#Episode 24: Hey Hon How's Your Day
mbmbam-quotes · 1 year
Justin: Show him your boobs and then say, "Hey, let's see that boner. I wanna see- I wanna see if-" Travis: Boner check! Griffin: Boner test! Ooh, you failed. You failed, gay. You don't want this, gay? You don't want this body? This bangin'- That's gay if you don't want this. Why don't you go fuck a guy, if you don't want this body, gay. ... Griffin: There is no thing that you can do in this situation that is not gonna be terrible. Just sit on your hands. Go to bed. ... Justin: Alright, in all seriousness, don't stir up this pot. Griffin: Don't do anything. He'll come out when he's ready. ... Travis: If he is out of the closet, he will tell you when he's ready. And if he's not, it is not your place to convince him to come out of the closet.
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lovetheplayers · 5 years
Taylor's interview with Kyle & Jackie O | KIIS 1065 (April 29, 2019)
Kyle: It’s Kyle and Jackie. I’ve been telling you all morning: Taylor Swift, the biggest star in the world right now and a new single ME! that’s out now. She joins us on the phone. This is really weird, Jackie, because I was only thinking last week in LA: what’s going on with Taylor Swift? We’re overdue for some Taylor Swift stuff. I felt a vibe—a Taylor Swift vibe, you know what I’m saying? And then, boom, here we are. New song’s out, she’s one of the best in the business. I’d say the best in the world. Good morning, Taylor.
Jackie: Hey, Taylor!
Taylor: Well, hi! That was a really, really, very nice intro.
Kyle: Oh, well you deserve it, doll. Absolutely killing it at the moment. Congrats on that new song. We’re all loving it and oh, that video. Scoring the most video views on YouTube within 24 hours. How good’s that? Definitely well-deserved.
Taylor: Oh, thank you for saying that. Thanks for watching it. It was so, so, so much fun to make that video. Like, one of the most fun video shoots I’ve ever had. And yeah, like, collaborating with Brendon Urie on this song was hilarious because he’s just so much fun and so full of energy and kind of brings a hundred and fifty percent enthusiasm to everything he does, so he’s flying through the air, fighting in French. It’s just the whole thing.
Jackie: Who came up with the concept for that? Do you come up with that or do you leave it to someone who’s kind of, like—that’s their expertise in that field?
Taylor: Well actually I wrote the treatment concept for this video and approached Dave Myers about it and thought–and just thought, like, we could get together and come up with the best visual effects to add to the storyline, so it ended up working out exactly that way. And Dave Myers is an amazing director and we co-directed this and just really tried to make this entire fantastical, magical world but also include as many foreshadowing moments about the new album and visuals that would kind of be, like, little clues and hints and Easter eggs in the video, so it was a process that started months ago and took a lot of time to plan, but it really paid off in the end. I feel like people are, like, being entertained by it and that’s the nicest thing you could tell somebody whose job it is to try to entertain people.
Jackie: Yeah, because I noticed in the lead up on your Instagram there were a lot of pastel colors on your page in the lead up to it, which probably a lot of people didn’t realize that was, you know, working towards the announcement of the clip.
Taylor: Yeah, I mean the fans are very clever and they–I think realized it very soon. Like, immediately they realized that this is a very abrupt shift from my Instagram. If you scroll down my Instagram it was all dark colors and then it just immediately turned into just, like, a majestic cloud of Easter colors. My fans picked up on it really quick and–but yeah, the fact that they’re so clever and the fact that they’re so detail-oriented and they watch a video and they’ll watch it, you know, 20 times trying to figure out what they’ve missed, that makes it more fun to do that stuff because if nobody was paying attention and I put, like, 50 Easter egg clues in this music video I’d be so bummed out. I’d be like, “Oh, man. That was a lot of effort for nothing.”
Kyle: Hey, now there’s a snake featured within the video clip: that symbol–is that any–is there any–well you know what they say about the snake. Is that about anything? Is that just a thing you’ve thrown in there? What’s the go?
