#Envy arc go brrrr
chorochororin · 3 years
I actually think that the contract between Mikuni and Jeje could have been more of a “business” type instead of a “Servamp“ type
From what I know about Servamp to this day could expand why Mikuni and Jeje doesn’t need an actual contract to their relationship
Assuming that this still stands, Mikuni could negotiate Jeje in terms of letting Jeje (potentially) know ‘how to die’ (and his mothers death) in exchange of being (a pawn) to Mikuni’s schemes
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This doesn’t need that Jeje is necessarily the ‘victim’ in the relationship; I also believe is due to his “Envy energy” (mentioned in Mikuni’s mother death) might be a sabotage to Mikuni’s plan and sanity, so are both harming each other in their own way
Also, the distance limit from my previous post - yep, that’s suspicious.
Mikuni had also shown to be interest in learning about Servamps and had experimental knowledge about them (Kuro trapped in a ball and Johanness influence) so maybe it is also an experimental relationship (maybe something to do with Jeje’s sturdiness/ strength without blood)
Back on track, on the other hand, I don’t think that the contract will last long nor is it beliveable because
1. Little was known about Jeje and Mikuni themselves: their initial goals and “ behind the scenes” content
2. A Servamp contract could also benefit Mikuni, even better to extend strength to find Tsumugi and fight off enemies
3. Mikuni’s skill “My fair lady” needs Jeje to activate and it bears the fictional title that Licht‘s and Misono’s skill also does (correct me here); so either this is a highly trained C3 skill or it is a Servamp - Eve skill
4. I want to believe that Jeje will play an important role in the plot like Freyja during C3 arc and Illdio during recent arc. Thus, if the pattern is true, then Envy arc will have to establish Jeje - Mikuni Servamp contract in order to build trust and fucked up they did (like Misono, Licht, Iduna, and Mahiru had done)
Regardless, I still think that Jeje - Mikuni business contract is interesting and it could expand the ideologies and interest between Servamp and Human world with Mikuni’s cynical needs and intentions in the story. We‘ll just see
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