
“I’m done!” Eren announced triumphantly, holding the finished scarf up in the air to properly admire it.
Levi put down his pen. “I’m done too, thank fuck.”
He put his hands up in the air similarly to Eren, but instead of admiring anything, he was only stretching his spine and shoulders. It had been hours and his back was killing him.
Levi looked at the scarf Eren had been toiling over for the whole day. He had to admit it looked rather pretty, all dark red like Mikasa’s current scarf, but with an elegant leafy pattern woven at the ends with thin silver and black threads.
“Didn’t expect you to be any good at sewing,” he commented, actually interested.
“Thank you,” Eren accepted his subtle praise, already a master at discerning what Levi wanted to convey.
“It’s actually knitting, not sewing. Mom would teach me whenever she wanted me to sit quiet and out of trouble,” he admitted sheepishly. His mouth twitched in a barely-there smile, eyes looking somewhere far away. “She thought it would keep me occupied for long enough to cool down from whatever angered me that time.”
Imagining a tiny Eren throwing around fists and shouting at whoever disagreed with him the way he still did with Jean… Yeah, Levi could guess easily why Mrs. Yeager might have wanted some peace and quiet. Even if the image was fucking cute… And Levi wasn’t in the business of using that word lightly.
“I’m sure Mikasa will be happy to receive it,” he replied awkwardly around the elephant in the house. He got up from his chair and reached for the finished paperwork.
“I just hope she will actually wear it and throw away that old, dingy thing,” Eren muttered. “It’s so threadbare and smelly even after washing…”
Levi pretended he didn’t hear that last part, though he couldn’t help the shudder that ran through his body. For such a well-kept girl, that old scarf truly was the only blemish on Mikasa’s perfect image. Thankfully Eren seemed to keep his clothes clean and tidy, quickly replacing what needed to be replaced. Even if he always got the same thing over and over.
Eren noticed Levi was away from his chair, collecting the papers he had slaved over for the last few hours.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you going somewhere?” He began hastily grabbing the messy, tangled threads still occupying most of Levi’s couch. Strangely, there were more colors than Eren had used for Mikasa’s scarf.
“Yeah, gotta give these to Erwin.” And then finally freedom for the rest of the day. Or, well, what was left of it.
“Oh,” Eren said awkwardly. “So you will be spending the day with the Commander…?” he trailed off.
He was clearly fishing for information, but Levi let him off with only a side look and a raised eyebrow, and answered truthfully without further prompting. “No, I will be going back to my quarters. I need some rest, not extra work. Or Hanji talking my ear off.”
“Oh,” Eren repeated, disappointed. “Then you won’t want to be disturbed?”
“Yes, Eren, I won’t want to be disturbed,” Levi said, exasperated. He thought he made it pretty clear…? Oh.
Levi cleared his throat, turning around and putting his back to Eren, and moved to the door. “But I won’t be too upset if just one shitty brat came for a chat.”
Eren instantly brightened, “Yessir!”
“Clear that shit up properly and lock the door behind you. You can give me the key back later.” With that announcement, Levi shut the door and hurried to Erwin’s office.
Perhaps his birthday was still salvageable.
He made quick time dropping off the paperwork at the Commander’s office, but once he arrived back in his quarters he had no idea what to do as he waited. No one had ever been inside, aside from Erwin coming to bother him about something he deemed important, or Hanji, who by now knew better and only came by to drag him out instead of inviting themselves in and chatting his ear off like they had done the first few times, before Levi had violently taught them better.
There was no last-minute cleaning to be done since he kept the room spotless, and there were no snacks in the kitchen he could set out to share with Eren. He did have a nice gyokuro stashed away for special occasions which this did constitute as, but would tea be enough? Eren was still young, and teenagers always wanted to eat. Would Eren expect to be treated to something? Well, even if he did, it wasn’t like Levi could just magic something into existence. Just tea it was, then.
A loud knock interrupted his frantic musing. He opened the door, instinctively looking up at the perfect angle to appreciate the excited shine of bright green eyes, accented nicely by blushing red cheeks. Or some kind of poetic shit like that.
“I hope I am not interrupting,” Eren said politely, hands folded behind his back.
Levi snorted. “No need to pretend I didn’t invite you.”
He crossed his arms and watched with hidden amusement as Eren replied, all the while trying not to look like he desperately wanted to sneak a peak of the inside of Levi’s private quarters.
“I did kind of invite myself…”
“Stop speaking like you’re Hanji and don’t understand what my boundaries are. Now get in.”
Perking up, Eren took a step forward, then froze. He smiled at Levi nervously, “After you, sir.”
That was suspicious, very suspicious. But it was Eren, so Levi figured there was nothing to fear, and anything he wanted to know he could pry from him once they were settled inside.
He heard the door close as he got comfortable on his couch, waiting for Eren to join him. But the boy only shuffled closer to the fireplace and kept standing there, shifting from foot to foot.
“Did you not clean your asshole properly or what?” Levi asked, suspicious. He had better not brought any uninvited worms with him…!
“What? No!!!” Eren refuted, thoroughly shocked. He shot Levi an offended and hurt look, like he couldn’t believe Levi would think of him so badly.
“What else am I supposed to think when you behave so squirrely?” Levi defended himself. “You keep squirming like your ass is itching.”
Eren coughed, face flushing a deep red. “I’m not… itching. Or at least, I haven’t got any worms,” he muttered petulantly.
“Oh, so you’re itching for something else?” Levi bit back a salacious grin, even as he couldn’t help himself from teasing further. If he didn’t like it, Eren could consider it a payback for ignoring him earlier.
Eren huffed and rolled his eyes, quickly getting back his cool. The deep red on his cheeks stayed, though. “I suppose you don’t want your gift, then. Sir.”