Taylor: The snake in the video is symbolic of something.
Jackie: Yeah, well we won’t say what it is then. Well I think we all know. And also in the beginning of the clip you and Brendon, you’re having a fight. I’m thinking, I’m assuming it’s in French, right?
Taylor: Yeah, it’s in French and that’s another symbolic clue that will probably be revealed in the next few months. Like, a lot of the Easter eggs that I put in the videos are ones that, like, I want them to age well. Like, I want some of them to be revealed within, you know, people watching the video initially, and then, like, some of them people won’t realize the meaning of them until about, like, 6 months to a year from now when we go on tour. Like, that’s how many– that’s how far ahead I've been planning this album. I just want the fans to have a good time. I think that if you look at music and how people used to gather around the record player to listen to music, it was such a social event, and now these days we have I think a responsibility to try and turn music back into a social event, and whatever ways, you know, artists think of to do that, I think it’s really kind of exciting that we have so many outlets now to make a song back into something that people not only listen to but kind of assign to their memories and talk about with their friends. You know, I love, like, Game of Thrones and figuring out theories and clues and things like that, so I think the more we can have that social and discussion element to music the more fun it is for people.
Kyle: Oh, my god. Have you watched Game of Thrones yet, GOT as we all call it? Have you watched it?
Taylor: I literally just watched the new episode before I got on the phone with you. Oh, my god.
Jackie: Okay, what did you think?
Taylor: Okay, well, did you watch it?
Kyle: No, I haven’t watched it yet but I’m dying to because I’ve been over in LA for a while so this week I’ll have three up my sleeve. I’m pretty pumped about it. Everyone’s talking about it. Jackie–she’s so behind. She’s like you know back in season 1, episode 2. What are you?
Jackie: So I have missed a whole season and I’ve got to catch up on it. I’ve been a huge fan but I’ve missed a season, but everyone is talking about the latest episode and that it’s a big episode. Is it?
Taylor: It’s literally the most beautiful episode I’ve ever seen. And the score is so, so exquisite and the visual effects and the acting and the battle sequences. Like, I don’t want to be, like, that person who spoils anything so I’m not going to, but, yeah you just have, like, a real wild ride ahead of you. I’m so happy about, like, the quality content we’re getting from Game of Thrones.
Jackie: I’ll have to catch up.
Taylor: Yeah, it’s so good.
Jackie: And you’re gonna be in the new Cats film as well which is supposed to be epic. That comes out around Christmas, right?
Taylor: Yeah, it does! I shot that in London for a couple months and it was so much fun, and I learned so much because I was going in every day and I was doing extensive choreography, and dialect coaching, and a class called cat school where they have an expert come in and teach us how to move our bodies like a cat and how to sense things like a cat and how to–just kind of learning as much as we can about their physicality and why they do things the way they do things And it’s, um, it’s been amazing doing that process of kind of being a part of a big movie. I’m really grateful that I got to do that.
Kyle: Oh, but you would have a massive advantage, an upper hand on the rest of the cast. So who’s in it? Rebel Wilson, James Corden–we love him–Idris Elba–totally excellent bloke– but you of all are the biggest cat lover. They don’t come anywhere near you. You love cats.
Taylor: They all love cats. They were all so prepared. You have no idea.
Kyle: Well we were asking who loves cats more. I’m the biggest pussy lover in this country, so just saying. Just leaving it out there for you.
Taylor: Oh, my god. Judi Dench actually was going to be in the original production of Cats but she was injured so she couldn’t be in it. This is actually, like, it’s so meaningful for so many different ways. There is just—like, it was so much fun because everybody was so committed and also it’s some of the best dancers in the world; like, dancers that I’ve been so, like—admired so much from afar like Mette Towley and just people who are so, so, so insanely talented, and so getting to work with them and getting to know them, it’s no complaints here.
Kyle: Well we cannot wait to see you in that film. Congratulations on the film, on the video, on the music. It’s great to see you back, I’m telling you. I’m glad you’re here. New song ME! It’s incredible; well done. Hopefully you’ll come and visit here in Australia soon. The door’s always open. Thanks for chatting, hon.
