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coryawillet · 2 years ago
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moochilatv · 2 years ago
Queens Of The Stone Age anuncia la salida de su octavo álbum
In Times New Roman...
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foto: @neumanvision
Queens of the Stone Age anuncia su octavo álbum de estudio, In Times New Roman... que saldrá el 16 de junio a través de Matador @matadorrecords
Comunicado de Prensa Oficial: In Times New Roman... es crudo, a veces brutal y no apto para cardíacos. Y, sin embargo, es quizá el álbum más bello y, sin duda, el más gratificante de su épica discografía. Las letras más mordaces del fundador Joshua Homme se ven reforzadas por la huella sonora instantáneamente identificable de QOTSA, ampliada y embellecida con giros nuevos y sin precedentes en prácticamente todas las canciones. Con In Times New Roman... vemos que a veces hay que mirar debajo de las cicatrices y las costras para ver la belleza, y a veces las costras y las cicatrices son la belleza.
Sintiéndose un poco fuera de lugar y con dificultades para encontrar música con la que identificarse, los miembros de QOTSA hicieron lo que suelen hacer: In Times New Roman... es el sonido de una banda que crea la música que sus propios miembros quieren escuchar, al mismo tiempo que nos ofrece al resto un foro sonoro en el que reunirnos. "El mundo se va a acabar en uno o dos meses", canta Homme, planteando la pregunta: ¿Qué quieres hacer con el tiempo que te queda? Puede que Homme, Troy Van Leeuwen, Dean Fertita, Michael Shuman y Jon Theodore no puedan salvarnos, pero nos dan un lugar donde aguantar.
La primera entrega de In Times New Roman... es "Emotion Sickness", que envuelve a los oyentes en un cálido manto de coros hipnóticos y grooves fuera de lo común patentados por QOTSA, puntuados por tintes de turbulencia psíquica. Los últimos años han sido duros para todos, y no es ningún secreto que los miembros de QOTSA han sobrellevado su parte de angustia y pérdida. Pero, ¿quién de nosotros no ha sufrido recientemente un ataque (o dos) de malestar emocional? Un lyric video creado por Liam Lynch para "Emotion Sickness" se estrenará en el canal de YouTube de QOTSA
Escucha el primer single Emotion Sickness en tu plataforma favorita https://qotsa.ffm.to/emotionsickness
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In Times New Roman... se grabó y mezcló en Pink Duck (RIP) del propio Homme, con grabaciones adicionales en Shangri-La. El álbum fue producido por Queens of the Stone Age y mezclado por Mark Rankin. El álbum estará disponible en todas las plataformas digitales y en vinilo y CD el 16 de junio. Las ilustraciones y el envoltorio del doble LP fueron diseñados por Boneface, colaborador desde hace tiempo. El LP en vinilo estará disponible en todo el mundo en negro, verde, rojo, plateado y azul. Todos los formatos pueden reservarse aquí. La lista de canciones es la siguiente:
Obscenery Paper Machete Negative Space Time & Place Made to Parade Carnavoyeur What the Peephole Say Sicily Emotion Sickness Straight Jacket Fitting
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chosenmusicians · 7 years ago
Download "LOST" by Justin Lyons today. @guitarslayer24 x @sosotopic. Link in bio. . . . #lost #newmusic #ep #musicmonday #oldschoolcar #vintage #emotionsickness #justinlyons #gslayent #guitarslayer #chosenmusicians
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flowery-laser-blasts · 1 year ago
Emotion sickness but with Ron and Dr. Drakken.
This is my take on how an alternative emotion sickness episode would go. We need to see more emotional boys. It's also long because it's the ENTIRE episode but with changes.