Levi straightened up from his slouch, sitting at attention. His eyes were sharp and focused, not moving an inch from Eren’s.
“I don’t observe the holidays, though?” he prompted, remembering their earlier conversation.
“It’s not a holiday gift.”
“Well,” Levi stood up and stepped closer when Eren made no further move. “Where is it then?”
“I don’t know, where you a good boy this year, Captain?” Eren snarked, clearly still offended at Levi’s earlier insinuation.
“Don’t push too hard, brat, or you won’t like what happens,” Levi warned in a low voice, standing close enough to Eren now that he could feel his breath. The teen’s eyes were glimmering brightly with determination and giddiness. Levi usually wasn’t one to share in excitation, but this time he couldn’t help the thrilling anticipation that welled inside him.
“Is that so,” Eren murmured, eyes lowering to Levi’s lips, glowing even brighter. “I suppose I have no choice but to relinquish my gift, then.”
“Quite so,” Levi informed him. But nothing more happened as they stood there, almost nose to nose.
Finally Levi could take the tension no more. “Should I close my eyes then, if princess is feeling too shy?”
Eren pursed his mouth, a movement which Levi tracked avidly with his eyes.“Yes, actually,” he said with more confidence than Levi expected from someone with cheeks as red as the mistletoe fruit.
Deciding he wanted his gift already, Levi closed his eyes obediently. Perhaps the present won’t be physical anyway, if one considered their current position…
And it seemed like he was right, because he could feel Eren lean closer, his breath and bangs tickling Levi’s face, closer and hotter and—
Something soft wrapped around his neck and shoulders and he quickly opened his eyes, not expecting the sensation. Clearly not yet ready for Levi’s gaze, Eren froze mid-motion, both arms hovering around Levi’s head, holding two ends of a… scarf?
“Um,” Eren said. And then nothing else came out of his mouth even as it moved open and close like a fish out of water.
“What,” Levi said.
And since he too could not come up with anything else, he regretfully took a step back from Eren, who let his arms fall at his sides. The distance was needed if Levi didn’t want to get any more distracted. And it helped him breathe more easily, too.
“Happy birthday?” Eren offered with a shy smile. “I know it’s not much… But I hope you like it.” He averted his eyes away from Levi.
Levi touched the scarf that was still only half-wrapped around his neck. It was very soft and smooth, knitted with thin yarn in a small, tight pattern. It was in a dark blue color with a grayish sort of tint to it, glimmering from the light from the fireplace like steel. It was clearly very carefully made, the various bumps and valleys all uniform in size, with short frills at the end giving the scarf a more stylish feel.
“Thank you,” Levi said quietly but sincerely, sliding his fingers along the scarf time and again.
It was very unexpected, both the gift and how much it affected him. But there was no hiding that he was touched, and a thoughtful present like this deserved an appropriate response in gratitude. So he stepped forward again and reached out one hand to grab Eren’s nape, pulling him down to his height.
Eren gasped lightly and shut his eyes tight as Levi’s face drew closer and closer to his. Levi aimed carefully and put his lips firmly on Eren’s smooth cheek. He stayed there for a long moment, much longer than Eren had dared that time under the mistletoe. He felt Eren breathe as it brushed over his own cheek, but finally released the teen’s neck from his grasp and took a slight step back.
He met Eren’s eyes. They were shining just as brightly as always, but Eren seemed frozen, not moving at all; not even to blink. Levi raised an eyebrow at him and it must have released him from whatever spell Eren had been under, as he chuckled quietly.
“I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, but not like this.”
Levi was not surprised in the least. He had imagined this moment many times, as well. He was curious what Eren had imagined, though. “Like what, then?”
Eren closed that small step Levi had put between them, smiling impishly as he grabbed him delicately by the hips.
“Like that,” he said, then pulled Levi in and lowered his head, closing his eyes and placing his lips boldly on Levi’s.
Levi couldn’t help taking in a sharp breath, thoroughly surprised. He shouldn’t have been, though, since he had been baiting Eren for long enough. His eyes fell closed as he enjoyed the soft feel of Eren’s warm, inexperienced mouth on his, letting him do whatever he wanted. They had time for more advanced techniques that Levi would teach him later. He was looking forward to it, too; he already knew that Eren was a hard worker and very ambitious, and that it always yielded high results.
He threw his arms around Eren’s neck as Eren’s arms tightened fully around his waist, literally and figuratively closing any remaining distance between them.
When they were later on sitting on the couch in Levi’s private quarters, Eren said quietly, as if sharing a secret, “At first I actually thought of making you gloves, since your hands are always cold.”
“Oh? And how do you know my hands are always cold?”
“It’s because you keep hiding them in your pockets.” Eren grinned, silently admitting to watching Levi all the time.
Levi hummed. “Then why didn’t you?”
“Why didn’t I what,” he asked, eyeing Levi’s lips distractedly.
“Why didn’t you make me gloves,” Levi repeated without teasing for once, simply enjoying the embrace and being so visibly desired.
“Ah,” Eren laughed sheepishly. An embarrassed blush colored his cheeks lovingly. “I just thought there are better ways of warming them up.”
Levi raised an eyebrow, interested.
Eren ducked his head down, trying to escape Levi’s stare, but it proved fruitless, considering Levi was the shorter one. “I thought I could keep them warm with my hands whenever you wanted,” he finally admitted, his face so red Levi thought he might start steaming soon.
“Hoh? Not bad.”
He took Eren’s hands to pull him closer, closing the gap between their mouths to get thoroughly kissed again.
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Hey do you have some recommendations where they have to share a bed? 🙈
Hi Anon,
We’ve answered a smiliar question before. You can find it right here. Here’s a few more~
Snow On The Beach by Fluffyboots
(Rated E, 11,359 words, oneshot, complete)
Men in coats may damn well be Levi’s favourite thing about winter. Or… maybe it was just Eren in a coat.
