#Endangered Animal Species in Uganda
ape-apocalypse · 3 months
can you reccomend some of the documentaries you watched about apes?
Funny enough, I've been planning on making a list of documentaries so thanks for the push! I’ve watched a bunch to hype up for Kingdom and I’ll keep watching as we wait for POTA news. These are what I've been able to find with my various subscription services and internet access in the USA so their availability may vary for you. Also a warning that, due to these being non-fiction documentaries there is very real footage of animal injuries and death (from both humans and natural circumstances).
Monkey Business (Amazon Prime) - A long running show (9 seasons) about a primate rescue center in the UK. I really loved this one because you got to follow apes of the course of years. I even cried when one ape who had been there from the first season passed away in the final season. The show mostly focuses on chimps and orangutans but also features lemurs, woolly monkeys, gibbons and other species. The center focuses on giving the animals in their care the most natural life they can in captivity, and also assists in breeding programs for several endangered species. Jane Goodall even comes out in one episode to present them with an award for excellent enclosure construction. The theme song is very loud and distinctive, the point that my roommate asked how long this series was because she could hear the theme song coming from my room for weeks as I went through all 9 seasons. Highly recommend this one because the personalities of the apes really stand out when you spend literal years with them; it's worth the time commitment, I loved it.
(Also in making sure I had all the details about this show right, I learned there was a follow up show called Monkey Life that featured Andy Serkis himself narrating the first season and they seem to all be available on YouTube for free so I have a new multi-season show to watch now, thank you!!!)
Orangutan Jungle School (YouTube) - Rescue group dedicated to teaching young orangutans how to survive in the wild so they can be released when they're older. Only the first two episodes of this show are available on YouTube for free but I also devoured any clips I could find. I found this show particularly hilarious because the baby orangs are adorable. They cry when they don't get their cups of milk fast enough or when they can't figure out how to crack into a coconut. I always see adult orangutans as slow moving, so the activity and demanding personalities of the babies delighted me. If nothing else, watch these two clips because I have watched the clips of the babies screaming and the humans overreacting to fake snakes on repeat for ages.
Chimp Empire (Netflix) - Two chimpanzee groups in Uganda's Ngogo forest face off over territory and food, while each group faces their own struggles from within. This one is about wild chimps and it is fascinating to see their natural ways outside of rescue centers. The cinematography is gorgeous; I'd love to know how they got all these shots without disturbing the chimps. It's only 4 episodes; I wish it was longer but it packs a lot into its short run time.
Meet The Chimps (Disney+) - A one season show focusing on chimps living in a rescue center in Louisiana. A single season show so you don't get a lot of time with the chimps but it's got a much smaller number of chimps to get to know than Monkey Business. Also the troops are housed near each other so it's interested to see the dominance displays, even through a fence. My favorite part was near the end with the mystery of who was the father of an accidental baby. I guessed wrong!
Kingdom Of The Apes: Battle Lines (Disney+) - Two separate ape groups, one of chimps and the other of gorillas, sort out fights for dominance and leadership of the troop in their own ways. Personally I didn't like this one. Jumping back and forth between gorillas and chimps in a documentary less than an hour didn't leave me very invested, but I thought I'd add it if anyone was interested.
I'll throw in a couple podcasts too, should be free on your preferred podcast app:
Ologies, one episode on primatology and a separate episode on gorillaology
National Park After Dark, a two-part episode on the life, work, and murder of Dian Fossey, a primatologist who worked with gorillas and wrote the book 'Gorillas In the Mist'
The Wild With Chris Morgan, an episode on orangutans called People Of The Forest
There are a lot more documentaries I want to watch, especially several for free on YouTube. I hope this list is of interest to you and I welcome recommendations from anyone else.
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felidae-abyss · 9 months
AKA: spotted one (indian original name)
Acinonyx jubatus
Felidae family, acinonyx genus
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Ultimate Infodump Sheet
General description
Cheetahs have pale yellow, grayish or fawn coats, covered in tiny black spots. The belly fur is lighter than the rest, while the color tends to darken on the back. Cheetahs have distinctive markins under the eyes that go down the muzzle, called a tear mask. They have black rings around the last third of the tail.
The cheetah's paws are long and narrow. They have semi-retractile claws on the front paws, and non-retractile claws on the hind paws.
Cheetahs' head-body length ranges from 112 to 150 cm (44 to 59"), and they are 67 to 94 cm (26 to 37") tall at the shoulder. Cheetahs weight between 21 and 72 kg (46 to 158 lbs). Males are usually larger than females.
They live 6 years on average in the wild, and 19 in captivity.
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King cheetahs
The patterns of a king cheetah are caused by a slight melanism. Overall, the spots are bolder, sometimes even forming stripes. They have large stripes along the entierty of thair back, and rings are present on most of the tail.
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Physical aptitudes
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal. The highest speed recorded for a cheetah was 113 km/h (70 mi/h). They are the only big cat able to turn in the air while sprinting. They use their tail for steering while they are running. They are bad tree climbers.
Contrary to members of the panthera genus, they do not roar: instead, cheetahs can purr, meow, chirp and yeep.
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Cheetahs live in savanna, shrublands, grasslands, wetalands, rocky areas, and in the desert. Due to their light weight, they are capable of living in dunes.
Cheetahs present in several small areas of Africa, in countries such as Algeria, Angola, Benin, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda... They are extint on an alarmingly large portion of Africa.
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Cheetahs are carnivorous. Their diet includes gazelles (especially the Thompson's gazelle), impalas, as well as other small ungulates. They also prey on hares, birds, and other small animals.
Cheetahs charge from 70 to 100 meters (27 to 40 feet) away from the prey. They strangle the animal with their jaws. The chase can only last 500 meters (196 feet), and cheetahs can only maintain their top velocity for a few hundred meters.
Contrary to most felids, cheetahs are diurnal and hunt primarily during the day.
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Cheetahs reproduce year-long, but mostly during wet season. Makes provide no parental care, and only interact with females during mating. If the female encounters a coalition, she will most likely reproduce with several males.
Gestation lasts between 90 and 95 days (about 3 months). Cubs open their eyes 4 to 11 days after birth, and start walking after 12 days. The litter size in the wild is 1 to 6 cubs, with an average of 3. In captivity, litters with 8 cubs have been recorded. Cubs are weaned between 3 and 6 months, and become independent between 15 and 17 months.
Cheetah cubs have a long, blue-ish gray mane along their head, neck and back, called "mantle". They gradually lose this fur until they reach adolescence. A study suggests that the mantle makes cubs ressemble honey badgers, which aids them to survive as a lot of animals avoid honey badgers.
Predation is the highest on cheetah cubs. The survival rate in Serengeti National Park, where several large carnivores live, is of only 17%.
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Cheetahs are classified as vulnerable in the IUCN Redlist. The population is fragmented and keeps on decreasing.
