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Honra aos Espíritos Locais
Assim como nossos ancestrais viveram pela Terra antes de nós e nos trouxeram até aqui, os espíritos locais são ainda mais antigos e tão merecedores de respeito quanto os outros. A região onde vivemos literalmente é a casa deles muito antes de termos pisado nela e a chamado de nossa. São eles os espíritos habitantes da vegetação local, dos rios e córregos que cortam as redondezas, dos animais que nascem, crescem e morrem nessa terra, dos habitantes humanos e não-humanos tão antigos que se mesclaram ao todo unitário da localidade em si.
Esses seres não apenas vivem aqui; eles trabalham para que a harmonia de toda a egrégora da região seja mantida, mantendo o equilíbrio da natureza física e energética, tentando o seu melhor para proteger os seus e todos os que buscam refúgio na área, sejam estes outros espíritos, sejam plantas, fungos ou animais – incluindo a nós, os humanos, mesmo que sejamos quase sempre ingratos e desrespeitosos para com o chão onde vivemos.
Da mesma forma que você não quer que ninguém entre em sua casa sem lhe avisar antes, sem bater no portão e pedir permissão, ou que a pessoa desrespeite a organização e higienização pela qual você trabalhou tanto, esses espíritos não querem que nós façamos as mesmas coisas. Pelo contrário, nós e eles queremos respeito, humildade, harmonia e reconhecimento por tudo o que trazemos para nosso lar – renda, proteção, organização, saúde, alimento, conforto, assim por diante.
Muitas culturas pagãs honravam esses seres, e cada uma apresentava nomes e descrições diferentes para eles, alguns até mesmo demonstrando ser espíritos de natureza muito distinta entre si.
Para os helenos, há o Agathos Daimon (“Bom Espírito”, guardião do lar – honrado nas tradições reconstrucionistas todo segundo dia do mês lunar) e os daimones da natureza, incluindo as ninfas, as dríades, as náiades, e assim por diante. Para os romanos, os espíritos de uma casa e família eram chamados de Lares. Para os gaélicos, os espíritos da natureza são o Bom Povo (em irlandês moderno: Aos Sí; em gaélico escocês: Daoine Sìth) enquanto outros cuidam do lar, como o escocês brownie. Na cultura local, frequentemente ouvimos falar dos caiporas, Curupira, Boitatá, e das almas daqueles que viveram na nossa casa ou na região antes de nós e a elas se mesclaram, os encantados, como os nativos os chamam.
Seja qual for a origem ou a tradição, os espíritos locais são aqueles que sempre estiveram aqui, ou então, que vivem aqui muito antes de nós. Assim como nós gostamos de ser bem tratados pelos outros dentro de nossa própria casa, eles também esperam e podem ser ótimos aliados para seguirmos nossas vidas em harmonia.
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Salve, caro Frater! Como vai?
Estive lendo por alto as anotações do Mário de Andrade que foram publicadas no "Música de feitiçaria no Brasil" (que é mais uma coletânea de fragmentos do que uma obra acabada) e me deparei com uma indicação curiosa sobre cultos rurais (a palavra era culto mesmo) a entidades que posteriormente viriam a ser colocadas sobre a rubrica genérica do folclore como Saci, Curupira, etc. A anotação que vi era extremamente vaga, não tinha mais nenhuma indicação.
Encontrei algum material sobre, mas pesquisas de ordem antropológica. Vc conhece algo a respeito ou alguém que tenha trabalhado com essas entidades, mas da perspectiva da magia ou, por assim dizer, do culto mesmo? Não tenho interesse prático nisso (sou um mero iniciante), mas apenas curiosidade mesmo.
Muito obrigado e tudo de bom para você!
Salve, amigo! Obrigado pela dica de leitura, achei muito interessante. Então, na verdade esse tipo de coisa não é surpreendente, porque todo povoado humano sempre precisou, em algum grau, propiciar outros seres inteligentes ligados à natureza, e isso pode ser observado em várias outras culturas, com os nomes de djinns, fadas e duendes (incluindo pixies, brownies, hobgoblins, pookas, domovoy), trolls, nagas etc (até na Bíblia tem isso, vide o episódio de Azazel). Alguns exemplos de literatura incluem o livro Monsters, do John Michael Greer, que fala longamente de fadas (e o B. J. Swain em Living Spirits dedica um capítulo à questão do trabalho com esses seres), e o Nineveh Shadrach falando dos djinns em Magic that Works.