Levi has been pining after his colleague for as long as he can remember. He never thought he had a chance with Eren, but then one day fate, otherwise known as his eccentric boss, forces him to face his feelings head-on.
Power Outage by nabawrites
(Rated T, 5,778 words, oneshot, complere)
Prompt: Fluff | Modern | Warmth Summary: The power goes out in the winter in Maine while Eren and Armin are spending the winter break with the Ackerman family. Levi hates the cold. Eren is very warm. Bed-sharing, cuddling, first kisses, and getting together ensues.
Part 2 of Ereri New Year Randomizer Weekend 2018 Part 4 of Oneshot Wednesdays
Let Me Help by twisting_vine_x
(Rated E, 12,097 words, multichapter, complete)
A/N: The one in which Levi and Eren are forced to share a bed, and Levi has nightmares. (This was meant to be a short little bed-sharing fic, and instead became thousands of words of feelings and porn).
Summary: Levi, vulnerable. It’s like watching the rain fall up instead of down.
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chili-aux · 4 years
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ask prompt
I decided to just answer them both simultaneously. 
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
This is not in AOT, but in Haikyuu. I don’t know if this is a rare ship since I did not actually engage myself that much in Haikyuu in the level that I did with AOT and KNB, but it will be Tsukishima Kei x Yachi Hitoka. When I first watched Haikyuu Season 2, I just love how cute and small Yachi is beside Tsukki. I’m really a sucker for big height difference in ships. (Hello Levihan!) But I think it’s really rare because when I tried to find fanfics about them, I just found a hundred of works?
4. Name a popular ship that you don’t get the appeal of.
Disclaimer: I’m not bashing the ship here, okay? I’m just stating why I don’t find it appealing at all.
To answer the question, it will be Ereri/Riren. When I first knew that this ship exists, I really cannot believe it to the point that I read articles after articles and posts after posts of ereris just to make it make sense. I mean, the age gap for me is weird enough, but they don’t have that much interactions that might hint that they have romantic feelings for one another. I even asked myself, “Is it the court scene? Or the scene where Levi put his arms on the chair behind Eren?” So, despite how popular it is, it is not appealing to me because it just does not make sense to me.
8. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
15. What is the first ship you had?
Again, this is not an AOT ship but a My Hero Academia ship. It will really be Todomomo, the ship between Todoroki Shouto and Yaoyorozu Momo. When the MHA series began in 2016, I shipped them instantly there, especially when they were introduced as both students who got in through recommendations. I cannot explain why I exactly shipped them in the first place but as I dive into the ship, I know that I cannot retrieve myself from them anymore. Despite their minimal interactions in the series, those moments when they did interact showed that they have respect for each other as fellow classmates, friends, and future heroes. Shouto voted Momo as the representative of the class because he admired her great observation skills and natural leadership even if he is still the early Roki that time. Early Roki is the Shouto who is aloof, cold, and refuse to use his fire powers to spite his father. He encouraged Momo when she’s doubting herself, she trusted Todoroki to the point that she agreed to the ridiculous plan that Todoroki and Kirishima had to save Bakugou from the League of Villains. But anyways, I’m rambling too much about them now because I really miss them so I will stop myself there. lol. So yeah, it will be 5 years now that I’m shipping Todomomo.
11. What is a character that you can only imagine in one particular ship?
I already answered it but if you want to read it anon, here.
24. What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
Living together? I think that’s really it or Levihan just influenced me too much that that is the first thing that entered my mind. Settling down as a couple is obviously not an easy task. The chores that you need to prepare yourself for is stressful enough just by thinking about it. The utility bills that will make the numbers glare at you will need to be constantly in your mind and will make you mindful of the expenses that you will make, even limiting your self-indulgence for the things that you want. The thought of finally living with another person that is not your family will make you giddy at the same time conscious that “hey wait, they might not like me anymore if they see my morning face” something like that. But in the case of my ships, just the thought of them buying or acquiring a house for themselves that will be their witness in every laugh, fight, feats in life, or even their love making just makes me feel so joyful.
thank you for the asks!!!!
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lady-bluebird-luv · 4 years
Chapters: 4/6
Word Count: 17,508
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Hurt/Comfort, Literal Sleeping Together, Enthusiastic Consent, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Soldier Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Levi is Whipped (Shingeki no Kyojin), Omega Eren Yeager, Knotting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Healing, Body Worship, Mutual Masturbation, Anal Fingering, Power Bottom Eren, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con (from the past and not within ereri or by characters alive in the fic’s present)
Summary: Sex isn’t really about sex, it’s about the emotions and dynamics behind it. Eren only learns how to celebrate that after he escapes Mitras, finding himself face-to-face with a future he wasn’t sure he would ever see and, prompting much internal screaming, his soulmate.
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hufflepuff-skank · 4 years
@coldmackerel I really just need to communicate to you how much I love The 6th Ward. I feel guilty to admit that I haven't read any of your newer works, but honestly, I haven't read more than a couple Ereri fanfics in the last 4 years or so despite them being my absolute number one ride or die ship, so it's not like I've been in the scene anyway. But like.....I cannot express just how intense of a read The 6th Ward was for me. No one has ever, ever written anything that made me feel more emotionally overloaded than you did when you wrote that story. I remember binging the fic over a couple days' time, reading in the dark of my bedroom, completely transfixed by the interactions and life questions going on, and by the end, I didn't know what to do with myself. I just.....I could go on for hours just repeating myself saying, "It was so good. It was so impactful. I was so emotional. It was so fucking good." I dont even know what to say. I can't come up with any coherent thoughts or analyses of the story. It just. Was so fucking good. And it's stuck with me for years. You fuckin rocked my world with The 6th Ward.