The episode starts off the same but instead of Drakken managing to get on his hover pad, he and Ron end up fighting/bickering and get semi in the way of Kim and Shego's fight. Either Kim or Shego falls back and bumps into the duo causing them to fall against the bookshelf and get the moodulator chips stuck against their necks. Drakken is slightly dazed and gets hit in the face with the EMA (thrown by Shego), but he manages to hold onto it. Then he gets yoinked by Shego by his collar. Ron picks up moodulator remote and they return to Middleton. The episode then continues as follows: KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Ron: "KP! Those breakfast Nacos aren't gonna eat themselves." Ron leans back but the moodulator remote in his pocket gets activated by the shift in weight. Ron's lip starts trembling and he starts sobbing. Kim runs into the kitchen. Kim: "Ron? What's wrong??" Ron: "I was in your way KP, we ended up losing that invention thingie to Drakken and Shego because of meeee!" Kim sighs and pats his shoulder Kim: "Ron? Uhm, do you know where the Kimmunicator is?" Ron: "Oh, no worries KP" he sniffles and rubs his sleeve against his nose "I got it, it's here." he holds the moodulator controller up to Kim. Kim: "Ron, this is not the Kimmunicator." Ron: "It isn't!? Oh noooo!!  I can't believe I lost the Kimmunicator as well! Waaaahh!" he sobs loudly. SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At the lair- Shego: "Ey- Oi, Dr. D," Shego snaps her fingers in Drakken's face, "We escaped and got the 'whatchamahooey'. Shouldn't you be overjoyed and start over explaining your newest master plan to me?" Drakken: "Yeah, but... But...but... I broke a nail!" Shego: "Really? You care about your nails?" Drakken starts nodding rapidly with stifled sobs. Shego sighs and hands him her nail file. Drakken takes it and tries to desperately save his manicure.
KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Rufus: "Oh, there, there." Rufus tries to comfort Ron. Kim: "Look, Ron, It's not big; we've lost the kimmunicator before, right?" Ron: "I know we did! When will the carelessness end?" Ron says as he throws the moodulator controller over his shoulder onto the ground, anger gets activated. Kim: "You know, your breakfast Nacos are getting cold so how about we reheat them in the microwave and get to school? Wade can find the Kimmunicator back." Ron: "I don't want those stupid Nacos anymore!" Ron shoves it away, Kim catches it just in time before it falls onto the floor. Ron: "You just want to go to school early so you can tell Wade that I lost the Kimmunicator, again! And then we can all laugh at Ron's expense while you look like little miss perfect. Yeah right! I'm going to school alone and tell this news to Wade myself!" Ron storms off, Rufus looks worried at Kim. SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At the lab- Drakken is throwing an anger tantrum, files are spread out around the lab like confetti and cabinets are toppled over. Shego is leaning against a pillar and rolling her eyes. Shego: "Look, I get it, you were obviously upset about your broken nail." Drakken stops in his tracks and looks at Shego over his shoulder. Drakken: "Meaning...?" Shego: "Meaning that you were overreacting." Drakken's face scrunches up and he marches over towards Shego in a rather threatening manner. Even she is slightly taken aback by it. Drakken: "Overreacting? Overreacting?! Me?! I-" Drakken hits his toe hard against one of the fallen cabinets and screams out in pain curling up in a fetal position. Shego isn't sure what to do; help him up or let him be. Shego: "You know what Doc? You go figure it out, I'm going to let you cool down and when I get back, you've better cleaned up the lab and started on our doomsday thing." Shego walks towards the lab exit.
