#Emperor javicco
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Javicco Corrino: If only something could stop the wedding
Desmond Hart already heating up the grill:
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awitchatdinner · 3 months ago
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(via Dune is about the Atreides and Harkonens copulating for several millennia: Dune Prophecy: Episode 5)
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skylessknights · 3 months ago
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DUNE: PROPHECY 1.05 | In Blood, Truth
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nat111love · 3 months ago
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DUNE: PROPHECY ↳ Season 1 ↳ Episode 1 : The Hiden Hand
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efadefoks · 3 months ago
my shipping self, watching ep 5: it's okay it's okay we can work with that we can make it so angsty yeah yeah we can do that
why would they have to make it so straight in this ep? did we come so close to the sun in ep 4?
overall if i stop whining about my emperor x desmond dulusions i still think that this ep was weaker than previous two. unfortunately 6 episodes are nearly not enough to explore so much that's going on
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carvente · 2 months ago
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The fifth Padishah emperor, Javicco Corrino, art by me
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w-i-t-c-h-y-g-i-r-l · 5 months ago
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Emperor Javicco Corrino & Empress Natalya
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months ago
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Mark Strong as Emperor Javicco Corrino
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nijigasakilove · 2 months ago
Wow what an amazing finale. The fact this has been so slept on is criminal. Definitely got going in the last 2 episodes, but I enjoyed the first 4 a lot as well. This was a great way to set up season two. Had a lot of concerns about how they’d wrap things up, but the 1.5hr runtime helped a lot!
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So many wtf moments in this episode from the emperor’s family’s downfall to learning the truth about Valya killing Dorothea followers, Tula giving up the baby holy shit it was a bit overwhelming at times. They solved a lot of things, but left open a ton of questions as well that season 2 will have to explain. Biggest of which is who tf put the machine in Desmond’s eye? Another shadow order, but what’s their goal?
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Speaking of Desmond, I think it’s a bit funny he basically was just a lost boy looking for his mom this whole time. Dude did all that simping for the emperor, but in reality he didn’t even gaf about Javicco, as evidenced by how quickly he switched up to Natalya. Now that Tula’s in custody it’s gonna be interesting to see how their relationship develops in season 2. He certainly seems open to talking to her. But what’s the deal with the swallowed by a sandworm thing? Maybe whatever shadowy organisation uses them as weapons or to find test subjects?
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Dorotea is gonna be out for blood next season I’ll tell you that. Now that the cat’s out the bag with valya’s dark secrets she’s gonna have only herself to rely on. Also fitting that the season opened with Valya using the voice on someone and it ends with Tula using it on her.
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There’s gonna be a ton of political ramifications from this episode next season too. That marriage was basically to form an alliance.. what will the other great houses make of it. No Constantine in the finale, he’ll be bigger next season and of course we end with an Atreides, Bene Gesserit and Princess on Arrakis. Some things never change.