Jackie: Thanks, Taylor .
Taylor: I’ll definitely come visit you in Australia. And thanks so much for chatting with me and for watching the new video. it’s really sweet of you, and hopefully I’ll see you guys soon.
Kyle: No worries. See you soon, babe! Taylor Swift!
Jackie: Bye, hon!
Taylor: Bye, guys!
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valenciat91 · 6 years
The Spin Cycle
By V.C. Turner
           I slammed the lid down on the washing machine. Hard. Probably not the best idea I’ve had over the past several months, but I did it anyway because the damned thing was acting up and I can’t stand the thought of shopping for another one.
           I hate shopping. I really do. I hate it even more when I am forced to do it.
            So after fiddling with the dial for the 157th time, and after adjusting the water hoses, and after taking another stab at unplugging it for a while, I decide that the damned thing is a lost cause. I kick it a few times since I know putting a few dents in the casing isn’t going to change anything
I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s lasted for 14 years. It survived college, graduate school and my mistake of an ex-husband, so I guess it’s paid its dues. 
For some reason, I pat the lid as if to apologize for the kicking and swearing, then pull out my unwashed clothes and place them in my laundry bag.
Crap. Tomorrow is Monday.
The start of a new work week is less than 24 hours away and I literally have nothing decent to wear. 
As if on cue, my phone dings and vibrates in my pocket. The tickle it sends down my thigh is only a reminder that no one else has tickled me there in a very long time. 
I pull it out and look at the screen.
Jasmine sent me a message.
She lives down the hall, but I can almost hear my friend laughing at me as I swipe the screen realizing that she probably heard the swearing, banging and kicking from my apartment.
“Ouch! Damn! Stop hurting me, human!” – She wrote, pretending to be my washing machine.
I roll my eyes. She told me to ditch the thing the day I moved into the apartment complex, but I figured it still had some life left in it. And again…I hate shopping. 
I text her back.
“You were right. Ding Dong. The washer’s dead. The washer’s dead. The wicked washer.”
I clutch the strings of the bag and wait a few seconds for a reply. She doesn’t respond immediately and I wonder if it’s because she’s cooking another dish that’s going to add another five pounds onto my body. 
Jasmine loves cooking: Greek dishes, Italian Dishes, “whatever the hell she can think of” dishes. They’re delicious and addictive. I’m going to go ahead and blame her for helping me add on the freshman fifteen AFTER graduating college. I lost the weight, but it was a struggle.
Please don’t be cooking, Jazz. Please don’t be cooking. 
I chant this to myself because all I’ve had today is a banana and two bottles of water. 
I stuff the phone back in my pocket and head into the kitchen where I know a cluster of grapes is waiting for me – chilling inside an actual, working appliance. 
I open the door, pulling out the plump green grapes, washing them under the cold tap water, and setting them down on a paper towel. This won’t fill me up, but it does give me a chance to savor their sweetness and a few quiet moments while I contemplate dragging my ass down to the basement of our building to do my laundry.
My phone buzzes again.
It’s Jasmine.
           “I hope you’re not cooking,” I say aloud to myself before unlocking the device. I refuse to go back up another dress size.
            I look at the screen. 
            “Sorry. I’m making chicken parmesan and some fresh, sautéed vegetables,” she said.
            My stomach growls – loudly.
            I hate her for this. 
            Actually, it’s the opposite. I adore the woman, but still she’s not helping my waistline. Internally, I’m begging her not to invite me over so we can gorge ourselves on marinara smothered chicken, vegetables, and wine.
            I consider my response text carefully. I don’t want to offend her, but I don’t want to spend the rest of the day feeling bloated.
            “Cool. Hey, I’m gonna finish laundry in the basement,” I type back. 
            I leave the phone on the counter and make my way back to the overflowing hamper I have. I dump its contents into my second laundry bag and begin to question the need for all these clothes to be washed at once since I live on the third floor of a walk-up. 
