theretinacentre123 · 2 months
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A brief about Trans PRK
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shingawaeye · 10 months
Precision Redefined: Experience Epi-LASIK at Shinagawa Singapore
Discover the pinnacle of precision with Epi-LASIK at Shinagawa. Elevate your vision with advanced technology and expert care. Your journey to visual clarity begins here.
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sharpeyes-1 · 4 months
5 نصائح لاختيار عملية الليزك المناسبة لك
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إذا كنت تبحث عن بديل للنظارة الطبية والعدسات اللاصقة، فأنت في المكان الصحيح، حيث يمكنك الاطلاع على معلومات شاملة حول عملية الليزك للعيون والخيارات المتاحة وأسعارها وأفضل مراكز العناية الطبية التي تقدمها.
تم تجهيز هذا المقال لتوفير كافة المعلومات الضرورية حول عملية الليزك وأنواعها، حيث يمكنك اختيار الخيار المناسب لحالتك بناءً على احتياجاتك وظروفك الصحية.
ما هي أنواع عمليات الليزك لتصحيح النظر؟
يتضمن تصحيح النظر باستخدام تقنية الليزك عدة إجراءات، منها:
1. عملية الليزك التقليدي:
هذه العملية تهدف إلى تصحيح النظر عن طريق توجيه أشعة الليزر نحو الطبقات الداخلية من القرنية، مما يساعد في استعادة الرؤية الواضحة للشخص المصاب بقصر أو طول نظر.
2. عملية الليزك السطحي (PRK):
تتم عملية الليزر السطحي عن طريق توجيه أشعة الليزر مباشرة على سطح القرنية دون فصل طبقة القرنية الخارجية، ورغم أنه قد يسبب الألم لفترة بسيطة بعد الجراحة، إلا أنه يمكن أن يساعد في تحقيق نتائج جيدة في تصحيح النظر.
3. عملية الليزك EpiLasik:
هذه العملية تشبه إلى حد كبير عملية PRK في تصحيح النظر، حيث يتم فصل طبقة رقيقة من القرنية وإعادة تشكيلها باستخدام تقنية الليزر، مع وضع عدسات ناعمة لحماية العين وتعزيز عملية الشفاء والالتئام.
4. عملية الليزك التفصيلي:
عملية الليزك التفصيلي، أو الليزك عالي الدقة، أو المعروف أحيانًا بالألترا ليزك، هي واحدة من أشكال عمليات الليزك التي توفر أفضل جودة للرؤية في الحالات الصعبة مقارنة بأنواع أخرى من الليزك. تعمل عملية الليزك التفصيلي على تصحيح انحرافات سطح القرنية والتشوهات البصرية التي تؤدي إلى ضعف الرؤية، وتعالج العيوب البصرية مثل قصر النظر وطول النظر والإستجماتزم بفعالية. وبذلك، تضمن تحسين الصورة المرئية التي تصل إلى شبكية العين بشكل متجانس ومتكامل.
5 نصائح لاختيار العملية المناسبة من عمليات الليزك
زيارة طبيب متخصص في جراحات تصحيح النظر للقيام بالفحوصات اللازمة لتحديد المشكلة بدقة واختيار العملية المناسبة لك.
مقارنة أسعار عمليات الليزك في عدة مراكز طبية واختيار السعر المتوافق مع ميزانيتك.
البحث عن تجارب المرضى السابقين في كل مركز طبي، وقراءة المراجعات والتقييمات عبر الإنترنت للحصول على فكرة عن جودة الخدمة ورضا المرضى.
تحدث مع الطبيب المعالج بشأن التوقعات الواقعية لعملية الليزك، والمخاطر المحتملة، والوقت المتوقع للتعافي، وأي استفسارات أخرى قد تكون لديك.
قم بمقارنة الخيارات المتاحة من عمليات الليزك، مثل الليزك السطحي والليزك التفصيلي والفيمتو ليزك، واختر الخيار الذي يناسب حالتك واحتياجاتك بشكل أفضل.
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anileyehospital · 10 months
What is Laser Eye Treatment - Types of Laser Eye Treatment
What is Laser Eye Treatment?