-Jim and Tim find the Moodulator controller and mess around.-
Drakken becomes sad and runs over and stands in between the exit and Shego. Drakken: "W-Wait Shego I'm so sorry, please don't leave me! I don't know what I'd do without you!" his mood gets changed from sad back to anger Drakken: "But you'd like to know, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?! Wha... Uh... What was I talking about?" Shego cocks her eyebrow and crosses her arms Shego: Did I forget your birthday? Is that what this is about? KIM AND RON -At school at Kim's locker- Kim: "Ron what's wrong with you?! You made Big Mike cry!" Ron: "Oh trust me KP, the guy had it coming! And if I see Drakken and Shego, I'll make them cry too!" Kim: "Right... Speaking of them, I wonder what they are scheming..." Ron's mood rapidly changes to happy. Ron: "I have no idea, but I know that together, you and I, we as a team can stop them!" Ron's mood changes to sad. Ron: "...Unless I let them get away, again." Kim: "Ron, are you okay?" Ron snaps into anger. Ron: "Why? What do you mean by that?" Kim notices Josh and Tara passing by. Kim: "Oh, I see... It's okay Ron." Ron: "What do you mean, 'okay'?" Kim shakes it off because talking about Tara and Josh might be a bit too much for Ron now. Kim: "Nevermind, let's go to class. The Kimmunicator can wait" Kim grabs Ron's hand to drag him away from the 'situation', at this point his emotions shift to 'love' They arrive at their class. Kim: "Uhm, Ron? You can let go of my hand now." Ron: "What, oh- uh, yeah. Well, haha-" Ron stumbles to his seat and sighs keeping his eyes on Kim. Bonnie: "Some things are just too weird to even think about". SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -Back at the lab- Shego returns back to the lab after seemingly going out for some errands. She notices to her horror that Drakken is tinkering with her tanning light. Shego: "Dr. D, I give you 5 seconds to explain what you're doing with my tanning-" Drakken quickly zooms to her side and leads her towards her cozy spot in the lab. Drakken: "I've made modifications to the electron magneto accelerator and with a push of the button, it will super-charge this ordinary lamp to optimize your tanning experience" Drakken presses the button, a huge blinding light flashes and the chair underneath the lamp vaporizes. Shego's hands flare up and she is about to fire but Drakken instantly is next to her with a credit card ready in hand Drakken: "How about I buy you a brand new more luxurious tanning bed AND we go out shopping for new outfits and to an all-inclusive high-end spa?" Shego looks from Drakken to the credit card back to him. A tad weirded out but hey he pays for it. Shego: "You know what, alright." Drakken: "Oh goodie! Let me grab my swimming trunks!" and he sprints off.
The lovey-dovey montage now engages. - Drakken takes Shego to a spa. She's in literal heaven but gets a bit surprised when Drakken suddenly tries feeding her grapes. She -cautiously- accepts it but then seems okay with it. She closes her eyes again and eats the grapes he offers, not noticing that Drakken is sneering and glaring daggers at the very nervous masseur. - Ron takes Kim to an empty Bueno Nacho and sits her down at a booth. He snaps his fingers and a whole mariachi band emerges from behind the counter and joins in with the background music for this part of the scene. Ron rushes into the kitchen and comes back out again revealing an entire DIY Naco platter in the shape of Kim's face surrounded by a heart-shaped border of tortilla chips. Kim blushes hard and is very surprised at this. Rufus licks his mouth and tries to dive into it but Ron stops him and tosses him aside so he can sit close to Kim. Rufus catches himself and grumbles crossing his arms. - Shego and Drakken are now shopping around. Drakken pulls her into a very fancy and expensive-looking store, Shego doesn't mind and actually seems to be enjoying herself. Shego tries on some different outfits and Drakken approves all of them, giving a thumbs up as he takes out his credit card and pays for the clothes. KIM AND RON -At the school's Gym- Kim: "Hey, Monique? Do you have a sec?" Monique: "Yeah Kim, what's up?" Kim looks around carefully before speaking, making Monique cock her eyebrow. Kim: "It's about Ron." Monique: "You're in a pickle, huh?" Monique laughs. Kim: "This is so not funny Monique, I think-- I think Ron's actually crushing on ME." Kim grabs both sides of her hair squeezing it together. She looks distressed. Monique: "Okay, first of all: breathe girl. Secondly, it does explain why all of a sudden he starts taking more care in his appearance. You seen him? I had to make a double take this morning before algebra class to make sure it was him and not some exchange student!" Kim: "Yes, I know... And it's freaking me out! It's not the Ron I know!" Monique: "So, if it were the Ron you knew, you'd be down for dating?" Kim: "Wait, wha--, NO! Of course not! Ron and I are just friends! We've been so since kindergarten!" Monique: "And...that's it? You're sure that there're no other feels?" Kim: "I-- I well" Kim starts blushing harder clearly thinking back of the other day "I don't know. Yesterday he went out of his way to make some kind of romantic dinner in his own Ronny-way." Monique: "Awwww girl! That's cute-- was it cute?" Kim snaps back to reality Kim: "Well, if you consider your face being made up of various meats, cheeses and beans; and then being eaten cute-- then I guess cute." Monique: "You want my advice?" Kim: "I'm all ears." Monique: "Give it a chance, who knows! Maybe you two are meant to be. If he goes out of his way to do all of this, maybe he's the one- in his sort of Ronnish-ways." Kim: "What?! Monique! He's my friend- ugh! This conversation has never happened, he can never know about-- He's standing behind me isn't he?" Kim turns around and almost smacks into Ron who's standing literal inches away from her.