Quanto aos seres especificamente brasileiros, tem muita prática sincrética que combinou as matrizes indígena e africana que trabalha com eles, geralmente são chamados de encantados (e esse trabalho é chamado de encantaria). Sobre ao termo "culto", a questão é que a palavra tem muitos significados. Nem sempre significa que você venera aqueles seres como deidades ou algo assim. Infelizmente eu não vou ter bibliografia sobre o assunto, porque isso não é magia de livro e mais uma coisa de tradição oral. Mas se você for num terreiro em dia de gira de Caboclo e perguntar, é capaz de lhe darem mais informações. Boa sorte e tudo de bom para você também.
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Susana Vieira fará participação em terceira temporada de série da Globo
Sem atuar desde uma participação especial na novela “Terra e Paixão”, lançada em maio de 2023, Susana Vieira foi escalada para novo projeto na Globo. Ela irá participar da terceira temporada de uma série de humor. A atriz fará uma participação na nova leva de episódios de “Encantado’s”. Susana já gravou suas cenas e surgirá como ela mesma, segundo informações da colunista Anna Luiza Santiago, do…
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El moment de complicitat d'Aitana amb una intèrpret de llengua de signes durant un dels seus concerts
en-canta-dos.com Aitana torna a l’escenari. El seu ‘Alpha Tour’, adaptat als festivals que l’esperen durant tot l’estiu, ja ha començat. I ho ha fet amb força polèmica. Primer, pels visuals que projecten a la seva esquena, on es recullen alguns dels titulars crítics sobre la coreografia de “miamor”, que va generar tanta controvèrsia en el seu moment. Ara, per la incorporació d’un equip…
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#Aitana Ocaña#Anna Griera Parra#EnCantados#Musica#Share Festival de Barcelona#Tamara Navarro#Youtube
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los bolsos hasta estos días
La última mitad del siglo vio un salto en la tecnología y la introducción de nuevos materiales y textiles para bolsos (como lona impermeable, sinética de la era espacial, piel de reptil falsa). La mejora de los procesos de fabricación también significó que los bolsos se pudieran producir a un costo más bajo, lo que permitió a las personas comprar hermosos bolsos a precios asequibles.
La historia de los bolsos cierra el círculo a principios de siglo. En un principio, los bolsos eran un accesorio masculino, que abandonaron hasta que se asoció con la mujer. Pero a medida que la moda masculina se simplifica, los bolsos de mano para hombre vuelven a estar de moda. Al menos son un poco más resistentes que las hojas. Visita bolsossuenosencantados y encontrarás el bolso que se adapte a ti
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5 lugares encantados de Japón que te harán temblar
Tiempo estimado de lectura — 3 minutos ¿Alguna vez has tenido un latido del corazón tan intenso que parecía que iba a estallar de repente? La verdadera esencia del terror aparece en situaciones en las que superas los límites de tu valentía. Cada camino que tomas para explorar la peculiar subcultura del terror inconsciente de Japón parece estar al borde de un precipicio. En la vida silvestre…
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Sii ya se que el ship se re murió, pero nada me impide hacer un AU en dónde no pasaron las desgracias del canon 🤓👆
#my art#doodles#fanart#star vs the forces of evil#svtfoe#queen moon#toffee#moontoffee#moontoffee fanart#che no me funen#esto es un AU#AUUU#me hubiera encantado ser parte del fandom en 2016 15#??
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feliz 18 chiquillos
#rip jonathan crane te hubiera encantado ser sureño#yo creo que haria un asado decente pero la caga pq todas las weas tienen fear toxin#my art#jonathan crane#dc#scarecrow#chile
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#delfin#oceano#mar#tranquilo#onda de agua#cuarzo de hielo#agua marina#delfin espiritual#delfin encantado#mar abierto#mar desconocido#mundo desconocido#tierra sagrada#tierra prometida#lo desconocido#oculto#nuevo#por explorar#escondido#recognito#asombroso#asombrante#increible#nuevo lugar descubierto#descubren ruinas#descubren nueva isla#descubrimientos asombrosos#descubrimientos nuevos#lugares nuevos
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#caua reymond#michele morrone#actors#suit#open shirt#handsome#style#sharp#sexy#suave#fashion#hunk#stud#subservience#cordel encantado
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Wet Beast Wednesday: Amazonian river dolphin
It's the last Wet Beast Wednesday of the year. I started doing this little project to help myself get used to Tumblr and encourage myself to use it more often. That absolutely worked and I'm going to keep going. For my first ever WBW post, I discussed an adorable cetacean, so I'm going to call back to that by discussing a less adorable cetacean. Meet the Amazonian river dolphin, also known as the boto, bufeo, and pink dolphin because, well look at it.