            I’m sorting through the laundry picking out the essentials when I hear the phone ring.
            I run back and answer it.
            “Come on over,” she insists, sounding like she has food in her mouth. Fresh, warm delicious food. Crap. It’s apparently so good she can’t wait to eat it.
            “Didn’t your mother teach you not to talk with your mouth full?” I ask.
            She apparently swallows her bite and resumes talking.
            “Well, she also taught me to wear a girdle and pantyhose all the time, but I didn’t listen to that advice either,” she points out.
            It’s then that I realize I’ve stopped moving. Her soft voice flows through the phone, washing over me. I love it. I could listen to it all day really. She could read the instruction manual to my new TV and it would sound awesome. 
Men must love it. 
I have no idea why she’s not seeing anyone right now. She’s awesome. She’s this outgoing, smart, petite woman with perfect lips and sparkling eyes. She also has the most enviable body I’ve seen on any woman: the perfect mixture of athletic and curvy.
She’s beautiful and adorable, but what’s cool is that she doesn’t realize it. Well, maybe she does, but she’s not cocky about it at all.
I’m usually very intimidated by beautiful women. I feel so inadequate around them but she’s never made me feel that way. The moment we met, I felt perfectly at ease. We are the same age and have so much in common. Both of us live far from home. Both of us work as professionals in our fields.
We instantly became best friends.
We spend most Thursday nights camped out on a couch with wine, popcorn and the remote close by we can pause a show whenever we go into one of our long discussions.
I love her to death, which is why I hate saying “no” to her for any reason; even a good one. 
I do think overeating is a good enough reason.
            “Are you that witch from Hansel and Gretel? I keep thinking you’re trying to fatten me up and cook me up for dinner,” I joke.
            She giggles and it’s quite infectious actually. I know I’m going to say yes. It’s only a matter of seconds before I do.
“I’m not trying to fatten you up just to eat you,” Jasmine states, “I just like testing new recipes on a friendly audience.”
“Jazz, hon, I can’t eat all that food. I always eat too much when I come over,” I point out. I’m pleading, but it’s not working. Note to self: two gym visits tomorrow.
I hear her humph over the phone. I can almost see her pouting. She really wants me to try this dish. 
She likes to experiment.
            “Ok, I give in,” I tell her, “But I have to get this laundry done tonight.”
            “No problem. Do it over here,” she offers. 
            “Ok,” I tell her. I’m done resisting her efforts.
            I click off the phone and grab a bottle of wine to bring with me. Showing up empty-handed isn’t an option when she’s offering hot food and a working washing machine.
            I sheepishly knock on her door and seconds later it springs open. She’s standing there, barefoot wearing a black V-neck top and pajama shorts. I drop my laundry bags just inside her door and hand her the wine.
            She frowns while looking at it. I soon realize why.
            “Is this the bottle I gave you for a housewarming present?” Jasmine asks. 
            I bite my lip and look away.
            “It is isn’t it?” she continues, raising an eyebrow.
            “Sorry,” I tell her.
            “I thought you’d used this already for a special occasion,” she said, walking it to the kitchen counter. 
            “There haven’t been any special occasions,” I said.
            She crosses her arms over her chest.
            “I’m sorry,” I add, “You still love me though? Right?”
            She pretends to be angry with me, walking over with this scowl on her face, but by the time she’s standing in front of me, she’s smiling. She puts her arms around me and gives me a hug.
            I really love it when she hugs me. She always gives me those hugs that feel like she hasn’t seen me in forever. It’s a long squeeze where she just pulls me in and holds me there like she’s been missing me for years and we’re finally reunited.
            I’m an affectionate person by nature, so I just eat this up. She backs away smiling and shows me the efforts of her cooking. The smells are heavenly. My stomach is happy. My doctor won’t be, but screw her: this looks delicious.
            “Why don’t we do a Scandal marathon?” she offers, popping a bite of food in her mouth after we’ve settled onto the couch.
            “We’ve seen all the ones from the final season,” I remind her.