The causes are all human: climate change, energy production and mining, urban development, agriculture, roads, hunting, human intrusion, modification of natural systems, invasive species....
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Extra links
An interesting, well illustrated informational website that I wish I'd found earlier in writing this
Amazing footage of a cheetah hunting a wildebeest
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Kind of .......strange......., but who am I to judge?:
Excerpt from this story from The Revelator:
Visitors to the King’s Palace Museum in Rwanda can locate the nation’s prized cows by following the sounds of singing.
Called Inyambo in Rwanda and Bihogo in Uganda, these massive cattle are known for the white, symmetrical horns that stretch into the air several feet above their heads. They’re bred for ceremonial purposes — not milk or meat, like most cattle. The museum’s herd of 15 cows, each adorned in jewelry and ribbons, stand as symbols of their longstanding significance in Rwandan culture and history.
With crooning shepherds living on site at the museum full time and a dedicated veterinarian on call 24 hours a day, these cows have the best possible care. But, like many rare livestock breeds around the world, they face challenges to their survival, including climate change, habitat erosion, disease, and international conflicts. The United Nations estimates that at least 17% of worldwide livestock breeds are threatened with extinction, and it advocates for preserving genetic lines that may have a better chance of survival in a warming, pandemic-prone world.
Conserving culturally important breeds like the Inyambo in the face of these threats presents its own set of challenges. Planning for their future starts with understanding their past — as well as their present place in Rwandan culture.
It also requires answering a tricky question: Are Inyambo an endangered species?
There are no monarchs in Rwanda anymore. Rwanda’s monarchy ended in 1962, when the country gained independence from Belgium. The King’s Palace Museum is a recreation of the last site of the formerly mobile monarchy, which previously moved around the country before settling in Nyanza in 1899 and establishing it as the first permanent capital of the kingdom.
The Inyambo — who roamed with the ruler until they, too, came to settle in Nyanza — are a subset of the long-horned Ankole, a breed of cattle found in Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania. The Ankole themselves are a subset of Sanga cattle, indigenous breeds from southern Africa.
During the period of the traditional Rwandan monarchy, Inyambo were bred and trained for royal parades. They would be presented as dignitaries during ceremonies honoring the king.
They’re still treated like royalty today. Shepherds croon love songs to the animals to keep them peaceful and obedient. The cows, who each have a name and are tended to like members of the family, are trained to listen to their shepherds’ songs as a means of following their commands.
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africanrocksafaris · 1 year
Exploring the Best of Uganda's National Parks on Safari
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Uganda is home to some of the most diverse and spectacular national parks in Africa, each with its unique blend of flora and fauna. A safari trip to Uganda's national parks offers visitors an opportunity to see a wide range of wildlife, including primates, elephants, big cats, and various bird species.
In this blog post, we will explore some of the best national parks to visit on a safari in Uganda and what makes them unique.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park: This park is home to more than half of the world's remaining mountain gorillas. A trek through the dense jungle to encounter these magnificent primates is an unforgettable experience. Besides gorillas, Bwindi is also home to several other primate species, such as chimpanzees and colobus monkeys.
Murchison Falls National Park: This park is situated in the northern part of Uganda and is famous for its roaring waterfalls. A boat ride along the Nile River offers visitors an opportunity to view wildlife, such as hippos, crocodiles, and various bird species. The park is also home to big cats like lions and leopards, as well as elephants, giraffes, and antelopes.
Queen Elizabeth National Park: This park is located in the western part of Uganda and is one of the most popular safari destinations in the country. Visitors can enjoy game drives to see elephants, buffaloes, and lions, as well as boat rides on the Kazinga Channel, which is famous for its abundant birdlife. Queen Elizabeth National Park is also home to chimpanzees and the rare tree-climbing lions.
Kibale National Park: This park is known for its diverse primate population, including chimpanzees, red colobus monkeys, and black-and-white colobus monkeys. Visitors can go on guided primate tracking walks, which offer an opportunity to observe these animals in their natural habitat.
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park: This park is located in the southwestern part of Uganda and is home to the endangered mountain gorillas. Visitors can go on gorilla tracking walks to see these magnificent primates up close. The park is also home to several other primate species and offers visitors an opportunity to hike up the nearby dormant volcano, Mount Gahinga.
In conclusion, African Rock Safaris offer a unique blend of wildlife, culture, and stunning scenery, making them an ideal destination for safari enthusiasts. Whether you're interested in gorilla trekking, primate tracking, or game drives, Uganda's national parks have something to offer everyone.
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fugighohlh · 20 days
Uganda Safaris: The Pearl of Africa’s Hidden Gem.
Uganda, frequently referred to as the "Pearl of Africa", is among one of those places that pride itself in having Africa's most genuine Safari opportunities. A small but incredibly diverse territory, this East African nation is home to some of the most incredible landscapes and wildlife-rich encounters that attract travelers seeking epic safari memories. Uganda safaris are like no other, and if you have been waiting for something different then Uganda is a must-visit destination on your travel bucket list.
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Why Uganda?
When thinking of safaris, many immediately picture the sprawling savannas of Kenya or the vast wilderness of Tanzania. While these are undoubtedly great destinations, Uganda offers something different—an intricate blend of ecosystems that ranges from savannas and rainforests to lakes and mountains. Uganda safaris offer travelers the opportunity to experience not just the classic African wildlife but also rare and unique species, including the endangered mountain gorillas.
The beauty of Uganda safaris lies in their diversity. You can start your morning tracking chimpanzees in the rainforests of Kibale National Park, and by afternoon, you could find yourself on the shores of Lake Victoria, the largest tropical lake in the world. For wildlife lovers, this means encountering animals in diverse habitats, making each day on safari a completely new adventure.
Uganda's Top Safari Destinations
1. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Perhaps the crown jewel of Uganda safaris, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is famous for its mountain gorilla trekking. It is home to almost half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, and trekking through its dense forests to catch a glimpse of these magnificent creatures is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The trek is both challenging and rewarding as you navigate through thick vegetation and steep terrain. But once you come face to face with a gorilla family, the experience is unforgettable. Conservation efforts in Bwindi have made Uganda a leader in sustainable tourism, ensuring that future generations will continue to experience this magic.
2. Queen Elizabeth National Park
Located in western Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the most popular destinations for Uganda safaris. The park is known for its incredible biodiversity and hosts a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, buffalo, and leopards. One of the highlights here is the tree-climbing lions found in the Ishasha sector of the park. The Kazinga Channel, which connects Lake Edward and Lake George, offers boat safaris where you can spot hippos, crocodiles, and an array of birdlife. The rich wetlands and savannas provide a striking contrast to the dense forests of Bwindi, making it a must-visit location.