Ron: "Hey KP!" Kim: "Ron! Hi! Uhm- hey, could we? Get somewhere private? I've got something important I want to discuss." Ron: "Wow, I was just about to say the same thing! It's like we are thinking the same-- Wait, no! First me! Hold on, I've been practicing this for twentyten--" Ron takes a second to count on his fingers, "Thirty hours straight! Whatever you want to discuss with me has to wait, because I'm going to ask you first!" Kim: "Ask me what?" Kim looks confused but it quickly turns into nervosity as Ron kneels down on one knee and holds out a little box, it's revealed to be a pickle-shaped brooch. Monique: "Oh...my...gosh." Ron: "Kimberly-Ann Possible, we've known each other ever since we were little and you defeated my bullies -who strangely enough look very familiar to me- and saved me and the world multiple times over and over again from super freaks. You are the light of my life and I want to be with you forever and ever. Tonight's the big Middleton Days festival, and I don't have a date, would you do me the honor of being yours?" Kim gets fidgety and gulps, not expecting this and actually feels herself blush deeply. Kim: "Date? You want to go to the festival as my date?" Ron: "YES! YES I DO! BOOOYAAAH! I'LL PICK YOU UP AT 7!" Ron jumps into the air and runs off before Kim realizes what happened. Kim: "Oh no... what have I done."
KIM AND ANN -At Kim's house- Kim: "OK, so Ron and I have been best friends forever. Maybe dating is the next step. I mean, what's not there to like about Ron? I mean, he's funny, cute, dependable and dating could be-- the next step?." Ann watches as her daughter paces around the place. "Ooo! Why didn't I stop him?! Why didn't I just say it was a misunderstanding!? What if this ruins our friendship, Mom? I don't want to hurt him and end up breaking his heart again!" Kim sighs and drops on her bed. Ann: "Again?" Ann looks surprised. Kim: "Long story..." SHEGO AND DRAKKEN -At some fancy restaurant- Shego and Drakken and seated far apart from the rest of the dinner guests with a view of the city below them. Shego is finishing her dessert when she notices that Drakken has been staring at her this entire time. He still hasn't touched his appetizer, main course, or dessert which is now balancing on the edge of the table. Shego slams her spoon down on the plate and crosses her arms, squinting her eyes at him. Shego: "Okay, spill. You've been acting all-" Drakken cuts her off by holding his hand up in front of her to speak. Drakken: "Shego, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Shego: "Uh- Actually, I'm going to be real with you here Dr. D; after the past days, I'm not really sure what you're thinking anymore." Drakken: "Go on! Guess!" he looks eagerly, making Shego a bit uneasy. Shego: "Uhm... "How am I going to keep a good credit score after all this splurging?"." She gets startled as Drakken lets out a loud laugh. Drakken: "No, silly. Don't worry about that!" Shego: "Right, okay, heh-" Shego gulps, looking around, "then what were you... thinking about?" Drakken: "I was thinking it's time for some evil!" Shego lets out an elated sigh. Shego: "Finally! Phew- for a second there I thought you were about to propose to me-" Drakken's face gets flushed and a big grin appears Drakken: "I mean if you-" Shego pinches Drakken's lips closed. Shego: "No- let's ignore what I just said and focus again: Are we talking about "Take over the world evil"?" Drakken nods his head frantically. Shego lets go of his lips. Drakken: "I know just where to begin... Middleton days." Shego: "Gosh, I feel like I should say something sarcastic, but hey, the night's still young. Let's get you a doggy bag and-" Drakken cuts her off once again. Drakken: "And I'll be your date!" Shego: "Say my what now?" Drakken: "Your date? You know? Evil boy meets evil girl?" The two of them get interrupted by the waiter bringing the dinner bill. Shego takes a glance at it takes in a sharp breath looks back at Drakken with an apologetic smile, sliding the bill across the table towards him. Shego: "Ah, yes, fine. Um, evil date it is!"