(I just started rewatching Attack on Titan for the first time since it came out (I never continued watching after the second season finished airing) and it's been very weirdly difficult. I've never had this reaction to any other anime, so it prompted me to talk about my favorite piece of writing in existence.)
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dreamy-heichou · 5 years
2019 Writing Round-Up
Thank you @talkereritome for tagging me! <3
I started posting fics on AO3 at the end of 2018 so the majority of my works are from 2019. It was a wild year, I wrote much more than I had expected when I started writing for the Ereri fandom, and I want to thank everyone that read one or several of my works, left kudos and commented. You guys gave me the motivation to keep writing, and tbh writing has been playing a huge role with helping me with my mental health, so it really means a lot to me <3
I know I haven’t posted anything in a while, but you can expect more from me in 2020, I’m definitely not done writing! In fact, I started writing a new multi-chaptered fic that I hope you guys will like! It’s going to be quite long and I’m very excited to share it with all of you, hopefully soon <3
AO3 stats:
Kudos: 692
Comment Threads: 101
Bookmarks: 200
Subscriptions: 133
Word Count: 148,668
Hits: 8,756
My works from 2019:
Sunshine and Pumpkin (74,411, started in 2018): Multichapter, Complete, Teen, Texting AU
My Little Lover (34,795): Multichapter, Complete, Teen, Reincarnation/Soulmates AU
Second Time is the Charm (24,105): Multichapter, Complete, Teen, Time Travel AU
Getaway (6,445): One shot, Explicit, Top Eren/Bottom Levi
Captain, My Captain (5,502): One shot, Mature, Pirate AU
Mata Aeru Hi made (Until we Meet Again) (3,410): One shot, General, Childhood Friends
I also wrote prompts in 2019 that I haven’t posted on AO3 yet (but will once I’m done with all of them), so I’ll put a link to them here as well. They are all Reincarnation AUs: 1, 2, 3 & 4
Most of the people have already been tagged so I’ll only tag @soapy0-0, but if you’re a writer and are interested in doing it, please do so and tag me! I’m always interested in discovering new Ereri fics/writers :)
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rivaererievents · 5 years
Event Rules and Information
Hello, I’m Ererification and this blog is intended for the purposes of hosting events for my Ereri discord server. (If you want an invite to the server, PM Ererification, or NephiesCommissions
In this post, you will find the event-related rules and information.
Event details.
The event in question will be a weekly theme prompt event. Basically, I will use a select a theme for the week and create 4 gifs that you are supposed to drag to receive the 4 words for the week’s prompt.
Content accepted.
All kind! Illustrations, comics, fanfics, poetry, etc. All is accepted!
A new prompt will be posted every Wednesday and the deadline will be 7 days after. The deadline isn’t a strict one, so posting for the prompt even after that is okay, as I will still be checking the tag and reblogging even after. The deadline just signifies when I will be announcing a new prompt.
Please tag your work properly. 
It’s very important to us that it’s made possible that those uncomfortable or triggered by certain contents are able to avoid it. Which is making sure to tag your work as accurately as possible is very important.
If you are inspired by someone else’s content in creating yours, please credit them properly through linking to their profile page clearly and linking back to the work you received inspiration from.
Don’t post other people’s content or claim it as your own. “Credit to the creator/author/artist” is not actual crediting. 
Hashtag to use.
Use the hashtag #EreriServerEvents when you submit your work. That makes sure that I see it and am able to reblog it with the event blog.
NSFW Works.
While I don’t mind NSFW works, Due to Tumblr’s ToS forbidding adult content, I would advise to not post your work directly onto Tumblr and link it through another platform instead, such as Ao3, Twitter, Mastodon, Pillowfort. (If you need a Pillowfort key, pm me.) Either that or to censor the piece.
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pinkheichou · 5 years
darkfic compilation list
More than a month ago I posted this darkfic prompts list on my tumblr.
I didn’t expect soooo many people to send me asks for these prompts, it honestly surprised me (but in a good way)!! c:
The amount of dark drabbles I wrote is the reason why I made this compilation list. Just click on the ship/prompt you would like to read and/or missed out on when I first posted the darkfic.
Perhaps I’m doing this again in the future, it was lots of fun!! ^^
1. Erejean + “You don’t love me now, but trust me you will love me soon.”
2. RivaKuchel + “It’s okay, if it’s us doing it.” 
3. Eren x misc + “You can’t break free from me.” 
4. Ereri + “Fuck him/her or else I will slit his/her throat in front of you and then I will do the same to you.”
5. Eruri + “Love is a good tool for manipulation.” 
6. Riren + “You are… a wanted serial killer-” - “Correct, honey.”
7. SebaCiel + “It hurts.” - “I know.” 
8. RivaKuchel + “When I was younger… I did horrible things. And ever since then… I haven’t changed.“
9. Riren + “Eyeballs being gouged or tongue cut out—you choose.” 
10. Riren + “Who are these people?” - “I’m sorry for what is about to happen to you.”  & “Everytime you struggle I will numb you with more drugs.” 
11. Ereri + “You said you would get me out of this hell hole!” - “Oops, did I?” 
12. Eruri + “Look at yourself. Bleeding prettily like that.” 
13. Eren/Levi/Eren + “Fuck him/her or else I will slit his/her throat in front of you and then I will do the same to you.” 
14. Eremin + “Look at yourself. Bleeding prettily like that.”
15. Riren + “Look at yourself. Bleeding prettily like that.”
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Humor, EreriWritingPrompt7, Pining, Romance, Canon Era Summary:
In one life, Levi is Eren’s captain. In another, his math teacher.
In both, they're soulmates.