3. Murchison Falls National Park
Murchison Falls National Park is a magnificent showcase of Uganda's natural beauty. The park is home to the powerful Murchison Falls, where the Nile River forces its way through a narrow gorge and tumbles down in an impressive display of nature’s might. Uganda safaris in Murchison Falls National Park offer travelers a chance to see the Big Five, along with giraffes, antelopes, and various primates. A boat ride to the base of the falls is a thrilling adventure, providing stunning views of the waterfall and the wildlife that thrives along the riverbanks.
4. Kibale National Park
Kibale National Park is a primate lover’s paradise. Uganda safaris here are centered around tracking chimpanzees, which can be found in large numbers within the park’s tropical forests. The park is home to 13 species of primates, including the red colobus monkey and L’Hoest’s monkey, making it one of the best places in Africa for primate viewing. The dense forests create a mysterious and captivating atmosphere, and walking through them while listening to the calls of chimpanzees is an experience that will stay with you long after your safari ends.
Birdwatching on Uganda Safaris
Uganda is also a birdwatcher’s dream. With over 1,000 recorded bird species, including the rare shoebill stork, Uganda safaris are perfect for avid birders. Birdwatching is possible in almost all of Uganda's national parks, but hotspots like Mabamba Swamp, Bwindi, and Queen Elizabeth National Park stand out for their exceptional birdlife. The variety of species is stunning, from the colorful African green broadbill to the majestic African fish eagle.
Cultural Experiences on Uganda Safaris
Uganda safaris aren't just about wildlife; they offer rich cultural experiences as well. The country is home to over 50 different ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions, languages, and ways of life. Visitors can interact with local communities, participate in cultural performances, and even learn traditional skills like basket weaving and drumming. These interactions provide deeper insights into the Ugandan way of life and add a meaningful dimension to your safari adventure.
Uganda safaris offer an unparalleled opportunity to explore Africa’s wild beauty, from its dense forests and mountain gorillas to its savannas and Big Five. The country’s unique combination of wildlife, landscapes, and cultural richness makes it a standout destination for any safari enthusiast. Whether you’re tracking gorillas in Bwindi or marveling at the power of Murchison Falls, Uganda promises an adventure like no other. The Pearl of Africa is calling—are you ready to answer?
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naturenestsafaris · 25 days
Exploring Uganda's Untamed Beauty: Beyond the Famous Gorillas
When people think of Uganda, gorilla trekking often takes the spotlight. But there’s so much more to explore in this vibrant country. Uganda Wildlife Safaris are diverse and captivating, offering everything from chimpanzee tracking to bird watching and encounters with the rare Rothschild giraffes. Here’s a closer look at the incredible wildlife adventures waiting for you.
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Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale National Park Kibale National Park, often dubbed the "Primate Capital of the World," is a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. This park is home to the largest population of chimpanzees in East Africa—over 1,500 individuals. Trekking through the lush forest of Kibale is an unforgettable experience. As you move through the dense undergrowth, the sounds of the forest gradually give way to the lively chatter and calls of chimpanzees.
Guided treks lead you to these fascinating primates in their natural habitat. Observing chimpanzees up close as they swing through the trees, groom one another, and communicate in their complex social structures offers a unique window into their world. These intelligent creatures are our closest relatives, and spending time with them in the wild is a profound experience. Kibale’s primate diversity doesn’t stop with chimpanzees—over 12 other species of primates also call this park home, making it a true haven for primate lovers.
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Bird Watching Across Uganda’s National Parks Uganda’s diverse ecosystems provide a rich tapestry for bird watchers. With over 1,000 bird species, the country offers unparalleled opportunities for spotting some of the world’s most exotic and rare birds.
Queen Elizabeth National Park, with its varied habitats of wetlands, savannas, and forests, is a birdwatcher’s paradise. Here, you might encounter the elusive Shoebill Stork, known for its prehistoric appearance and massive bill, or the majestic African Fish Eagle, a symbol of strength and grace.
Further afield, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is renowned for its Albertine Rift endemics. This dense and ancient forest is a sanctuary for birds like the African Green Broadbill and the Rwenzori Turaco, species found nowhere else in the world.
Bird watching in Uganda is not just an activity; it’s an immersive experience that connects you deeply with the vibrant avian life of the country. Whether you’re an experienced birder or a casual observer, the variety and abundance of bird species make Uganda an exceptional destination.
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Encountering Rothschild Giraffes in Murchison Falls National Park Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s largest conservation area and a highlight of any safari holidays. One of its most remarkable features is its population of Rothschild giraffes. These graceful animals, distinguished by their lighter coats and white lower legs, are among the most endangered giraffe subspecies in the world. Spotting them in the wild is a special experience.
In addition to observing these majestic giraffes, Murchison Falls offers the dramatic spectacle of the Nile River plunging through a narrow gorge, creating the awe-inspiring Murchison Falls. The park’s varied landscapes, from savannahs to acacia woodlands, provide a rich backdrop for wildlife viewing and photography. A Uganda wildlife safari here offers a chance to see not just the giraffes but also a range of other wildlife, including elephants, lions, and hippos.
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oasissafarisltd · 28 days
Uganda Wildlife Safari Tour: Explore Uganda’s Impressive Animals
Uganda is a nature and wildlife enthusiasts’ delight, with around half of the bird species in Africa and many other types of wildlife such as mountain gorillas, lions, leopards, and elephants. Now, if you are lucky to be planning a visit to Uganda, then a wildlife safari tour is inevitable in order to get a close view of the country’s diverse wildlife.
Among the most memorable ingredients in the Uganda wildlife tour packages is mountain gorilla tracking in the misty Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. A third of the estimated 300 endangered mountain gorillas reside within the thick tropical rainforest of Bwindi. Although tracking these majestic primates in their natural habitat and observing their daily life and family structures are a dream come true.
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Uganda Wildlife Tour Packages
Wildlife Safari for the Big 5 in Murchison Falls & Queen Elizabeth National Parks
The two parks of Murchison and Queen Elizabeth are ideal for game and the big five with only the rhinos found in the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. Apart from sighting big game, visitors are also treated to a vivid natural scenery within these parks.
Chimpanzee Tracking
Chimpanzees are the second most popular Ugandan primates after the development of gorilla tourism in the country. Both of these parks; Kibale Forest National Park and Budongo Forest provide incredible chimp tracking. To watch our distant relations in the natural setting engages in feeding, playing and resting to mention but a few is a noble achievement for the ardent lovers of nature.
Bird watching Opportunities Galore
Uganda is actually a bird watchers’ delight boasting of over one thousand bird species ;species. The eclipse hundreds of bird species alone in Uganda, these are Queen Elizabeth National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The main guided birding tours that are available all through its savannas and forests offer excellent viewing.
Uganda safari tour packages have 10 National Parks and several wildlife reserves packed with unique African wildlife experiences. On your next trip, contact a professional tour company to organize your trip and ensure that it has all of the great wildlife experiences that you wish to see. The beauty of the ‘Pearl of Africa’ will floor you with its incredible variation of species!