(image id: an Amazonian river dolphin peeking out of the water. It is a large dolphin with a long, thin snout, bulbous head, and small dorsal fin. Its entire body is bright pink. end id)
River dolphins are dolphins the exclusively inhabit freshwater. There are several species (from four to six depending on your source) that are not all closely related. Probably the most famous of these is the Amazonian river dolphin Inia geoffrensis. They live in the Amazon, Orinoco, and upper Maderia rivers of South America. There are three subspecies: I. g. geoffrensis (the Amazon river dolphin), I. g. humboldtiana (the Orinoco river dolphin), and I. g. boliviensis (the Bolivian river dolphin, previously considered a separate species). There is also debate on whether the Araguaian river dolphin should be considered a subspecies of Amazonian river dolphin or a separate species. A common name for the dolphins found throughout Brazil is boto, though this is also used to refer to another river dolphin species, the tucuxi, as well as marine dolphins that occasionally enter fresh or brackish water. The amazonian river dolphins is the largest river dolphin, with males reaching 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) and 185 kg (408 lbs). Males are larger than females, averaging 16% longer and 55% heavier. The most famous feature of these dolphins are their color. while they are born grey, they lighten up as they age, eventually becoming pink. The amount of pink varies between individuals, with some being grey with pick spots and others going full Barbie mode. It's not clear why they turn pink and why some are pinker than others. Possible explanations include the distribution of capillaries under the skin, consuming large amounts of pink pigment through their diet (the same thing that happens with flamingos), and exposure to sunlight. Males are generally pinker than females, which may be due to them accumulating larger amounts of pink scar tissue while fighting over females. The dolphins get noticeably pinker when they are excited, which may be similar to a human blushing.
(Image id: a dolphin holding its head out of the water, seen from the front. Its mouth is partly open, showing a single row of teeth within. It is pink. end id)
Amazonian river dolphins are not known for being the prettiest cetaceans. With long, skinny shouts, lumpy bodies, non-distinct dorsal fins, and scarred, rough skin, they won' be winning many beauty contests. Maybe its for the best that they don't have very good eyesight. When living in a place as murky as a major river, eyes often aren't that useful. They instead navigate almost exclusively through echolocation. While not as powerful as they eyes of oceanic dolphins, river dolphin eyes are adapted to take in any available light, letting them see better in low-light environments such as a murky river under a canopy of leaves. The bulbous head contains the melon, an organ found in cetaceans used for echolocation. The melon can change shape, which may help focus the echolocation for different purposes. Part of the lumpy profile of the boto likely comes from their lack of blubber. Living in a tropical river means that river dolphins don't lose nearly as much body heat and therefore don't need the thick layer of blubber that helps streamline oceanic dolphins. They also don't need to be as hydrodynamic as they are a lot slower than oceanic dolphins. While slow, river dolphins are maneuverable and can rotate their flippers to turn themselves around without having to swim in a circle. In addition, unlike oceanic dolphins, the boto's neck vertebrate are unfused, allowing them to turn their head side to side. All of this helps the dolphins navigate and search for food in crowded rivers and flooded sections of forest. Another unique feature is the presence of whiskers on their snouts and cheeks, which are believed to help find food when poking around in the mud and aquatic plants. Yet another unique feature is the fact that they are heterodonts. This means they have different types of teeth. In the front of the snouts are the sharp, conical teeth found in other dolphins, but the uniquely have molar-like teeth in the back. These are used to crush hard prey, such as shellfish and turtles.
