#Eorzea Claire
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hazelkjt · 2 months
OC Introductory Post
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Hello, and thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm Hazel and this is my main character for everything FFXIV related, from raiding to rp'ing. My pronouns are he/him, I'm an early 20's college student still trying to figure out what to do with my life, but I'm getting there!
I had mentioned this before but I'll reiterate it here: this blog was originally just for my main FFXIV OC, Hazel Kha, but because trying to manage multiple blogs was pushing me away from doing anything with these character I'm consolidating this one to have all of my OCs on it rather than just one. Those old blogs will remain up to keep the content from disappearing but I will not be utilizing them anymore. I'm sorry if you followed me here exclusively for the Hazel stuff, she will still be the main focus of most of my posts here but there will be others posted up here and there.
I'm situated on Zalera (Crystal) and spend most of my time either raiding or taking GPose shots, but regardless I look forward to seeing everyone's creativity here on the Tumbles.
Anyways, onto the intro bits to them all below the Read More
Hazel Kha
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Age: 24 as of Dawntrail
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Height: 6'4"/193cm
Nameday: 25th Sun of the First Umbral Moon (February 22nd)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
A young hunter and warrior of the Kha tribe, Hazel is a proud daughter of the Azim Steppe who has always longed to see more, to do more. Through her mother's collection of foreign books and literature she came to daydream and wonder of the lands beyond the Steppe. Her desire for adventure high a fever pitch when coming into possession of a wandering samurai's soul crystal, and all the memories and knowledge it contained. She would hold on to the stone dearly for years, until one fateful day she had a chance encounter of a lifetime and through it found her way across the waters to Eorzea. After arriving she found herself under the employment of the Sharlayan scholar Nolanel Corbeaux, working as both research assistant and hired hand to help defend against threats. Not long after Hazel finds herself under the tutelage of Lia Amelune of Ishgard, retired Dragoon and head of her own noble house. Extremely curious and adventurous by nature, Hazel's love of the unknown is matched only by her competitiveness. Idealistic and prideful, Hazel takes to each new day with excitement and wonder in her eye.
Claire Ashe (Claire Bas Syndris)
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Age: 29 as of Dawntrail
Race: Garlean
Height: 6'2"/188cm
Nameday: 17th Sun of the Third Astral Moon (May 17th)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
A pureblooded Garlean who spent most of her childhood and teenage years living in Ala Mhigo under Garlean occupation. She grew up befriending many of the Ala Mhigan children there without her parents knowing. After her two closest friends were beaten to death in the streets, Claire revoked her family name and fled the city, no longer disillusioned by the Garlean propaganda she was fed her entire life. She traveled to Ul'dah and came into contact with the Lemures, where she was then trained by Drusilla as a Reaper. With her training and pact with the Voidsent Sidian, Claire aided in the revolution to liberate Ala Mhigo from Garlean control. She now works aboard the merchant ship The Enduring Deeds as a deckhand and the ship's main cook. She wears a bandana at all times to hide her third eye, paranoid over the general consensus most people have of Garleans. She puts up a cold and harsh exterior, which as of this point might not be as much of an act anymore, but underneath is a truly kind soul afraid of being hurt and hurting others just from existing.
Derrinall Evramont
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Age: 33 (physically) as of Dawntrail
Race: Duskwight Elezen (also Ashkin/Undead)
Height: 6'7"/201cm
Nameday: 9th Sun of the First Astral Moon (January 9th)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Derrinall Evramont originally lived during the final years of Gelmorra. His family were that of knights, dedicated to serving the people, though unfortunately his life was not lost in service of this oath. Sickness claimed him a few years before the total fall of Gelmorra, his soul adrift yet still holding strong to his memory and sense of self for centuries...that is, until he was brought back to the star for reasons he did not know. When he awoke again he wandered the ruins of the crypt he was buried in, eventually stumbling upon two he would learn to be kindred spirits, in a way. The two strangers helped him to recover even as he kept his personal information close to his chest, eventually pointing him to work and housing in Ishgard. He found work under Lia Amelune, both as house servant and a member of the House's ranks of knights. Derrinall's previous experience as a knight of Gelmorra saw him quickly rise through the ranks to become Captain, a title he holds with pride and only the occasional harassment of the Lady he serves.
E'venna Zekiel
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Age: 21 as of Dawntrail
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Height: 5'4"/162cm
Nameday: 3rd Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon (November 3rd)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
E'venna Zekiel is the eldest daughter of five children. After her father was tempered by Ifrit and subsequently killed, she took it upon herself to help her mother care for her younger siblings, specifically her triplet younger sisters. It wasn't an easy road to get where she and her family are now, especially in a place such as Ul'dah. E'venna began her "career" in back alley fights, as she had always been scrappy in a brawl. After getting into an impromptu fight outside the Pugilist's Guild she was offered membership, and upon joining took it upon herself to partake in Coliseum matches. The shine of her golden hair is matched only by her bright smile and optimistic personality. Combined with her unorthodox and playful fighting style in matches and soon E'venna had earned her the nickname "The Dancing Coeurl" from dedicated fans of her's. Her tournament winnings are a major boon to the family, with it they are able to put the three youngest through a formal education. Her family members almost all strongly disapprove of E'venna's line of work she can't imagine herself doing anything but. She's found her place, and that's in the ring.