Thank you so much to @erensjaegerbombs and @attraversiamo19 for betaing and @ageha-sakura for renaming this fic PearLemonGrams and giving me early reader feedback <3
For @ererievents Soulmates prompt and @ereri-writing-prompts Numinous prompt. 
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sienne-k · 9 months
how much should my longings fall like snow by Sienne
attack on titan | ereri | 1,1k chap 1/4 | fluff, winter vibes, canon compliant, set in s3
written for Ererimas event by Ereri Nation day 2, prompts used: [snowed in] kind of, and ["Get closer to the fire, you're shivering."]
It's cold, so cold that everyone ran away to their own rooms. Eren stubbornly stays in the communal area, keeping a certain someone silent company. Naturally, his devotion pays back well, and perhaps it's not that cold after all.
the rest under the cut to not stretch everyone's dashes
lt should have still been early, but the inside of the castle had become quite dark already, the clouds obstructing the sun rays so completely not even the sparkling, white swathes of snow that extended as far as the eye could see, could reflect any light. The inside of the communal area was dimly lit only by the crackling fireplace; the warm orange danced on the stone walls in a welcoming jig, inviting everyone to join.
Alas, the illusion of a cozy winter evening full of cheer was belied by only two people being present in the large room. Everyone else had fled to their own quarters which, while smaller, were also more easily kept warm and insulated than the big communal hall.
One of the people present was shivering quite a bit, sat by the window. The other, seemingly not feeling as cold, had been watching the first one read for a while and noticed that the pages of the book were being turned slower and slower. It was difficult to see through the dim room, but Eren was sure those grey eyes hadn’t even moved for quite a while now, so the turning of the pages was even more of a farce. He couldn’t just keep quiet and let it be, it would go against his nature.
“Why don’t you get closer to the fire? You’re shivering.”
His remark went without any comment, but Captain Levi’s figure seemed to have gotten even more still than before. Eren had lost any hope of actually making conversation, though at least it meant that Levi won’t just leave the room like everyone else had, either.
Something had moved in Levi’s eyes, however, because suddenly they were sharper and more alert, like he had come to an important decision. He straightened up from his slouch and, deftly closing the book with one hand, moved down from the windowsill.
“You’re right, no need to freeze my balls off here. My next shit might get too hard and get stuck inside, too, and I spend enough time on the crapper as it is.”
And then he gracefully plopped right next to Eren on the couch, instead of on the armchair closest to the fireplace. Then he put one leg over the other, opened his book and went straight back to reading, as if nothing had happened. As if they weren’t close enough their shoulders and arms touched, the area growing warm enough to paint Eren’s ears and cheeks pink.
Eren was doing his best to stay still and not fidget too much, lest he bother the Captain and make him leave. Leaving was the last thing Eren wanted him to do; he wanted to take and take and take what Levi was giving, and then give it back multiplied, so that it would be enough to keep him warm the same way he kept Eren warm.
A page was turned. “You’re stiff like a log and your elbow is digging into my side. Are they not feeding you enough? What the hell are you so pointy for?” Levi commented with a raised eyebrow, eyes not moving from the book.
“No!” Eren refuted quickly, rather offended. He had quite enough muscle on his body, thankyouverymuch. “I mean, I eat enough! Sir!”
Which you should realize, sticking so close to me. Eren thought with a petulant scowl. If I can feel your bulging biceps and defined deltoids, you should feel mine perfectly well, too!
“You could do with some more padding,” Levi sniffed imperiously. “Though I appreciate how hot you run. You make for a much better furnace than the goddamn fireplace, that’s for sure.”
Eren remained quiet, not quite sure how to respond, nor knowing if such a remark even required an answer. Did he get praised or not? It was a bit difficult to tell which point Levi considered to be of greater value. He figured it didn’t matter, a compliment was a compliment, even if backhanded. He will just ignore the rest.
His attention was better spent elsewhere, like trying to loosen up his body enough so he would be more comfortable for the Captain to relax against. He couldn’t help but squirm a little, though, in his bid to find a less straining position. His elbow dug into Levi’s side a few more times and he winced each time, waiting for a scolding that never came.
“You’re being surprisingly tense and formal for a shitty brat who was daring enough to steal a kiss form his superior just yesterday,” Levi commented dryly, for some reason intent on driving Eren mad and not giving him any break.
His words pierced through Eren’s ears to his brain and attacked his pride with deadly precision, and it was that more than anything else that finally broke through his awkwardness and allowed him to relax.
Sure, this was Captain Levi. He was an intimidating man in general, and so competent Eren was struck stupid with awe every time he saw him in action. Adding to that, Eren’s budding feelings only complicated things more, made him more aware of the man than ever before, but at the same time…
It wasn’t complicated in the least, because Levi wouldn’t let it be so. Levi was the one who had reached out to Eren when he was going mad with grief and self-blame for the death of the original Squad Levi. Levi was the one who always inquired after Eren’s health during the experiments, even if he didn’t have to. Levi was the one who continued engaging Eren in pointless conversations about poop. Time and again, Levi reached out and closed the gap between them in a way so natural Eren could do nothing but follow.
So there was no reason to be nervous, except maybe in a good way, from excitement and anticipation. Eren could simply sit back and bask in his Captain’s presence as he had been wishing to do during his absence. He could simply enjoy what he had missed. He was allowed.
Eren melted into the back of the sofa, his left side tingling pleasantly from the soft feel of Levi’s sweater and the warmth penetrating even through multiple layers of clothing. The tension in his body left so suddenly that now that he let himself relax he felt drowsy, as if drunk on contentment. He slumped to the side, letting Levi bear some of his weight. He was so blissed out that he debated with himself only for a split second before he tilted his head, cheek pillowed on Levi’s head, his soft hair tickling slightly Eren’s nose.