The treatment with laser is popularly known as the laser eye surgery and includes, among others, the measures for correction of the myopic, the hyperopic or the astygmatic eyes. LASIK (Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis) which uses a laser to shape the cornea for better visual acuity is its commonest kind. Among other methods, we have PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) or SMILE (small incision lenticule extraction). These procedures entail laser surgery with a view of making the cornea less rounded thereby reducing the need for glasses or contacts. Best Laser eye treatment in Palava at Anil Eye Hospital and transform your vision with advanced technology and professional care. . Laser eye treatment is a successful, fast healing and lasting visual benefit. It remains important to consult a specialist eye care provider in order to confirm suitability of this procedure. 
Types of Laser Eye Treatment 
LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis)
PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)
SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction)
LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis)
LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis)
One of the most sophisticated forms of modern refractive surgery is (laser-assisted in situ keratomileustrie)
referred to as LASIK. This entails making an incision on the cornea, lifting deeper tissues up, and reshaping the surface using excimer laser with the intention of improving the eye’s ability to focus correctly. The laser in action results in fast healing and a commendable level of success, leaving people free of the need for the glass or lenses. However, depending on some factors will determine if this surgery is eligible of otherwise and this makes it imperative to consult a health care practitioner first before considering this procedure. Best lasik eye surgeon in Palava
Benefits Of LASIK Surgery?
Quick surgery with immediate results - You will regain your vision in the course of two weeks after the undergoing the 15-minute laser eye surgical LASIK procedure. Certainly, the waiting period is not necessary and even after a day of the surgery your vision gets better. However, full vision recovery lasts for fifteen days. However, during this period there’re minor limitations that you may experience such as no direct sunshine and do not swim.
You save money in the long run - Some people shy away from undergoing LASIK surgery because they argue that their cost entails major investment. Though, the real fact is that you tend to save lots of money over time. You avoid spending so much time, money, and effort in frames, lenses contacts, contact solution, and optomettist sessions you will require for the rest of your life by only paying for a one-time laser eye surgery.
LASIK surgery is pain-free - When people hear LASIK involves a laser, they assume that the surgery is painful. This is far from the truth. At most, you will feel a slight irritation in your eye during the surgery (Best eye specialist in Thane). In most cases, patients do not even require bandages or stitches and can get back to their normal life within 24 hours. 
Low risk, high satisfaction - The study in 2015 on subjective quality of vision and satisfaction following LASIK found that 98.5 % patients were either satisfied or very satisfied and the other 98.5% felt that their initial goals of the operation were fulfilled. This included 79% of those people who reported being able to drive at night with an easier time than before. The occurrence of complications is a rare case and the complications if they do occur, end up being insignificant but can have an easy resolution.
PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)
A kind of laser surgery called Photorefractive Keratectomy is used for fixing vision through reshaping the cornea. It is not as straightforward or quick. Instead, the top layer of the cornea needs to be removed before using the laser to mold the underlaying tissues. PRK is used for the treatment of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. This procedure is renowned for its precision towards providing perfect vision, however, recuperation might be slow compared to LASIK.
SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction)
SMILE which stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a new technique. It is blade free and uses one laser. SMILE uses a femtosecond laser to create a lens-shaped disc of tissue within the cornea. This disc of tissue is called a ‘lenticule’ because it is lenticular in shape, this is removable. The lenticule size and shape is adjusted to the refractive error of the patient. 
The laser eye surgeon removes the lenticule through a 4-5mm incision on the cornea.
The removal reshapes and flattens the cornea and therefore corrects vision. 
The visual recovery is slower than LASIK.
LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis)
LASEK which stands for Laser Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratomileusis is a procedure similar to PRK. Like in PRK, the corneal epithelium is separated from the underlying stromal layer. But instead of completely removing and discarding this tissue, as in PRK, the ultra-thin "flap" of epithelium is pushed off to one side of the cornea (Eye care cornea centre in Thane), where it remains attached to the eye (like the thicker flap of corneal tissue created during LASIK surgery). 
Another PRK method version is called EPI-LASIK. The thin flap produced during LASEK surgery and the epi-lasik flap are extremely comparable. Only cells from the cornea's extremely thin epithelium—the outermost layer—are present in the flap in both surgeries. The process used to create the LASEK and epi-LASIK flaps differs. 
A sharp-bladed instrument is used to construct a LASEK flap. Using a device known as an epithelial separator, which has an oscillating plastic blade with a thin, blunt edge, the flap is separated from the stroma, the underlying corneal layer, during an epi-LASIK procedure. 