Exploding Goldfish
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Age: 36 as of Dawntrail
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Height: 7'2"/218cm
Nameday: 30th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon (June 28th)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: AroAce
Exploding Goldfish, simply known as "Fish" by most everyone, was born to a family of miners in Uldah. Throughout his life he was surrounded by heavy machinery, sparking a lifelong love of machines and inventing. His youth was spent learning everything he could about technology. His studies eventually paid off and he scored the job of his dreams working as part of Garlond Ironworks...for a while. An accident during a project cost Fish partial vision in his left eye and his position in the company. Scarred and humiliated, he drifted for months before finally finding secure work and pay at Wolves' Den Pier. Fish spent his time maintaining the machines used in "Rival Wings" competitions, and when he wasn't working on repairs he was drowning his self-pity in alcohol. It wasn't all for nothing, however. While at Wolves' Den, Fish chanced upon meeting a scrawny Viera living under the pier; Qara Wen. It took some coaxing but eventually Fish was able to befriend him, and over time that friendship evolved into brotherhood. And so when Fish was recruited to join the merchant ship The Enduring Deeds, his one request was that Qara be welcomed aboard as well.
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claire-ashe · 6 months
Claire Ashe - Basics
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Name: Claire Ashe/Claire bas Syndris
Nicknames: "Lemur" by Exploding Goldfish, "Bestie" by Qara Wen
Age: 28
Nameday: 17th Sun of the Third Astral Moon
Race: Pureblood Garlean
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Lemure, Mercenary, Ship Cook
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Pure white hair she keeps cut around chin length. Usually swept out of the way of her forehead to expose her headband.  
Eyes: Deep and cold purple/pink. 
Skin: Deeply tanned skin after years of living in Ala Mhigo. 
Tattoos/scars: None yet. 
Parents: Magnus quo Syndris and Irina bas Syndris, deceased following the destruction of Garlemald.
Siblings: N/A
Grandparents: N/A 
In-laws and Other: Sidian, her Voidsent Partner.
Pets: None, she doesn't trust herself to take care of any.
Abilities: Trained as a Reaper by Drusilla, having her own Soul Crystal. Can manipulate aether through her contract with Sidian, using the Voidsent as a medium for whatever actions she wishes to take. This allows her to masquerade as a normal Eorzean rather than a Garlean.
Hobbies: Cooking is her main pastime, though she can also be seen humming and dancing to herself when alone.
Most Positive Trait: An underlying caring and kindness for those around her, even if those traits aren't shown in the most obvious of ways. 
Most Negative Trait: Her pessimism and paranoia given most of Eorzea's hatred of Garleans, always thinking the worst should others find out her heritage. She always tries to keep up a cold persona to keep people away.
Colors: Blacks, Purples, Reds, Yellows 
Smells: Cinnamon, spicy pepper, cooking oil.
Textures: Fine grain wood, the embroidery on her headband
Drinks: Whiskey, milk, a variety of wines (though most end up used as cooking ingredients rather than drank). 
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No.
Drinks: On occasion. She ends up drinking more than usual should she begin feeling paranoid over something.
Drugs: None. 
Mount Issuance: No mount for herself, she usually ends up renting a Chocobo from wherever she ends up. Currently is traveling the world as part of the crew of The Enduring Deeds. 
Been Arrested: Not yet.
Tagged by: @ahollowgrave ty so much!!
I'm so damn late to do this for Claire that I doubt there's anyone left to tag for this lmao. If anyone's reading this and has an alt they wanna do this for this is your tag.
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bakingupastorm · 5 years
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Claire, but she’s a shy bun instead of a ‘dragon’, only unflinching when dealing with foes threatening her friends, but otherwise a bashful dork who cares and dotes on her guildmates and pals.
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claire-devereux · 3 years
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Looking for RP Connections (New Main OC):
Name: Claire Devereux
Gender: Woman (She/Her)
Age: 24
Race: Midlander Hyur
Ethnicity: Half Hannish (Mother: Marina Yardeen) - Half Sharlayan (Father: Oberyon Devereux) 
Occupation: Studium dropout (Allowed to dropout as a courtesy, but in truth, girl was expelled) 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual 
Data Center: Crystal (Balmung)
Claire is opinionated, stylish, and generous. She’s a kind person who has more empathy than she lets on, but she unfortunately has a host of less great traits that make it difficult for her to act on her most compassionate instincts. 