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Why Adventure Trips to Uganda Should Include a Gorilla Safari
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Uganda, often referred to as the "Pearl of Africa," is a destination that offers unparalleled opportunities for adventure. Nestled in the heart of East Africa, this landlocked country boasts diverse landscapes, from lush rainforests to expansive savannahs. Among its many attractions, one stands out as a truly unique and transformative experience: a Gorilla Safari in Uganda. For those planning adventure trips to Uganda, including a gorilla safari is not just an option—it’s a must.
The Unique Experience of a Gorilla Safari in Uganda
A gorilla safari in Uganda offers a rare chance to see one of the world’s most endangered species—the mountain gorilla—in its natural habitat. Uganda is home to over half of the world’s mountain gorilla population, making it a premier destination for this extraordinary experience. Unlike traditional safaris where animals are observed from a distance, a gorilla safari allows for an up-close encounter that is both intimate and awe-inspiring.
The gorillas' human-like behavior, including their family dynamics and social interactions, creates a profound connection that few wildlife experiences can match. The sheer privilege of spending time with these gentle giants, observing them in their natural environment, leaves a lasting impact on all who visit.
Uganda's Gorilla Habitats: Where to Go
Uganda offers two primary locations for gorilla safaris: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the crown jewel of Uganda’s gorilla habitats. This UNESCO World Heritage site is renowned for its dense rainforests and mist-covered mountains, which provide a perfect sanctuary for the mountain gorillas. The park is home to over 20 gorilla families that are habituated to human presence, allowing visitors to track and observe them closely. Bwindi’s rich biodiversity and the challenging terrain add to the thrill of the safari, making it an unforgettable adventure.
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
While Bwindi is more famous, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park offers a more off-the-beaten-path experience. Located in the Virunga Mountains, Mgahinga is part of a larger ecosystem that spans Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The park is home to one habituated gorilla family, the Nyakagezi group. Mgahinga’s rugged landscapes and lower visitor numbers make it an ideal choice for those seeking a more solitary adventure.
Best Time to Visit for a Gorilla Safari in Uganda
The best time to embark on a gorilla safari in Uganda is during the dry seasons, which occur from June to September and December to February. During these months, the trails are less muddy, making the trekking experience more manageable. However, gorilla tracking is possible year-round, and some travelers prefer the wet season for its lush vegetation and fewer tourists.
The Thrill of Gorilla Tracking: What to Expect
Gorilla tracking is an adventure that combines the thrill of exploration with the reward of witnessing one of nature’s most remarkable species.
The Physical Challenge and Adventure
Gorilla tracking is not a leisurely walk in the park—it’s a challenging hike through dense forests, steep hills, and sometimes muddy trails. The trek can last anywhere from one to several hours, depending on the location of the gorilla families. Physical fitness is essential, as the journey can be strenuous. However, the excitement of following in the footsteps of these magnificent creatures, guided by experienced trackers, makes every step worth the effort.
Close Encounters with Gorillas
The moment you finally come face-to-face with a gorilla family is nothing short of magical. The hour spent in their presence, watching them feed, play, and interact, is a surreal experience that few other wildlife encounters can rival. Despite their size, gorillas are known for their gentle nature, and the strict guidelines in place ensure that both visitors and gorillas remain safe. The emotional impact of these close encounters often leaves visitors with a deep sense of respect and admiration for these majestic animals.
Ethical Considerations
Uganda is committed to the conservation of its gorilla population, and tourism plays a crucial role in these efforts. Gorilla permits are regulated to limit the number of visitors, ensuring minimal disturbance to the animals. By participating in a gorilla safari in Uganda, travelers contribute to the ongoing conservation work and support the local communities that rely on tourism for their livelihoods. Responsible tourism is key to preserving these incredible creatures for future generations.
Beyond Gorilla Safaris: Other Adventure Activities in Uganda
While a gorilla safari is the highlight of many adventure trips to Uganda, the country offers a wealth of other activities that cater to the adventurous spirit.
Wildlife Safaris in National Parks
Uganda’s national parks are teeming with wildlife, making them perfect for traditional safaris. Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, and Kidepo Valley National Park are just a few of the places where you can spot elephants, lions, leopards, and buffalo, among other species. The diversity of wildlife and the stunning landscapes provide a perfect complement to the gorilla safari experience.
White-Water Rafting on the Nile
For those seeking an adrenaline rush, white-water rafting on the Nile River is a must. Jinja, often called the adventure capital of East Africa, is the starting point for thrilling rafting expeditions. The Nile’s powerful rapids offer challenges for both novice and experienced rafters, making it one of the most exciting adventure activities in Uganda.
Hiking and Mountain Climbing
Uganda’s varied terrain offers excellent opportunities for hiking and mountain climbing. The Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the "Mountains of the Moon," are a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Africa’s most challenging climbs. For those looking for less strenuous hikes, the trails around Lake Bunyonyi and the Sipi Falls provide stunning scenery and rewarding treks.
Planning Your Adventure Trip to Uganda
To make the most of your adventure trip to Uganda, careful planning is essential.
Travel Logistics
Most travelers fly into Entebbe International Airport, located near the capital city, Kampala. From there, domestic flights or road transfers can take you to the various gorilla habitats. Accommodation options range from luxury lodges to more budget-friendly campsites, all offering close proximity to the parks.
Booking a Gorilla Safari Permit
Securing a permit is crucial for your gorilla safari. Permits are limited and often sell out months in advance, especially during peak seasons. The cost of a permit is a significant investment, but it directly supports conservation efforts and ensures the sustainability of gorilla tourism in Uganda.
Suggested Itinerary for an Adventure Trip to Uganda
A typical itinerary for an adventure trip to Uganda might include a few days in Bwindi for gorilla tracking, followed by a wildlife safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park, and ending with a few days of relaxation or white-water rafting in Jinja. This itinerary allows you to experience the best of what Uganda has to offer, from its wildlife to its adventure sports.
Including a gorilla safari in Uganda in your adventure trip is an experience that will stay with you forever. The chance to connect with these incredible creatures, combined with Uganda’s rich natural beauty and diverse adventure activities, makes this destination truly unique. Whether you’re an avid wildlife enthusiast, a thrill-seeker, or simply looking for a transformative travel experience, Uganda has something to offer. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore this gem of Africa and create memories that will last a lifetime.
What is the best time of year for a gorilla safari in Uganda?
The best time is during the dry seasons from June to September and December to February.
How physically demanding is gorilla tracking in Uganda?
Gorilla tracking can be strenuous, requiring a moderate to high level of physical fitness.
What other wildlife can be seen in Uganda's national parks?
Uganda’s parks are home to elephants, lions, leopards, buffalo, and various bird species.
Is it safe to go on a gorilla safari in Uganda?
