Send 🌸 to put a flower crown on my muse!
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@exosevenfalcon liked this for a starter
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╔ “Did you know that people have been hunting with falcons since 2,000 B.C.? It’s a very old sport, much older than human electronics.” Like him! Sort of. “Have you ever thought about or have in the past taken up the sport? It’s very interesting.”╝
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@startlingmetamorphosis liked this for a starter
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╔ “Dr. Banner,” Vision calls softly. 
Mt. Fuji is cold. Vision’s overworking his system so his mechanical system is warm enough to keep his cells working. Vision found him by luck. He kept a program and what energy he could mine from the Mind Stone working in the back of mind to find the doctor. He knows the polite thing to do is pretend he does not know where Banner is hiding and let him have his peace, but...
He is curious, and some part of him hopes he can convince him to come back to rejoin the team. He doubts it, but he will try anyway.
“I would like to speak with you a moment. I will not tell anyone where you are when I leave, promise.” And Vision’s word is good. He is too honest to lie. ╝
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Less “meet cute.” More “meet ugly.”
Send me a 😳 and I’ll generate a number (1-50) for a not-so-cute way for our muses to meet.
Keep reading
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Vision has failed Wanda
Don’t know who made this but bless their soul
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@loki-god-of-menace​ liked this for a starter
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╔ Vision wants to see the world, and the world is more than just the United States. It takes some time, but he arranges with the Avengers to have a week off to visit Europe. When you’re an android who needs a minimal amount of sleep, you can get a lot done in one week.
He’s half-way through a day in France when he comes across someone familiar entirely by accident. He has never seen the man before in his short life, but he recognizes him deep within his very being.
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Loki. The name comes to him like a whisper, and it brings with hit flashes of some other world experienced in some other form. The feel of metal. Power, hints of so much more than he currently is. 
If his circuitry and the combined works of Jarvis and Ultron are his brain, than the Mind Stone is his soul. Much of it still remains a mystery to him, but he can just barely scratch the surface of its might. Sometimes, like now, it decides to surprise him with glimpses of knowledge.
He knew of Loki. The Avengers and the internet had told him plenty about the battle in New York. He feels he shouldn’t engage with Loki, and yet... He approaches him anyway. He is naive. He is young. He wants to know about what gives him life.
“Excuse me. I... We...” He stumbles over his words. He’s nervous. He doesn’t know if Loki is violent and if this will lead to a fight. “Do you recognize me?” The Mind Stone. ╝
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"You are like me but more," mused the android who had not yet masked himself in one of his many forms "-that gem. It gives you strength... does it not?"
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╔ Vision smiles when he sees the other android. He’s bursting with joy, actually. It is not often that Vision finds other beings who are like him, machines, and it’s so nice. He loves humans, but it’s nice to talk with others who understand not having to eat and not being born from flesh.
“I don’t know if I’d say more, but yes, this gem does give me my life. It’s a wonderful, powerful thing. I have barely tapped into it, which is strange, isn’t it?” He has some memories and powers that the stone gives to him, but it is a god giving him scraps from the table. “Why do you ask?”╝
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@hclliish liked this for a starter
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╔ Vision knocks on the apartment door. Vision should get points for remembering to knock. He is learning human behavior. He is still in the process of learning though, which is why he thinks knocking on some stranger’s door and wanting to know if they are looking for a roommate is an okay thing to do.
“Excuse me,” he says once the door has been opened. “Do you happen to be looking for a roommate? I, ah, have money. I can split the rent and the other bills.” 
Vision is looking to move out of the New Avengers Facility. He will stay fight with them when called, but... Wanda is in prison, and Steve is a war criminal. Vision needs some time apart from them, and it’s a good time to learn some more about humanity. ╝
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@tetramother​ liked this for a starter
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╔ “You...”
Vision struggles to put what he is feeling into words because humans have no words for it. Vision recognizes himself in her. They’re both a part of something, and he isn’t sure what that something is. It’s like recognizing the first chord of a familiar song, yet not being able to recall what that song is.