He couldn’t help but sneeze, but the atmosphere must have gotten to the Captain too. He merely chuckled quietly and continued his reading without further interruptions. Surrounded by the familiar, soothing smell of bergamot and something woody, Eren fell asleep.
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Hey! I don't know if this has been asked before but do you know any canonverse fics about levi and eren that take place in season 3 of the anime? Thank you very much!
Hi, Anon
Here are a few for you~
Indiscrete by appleapple (Rated E, 9,460 words, oneshot, complete)
Eren has problems. Levi helps.
Your Eyes Told Me by Ashgard (Rated T, 3,245 words, oneshot, complete)
Just when Eren thought he would drown in the man completely the captain pulled back slightly to whisper against his lips "You think I didn't notice the way you've been looking at me Jaeger?"
His breath came out in a shaky exhale to tickle Levi's face "Y-you did?"
The man smirked in response though he was breathing hard "Mm, your eyes told me everything..."
For Ereri Week. A combination of Days 3 & 4 prompts: The Levi Squad and Beyond the Walls. Levi shows just how much he respects his new squad when he stands up for them in front of the new recruits. Eren most of all is touched by this and it gives him the courage he needs to reveal his feelings. Turns out the captain knew all along
hey young blood (put on your war paint) by driedupwishes (Rated T, 3,787 words, oneshot, complete)
The mission was a success, but at what cost?
With everyone scrambling around in the wake of their loses, Levi has to figure out what to do about the holes in his squad - and Eren.
Promises by Gootbuttheichou (Rated T, 2,272 words, oneshot, complete)
How many times have their plans gone to hell? Levi can never guarantee Eren 100% safety, and it weighs heavily on his heart. Nobody ever knows what will happen, and people can only try to choose the decision they think they’ll regret the least.
Cruel but Beautiful by Jyeen (Rated T, 2,259 words, oneshot, complete)
Eren's been pushing himself too far with his titan armor training with Hanji. Levi has to deal with the result.
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Kinktober day 1 [Ereri]
[A/N; I know I'm starting Kinktober 5 days late so for that I'm truly sorry, but I plan on catching up in no time! October 1st had 4 prompts altogether but I wanted to merge just 3 of them to create this oneshot (Deep Throating/Face Sitting/Masks). I hope you enjoy! This will be a Modern AU in which Eren and Levi will meet at a masquerade, it's something I've always wanted to get around to writing and this is an excellent opportunity to write up some oral sex scenes with pretty masks!]
The room was filled with the idle chatter of the more wealthy folk, everyone was dressed in elegant suits and dresses, material that would seem to look like glittering silk under the lights as people danced the night away carelessly and sipped away at their poisons of choice for the evening. As well as it being a black tie event, it was also a masquerade. Events that Levi hardly ever trusted, you didn't know who you'd be talking to or dancing with, not that he couldn't handle himself, he just thought the whole thing was weird. Maybe even cult-like. He found himself laughing to no one as he kept to his own little corner of the room as he leaned against the wall, shaking his head at himself at his own thoughts. His silver eyes continued to scan the guests of the party as he dank his beverage, one of the only things keeping him here still as he  continued his duty to carry out his favour of being a close friends date for the evening. And all of this just because she wanted him to find some guy and get laid so he'd stop being "Moody".
He sighed and adjusted the dark glittering mask surrounding his steel eyes before downing the last of his drink "This is pointless, why am I here again? That's right, fucking Hanji... And God knows where she's disappeared to..." He muttered to himself, shaking his head as he pushed himself off the wall to get another drink to pass the time.
"Hello Sir, what's your poison?" The bartender asked with a lopsided smirk on his face, his teal eyes shining through his glittering turquoise mask
Levi blinked, when did this guy get on duty and why didn't he notice him sooner? He had messy brown hair and certainty cleaned up nicely in a suit that matched his eyes well, a dark teal suit that make his lighter teal eyes pop, his mask almost like a picture frame to make the different colours in his eyes pop even more so, the glitter covered accessory making his eyes look sharp and breathtaking.
"Whiskey on the rocks." He spoke as he took in his features shamelessly over and over again, this kid was by far the most attractive in the room, why others weren't queuing up to the door to be served by him was beyond his comprehension "So... Why is someone like you working here of all places?"
"Why is someone like you making small talk with a simple server?" He asked in return, his smirk widening slightly as he turned to prepare his drink
"Mm, well, when I see something I like, I approach."
"You were probably just happening to get another drink anyway." The bartender mused "All I do is pour drinks."
"And when did you replace the creepy old guy that was serving the bar before? I didn't even see you take his place."
"We work different shifts throughout the nights, I take his place when he goes on his break and vice versa." He said simply, placing the small crystal class of iced whiskey in front of him
"And when do you get off?" He asked suggestively in a low tone, a sly smirk on his own lips at his own double meaning
He smirked, watching him take a long sip from his drink, their eyes never breaking contact. Silver was practically boring into ocean teal, enticing the other to surrender to him already. Levi was practically stripping the guy mentally, and he liked everything he was imagining so far, of course it would be nothing compared to the real thing.
He hadn't felt attraction like this before, it was impulsive and magnetic and there was nothing he could compare it to or do to stop it. He could tell his server felt exactly the same way by how thickly he swallowed and how he looked at him in the exact same way, and from what Levi could tell, he was doing the exact same thing he was. He adjusted his collar and mask before responding.
"I've only just started you know." He mused "But I have a break in an hour or two."
There was a glint of something in Levis eyes, making the bartender only more enticed in him. He watched the others small smirk grow slightly "Is that so? Well then, I guess I'll keep you company until you get off." He spoke in a low and sexy tone again as he took a seat on a bar stool, other guests not really bothering using them, mostly choosing to mingle amongst themselves rather than the help. Whatever the reason, it was their loss and Levis gain.