Yes, gorilla safaris in Uganda are safe, with strict guidelines and experienced guides ensuring a secure experience.
How many days should I spend in Uganda for an adventure trip?
A minimum of 7-10 days is recommended to fully experience Uganda’s diverse offerings.
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valiantsafariss · 1 month
Why Do So Many Foreigners Go to Uganda and Think it is Good?
Uganda, known as the "Pearl of Africa," is a captivating destination that has been attracting a growing number of tourists from around the world. Nestled in the heart of East Africa, this landlocked country boasts an array of natural wonders, vibrant cultures, and welcoming people. But what exactly makes Uganda such a compelling destination for foreigners? In this blog, we'll explore the myriad reasons why so many travelers are drawn to Uganda and why they often leave with such a positive impression.
Breathtaking Natural Beauty
Diverse Landscapes
Uganda's landscapes are incredibly diverse, ranging from lush rainforests and sprawling savannas to snow-capped mountains and serene lakes. The country is home to the Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the "Mountains of the Moon," which offer some of the most challenging and rewarding trekking experiences in Africa. Additionally, the vast expanse of the savanna in Queen Elizabeth National Park provides a classic African safari experience, with opportunities to see elephants, lions, and hippos.
Abundant Wildlife
One of the biggest draws for tourists is Uganda's abundant wildlife. The country is home to a remarkable array of animals, including the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo). However, what sets Uganda apart is its population of endangered mountain gorillas. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park offer some of the best gorilla trekking experiences in the world, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.
Birdwatcher's Paradise
Uganda is also a birdwatcher's paradise, with over 1,000 species of birds recorded. The diversity of habitats, from wetlands and forests to mountains and lakes, creates an ideal environment for birdlife. Some of the most sought-after species include the shoebill stork, African green broadbill, and the endangered African grey parrot. Birdwatching tours are popular, attracting enthusiasts from all corners of the globe.
Rich Cultural Heritage
Diverse Cultures and Traditions
Uganda is a melting pot of cultures, with over 50 ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions, languages, and customs. This rich cultural tapestry is reflected in the country's music, dance, art, and festivals. Visitors have the opportunity to experience traditional Ugandan life through village tours, cultural performances, and interactions with local communities. These experiences provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of Uganda's diverse cultural heritage.
Historical Sites
The country also boasts a number of historical sites that offer insights into its past. The Kasubi Tombs in Kampala, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the burial place of Buganda kings and a significant cultural site. The Nyero Rock Paintings in the eastern part of the country are ancient rock art sites that date back to the pre-colonial era. These sites, along with many others, provide a fascinating glimpse into Uganda's history and cultural evolution.
Adventure and Outdoor Activities
Thrilling Adventures
For adventure seekers, Uganda offers a wealth of thrilling activities. White-water rafting on the Nile River, particularly in Jinja, is considered one of the best in the world, with rapids ranging from grade 3 to grade 5. For those who prefer to stay dry, there's bungee jumping over the Nile, zip-lining through the Mabira Forest, and quad biking through rural villages and scenic landscapes.
Hiking and Trekking
Hiking and trekking enthusiasts will find plenty of challenges and rewards in Uganda. In addition to the Rwenzori Mountains, the Virunga Mountains offer another excellent trekking destination, with the opportunity to see gorillas and other wildlife. Mount Elgon, with its vast caldera, provides yet another unique hiking experience. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a novice, there's a trail for every level of experience.
Exceptional Safaris
Unique Safari Experiences
Uganda offers some of the most unique and diverse safari experiences in Africa. While many think of the classic savanna safaris, Uganda provides opportunities to experience different types of wildlife encounters. The Kidepo Valley National Park, one of Uganda's most remote and least visited parks, offers stunning landscapes and abundant wildlife, making it a hidden gem for safari enthusiasts.
Boat Safaris
Boat safaris in Uganda are a highlight, offering a different perspective on the country's wildlife. In Murchison Falls National Park, boat cruises along the Nile River allow visitors to see hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species up close. The Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park also offers exceptional boat safari experiences, where one can observe large herds of elephants, buffalo, and other animals coming to the water's edge to drink.
Chimpanzee and Gorilla Safaris
Beyond traditional game drives, Uganda is renowned for its primate safaris. Kibale National Park is famous for its chimpanzee tracking, offering visitors the chance to observe these intelligent primates in their natural habitat. The highlight of any visit to Uganda, however, is undoubtedly the gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Spending time with a family of mountain gorillas in the wild is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that leaves a lasting impression.
Hospitality and Warmth
Friendly Local people
One of the most memorable aspects of visiting Uganda is the warmth and hospitality of its people. Ugandans are known for their friendliness and welcoming nature, making visitors feel at home from the moment they arrive. This genuine hospitality enhances the overall travel experience, creating lasting positive impressions.
Safe and Stable Environment
In recent years, Uganda has made significant strides in improving its safety and stability, making it a more attractive destination for tourists. The government has invested in infrastructure, security, and tourism development, resulting in a safer environment for travelers. While it's always important to exercise caution and follow travel advisories, Uganda is generally considered a safe destination for tourists.
Sustainable Tourism Initiatives
Conservation Efforts
Uganda is committed to sustainable tourism practices, with a strong focus on conservation and community involvement. National parks and wildlife reserves are managed with the goal of protecting the country's natural heritage while providing benefits to local communities. Gorilla trekking permits, for example, contribute directly to conservation efforts and community development projects, ensuring that tourism has a positive impact.
Community-Based Tourism
Community-based tourism initiatives are also gaining momentum in Uganda. These programs involve local communities in tourism activities, providing them with economic opportunities and encouraging the preservation of cultural traditions. Visitors can participate in homestays, craft workshops, and community tours, gaining authentic insights into Ugandan life while supporting local livelihoods.
Accessibility and Affordability
Improved Infrastructure
Uganda has made significant improvements to its infrastructure in recent years, making it more accessible to tourists. Major roads have been upgraded, and the Entebbe International Airport has been modernized to accommodate increased air traffic. Domestic flights and reliable transport options make it easier for visitors to explore different parts of the country.
Affordable Travel
Compared to many other safari destinations in Africa, Uganda offers a more affordable travel experience. Accommodation options range from budget-friendly guest houses to luxury lodges, catering to a wide range of preferences and budgets. The cost of permits for activities such as gorilla trekking is also more competitive compared to neighboring countries, making Uganda an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers.Uganda's appeal as a tourist destination lies in its incredible diversity, from its stunning natural beauty and abundant wildlife to its rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality. The country's commitment to sustainable tourism and its ongoing efforts to improve safety and accessibility further enhance its attractiveness. For those seeking adventure, cultural immersion, and unforgettable experiences, Uganda Safaris truly live up to the country`s reputation as the "Pearl of Africa." Whether it's your first visit or a return trip, Uganda promises to leave you with lasting memories and a desire to return.