KIM AND RON -At Kim's house- Kim finds the Moodulator controller on the table and frowns, Kim: "Ron's been acting strange ever since that mission-" James: "Oh Kimmie-cub, Ronald's here!" Kim puts the moodulator controller in her purse and rushes over to the hallway. Kim: "Hey Ro-, Ro-- Ron?" Kim is flabbergasted by Ron's transformation. His hair is combed neatly. He's wearing an actual not oversized suit and he seems to have a sudden boost of confidence. Ron: "You like it? I wanted to look perfect just for you. But- But not too perfect. 'Cause, ya know; you're perfect. You can do anything so- heh heh." James: "Riiiiiight- Well then, you kids have fun and Ron have Kimmy home by-" Ron: "10 o'clock but on special occasions and rescue missions, it's extended to 11. But no worries Mr Dr. P. We'll be back far before 10 sharp. It's a Ron Stoppable promise!" James blinks in surprise as Ann laughs it off.
-AT THE MIDDLETON DAY'S FAIR- Man: "And the prize goes to our winning rocket ranger." Ron: "Uh, Boo-yah! Here you go KP! It really wasn't that much of a big-dill." Ron giggles at his own joke as he hands Kim the pickle-shaped plush. Kim: "Heh heh. Um, yeah, boo-yah. Look, we need to talk." Ron: "Alright KP, I'm listening!" Kim: "OK, so, Ron... We've known each other for a long time. We're a great team, and..." As kim puts the plush in her purse, she hits the moodulator controller by accident. Ron: "Ha ha, team! Ha ha ha! Yeah, you said team." Kim: "Ron, I'm being serious here! I'm seriously worried about you! About us!" Kim puts her purse down roughly, making the moodulator controller switch once more. Ron: "Oh? And why's that?! Is there something going on I should know about?" Kim: "What? No-- Ron. You're acting so weird and I thought, maybe it's because of the Kimmunicator sitch and, you know; Josh and Tara-" Kim lowers her head in defeat, not knowing what to say. She leans against the purse and thus the moodulator controller. Ron: "Are you- Are you breaking up with me?" Kim: "Yeah Ron... I guess-- I guess I am." Kim can't help but to tear up. Ron: "Oh, I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I... Oh! You're just using me as a rebound guy" Ron runs away as he cries loudly. As soon as Kim notices, she gets up and runs after until she notices the Kimmunicator flying towards her. She catches it mid-air. Kim: "The Kimmunicator!" Cyrus: "Aha! Spy!" Kim: "Professor Cyrus! There must've been a misunderstanding, you see, during our last mission, we must've accidentally picked this up instead of our Kimmunicator!" Kim shows Cyrus the Moodulator controller. Cyrus: "My moodulator controller!" He grabs it from Kim's hands "This controls my moodulators!" Kim: "Uh- Moodulator? What does the Moodulator controller do, professor Cyrus?" Shego: "Dr. D, come on. Let's concentrate." She snaps her fingers in front of Drakken's face, "Can we just focus on turning that laser into a death ray? Just tell me how to do it and then I'll do it myself so you can go continue- whatever it is you're doing right now." Drakken sobs harder, Shego shields herself from incoming tears. Drakken: "You're leaving in my time of need." He wails, curling up on the ground. Shego grimaces and carefully takes the EMA from his grasp. Shego: "No, no, no, no. I'll be right back! Just stay right here and- uh- figure things out." Drakken: "I'm not gonna forgive you for this... Ever!"
