captain-kraken · 1 year
blue blood / 1921
Lavis sobbed into his hands, the wool of his gloves catching the frozen tears and ripping them painfully from his skin. He became vaguely aware of warm arms closing around him, followed by the familiar smell of smoky cinnamon. He leaned closer, accepting the embrace, but not moving his own arms.
They stayed like that for a few moments, before Faros pulled away, gently wiping away Lavis’s tears before they had a chance to freeze. It hurt to see him this way, and he knew right then he would do anything to make it better.
            “Lavis, I’m going to ask you something,” he said, his hands still on the gishar’s face, “And I need you to be honest with me.”
Lavis nodded, his breath still shaking as he sniffed, wiping his face on his fur sleeve.
            “Would your life be better if… if your father was… not around?”
            “I… well…” Lavis knew the answer to this question. He was just too afraid to say it loud.
He looked up into Faros’s eyes, seeing that he was holding back his own tears. Whilst Lavis was unsure of many things, one thing he never doubted was that Faros had his best interests at heart.
            “You can’t do anything about it.”
Faros shifted uncomfortably. “I could… make some arrangements.”
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jolieeason · 1 year
Skyseeker's Princess (Songs of Si'Empra: Book 1) by Miriam Verbeek
Publisher: Independently Published Date of publication: May 14th, 2020 Genre: Fantasy Trigger Warnings: Incest (off page, remembered), Sexual abuse of a teenager (off page, remembered), Rape (off page, remembered), Depression (off page, remembered), Grief (on page), Assualt ending in mutilation (on page), Mental Illness (on page), Gun violence (on-page) Series: Songs of Si’Empra Skyseeker’s…
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crayzkrypto · 1 year
Runian lore dump #2
Windcaller and Midnightglider, and Embercatcher are canonlogically the only Phoenix Harpies left, Ember going by the name of Empra, however she goes now by the name of Tiaus, disguising herself as a beautiful women in a dress tipped with her own feathers, her son being Midnightglider, however the young Harpy does not know of his mother being alive, as when he was a child, he watched humans kill her and his father.
Midnight is in a relationship with Wind, and they eventually have eggs together.
(Two male Harpies can have eggs together, in fact with Harpies AND dragons, same gender pairs can have offspring, F x F, M x M, F x M, etc.)
- Tales Of Runia
This lore belongs to @crayzkato and @crayzkrypto, any theft of any kind will not be tolerated.
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courgowr · 1 year
just read Empra, it really gets across the scale of the imperium
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paniwarhamauser · 1 year
I just realized I never finished posting Grot crusade write-ups here! Last was week 3! And that Crusade has ended back in May, and new one starts in a month😅
Guess I'll just dump weeks 4-10 here all at once.
And also end-of-crusade art for my guy 😁
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Week 4
Me and ladz 'ere rollin' around lookin' for da good scrap. And dere it was. Da shiny fishboy Devilfish, dem curves glistenin' in da sun!
Nachurally we WAAAAGH'd!
Fishboyz are ded shooty, but you know wot? Stompa is ded STOMPY! 
Afta Bigtoof turned deir kommander into da kanned fishpaste dey 'ere done for!
Only one fishboy on da floaty fingie flew off. Looked so smug too. As if 'e was not running away, but akchually won. Weird...
Speakin' of winnin'. Zippy better deliver on 'is promise to build anuvva Gargant!
Da ladz collected enuff scrap today ta finish da job!
Week 5
Gorksome is da beatiful little Gargant.
Zippy did da mighty gud job. Not dat I'd ever tell it to 'is face. Not givin 'im any ideas of bein betta at sum fings den da greatest Grotboss in 'istory!
And Gork was pleased by it too. We did not even had to look for da fight dis time! Bugboyz came to us!
Dis was a glorius day! Fighting everywhere! Gorksome got to shoot its first targetz! Even Zippy remembered 'e can fight too!
Too bad bugboyz 'ave nuffin' ta scrap. No matter, dey go SQUISH funny! Ladz larfed deir rumps off! And 'e got bugboyz snaks for dayz too!
Week 6
'E made it, ladz! Da 'umie Empra's shiny boyz (mega nobz beakies or whateva dese Kustardes are?) came ta fight us! And everywun knows dey fight only da most dangeros foez!
Of course I ALWAYZ knew I am da most dangeros! But 'tis nice ta be aknowleged.
And da best fing? Da stompa went BOOM. Dis was glorius! I almost kried of joy - ta witness da wrath of Gork and Mork wiff me own eyez!