She can be very insincere and cold when she is in a situation that makes her feel vulnerable. Despite now being broke and desperate, she’s still surprisingly snobby and elitist in ways that come off as bizarrely self-unaware. She still thinks like an heiress with a very much in-tact sense of entitlement. In coping with her lost status and wealth, she is a bit insecure and almost needs to believe she’s still somehow better than others. 
She can be surprisingly brave and maternal and encourages people to be their best self (though usually it’s by her definition). She also hates bullies because she is slowly realizing she used to be one. 
She understands her new commoner bitch reality, but she clings to the delusional of status she used to have as her last remaining safety blanket. With enough time spent around some more down-to-earth / down-to-Hydaelyn characters, she should eventually evolve past some of this. 
Potential RP Hooks for your character to meet Claire  and additional info below  
(Feel free to message me on here or in game if you want to set up RP. All character types welcome.)
Your character might recognize her face or name as the disgraced party girl mess whose family disowned her:  be it as a fellow Thavnairian or someone from Sharlayan who was familiar with her embarrassing exit from the Studium. 
She is desperately looking for a job, even though she isn’t good at anything. She could try coming to you. (Even if just to be rejected because roleplaying her responding to misfortune is lots of fun
She carries herself like a noble, but is forced to be out and about on the same streets as everyone else. She’s a superficially appealing mark if your criminal character wants to try to rob her or kidnap her--only to find she hilariously is broke AF
You meet her outside a city in a hilarious but dangerous damsel in distress situation where she tried to do an adventurer leve she wasn’t qualified for and needs rescuing
She is trying to sell off one of her old dresses or accessories to continue her idle and unemployed existence in Eorzea as her funds rapidly deplete.
She slips into old habits and over indulges on fine dining and liquor, only to realize she can’t afford the bill
You see her getting very clearly ripped off as someone who isn’t used to doing her own shopping. 
You are an adventurer in the mood to mentor a hilariously inept and spoiled novice who clearly wasted her magical talents in her youth and is dreadfully behind in every facet of spellcasting. She clearly has a gift for magic, but it’s yet another thing she had handed to her and never did anything to develop or earn. 
RP Preferences:
I love GMing adventure RP. Claire is clueless when it comes to adventure stuff, so I would be improvising some scenario where she desperately needs your character’s help completing a leve OR rescuing her. I am well versed in the lore and used to run an RP guild.  Slice of Life:  Claire is deeply into the finer things in life and can talk your ear off about all things related to food, drink, and fashion. But she’s also broke now so she will be hoping to hear about your life and vicariously live through you if you have any modicum of success.  Mystery:  I write a mean mystery storyline for RP, so if you’re interested in being part of that, I am happy to run it. Claire would be a supporting character, but the non-Claire characters would largely be the ones interacting with the story. Think DnD or other TTRPG systems.  Romance:  Claire is pretty open to romance, but she’s still figuring herself out and is still a bit of a snobby brat so that growth would have to be a part any romantic interactions. 
Claire is currently avoiding sex as part of her disgraced reputation includes being slut-shamed. Maybe down the road with the right person, but for now, she’s trying really hard to be good as her relationship with sexuality has been damaged by toxic social pressures. Free Company:
I am open to joining RP Free Companies if necessary, but I’m sentimentally attached to my current free company and would rather RP without joining your company. Happy to join Linkshells though! 
Rambles about making Claire:
After a long hiatus from FFXIV RP, I’m dipping my toes back into it with a new OC. 
During my hiatus I built on the old Arden character and tried to connect more with the kind of arc I have in mind for her. 
I realized I love stories about heroines who are deeply flawed and who are trying to rise from their mistakes, but I also decided that I wanted to write a character who didn’t completely belong in FFXIV adventurer culture. I wanted both a defrosting ice queen redemption situation, but also a fish out of water storyline. 
I took inspiration from Jane Austen’s Emma in the way she earnestly thought she knew best for everyone and in the way she has never truly challenged herself.  Mostly I was inspired by  Alexis Rose from Schitt’s Creek and Tahani Al Jamil from The Good Place to warp Arden from a roguish anti-hero to a self-absorbed, ultra-privileged party girl who is desperately trying to reclaim the status, fortune, and reputation she has lost. Both these characters lose their riches and fame, but that background hilariously colors everything they do while also giving them room to grow dramatically. 