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1. Masai Mara National Reserve
Highlights: Known for its spectacular wildlife and the Great Migration, the Masai Mara is one of Kenya’s most famous safari destinations. It offers incredible opportunities to see the Big Five (lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, and rhino) and experience thrilling game drives.
Activities: Game drives, hot air balloon safaris, cultural visits to Maasai villages.
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2. Amboseli National Park
Highlights: Famous for its views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli is a haven for elephant enthusiasts. The park also features diverse landscapes, including swamps, savannahs, and acacia woodlands.
Activities: Game drives, bird watching, visiting Maasai villages, nature walks.
3. Tsavo National Parks (East and West)
Highlights: Tsavo East is known for its vast savannahs and large herds of red elephants, while Tsavo West features dramatic landscapes with volcanic craters, lava flows, and waterholes.
Activities: Game drives, visits to Mzima Springs (Tsavo West), exploring the Shetani Lava Flows.
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4. Nairobi National Park
Highlights: Located just outside Nairobi, this park offers a unique safari experience with the city skyline in the background. It’s home to a variety of wildlife, including rhinos, lions, and giraffes.
Activities: Game drives, visiting the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, walking safaris, cycling.
5. Lamu Archipelago
Highlights: A UNESCO World Heritage site, Lamu is known for its well-preserved Swahili architecture, relaxed atmosphere, and beautiful beaches. It’s a great place to experience traditional coastal culture.
Activities: Exploring Lamu Old Town, relaxing on the beaches, dhow sailing, cultural tours.
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6. Diani Beach
Highlights: Renowned for its white sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters, Diani Beach is a popular coastal destination offering a range of water sports and leisure activities.
Activities: Beach relaxation, snorkeling, diving, kite surfing, visiting the nearby Shimba Hills National Reserve.
7. Nakuru National Park
Highlights: Known for its large population of flamingos and diverse bird species, Lake Nakuru also offers the chance to see rhinos and other wildlife.
Activities: Game drives, bird watching, visiting the Menengai Crater, exploring the nearby Hyrax Hill Museum.
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8. Hell’s Gate National Park
Highlights: Famous for its dramatic landscapes and geothermal activity, Hell’s Gate offers unique outdoor activities like cycling and hiking through scenic gorges and volcanic formations.
Activities: Cycling, hiking, exploring Olkaria Geothermal Station, rock climbing.
9. Samburu National Reserve
Highlights: Known for its unique wildlife, including the Grevy’s zebra and the Somali ostrich, Samburu offers a distinctive safari experience with stunning arid landscapes.
Activities: Game drives, cultural visits to Samburu villages, bird watching, river safaris.
10. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Highlights: Located in southwestern Uganda, Bwindi is renowned for its mountain gorilla trekking experiences. It offers a chance to see these critically endangered primates up close in their natural habitat.
Activities: Gorilla trekking, bird watching, hiking, cultural encounters with the Batwa people.
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11. Kisumu
Highlights: Located on the shores of Lake Victoria, Kisumu is a vibrant city with rich cultural heritage and stunning lakeside views. It’s a great base for exploring the lake and nearby attractions.
Activities: Boat trips on Lake Victoria, visiting Kisumu Museum, exploring the Dunga Hill Camp.
12. Laikipia Plateau
Highlights: Known for its conservation efforts and luxury lodges, Laikipia offers a range of unique safari experiences and is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the endangered black rhino.
Activities: Game drives, walking safaris, night safaris, visiting conservation projects like Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
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13. Meru National Park
Highlights: Less visited but rich in wildlife, Meru National Park is known for its lush landscapes and variety of species, including the rare albino zebra.
Activities: Game drives, exploring the park’s diverse habitats, visiting the Tana River.
14. Mount Kenya
Highlights: Kenya’s highest peak offers stunning alpine scenery and a range of trekking opportunities. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site and a must-visit for adventure seekers.
Activities: Hiking, climbing, nature walks, exploring the park’s diverse ecosystems.
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Plan Your Kenyan Adventure Today!
Kenya’s diverse destinations offer something for everyone, from thrilling safaris and cultural experiences to relaxing beach holidays and stunning mountain treks. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, nature lover, or cultural enthusiast, Kenya promises unforgettable experiences and breathtaking landscapes. Pack your bags and get ready to explore the wonders of Kenya – a land of incredible beauty and rich heritage.
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African safari trip
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Embarking on an unforgettable African safari trip is a dream for many travelers seeking to experience the wonders of the continent's diverse landscapes and iconic wildlife. Adventure Safari Network provides the perfect opportunity to turn this dream into reality. With their expert guides and meticulously crafted itineraries, adventurers can immerse themselves in thrilling game drives through national parks and reserves, encountering majestic animals such as elephants, lions, and giraffes in their natural habitat. Adventure Safari Network ensures a seamless and enriching experience, with comfortable accommodations, delicious meals, and knowledgeable guides who share their passion for Africa's wildlife and culture. Whether you're exploring the vast savannas of the Serengeti, tracking endangered species in the dense forests of Uganda, or marveling at the breathtaking landscapes of Botswana's Okavango Delta, Adventure Safari Network promises an unforgettable journey filled with adventure, discovery, and moments of wonder. Join them for the safari trip of a lifetime and create memories that will last a lifetime. For more information, contact the following number: (815)222-2824 You can also e-mail us: [email protected] Visit our website at www.adventuresafarinetwork.com/
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zemsafaris · 7 months
Uganda Bird-Watching Tour: Discover The Enchantment Of Bird watching In The Heart Of Africa
Uganda stands out as an exceptional safari destination in Africa when compared to its counterparts in the east. During your safari holiday in Uganda, you can anticipate an intimate experience with a diverse range of wildlife, including game animals, primates, and extraordinary bird species! Bird-watching tours give you the ideal option to travel to some of the world’s most beautiful corners.
Do you love birds and wish to explore hundreds of birds in one place? Are you dreaming of glimpsing birds of paradise in their natural habitat? You can go on a Uganda bird-watching tour. It lets you trek with your group and enjoy bird watching. It will let you explore the outdoors on foot. A good pair of binoculars and comfortable footwear is necessary to get the best out of your journey.
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Nestled in the heart of Africa lies Uganda, a hidden treasure for those passionate about bird watching. With its diverse range of ecosystems, from dense rain forests to vast savannas, Uganda is home to an incredible variety of bird species, making it a top destination for birding enthusiasts across the continent. Whether you are an experienced birder or just starting, Uganda promises an unforgettable experience. 
Uganda's avian diversity is truly remarkable. It houses numerous bird species. From the majestic shoebill stork to the vibrant African green broadbill, the birdlife in Uganda is both diverse and captivating. Birdwatchers will be delighted to discover endemic species. Some of them are Rwenzori turaco and African green broadbill, which add an extra layer of excitement to their sightings. 