Shego walks over towards the parade but gets bumped into by the crying Ron. The EMA falls and breaks, enraging Shego. She looks over at Ron as she flares up her hands. Shego: "Ugh! Has everyone lost it!?" She notices Ron looking awfully depressed and smirks. "Where there's a sidekick, there's a world-saving cheerleader. I guess this could be fun."
Shego arrives just in time to hear the last bit of information. Kim: "So this device had complete control of Ron all along?" Cyrus: "Precisely. With just the press of a button..." Ron: "KIM!" Ron cries out as Shego has him in her grasp. Kim: "Shego! Let him go!" Shego: "As you wish princess, catch!" Shego throws Ron as hard as she possibly can at Professor Cyrus. Kim tries to catch Ron but both of them bump into Cyrus, who falls over and lets go of the Moodulator. Shego catches it and flips through the different emotions. She instantly sees the changes in Ron. Shego: "So that's why Dr. D has been acting so off lately. But hey, not that he's any less weird without this thing. But total control over him is not such a bad idea-- HEY!" Shego growls as Kim kicks the moodulator controller out of her hands. It falls into a fountain and starts malfunctioning.
Professor Cyrus runs over to the fountain and fishes out the controller. He gasps. Cyrus: "Oh no! The circuits have been fried!" Kim: "So that means everything's back to normal, right?" Cyrus: "I'm afraid your friend is now locked into an irreversible frenzy of rage." Ron: "Grrr." Cyrus: "So I hope he's not angry at anybody because whoosh! That'd be bad." Ron: "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU USED ME AS A REBOUND GUY, KIM!" Kim starts dodging Ron's attacks as he starts using Monkey Kung Fu on her. Shego: "Wow, that sidekick's actually not half that bad..." Shego hears footsteps behind her and manages to jump away in time. Drakken tries attacking her and he seems to be fuming. Drakken: "Shego. After all that I gave to you, you keep on asking for more, and don´t hesitate to toss me aside! You know what that does to a man?!" Shego: "Let me guess, mad?" Shego engages in combat with Drakken. He tries to pull on her hair and retorts to try to bite her. She manages to evade him and ties his hands up behind his back by using his belt. Drakken grits his teeth growling lowly pushing back and trying to undo his hands. Shego: "You know, all of this is the fault of those teens. If it weren't for those two, we would've been rulers over the world already!" Shego smirks as she notices something click inside of Drakken's mind and she steers the enraged man back to Kim and Ron.
Kim: "Ron, Chill out. It's me!" Kim gets worn out and actually starts growing tired of dodging the punches. Ron: "Yeah? Kim the heartbreaker!" As Ron tries to punch again, Kim gets blasted to the side by Shego. She laughs as she holds Drakken in check who's trying to get out of her grasp and towards Kim. Shego: "HA! I can't believe it was that easy!" Seeing Kim struggling to get up makes Ron snap he can't stand the sight of it and his moodulator chip breaks. Ron: "Kim, I... I can't... KIM!" Ron runs over to her and glares at Drakken and Shego. Shego lets go of Drakken and he charges forward, however, Ron manages to get a hold of him, plant his heels into the ground and push him back using his monkey kung fu to make Drakken fly back into Shego, in turn, breaking his moodulator chip upon impact. Drakken is knocked out and Shego cries out in frustration as she lies in an uncomfortable spot that's not easy to get out of. Ron holds out his hand for Kim and she takes it. He carefully helps her back to her feet and wraps her arm around his shoulder so she can lean on him. Ron: "I'm so, so sorry Kim... I just-" Kim hushes him and smiles gently. Kim: "It's okay, Ron. So not the drama." Ron: "So I... I guess the crush and everything was all moodulator, huh?" Kim: "Yeah, I guess so..." both of them look away slightly, a hint of sadness on both their faces. Kim takes a deep breath and is about to say something but then fireworks go off. Both of them stare up at the sky in awe at the display of colors. They catch a glance at each other and smile, leaning a bit into each other's embrace.