'E even got enuff of goldy scrap ta fix stompa right up.
Week 7
Da fightin' is da most fun, but 'e gotta make anuvva Gargant. And dis means 'e need more scrap.
Mork smiled upon us today. 'E 'eard 'BLOOD FOR DA BLOOD GOD' warcry, and I knew my ladz 'ere sent anuvva gud fight! 
Red and spikey beakies are ded fighty. And dey charge like da best of orkz too. Gotta respect dat! Also dey brought tanks! Wich mean dere was plenty of spikey scrap to collect afta da battle.
Da ladz even charged da spiky rhino and stole deir icon! Scrap and trophiez, da best life all around!
Week 8
Would you look at dat! Stuntiez again! And dey have a new trukk too! Time to scrap it! WAAAAGH!
'Tis was fun! DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA! Dead stuntiez everywhere! 
And den weirdgurl and hammergurl 'ere at it again. Is Gork'n'Mork trying to tell me somefing by sendin' dem at me again? That I should I get a weirdboy and a hammer too? Interestin'...
Either way, a message from Gork and Mork is always a WIN FOR DA GROT WAAAGH!
Week 9
I was an idiot! Surprised at me sayin' dat? Da greatest grotboss is not afraid to admit mistakes!
I thought Devilfish were shiny! But Empra's goldie boyz showed me how wrong I was! Deir gravy-tank is proppa shiny! I 'ave never seen such a beauty in me life before!
Nachurally I called WAAAGH and sent ladz ta get me dat gravy-tank at all costs!
'Tis was a good fight. We krumped deir boss and deir nob too! Gargants are da best! Not as best as me, but close! Though I only cared for gravy-tank, if I'm honest. Nuffin else mattered.
Always keep da eyez on da prize, as dey say!
And wot a prize it is! Now I has da Goldy Throne of me own!
Week 10
I was sittin' on Da Goldy Throne, surrounded by me trophies, pettin' me squig and thinkin' of changin' me title from Grot Boss to Grot Empra. No uvver boss has Da Goldy Throne, after all!
Me thinkin' was interrupted by watchlad screaming 'SCRAWNIES ON DA HORIZON'
Scrawnies are sure need to be krumped. Let me finish my shroom brew and den we WAAAGH!
W-wot is happenin'? Why I can no move? Wot is dis green glow? Did Gork and Mork came to see me and name me deir new profeet? Now dat's a REAL WIN FOR DA GROT WAAAAGH!
Trazyn closed the tessaract and chuckled to himself, - 'Don't you just love when a specimen arranges itself into a nice display, saving me the trouble!'
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staticsqueaks · 1 year
(Smoshes face against the window, rapidly bangs against it)
Hosin keeps his characteristic smile but visibly jumps, turning slowly to stare directly in Riptide’s optics as he smooshed himself into the glass like clay. He stood there a moment, taking in the…interesting sight before crossing leisurely back to the door with his datapad in his hand.
“Ah, I should have known it was you, Starshine! Come in, Riptide, come in!” He opened the door, trying to maintain his composure and not laugh at the hilarious display. “How are you today, darling? What has you so worked up?”
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maryperry27 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Empra Men's Blue 3 Button Suit Jacket.
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lyrasky · 5 years
和訳【G Flip/ Lover】解説 G Flipについて we're all alone
和訳【G Flip/ Lover】解説 G Flipについて we're all alone LyraのBlogへ #gflip #lover #georgiaflipo #aboutus #empra #aboutyou #killingmytime #melbourne #victoria #australia #indiepop #air #multiplayer #hot #lovesong #cool #beautiful #bringmehome #drinktooduch #lovely
今日は Lyra が素敵な声だなって思ったアーティストの曲を紹介するね。
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captain-kraken · 1 year
👹 - what's the most unhinged and/or feral your oc has ever gotten?
🛀 - what's the longest your oc has gotten without washing themselves?
Thanks for the ask!
I'll answer the first one for Einjal Daju. The most unhinged that he's ever gotten is towards the end when his shapeshifting had become severely corrupted. He fought against Hanasha in his "beast" form and was so consumed by his rage that he tried to eat her, only managing to tear her arm off.
The next one I'll do for Faros Empra, because he's the one who has gone the longest by not washing for three months during a period of deep depression.