Every character has a bit of myself in it for psychological realism and catharsis. For her party girl background and Studium fall from grace, I took inspiration from my own ridiculous and ill-advised night life addiction during my undergraduate studies at Duke in terms of her party girl mistakes and mishaps. I look back on so many times where I felt unfairly judged for the partier reputation I had gotten but at the same time, knew all those mistakes were very much of my own making. That dissonance is definitely being brought to this character:
She knows she messed up, but deep down she both knows she had her reasons and knows those reasons weren’t good enough to excuse her behavior. She was using substances, alcohol, and partying to heal something that was broken in herself, but it was a selfish pursuit that damaged both her relationships, her own reputation, and the reputation of her family. She was so consumed with self-medicating her own pain that she had no thought of the ripple effects.  Fast forward to the present. She’s starting over in Eorzea where most people don’t know her as the disgraced Thavnairian FORMER heiress who disgraced herself while studying abroad in Sharlayan and got herself disinherited and disowned.  She has some magical abilities, but she spent so much of her time in school cultivating this sexy, rich, ice queen, fashionista persona that most of that talent has gone to waste. However prodigious she was a child, she has nothing to show for it as an adult other than simple magic tricks that would barely impress first and second year students back in Sharlayan.  The moment her life comes crashing down and she’s disconnected from her wealth, all of her so-called friends no longer choose to or need to tolerate her antics, ego, and indiscretions. She had built an entire social life on who her parents were and what she could afford. And now she has nothing.  Which is the most fertile and delicious place for a character to be. I’ve come to realize I love a character who is a failure. It’s comedic as she stumbles through learning how to be a commoner, it’s dramatic as she struggles to figure out who she really is without status or money or power, and it’s exciting to see how hard she will try to reclaim her old life---and even more exciting to see, after making friends and building a version of herself of her own design, whether that old life is something she even wants anymore. 
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fulcrum-agent · 5 years
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
Life causes Kym’a anxiety. He’s long been a nervous little ball of fluff. Before my HDD crash, I had a silly little drawing of him being such that @sedatayuun randomly did one night. He’s getting a little better with it, but he’s still something of a Nervous Nelly.
Ashe has a lot of anxiety from her responsibilities and the national secrets she has to keep. They were heightened during her first relationship because she was afraid there would be little way for her to actually settle down with the person long-term.
Claire’s got massive anxiety about potentially being found by the hunters her homeland has sent out after her. She - or her allies - have already killed several in the past 6 years alone, and she’s killed even more over the full 11 - 12 years she’s been in Eorzea.
Epis has anxiety about people learning of her origins, and either cutting off their connection or outright trying to kill her for it. Paradyme does his best to help her keep such obfuscated, but it’s swiftly getting difficult to do so.
Thanks for the ask, @mai-takeda
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claire-xiv · 5 years
Echo Flashback III
Claire's arrived in Ul'dah for the first time. She's dressed quite similarly to how she dresses now, but not quite the same. She wears form-fitting slacks, the same style of shirt she favours now, and form-fitting boots, along with the same gloves. Her hair was a bit longer and left to hang free without any styling, almost as though she didn't bother paying attention to it at all.
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The crowd on the streets parts and begins to line the way as a massive caravan makes its way toward the markets. Whoever they are, the merchants are well known, either respected or liked. Many people in the crowd cheer at them and these individuals stand up in their carts to wave at the passing faces.
Suddenly, most of the chocobos from nearly every cart in the caravan break from their bardings, and begin to charge through the streets, panicked and making trill shrieks as they nearly trample the bystanders. Without a word, Claire reacts along with another familiar face further up the avenue - a white-haired bard who also charges into the fray, carefully subduing chocobos.
Claire tackles chocobos, and she wrestles them into submission before knocking them out, moving from chocobo to chocobo, making her way toward the other man subduing the rampaging birds. A third gentleman joins them, a thaumaturge who begins to just sleep each bird his casting can reach. It takes several long, dangerous minutes, but the three manage to get all the chocobos under control - most of them are passed out by the time they've finished.
The white-haired man stares at the scene with a strange expression before thanking the thaumaturge, suggesting he approach the Sultanate for a reward in a few hours. The man then makes his way over to Claire, who's standing to the side of the road, brushing yellow feathers from her hair and clothing.
"When I rose with the morning's light, I did not expect it to be eclipsed by brilliance from the homelands that would shine so bright, it would blind, confuse, and lull a running of the chocobos into sleep," he said playfully, inspecting the marks upon her face carefully. "But one must wonder why such a beautiful shining light is compelled to hide her wonder from the world, so tell me, love - why the subterfuge?"
Claire, naturally, looked like she was ready to put him through the nearest wall. She seems to be noting the marks upon his neck just as carefully as he is observing the marks upon her face.
"One would think another from the homelands would know better than to be so forward with someone whose name he doesn't even know," she replied, coldly, glaring at the man. "I have my reasons, and if you value breathing, you'll not say a word about what you've noticed to anyone - clear?"
He merely grinned at her, clearly seeing her cold response as just a challenge. He bowed to her, a somewhat flourished affair, winking at her as he did so; the man is clearly a flirt, if not an outright letch.
"As you wish, my dear," he replies, mid-action. "The name's Thancred, by the way. And we're in Eorzea now - may as well do as those around us do."
She was not amused by his response, huffing slightly as she continued to glare at him. Crossing her arms tightly, she leaned away from him, taking a very closed stance to his advances and friendly nature.
"Bullshit. Most Eorzeans haven't treated me as such at all, but nice try, Thancred," she replies, emphasizing his name, harshly. "I know precisely who you are, although they really downplayed your...mannerisms a bit. Outdated reports, I'm sure."