The varied landscapes of Uganda offer numerous prime birding locations. Explore the misty forests of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park where endangered mountain gorillas reside alongside numerous bird species. Cruise along the serene waters of the Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park, where an abundance of waterbirds and raptors can be observed along the shoreline. Embark on a journey to Murchison Falls National Park, where the mighty Nile River provides a lifeline for a diverse range of aquatic bird species. 
For an unparalleled wildlife experience, combine your bird watching adventure with gorilla trekking in the lush forests of Bwindi or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. While in search of the iconic mountain gorillas, keep an eye out for elusive forest birds. All such things create a magical fusion of primate and avian encounters.
Uganda takes pride in its network of knowledgeable birding safari operators. They are enthusiastic about sharing their expertise with visitors. These birding safari operators create customized birding itineraries. They ensure that every bird enthusiast has the opportunity to spot their desired species. The country's well-developed birding infrastructure, includes bird hides, trails, and community-led initiatives. It enhances your overall bird watching experience. 
Uganda's commitment to conservation goes beyond its protected areas. By participating in responsible Uganda bird watching tourism , visitors can engage with local communities. They learn about the conservation efforts while supporting their livelihoods. 
Uganda offers a truly unique bird watching experience. The exceptional avian diversity, and awe-inspiring landscapes, make it a perfect place for exploration. Are you in search of rare endemic bird species or simply wish to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature? ZEM Safaris in Uganda warmly invites you to discover the enchantment of bird watching in the heart of Africa. Make it a part of your travel itinerary if you are looking for more reasons to love birds.
We’d love to connect with you on social media, and are active on Twitter
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vacationventurer0 · 9 months
Exploring the Untamed Beauty: Rwanda Wilderness Safaris
Nestled in the heart of East Africa, Rwanda is a landlocked country known for its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and remarkable wildlife. While the country has overcome its tragic history, it has emerged as a beacon of hope and a must-visit destination for those seeking an immersive experience with nature. One of the best ways to explore the untamed beauty of Rwanda is through its Rwanda Wilderness Safaris.
Gorilla Trekking Adventures
Rwanda is renowned for its mountain gorillas, and a wilderness safari offers a unique opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Volcanoes National Park, located in the northwest of Rwanda, is a primary destination for gorilla trekking. The park is part of the Virunga Massif, a chain of volcanic mountains that stretches across the borders of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Embarking on a gorilla trekking adventure is an awe-inspiring journey through dense forests, steep slopes, and mist-covered landscapes. Highly trained guides lead small groups of visitors to observe gorilla families, providing a rare chance to witness their social dynamics, behaviors, and interactions. This intimate encounter with the endangered mountain gorillas is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that leaves a lasting impression on every visitor.
Akagera National Park Safari
For those seeking a more traditional safari experience, Akagera National Park in eastern Rwanda offers a diverse range of wildlife. The park is home to a variety of animals, including elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, and numerous species of antelope. Visitors can explore the park through game drives, guided by experienced rangers who share their knowledge about the flora and fauna of the region.
The Akagera River flows through the park, creating a picturesque landscape that attracts a wealth of birdlife. Birdwatchers will be delighted by the opportunity to spot a multitude of species, including the majestic African fish eagle and the elusive shoebill stork. The park's varied ecosystems, from savannahs to wetlands, make it a captivating destination for nature enthusiasts.
Nyungwe Forest National Park
In the southwestern part of Rwanda lies Nyungwe Forest National Park, a haven for biodiversity and a paradise for those interested in primates and birdwatching. The park is home to 13 species of primates, including chimpanzees and the rare and endangered golden monkeys. Guided canopy walks provide visitors with a unique perspective of the lush forest, allowing for the observation of various plant and animal species from above.
Nyungwe Forest is also a birdwatcher's paradise, boasting over 300 bird species. The park's diverse habitats, ranging from montane rainforests to bamboo forests, contribute to its rich birdlife. Exploring the park's trails and treetop canopy bridges offers a tranquil and immersive experience in the heart of Rwanda's wilderness.
Conservation and Sustainability
Rwanda's commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism is evident in its efforts to protect its natural treasures. Strict regulations and limited permits for activities like gorilla trekking ensure that tourism has a minimal impact on the environment and wildlife. Additionally, community-based initiatives empower local communities, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership in preserving their natural heritage.
Wilderness Safaris Bisate Lodge offer an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature and witness the country's remarkable biodiversity. From the iconic mountain gorillas to the diverse wildlife of Akagera National Park and the pristine beauty of Nyungwe Forest, each safari experience is a journey into the heart of Africa's untamed landscapes. As Rwanda continues to embrace sustainable tourism practices, visitors can embark on these safaris with the confidence that their presence contributes to the preservation of this extraordinary wilderness.
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positivedevelopment · 10 months
Monthly Roundup November 2023
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Arts empowering refugees and migrants
"The story of the Tumaini Festival (‘Tumaini’ means ‘hope’ in Swahili) - the world's first and only arts festival hosted in a refugee camp - is a testament not only to refugees’ spirit of resilience but also to their capacity for creativity, expression and joie de vivre, as members of a group often defined by what they seek rather than what they bring."
“I use the transforming power of the arts and films as a refugee to tell untold stories, build empathy, and boost refugee voices,” says Bichano, a Congolese refugee who founded the World Refuge Film in Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement.
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Canada Bans Elephant Ivory & Rhino Horn Trade
A major win for animals! Canada has banned domestic trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn, including the import of hunting trophies containing these parts, a critical step in protecting these endangered species. The ban comes as the Jane Goodall Act makes its way through the Senate. The landmark legislation represents some of the strongest for animal protection in the world and, if passed, would phase out elephant captivity in Canada.
Read more about theJane Goodall Act HERE
Take action today and show your support! Add your name to tell government ministers and Senate caucus leaders to support the Jane Goodall Act HERE
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Art for conservation: Kenya’s Retiti Elephant Sanctuary needs Support
"Thirteen orphaned elephants will be released back into the wild from the Retiti Sanctuary in the coming months, but they are short of funds to ensure the process will go smoothly.
Vital Impacts, a non-profit organization using art and storytelling to support conservation, is making a push to raise money for the sanctuary through the sale of incredible wildlife photographs."
To buy prints go to vitalimpacts.org, to watch Ami Vitale’s film Shaba visit www.shabafilm.org and to view the work of the Retiti Elephant Sanctuary: www.reteti.org.
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I will be on a short break until January 2024, until then take care of yourself and others.
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kwezioutdoors · 10 months
Explore Uganda for A Unique Safari Activity Including Gorilla Trekking In Bwindi
Do you want to visit the place that is home to endangered mountain gorillas and other incredible wildlife species? Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda is the place you should include in your travel itinerary. Here you can come across such gorillas and other incredible wildlife species that can be seen in their natural habitat.