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zootycutie · 7 years
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Don't have enough time this year for a full 2017 pride lineup, so I drew Empra for it, she's aromantic asexual. ^_^
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kraffblr · 7 years
Empra - Workshop (Rinse FM Radio rip)Slimzee w/ Grim Sickers, & Friends - 2nd May 2017 by EMPRA Empra - Workshop (Rinse FM Radio rip)Slimzee w/ Grim Sickers, & Friends - 2nd May 2017 Follow the Twitter: @EmpraProducer @dj_slimzee @GrimSickers1 @RinseFM Listen to the full show here - http://ift.tt/2pEqXvy
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fishingforsims · 6 years
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Empra: Ugh, I hate this room. I don’t understand why she couldn’t be happy monochrome. 
Lightning: She was an artist, dear.
Empra: An artist. HAH! She’s a dreamer and dreamers never get anywhere. What did her computer say?
Lightning: Empra, maybe we should leave her be...
Empra: Leave her be?! This is your family name she is tarnishing. Your legacy. I can’t believe you - Are those...different colored berries living with her?
Lighting: Ah, yes. Her social media shows her living with the pink and purple ones. She’s painted and expanded the cottage. It’s turning into a home.
Empra: This is ridiculous! Living with not one different colored berry, but two!
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limpiezaadomicilio · 5 years
¡La edad no es obstáculo, al contrario! Emprender a partir de los 45 años.
¡La edad no es obstáculo, al contrario! Emprender a partir de los 45 años.
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La edad no es un obstáculo es una ventaja. Tu experiencia bien administrada puede convertir tu proyecto en una empresa de éxito
¿Por qué tenemos tendencia en asociar emprendimiento con juventud? Si a las estadísticas nos ceñimos, no podemos separar edad y emprendimiento, cada  día se crean empresas en todo el mundo, con empresarios de todas las edades.
Es verdad que a partir de una cierta edad…
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dabigmek · 2 years
Saw summa dem leeg of Vootann stunties da uvva day, day was runnin' away from Litfaggs burna boyz, was ded funny.
But I got ta finkin', dey don't look like any stunty I eva seen before, fer a start, most a dem ain't got no beardsquigs. Nah, I ain't da sharpest toof in da gob, but even I noze dat a stuntys gotta av a beardsquig.
I ad a gud luk at a ded un dat woz jus lyin' around like he add nuffin betta ta doo, and I fought ta meself,
"Dis ere stunty, well he luks kinda like wun a dem ratlin' gitz, da wunz wiv da long shooty gunz, all clean faced and rosy cheeked, but ridin a flyin' floor polisher wot dem humies dat sing all da time use ta clean dere posh floors for da empra."
And den I fought.
"I've been waitin da betta part of ferty yeerz ta fight deze gitz again, an all I get is sum stumpy, cleer komplekshund berk dat lukz jus like eez from sum posh bordin' skool fer rich humiez ridin' a Dyson kleenin aid?"
Well, itz a no from me, don't fink I'll bother wiv dem at all, I'll stick ta fightin' gud models...I meen enamies, if it's all da same.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 4 years
What has Nate written? Cause I heard the one Ork related thing he did write was unfortunately subpar in orkyness
Severed, which is about Obyron and Zahndrekh, and Enemy of my Enemy, which is about Orks, and very enjoyable, even if the Orks are kinda quirky. I like them. He’s also got a short story in volume 3 of Inferno called Empra, which is about a shellmaker’s perspective on the Emperor, and rather interesting.
Idk what you’d consider to be supbarly Orky, but considering it shows Orks doing something different and not being jobbed, I’ll take it.
Brutal Kunnin’ by Mike Brooks is also a great Ork book.
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12isamoon12 · 3 years
Derrame de Petróleo:       Un lamentable hecho
“Hoy en día, en el Perú existe un terrible hecho que está afectando a nuestros queridos hermanos de la amazonía Peruana. Como ustedes bien deben saber existen infinidades de tipos de contaminación ambiental y uno de ellos es el derrame de petróleo, que justamente tratará este artículo.Este problema trae consigo consecuencias devastadoras a la salud, sin embargo no podemos dejar de lado la buena economía  que se ha obtenido durante todo este tiempo. No obstante debemos saber que los derrames de petróleo o mareas negras es un vertido de este hidrocarburo que afecta especialmente al mar. A causa de esto,muchas empresas como “PlusPetrol” no se han hecho cargo de las consecuencias de estos derrames, que tristemente pueden provocar la muerte de animales como de humanos.
