#Era: Rebuild LU:KUS
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1/11/19 (1/12/19 KST) Haewon’s Instagram update.
“Fucking cold...😷🤧 take care guys”
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1/10/19 (1/10/19 KST) Donghyeon’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“남은 시간 잘부탁드립니다 #2019″
“Please watch over me with the time remaining #2019″
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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1/13/19 (1/14/19 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“#Lu4us #쇼챔피언 #Faker 드디어 한국이다 ..💕”
“#Lu4us #ShowChampion #Faker Finally in Korea ..💕”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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1/13/19 (1/14/19 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram update.
“설마..~ 또 감기냐...........~”
“It cant be..~ another cold...........~”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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1/12/19 (1/13/19 KST) Choi’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“오랜만에 축가ㅎㅎㅎ #루커스 #초이 #동현 #해원 #경진”
“Its been a while since (we’ve sang) a wedding song Hahaha #LUKUS #Choi #Donghyeon #Haewon #Kyungjin”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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1/10/19 (1/10/19 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram update.
“남은시간 잘 부탁 드립니다 #2019″
“Please watch over me with the time remaining #2019″
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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12/23/18 (12/23/18 KST) Choi’s Instagram update.
“#모든날모든순간 #엄마설거지소리ㅋㅋ”
“#EveryDayEveryMoment #TheSoundOfMyMomWashingDishes Lol”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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1/8/19 (1/8/19 KST) Choi’s Instagram update.
“캬~~~~ 미국에서도 좋은반응 감사합니돠 몸살때문에 몇일동안 아무것도못하고 고생했는데 좋은소식이ㅎㅎ 여러분도 감기조심하세요!! #루나 #운다고 #작사 #작곡 #evenso #LUNA #Choi #초이”
“Wow~~~~ Thank you for the good reaction in the US. Because I’ve been sick for a few days I couldn't do much so this is good news Haha Everyone be careful to not catch a cold!! #Luna #EvenSo #Lyricist #Composer #evenso #LUNA #Choi #Choi”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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12/21/18 (12/21/18 KST) Choi’s Instagram update.
“노래좋다잉~ #장덕철 #알았다면”
“(This) song is good~ #JangDeokCheol #If_I_Knew”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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12/15/18 (12/15/18 KST) Donghyeon’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“수고하셨습니다~ 경진이 어디갔지?”
“Thank you for your effort~ Where did Kyungjin go?”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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12/31/18 (12/31/18 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram update.
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Credit: wifi_channel
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11/25/18 (11/25/18 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“Genie & Bang Ep06.@@. 초이와 함께 떠나는 #자유여행 #lau #경진 #공뱅 #genie #congbang #kpop #singer #idol #korea #japan #lau #lukus #경진 #초이 #jwk #jwkent #vlog #hakone #일본어 #일본 #유투브 #youtube #youtuber https://youtu.be/k1mPwQxgtig”
“Genie & Bang Ep06.@@. Leaving with Choi #Traveling #lau #Kyungjin #CongBang #genie #congbang #kpop #singer #idol #korea #japan #lau #lukus #Kyungjin #Choi #jwk #jwkent #vlog #hakone #Japan #Japan #YouTube #youtube #youtuber https://youtu.be/k1mPwQxgtig”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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12/25/18 (12/26/18 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram update.
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12/1/18 (12/2/18 KST) Donghyeon’s Instagram and Twitter update.
“뮤직비디오 촬영중인데!! 너무 피곤하다 ㅜㅠ”
“Music video filming!! I’m really tired ㅜㅠ”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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1/12/19 (1/12/19 KST) Kyungjin’s Instagram update.
“겨울이네 겨울이야”
“It's winter. It is winter.”
Trans Credit: LAU-Fanatic Please take out with full credit. (There might be errors.)
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