The other supressed a groan, already feeling his erection appear and strain against his dress trousers. Levi smirked, watching him serve him and others with a strained face with the more he teased him at the bar, both eagerly awaiting him to be granted a break. Eventually, the other bartender came back to take his former place, letting him off on his break. Levi was quick to take his hand and lead him to a quiet, empty room upstairs.
"Mm, have you been here before? It's not often someone drags me to a room upstairs." He teased as he shut and locked the door behind them
Levi scoffed "I find that hard to believe, you're fucking gorgeous from what I can see. How the fuck isn't there a damn que for you?" Levi pulled him close before pushing him back against the nearest wall, making the others breath hitch unexpectedly as he leaned in, ghosting his lips along his neck.
"God, are you always so rough?"
"Why? Do you like it like that?" He bit into the skin of his neck suddenly, causing a moan to break from his pretty lips. Levi smirked against his skin, sucking a dark mark into his tanned skin afterwards "I think that's a yes. Fuck, you sound amazing." He spoke before looking at him intently for a moment, pausing their ministrations to slowly take off his mask, the same glint shining in those silver eyes again upon seeing his face fully for the first time "Damn, and handsome as Hell... Fuck, you're attractive."
The bartender groaned, quickly switching their positions and pushing Levi against the wall, kissing down his neck with fever and upmost want as he quickly sank to his knees, undoing his belt with quick hands. Levi helped pull down his black dress trousers, his erection springing out. He didn't have the chance to react to the sudden sensation of cool air on his hot member, the guy on his knees before him taking it into his mouth almost immediately. He leaned his head back, scrunching his eyes shut from the feeling of the hot, wet mouth surrounding him, it was an absolutely sinful display and feeling and he was loving every second of it. This was defiantly the highlight of the evening, the only good thing that came out of going to this stupid party. What more could he want in a handsome guy? Someone that knew how to make a drink and use his mouth well.
Levi moaned, his eyes widening at exactly how deep he was taking him in. he glanced down at the messy brown head of hair below him that was bobbing back and fourth, taking him in deeper each time he went forward. He reached down and ran his fingers through his hair before harshly pulling it a little, causing him to moan deeply around him, sending pleasurable vibrations, making him groan, looking for a name to call. He tugged his mouth off of him as he panted heavily, glazed over teal eyes looking up at him expectantly and eating him alive at the same time as he licked his wet lips for his aftertaste, but the best part hadn't come yet.
"Name... What's your name..." Levi breathed
He bit his lip, swallowing "Eren."
"Eren..." Levi repeated, his name rolling off his tongue hotly "I like it, now I know what to call out..." He pushed his head back onto his member, causing Eren to moan around him deeply once more and quickly go back to work. Levi moaned again, watching him in silent awe at his skill in blowing him "My names Levi..." He breathed, keeping his voice even enough for him to speak "Might as well tell you my name to so know you'll be begging for..."
Eren could only moan wantingly again, using his free hand to palm himself through his trousers as he squirmed on his knees a bit. Levi smirked, biting his lip. He was something else, that he was sure of. Levis breath hitched the closer he felt, he tightened his grip in Erens hair as his hips twitched a bit, thrusting in his mouth.
"Shit... I'm gonna..."
Eren pulled his hips flush against his face, taking him to the deepest point and swallowing, making him reach over the edge as he shot his hot load down his throat, coating it in his release. Eren glanced up at him, keeping eye contact as he slowly pulled him from his mouth, swallowing what was leftover and licking his member clean, licking his lips and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand afterwards as he caught his breath.
"Now where did you learn to do something like that? You have no gag reflex?" Levi panted
"Mm, you learn from experience." He smirked
"Bed. Now. From now on, I'm your only experience form here on out."
"Yes, Sir~"Eren took his place on the bed, sitting on his knees as he started to slowly undo his tie, never breaking eye contact as he made sure to wet and bite at his lips "Do you want me to strip for you?~"
Levi bit his lip as he looked at him up and down, admiring the dark mark he'd left on his neck from his spot across the room, simply nodding. He found himself admiring every new part of bare, tanned skin that came to light the more Eren undressed, wanting nothing more than to mark more and more of his untouched skin. He tried his best to keep his control as he watched him from where he was, he swore he could have jumped on him there and then as soon as the top half of his clothes were removed, revealing his bare chest and broad shoulders. He used the opportunity to kick his trousers off from his ankles completely.
"I think you like what you see~" Eren purred, looking straight at him as he discarded the last part of his apparel with a simple flick of his wrist.
"Oh what a surprise, you're right." He smirked, sauntering towards him as he took of his white buttoned shirt almost gracefully
"So are you gonna fuck me now? As soon as I got your dick in my mouth, I wanted it in me."
Levi held back a groan at his dirty talk, feeling his erection twitch from his words. Eren laughed lowly "And by the looks of it, you like the thought of yourself deep in my ass as much as you like what I say and the sound of my voice~" He continued in a purr "But... Now you've seen my face... Can I see yours?..." He kneeled up, reaching for the mask on his face as he took it off him like he did his, looking over his sharp features in stunned awe "God, and you think I'm attractive? Have you seen yourself?..."
"Mm, I have but it's nothing compared to what you have to offer." He mused with a smirk "Now, I have to pay you back now, don't I?~"
Before Eren could question it, Levi laid down and suddenly pulled him on top of him by his hips, admiring the view, a blush suddenly creeping up on his tanned skin.
"Pay me back for what exactly?..." He breathed
"That skilled mouth of yours~" He purred as he pulled him further up until Eren was facing the headboard and wall, hovering over his face and only blushing darker, blinking in confusion as to why he was positioned this way until he felt the flat of Levis tongue brush over his entrance, causing him to lean his head back in a sudden moan "S-Shit..."