Los derrames de petroleo  a menudo ocurren debido a accidentes, Otras causas incluyen desastres naturales o los equipos se descomponen...Ya van siendo
mas de 400 derrames de protelo, entre los años 2000 y 2019, si bien es cierto no 
estamos en el año 2019,es importante darnos cuenta que si entre el 2000 y 2019 
habian 400,imaginense en el 2021!.Esto es realmente preocupante para la poblacion. Los derrames se originan en el Oleoducto Norperuano, una infraestructura de 48 años de antigüedad y con más de 800 kilómetros de longitud de la estatal PetroPerú, Sim embargo otra causa de estos derrames
son los actos de vandalismo en el Perú, muchos actos son dados
en empresas como Petroperu ,Pluspetrol,entre otros. Pluspetrol es la que más multas tiene y la que menos ha pagado. No hay medidas para la remediación y quienes siguen pagando los impactos de la contaminación son los pueblos indígenas.
Por otra parte es importante recalcar las consecuencias de estos actos
Muchas veces los afectamos somos nosotros,como los animales y
plantas. Los problemas pueden incluir irritación cutánea y ocular, problemas neurológicos y respiratorios, y estrés.Otros efectos pueden ser el crudo que forma una capa delgada sobre la superficie del agua e impide el paso de la luz solar,dentro del ecosistema marino hay diferentes especies, como es el caso de las algas, que necesitan la llegada de la luz para poder realizar la fotosíntesis. Si esto no ocurre, muchas de ellas pueden morir. Debido a esto, la de mayor impacto es los problemas respiratorios ya que si no
podemos respiar podemos perder la vida. 
Con la gravedad de este problema tambien se puede
observar  que muchos de los derechos de estas personas se estan vulnerando 
y violando, por ejemplo en el pueblo awajún, derechos como el de tener una buena salud, este derecho se incumple
cuando tienen problemas respiratorios o irritacion que se deberia a los derrames
de petroleo, el derecho a un ambiente sano, este se ve por el olor del petroleo
y provoca los defectos en la salud mencionados  antes, e inclusive el derecho a la vida ya que con estas enfermedades y con ese olor fuerte del petroleo las 
personas pueden perder la vida. 
Los actores involucrados son los primarios, que son todos aquellos que 
participan directamente, como la comunidad y las empr, los actores secundarios(las empresas) y terciarios ( el Estado), ya que no brindan apoyo a estos pobladores para combatir a este problema como por ejempĺo empras como 
PetroPeru,Repsol etc.
Sin embargo no todo está perdido, ya que existe una estrategia de solución 
que permitirá absorber el petróleo de los mares,ríos,lagos etc. Se trata de la Oleo Esponja, desarrollada por científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Argonne, de la Universidad de Chicago y el Departamento de Energía de Estados Unidos. 
La esponja es un bloque de hule espuma, parecido a un almohadón, que puede absorber fácilmente el petróleo del agua, sin absorber el agua,la esponja luego se exprime para volver a utilizarla de nuevo y el crudo puede recuperarse.
"El material es extremadamente fuerte. Llevamos a cabo cientos de pruebas con él. Cada una de ellas requería exprimirlo y hasta ahora no se ha estropeado", agregó el investigador.
Elegí darles a conocer esta estrategia de solución ya que esta esponja es muy fuerte, muy efectiva según los investigadores y creadores,Además puede potencialmente ser utilizada para limpiar puertos donde el aceite y el petróleo tienden a acumularse por el tráfico de embarcaciones.
Para que esta pueda absorber el petróleo, los creadores ya contaban con una serie de moléculas capaces de atrapar petróleo.Según los investigadores, esta esponja funciona como "pegamento" ante las moléculas de petróleo, las cuales se unen a una capa de óxido metálico pero sin llegar a mezclarse con la estructura de la esponja. Esto hace que tanto el petróleo y la esponja se puedan reutilizar más adelante.También puede extraer aquel que se ha dispersado en toda la columna de agua, y no únicamente el de la superficie.
Primeramente el petróleo es incorporado dentro del sorbente,Después el petróleo
es atraído a la superficie de la esponja,Sin embargo esto no sería capaz de realizarse 
sin la adhesión del petróleo,además de la cohesión del petróleo que causa que mayor cantidad del crudo sea retenido en el sorbente y por ultimo la capilaridad que permite al petróleo ascender a la superficie debido a su viscosidad.
Finalmente yo estoy en desacuerdo acerca del
derrame de petroleo, ya que si esto se sigue dando muchas personas 
pueden enfermarse y fallecer sin embargo gracias a algunas soluciones 
esperemos que se resulvan todos los problemas que estos derrames causan y 
se espera que esta empresas pongan de su parte, pagando sus multas y asiendose cargo de sus actos.
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