            She whips out her remote control and turns Netflix on her smart TV.
            “Past episodes sweetheart,” she states.
            I’m going to be here a while, and that’s just fine with me: friend, food, wine, laundry, and Scandal. Sunday’s aren’t so bad.
            We’re covered up with the blanket. The first laundry load is done by the time the first episode is over. I pull it from the machine and load the second batch.
            The sun has set, so she draws the curtains and turns on an incandescent light in the back of the room.
The blue light from the large television lights up her face. 
I realize I’m staring at her. She smiles before turning to me.
“What’s wrong, something on my face?” she asks.
I tell her it’s her lipstick; that I love the color and want to know what kind it is. She hops up and grabs her makeup bag from her purse. She pulls it out and shows me that it’s called “Ravishing Red.”
I make a mental note of that. I also make a note of the fact that I shouldn’t stare at her too long. It might give her the wrong idea.
We are friends after all. 
She snuggles next to me and I realize how much I miss being touched and held. I’ve avoided the dating scene because I just have no patience for finding, training and keeping a man. 
Can’t they just come in ready-made packages with all the relationship information located on the side?
I scoot closer to her and after a few minutes notice an undeniable heat building up inside of me. I look down and note our position on the sofa puts her breast against mine. Her nipple is hard. The sensation of it pressing against the side of my breast is making my own nipple hard.
My core floods with heat and begins to tingle. I can’t look at her. I’m just going to ignore it because I know it’s incidental contact, and it’s been a while for me and I just can’t get turned on this easily … And we’re friends. 
I exhale slowly and pray the buzzer goes off after the washer is done with the spin cycle. I’ll have an excuse to get up. 
The buzzer doesn’t go off.
She places her hand on my upper thigh, but she keeps looking at the television. 
I’m getting hotter in places that should not be getting hot with her just touching me like that. But I can feel it. I’m turned on and God I hope she doesn’t notice it. I have nothing on under this oversized T-shirt and only a pair of cotton shorts is positioned between my core the warmth of her hand.
I don’t want to scare her or freak her out. 
She is my friend, after all.
The episode ends and she turns to me.
“Hey, did you ever try out that eyeliner that I gave you?” she asked innocently.
I relax a little. I try to tell my body to do the same, but it doesn’t.
“I’m so bad at makeup,” I confess, “I just use the basics. I know I should do more.”
She grabs her makeup bag and I realize she’s going to doll me up. It’s cool because I feel like a teenager at a sleepover. 
            She sits on the coffee table in front of me and pulls out the lipstick. I scoot forward until we’re eye to eye. She’s good at this – putting on makeup and making things look beautiful.
            I trust her.
            I hold still and let her apply a thin layer of the lipstick on my mouth. I rub my lips together and lick them a little. I’m surprised it has a flavor to it – tastes a bit like cherry.
            I smile.
            She pulls out the eyeliner. Ok. I hate eyeliner, but she feels like doing this and I don’t want to stop her because she’s so sweet. 
            “Come a little closer,” she says.
            I tend to back away because, again, I hate eyeliner. I always feel like something is in my eye even though it isn’t.
            I close my eyes and tell myself that this time, it’s not going to feel like something crawled under my eyelid.
            She holds my face steady. I guess I didn’t realize how much I move when someone does this but –
            That’s when I feel it. Not on my eyes, but my mouth. 
            The action registers after a few long seconds. Her lips are on mine. 
She’s kissing me. 
            I’m shocked, but not enough to pull away because the thing is: I’m enjoying it. Here lips are full and soft and feel amazing as they caress each of mine. I don’t even realize I’m letting out a soft moan, but I do. It feels good. It actually feels amazing.
            She’s chest to chest with me, her breasts pressing against mine. It feels so natural to kiss her even though I’ve never kissed a woman before and had no idea how erotic it would be, but that’s what I’m doing now and I love it.