Additionally, unlike LASEK, epi-LASIK usually does not involve the application of an alcohol solution to the eye in order to release the epithelial cells from the underlying corneal stroma. 
The Epi-LASIK refractive surgery has been around since the early 2000s. People that would be most suitable for this type of surgery include those who have thin corneas, with insufficient tissue for LASIK. As with PRK the visual recovery is delayed and more discomfort is experienced during the recovery. In three days many patients do have 20:40 or even 20:20 but others take longer, possibly three or six months to reach their final result. Usually you can drive within a week after surgery. Epi-LASIK is not FDA approved.
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hallandaleeyecenter · 2 years
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foxypapernews-blog · 5 years
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cvleye · 3 years
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healingtouristry · 5 years
Eye Surgery: Everything you need to know
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Eye surgery in India, also known as ocular surgery, is surgery performed on the eye or its adnexa, typically by an ophthalmologist. Today it continues to be a widely practiced type of surgery, having developed various techniques for treating eye problems. Sometime after age 50, most of us are likely to hear our eye doctor say, "You have to Eye Surgery.
 All different types of surgeries performed on eyes to treat vision problems are cumulatively called eye or ocular surgery. Depending on the type of diseases, eye surgeries may be broadly divided into the following categories:
Know Different Types of Corrective Surgeries
·        LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis)
·        PRK (photorefractive keratectomy)
·        LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis)
·        ALK (automated lamellar keratoplasty)
·        RLE (refractive lens exchange).
·        EpiLasik
·        PRELEX (presbyopic lens exchange)
·        Intacs
·        Phakic Intraocular Lens Implants
·        AK (astigmatic keratonomy)
LASIK, PRK and other laser vision correction procedures do have their limitations and may not be the best option for you if you have severe nearsightedness or farsightedness. Some eye surgeons consider implantable lenses (Visian ICL and Verisyse) the best option for extreme nearsightedness.
Eye-Surgery-Related Tourism in India
India is a very popular eye surgery destination, due to a host of factors including low-cost, high level of expertise, availability of latest equipment and compassionate care that provides support to the needy patients from Asian, African, American and European countries.
The highest international quality of eye care for cornea, cataract, squint, and glaucoma is available in several centers all over India. Facilities for PRK, myopia, and astigmatism are now available in almost all parts of the country.
Best Hospitals for Eye Surgery in India
·        Max Hospitals, Gurgaon
·        Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
·        BLK Hospital, Delhi
·        Fortis Hospital, Delhi
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haiyeneyecare-blog · 6 years
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Với hơn 30,000 ca phẫu thuật khúc xạ thành công, PGS. TS. BS Trần Hải Yến (Cố vấn cao cấp của Hai Yen Eye Care) trong gần 30 năm qua là một trong những người định hướng, tiên phong trong việc đưa các kỹ thuật điều trị tật khúc xạ (cận, viễn, loạn) tiên tiến nhất vào Việt Nam từ phẫu thuật Laser bề mặt (EpiLASIK, PRK, LASEK), Lasik thường quy, FemtoLASIK, SMILE đến mới đây nhất là phẫu thuật Phakic ICL. Những thành tựu đó đã góp phần tạo dựng vị trí và uy tín của ngành phẫu thuật Khúc xạ Việt Nam đối với các đồng nghiệp thế giới qua các bài báo cáo hội nghị chuyên ngành quốc tế. Bác sĩ Hải Yến từng là người tham gia gầy dựng khoa Khúc xạ đầu tiên của Việt Nam tại Bệnh viện Mắt TP.HCM với vai trò Trưởng khoa Khúc xạ và sau đó là đảm nhiệm vị trí Phó Giám đốc Bệnh viện Mắt TP.HCM. Không chỉ có bề dày kinh nghiệm về lĩnh vực khúc xạ, bác sĩ Hải Yến còn có thời gian dài công tác ở các mảng chuyên khoa sâu khác như điều trị các bệnh lý về giác mạc, chấn thương, đáy mắt. Hiện nay, PGS. TS. BS. Trần Hải Yến là giảng viên Đại học Y Phạm Ngọc Thạch, đồng thời cũng là thành viên của Hội Phẫu thuật Khúc xạ - Đục thủy tinh thể Mỹ (ASCRS), Hội Nhãn khoa Hoa Kỳ (AAO), và Ban chấp hành Hội Nhãn khoa Việt Nam. Trong sự nghiệp của mình, bác sĩ Hải Yến luôn tâm niệm: “Y thuật song hành cùng y đức. Kiến thức song hành cùng trái tim”. #haiyeneyecare #mocanthi #phauthuatcanthi