Thancred spread his arms wide to each side of his head, looking wounded. "You have me at a disadvantage then - you know my name, and you know of my reputation. I must guess you were sent here after us then, love?"
Without warning, Claire stepped forward and punched him square in the upper arm, hard and fast. He half-turned from the force of the impact, and it was clearly going to leave a bruise. His eyes went wide, and then he gave an even fuller smile as her eyes narrowed further.
"Knock it off with the overly-friendly names, boy," she said sharply. "No, I'm not here after the lot of you - I'm here of my own volition. I just bothered to study up on the, how shall I put it, notorious Sharlayans in the nation before venturing off."
The bard gently placed his hand over the place of impact, wincing a bit as he grinned at Claire, which only made her angrier. The few people who had tried to be forward with her were usually scared off with a dark look and a few threats, while the single other person to require physical violence backed off after she punched him in the shoulder, much like this. But not this man, no...he just seemed amused by her reactions, which unnerved her.
"Well, at least there is that," he replies. "May I at least have the name of the woman who injured my arm? So that when the conjurer I ask to heal any subdermal damage you may have caused asks me, I may tell her that I at least got that far?"
Claire rolled her eyes, dropping her hands to her sides.
"Fine," she growled. "It's Claire."
Thancred pouted a bit, "Damn. There is likely a thousand Claire's back home - finding any information about you is going to be impossible."
Though her eyes were still narrowed, Claire quirked the corner of her mouth as she replied, "Exactly."
"You wound me so, dear," he said, moving away from her. "Until we meet again, my lovely Claire."
She moved as though she was going to punch him in the back, but instead just turned and started storming off in the other direction. Thancred, on the other hand, continued off towards the Chamber of Rule, his smile growing wider with each step.
"Such a fiery thing," he murmured, "she's going to be fun..."
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the-wardens-torch · 5 years
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THANK FOR TAG FREHND @theseventhdawn​ ! I enjoyed that dollmaker site too but I guess they forgot to ask for my weeb credentials when they let me in because I can not read a single character of Japanese.
Fal likes mushrooms... But the ones on that shirt don’t look very edible?
𝑺𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻.   small  towns.   big  cities.   six  thirty  curfews.   lights  that  take  the  place  of  stars.   blanket  nests.   light  through  blinds  as  a  wake  up  call.  found  family.   finding  a single  star  in  the  middle  of  the  city.   window  shopping.   watching  something  terrible   &    enjoying  it.   growing  numb to  the  sight  of  injustice.   wilted  flowers.   faded  caricatures. bright,  bold  colors.
𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮.   crickets    &    lightning  bugs.   car  engines   &   ac  units.   a  phone  call  to  mom  or  dad.   laughing  with  friends.   jokes  that  are  so  bad  you  have  to laugh.   the  clicking  of computer  keys.   noise  cancelling headphones (if Eorzea had them.)   the  sound  of  silence. muffled  music  from another  room.   drumming  fingertips  on  a  table.  clicking  of pens.  listening  to  a  clock   &   swearing  the  ticks  get slower. ringing  in  the  ears.   the  voice  of  someone  you  love.   pitch  shifted  songs.
𝑻𝑶𝑼𝑪𝑯.   being  held  close  during  a  long  night.   fleeting  reassurances.  holding  hands  when  you’re  scared.   brushing  fingers  through  strands  of  hair.  freshly  dried  clothes.  bruises  on  your  knuckles. silk   &   satin.   your  favorite  pet’s  fur  or  feathers.  wringing  your  hands  anxiously.     snuggles.   comforters  in  the  dead  of  winter.  nails  against  skin.    cold  metal.   leather  in  summer.
𝑻𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑬.   coffee  in  the  morning.   tea  in  the  evening. bubblegum  that  lost  its  flavor.  alcohol  burning  the  back  of your  throat.   homemade  cooking,   no  matter  what’s  made.   blood in  your  mouth.   stale  air.   menthol.   fresh  vegetables.   the  first  meal  you  cook  by  yourself  that  tastes  good. foreign  sweets.    fast  food  (again, if Eorzea had it.)  bittersweet.  sour.   spicy.  sweet.  bitter.  savory.  too  much  salt  on  fries.
𝑺𝑴𝑬𝑳𝑳.   morning  glories    &    honeysuckles.   freshly  cut  grass.  hot  chocolate  in  the  middle  of  winter.   nail  polish.   acetone.  hospital  rooms.   smoke.   hairspray.   your  favorite  shampoo  or  conditioner.  the  scent  of  home.  perfume.   cologne.   something  burning.   wet  dogs.   copper.   metal.  unemptied  ash  trays.   something  familiar  yet  different.
Tagging @sukishire, @istolin, and @arden-claire aka three new-ish mutuals with interesting characters that I’d like to know more about but am just too damn shy to reach out to!