            I reach beneath her t-shirt and hope my hands are warm enough so that can touch her skin. I need to feel if it’s as soft as I think it is. The second I make contact, she moans into my mouth. Her hand is on the back of my neck and she pulls me into a deeper kiss while her tongue slips inside to explore my mouth.
            Now I’m desperate to touch her even more. She’s not wearing a bra. Thank God!
Her shirt raises a little as I cup her breasts in my hands and caress them gently. She is amazingly soft. Her skin feels like satin – no silk – rubbing against my palms. 
            Gorgeous. She looks and feels gorgeous. She’s so responsive and now I know how much of a turn on it is to turn on another person – a woman. It’s a thrill I never realized I could experience, much less enjoy.
            But here it is.
            I feel the urge to kiss her beautiful nipples, but I can’t do it from this position. I hold onto her while I pull us both back on the sofa. She’s straddled across my lap. Her shirt is hiked up and her breasts are only millimeters from my face. I have to do it.
I choose my prize and claim it.
            My lips wrap around her nipple and she sucks in a sharp breath of air, and then releases it in a groan of pleasure. Her fingers are running through my hair as I lave at her erect bud with my tongue.  The circles I’m making are slow and deliberate – torture for the both of us really.  I feel it pebble harder the more I do it. It tickles my tongue and sends volts of electricity through my body.
“I want you,” Jasmine groans, “Please don’t stop.”
She arches into me, so I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer.  
My left hand is running up and down her back.  I’m sucking on one areola while lightly pinching the other between my thumb and forefinger.
Her breath is coming out in short bursts, fluffing the hair on top of my head. 
            Her squirming knocks the blanket onto the floor, but I’m too hot and turned on to care because I’m so happy I’m the one making her squirm like this. 
            I switch to the other nipple and she’s grinding against me. She starts to kiss my ear. I move up to pull of her shirt then kiss her neck.
“Oh my God, it feels so good,” she moans in my ear. 
I’m so lost in her that I barely consider what she said, but the words sound so damn sexy coming from those full lips, I can’t help but keep going.
            She needs her release and I’m going to give it to her.
            I pick her up and lay her on the sofa. I take off my top and climb on top of her. She smells mouthwateringly good. I kiss her ear, her neck, and make my way back to the mouth I’ve envied for years. I bask in the glory of each of her naturally red lips. I suck one into my mouth, run my tongue over it, and then do the same with the other. 
            I kiss down her stomach until I reach her bellybutton. 
            I pull her shorts down and notice that she’s not wearing any panties. Her arousal scents the room, and I’m the one making her hot. 
            She’s my friend and I’m making her hot and wet and she wants to me satisfy her.
            And I will.
            I don’t waste any time.
            I’ve never given another woman such an intimate kiss. I know what I like, but there’s no guarantee she’s going to enjoy it. 
I take the risk and decide to kiss her … there…kiss her like she’s never been kissed before. 
I part her lower lips with my fingers and swipe my tongue against her clit. I French kiss her folds – slow and sweet. Her head is tossing from side to side. She’s panting and trying to hold onto something.
            She cries out my name as she grinds against my face.
            That’s all I need to know.
            I gently hold her legs in place, licking under, around, and above her clit. She’s not getting off that easily. 
            I give long, alternating licks up and down her slit. I hold her tight because I want this to last as long as possible for her. She wants me to make her feel good and I refused to disappoint her.
            Her thighs tighten around my ears as she grabs the back of my head and pulls my tongue closer inside her. She’s almost screaming now. She’s chanting something, but I can’t hear it because her thighs are covering my ears. 
            I can’t believe how hot this is making me. 
I bury myself in her heaven. I keep sucking, touching, kissing and licking at her until she lets out a guttural scream of pleasure that I can feel through her whole body. She’s shaking beneath me and I slowly let her thighs fall from my shoulders.
She continues to moan and I look for something to help me clean off my face even though I like that her scent is on me.
            I find a hand towel to wipe my face.
            She finally opens her eyes. I’m sitting up topless in front of her, grinning and blushing a bit.