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sand-and-spice · 3 months ago
Names to Know
Sisterhood of Truthsayers
Mother Superior Raquella
1. Mother Superior Valya Harkonnen
2. Reverend Mother Tula Harkonnen
3. Reverend Mother Kasha (advisor to Emperor Javicco Corrino and Princess Inez Corrino)
4. Francesca
Avila (pronounced a-VEE-la; curly white hair; works as an assistant to Valya)
Duke Richese's Truthsayer
Doctor Nazir (Suk doctor; diamond-shaped tattoo on forehead; light eyes)
Mikaela (Shalom Brune-Franklin; spice user; blue-within-blue eyes)
1. Emeline (Aoife Hinds, daughter of Ciarán Hinds)
2. Jen (Faoileann Cunningham, name means Seagull)
3. Theodosia - Valya's favorite
4. Lila (Chloe Lea) - Tula's favorite
Duke Ferdinand Richese
Duchess Orla
Lady Shannon Richese
Lord Pruwet Richese
Emperor Javicco Corrino
Empress Natalya
Princess Ynez Corrino
Lord Constantine
Swordmaster Keiran Atreides
Vorian Atreides (he hasn't appeared on-screen, but he has been talked about and his actions affect the story)
Orry Atreides
Albert Atreides (disabled leg)
Harrow Harkonnen
Vergyl Harkonnen (father of Valya & Tula & Griffin)
Sonya Harkonnen (mother of Valya & Tula & Griffin; same actress as Atia of the Julii from HBO's Rome)
Evgeny Harkonnen (uncle of Valya & Tula & Griffin; same actor as Robert Baratheon)
Griffin Harkonnen (brother of Valya & Tula)
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lowtaperfeyd · 3 months ago
Dune Prophecy, 1.02 Two Wolves
•Straight from the start, compared to the first episode, the writing is so much better. Of course there were some not so good writing moments. But from the characters who had bad writing before, their lines felt so much more into place. Like Jen in the first episode kinda annoyed me but now I’m here like wow. Is the writing perfect? No. Is it getting better? Yes
•to me, the exchange between Jen and Lila in the library was so well done. It showed the contrast between these two characters that I feel like is gonna set up so much more later on
•Lila’s whole death and the precursor to me had me feeling so unsettled and interested. At the of it when we find out that Dorotea just adds so much to the doom the sisterhood is facing
•they should really stop killing my favorite characters though •I really apprentice the subtle nod to the suk school
•Princess Ynez grieving over Kasha and then Valya pretty much going “queen never cry”
•the Kieran Atreides secret rebellion plot line should’ve honestly lasted longer than 30 mins. If it had spanned over a few episodes and then it’s revealed to Valya, it would’ve been so much more. Because we would’ve have seen what may have happened.
•I feel like the room the last two episodes ended in is gonna be so important because in the first episode Emperor Javicco was seeing Desmond harts ‘death’, second episode we see pure fear from Valya because of Desmond
•Constantine being a whore and blabber mouth feels on brand for a bastard
•you can’t see where anyone’s allegiance lies and it’s one of the best parts of the show
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saddlerfan · 2 months ago
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Emperor Javicco Corrino (Dune: Prophecy)
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skylessknights · 3 months ago
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My family's lives were just threatened. I need you to deal with that. I will take care of the insurgents, Your Majesty.
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nat111love · 3 months ago
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It seems tragedy follows you. First, your men on Arrakis, now a death as you arrive here at the palace.
↳ Season 1 ↳ Episode 2 : Two Wolves
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atrophiedcompassion · 2 months ago
dune prophecy's somewhat both very predictable and yet somehow entertaining. there is one thing that's truly bothering me. this is supposed to take place a 100 or so years after the war, and yet almost all the tech / human abilities are already established just like 11k years later, in the Dune timeline. where's the progress then?
for a show giving us the beginning of the BGs, they already seem to have a lot of things going for them, even having ensured a corrino emperor on the throne in the last 3 generations (valya mentions that javicco's dad was also their pawn). but that's like 50 years top, for an order that is still finessing its techniques / finding its voice (pun intended) in the emperium.
so this makes little sense to me. that the sisterhood was both just 100 years fresh and yet powerful enough to have haters. by dune's time, the bg are a benevolent overseer of the imperium and generally feared/respected.
the show's flexes with the facedancers / imprinting are kinda lost on me, because it's too overt and shoehorny!
also, if these guys made a arteides-hark baby (and noted its special abilities) by accident in like year one, why did it take 11k more years to get to that point again? is it because the dorotea abomination destroyed the AI? pfffff
also, i think the show should've focused on one of these two things: the sisterhood infighting and prevailing somehow, to become the BG. where we could hash out the zealotry, the genetic index thing, the hierarchy. OR the political machinations of a not very strong order about to be culled. since i much preferred the latter, the dorotea plot felt too much and completely annoying. they broke in with a crowbar FFS!! they destroyed? the AI with same crowbar. just no.
i'll say that the casting is amazing esp for valya and tula. both older and younger ladies are incredible matches.
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mothervvoid · 3 months ago
i dont like desmond hart but i cannot deny the sexual tension between him and the emperor. and the fact that i want the empress to cheat on javicco w desmond. a cheating triangle, if you will. the emperor and the empress and cheating on each other w the guy who burns people for fun
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