Massive thanks to @creatorping for reading parts of it and discussing this! I absolutely loved her idea of Drakken being an enraged biter and it's just GHHH Also entirely grateful to kpfanworld.com for having these transcripts at the ready! This was a lot of fun to rewrite! I hope you liked it! :D
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mandowlacreative-blog · 9 years ago
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Found my old CDs... Fuck yes. #silverchair #emotionsickness #daniel johns #neon ballroom
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tornnotbroken · 9 years ago
#silverchair #danieljohns #bengillies #chrisjoannou #emotionsickness
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bringinbackpod · 3 years ago
Interview with girlfriends
We had the pleasure of interviewing girlfriends over Zoom video! Pop-punk duo girlfriends (Travis Mills + Nick Gross)announce their new album (e)motion sickness out June 17th via Big Noise and release two exhilarating new tracks, "High Again" and "Toaster for a Swim." “High Again” mixes different contradictions with a lyrical playfulness akin to Panic! At The Disco and begins with a simple guitar strum, while “Toaster For A Swim” takes the drama of a breakup and turns it up to 11 with a fiery blend of riffs and breathy vocals. (e)motion sickness is the highly anticipated follow-up to the bands’ self-titled debut, which was produced by John Feldmann (5 Seconds Of Summer, blink-182, The Used), and included standout tracks like “California,” “Where Were You” (featuring Travis Barker), and “Jessica.” Girlfriends conjure songs that are once pleasingly familiar, warmly unique and passionately vulnerable and (e)motion sickness is just that. “This is the most vulnerable I’ve been through my music,” Mills says. “The music I made in the past was fun, but it wasn’t an accurate representation of anything I was going through in my life. I had profound experiences and tragic losses, but I didn’t talk about them. I struggled with severe anxiety and depression. So, there’s a lot in girlfriends’ songs that I’ve never said before. This kind of music really allows those topics to come to life and accentuate them.” The two new tracks follow “Missing You” and “Pretty Mouth,” which will also be included on the new album. Channeling the anguish of a breakup into a pure cathartic release, the tracks soar with molten intensity. Praised by Alternative Press, SPIN Magazine, Loudwire and more, girlfriends make music both timely and timeless, while providing a fresh twist to the caffeinated pop-punk they grew up on. In concert, the duo are a live force to be reckoned with. With their energy being magnified tenfold live, girlfriends have sold out venues like The Roxy in Los Angeles and and recently shared the stage with Bad Suns at The Fonda and The Observatory, Santa Ana. Stay tuned for additional tour dates into 2022. We want to hear from you! Please email [email protected]. www.BringinitBackwards.com #podcast #interview #bringinbackpod #girlfriends #TravisMills #TMills #NickGross #motionsickness #Emotionsickness #NewMusic #zoom Listen & Subscribe to BiB https://www.bringinitbackwards.com/follow/ Follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter! https://www.facebook.com/groups/bringinbackpod source https://www.spreaker.com/user/14706194/interview-with-girlfriends
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roevangelista-blog · 10 years ago
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#silverchair #emotionsickness #delete
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explode-this · 11 years ago
here's a few answers I'd like:
* why does anxiety feel like I'm going to die?
* why is living in the moment so fucking hard?
* why does it feel like everyone else on the planet has their shit sorted out but me?
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hjpatrick-blog-blog-blog · 11 years ago
throwback thursday, my teenage years revolved around this
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whowillwatchmytv · 14 years ago
Sensing a good and long cry soon.
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