(image: a dolphin partially breaching out of the water while upside-down. Its large fins are in the air and its head is turned soits chin is facing the camera. end id)
The diet of the Amazonian river dolphin is the most varied of any toothed cetacean. At least 53 species of fish are part of its diet, though it prefers croakers, chiclids, tetras, and piranhas. As mentioned above, its molar-like teeth also allow it to crush through hard-shelled animals including bivalves, crabs, and turtles. They have been known to cooperate with tucuxi dolphins and otters to hunt, with the different animal working together to drive fish out of hiding places. The dolphins practice seasonal migration to follow their prey. During the wet season, they travel into floodplains, lakes, flooded parts of forests, swamps, and other places that are inaccessible during the dry season. During the dry season, they travel back into the main river. Males return to the river sooner that females and calves. The dolphins are less social than other dolphins, usually traveling alone or in groups of 2-4 members, though larger groups do happen. They do communicate with each other using whistles. During mating season, which usually happens in late June or August, they will congregate in large numbers. Males attempt to court females by carrying objects in their mouths such as branches and leaves and by nipping at the female's fins. Males also become aggressive and will fight with other females and with females that refuse their advances. These fight often leave the males covered in scars and nicks that can be used by scientists to identify them. Males will attempt to mate with as many females as possible. Gestation takes just under a year and calves are born in May and June as the wet season is beginning. The calves will nurse for a year and stay with their mother for two to three years. Females will not mate until their current calf has left, giving a mating frequency for females of between 2 and 3 years. Males may attack calves to force the mother to mate again. The life expectancy of wild dolphins is unknown.
(image id: a dolphin holding a leaf in its mouth. This may be part of a courtship display or play behavior. end id)
Amazonian river dolphins are known to be curious, playful, and not fearful of unfamiliar objects. This may because adults have almost no natural predators. Jaguars, caimans, and anacondas will attack them, but prefer targeting calves over adults. They are known to play with sticks, plants, small animals, and other submerged objects. They are also reported to follow boats and rub up against them and grab oars with their mouths. This may be a combination of play behavior and following boats to catch fish they scare. River dolphins have also been reported to approach humans, usually children, and examine or play with them. Botos feature quite a bit in the mythology and folklore of the peoples of South America. A common myth states that the boto can come on shore at night and take the form of a human, a boto encatado. While appearing as beautiful people, they need to wear hats as their blowholes stay on their heads. Male encantados come to shore to party and seduce women, but must return to the river before the transformation wears off. Many illegitimate children are fathered when an encantado comes to town. Female encantados seduce and bewitch married men. She will visit him on the anniversary of their meeting for seven years. On the seventh year, she turns him into a baby and places him in his wife's womb. Some stories say that they come from an underwater paradise called Encante and visit humans to experience hardships and parties. It is said that people who travel the river at night, especially women and children, may be kidnapped by the dolphins and taken to Encante, from which they will never return. Other stories say that the dolphins can make beautiful music and control storms. Killing one brings bad luck, and eating one brings worse luck, while making eye contact curses you with nightmares. Their body parts had magic powers and were sometimes used as fetishes (not that kind) by shamans.
(image: a man with back to the camera hand-feeding a fish to a dolphin. end id)
Amazonian river dolphins are classified as endangered by the IUCN. Their largest threats come from humans. Overfishing leads to food loss and can lead to the dolphins becoming entangled in nets and drowning. Damming reduced their habitat and excess gold mining releases poisonous mercury into the water. Some are also killed to be used as bait. Fishermen have been known to kill dolphins who damage their equipment. Deforestation is also decreasing usable habitat. Amazonian river dolphins fare poorly in captivity and captive breeding is not considered a viable conservation method.
(image id: a dolphin calf being rescued by a conservationist. the person is holding it out of the water. The dolphin has the same body shape as an adult, but is grey instead of pink).
#wet beast wednesday#amazonian river dolphin#amazon river dolphin#river dolphin#pink dolphin#boto#dolphin#cetacean#freshwater biology#freshwater ecology#amazon river#biology#zoology#ecology#animal facts#cetaceans#boto encantado#encantado#image described#long post
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Eliane Giardini terá participação reduzida em nova temporada de Encantado's; Entenda
Eliane Giardini continua no elenco de “Encantado’s”, mas terá participação reduzida na nova sequência da série de humor da Globo. Continue reading Eliane Giardini terá participação reduzida em nova temporada de Encantado’s; Entenda
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Les persones sordes van gaudir de Taylor Swift gràcies a globus i intèrprets com Ana: "Som un micròfon"
telecinco.es Taylor Swift va arrasar la setmana passada a Madrid amb els seus dos concerts al Santiago Bernabéu. Un dels motius de l’èxit de les seves cançons, segons els seus seguidors més fidels, són les lletres de les seves cançons. I perquè ningú se les perdi, diverses intèrprets de llengua de signes acompanyen a l’artista en els seus concerts…[…] (telecinco.es)
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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'Boto encantado'(Taken in the Amazon, Brazil)
Amazon River Dolphin
by Kat Zhou
Underwater Photographer of the Year 2023
#kat zhou#photographer#underwater photographer of the year#boto encantado#amazon#brazil#amazon river dolphin#nature#dolphin
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