"What? Never sat on someone's face before?" Levi mused from below before immediately going back to work again
"Hah, No..." He moaned "No ones... Done... This to me... Before..."
"Mm, their loss. You taste as good as you look." Levi simply responded before pushing his tongue in past the ring of muscle, eating him out as deep as he could go as he firmly held onto Erens hips, Eren practically digging his nails into the headboard in a white knuckle grasp. Eren was panting heavily, finding it hard to stay still as Levi worked his mouth on him expertly. It wasn't until-
"Levi?~ Are you in here?~" the door handle rattled a bit
They stopped, Erens eyes going wide as he went to scramble off of him immediately, not getting the chance to before Levi kept him held firmly in place "Fuck off four eyes, I'm busy!" He called back before going back to work, causing Eren to gasp and cover his mouth tightly, only making Levi work harder.
"Alright, you sound very busy." Hanji giggled from the other side of the door "I was just coming to say Goodnight and have fun! Remember and use protection on that cute bartender! Don't pound his ass too hard either~" She teased
Wordlessly, Levi blindly reached for one of their shoes to throw at the door as he kept working on Eren with his mouth, making Eren both flinch slightly, giggle and moan at the same time, still trying to keep quiet.
"Now, let's really hear you make some noise..." He spoke against him
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lampurpleart · 6 years
Tumblr media
Ereri Events Canonverse Prompt 4: Protective
Levi thinks he should be ashamed to feel any doubt but instead he thinks this is all Eren’s fault for shrouding himself, literally and figuratively, like a mystery.  Being left in the dark is something he doesn’t want to get used to.  He breaks his gaze from the horizon to peer at Eren, but the slender young man keeps his glare.
“Y’know, we’re all fucked if this goes to hell.  This could be the last sunset we’ll ever see,” Levi says, baiting him.
“Right,” Eren is quick to answer, much to Levi’s surprise. “But…it’s better to take them head on instead of sitting on our hands.  We’re not weak.  At least, I think so.”
Levi doesn’t know whether he is concerned or hopeful, but he feels a warmth he thought was long gone stir up again.  “Whatever the outcome, I’m choosing to walk into it as well.  You’re not dying even if this whole scheme is your stupid idea.”
Eren is silent for a bit before finally pinning his glare onto Levi.
“Them first.”  It isn’t intentionally aggressive, but Levi feels his adrenaline jump when the reds of the descending sun reflect onto those clear eyes that now glow like fire.  “Mikasa, Armin, Historia, Paradis, humanity…we are doing this to protect them.  Everyone lives first.”
Levi looks significantly more content with Eren’s words.  Now he feels bad about having those doubts, but grateful for the little high those glowering eyes gave him.  It’s been a while.  “Yeah.  Of course.”
In which, Levi confirms that Eren is still on the side of humanity.  I just want them to trust each other again.  ;^;
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lankylevi · 6 years
what are all the event and prompt blogs in the ereri fandom?
Uhm, lets hope I won’t forget anything over here. To my knowledge there are 4 and then there are several other fanfic blogs too and an ereri newsletter.
Then there’s also the @ereri-newsletter and @ereri-canonverse
Feel free to comment/reblog other blog names if i forgot them so I’ll add them
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Year In Review
I suppose I should get one of these done before my last 2.5 hours of 2017 are up. Here’s how this year turned out for my writing.
It Takes Two - Started and have worked steadily on this fic.
Tim Travel - started and finished
Watching You Watching Me
You Don’t Know Me - AKA the fic I got to collab with TK on and it was wonderful
Promises of Tomorrow’s Yesterday - finished this multi-chap that was started in 2016
In For a Penny
I Don’t Want To Know About Your New Man
The Honeymoon Special
I’m the One with the Ghosts in My Head
Is That a Sunburn or a Blush?
Let’s Go Largo
Yellow Daisies
Beneath These Sheets
The Way You Look
Darling, You’ve Just Gotta Believe - AKA the fic I got to collab with universeone-ft on and it was awesome
Ferris Wheels Aren’t Inherently Romantic
Kisses By the Campfire
One For My Baby
The one dealing with Tim’s death that’s still going strong with the newest installment
This one
and this one
and this one
Prompts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Gen Batfam Drabble
These Wings Are Made to Fly - finished this multi-chap I started in 2016
Too Obvious - another installment of the fic writer/fan artist au
Be My Player 2? - continued this mutli-chap I started in Aug. 2016
The Start of Something New - started and have continually worked on this
Forget Me Not - continued this multi-chap that was started in July 2016
Letters From the Heart - multi-chap for the Sheith Big Bang
Original Works:
Wrote the script for the musical.
Got Draft Zero done of my second novel for NaNo.
Wrote a short horror story that I submitted to a contest, but wasn’t chosen.
Drabbles about my OC George: 1, 2, 3.
It’s been a good year in my book! Thanks to everyone who’s stuck with me or joined my little party along the way. Y’all rock! ^.^
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ereri-fanfics · 7 years
Drabbles by im-eren-jaeger-sexual
[I decided recently that I wanted to also rec drabbles that Ereri writers post on Tumblr and the way I thought about doing that was by making a list of all the drabbles I could find of theirs, so, here’s @im-eren-jaeger-sexual  ‘s drabbles! Which of course I suggest you totally check out because their writing is amazing!]
Kink Prompts List:
Prompt List (Part 1):
#29 & #33
#71 & #76
Prompt List (Part 2):
#96 & #98 
Mini Fic Prompts List:
Kissing Strangers
Good Boy
Pool Shark
String Cheese
It Hurts
Dinner First
Happy Times
Fake It Til You Make It
Kiss Me Slowly
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