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tessariel-aerlinn · 6 years
Now recruiting! Scions of Numenor
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The scroll reads:
Ages ago a small group had found themselves brought to Eorzea by sailing their ships into the West not knowing what awaited them across the sea. Upon landing on the shores of Eorzea the group took off to different directions become part of the people while keeping records of their adventures which eventually fell into the hands of one Tessariel Aerlinn, a descendent of that group that had called themselves The Scions of Numenor. Reading over their journals it was decided that a company was needed be created to try and locate those who have descended from the various bloodlines and keep up the tradition to help Eorzea however they could. This lead to seeking out a benefactor named Benjimir Thursby.
With funds provided by Benjimir the re-establishing of The Scions of Numenor was made possible and in his stead Tessariel Aerlinn and retired veteran Jared Quinn were appointed as leaders to run the company as needed to reach their goals. The company started with offering services to protect merchants on trade routes to insure they would reach their destinations before branching out to aiding in other adventuring companies such as delving into tombs or offering insight into the occult using their vast library and knowledge from their within their ranks. As funds were drawn in it became possible to establish a House of Healing where those weary from adventuring or where those scarred by the Calamity could find refuge for however long they needed it without judgment.  Healers from all backgrounds are allowed to practice their arts within the House of Healing in order to help those in need be it physical therapy, meditation, traditional or psychological.
                         ~ Nihil Supra Mores - Nothing above honor ~
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Scions of Numenor is seeking active members for our medium RP Free Company. While we primarily function as contract for hires we provide a place for those seeking sanctuary or healing free of charge. We are a rank 8 FC that has been around since the beta testing of ARR. Our house is located in the Lavender Beds Ward 7 plot 16 and is named The House of Healing. We also own a shop in the newly opened Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade located in the Goblet Ward 18 Subdivision Sultana’s Breath Apartments Room #31 called White Tree Beauty.
The contracts we take vary from simply guarding merchant caravans to expeditions to ruins or in the field to retrieve relics. These contracts are given to us by others or we DM them within out company with signups posted so we know who is going. We are looking for the following positions:
Adventurers: These are our people out in the field fulfilling contracts to help keep the company going. Not all the jobs are glamorous but it keeps us fed and housed while aiding others who are in need. The jobs we take can vary and sometimes are questionable. Any job taken has a risk of injury.
Healers: Since we do run a healing house having those with the healing touch or training as a healer are needed. Occasionally they will go on contract work or expeditions to ensure our people are not left untreated should things go badly. When they are not out on a job they would be providing services at the company house or to wherever called since not everyone can afford the airship ride to our house.
Scholars and Trainers: Since some expeditions might require the touch of those with specific knowledge and talents we are looking for a few scholars and those interested in educating us on what they know. Trainers can also be those who specialize in combat to help those with less experience become better.
Tavern workers: We’re looking for anyone that is able to tend a bar occasionally, cook and be part of the waitstaff. We won’t be open every week but if there are those in need of a good meal, drink and some banter we want to be able to provide that to those who do stay due to their injuries or those who simply want to stop by for a visit.
Alchemists: With the expansion of the FC's base to include a shop that offers various spa like treatments ranging from skin care to health related needs we are also seeking those who specialize in alchemy to help create mixtures that can be sold at White Tree Beauty. If you believe you can help with this venture please apply with us.
If there are any questions feel free to contact Tessariel Aerlinn (discord: Tessariel Aerlinn#9977) or anyone you see with the SN-RP tag and we’ll be happy to answer them. For those who are curious we are a spin off group from Sons of Numenor in Lord of the Rings Online. The majority of our members at this time are players from LOTRO and the server we are still located on is Landroval.
Signal boosts are appreciated!
@zhara-liara-yui @fjolnir-ffxiv @arden-claire @ser-gemini @songstresswendy @fair-fae
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eorzeasntm · 6 years
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Eorzea’s Next Top Model Cycle 9, Round 4 Winner!
Hey folks!  For our contest last week we asked our models to Dance Their Hearts Out.  This week’s results were close but the community and judges agreed - the leader by a toe kick and the winner of our little dance off contest was:
Azalea Sol!
Congratulations, Azalea! You’re this week’s winner of Dancing with the St - I mean, Eorzea’s Next Top Model!
Images will remain archived at our Imgur account.
Look under the fold for our judge’s feedback to the models.
Judge Ruri
Rina Pros: Very nice angle and use of filters Pretty outfit Location is nice choice Cons: Character is kind of faded at parts Cowbot Pros: Outfit looks just like one of the viliage people which is GREAT! Location very nice for the asthetic Cons: Maybe a bit brighter with the colors would be better Azalea: Pros: Sunset and overall scenery is excellent choice Outfit fits picture and setting well Great stopped pose for far eastern dance Cons: Having the character in the middle of the picture might have had them be the focus more
Judge Kai
Claire - First off, I will say that this is a soft, tender, affectionate shot that is overflowing with love. Kudos on creating such a warm, romantic atmosphere. Unfortunately, it doesn't give me the feeling that you're dancing your heart out. I look at this picture and I can see a whole story playing out before me. It’s your wedding day, and I can see the love and devotion in your eyes. You’re reaching out to your beloved, and it's just perfect. It’s romantic. I love it, but the dancing theme was lost to me.