He tries again.
“I recognize you. You’re like me, right?” Somehow. Not physically. She is not electricity and circuits like he is. He taps the gem on his forehead. “Like this?” ╝
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@iamnxtaqueen liked this for a starter
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╔Vision is new to this. He is neither used to parties or crowds filled with strangers. This is something he choose to do on a whim, mingle with people and do normal people stuff. He has struggled. Attempts to make conversation have been awkward. When people bump into him, he instinctively lowers his density to let them phase through him. This does not turn out well.
For now, he’s seeking shelter at the bar. The bartender seems friendly enough.
“I will have...” What’s a normal drink to order at a bar? He can’t actually drink, but he’s hoping ordering one will help him fit in and get into the groove of human interaction. “...whichever one of your beers is the most popular.”
Smooth, Vision. Smooth. ╝
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You have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me.
Amie Kaufman, Illuminae (via wordsnquotes)
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(Starter call! Like for a starter.)
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Deep Ass Starters.
Sometimes it's hard to get in depth with your muse and their backstory, because you can't figure out how to bring those things up with others. Here are a couple of starters intended to make things a little more personal!
"What's holding you back?"
"I'm not comfortable with this conversation."
"Will you /ever/ be comfortable with this conversation?"
"Let me in sometime!"
"It's not that easy, you know."
"Help me understand."
"It's hard to connect with someone when all they do is push you away."
"Why are you always so cold?"
"Why are you always so happy?"
"Are you really happy now?"
"Who hurt you this badly to make you this way?!"
"What, did your ex mess you up that badly?!"
"Why do you keep fighting it any time you feel?"
"It's a problem, I get it."
"This is all kinds of messed up."
"That's not exactly a good coping method."
"So what happened, with your parents, really?"
"What was your childhood like?"
"Everyone has at lest a little bit of mommy/daddy issues. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
"My parents aren't exactly perfect models, either."
"You were bullied? What for?"
"Was it hard? Coming out, I mean."
"You can't just run away all the time."
"You can't just hide all the time."
"Are you still thinking about them?"
"I'm not the enemy here. But this makes me wonder who the real one is for you."
"Is the reason you're so cold and defensive because you feel threatened?"
"How long has it been since you last spoke to them?"
"You never talk about it, why?"
"How come you're so different around them?"
"It's like you don't have a care or worry in the world."
"You seem so perfect. I don't get it."
"What was your ex like?"
"I don't think I was ever good enough for them."
"Are you not comfortable being intimate?"
"Why don't you feel comfortable being intimate?"
"Letting someone see you that vulnerable, it's a scary thing."
"Are you scared of being hurt?"
"Have you ever been taken advantage of?"
"Why are you afraid of saying I love you?"
"I never understood how someone could say those words so easily."
"You're hurting others the way you've been hurt in the past, don't you think that's ironic?"
"You use people to make yourself feel better."
"I'm scared of being used again..."
"Losing someone isn't easy, but you're making it harder than it needs to be."
"How long has it been since you lost them?"
"You're too attached."
"I'm not attached, I'm just comfortable with what I'm familiar to."
"Maybe the real reason you're so controlling is because, deep down you'd rather have them in your grasp than lose them."
"Why did you ever break up?" / "Why did we ever break up?"
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Maybe I am a monster.. I don’t think I’d know if I were one.
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“Humans are odd […] It is a privilege to be among them.”
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@betweenhumanandmachinestarted following you
“So I was thinking, it’d be cool if you and me and mom and Billy and maybe even uncle Pete and Grampa did something. You know, like a family. If you want to.”
“I would love that.” To be a family. It sounded so normal and nice, and Vision needed to get to know the reincarnation of his child. “What would you like to do? We could play baseball, or...” he paused while he tried to think of something typical that families did, “...go have a picnic?”
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