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whimsxfancies-blog · 7 years
I can't explain how much clearer my vision has become! After my bandage lenses were removed, it's as if a translucent veil was lifted from my eyes. Edges of things at a distance seems so clear and crisp. As for things in near sight, still quite blur but enough to make them out. In 6 months, I should see better! 😁 I'll wait patiently for it~ Today (and yesterday), I got scolded heavily by my mum. For not preparing the ingredients for cooking earlier (when she had called me at least 3 hours ahead of time) yesterday. For not confirming whether to replace the fish back in the fridge which she brought out in the morning to defrost today. I ended up leaving it out the entire day. So, my fault! ((i even contemplated cutting my fingers off with the knife, and trying so hard to hold my tears in)) don't do it next time, else my fingers could really go~ Received my full academic transcript today, and I got Diploma with Merit. Well, my sis was making a big deal out of it, when it really isn't. For her, it's top 5% to get into Director's List. For me, it's just 15%. See the difference? Not saying that it's easy to get into D-list and graduate with DWM - I had to work hard too. But for the same amount of effort we put in, I can get into D-list and DWM easier. Anws, NUS just sent an SMS a while ago for me to retrieve my interview invitation letter. Means I was rejected by FASS. Well, at least I tried. Guess God has still chosen nursing for me. And thank you to God for listening to my prayers on those sleepless nights 😊 wish me luck for the interview, i could still possibly fail the interview
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rebelmindstate-blog · 9 years
A Post From Health & Supplement
New Post has been published on http://3bestfishoilsupplement.com/epi-lasik-procedure/
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); EPI-LASIK Procedure Epithelial Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis (Epi-LASIK) is the newest method of corneal surface ablation. This refractive surgery technique can help reduce the dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses for those who...
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whimsxfancies-blog · 8 years
POD7 EpiLASIK review
Left house at 9:10am for a 10:20 appt, but managed to catch a shuttle bus from Bishan MRT at 9:55am, reached the centre at about 10:05am??? LOL so turns out I was early hahah 😂
Met Dr Choi for consultation (cause Dr Theng was all booked), and well, he looks pretty young for a senior consultant! Anws, spoke to him about my blurry vision progressively getting bad over the day, and he said it’s normal for EpiLASIK. Okay, you the doc, I’ll listen. Asked about my dry eyes and pain, and i think i got a little too excited while replying that i had none HAHAHAH! It’s a cause for celebration okay?
He went on to check my eyes using the light stuff thingy, said my eyes are healing well! Phew, all worries dispersed~ Removed my bandage lens, and gosh, he went a little too hard on the right eye, ow *wipes tears*
Then Dr Choi took some device kinda thing and told me to focus on the soap bottle by the sink. And he dabbed? touched? my eyes with the device several times each side. Ouh, so he’s testing my IOP hahaha. And stupid me forgot to ask how was it, cause he didn’t say, i took that it was good. Anws, teared and leaked from my nose quite a lot later. His chaperone (or are they actually doctors or optometrist???) placed an eyedrop in each eye (that i so wanted to grab the bottle and see what it is, since it’s placed right in front of me). I thought it was some dilators but it’s more logical that she placed lubricating drops.
Proceeded to wait for my vision acuity test with the nurse, it’s worse than last week. (even embarrassed myself and asked the nurse how do i cover my left eye after doing my right *facepalm*) And my right eye was a WHOLE LOT better than my left. Like a 6/9 and a 6/15 kind of difference.
Then waited outside for payment and my eyedrops. Got some super ex NSAIDs called Tobradex, Timolol for IOP control ((see, should have asked about my IOP), and Duratears in ointment form. So no more Prednisolone and Moxifloxacin drops!
Got back on the shuttle bus at 10:48am. Less than an hour for everything, weeeee~~ Gonna stop by the library because i haven’t visited since it’s opening. And going to rip those prescription literature once i get home!
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