            She stands up, takes the towel from my hands and pulls me to my feet. She pulls down my shorts and leads me to the bathroom.
            “Let’s get washed up,” she tells me in this sultry voice that almost makes me orgasm from listening to it.
            She leads me down the hallway.
Scented candles illuminate the large bathroom. As she leans over to turn on the warm water from the shower, I notice how incredible her ass looks. I’m eager for any reason to touch it.
The water heats up. I can’t wait to touch her again. I pull her under the stream with me. We’re soaked. Her skin is against mine. I swear, I’ve never wanted anyone this much. Her bare chest against mine is driving me wild with lust. I pull her up against me, cupping her ass in my hands and confirming one solid truth: it is perfect. I knead the flesh because I need her flesh. She’s hot and wanting. Her sex is rubbing against mine and the friction is stimulating both of us.
She kisses down my neck, pulling my breast into her hot mouth. I search for something to hold onto because I know she can make me come just by rubbing against me and sucking on my nipple. 
Her damp hair looks black in this light. I brush it away from her face so I can watch her mouth around me. While I’m looking in her eyes, I feel her fingers slip down between my legs and tease my clit.
My head automatically falls against the side of the shower. I can’t handle this for long. I won’t be able to.
She releases my nipple with a small pop and stands up. She kisses me as I caress her perfect wet body everywhere I can reach.
She lifts up one of my legs, propping my foot up on an empty soap dish. The movement exposes more of my sex to the tender attention of her fingers. She speeds up slightly, as I moan more and more. I bite my lip, but nothing will stop what’s building. I feel like the pieces of a Jenga game, just waiting to topple over any second now.
            I close my eyes. I can’t take this much stimulation of all my senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch – God how she’s touching me. 
I want to grind against her hand, but I fight against it. I close my eyes.
“No, no, no,” she cajoles, “I want to be looking in your eyes when you come.”
She looks me in the eyes, speeding up because she knows I’m barely holding on. I grab the shower rail just before the first surge of pleasure hits me. I cry out, grinding against her harder and another orgasm hits me, nearly knocking me off my feet.
I look at her when I come. I pull her up into my arms and kiss her again. 
We stand there under the water, kissing with hunger and desire until the water begins to turn cold. I find a large towel and wrap it around the both of us. We kiss again and it’s only then I hear it.
The buzzer from the washing machine sounds.
I chuckle.
“I guess the spin cycle’s over,” I say as I kiss her neck.
She moans against me.
“Well,” she says as she pulls me into her bedroom and strips off the towel, “Some spin cycles are just getting started.”
God, I adore this woman.
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addulcet · 7 years
How do you motivate yourself every morning especially after going through episodes of depression, anxiety and did. I need such motivation to hold on too ):
hey there sweet heart, how are you today? (:
listen, every day is a new chance for you to try out new things. what happened yesterday, leave it there. you have 24 hours to make yourself happy today honey. 
i have been there and to be honest, the process of pulling myself back up does not happen overnight but it is your constant effort that helps speed things up. i’d say that if you want to be motivated, the first thing to do when you wake up is look into the mirror and tell yourself how pretty you are today and how amazing it is that you are waking up to a brand new day. you have like the whole day to be awesome. positive start of the day can help you get through it. remember that you are beautiful, unique and amazing honey!
goodluck hon, please hold on because there’s just so much awesome things in your life waiting to happen and you NEED to be there to see it xx
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mbmbam-quotes · 1 year
Can a man knock out a gorilla using only hand-to-hand combat?
Griffin McElroy, Episode 24 Final Question
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mbmbam-quotes · 1 year
Justin: You know this is, this is tough. Because when- I mean, I'm married to a doctor, so she's. She's kinda busy. Griffin: Always bragging. Always braggin' 'bout that.
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mbmbam-quotes · 1 year
Griffin: "Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant?" *Justin dying of laughter* Griffin: "Like...like, the baby is a girl and you have sex and the sperm gooos to her while in the womb." I'm imagining, like, a Russian doll situation, like, the answer is obviously yes.
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