Uganda has more than half of the world’s mountain gorilla population found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Bwindi, which is located in the southwest of Uganda, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. A guided trek in the forest lets you find and observe a mountain gorilla family up close!
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Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, is home to over 40% of the global population of mountain gorillas.
Of these 21 family groups are available for you to visit.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park boasts one of the most diverse ecosystems in Africa. It has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its biological richness and importance. It is one of the only 4 national parks in the world that shelter the endangered mountain gorillas, with Bwindi and Mgahinga located in Uganda. Based on the 2018 census, the total number of mountain gorillas in the world is 1064, and about 450 of them live in Bwindi. The park has more than 21 habituated gorilla groups that are open for gorilla tracking. This is the largest number of gorilla family humans can visit anywhere in the world. Gorilla trekking permits are issued to groups of 8 people per day. The gorilla tracking adventure lasts for several hours, and only one hour is allowed for those who track the giants to interact, observe, and capture the priceless moments. Bwindi’s mist-covered hillsides are covered by one of Uganda’s oldest and most biologically diverse rainforests.
This 25,000 year old forest has more than 200 species of trees, over 100 species of ferns, 350 bird species, 200 butterflies, and 51 reptile species. Bwindi also has 120 mammal species including chimpanzees, L’Hoest’s monkey, and the main attraction the endangered mountain gorillas.
With 350 species of birds including 23 Albertine Rift endemics, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is one of Africa’s birding hotspots. Some of these birds can be sighted during your gorilla trek. But truly appreciate the bird diversity, take a birding safari with our experienced guides who know the sites and sounds of the birding trails in Bwindi.
Safari tours come in different shapes and sizes, but none are as revealing or special as meeting Uganda’s Mountain Gorillas. Tailormade Uganda safari could be a life-changing experience. Journey into the heart of Bwindi National Park to look for mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. When you’re not searching for gorillas, enjoy the 5-star comforts of a private tent at Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp, a luxury retreat in the middle of the jungle. For those who want to relax and have a great nature walk experience, do not hesitate to book it for a cozy relaxation moment.
Take a scenic walk through various trails in the forest. There are several trails to hike on in this region. The gorilla trekking safari, often known as the gorilla habituation experience, includes hiking. You can also reach the rivers, and listen to the bird sounds singing as you move through the forest around the lodge. Have sights of other animal species in the area. All these can be arranged locally by the local tour operators.
The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is a must-see destination on most Ugandan safari itineraries. Most Uganda safari packages combine it with the savannah parks such as Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, or Lake Mburo National Park. One can also add the Kibale National Park home to one of the largest chimpanzee concentrations in the world. Or add the Rwenzori Mountains National Park which has Africa’s 3rd highest peak after Kilimanjaro and Kenya.
Accommodation options at Bwindi vary from budget camps to luxury camps and lodges. Only registered and licensed tour operators like Kwezi Outdoors can secure gorilla trekking permits for visitors to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. To begin planning your gorilla trekking safari, get in touch with a dedicated safari expert at Kwezi Outdoors who will design a private personalized itinerary. You will get a free safari quote as you start on your unforgettable gorilla trekking adventure.
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naturenestsafaris · 2 months
Uganda: Africa’s Ultimate Safari Destination
Uganda, often known as the "Pearl of Africa," certainly justifies its title. With stunning views of the River Nile and Lake Victoria, diverse cultures, and numerous national parks teeming with primates, wildlife, and birds, Uganda stands out as the ultimate destination for safari holidays. Its landscapes are incredibly varied and picturesque, ranging from mountains to lakes and forests. Safari holidays in Uganda offer a unique and enriching travel experience with diverse attractions that cater to various interests.
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Why Visit Uganda?
Rich Wildlife Uganda is home to a wide range of wildlife and boasts several national parks that provide excellent opportunities for safaris and wildlife viewing. If you're interested in wildlife safaris in Uganda, you might wonder what kind of animals you can see. Uganda is a paradise for wildlife lovers, boasting a diverse range of animal species. From bush elephants to African lions and big cats, Uganda has almost every kind of animal you can imagine.
Among the mammals you can spot are tree-climbing lions in Ishasha, buffalos, elephants, crocodiles, zebras, leopards, elegant antelopes, and hippopotamuses near the picturesque lakes within the parks. Some endangered animals include the Mountain gorilla, Chimpanzee, crested crane, African wild dog, and Pangolin. Uganda is home to around 400 gorillas and various primates like the red-tailed monkey, black and white colobus monkeys, vervets, and olive baboons.
National Parks Uganda's national parks, such as Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, Kibale National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, and the remote Kidepo National Park in the Karamoja region, are brimming with wildlife and stunning landscapes.
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Bird Watching Uganda is a bird watcher's haven, home to thousands of bird species, including the Grey Heron, Black-headed Heron, Goliath Heron, Purple Heron, Great Egret, Black Heron, Intermediate Egret, Grebes, Great Bittern, Dwarf Bittern, White-backed Night-heron, Black-crowned Night-heron, Striated Heron, Cattle Egret, and Madagascar Pond-Heron.
Gorilla Trekking One of Uganda's most famous attractions is the chance to see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Gorilla trekking is a popular activity in Uganda, with permits priced at $600. While it may be expensive, spending an hour with these endangered species is an unforgettable experience. By purchasing a permit, you contribute to the conservation of these primates and their rainforest homes.
Adventure Activities For adventure seekers, Uganda offers numerous thrilling activities. The Nile River near Jinja is renowned for some of the best white-water rafting in the world. The country's varied terrain provides excellent opportunities for hiking and trekking, including the challenging hike to the top of Mount Elgon.
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Taste Local Fruits Uganda is well-known for its banana cultivation, which keeps the country lush and green. Visitors can enjoy rare fruits such as papaya, sweet jackfruits, pineapples, and more. Experience the natural flavors of Uganda with cuisine crafted from local seasonal produce.
Supporting the Local Community Visiting Uganda supports the local community, as tourism revenue helps build hospitals and schools. For example, Bwindi Hospital specializes in HIV treatments and is one of the projects supported by tourism.
Best Lodges to Stay Uganda offers a range of accommodations, from budget to luxury, built with African materials and showcasing the rich African culture. These lodges, campsites, and hotels provide comfortable rooms, free Wi-Fi, hot water, bars, swimming pools, playgrounds, and gardens. The friendly and hardworking staff ensure a pleasant stay at a favorable price, depending on the visitor's preference, facilities, location, services, food, and amenities.
For booking safari holidays and accommodations, choose Nature Nest Safaris. You won't regret it. As Ugandans, Nature Nest Safaris is dedicated to ensuring your journey and stay are enjoyable. Their happiness comes from seeing you smile. The team at Nature Nest Safaris plans the best Uganda wildlife safari holidays tailored to your desires, covering accommodations and activities that wildlife enthusiasts will love.
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