Ume - This image is bright, it's colorful, and its fun! I’m reminded of a club, with all of the lights and dancers, and it makes me wanna to see this idol groups first performance! Everyone looks excited and it’s a great group shot! But, there is a lot going on and I found my eye drifting. In a group shot, there is the issue of making the main person pop! I wish your outfit had been a different color or brought the camera in a bit more to focus on you. That said, the picture makes me smile and has a very happy feel!
Judge M’Telhigo
Nadede:  I love this picture.  I like the gate of Kugane behind you with the moon rising above it.  You look like you are practicing a dance preparing for a festival.  I think the Sakura effect is a nice addition too!  Only complaint, and this is minor, is that there really isn’t anything else going on in the picture.  It really doesn’t draw me in, there isn’t anything for my imagination to hook onto.  It is still a very nice picture.
Haila:  I admit, I don’t normally like very bright images.  However.  I like this one very much.  I think it totally fits the atmosphere of the MGS.  I could see a dance troupe there wearing outfits like these as they dance to the sounds and lights.  My only complaint is that it may be too bright.  All in all, I still think it is very well put together.
Miyuki: Squeal!  I adore this picture.  The dark colors, the moon, the clouds, a late night dance on the beach.  I live like 2 hours from a beach,  grabbing the boyfriend and I’ll be back later…  I can totally imagine the two of you in a dance with a gentle sea breeze as you lose yourselves in each other.  My only comment and this is minor, is that your partner is looking at you but you are looking away.  Still love it regardless.
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She had to make new tools too, because she broke some of them when all that happened...
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hazelkjt · 8 months
The Knowledge Hunter
"An entire world beyond these waters, waiting to be explored...how can I be expected to ignore the calling in my heart? I have to go." These were the last words of a young Auri woman to her parents before embarking on a journey across the entire star. Hazel Kha, hunter and proud daughter of the Azim Steppe, had faced down beast and monster alike. Though now she stood ready to begin her most daring hunt yet: to sate the yearning for knowledge and wonder in her heart.
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Hello, and thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm Hazel and this is my main character for everything FFXIV related, from raiding to rp'ing. My pronouns are he/him, I'm an early 20's college student still trying to figure out what to do with my life, but I'm getting there!
I'm still very new to roleplaying but I've always had a ton of thoughts and ideas about my characters so this blog is both to help consolidate those thoughts and to also share them with anyone who wants to see them. I’ll try my BEST to properly tag spoilers but there will inevitably be a few I forget to tag so browse at your own risk.
Hazel's Carrd can be found here if you want a quick overview of things, though I will be going more in depth with who she is on this blog. Blogs for my other characters can be found here as well:
Claire Ashe
Exploding Goldfish
Derrinall Evramont
E'venna Zekiel
I'm situated on Zalera (Crystal) and spend most of my time either raiding or taking GPose shots, but regardless I look forward to seeing everyone around the great, vast star we find ourselves on.
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About Hazel
Hazel was born to the Kha tribe of the Azim Steppe. Unlike most of the other tribes that secluded themselves, the Kha actively seek out interaction with peoples outside of the Steppe and integrate aspect of those outside cultures into their own. As a result, self-expression and individuality are common familial beliefs. This can lead to some members of the tribe drastically changing their state of dress to better represent themselves, while still respecting the original traditions of the tribe.
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Growing up surrounded by foreign literature, a fascination of Hazel's mother that passed from parent to child, Hazel had an adventurous heart and curious mind from as early as when she could read Othardian and Eorzean written languages on her own. Once past coming of age Hazel latched on to an opportunity of a lifetime: a journey across the sea to Eorzea. Bargaining her way into a deal she set forth to learn all she could of the star she had seen so very little of.
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Soon after arriving on this unknown shore did Hazel come across a pair of scholars she would soon come to call dear friends. With their permission Hazel now travels with them as both bodyguard and assistant as their research takes them to the four corners of the continent.
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claire-ashe · 6 months
🍳 — cooking
Claire is a phenomenal chef. Before leaving Ala Mhigo for Eorzea she was one of the assistant cooks in her mother's restaurant, and in many ways more talented in that field than her mother.
Her dishes are either Ala Mhigan traditional meals or Garlean recipes adapted for the ingredients found in Ala Mhigo. Though recently she has been expanding her repertoire of ingredients thanks to the constant travels aboard The Enduring Deeds.
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bakingupastorm · 6 years
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“Even I have to take a break from creating things from time to time. Well, except maybe on the cooking front... but the sewing, sawing, and hammering I do have to step away from.”
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claire-devereux · 5 years
Profile: Arden Claire
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Name: Gardenia “Arden” Claire
Race: Hyur, Thavnairian Midlander
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Profession: Headmistress
Personality: Arden is witty, effortlessly outgoing, loud, and reckless. She cares about her friends and her students, but her responsibilities to them have not extinguished her insatiable appetite for hard partying and daring adventures. She struggles to balance her individualistic, free-spirited worldview with the expectations and responsibilities she carries as Headmistress.
TL;DR: Mostly reformed Bad Girl turned Magical Headmistress.
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- Hates being stuck in her office: always down for treasure hunting, high-risk/high-reward mercenary work, opportunities to interact with rare magic and magic texts, things that make her big gil, loves rare fashions and style.
- Can be summoned literally anywhere with strong liquor or a dance floor.
- She’s in the market for a Red Magic tutor. She’s a skilled thaumaturge and a semi-decent healer if she’s sober and concentrating enough. Thanks to her smart mouth, she knows her way around a bar fight.
- She rarely turns down a social invitation. She befriends most people easily as long as she doesn’t feel overly judged for her admittedly excessive partying and drinking. Her friendship can be bought with shots of liquor.
- Very receptive to meeting fellow Thavnairians who have settled in Eorzea.
- Slight predisposition to Bad Girl Shenanigans: Former thief, but old habits die hard. Underworld connections are still something she values making
- Hates bullies because they remind her of who she used to be. Will help if she sees someone being mistreated.
- She’s cultured from having grown up privileged, but she tends to act less cultured to give herself more street credibility and to make people she thinks are elitist uncomfortable.
- Runs a multidisciplinary college in the Lavender Beds whose campus is open to the public. Has worked for the House of Splendors, Thaumaturge Guild, and the Gold Saucer.
- She can be free-spirited to a fault so romance is her last priority, but she’s open to it. Has a historic weakness for tortured Garleans.
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TL;DR: Mostly reformed Bad Girl turned Magical Headmistress.
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clairelionarm · 6 years
The Parent Trap
One thing I don’t really ever delve into is family, most of my characters have little to no relationships with relatives, centering on one or two specific members of their families that are either alive or still on speaking terms with them. In Claire’s case, it’s the former, given that currently -both- parents are dead/equivalent of, but we’re going to speak about that aren’t we. Before we continue, it should be noted that Lionarm is not Claire’s family name, I have chosen to omit it because she herself never knew it. 
Her father’s name is Alfar, a midlander Blacksmith that lived in moderate squalor in Ul’dah, taking commissions for everything from weapons and armor to bits and bobs needed for multiple tasks. It was through him that the family’s primary income came, and through his soft nature that it was lost. 
Her mother’s name was Inger, an Ala Mhigan born Highlander who migrated to Ul’dah to join the Gladiator’s guild. Unfortunately, being a lackluster fighter Inger never made it beyond opening fights, and was often made a mockery of by the crowd. This lead to an alcoholism problem that plagued the family, and was the biggest drain on their income.
Between the two parents, Claire was mostly cared for by Alfar, Inger did -not- want to have a child and had to be persuaded almost daily into not drinking the baby away. Due to this, Claire grew up as a daddy’s girl, reinforced by her mother only speaking to her to command her to do something, often referring to her as ‘girl’, ‘child’, or ‘little rat’ when she was upset. Despite this, Alfar still loved Inger, they had been together for a long time and felt inseparable, as without Alfar Inger would drink herself to death and Alfar would feel responsible, leading him to weather abuse and shakedowns for his profits for her drinking nights.
This attitude of her mothers is what led Claire to leave home, while not exactly to be detailed in this post the way she escaped was through the Immortal Flames, forging her age on a recruitment slip and getting by with some ‘aid’ from the recruiters. Nevertheless, she would not see her parents again for nearly 30 years.
The return to Eorzea for her was spurred onwards by a letter, one from the Immortal Flames in Ul’dah that stated her father had passed. Her initial return home was to bury him, as he had no money to purchase his own plot and was close to being burnt to avoid decay. His death also meant the inheritance of his possessions, which at the time amounted to a handful of journals and her swaddling cloth. The rest, his tools and such, had been pawned already by her mother. Finding her mother was the next logical step before moving on for her, and as she inquired at the Coliseum she was lead back to a dingy brothel in the slums. 
She made quite the sight in that brothel, an armored woman with sword in hand and a gait that almost screeched ‘better than you’ as she strode in calling out the name Inger. It took almost an hour of lifting heads and calling her mothers name before she found her, though she was already dead. Alcohol poisoning, along with other health issues had ended her in a pile of her own sick, the woman’s armored form crumpled near a corner of the bar no one was at.
She had come home to bury one parent, and ended up burying two, inheiriting her mother’s armor and sword, she took them in for refitting as she tended to their burials, paying for a side by side plot marked with one gravestone that just read Alfar & Inger with no last names and the sign of Oschon put over them.
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